Book Title: Jaina Bibliography Part 1
Author(s): A N Upadhye
Publisher: Veer Seva Mandir Trust
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHHOTELAL JAIN'S JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY - Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chhotelal Jain's JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Bibliography An Encyclopaedic work of Jain References in World Literature IN TWO VOLUMES Planned and Compiled by Babu Chhote Lal Jain Revised & Edited by Dr. A.N. Upadhye M.A., D. Litt. Eminent Indologist VIR SEWA MANDIR 21 DARYAGANJ New Delhi-110 002 (India) Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Published by: VIR SEWA MANDIR, 21, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002. (India) Second revised edition, 1982 Price : Rs 300,00 Printed at : Emerson Press, Delhi-110 006 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dedicated to the propitious memory of Pandit Jugal Kishoreji Mukhtar. The illustrious Founder of Vir Sewa Mandir and A great exponent of Acharya Samant Bhadra. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A word from the Publisher After publication of the First Edition of Jaina Bibliography in 1945, Babu Chhote Lal Jain continued to collect material for the Second Edition, visualising a modified plan of arrangement. By 1966 he had covered new material published till 1960, bringing the total reference items to about 3,000 or so. He had classified them according to his new plan which visualised publication of three volumes, the third one being the Index. His premature death in 1966 inflicted grievous blow to the progress of the scheme, particularly the making of the collection as upto-date as possible. This revised edition is being published by Vir Sewa Mandir, a Research Institute and Study Centre founded by the late Pandit Jugal Kishore Mukhtar, whose memory we still profoundly cherish. This edition is a treasure house of Jain references found in books and periodicals published possibly the world over during the last 160 years or so. Had Babu Chhote Lal Jain been living he would have mentioned this figure as 180 years, enriching the Bibliography with at-least 20 more years of new survey. Babu Chhote Lal Jain's attempt has been to name all the books (including those mentioned in A. Guerinot's three French books-Essai de Bibliographic Jaina, Repertorie d' Epigraphic Jaina Inscriptions, and Notes de Bibliographic Jaina, published between 1906 and 1909) which deal with Jainism, in whole or in part, or refer to whatever topic concerning Jainism, directly or incidentally. A brief outline of the content of the reference is also given so that the scholar or the reader becomes aware of the nature of the subject matter dealt with in the book under reference. The reader can then decide whether it would be worthwhile to obtain the original book for study or not. This in itself constitutes a great help. To facilitate research studies in a practical way, the Bibliography has been divided into two volumes and in ten sections. Books in each section have been arranged chronologically so that some idea of the successive nature of the studies or expansion of the subject matter is obtained. Babu Chhote Lal Jain's vision, labours and spade-work have been the foundations on which the edifice of the Bibliography is built. So much of the contributory labour and editorial expertise in its making and its preliminary shape in print have Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ VIII A WORD FROM THE PUBLISHER been of that great Indologist, one of the modern pioneers of Jain studies in a scientific way, late Dr. A.N. Upadhye who worked hard till his last days also to edit the index cards and check up proofs mostly himself and through Shri Gokul Prasad Jain. It is the third volume, containing Index, that will actually complete the work as planned by the author. Management of Vir Sewa Mandir hopes that the third volume will be made available soon. It is sad to reflect that Babu Nand Lal Jain, elder brother of Babu Chhote Lal Jain, is also no longer amongst us to receive this second edition of the Bibliography. It was he who kept the project alive through all the vicissitudes. We remember with gratitude, late Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain, whose patronage was a great support for Vir Sewa Mandir. We are thankful to his worthy and dynamic son, Shri Ashok Kumar Jain, Managing Trustee, Bharatiya Jnanpith, who is also our President, for his guidance and help towards fruition of the Bibliography Project. It is our earnest desire and hope that Bibliography will receive wide acclaim at the hands of scholars, enlightened readers and library managements, for the unparalleled source material that it offers in a field of rare scholarly interest. SUBHASH JAIN GENERAL SECRETARY VIR SEWA MANDIR Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A Note (By the first publisher) The Bharati Jaina Parisat presents before the scholarly world this volume of "Jaina Bibliography" by Mr. Chhote Lal Jain as the first number of its Jaina Bibliography Series. The vast field of Jaina Literature, Art and Archaeology, Philosophy and Religion is still mostly unexplored. The scholars of the East and the West have already made valuable researches into the Vedic and Buddhistic Literature, but unfortunately the Jaina Literature which covers a wide field of Indological studies has not been properly appreciated. This is to a great extent due to the apathy