King Kesi thought that Udāyana had come to take his kingdom back, and hence, he poisoned him to death. See also Kumbhārapakkheva.
1. Bha. 491, AvaCu. II. p. 36, SthA. p. 431.
3. Kesi Son of a nun whom she conceived without coition.
1. BrhBh. 4137, SthA. p. 313,
4. Kesi A horse belonging to Kamsa(2). It was killed by Väsudeva(2) Kapha(1).
1. Pras 15, PrasA. p. 75.
5. Kesi (Keśin) Identical with Kesava(3).
1. AvaN. 422, AvaN (Dipikā) p. 84. Kesikapuvvika (Kešikapūrvika) A country similar to Kālikeya.'
1. AvaCu. 1. p. 162.
Kesigoyamijja (Kesigautamiya) Twenty-third chapter of Uttarajjhayaņa. See Kesi(1) for its subject-matter.
1. Sam. 36, Uttn. pp. 9, 498, UttCu. pp. 263-6, Utts. pp. 497-8.
Koagada (Kūpakata) A place where Pāsa(1) the twenty-third Titthamkara, broke his fast.
1. AvaN. 325, Avam. p. 227.
1. Komkapa (Konkana) An Anāriya (non-Aryan) country. It can be identified with the strip of land between the Western ghats and the Arabian Sea.? 1. Anu. 130, Praj. 37, Pras. 4, AcaCu.
DasH. P. 208. p. 3, AvaCu. II. p. 97, OghNBh. 2. GDA. p. 103. 234-3, PrajM. p. 31, PrajH. p. 81,
2. Komkana (Konkana) One who belongs to Komkaņa(1). See also Komkaņaa.
1. VyaBh. 10.464. 1. Komkaņas (Kaunkanaka) A person who was exiled by the king for committing a crime.
1. NisCu. III, p. 296, VyaBh. 10.464.
2. Komkapaa A lay-votary bəy who killed a horse but was pardoned by the king for speaking the truth.1
1. AvaCu. II. p. 285.
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