Book Title: Life of Hemchandracharya
Author(s): Manilal Patel
Publisher: Singhi Jain Shastra Shiksha Pith Mumbai

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Page 109
________________ 'भ) Nanda I ascended the throne 60 years after Mahavira's death. The calculation of the Paris'istaparvan is therefore this: from the Nirvana up to Nanda I sixty years, from Nanda I's coronation up to Candragupta's coronation 95 years, or a total of 155. From this, Jacobi's first premise is provel wrong. As regards the second one, it has so far not been proved that Hemacandra, like the Gathas, place only 255 years between Candragupta and the beginning of the Vikrama-era. The circumstance that, according to the Mahdvivacarita, the Nirviga took placs 470 years before Vikriman, makes it yeolalla (unless there is a careless mistake in the Paris'istaparvan) that Hemacandra or his authority counted 315 years between Candragupta's coronation and the beginning of the Vikrama-Samvat and similarly, likn the Ceylonese Buddhists, placed the former event too early. For this reason, it seems to me that the assumption of the S'vetambaras of the 12th century having two dates, 597/6 and 467/6 B. C. for Varthamāna's Nirvāna, is not likely. In Note 15 to my lecture about the Jainas, p. 38 of the separato reprint, I have shown that the date 467/66 B. C. for Vardhamana's death cannot be correct, if S'akyamuni Gautama died about 477 B. C. 67. The statement that Vagbhata was a minister of Kumarapala is found in the Kumāravikaraprasasti, verse 87, see Peterson, Third Report, App., p. 316. This point is of some importance. For Vagbhata does not occur in the inscriptions of Kumarapala's reign, which have so far been made known. However, as the Pras'asti is by a pupil of Hemacandra's, its statement deserves credence. The Prabhāvakacaritra XXII, 676 mentions V. S. 1213 as the year of the consecration of the temple at Satrufijaya; the Prabandhacintamasi, j 219, V. S. 1211. The Kumarapalacarile, p 188 agrees. with the latter work. The date of the consecration of Amrabhata's temple in Broach occurs in the Kamrapaleesrita, P. 185. 68. The extract from the Moharājaparājaye, in which amongst others the last verse, sri&eotambara Hemacandrasencasins ota quotal by Kielhorn. Report of 1950-81, occurs beggins in the Kumirupalaoarita, p. 161. line 14, and ends on 177, live 1 The passage in question is to the found on p. 167, lines 17ff, where we read: अथ संप्राप्ते शुभलग्ने निर्मलभाववारिभिः कृतमङ्गलमज्जनः सत्कीर्तिचन्दनावलिप्सदेहः [हो] नैकाभिग्रहोलसद्भूषणालंकृत: [ तो ] दानकङ्कणरोचिष्णुदक्षिणपाणिः संवेगरंग्रङ्ग [गग] जाधिरूढः सदाचारच्छश्रोपशोभित: श्रद्धासहोदरया क्रियमाणलवणोत्तरणविधिः १३ शतकोटिप्रतभङ्गसुभगजन्यलोकपरिवृतः श्रीदेवगुरुभक्तिदेशविरतिजानिनीभिर्गीयमानधवलमङ्गलः क्रमेण प्रातः पौषधागारद्वारतोरणे पञ्चविधस्वाध्यायवाद्यमानातोद्यध्वनिरूपे प्रसर्पति विरतिश्वश्वा कृतप्रेङ्खणाचारः शमदमादिशा [श्या]लकदर्शितसरणिर्मातृगृहमध्यस्थितायाः शीलधवलचीवरध्यानद्वय कुण्डन [ल] पदूर्हरे (1) तपोभेदमुद्रिकाद्यलंकृतायाः कृपसुन्दर्याः सं० १२६ मार्ग २ दिने पाणि जग्राह श्रीकुमारपालः । श्रीमदईदे [३] वतासमक्षं ततः वागमो श्राद्गुणगुणितद्वादशवतकल शावलिं विचारचारुतोरणां नवतत्त्वनवाङ्गवेदीं कृत्वा प्रबोधामिमुदाप्य [ मुद्दीप्य ] भावनासर्पिस्तर्पितं श्री हेमाचार्यो भूदेवः सवधूकं नृपं [] दक्षण[क्षिण] वामास ॥ 69. The MS. in question is described by Peterson, Third Report, App. I, p. 67. The inscription is the presentation of land by the Mahamandalika Pratapasinha, which is preserved in tho temple of Parsvandtha in Nadḍüla-Naidol. The beginning of the samo reads, according to the copy which I made in 1873: ॥ ॐ ॥ संवत् १२१३ वर्षे माथे यदि ३० शुक्रे ॥ श्रीमदणहिलपाठके समलराजावलिसमलंकृतपरमभट्टारक महाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वर - उमापतिवरलब्धप्रशादप्रौढप्रतापनिजभुजविक्रमरणांगण विनिर्जित- शाकम्भरी भूपालश्रीकुमारपालदेवकल्याणविजयराज्ये । तत्पादोपजीविनि महामात्यश्रीचाहडदेवे श्रीश्रीकरणादौ सकल मुद्रा व्यापारान्र परिपन्थयति .... ......... As the inscription contains a presentation to the Jainas, one might surely expect a mention of Kumarapala's conversion, in case the same had already taken place before that time. The exact dato of this is, according to Dr. Schram's calculation, January 20th, 1156, a Friday. 60s. The Alamkaracûdāmaṣi is written in Sutras, and is provided with a very clear, detailed Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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