Gocchubha (Gostubha) First Gañadhara (principal disciple) of Sejjamsa(1) the eleventh Titthamkara.
1. Sth. 108, Sam. 157, Tir. 449.
See Gotthămāhila,
Gotthamāhila (Gosthāmāhila)
1. AvaN. 781, Vis. 2796.
Gotthāmāhila (Gosthāmāhila) Disciple of preceptor Rakkhiya(1). He is regarded as the seventh piņhava. He lived in V. N. 584. He had been to Mahurā(1) and defeated a heretic there in debate). He established an independent doctrine known as Abaddhiya in Dasapura in the time of Dubbaliyapūsamitta the successor of Rakkhiya. His doctrine holds that karma is not bound with the soul, it only touches it.? 1. One who conceals the truth and pro-, 3. Sth. 587 and Stha. on it; NisBh. pounds a false doctrine.
5607-8, Utts. pp. 172 ff, AvaN. 2. AvaCu. I. pp. 411-4, Vis. 2796,
781, SutCu. p. 273. 3010-2. Gotthāmāhilla (Gosthāmāhila) See Gotthāmăbila."
1. AvaCu. I. p. 413.
Same as Gomļa.1
Goda (Gonda)
1. Pras. 4.
Goņa Same as Gomda, 1
1. SutSi. p. 123.
Gotama (Gaurama) See Goyama.1
1. SutCu. p. 19, Sur. 50, Sth. 551.
Second chapter of Kamma vivägadasā.1 It is the same
1. Gottāsa (Gotrāsa) as Ujjhiyaa(1).
1. Sth. 755.
2. Gottāsa Previous birth of Ujjhiyaa(2). He was son of Bhima(2) and Uppalā(1)
1. Vip. 11, SthA. p. 507.
See Gothūbha.1
Gotthubha (Gostūpa)
1. Bha, 116.
See Gocchubha.
Gothubha (Gostubha)
1. Sam. 157.
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