149.-8. 1317. - As, Res. Vol. IX. p. 420; Colebrooke's Misc. Essays, Vol. II. p. 264. Chitradurg copper-plate inscription of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara :
Rishi-bhu-vahni-chandrê tu ganitê Dhat[ri]-vatsarei Magha-mise sukla-pakshê paurņamásyam mahatithau II
nakshatrė pitfi-daivatyê Bhanuværena samyutê 1 In the year Dhatri, which by the southern luni-solar system was S. 1318 (not 1317) expired, the full-moon tithi of Magha ended 3 h. 20 m. before mean sunrise of Sunday, 14th January, A. D. 1397; but the day of the date is evidently this Sunday, the first of the dark half, on which the moon was in the pitri-nakshatra, i. e. Magha, by the Brahma-siddhanta, from 2 h. 38 m., and, by the Garga-siddhanta, from 5 h. 16 m. after mean sunrise.
5. - Dates with Wrong Weekdays. 150.- S. 978. - Ante, Vol. XIX. p. 273. Honwâd inscription of the Western Châlukya Sômêśvara I. :
(L. 33). - Sa(sa)ka-varsha 976neya Jaya-samvatsarada Vaisa (sa)khadeamavasye(sye) Somavárad-amdina sa(suryagrahaņa-nimitya(tta)dim.
In S. 976 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Jaya, the 15th tithi of the dark half of the amántu Vaisaklia ended 6 h. 12 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday (not Monday), 10th May, A. D. 1054, when there was a total solar eclipse, visible in India. [Compare above, No. 56.)
151. - 3. 984. - Ante, Vol. XII. p. 209, No. 16. Hulgur inscription of the Western Chalukya Sômeśvara I. : - Salsa)ka n ripa-kal akrinta-samvatsara-satamga[*
1 984neys Subhakrit-samvatsarain pravarttise tad-varsh-ábhyantarada Pushya-babula-saptame(mi) Adityavaramum-uttarayaņasamkrantiy-andu.
In 3. 984 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Subhakrit, the Uttarayaņa-samkranti took place 11 h. 8 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday (not Sunday), 24th December, A. D. 1062, during the 7th tithi of the dark half of Pausha which commenced on the same day, 10 h. 33 m. after mean sunrise.
[Ibid. p. 209, No. 15, a Chillûr-Badņi inscription of the same king is dated : -
Sa(sa)kansipa-kal-atîta-samvatsara-sa(sa) tamga[lo] 984neya [Su]bhakritu-samvatsarada Pausya(sha)-su(su)ddha-dasa(sa)mi Adityaváramruttarayaņa-samkranti-vyatipâtad-andu.].
152.- S. 993. - Ante, Vol. XII. p. 212, No. 55; Pali, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 159; Mysore Inscr. No. 70, p. 144. Balagámve inscription of the Western Chalukya Sômêsvara II. : -
(L. 12). - Sa(sa)ka-varsha 993neya Virdhikrit-samvatsarada Pashya-su(su)ddha 1 Somavárad-amdin=uttarayana-samkranti-parbba(rvva)-nimittadim.11
In S. 993 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Virodhakrit, the Uttarayana-samkranti took place 19 h. 2 m. after mean sunrise of Saturday, 24th December, A. D. 1071, during the first tithi of the bright half of Pausha which ended 8 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday (not Monday), 25th December, A. D. 1071.
153. - 5.997. - Arch. Survey of West. India, Vol. III. p. 106; ante, Vol. I. p. 14). Kadarôļi inscription of the Western Châlukya Somêsvara 11.:
(L. 19). – Sa(sa)ka-varsha 997neya Rakshasa-samvatsarada Pushyada paona(nni)me Adityavára uttarayana-sam(sam)kranti-vyatipatadeandu.
11 The same date in another Balagånave inscription of the same king, Pali, Skr, and Oud-Kan. Inacr. No. 160 ; and Mysore Inect. No. 78, p. 165.