Uttaravācāla A locality near Seyaviyā. In its forest serpent Camdakosia stung Tittbayara Mahāvīra. Merchant Ņāgasena belonged to it.2 See also Vācāla. 1. AvaN. 468, Vis. 1922-3.
1923, KalpDh. p. 104, AvaH. p. 195. 2. AvaCu. I. p. 279, AvaN. 471, Vis. 1 Uttaraveyaddha (Uttaravaitādhya) Northern half of the Veyaddha(2) mountain. 1
1. Jam. 52.
Uttară Sister of preceptor Sivabhūi(1). Following her brother she also abandoned all her clothes and became a naked nun. Later on she was' however, persuaded to keep one garment to cover her body.1
1. Vis. 3053, Utts. pp. 178-180, UttN. p. 181.
See Uttarā vaha.1
Uttaräpaha (Uttarāpatha)
1. DasCu. p. 17.
Uttarāpotthavayā (Uttarāprausthapadā) Another name of the Uttarabhaddavaya constellation. Its family-name is Dhananjaya(4). 1. Sur. 46.
2. Sur. 50, Jam. 159.
Uttaräphagguni (Uttarāphālguni) A constellation. Its presiding deity Ajjama.? Kāsava(7) is its family-name.3 1. Sam. 2, Sur. 36, Jam. 155--161, Sth. 2. Jam. 171. 90, 110, 589.
3. Sur. 50, Jam. 159.
Uttarābhaddavadā or Uttarābhaddavayā (Uttarābhādrapadā) A constellation which is presided over by god Ahivaddhi.
1. Sam. 2, Jam. 155-161, Sth. 90, 110, Sur. 36, 46, Uttarāvaha (Uttarāpatha) A region or country in the north of the Bharaha(2) region. Hearing the prediction of the destruction of Bāravai Divāyana(3) had proceeded to Uttarāvaha. Vairasámi had also been to this country. Marriage with maternal uncle's daughter was forbidden here. Customs etc., in Dakkhiņāyaha were different from those in Uttarāvaha.* The town of Kumbhakārakada was situated in this region. Uttarāvaha can be identified with the region extending west and north-west of Thaneshwar. 1. DasH. p. 37, SthA. p. 255.
BrhBh. 3891. 2. NisCu. I. p. 21.
5. BrhKs. p. 915. 3. DasN. p. 17. DasH. p. 22.
6. GE. I. p. 43 4. DasCu. p. 17, NisCu. I. p. 52, Uttarāsādha (Uttarāsādhā) A Gaba (constellation) whose family-name is Vagghāvacca(2). Vissa(2) is its presiding deity.1
1. Sam. 4, Jam. 31, 32, 155-161, 171, Sur. 36, 38, 50, Vis. 1584, Sth. 90.
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