of the Jaina Community who did not care to bring the religio-cultural heritage of their forebears within the easy reach of the modern scholars. It is a happy sign nowadays that some patrons of the Jaina Culture are trying to organise cultural institutions for Jaina Studies, and there are some Jaina scholars trained in scientific methods who have already made valuable contributions to this branch of knowledge. But a research scholar should have as his constant companion a bibliography of the subject he is interested in. There are the Vedic Bibliography, the Bibliographie Bouddique and similar bibliographies. For the benefit of the Jaina scholars, Dr. A. Guerinot, a French savant compiled a Jaina Bibliography, but his book covered researches upto the period of 1906. Mr. Jain has tried to supplement the treatise of Guerniot and this book covers researches till 1925. He intends to make it uptodate in another volume. S.C. SEAL Dated 25th July, 1945 Calcutta Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Foreword (First Edition) About half a century ago the celebrated French Orientalist, Dr. A. Guerinot, Docteur es Letters of the University of Paris, undertook the first systematic survey of all the available printed books and articles on Jainism published in European languages. Incidentally he gave valuable information with regard to the published as well as unpublished manuscript materials on Jaina religion and philosophy available in India and abroad. His (i) Bibliographie Jaina and (ii) his Repertoire d' Epigraphie Jaina were published between 1906-1908. Since then many valuable articles and books on Jainism have been published, to mention among others, the surveys of Jaina thought and culture by two German scholars: Dr. Glasenapp and Dr. Schubring; but those books were not easily accessible to our Indian scholars. Indian periodicals and journals have continued to publish various studies on Jainism; such studies are growing in number and still remain scattered. To help the general public as well as students of Jainism to follow the main trends of Jaina studies in recent years was the laudable aspiration of Mr. Chhote Lal Jain, the Honorary General Secretary of the Vira Sasana Samgha. In spite of his multifarious duties and obligations, and even in the midst of a serious break-down in his health owing to overwork, Mr. Jain with his characteristic devotion to the sacred cause, has completed the printing of his admirable work, Jaina Bibliography, Vol. I, which brings the survey down to the end of 1925. The material for the second volume covering the last 20 years between 1925-. 1944 is also ready and will be published in due time. Meanwhile, Mr. Chhote Lal Jain had the satisfaction of developing the plan of a centre of Jaina Culture on the occasion of the grand celebration in Calcutta commemorating the 2500th anniversary of the First Sermon delivered by Lord Mahavira. That celebration was attended not only by the Jaina community of North and Central India including Rajputana and by a few Jaina delegates from South India, but also by the leaders of Brahmanical and Buddhist religions representing the progressive thought of the majority communities of India. The spiritual legacies of Jainism should not be confined to the Jaina community alone, but should be made available to entire humanity, especially in this age of crisis Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FOREWORD when violence threatens to ruin the entire fabric of human civilisation. The deathless principle of non-violence (ahimsa) is the noblest heritage of Jainism for which the whole mankind should ever be grateful. Even if we fail at present to draw the precise chronological relations of the earlier Tirthamkaras (promulgators of the Sacred Law), we are now definite that in the age of Lord Sri Krisna of the Mahabharata epoch his cousin, Arisganemi exemplified in his own life the sublime principle of ahissa by renouncing the world on the very eve of his wedding, when he saw that hundreds of innocent animals were about to be slaughtered simply for the entertainment of the guests at that royal wedding. That was the starting point of the realisation by Man of his kinship with the dumb animal world, differing from man only in linguistic expression, but animated by the same urge of life. So it was Jainism which for the first time bridged over the gulf between human life and animal life, and preached the basic truth of one common life pervading the whole Society. From such a profound realisation was born that creative compassion which made man look upon the dumb cattle as "Poems of Pity" in the inimitable words of Mahatmi Gandhi, who, as we know, comes from Kathiawad-Gujarat, the home-land of Lord Neminath (C. 1200 B.C.) and which part of India even to-day is the stronghold of Jaina religion and culture. Then came another great spiritual leader but the first systematizer of the Jaina Philosophy based on the Chatur- Yama or the four-fold principles, which were amplified by Lord Mahavir (C. 600 B.C.), a senior contemporary of Gautama Buddha. Buddhism, no doubt, derived from Jainism its main inspiration as well as the principle of the church organization (Samgha) and the fundamental doctrine of Ahimsa or non-violence. Buddhism simply applied to the life of the individual and of the nation as well as on international plane, the primordial historical truth of Ahimsa which Jainism for the first time discovered like the law of gravitation of the living