Book Title: Life of Hemchandracharya
Author(s): Manilal Patel
Publisher: Singhi Jain Shastra Shiksha Pith Mumbai

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Page 81
________________ 62 ध्याततनाममन्त्रस्य प्रसादात् प्राप्तवासनः । आरोक्ष्यन्निव हेमाद्रिं पादाभ्यां विश्वहास्यभूः ॥ १३ ॥ श्रीवज्रानुप्रवृत्तानां शासनोन्नतिकारिणाम् । प्रभावकमुनीन्द्राणां वृत्तानि कियना तामपि ॥ १४॥ बहुश्रुतमुनीशेभ्यः प्राग्र[ग्ग्रन्थेभ्यश्च कानि[चित्] । .........वर्णयिप्ये कियन्त्यपि ॥ १५ ॥ विशेषकम् ॥ The gap in the last Verse shoull probably by filled in by vegamya yıtlabalhi. Lastly, the expression puro, which R. B. Pandit translatos by "long ago", merely means formerly" and is indefinite. It is used just as often for events which do not much precede the time of narration, as for such as took place centuries before. 2. Besides the edition by S'astri Ramacan Ira Dinanātha, which appeared lately in Bombay, I have two not quite complete MSS. at my disposal, I. O. L. Bühler S. MSS. No. 295 and 296. The last Verse, which contains the date, is publisherl in Dr. Peterson's Second Report, p. 87. It is to be found exactly the same in No. 296. 3. I have given the date of the Prabandhakosa or of the Prabandharcurvivs'ali as in the Journ. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. X, p. 32 Note; cf. also Rão Bahālur S. P. Pandit, Gandavuho, p, CXLIII. The MS. which I quote further, is I. O. L. Bühler: S. MSS. No. 294. The life of Hemacandra forms the 10th Prabandha. 4. The portion at the end of this work reads, in No. 286 of the above-mentioned collection, thus: प्रबन्धो योजितः श्रीकुमारनृपतेरयम् । गद्यपद्यैर्नवै[:] कैश्चित् प्राप्त क्त] ननिर्मितैः ॥ श्रीसोमसुन्दरगुरोः शिष्येण यथाश्रुतानुसारेण । श्रीजिनमण्डनगणिना यङ्कमनु १४९२ प्रमितवत्सरे रुचिरः ॥ इति श्रीसोमसुन्दरशासूरीश्वरश्रीजिनमण्डनोपाध्यायैः श्रीकुमारपाल[प्रबन्धो दृष्टश्रुतानुसारेण योजितः] ग्रन्थानं ४२०० इति श्रीकुमारपालचरित्रं संपूर्णम् ॥ The first verse seems to be a mutilated Anustubh. In the first half we might read srimat-Kumāra, and in the second half praktunanirmitair api. The date of the work was already correctly given by Col. Tol, Travels in Western India, p. 192, but the author was there erroneously called Sailug Acharj. 5. The following passage is found on page 99, line 9, of the abovo-mentioned MS : तेन यथा सिद्धराजो रञ्जितो व्याकरणं कृतं वादिनो जिताः । यथा च कुमारपालेन सह प्रतिपन्नं कुमारपालोऽपि यथा पञ्चाशद्वर्षदेशीयो निषणीयो भिषिक्तो?]यथा श्रीहेमसूरयो गुरुत्वेन प्रतिपन्नाः । तैरपि यथा देवबोधिः प्रतिपक्षः पराकृतः। राजा सम्यक्त्वं ग्राहितः श्रावकः कृतः । निर्वीराधनं च मुमोच सः । तत् प्रबन्धचिन्तामणितो ज्ञेयम् । किं चर्वितचर्वणेन । नवीणा[नास्तु केचन प्रबन्धाः प्रकाश्यन्ते ॥ The story of Devabodhi does not occur in the Prabandhacintamani. 6. There is a MS. of this rare work in the Deccan College Collection of 1880/81, seo Kielhorn, Report of 1880/81, Ap. pp. 32-34. The emperor (cakravartin) Ajayadeva, whom Yas'ahpāla served, might be Ajayapāla, the successor of Kumārapāla, who is often called Ajayadeva. The title Cakravartin prevents us from thinking of any small chieftain. Otherwise one might assume, -as the action of the piece is supposed to have taken place in Thăräpadra, the present-day Tharīd in Small-Marvad, on the border between Rajapūtänă and Gujarāt,-that Ajayadeva might have been a former Thakur of Tharad, The mention of Thārāpadra-Tharad may perhaps be explained by the assumption that Yas'ahpāla was there civil governor of the king of Anhilväd. . Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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