The Utopia and the Utopian
sa janehim tattha pucchimsu, egacara ri egaya rao; avvahie kasaitta, pehamane samahim apadinne. Interrogated by wayfarers there,
And sometimes at night by waylayers too; Unmoved and silent, maltreated by them, Engrossed in meditation, unaffected, was He.
ayam antaramsi ko ettha, aham amsi' tti bhikkhu ahattu; ayam uttame se dhamme, tusinie sa kasaie jhai. Who is inside there?
I am here, a bhiksu, said He;
That was His way unique,
Silent, though ill-treated, meditated He.
13-15. jamsippege paveyanti, sisire marue pavayante; tamsippege anagara, himavae nivayam esanti. (13) sanghadio pavisissamo, eha ya samadahamana; pihiya va sakkhamo, aidukkham himaga-samphasa. (14) tamsi bhagavam apadinne, ahe viyade ahiyasa davie; nikkhamma egaya rao, caei, bhagavam samiyae. (15) Some tremble with cold,
In winter, when gales blow;
Then some monks houseless,
At ice-fall, seek place sheltered from wind; (13) Rugs shall we wrap round,
And kindling fuel,
Or staying indoors, shall we bear, So painful the touches cold; (14) In (winter) that, the Lord, unaffected, Endured (pain) so terrible, strong in will; And going out in the night, sometimes, The Lord endured, quiet and calm. (15)
esa vihi anukkanto, mahavena maimaya; apadinnena virena, kasavena mahesina. -tti bemi This course, indeed, was followed, By the Mahana, wise;
The Hero, unaffected,
The Kasava, the Seer Great.
-Thus do I say.