Personality of Lord Mahavira and his Sermon at Champa
85 Gautama : "Bhante! Does a living being get entangled in sinful karma in case he has not practised restraint, he has done harm to living organisms, he has not reduced the intensity of sinful karma by renunciation and stopped the inflow of sinful karma through complete renunciation, he has not desisted from physical and other activities, he has not restrained his senses, he chastises self and other by sinful deeds, he has wrong outlook in all respect and he is wholly asleep under the spell of falsehood?
Gautama : “Bhante! One who has never practised restraint, has caused harm to living organisms, has not reduced the intensity of sinful karma by renunciation and stopped the inflow of sinful karma through complete renunciation, has not desisted from sinful and other activities, has not restrained his senses, chastises self and others by sinful deeds, has wrong outlook in all respect and is wholly, asleep under the spell of falsehood, does he acquire karma causing delusion?
Mahâvîra : Yes, he does.
Gautama : “Bhante! Does a living being experiencing karma causing delusion bind more karma causing delusion, also karma giving experience?
Mahâvîra : Gautama! Verily he does' bind karma causing delusion, also karma giving experience. But when he is having karma causing delusion in an extreme form, he may acquire karma giving experience, but not one causing delusion.
Gautama : “Bhante! Is a living being who has never practised restraint, still who is wholly asleep under the spell of falsehood and who is a killer of innumerable mobile beings, is he, having died at a certain moment of the eternal time, born among the infernal beings?
Mahâvîra : Yes, he does.
Gautama : "Bhante! Is a living being who has never practised restraint, still has not desisted from sinful and other activities, born, after being dead at a certain moment of the eternal time, among the celestial beings?
Mahâvîra : Gautama! In some cases, he is born among the celestial beings, but in some other cases, he is not so born?
Mahâvîra : Gautama! When living beings residing in village, mines, towns, etc. etc., who are not actuated by a desire to uproot