139 ]
6) Works of Joindu
...67-74 1) Paramātma-prakāśa : Authorship, etc. —2)Yogasära :
Contents, Authorship, etc. -3)Naukāra-Śrāvakācāra or Sāvayadhamma-dohā : Contents, etc.-Its AuthorshipJöfndu's Claims.--Dēvasēna's Claims.-Lakşmicandra's Claims.-7)Dohāpāhuda : Name, Contents, etc,-Jöfndu's Authorship.-Rāmasimha as the Author.-8-9) Amytāśiti
and Nijātmāştaka : Amptāśīti.-Nijātmāştaka.--Conclusion. c) On the Date of Jõindu
.. 74-78 Nature of the Evidence and the Later Limit.--Earlier Limit.
- Conclusion.
III. Commentaries on P.-prakasa
.. .. .. .. 78-90 1. A Kannada Gloss (K-Gloss) on P.-prakāśa ..
.. 78-81 Balacandra's Commentary and the Kannada Gloss in Ms. K,Nature of this Kannada Gloss.-This Gloss independent of
Brahmadēva's Commentary.-On the Age of K.-Gloss. 2. Brahmadēva and his Vštti
.. .. 81-84 Brahmadēva and his Works.--His Commentary on P.-prak
āša.-Jayasēna and Brahmadēva.--Brahmadēva's Date. 3. Maladbāre Bälacandra and his Kannada Commentary
.. 84-87 Extracts from the Commentary and its authorship.-Com
parison with Brahmadēva's commentary.-Maladhāre Bālcandra to be distinguished from other Bālacandras. --Date of Maladbāre Bālacandra.-Adhyatmi Bālacandra's Com
mentary. 4. Another Kannada Gloss (Q-Gloss) on P.-prakāśa
.. 87-88 The Kannada Gloss in the Ms.Q.-Nature of the Gloss and
the Need of such Glosses.--Comparison of Q-Gloss with
other Commentaries.-On the Date of Q-Gloss. 5. Daulatarāma and his Hindi Bhāşa-Tīkā ..
.. 88-90 The Commentary and its original Dialect.-Nature of Dau
lataräma's Commentary.-Daulatarāma and his Date. His
works and their Importance. IV. Description of the Mss. Studied and their mutual Relation ... 90-99
A. Described.-B. Described.-C. Described.-P. Described.
- . Described.-R. Described.-S. Described.-T. Described.-K. Described.-M. Described. Additional Information about T, K and M.-Common Characteristics of TKM.--Relation between T, K and M.-Relation between the Mss. Described above.- Genealogy of the Mss.
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