tta, (5) Logasára, (6) Dhua, (7) Mahāparinnā, (8) Vimokkha and (9) Uvahānasuya. Of them, the seventh, i. e. Mahāparinnā is extinct. Each of these nine chapters is known as Bambhacera. 4 The second section contains five cülās which are also known as Āyāraggas. 5 They are :- (1) Jāvoggahapadimă, (2) Sattikkagā, (3) Bhāvaņā, (4) Vimutti and (5) Āyārapakappa which is also known as Ņisība.7 The first cūlā consists of seven chapters. So is the case with the second one. The third as well as the fourth cūlā consists of only one chapter. 8 The fifth cūlā, i. e. Nisīha has been separated from Ayāra and now it enjoys an independent existence. 9 Thus, the second section has at present sixteen chapters. The second section is considered to be a later addition to the first one on the following grounds:-20 (1) As suggested in Āyāranijjutti (v. 287) the Āyāraggas, i. e. the five cūlās, have been composed by sthaviras who were śrutakevalins. 11 They extracted them from the first suyakkhandha (section) and duly elaborated; (2) The sources for the five cülās are definitely pointed out in Ayāranijjutti (vv. 288-291 ); (3) Śīlānkasūri (the commentator ) points out the three mangalas, the initial, the middle and the last from the first suyakkhardha only 12 ( though the second section forms its part); (4) Both the suyakkhamdhas evidently differ from each other in style and in the manner in which the subject is treated. 13
Other names of Āyāra are Āinna (2), Agara, Agāla, Acāla, Ajäi, Āmokkha. Āyarisa, Āyārakappa(1), Ayārasuyajjhayaņa and Asāsa. 14 Āyāra will cease to exist after the death of Viņhu (7). 15 1. Nan. 45, Sam. 136.
9. AcaN. 347. 2. AcaN. 32.
10. See CLJ. pp, 113-4. 3. AcaN. 31-2.
11. AcaSi. p. 282. 4. Sam. 9.
12. See Intro. p. xlvii of the Sacred 5. AcaN. 32, NisCu. I. p. 2.
Books of the East, Vol. XXII. 6. Acan, p. 320 (v. 16).
13. Ibid. p. xlvii. 7. AcaN. 347.
14. For references see these words. 8. Sam. 25, 85, 136.
15. Tir. 820. Āyāramga (Ācārānga) Same as Āyāra. It is called a Veda. 2
1. Tir. 820, AcaN. p. 319, VyaBh. 4. 340. 2. AcaN. 11. 1. Āyarakappa ( Ācārakalpa ) Another name of Āyāra. 1
1. AvaCu. II, p. 149, PakY. p. 71, SutCu. p. 5.
2. Āyarakappa Another name of Nisīha. 1
1. Vya. 3. 10, 5. 17-8.
Āyāragga ( Ācārāgra) See Āyāra. 1
1. AcaN. 32, SthA, p. 434. Āyāraṇijjutti (Ācāraniryukti) A versified commentary on Āyāra. ?
1. AvaN. 84, Vis. 1079, AcaN. 1, AcaSi. p. 84.
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