universe. If we want to keep intact the countless cultural heritages of man and if we want to develop the creative possibilities of mankind to its fullest extent we must discard the inhumane, nay, canniballistic path of war and violence as preached by the immortal preceptors of Jainism. Such a cause deserves the support and collaboration not only of all men and women of about 20 lacs of Jains scattered all over India, but also of all serious workers in the cause of human welfare, in fact, all servants of humanity in the East as well as in the West. The dream of my esteemed friend, Mr. Chhote Lal Jain, and his colleagues, is to develop such an up-to-date centre of studies on Jaina religion and culture as would be able to give all facilities for research to men and women of all nations irrespective of caste, creed or colour. We know that some western ladies actually joined the order of Jain Nuns and the catholicity of Jainism is remarkable even in this age. Moreover, we can count upon the deepseated instinct of philanthropy which is ingrained in the Jaina community; and so we hope that the idea of developing a world centre of research or non-violence in the projected seat of Jain culture would soon mate Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FOREWORD rialise and that all organisations in the East and the West that are striving to make World Peace a reality would come forward to help my esteemed friend, Mr. Chhote Lal Jain and his colleagues. His first volume of Bibliography will, I am sure, rouse the attention of many scholars to this much-neglected field of research, and, I am sure, the publications by the Vira Sasana Samgha that will follow will sustain the interest thus aroused. Though the work of Mr. Jain is a preliminary work of compilation, he has spared no pains to make the book as useful and attractive to the general. readers as possible. I wish him all success in his noble mission. 11th July, 1945 Calcutta Xiti KALIDAS NAG Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The contributions of the Jains to the Indian Culture and sciences have been so vast that the history of India will be incomplete without a reference to them. But, of the three great religions of India-Jainism, Buddhism and Brahmanism, Jainism has been least studied and most misunderstood for want of proper knowledge of the available literature. But still it is a matter of great pleasure and encouragement that the great French scholar, Dr. A. Guerinot supplied the want to some extent by publishing his valuable volumes "Essal De Bibliographie Jaina" in 1906 and "Repertoire d'Epigraphie Jaina" in 1908. These books have been of great help to scholars and students interested in the study of Jainism. Preface (First edition) Much has been done in the field of Jaina study and many books have been published and numerous articles have appeared in the Indian and foreign journals, since the days of Dr. Guerinot. So it was my long desire to follow the foot-steps of the great French savant and supplement his works by bringing out two more volumes containing all available information about Jainism from 1905. With that aim in view I went on taking down notes of references to Jains and Jainism from works on various subjects. As an humble student I had the privilege of working at the (Royal) Asiatic Society of Bengal for a number of years and this gave me the facility of using the books of the society. I have also referred to the collections of the Imperial Library and some other libraries. In the volume which is now published, I have excluded almost all the references found in Guerinot's books mentioned above and I have taken care to bring in all references not found in his works and all those published between 1906 and 1925. Bibliography of the books, publithed since 1925 up-to-date will appear in another volume which is now under preparation. I have to point out here, the departure I have made from the lines of Guerinot. While he has issued a separate volume for Jaina Epigraphy, I have included it under a separate section in this work. Almost all the references given in this book relate to the books written in English and other European languages. Calcutta, 25 July, 1945 Sravan Krsna Pratipada Vir Sambat 2471 Chhote Lal Jain Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ex-General Secretary, Vir Shasan Sangh, Calcutta. Siddhantacharya, Babu Chhote Lal Jain Indologist, Writer and Author, Author of Jaina Bibliography, Vol. I. Ex-Honorary Member, Royal Asiatic Society. Ex-Vice President of All India Human League, Agra. Ex-Vice President of All India Music Conference, Calcutta. Ex-Treasurer of Indian Association of Mental Hygeine. Ex-Member, Bengal After-Care Association. Ex-Member, Executive Committee of All India Digamber Jain Parishad. Philanthropist, Savant and Social Reformer. Author of 1. Udaigiri-Khandgiri 2. Jain Murti-Yantra Sangrah Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents 1. A word from the Publisher 2. A Note by the first publisher 3. Foreword (to the first edition) by Dr Kalidas Nagi 4. Preface (first edition) by Shri Chhote Lal Jain 5. Table of Contents 6. List of Abbreviations VOLUME ONE (PP. 1-1044) Section 1. i) Encyclopaedia ii) Dictionaries iii) Bibliography iv) Catalogue v) Gazetteers vi) Census Reports vii) Guides viii) Temples Books of General Reference (NOS. 1-6) (NOS. 7-29) (NOS. 30-41) (NOS. 42-144) (NOS. 145-208) (NOS. 209-233) (NOS. 234-261) (NOS. 262-359) Pages 1-2 2--12 12--23 24-125 126--242 243-263 