Book Title: Panch sutrakam with Tika
Author(s): Chirantanacharya, Haribhadrasuri, Jambuvijay, Dharmachandvijay, V M Kulkarni
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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cannot realise the happiness of a monk or a person afflicted with disease cannot realise the happiness of good health. In the following passage we have an apt målopama:
सेवेज्ज धम्ममित्ते विहाणेणं, अंधो विय अणुकड्ङ्कगे, वाहिओ विव वेज्जे, दरिद्दो विय ईसरे, भीओ विय
A śrävaka should follow his dharma-mitras (senior colleagues) just as a blind man follows his 'leader', a sick person his physician, a poor man his master and a person placed in danger a great general. Here is an appropriate simile:
...farft 3fafsu
The religious duties, performed by a monk, who does not respect his guru (spiritual teacher), are as good as not performed like the austerities etc. of an unchaste woman —which prove totally barren.
Here we have a malā-rūpaka:
आणा हि मोहविस-परममंतो, जलं दोसाइजलणस्स, कम्मवाहिचिगिच्छासत्थं, कप्पपायवो सिवफलस्स।
The Jain agama is the supreme spell or incantation to quell the poison of delusion, the veritable water to put out the fire of hatred and the like, the science of medical treatment to cure the disease of karman, the wish-yielding tree that bears the fruit of mokşa. Here we have another mälä-rupaka:
...tafafia, FIT TOUT, CHAT-fagt af fani za arftafaat#furaiti
The monk who practises asceticism sincerely is a veritable lamp that dispels the darkness of delusion, a physician who cures the disease of attachment, an ocean to extinguish the fire of hatred,...
Here we have a virodha (paradox):
एस चाए अचाए। अचाए चेव चाए।
This desertion is indeed no desertion (as he deserts them-his parents—with a view to securing their welfare). Not deserting them (the parents) would amount to desertion (as it would jeopardize their well-being).
Here we have some striking subhāṣitas:
सव्वे जीवा पुढो पुढो ममत्तं बंधकारणं ।
All beings have their own individuality-Each being is different from all others. Selfinterest (sense of mine) is the cause of bondage (to the cycle of birth and death).
करुणा य धम्मप्पहाणजणणी जणम्मि ।
Karunā (Compassion) is the cause of the rise or prosperity of dharma.
धम्माराहणं खु हियं सव्वसत्ताणं ।
Practising of the dharma contributes to the good of all beings.
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