Metaphysics, Ethics and Spiritual Development
resulting from the rise or manifestation of darśanāvaraṇīya-karma, six quasipassions laughter, etc. (i.e., laughter, liking, dislike, fearing disposition, sorrowing disposition and despising disposition) from that of mohaniyakarma, four types of life-span (heavenly, human, animal and hellish) from that of āyusya-karma, all bodily traits from that of nāma-karma, high and low status from that of gotra-karma—all these modes are to be understood as characterised by audayika-bhāva, because any effect that results from the rise or manifestation of any karma is always characterised by audayikabhāva. Scriptures show as to how these modes like five types of sleep, etc., are included in those twenty-one modes characterised by audayika-bhāva. In various ways they are included in them.
Twenty-one audayika-bhāvas are-1. ajñāna (wrong-knowledge or dullness of intellect), 2. asiddhatua (embodied state), 3. asamyama (lack of selfcontrol, 4-9. leśyā (6 spiritual colouration), 10-13. kasāya (4 passions), 14 17. gatis (4 birth-species), 18-20. vedas (3 sex-feelings), 21. mithyātva (wrong attitude or inclination).
Pārināmika-bhāva: That state which is natural to the soul is called pāriņāmika-bhāva. Jivatva or being a soul-i.e., being conscious (rather sentient), bhavyatva or being worthy of liberation, and abhavyatva or being unworthy of liberation these three modes are natural; that is to say, these modes result neither from subsidence (upaśama) nor from destruction (kşaya), nor from subsidence-cum-destruction (kşayopaśama) nor from rise (udaya) of karma, but are present there merely on account of the nature of the soul.
Thus there are only three pāriņāmika-bhāvas, viz., jīvatva, bhavyatva and abhavyatva.
The total number of the types of each of five bhāvas are as follows: The total number of the types of aupaśamika-bhāva
kṣāyika-bhāva kṣāyopaśamika-bhāva
18 audayika-bhāva pāriņāmika-bhāva
Grand total Now we propose to describe as to how many of these main states or modes are possible in which souls.
Only two types of bhāvas, viz., kṣāyika and pāriņāmika are found in the liberated souls. All the nine kṣāyika-bhāvas, viz., kevalajñāna, etc., and one pārināmika-bhāva, viz., jīvatva are found in them.
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