263-280 281-342 Section II. i) Archaeology ii) Art iii) Epigraphy a) Palaeography iv) Numismatics v) Iconography vi) Architecture Art, Archaeology and Epigraphy (NOS. 360-562) (NOS. 563-632) (NOS. 633-854) (NOS. 855-858) (NOS. 859-866) (NOS. 867-939) (NOS. 940-956) 343-676 677-708 709-1006 1006-1007 1007-1009 1009--1037 1037- 1044 Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XX CONTENTS VOLUME TWO (PP. 1045-1916) Section III. i) History ii) Chronology History and Chronology (NOS. 957-1464) (NOS. 1465-1509) 1045--1367 1368--1391 Section IV. i) Geography ii) Travels Geograpby and Travels (NOS. 1510-1562) (NOS. 1563-1574) 1392-1407 1408-1410 Section V. i) Biography Biography (NOS. 1575-1635) 1411-1430 Section VI. i) Religion Religion (NOS. 1636-1820) 1431--1499 Section VII. i) Philosophy and Logic Philosophy and Logic (NOS. 1821-1940) 1500--1562 Section VIII. i) Sociology ii) Ethnology iii) Educational Statistics Sociology and Education (NOS. 1941-1959) (NOS. 1960-1995) (NOS. 1996-2000) 1563--1572 1573-1586 1587-1989 Section IX: i) Language ii) Literature Language and Literature (NOS. 2001-2125) (NOS. 2126-2526) 1590--1624 1625-1781 Section X. i) General Works General Works (NOS. 2527-2910) 1782-1916 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Abbreviations ABAW ABI AJ BA BAIS BDG = Abhandlungen der Bayeri- EIM = Epigraphia Indo Moslemischen Akademie der ca, Calcutta. Wissenschaften, Miinchen. GSAI = Giornale della Societa Asia= Annals of the Bhandarkar tica Italiana, Firenze Institute, Poona HOS = Harvard Oriental Series, = The Asiatic Journal and Cambridge, Mass. Monthly Register for Bri- HS = The Hakluyt Society, Lontish and Foreign India, don. China and Australia, Lon- IA = The Indian Antiquary, don. Bombay. = Baessler Archiv, Berlin, JA - Journal Asiatique, Paris. Leipzig. JAOS == Journal of the American = Bulletin de l' Academic Oriental Society, Boston, Imperial des Sciences, St. New-Haven. Petersburg. J. Anth. SB= The Journal of the An= Bengal District Gazetteer, thropological Society of Calcutta. Bombay, Bombay. = Bulletin of the Museum of JBBRAS = The Journal of the Bombay Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Branch of the Royal Asia= Bihar and Orissa District tic Society, Bombay. Gazetteer, Patna. JBORS = The Journal of the Bihar = The Central India State Orissa Research Society, Gazetteer, Bombay, Cal Patna. cutta. JBTS = Journal (and Text) of the = Central Provinces District Buddhist Text Society of Gazetteers, Allahabad, India, Calcutta. Bombay. JCBRAS = Journal of the Ceylon = Calcutta Review, Calcutta. Branch of the Royal Asia= The Dawn and Dawn So tic Society, Colombo. ciety's Magazine, Calcutta. JDL - Journal of the Department = Epigraphia Indica, Cal. of Letters, University of cutta. Calcutta, Calcutta. BMFA BODG CISC CPDG CR DSM EI Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XXII ABBREVIATIONS JHAS JIH JMBS JPASB JRAS MDG = The Journal of the Hydera- PDG = Punjab District (States) bad Archaeological Society, Gazetteers, Lahore. Hyderabad, Deccan. QJMS = The Quarterly Journal of = Journal of Indian History, the Mythic Society, BangaOxford. lore. = The Journal of the Maha- RDG, RG=Rajputana District Gazetbodhi Society, Calcutta. teer, Ajmer. = Journal and Proceedings of RSO = Rivista deghi Studi Orienthe Asiatic Society of Ben tali, Roma. gal, Calcutta. SAW = Sitzungsberichee der Aka= Journal of the Royal Asia demie der Wissenschajter, tic Society of Great Britain Wien. and Ireland, London, SI. = Serial. =- Madras District Gazetteer, SBJ Sacred Books of the Jains, Madras. Arrah, India, - The Madras Journal of SIR = The South Indian ResearLiterature and Science, ch, Vepery, Madras. Nungumbakum, Madras, TAS = Travancore Archaeological London. I Series, Trivandrum. = The Modern Review, Cal- TLSB - = Transactions of the Litecutta. rary Society of Bombay, = Note. London. = Page. VOJ = Vienna Oriental Journal, = Vi = Proceedings of the Asiatic Vienna. Society of Bengal, Calcutta. ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen = Prabuddha Bharata or Morgenliandischen GesellAwakened India, Almora. schaft, Leipzig MJ MR PASB JB Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY VOLUME I Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Bibliography VOLUME-I. Chapter I (i) ENCYCLOPAEDIA Theodor Benfey. Indien (Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste Von ERSCH UND GRUBER, Section II, Band 17). Leipzig, 1840. Pp. 205-207. Review on the Jainism. Generalities. The Jainism proceeded from the Buddhism.- The Tirthakaras.Mahavira: his disciples, Gautama and Sudharman. The Jains; the Laity and priests; sravakas, anuyratas, mahavratas, yatis.-The Digambaras and the Svetambaras.-The Jainism in the 13th century. T.W. Rhys Davids. Jains (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ninth edition, Vol. XIII). Edinburg, 1881. Geography of Jainism. The Sanctuaries of mount Abu.-Origins of Jainisin.The Tirthakaras. Parsvanatha and Mahavira.-Digambaras and Svetambaras. - The canonical books. -The elements of the doctrine. E. Balfour. The Cyclopaedia of India. Third edition. 3 Volumes, -London, 1885. Jain article. Historical considerations.-General account of the Jain doctrines.The temples and the principal sanctuaries. Sylvain Levi. Djainisme (Grande Encyclopedie, vol. XIV).--Paris, s.d. Geographical division of the Jains in India. Origin of the Jainism. The faith ; The Tirthakaras and Their symbols. Life of Mahavira. