Jaina Philosophy and Religion
intention, determinant of merit and de- karmic atoms, 24, reduction of the amount
merit, 277, of speakers and thinkers, 362- of, 18n 364, 367-368
karmic matter, 25, 78, auspicious, 3, 17, investment, of money in professions and inauspicious, 3, 17, inflow of, 3, 18, industries, 118
stoppage of the inflow of, 3, 18, bond
age of soul with the inflowed, 3, 19, Jaina Agama, 150-151
partial dissociation of the bound, 3, 26Jaina literature, xviii-xix
28, total and absolute dissociation of the Jaina philosophy, study of, xx
bound, 3, 29, constituting the trace, 16, Jaina religion, xix, two main branches of, classified into eight fundamental types, xviii-xix
17, 20-22, deluding, 75, 75n, 76 Jainism, xix, system of spiritual philosophy, Kausika, ascetic, 357n, 358n 433
killing, 356-357 Jamāli, 207
knowledge, 17, 21, 241, 245-249, infinite, Jina, 1, 432n
35, and practice, 41, 406-408, types of, joint method of agreement in presence and 64, five types of, 180, verbal, 180, 183in absence, 321
188, indirect, 181, 317-318, scriptural, judgment (avāya), 181-182, 217, 317-318 183-184, non-perceptual, 187, percep
tual, 187, of spatially and temporally karma, 287n, material particles of, 6, 279, remote material objects, 188-190, of
proof of the existence of, 6, a group of modes of mind of other persons, 188material atoms of special type, 7, accu- 190, determinant of validity-invalidity of, mulated, 7, two processes of its associa- 191-193, false, 198-199, 326, no soul abtion and dissociation, 7, and fruit, 7, solutely devoid of, 203, right, 42, 211auspicious, 11, 16, 18, 18n, 98n, inaus- 212, 253, perfect, 220, and faith, 248picious, 11, 16, 17, meaning of the term, 249, direct, 317-318, activities generated 16, 279, destructive, 28, three states of, by false or illusory, 326, two types of, 85n, speciality of the Jaina conception 317, fivefold division of, 327n, twofold of, 101-107, four types of, 101-106, 104n, classification of, 327n, fourfold classifi105n, the most intense inauspicious, cation of, 327n, partial, 359-360, 385, 106n, eight basic types of, 21-23, 194, allsided or comprehensive, 359-360, 385, total non-manifestation of, 202, having doctrine that knowledge the main and vitiating effect on the natural qualities direct cause of liberation, 396-397 of soul, 202n, of completely obscuring knowledge-obscuring karma, 21, bondage type, 202n, 203n, 204n, of partially of, 281 obscuring type, 202n, 203n, 204n, experience of the fruits of, 268-269, force of law, of nature, 270, natural, 311 past, 270, working of, 274, unalterable, law of moral causation, 267-316, and ef276, 276n, physical and mental, mutu- forts of society and government, 302, ally related as cause and effect, 279, and and rebirth, 305-306, useful for the non-Jaina systems of Indian philosophy, improvement of individual and society, 279n, ten main states of, 295-299, cor- 306 porate or collective or joint, 313, and layman, spiritual discipline for, 44-60, his effect, 314
code of conduct, 107-147 karma theory, 16, its effects on individuals leaders, spiritual, 125n and society, 273
lethargy, spiritual, 72, 78, 280
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