Jaina Philosophy and Religion
370, 380-381
different views regarding, 230-231, and śūdra, 431, 431n
production of an effect, 397-398, necesSugata, 425-426
sary for temporal order, 398, and husuperstitions, 217
man effort, 402-403, of karmic fruition suppression, of effectiveness (vipäka), 203n and its attainment of maturity, 289-290 supreme souls, 1-2, 30, 31n, 221, two classes time-atoms, 229-230, smallest measurable
of, 2, 420n, and form, 392, name or unit of, 229, 229n, modes of, 229 image of, 423-424
time-cycle, 3 Svetambara, xviii, xix, 230, 328n, 393, 425 time-unit, 8 systems of philosophy (Indian), 221 tirthankara, 2-3, maker of tirtha, 2, not an systems of thought and viewpoints, 365-366, incarnation of one supreme soul or God, and method of synthesis, 365-366
3, difference from ordinary omniscient syäť, meaning of, 341
one, 2, 31n syödväda, theory of, 328-345, not scepticism, touch, eight types of, 14 343-345
traces, 16, 182, auspicious, 17, inauspicious,
17, mental, 217 taste, five types of, 14
treatment-by-fasting, 160 teacher, right spiritual, 222-223, essential tranquillity, 254 characteristics of, 63
transformation (sankramana), 298-299 telepathy, 66
transcendental perception, three types of, theft, 51
188, of temporally and spatially remote theism, 241-243, 247, 395
material things, 188-191, 318, of mental theory of many-sidedness, 328-359, its ap- states of other persons, 188-191, 318
plication, 337-339, 388-408, free of de- transmigration, 8 fects, 355
transmigratory cycle, 28, 287 theory of standpoints, 359417, elucidation triple character of origination, destruction
of, 362-417, chief aim of, 366-367 and persistence, characterising all things, thorns, three, 121-122
330, 336-337 thoughts, of great sages, 325-326
truth, 114-115, 357n, 358n, 437 'thus-happened' standpoint, 377-378 truthfulness, 357-358 time, 3, 11, 15, 225-231, auxiliary or gen
eral cause of change, 15, not of the unalterable karma, 299 nature of a collection of space-points, understanding, right, 211 16, divisions of, 16, some do not regard universals, two kinds of, 339 it as an independent substance, 16, func- universal welfare, desire for, 176-177 tions of, 225, and change, 225-226, universe, 12 conventional divisions of, 226-227, as an universe-space, 13 independent substance, 227, and move- unseen force, cause of individual differments of heavenly luminaries, 227, ex- ences, 301 istence of, 228, arguments for time as untouchable (śūdra), 430-431, 431n an independent substance, 228, confined untruthfulness, results of, 310 to human region, 227, conventional, 228, 230, ultimate minutest unit of, 229, Vaišeşika, 99n, 100, 161, 231, 279n, 336 real, 230, from definitive standpoint, valid-knowledge, varieties (types) of, 317230, atomic nature of, 230, independent 326, 327n, indirect, 319, 326, five variatomic substance, 230, examination of eties of indirect, 319, classification of,
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