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2EUR JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY The Knowledge : The five degrees of the knowledge. The six substances and the four elements. The Karma. Doctrine of the Syadvada. The moral : The five vows. Morals and customs of the Jains.-History: The first schisms. The division of the Digambaras and of the Svetambaras. Essential differences between the two communities. The canonical writings of the Svetambaras. The secular literature. Development and transformations of the Jainism. The sects. The Jaina art. The sanctuaries. Buddhism and Jainism; resemblances and differences. The Jaina tradition.-Conclusion: "The Jainism .... has come out of the philosophical movement which has equally given birth to the Buddhism in course of the 6th century B.C." The Book of Knowledge Vol. 12. Calcutta. pp. 3023-25: Some founders of religions. Vardhamana, the founder of Jainism, was a truer teacher than the Buddha. In the midst of much unintelligible stuff about nirvina there is a kernel of solid virtue in Vardhamana's teachings-Grass, trees, animals, and even water have souls (life)-Jainism better than Buddhism. H. Jocobi : Enclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, London, Vol. II Ed. James HASTINGS. Pp. 465-474, Jainism---1. Introductory : 2. Jain view of their origin etc., 3. Canonical Literature of the Svetambaras; 4. The Doctrine of Jainism; 5.-a) Philology, b) Metaphysics, 6. History of Jainism. (ii) DICTIONARIES H.H. Wilson. Dictionary Sanscrit and English. Calcutta, 1819. Preface. No. XXXIV-XXXVI. Short review on the history of the Jainism. The Jains would form a sect sprung from the Buddhism, the origin of which would go back to the first centuries of the Christian era. The 12th, 13th and 14th centuries constitute the beautiful period of the Jainism, The Jaina literature. The history of the Jainism, from the 16th to the 18th century. Hemacandra's Abhidhanacintamani. Herausgegeben, ubersetzt und mil Anmerkungen begleitet von 0. Bohtlingk und Ch. Rieu.- St Petersburg, 1847. Besides its lexicographical value as much as dictionary of synonyms, the Abhidhanacintamani is worthy Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY of interest by the explanation of the Jaina doctrine which it furnishes, especially as regards the Arhats, the gods, men, the different beings and the inhabitants of the inferior regions. The critical edition of BOHTLINGK and Rieu includes: An introduce tion. The text of the Abhidhanacintamani. The German translation. Numerous notes, and critical and grammatical notes on the ancient authors, and lastly, the text of the Sesa or Sesasamgraha complement of the Abhidhanacintamani composed by Hemacandra himself. A. BERTRAND. Dictionnaire de toutes les religions du monde (Encyclopedie theologique de Migne, vol. 24-27). 4 volumes.--Paris, 1848-1851. Jainas article. Origin of the Jainas.-Doctrines.--Mythology.-The Tirthakaras.- Transmigration of souls.--Succession and division of the time.-Sciences of the Jainas.-Moral duties. --Rituals. 10 G. BUHLER. Bombay, 1873. The Desisabdasamgraha of Hemacandra (1.A. vol. II, pp. 17-21). Description of the Desisabdasamgraha and of the commentary composed by Hemacandra himself. Arrangement of the work. Extracts : 1. The first four verses (quoted and translated) containing the definition of a term desi. 2. A series of desi words commencing by a, with their Sanskrit equivalents. G. BUHLER. On a Prakrit Glossary entitled Paiyalachhi (I.A, vol. II, pp. 166-168),Bombay, 1873. Arrangement of the glossary. Considerations on the author. Text of the first fourteen verses with Sanskrit equivalents of Prakrit words. 12 G. Buhler. The Author of the Paiyalachcht (I. A. vol. IV, pp. 59-60).-Bombay, 1875. By the study of stanza 279 of the Paiyalachchi, BUHLER shows that the author of this vocabulary is Dhanapala. 13 G. BUHLER. The Paiyalachchi Namamala, a Prakrit Kosha by Dhanpala. Edited by Gottingen, 1879. Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Introduction General character of the Paiyalaccht; Biography of Dhanpala after the final verses of the Paiyalacchi; a Gurvavalt of the 17th century and the Prabandhacintamai of Merutunga. Analysis of the Paiyalacchi and general considerations on the work. The manuscripts. Critical rules observed for the establishment of the edition. Text of the Paiyalaccht. Prakrit-Sanskrit-English Glossary. 14 R. PISCHEL and G. BUHLER. The Desinamamala of Hemacandra. Part I Edited by (Bombay Sanskrit Series, No. XVII)-Bombay 1880. Introduction.-Description of the manuscripts utilized. These are Jaina manuscripts. Graphic peculiarities. Critical rules applied for the establishment of the text. Text of the Delinamamala, with interpretations of the manuscripts. (Second Edition by P.V. RAMANUJASWAMI with Introduction, Text and critical notes, and glossary, published from BORI, 1938, pp. 31-345-+-120). 15 Th. ZACHARIAE Beitrage zur indischen Lixicographie Berlin, 1883. Some paragraphs deserve to be pointed out here: pp. 53-69.- The Prakrit words in the native dictionaries, in particular (pp. 65-67), in the Anckartha-samgraha of Hemacandra. Pp. 75-78.- The commentary of Mahendra on the Anekarthasamgraha; general character of the work. Pp. 78-93.-Corrections to the edition of Calcutta of the Anekartha-sam graka. 16 G.C. WHITWORTH. An anglo-indian Dictionary.-London, 1885. Jain article. A very elementary review on the Jainism. 17 Th. ZACHARIAE. Der Anekarthasamgraha des Hemacandra. Herausgegeben von (Quellenwerke der altindischen Lexikographie, I).