Book Title: Life of Hemchandracharya
Author(s): Manilal Patel
Publisher: Singhi Jain Shastra Shiksha Pith Mumbai

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Page 92
________________ 73 चतुर्भिः कलापकम् ॥ अम्येमोय | अन्येषां च?] निबन्धानां पुस्तकानां च विंशति[:] । प्राहीयत नृपेन्द्रेण कस्सी[श्मीरेषु महादरात् ॥ १११ [११.] एतत्तत्र गत[तं] शास्त्रं स्वीयकोशे निवेशितम् । सर्वो निर्वाहयेत्स्वेनादृतं देव्यास्तु का कथा ॥ ११२ [१११] काकलो नाम कायस्थकुलकल्याणशेखरः। अष्टव्याकरण्य[ णाध्ये ]ता प्रज्ञाविजितभोगिराट् ॥ ११३ [ ११२] प्रभुस्तं दृष्टमात्रेण ज्ञाततत्वार्थमस्य च । शास्त्रस्य ज्ञापकं(द)[त्वा ]शु विदधेध्यापक[ कं] तथा ॥ ११४ [११३] प्रतिमासं स च ज्ञानपञ्चम्यां पृच्छनां दधौ । राजा च तत्र नि!हान(न) कङ्कणैः समभूषयत् ॥ ११५ [११४ ] निष्पना अत्र शास्त्रे च दुकूलस्वर्णभूषणैः । सुखासनात्पत्रैश्च ते भूपालेन योजितोः[ ताः] ॥ ११६ [११५] After Verso 76 there is in the MS. a part of 78, and after the figure 78 there is 79. I do not think that anything has been dropped out. The second half of Verse 84 is left out, because it is so mutilated in the MS. that no sense comes out of it. The remark in Verse 93 that the servants of Sarasvati sent Utsähapandita, is probably to be interpreted as meaning that this man was among Jayasimha's ambassadors, and that he was sent home. For, according to the Prabhāvakacaritra XXI. 135. Utsäha was already present at Devasūri's and Kumudacandra's dispute, in Vikrama vear 1181 as a pársades'vara. Therefore he could not have come to Anhilvād at this time, which is much later, 32. Prabanalhacintāmani, pp. 144-146, pp. 147-148; at the end of the narrative Merutunga gives the first verse of the Prasasti. Compare also Kumārapālacarita, pp. 41-42. 33. For the restoration of the 35 verses which glorify the first seven Caulukya kings, I have used, in addition to A. Weber's information in the Katalog der Berliner Sanslerit-und Prakrit-Handschriften vol. II, 1st section, pp. 211, 220-21, 230-31, 235, 242-43, the information in Peterson's Third Report and in Pischel's edition of the Prakrit-Grammatik, 1, PP. V, II, p. 57, 98-99, 129, as well as a Collation of the Bombay MSS. for the first 28 verses, which my friend Kielhorn kindly left with me. The variants of them, mostly very valuable, are designated "K". पाद (आर्या वृत्तः)। हरिरिव बलिबन्धकरस्त्रिशक्तियुक्तः पिनाकपाणिरिव । कमलाश्रयश्च विधिरिव जयति श्रीमूलराजनृपः॥१॥ पाद २ (आर्या)। पूर्वभवदारागोपीहरणस्मरणादिव ज्वलितमम्युः । श्रीमूलराजपुरुषोसमोवधीद् दुर्मदाभीरान् ॥२॥ पाद ३ (अनुष्टुभ् )। चक्रे श्रीमूलराजेन नवः कोपि यशोर्णवः । - परकीर्तिस्रवन्तीनां न प्रवेशमदत्त यः॥३॥ पाद (बसन्ततिलका)। ........... सोत्कण्ठमालगनैः कचकर्षणैश्च ... ... वक्त्रासाचुम्बननखक्षतकर्मभिश्च । श्रीमूलराजहतभूपतिभिर्विलेसुः .. ... संख्येच खेपि च शिवाब सुरबियन॥४॥..... 10. For Private & Personal Use Only Jain Education International


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