the infinity of time that is known as the past. 'If the quantity that has been absorbed by him thus far has not produced satiety or satisfaction, it is not likely that what he could take now in the shape of food and drink would do so either! Thus, by dwelling upon his undisciplined past, and comparing the horrors of the different grades of life, through which he has passed as an incarnating ego, with the advantages arising from self-discipline, he is soon enabled to destroy the longings of the fleshly nature; and under the instruction of the holy āchārya, who is at all times watchful over his great undertaking and ever ready to dispel disturbing agitation, with the ambrosia of sweet discourse, speedily overcomes all forms of distractions.
With reference to attending to the bodily comforts and needs, there are three kinds of the 3 pandita death which the saint aspires to attain. These are :
(1) the prāyopagamana, which precludes attending to bodily needs and comforts altogether,
(2) the ingini marana, that admits of one's attending on one's self, but forbids receiving help or assistance from another, and
(3) the bhakta pratijñā that permits attendance and service of both kinds.
Of these, naturally, the first kind of the pandita maraṇa is regarded as the most meritorious, as it leads to the greatest development of the will. The next in the order of merit is the ingini maraņa, and . last of all comes the bhakta pratijñā. The saint performing the prāyopagamana mode of sallekhanā death becomes, towards the end of the process,