Book Title: Life of Hemchandracharya
Author(s): Manilal Patel
Publisher: Singhi Jain Shastra Shiksha Pith Mumbai

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Page 117
________________ 98 सम्यग्ज्ञान निधेर्गुणैरनवधेः श्रीहेमचन्द्रप्रभो अंधे व्याकृतिकोस] [] व्यसनि [न] कासारसां तारम् । यायाम स्म तथापि तं पुनरिदं नावमन्तर्मणम् सस्थान स्थितस्य हि वयं व्याख्यामनुभूमहे ॥ २ ॥ Compare also Th. Zachariao, Beiträge zur indiechon Lexicographis, pp. 75 ft. I do not think that Hemacandra wrote the beginning of the Commentary himself; Zachariae declares this to be possible. 93. There are MSS. of this work with Commentary by Mallisepe, in the Deccan Collage Collection 1872/73, Nos. 195-196; 1873/74, No. 286; 1880 / 81, No. 413. I am unable to say anything in detail about the work, as I have now no copy of it with me. 94. As rogards Ramacandra's Raghweilapa see my Report on the Search for S. MSS. 1874/76 There is one copy of the work in the Deccan College Collection 1875/77, No. 760. The Colophon of the Nirbhayabhima is given in Peterson's first Report, App. I, p. 80. Ramacandra seems to have mixed himself up with the intrigues about the succession to the throne, (page II) at the end of Kumarapala's reign, and to have worked against Kumarapala's nephew Ajayapala When, however, Ajayapala cama to the throne, he caused him, as Merutuiga ( Prabandhacintāmani p. 245 ) rolates, to be roasted alive on a copper plate. Yas'as'candra is mentioned in the Prabhavakacaritra XXII, 746; Prabandhacintamani p. 206, p. 223 and Kumārapālacarita p. 188; Balacandra and Guajacandra in the Kumarpalacarita p. 283 see also above, page 57. In the Brinjjnanalopa at Jesalmir there are fragments of ort Ramaeandra-Gunacandraviracita soopojna-Dravyilaibratiha. After the tetiyonbhapradadah stands the date Samvat 1202. Merutunga, (Prabandhacintamani p. 230) relates an anecdote about Udayacandra, which may possibly have a historical basis. Once, we are told, he was reading the Yogas'āstra to the king in the presence of his teacher. When he came to the verse, III, 105: दन्तकेशमखास्थित्वप्रोग्णां ग्रहणमाकरे । he repeated the last words several times. Hemacandra asked him whether there was anything wrong in the Ms. He answered that, according to the grammar, it should read 'स्वप्रोम्णो as enumerations of the limbs of animals took the singular ending in the Deandva. Thereupon his teacher praised him. All the MSS. have the singular in the passage in question, and the Commentary refers to the Grammar according to which the same is required. As regards Udayaoandra's explanation of his teacher's Grammar, see Note 34. 95. The first verse is to be found in the Prabandhacintamani, pp. 216-217, and Prabhavakacaritra_XXII, 701; the second in the Prabandhacintāmani p. 223 and Prabhāvakacaritra XXII, 765 the third in the Prabandhaeintamani p. 224 and Kumdrapalacarita p. 188. The Dandaia is mentioned in the Prabandhacintamani p. 238 and the half-verse which completes the one begun by the minister Kapardin, on p. 228. The description of the way in which Kumarapala fulfilled the twelve Jains vows is given in the Kumārapilacarita, pp. 187-213. 96. Prabandhakopa pp. 99-100: कुमारपालेनामारी प्रारब्धावामाश्विनसुदिपक्षः समागात् । देवतानां कण्टेश्वरीप्रमुखानामतो [बो]] टिकैर्नृपो विशठः । देव सहयो] सह शतानि पशवः सप्त महिषा अहम्यामष्ट महिषा अष्टौ शतानि पायो नवम्यां तु नव शतानि पायो नब महिपा देवीभ्यो राक्षा देवा भवन्ति पूर्वपुरुषकमात् राजा तदा श्रीमान्तिकमगमत् कथिता सा पास श्रीमभूमिः कर्ण एवमेवमित्युक्तम् । राजोत्थितः । भाषिताले देयं दास्याम इत्युक्त्वा वहिकाक्रमेण राम्रो देवीसदने शिक्षा पाउ कृतानि । उपदेशितालेषु प्रभूता आसराजपुत्राः । प्रातरापातो सुपेन्द्र उद्घाटितानि देवीसदनद्वाराणि मध्ये इष्टाः पशवो रोमन्थायमाना निर्वातशय्यासुस्थाः । भूपालो जगाद । भो अबोटिका एते पशवो मयाभूम्य [ मूभ्यो ] दत्ताः । यथमूभ्योरोधि [[चि ] व्यन्ते तदासिन्यन्त । परं न प्रस्तास्तस्माना [ना]मूभ्यो दे [देवीभ्यः ] पलं रुचितम् । भवद्भ्य एव रुचितम् । तस्मात्तूष्णीसावं मा[[]] जीवान् पातयामि खिताले विरुक्षाः । मुकाश्छागाः । छागमूल्यसमेन तु धनेन देवीम्यो नैवेद्यानि दापितानि ॥ Jinamapann's version is to be found in the Kumarapalacarita, pp. 155 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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