Book Title: Life of Hemchandracharya
Author(s): Manilal Patel
Publisher: Singhi Jain Shastra Shiksha Pith Mumbai

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________________ 81 34. About Hemacandra's Grammar, see Kielhorn, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. II, p. 18; Pischel's remarks in the Preface to his edition of the Adhyaya VIII; and the description of the MSS. in A. Weber's Katalog der Sanelerit-und-Prakrit-Handschriften der Berliner Bibliothek; and about the allusions to the historical events of Jayasimha's time in the examples of the Commentary, see Kielhorn, Indian Antiquary, vol. VII, p. 267. Hemacandra's Commentary written by himself exists in two versions, the Brhati and the Laghu Vrtti. Both are authentic. Besides the fact that both commentaries contain the examples and the Pras'asti, the following may also be given as a proof of their authenticity. Devendra, a pupil of Hemacandra's pupil Udayacandra, wrote, possibly still during Hemacandra's lifetime, but certainly before 1214 A. D., a Commentary to the Brhati Vytli under the name Kalieiddurgapadavyäkkyd. There are MSS. of this work in Berlin, see Weber, loc. cit., p. 237, ef. 233, 240. A palm-leaf MS. of the same, which is in the Brhajjnanakopa in Jesalmir, was written about forty years after Hemscandra's death. According to my notes, the begining reads as follows: ॥ अहं ॥ and the end, fol. 186 व्याकरणचतुष्कावचूर्णिकायां षष्ठः पादः समाप्तः । प्रथमपुस्तिका प्रमाणीकृता ॥ संवत् १२७१ वर्षे कार्त्तिक शुदि षष्ठयां शुक्रे श्रीनरचन्द्रसूरीणां आदेशन प. The date corresponds to the 10th October, 1214, a Friday. प्रणम्य केवल लोकावलोकितजगत्रयम् । जिनेां श्रीसिद्धहेमचन्द्रशब्दानुशासने ॥ १ ॥ शब्दविद्याविदां वन्द्योदयचन्द्रोपदेशतः । न्यासतः कतिचिद्दुर्गपदव्याख्याभिधीयते ॥ २ ॥ As regards the Laghes Vetti, the oldest MS. preserved in the Cambay Library, was written during Hemacandra's lifetime, V. 8. 1224, bhadrapada eudi 3 budhe, see Peterson, First Report, App., pp. 70-71. In the MSS. used by Pischel for his edition of the Prakrit-Grammar, the Loghu Vrtti bears the title Prakasika, which is otherwise often missing. The Dhundhika, or etymological explanation of the words occurring in the Commentary, was not written by Hemacandra, in spite of the fact that it is sometimes ascribed to him in the Colophon of the Pidas The Dhundhika to the Sanskrit-Grammar (Weber, loc. eil. p. 238) originated with Vinayacandra; that to the Prakrit-Grammar is by Udayasaubhagyagani. (Deccan College Collection 1873/74, No. 276). The latter also contains a Sanskrit translation of all the Prakrit verses which are quoted in the Commentary. 35. See Kielhorn's Essays in the Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, loc. cit, and in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, pp. 181f, ef also O. Franke, Lingana'deana, p. XIV. An regards the Grammar of Buddhisagara, which Hemacandra used, I may add that this work exists. There is a palm-leaf MS. of it, written in the 13th century, in the Brihajjñanakopes in Jesalmir. According to the verse of the Prabhavakacaritra, quoted by Klatt, Indian Antiquary, vol. XI, p. 248, Note 20, the work contains eight thousand Granthas. Buddhisigara lived at the beginning of the 11th century, as is shown by the reports given by Klatt, loc. cit., from the Paltavali of Khartara gaocha. Therefore he is the oldest known grammarian of the S'vetämbaras 36. Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 32. 37. Kielhorn, Indian Antiquary, loc. cit.; Weber, Katalog der Berliner Sanskrit-und Prakrit-Handschriften, vol. II, 1st section, p. 254, where verse 5 of the Prasasti and the colophon read as follows: 11 Jain Education International षट्तर्ककर्कशमतिः कविचक्रवर्ती शब्दानुशासनमहाम्बुधिपारदृष्ट्ा । शिष्याम्बुजप्रकरज []]म्भनचित्रभानुः कमल एवं सुकृती जगति खिरायाम् ॥ ५ ॥ For Private & Personal Use Only


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