Book Title: Life of Hemchandracharya
Author(s): Manilal Patel
Publisher: Singhi Jain Shastra Shiksha Pith Mumbai

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Page 88
________________ 69 The story of the journey is omitted because the majority of the versos are very badly damaged. It is in verses 38-46. Merutunga makes his account much shorter. The end of the passage, as given ubuve, in Note 15, reads: अथ च कुम्भयोनिरिवाप्रतिमप्रतिभाभिरामतया समस्तवाङ्मयाम्बोधिमुष्टिंधयोभ्यस्तसमस्तविद्यास्थानो हेमचन्द्र इति गुरुदत्तनाम्ना प्रतीतः सकलसिद्धान्तोपनिषनिषण्णधीः षट्त्रिंशता गुणैरलंकृततनुर्गुरुभिः सूरिपदेभिषिक्तः । इति मन्त्रयुदयनोदितं जन्मप्रभृति वृत्तान्तं आकर्ण्य नृपतिर्मुमुदेतराम् ॥ Therefore Merutunga does not know the second name Somacandra. His assertion that Udayana related the story of Hemacandra's youth to King Kumāra pāla contains a serious anachronism. As Udayana immigrated to Gujarat in the Vikrama-Samivat 1150, and as Kumārapāla ascended the throne in the Vikram year 1199, and is supposed to have waged several wars before this conversation took place, Udayana could not have still been alive. Jinamandana, Kum. Car. P. 31, line 12 up to p. 36, line 5, reports a good deal, but merely absurd stories, about Hemacandra's apprenticeship-time. He relates, (pp. 31-42), that Somadeva received tha name Homacandra because, at the beginning of his apprenticeship, he transmuted coal into gold (Hema) at the house of a S'resthin named Dhana. Then he contradicts himself on p. 36, where he agrees in the main with the Prabhāvakacaritra. Then, instead of one journey of Somadeva's and one supernatural apparition, he speaks of two. The first journey was to be to Kās'mir, and the second to the Gauda land in company of a Devendra and of the famous cemmentator Malayagiri. On the first occasion the goddess Sarasvati appears, and on the second s'āsanadevată. Finally we hear that a merchant, named Dhanada, had the honour of an Acarya given to Somadeva in the Vikrama year 1166 with the consent of his Guru and of the Samgha. The date occurs three times in Jinamandana, is the same each time, and agrees with that of the already-mentioned verse of the Prabhāvakacaritra, c. also Bhindirkar, Report on the Search etc. 1883/84, p. 14. 23. Alankiracüdāmani I, 4: मन्त्रादेरौपाधिके ॥४॥ मनदेवतानुग्रहादिप्रभवीपाधिकी प्रतिभा । इयमप्यावरणक्षयोपशमनिमित्तैव दृष्टोपाधिनिबन्धनत्वात्त्वौपाधिकीत्युच्यते ॥ 24. Prabhāvakacaritra XXII, 64-73: श्रीहेमचन्द्रसूरिः श्रीसंघसागा[ग]रकौस्तुभः । विजहारान्यदा श्रीमदणहिलपुर[२] पुरम् ॥ ६४ ॥ श्रीसिद्ध[ भूभृदन्येयू राजपाटिकाय व[च ]रन् । हेमचन्द्रप्रभु[@] वीक्ष्य तटस्थविपणिस्थितम् ॥ ६५ ॥ निरुध्य टिम्ब[म्ब ]कासन्ने ग्ज[ गज ]प्रसरमङ्कुशात[त् ]। किंचिद् भणिप्यते थे त्याह प्रोवाच प्र[भु ] रप्यथ ॥ ६६ ॥ कारय प्रसरं सिद्ध हस्तिराजमशङ्कितम् । त्रस्यन्तु दिग्गजाः किं तौ[तैर् ] भूस्त्वयैवोद्धृति[ ता] यतः ॥ ६ ॥ श्रुत्वेति भूपतिः प्राह तुष्टिपुष्टः सुधीश्वरः । मध्याह्न मे प्रमोदायागन्तव्यं भवता सदा ॥ ६८॥ तत्पूर्व दर्शनां[नं ] तस्य जज्ञे कुत्रापि म[ त ]क्षणे । आनन्दमंदिरे राज्ञा यत्राजर्यमभूत् प्रभोः ॥ ६९ ॥ अन्यदा सिद्धराजोपि जित्वा माल्व[ लव ]मण्डलम् । समाजगाम तस्मै वा[चा ]शिषं दर्शनिनो ददुः ॥ ७० ॥ तत्र श्रीहेमचन्द्रोपि सूरिभूरिकलानिधिः।। उवाच काव्य[ म ] ग्यग्रमतिश्र[शयनिदर्शनम् ॥१॥ . . ... Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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