Book Title: Jaina Philosophy and Religion
Author(s): Nyayavijay
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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Jaina Philosophy and Religion
miraculous powers, their danger, 84 non-soul, 3 miseries, 177, remedies of, 288
non-theft, 115-116 mind, 65, 81, 81n, 83, as a cause of bond- non-violence, 46-47, 111-114, 166, and age, 97, purification of, 168-169
warrior class, 113, positive and negative, modal standpoint, 368-370, 380-381
265, as means of purifying conduct, 427 mode, 339-341, its difference from quality, Nyāya, 99n, 100, 231, 279n, 327n 339-340
Nyāya-Vaiseșika, 219n, 231, 345n, 381, 426n moment, 16 momentariness, doctrine of, 393, 421-422, object, of sense-organs, 317, of partial 421n
knowledge, 359-360, of all-sided or commomentarism, 396
prehensive knowledge, 359-360 monk, his daily practices, 108-111, his obstructive karma, 22, bondage of, 283
preachings, 110, his state of non-attach- omniscience, 2, 28, 34-35, 66, 74, 80, 151n, ment, 109n
190, 318, establishment of, 34 moral causation, 267-316, science of, 271, omniscient person, 2, 31n, 151n, 214n,
science of, on the scope and role of 215n human efforts in hastening and weak- one-sided view, 341-342, 383-384
ening fructification of karma, 271-272 opinions, 361 motion, 11, 21, voluntary, 10n, involun- order, fourfold, 2
tary, 10n, purposive, 10n, not purposive, ordinary omniscient one, 2, 31n, his differ10n
ence from tirthankara, 2, 81n
Namaskāra (Namokkāra, Navakāra), 125 Pakudhakātyāyana, xvin nature, and production of an effect, 398, parable, of an elephant and seven blind
can be changed, 403-404, and human men, 387, 387n effort, 403-404
Pārśva, xvii, xviin, xviii, 215n, 428n neutrality, 163n, 164n, 165-166
painful-experience causing karma bondage nominal rise (pradeśodaya), 290, 404n, and of 282 liberation, 290
parigraha, meaning of, 428n non-absolutistic method, xxi-xxii
passions, 19, 23, 25-26, 69n, 72-73, 73n, 76, non-abstinence, 78
78, 198-199, 202n, 209-210, 280, 284, non-attachment, 172-173, 221, 261-263, and 287-289, 294, sixteen, 76-78, victory over, activity, 263, 424
83, unctuousness of, 289, types of, 292non-one-sidedness, philosophy of, 1
293, and bondage in respect of flavour, non-one-sided outlook, as means of puri- 24, 284, 292-294, and bondage in refying thoughts, 427
spect of duration, 24, 292-293 non-one-sided standpoint (viewpoint), 428, past birth, influence of the impressions of,
and non-violence, 428, accepted by sys- 300-303, proof of, 304, memory of, 304
tems of Indian philosophy, 445n, 446n 305 non-one-sided view (all-comprehensive past karma, and present circumstances, 399,
view), 342, function of, 342-343, utility and various human conditions, 399, can of, 342-343
be changed, 404-406, and human effort, non-possession, 428-429, 428n
404 406 non-restraint, 280
Pātañjala Yogadarśana, 162, 345n non-sectarian outlook, 419-433
perception, 317-319, 327n, 328n, empirinon-sensory perception, 327n
cal, 64, 180-182, 317-318, 327n, 328n,
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