--Wien, 1893. Edition of the text with extracts of the commentary of Mahendra. 18 Th. ZACHARIAE. Epilegomena zu der Ausgabe des Anekarthasamgraka. Wien, 1893 (Sitzungsberichte der phil.-hist. Classe der Kais. Akademie der Wissen-schaften). Critical observation on the text, the lessons, the interpretations and the sources of the Anckarthasamgraha. . Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 19 Th. ZACHARIAE. Die indischen Worterbucher (Kosa) (Grundriss der indo-arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde, Band I, Heft 3, B).-Strassburg, 1897. 18. Review on Dhananjaya and his Namamala. 21. The dictionaries of Hemacandra. 22. Review on the Abhidhanacintamani and the commentaries of which it has been the object. 23. Analogous review on the Anekarthasamgraha, 24. Short review on the Nighantuiesa, complement of the Abhidhanacintamart. 20 Th. ZACHARIAE. Die Nachtrage Zu dem synonymischen Worterbuch des Hemacandra (Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. XVI, pp. 13-44).-Wien, 1902. Reviews on the following lexicographical works: Sesasamgraha of Hemacandra; Commentary of Vallabhagani on the Sesasamgraha: Siloncha of Jinadeva Munisvara, with commentary of Vallabhagani. 1917. Sesasamgrahanamamala of Sadhukirti. A certain number of words are the object of explanations and instruction. The alphabetical list of it is given at the end of the memoir. 5 21 UMRAOSINGH TANK. The Dictionary of Jain Biograhy. Part I "A"-Arrah Dealing with Jaina luminaries, i.e., important Jain men and women; arranged alphabetically, this part contains entries under "A". 22 J.L. JAINI. Jaina Gem Dictionary. Arrah (India), 1918. A Dictionary of Jaina Technical Terms for an understanding of the Jaina literature. 23 S.K. AIYANGAR-Book Notice-Paia-Sadda Mahannavo (Prakrata Sabda Maharnava) oF HARGOVIND DAS SHETH (Ind. Ant. Vol. LIV-1925, p. 38). This Prakrit dictionary contains about 75,000 words. DO.I.A. Vol. LX. 1931, p.140. It covers 1300 pages; it advances the study of Prakrit and incidentally Jain Prakrit Literature. Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 24 RATNACHANDRAJI. An illustrated Ardha-Magadhi Dictionary. With an introduction by A.C. WOOLNER. vol. I--Indore, 1923, vol. II--Indore, 1927, vol. III--Indore, 1930, Vol. IV-Indore, 1932. Comprises about 50,000 Ardha-Magadhi words with their Sanskrit equivalents, with explanations in Gujrati, Hindi and English; may be regarded as a Svetambara Jain scripture, concordance, or a dictionary of the leading passages of all the Jain Sutras. 25 Prasanna Kumar ACHARYA. A Dictionary of Hindu Architecture. 1927. Pp. 192-3. Catur-Vimsati Tirtha---the 24 Jain apostles-their names and distinctive signs. P. 216. Jina-(Ka)-The temple of the Jains, the Jain deity-description of the Jain deities. Pp. 433-38. Basadi=A Jain temple, a shrine, a monastery, modern Basti--illustrations. P. 539. Vasati=A residence, a shrine, a Jain monastery or temple--illustrations. pp. 635-36. Su(Sult-(t) alaya=An enclosure for religious retirement, a Jain monastery-illustrations. 26 BREWER's Dictionary of Phrase And Fable (Revised & enlarged edition) London. (Published after the IInd World War 1939-45 ?) P. 502. Jains : A sect of dissenters from Hinduism of great antiquity; its known history going back beyond 477 B.C. Its differences from Hinduism are theological and too abstruse for expression in brief. Jains being largely traders the sect is wealthy, though comparatively small in size and influence. 27 H.D. VELANKAR. Jinaratnakosa, An Alphabetical Register of Jain Works and Authors. Vol. I-Works. Poona, 1944 (Govt. Ori. Series Class C No. 4) Pp. I-II Preface, pp. III-XI. List of Abbreviations : A-Collections of MSS. B-Texts--Publishing Series, C-Printed Books and Magazines pp. 1-466. A list of Jain works in Sanskrit and the Prakrit languages including the Apabhrama and also some old Gujrati commentaries and works. List of Bhandars, collections, Libraries; Jaina Siddhanta Bhavana, Arrah Catalogue-Pub. 1919. Vijayadharma Laksmi Jnana Mandir, Agra, List of MSS 1938. Descriptive Catalogue of the MSS in Leipzig, by AUFRECHT, Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Anantanatha Mandira (Osval), Mandvi, Bombay, 1929, Nemasagarji Upasraya Bhandar, Ahmedabad, List. Oriental Institute Baroda, List of MSS-1933. British Museum, London, Catalogue of Sans. MSS. 1902. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta Printed List J.A.S.B. Vol. IV. 1908. Reports of tours in search of Sans.MSS-by Dr. R.G. Bhandarkar. (i) Collection A of 1879-1880 (ii) do A of 1881-1882 (iii) do of 1882-1883 (iv) do of 1883-84 (Introduction contains for the history of Jain Literature). of 1884-87 (vi) do of 1887-91 All MSS mentioned in those 6 reports are kept at the Bhandarkar Institute, Poona. Library of H.H. The Maharaja of Bikaner Catalogue Sans. MSS. 1880. Library of Muni Kanti Vijaya of Baroda, List of 3000 MSS. List of MSS. collected since 1895 by the B.O. Int. Poona published 1925. Descriptive catalogue of Sans. MSS in Bodlean Library by WINTERNITZ. List of Govt. MSS. in the Sanskrit College Benares; 1902. Bihattipanika, an old List of Jain works with their dates and extent, published in the Jain Sahitya Samsodhaka 1, 2, Poona, 1925. Catalogue of the collections' at Bombay, 1880 (7 Collections made by Dr. BUHLER 1870-71) Collections deposited in: (i) Bhandarkar Inst. Poona. (ii) Collections of 1871-1872. (iii) 1872-73. (iv) 1873-74 (v) 1874-1875 (vi) 1875-1876 (vii) 1877-1878 (viii) 1879-1880. Catalogue of MSS; Calcutta Sanskrit College Vol.X 1909 Catalogus Catalogorum by T. AUFRECHT, Three Vols. Leipzig-1891, 1896, 1903. Bhandar of Muni Kantivijaya Chani, near Baroda List of MSS. Chandraprabha Jain Mandira, Bhulesvara, Bombay Digambara MSS. Berar. by R.B. HIRALAL; Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS in C.P. & Nagpur 1926 (Valuable introduction). Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Dela Upasraya Bhandar, Ahmedabad. List Sans. MSS. Jesalmere Bhandars, Catalogue of MSS. Pub. by G.O. Series Baroda, 1923. Descriptive Catalogue of MSS of the Bombay University, Bombay 1944. Bhandar of Dhannalal of Bombay-List of MSS. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS. in Florence, Italy, 1907. Library of Hansavijaya Maharaj,-now in charge of the Kantivijaya Bhandar, Baroda--200 MSS. Varanga Jain Matha, Hebru (South Kanara) List of MSS. Report No. III on Sans. MSS. in S. India by E. HULTZSCH, Madras 1905. Jain Bhandar at Humbuccha, Katte, Dt. Shivamoga. Mysore, List of MSS. Digambar Bhandar at Idar, Dt. Ahmedabad. List of MSS. Palm-leaf MSS. in the Shantinath Temple at Cambay List of MSS. Noticed by Dr. PETERSON-IIIrd and Vth, Reports) Many of these. Jnanavimalsuri Bhandar at Cambay. List of 225 MSS. Bala Bhandar of Jesalmir, List of 1943 MSS. Jain Granthavali--List of Jain works Pub.-Bombay-1909. Bhandar of Harisagaragani (Kharatar Gaccha) of Jaipur. List of MSS. Bhandar of Sammatiratna Suri of Kaira. List of MSS. Bhandar Bhagyaratna Suri of Kaira. List of MSS. Descriptive catalogue of the Jain MSS. at the B.O.R.I. Poona by H.R. KAPADIA : Vol. XVII pts. 1 to 3 pub. 1938-1940. Report of Prof. A.B. KATHAVATE. Collection of 1895-1902. Kept at Bhandarkar Inst. Bada Upasraya, Rangadi chowk, Bikaner; collection kept in 9 different Bhandars, viz., 1. Danasagara Bhandara, 2. Abhayasimha Bhandar, 3. Mahimabhakti Bhandar, 4. Ramacandramuni Bhandar, 5. Vardhamana Bhandar, 6. Sahasrakirana Bhandar, 7. Jinaharsasuri Bhandar, 8. Bhuvanabhakti Bhandar, 9. Meherchandji Bhandar, List of collection of MSS. Kusalacandragani Bhandar at Bikaner. List of MSS. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS, in the Indian Institute Library of Oxford by Prof. KEITH. 1903. List of MSS in KIELHORN's collection. Collection of 1869-1870. Deposited at the Bhandarkar Inst, List of second collection of Dr. KIELHORN. Collection of 1880-1881. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY List of the third collection of Dr. KIELHORN, 1881, 1882. Ksamakalyana Bhandar of Bikaner. List of MSS. Bhandar of Laksmisena Bhattarak's Jain Math at Kolhapur. List of MSS. Bhandar of the Bhanthaki Kundi at Jesalmir List of MSS. Lalitakirti Bhandar of Ajmer, List of MSS. Limdi Bhandar at Limdi. Dist. Ahmedabad- List of MSS. A list of Digambara works made at Jaipur, mentioning places where the MSS of the particular work rnay be had. List preserved at the Bhandarkar Inst. (Nos. 953 b, ed, of 1892-95). Manekchand Hirachand Bhandar, Chowpaty, Bombay. List of MSS. Notices of Sanskrit MSS, by R. MITRA, in ten volumes published in Calcutta between 1871 and 1880. Bhandar of Carukirti Bhattaraka of Mudavidri (S.K.) Catalogue of MSS in the Govt. Ori, Lib. of Mysore by M. SASTRI vol. I Mysore, 1894, vol. II, 1900, Vol. III. Bhandar belonging to Padmaraj Jain of Mysore. Patan Bhandars. 9 Lists : Sangha Bhandar at Pofalia, Wada, Vakhatji Sheri, The Bhandar of Lodhi Posala Sanghavipada, Patan contains valuable collection of 500 Palm leaf MSS. See Patan Catalogue (Gaek, O.S. No. 76 pp 1-258). Descriptive catalogue of MSS. in the Jain Bhandar at Patan) Vol. I (Palm leaf MSS). Published Ori. Inst. Baroda, 1937. * Sha Chunilal Mulji's Bhandar, Patan. Vadi Parsvanatha Pustaka Bhandar, Patan. Vadi Parsvanatha Pustaka Bhandar, Patan. Dr. Peterson's First Report. Collection is preserved at the Bhandarkar Inst. collection A of 1882-83. -do- Second Report--Collection A of 1883-1884 -do- Third Report-Collection A of 1884-85 -do- Fourth Report--Collection A of 1886-1892 -do- Fifth Report--Collection A of 1892-1895 -do- Sixth Report-Collection A of 1895-1898 Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY A Register of a few Prasastis of the MSS in the possession of Seth Manekchand of Bombay--supplied by Pandit Nathuram Premi. Prasastis copied and collected from the different Jain MSS. by various Jain Scholars, T herames of Bhandars, from the MSS. in which the prasastis were copied: Bhandars at Chani, Patan, Kaira, Bombay, Udaipur, Baroda, Limdi, Surat Benaras, Limba, Bhavanagar, Ghogha, Gholera, Cambay, Patadi, Camp Vadhwan, Vadhwan, Palitana, Poona, Jaipur, Baroda, Catalogue of MSS. in the Punjab Jain Bhandars, part I, Lahore. 