Lord Mahâvira
Wives, children, friends and relations, all are dependent on him during his life, but they follow him out in death.
For the sake of his relations, he may commit sin in this world but at the time of reaping, they will not act as relations.
For suffering can neither be shared by one's kin nor friends nor sons, nor relations. One hath to suffer it alone. Karma follows only the doer.
For the deeds they have done, individually, they suffer in this world, for them they reap and will not get over them before they are fully borne.
Of Four Things Which Are Difficult To Obtain
Difficult to obtain but of paramount value here to living beings are these four; human birth, instruction in dharma, faith and energy in restraint.
Living beings like worms and insects abound this earth and move according to their karma. It is hard which he will do penance, forgive and abstain from killing.
And though by fortune he may hear true dharma, it will be hard for him to have faith in it, for there are many who hear of the right path but keep themselves away from it.
And though he hath heard true dharma and hath faith in it, yet it will be hard for him to exert himself. For there are many who have faith but exert themselves not.
Therefore, having human birth, instructions in true dharma, faith and energy, ye should restrain thyself and dust off particles karma from thyself.
Of Those Who Are Venerable
It is possible for an ambitious man to bear the iron-darts when there is hope for a future gain, but he who without any hope of gain beareth piercing and prickly words is really venerable. For strokes of foul speech reaching the ears produce a feeling of enmity in our mind, but he who hath his senses restrained can tolerate out of piety and is, therefore, venerable.
He who slandereth not one behind his back nor speaketh painful words before his presence nor useth expressions determinelike or expressions harmful is, therefore, venerable.
He who is not covetous nor wily, nor deceitful, nor