Anamda Imdabhūi, the first principal disciple of Mahāvīra asked the latter if Ānamda was destined to be a monk in his present life. Mahāvīra replied in negative and said that he would live the life of an upāsaka for a period of twenty years and then, after death, would be born as a god in the Sohamma(1) region. Thereafter he would take birth in Mahāvideha(1) and attain liberation there.
While Anamda lived the life of an upāsaka for a period of fourteen years and was running the fifteenth year, he thought that he had many distractions while at home and therefore, decided to pass the remaining life in pauşadhaśālā practising the eleven pratimās (standards or ideals) of an upāsaka. He, therefore, arranged a feast, invited his friends and relations, and in their presence entrusted the family affairs to his eldest son, left the house and entered ths pausadhaśālā.3 In the end he gave up all types of food including water. While living in this state of strict abstinence, he acquired avadhi-jñāna (limited direct knowledge) having an extent of five hundred yojanas up to the seas in the east, west and south and up to Cullahimavaṁta in the north. In the upward direction it reached the Sohamma celestial region and in the downward direction it reached the Loluyaccuya infernal abode. Anamda asked Imdabhui if a householder could acquire avadhi-jñāna. Imdabhūi replied that he could. Thereupon Anamda told him the limits of his avadhi-jñāna. Imdabhūi, however, thought that householders could not obtain avadhi-jñāna of such a vast extent, and hence asked Anamda to expiate for the wrong he had committed in telling a lie. Anamda levelled the same charge against Imdabhūi. The case was then referred to Mahāvīra. Imdabhūi asked whether he or Anamda was in the wrong. Mahāvira said that Anamda was in the right, and therefore, Imdabhūi should confess his guilt and expiate for the same. He further directed Imdabhūi to ask the pardon of Anamda. 1. Upa, 3-7, SthA. p. 244, AvaCu. I. 3. Ibid. 11-13. p. 452.
4. Ibid. 14-17, SurM. p. 9, Vis. 1951. 2. Upa. 10-17.
12. Āņamda Aśramañopāsaka belonging to Vāņiyaggāma. He obtained avadhi-jñāna before Titthayara Mahāvīra became omniscient. He predicted that Mahāvīra would soon become omniscient. He is different from Anarda(11) inasmuch as the latter acquired avadhi-jñāna after Mahāvira had obtained omniscience.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 300, AvaN. 496. 13. Anamda A merchant of Sānulatthi village. Bahuliya was his maid-servant.1
1. AvaCu. I. p. 300. 14. Āņamda A deity residing on Āņamdakūļa.
1. Jam. 86. 11
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