indicates the way in which the union between the old sangha (church) of Pāsa and the new sangha of Mahāvīra was brought about. Kesi said to Goyama: 'I want to ask you something, holy man.' Goyama made the following reply: 'Sir, ask whatever you like.' Kesi said: 'The Law taught by Pāsa recognised only four vows, whereas that of Mahāvira enjoins five. Both Laws pursuing the same end, what has caused this difference?' Goyama replied: The ascetics under the first Titthayara were simple but slow of understanding, those under the last one prevaricating and slow of understanding and those between these two were simple and wise. Hence, there are two forms of the Law.' Kesi asked another question : 'The Law taught by Mahāvīra forbids clothes, whereas that of Pāsa allows an under and upper garment. Both Laws pursuing the same end, what has caused this difference?' Goyama replied: The various outward marks have been introduced in order to make the people recognise them as such. The reason for introducing the characteristic marks is their usefulness for religious life and their distinguishing character. In fact, right knowledge, right faith and right conduct are the true causes of liberation and not the outward marks'.8 Mahāvira once advised Goyama to confess his guilt before Āņamda (11), who was simply a lay-votary, and to ask for his pardon, for he had misguided Anamda. He further asked him to expiate for the same. Mahāvīra once consoled Imdabhūi by predicting, 'You shall also attain omniscience like me.'9 The name of Imdabhūi is frequently mentioned in the canonical literature. There he puts questions and Mahavira answers.10 He obtained omniscience immediately after the emancipation of Mahāvīra 11 to whom he was very much attached. He attained emancipation in Rayagiha after enjoying a life of ninetytwo years in all.12 Ascetic Kodinna(5) along with his five hundred pupils was a disciple of Imdabhūi.13 1. AvaN. 644ff., Vis. 2504.
8. Upa. 16. 2. lbid.
9. AvaCu. I. p. 390. 3. AvaCu. I. p. 335.
10. Bha. 7, Vip. 4, Jam. 2, Sur. 2. 4. AvaN. 594, Vis, 2012, Sam. 157.
11. Kalp, 127, Kalpy. p. 191. 5. Vis. 2028-2083.
12. Sam. 92, AvaN. 659. 6. Ibid.
13. AvaCu. I. p. 383. 7. Utt. ch. 23.
Imdamaha (Indramaha) A festival celebrated in honour of popular god Imda (5). 1
1. Raj. 284, Jna. 21, UttN. p. 343, NisCu. II. pp. 239, 443, III. pp. 123, 243, IV.
p. 226, BrhKs. p. 1371, AvaN. 1332, UttCu. p. 114, NisBh. 6065.
Indamuddhābhisitta (Indramūrdhābhişikta) Seventh day of a fortnight.?
1. Jam. 152, Sur. 48.
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