Jaina Logic
Śunyavāda (Doctrine of Void) and Kṣaṇikavāda (Doctrine of Momentariness)
jagat samagram khalu sārahīnam iti prabuddho nijagāda śūnyam/
vinaśvaram ca kṣanikam tad eva jñātvā" sayaḥ kaḥ kurutām virodham //15// Those who realised the worthlessness or essencelessness of the whole world called it 'Void' (Sunya). And those who found it to be evanescent described it as momentary. Who will oppose these two views, if thus understood? (15)
Digambaravāda (Doctrine of Ascetic Nudity) and Svetāmbaravāda (Doctrine of Ascetic Clothing)
śvetambara digvasanāś ca hanta! katham mithaḥ syuḥ kalahāyamānāḥ / aśritya nagnetarabhāvabhūmim bhavaty anekantadhurandharatve //16// Śvetambara and Digambara Jainas are the strong supporters and propagators of anekantavāda (the doctrine of non-one-sidedness). Then, why should they quarrel on the point as to whether or not nudity is necessary for the attainment of salvation? (16)
kaṣāyamuktāv avagatya muktim buddhvā 'py anāsaktisamarthayogam / jñātvā kramaṁ sādhanasaṁśrayaṁ ca muneḥ sacelatvam api pratiyat //17// Having known that true liberation consists in the freedom from passions, having realised the strength of the spiritual practice of nonattachment and having understood the gradual order of undertaking the practice of the means of liberation, one can very well understand a monk's acceptance of clothing. (17)
kim muktisaṁsādhanayogamargo vastram vinā"viṣkurute na muktim / ced vitaragatvam udeti purnaṁ nagno 'py anagno 'pi labheta muktim //19// Does the yogic practice, the supreme means for the attainment of liberation, not manifest the state of liberation, if the practiser is without clothing? Does the absence of clothing (i.e., nudity) prevent the state of liberation from manifesting itself? No, not at all. The only essential point is that when one attains the state of perfect non-attachment, one definitely attains liberation, irrespective of one's being a nude or not. (Clothing is not an obstacle to salvation. It is attachment that acts as an obstacle to salvation.) (19)
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