Āyāradasā (Ācāradaśa ) It is the same as Dasāsuyakkhamdha, since all the ten chapters ascribed to Āyāradasā form Dasāsuyakkhamdha's contents. 1
1. Sth. 755, StbA. p. 511. Āyāra pakappa (Ācāraprakalpa) Another name of Nisiha. 1 It is the fifth cülā of the second section of Āyära. 2 Its study is permitted to a monk of three years standing. 3 It is extracted from the ninth Puyva.. 1. NisCu. IV. p. 73, Sam. 28, SthA. p. 3. VyaBh. 10. 21. 2, Sth. 433, AcaN. 347.
4. VyaBh. 3. 171. 2. AcaN. p. 320, v. 16. Ayāra pagappa (Acāraprakalpa) Same as Āyārapakappa.
1. NisCu. IV. p. 73. Āyārappaņihi (Acārapranidhi) Eighth chapter of Dasaveyāliya. 1
1. Das. 8. 1.
Āyāravatthu (Ācāravastu) Third chapter of the ninth Puvva. 1
1. NisCu. III. p. 63, VyaBh. III. p. 94. Āyārasayajjhayaņa (Ācāraśrutādhyayana ) Same as Āyāra. 1
1. SutN. 182-183.
Āyu (Āyuş)
1. Bha. 176.
Sixth chapter of the fifth section of Viyāhapappatti. 1
Āra One of the six Mahāniraya (dreadful) abodes of the fourth hell, viz. Pamkappabhā. 1
1. Sth. 515.
Ārana Eleventh celestial region. It consists of 150 vimānas (abodes) of the height of 900 yojanas. The maximum lor gevity of the gods living therein is 21 sāgaropama years whereas the minimum is 20 sāgaropama. 1
1. Praj. 53, Anu. 139, Sam. 20-1, 101, 112.
Āraba An Aņāriya tribe and its territory conquered by Cakkavatti Bharaha(1). It was situated towards the west beyond the river Simdhu (1). ? Maids from this country worked as servants in harems. 3 It can be identified with the home of Arabii located on the river Arabios, the modern Porali, 50 miles from Karachio or with the people of North-West-Frontier as mentioned in the Padmapurāna." 1. Pras. 4, Prasa. p. 15.
4. See AGI. pp. 304-305, GESM. p. 51. 2. Jam. 52, AvaCu. I. p. 19.
5. See GDA. pp. 10, 22. 3. Jna. 18.
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