Lord Mahavira
It is not possible not to hear when ye are hearing. Therefore, give up thy love for and hatred of what ye hear.
It is not possible not to see when ye are seeing. Therefore, give up thy love for and hatred of what ve see
It is not possible not to smell when ye are smelling. Therefore, give up thy love for and hatred of what ye smell.
It is not possible not to taste when ye are tasting. Therefore, give up thy love for and hatred of what ye taste.
It is not possible not to feel, when ye are feeling. Therefore, give up thy love for and hatred of what ye feel.
For love and hatred are evils which produce the evil of karma. He who always avoideth them will not stand within the circle of life and death. Of Ahimsa
Know other creatures' love for life, for they are like ye. Kill them not; save their life from fear and enmity.
All creatures desire to live, none to die. Hence to kill is to sin. A godly man does not kill.
Therefore, kill not thy self, consciously or unconsciously, living organisms which move or move not, nor cause slaughter of them.
Whosoever killeth creatures of the earth, big and small, as his own self, comprehendeth this immense world. Among the careless, he who restraineth self is enlightened. Of Truth
He, who himself is restrained, should speak of only what is seen and that with moderation and clarity. His utterance should be complete. Intelligible and direct, with no verbosity or emotion.
For sin toucheth even him who uttereth apparent truths like 'we shall go', 'we shall do' or 'he will do': what then to speak of one who telleth an actual lie.
To tell a lie is condemned in this world by the wise, as it causeth distrust in the hearts to beings. For ever, therefore, give it up.
For thy sake or for the sake of others, out of anger or out of fear, speak not a lie nor utter a harsh word, nor ask another to do the same.
Even a truth harsh or harmful ye should not utter as it leads to sin.