e) Philosophy and Mysticism of P.-prakāśa
.. 34-52 1. The Two Points of View : Vyavahāra and Niscaya, or Practical and Realistic.-Necessity of Such Points of View. - Similarities Elsewhere. --Their Relative Values.--2. Three Aspects or Kinds of Ātman.-The Threefold Individuality.-Earlier Authors on this Division.—Counterparts Elsewhere.-3. Spiritual Knowledge.--Nature of Atman or Spirit.-Nature of Paramātman or Super-spirit.--Nature of Karman.--The Spirit and Super-spirit.-Ātman and Brahman in Upanişads.--Yögindu's Super-spirit Compared with Upanişadic Brahman.-How Yögindu Proposes Unity.
-Yögindu's Ātman compared with that in Upanişads.The Two Distinct Tendencies.-4. Paramātman or the Super-spirit as the Divinity.-The Conception of Divinity Explained.-5. The World and Liberation, or Samsāra and Mökşa.--Explanatory Remarks.-6. The means of Attaining Mökșa.-Explanatory Remarks.-7. The Great Meditation.-Mystic Visions.-Explanatory Remarks on the Great-meditation.-8. Some Aspects of Mysticism.Mysticism in Jainism.-Various Elements of Mysticism in Jainism.-9. Dogmatical and Philosophical Accessories of Author's Discussion.-10. Evaluation of Punya and Pāpa, or Merit and Demerit.-Explanatory Remarks.-11. Importance of Knowledge.-Attitude towards the Fruit of Karman. -12.
Mental and Moral Qualifications of an Aspirant. Apabhramba of P.-prakāśa and Hēma.'s Grammar
.. 52-66 Apabhramba and its General Characteristics.-Attraction of
Apabhraíśa speech.-Hēmacandra Indebted to P.-prakāśa. --Comparison of Hēma.'s Apabh, with that of P.-prakāśa. - On the Homogeneity of Hēma.'s Apabh.-Hēmacadra's Apabh. Compared and Contrasted with that of P.-prakāša.
- Morphology or Declension.-Verbal Forms.--Indeclinables, etc.--Important Words, etc.-Important Roots, etc. -Peculiarities of Kannada Mss.-Value of their Tradition. -Results of the above Comparison and Contrast.-Additional Tract of Literature Used for his Grammar.-Apabhramśa with Unassimilated 7.-This Difference not exactly.
Chronological but Regional-and-Dialectal. II. Joindu : The Author of P-prakāśa
.. 66-78 a) Yögindu and not Yögindra
.. 66-67 Jõindu and his Sanskrit Name.
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