Ahayvana (Atharvan) One of the four Vedas.1
1. Bha. 90, Jna. 55, Aup. 38.
Ahigaraņi (Adhikarani) First chapter of the sixteenth section of Viyāhapappatti..1
1. Bha. 561.
Abicchattā (Ahicchatrā) Capital of the Jamgala country. It lay to the north-east of Campā.2 King Kanagakeu(1) ruled there. Merchant Dhaņņa(8) of Campā had visited it. Jiņadeva(3) on his way to Ahicchattā was robbed by the Pulimdas." Cakkavatti Bambhadatta(1) had also visited this city. Titthayara Pása(1) was worshipped here by Dharanimda. It is identified with modern Ramnagar in Bareily District.8 1. Praj. 37, Sutsi. p. 123.
6. UttN. p. 379. 2. Jna. 105.
7. AcaSi. p. 418. 3. Ibid.
8. SGAMI. p. 92, GDA. p. 2; The 4. Ibid.
Nayādhammakahão locates it to the 5. AvaN. 1314, AvaCu. II. p. 211,
north-east of Campā. AvaH. p. 723. Ahichattā (Ahicchatrā) See Ahicchattā.1
1. Praj. 37, AvaN. 1314, AvaCu. II. p. 211.
Ahilliyā (Ahinnikā) A lady for whom a battle was fought. Nothing more is known about her.' Commentators mention her by the name of Ahinnikā.? 1. Pras. 16.
2. PrasA. p. 89, PrasJ. p. 89.
Ahivai (Adhipati) Eighth chapter of the third seetion of Viyā hapaņņatti.
1. Bha. 126.
Ahivaddhi (AbhivȚddhi) Presiding god of the Uttarābhaddavayā constellation. He is the same as Vividdhi ? and Vaddhi. 3 1. Jam. 157, Sur. 46.
2. Sth. 90.
3. Jam. 171.
Ahokamdüyaga (Adhahkanţüyaka) A class of vānaprastha ascetics 1 who scratch their body below the navel.2 1. Bha. 417.
2. BhaA. p. 519.
Āicca (Aditya) A class of Logantiya gods dwelling in Accimāli.?
1. Avan, 214, Sth. 684, Bha. 243, Vis. 1884, AvaCu. I. p. 251.
1. Āiccajasa (Adityayaśas) Son of Bharaha(1), the first Cakkavatti of the
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