1939. Catalogue of Sans. MSS. in Mysore and Coorg Compiled by Rice, Bangalore 1884. Jainananda Bhandar at Gopipura, Surat List of MSS. List of 483 MSS. on paper, the oldest dated Samvat 1246, preserved in the temple of Sambhavanatha, which forms part of the great Parsvanatha temple, Jesalmir. Printed List of the MSS in the Mohanlal Bhandar at Surat. Pannalal Jain Sarasvati Bhavan, Bombay List of MSS. This Bhavan has collected lists of MSS in the various Digambara Bhandars throughout India. So far five reports are published. Bhandar of Bhattarakji, at Sravan Belgola, list of MSS. Daurbali Jinadas Bhandar, at, Sravan Belgola, List of MSS. List of MSS. in the Library at Strassburg, by E. LEUMANN, Vienna Oriental Journal, Vol. XI, 1897.p. 279. A list of Svetambara MSS. published in Ubersicht Uber die Avaspaka Literatur, Hamburg, 1934. P. III. Alphabetical catalogue of all MSS. in the 11 different Bhandars at Surat: 1. Sri Jainananda Pustakalaya, Gopipura; 2. Sri Jinadattasuri Jnana Bhandar, Gopipura; 3. Sri Mohanlal Jain Jnana Bhandara; Gopipura; 4. Seth Nemchand Melapchand Jain Upasraya, Gopipura; 5. Hukum muniji Jain Jnanabhandara, Gopipura, 6. Devchand Lalbhai Pustakoddhar Fund Library; 7. Mandirsvami Temple Library, Bada chauta, Surat, 8. Jain Upasraya Library Bada chauta; 9. Cintamani Parsvanatha Temple Library, Sahapur, Surat 10. Dharmanatha Temple Library, Gopipura; 11. Adinatha 1 emple Library, Gopipura. Tapa Gaccha Bhandar at Jesalmir, List of MSS. Terapanthi Bada Bhandar at Jaipur, List of MSS. Vimala Gaccha Upasraya Bhandar (Falusha's pole) Ahmedabad, list of 555 MSS. Vimala Gaccha Upasraya at Haji Patel's pole, Ahmedabad, 1426 MSS. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Vimala Gaccha Upasraya at Ahmedabad 360 MSS. Vimala Gaccha Upasraya at Haji patel's Pole, Ahmedabad, 347 MSS. Descriptive Catalogue of the MSS, in the BBRAS, four volumes by H. D. VELANKAR pub. in 1925, 1928 and 1930. Visrama Baga Collection, now kept at the Bh. Ins. Descriptive Catalogue of the Berlin MSS by A WEBER, Two Volumes. Texts--Publishing Series: Agamodaya Samiti Series, Surat. Devachand Lalbhai Pustakoddhara Fund Series, Bombay and Surat, Jain Atmananda Sabha Series, Bhavnagar. Jain. Dharma- Prasaraka Sabha Series, Bhavnagar. Manekchand Digambar Jain Granthamala, Hirabagh, Bombay. Raichand Jain Sastramala, Hirabagh, Bombay. Yasovijaya Jain Granthamala, Benares and Bhavnagar. Printed Books and Magazines: M.D. DESAI, published by A History of Jain Literature Written in Gujarati by Jain Svetambara Conference, Bombay, 1935. Jain Hitais7, a Hindi Monthly published at Bombay, upto 1921. Jain Gurjara Kaivio, 2 vol. by M. D. Desai J. Sve Con. Bombay, 1926,1931. Jain Stotra Samdoha, Collection of Jain Stotras, 2 vols. Ahmedabad 1932, 1936. Pattavali Sammuccaya, Part I, Viramgam, 1933 (Several Pattavalis of the Different Gacchas). Sadhana Samagri (materials for a history of Jain Literature) by Muni JINAVIJAYA Ahmedabad 1933. Sravana Belgola inscriptions in Hindi, M.D.J. Granthamala No. 28. Bombay. 28 J. Dowson. A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, Geography, History and Literature. London-1950, Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 1. Abhidhana, a dictionary or vocabulary-Abhidhana Chintamani of Hema chandra (13 th cent.) edited by BOTHLING and RIEU, P. 9 Ahi-chhatra, Ahi-Kshetra, a city lying north of the Ganges, being the capital of Northern Panchala; the Adisadra of Ptolemy, its remains are visible near Ram-nagar. P. 38 being Bhagavata Purana enumerates 22 incarnations; the 8th Rishabha, a righteous King, father of Bharata. P. 92. Dig - Ambara, 'Clothed with space'. A naked mendicant. A title of Siva. P. 187. While in exile the five Pandavas each assumed two names, one for use among themselves and one for public use. Sahadeva was Joyadbala in private and Arishtanemi, a vaisya in public. P. 221. Nava-Ratna nine gems; Vikramaditya, whose era the Samvat begins in 56 B.C. his court gems-Kshapanaka, Amarasinha etc. P. 267. Rshabha. son of Nabhi and Maru, and father of a hundred sons, the eldest of whom was Bharata. He gave his kingdom to his son and retired to a hermitage, where he led a life of such severe austerity and abstinence, that he became a mere "Collection of skin and fibres, and went the way of all flesh". The Bhagavata Purana speaks of his wanderings in the western part of the Peninsula, and connects him with che establishment of the Jain religion in those parts. The name of the first Jain Tirthankara or saint was Rshabha. P. 313. The Surya-vamsa as solar race--Ikshvaku--in the Dynasty of Mithila 31st is Arishtanemi, 33rd is Suparava. 29 Encyclopeidia of world Art. New York, Toronto, London vol. I. (copy right C. 1959 London). (English-Language edition corresponds to the Italian version):-- (III) BIBLIOGRAPHY 30 F. HALL. A contribution towards an index to the Bibliography of the Indian philosophical systems. Calcutta 1859 Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 Pp. 165-166. Review on the Saddarsanasamuccaya, Summary of philosophy according to the Jaina point of view, by Haribhadrasuri. This famous author was converted from the Brahmanism to the Jainism. He wrote a great number of works and raised, it is said, at Gopanagara, a magnificent temple in honour of Mahavira. Pp. 166-167. Review on the SaddarsanavTtti, a Commentary on the Saddarsanasamuccaya, by Caritrasimhagani. 31 A. GUERINOT. Essui de Bibliographie Jaina. Paris, 1906. (Annales du Musee Guimet-Bibliotheque d'Etudes, vol. 22). Pp. i-xxxvii. Introduction. Pp. 1-568. It contains references to 852 publications dealing with various Jaina subjects. A, BALLINI. Bolletino (Bibliografico ); Jainismo. (Rivista degli Studi Orientali, ol. I. Pp. 552-551). Roma, 1907-1908. Indication of the principal publications relating to Jainism - 1907. apreared in 1906 33 Eckford. C. LUARD. A Bibliography of the Literature dealing with the Central India Agency to which is added a series of Chronological tables. London, 1908 Contains names of some Jain publications. 34 A. GUERINOT. Notes de Bibliographie Pp. 47-148). Jaina (J.A. 10th Ser., XIV, 1909, . . 35 Haven, Index to the Journal of the American Oriental Society, vols. 1-XX New connecticut, 1911. Subject Index: P. 89. Jain, the veild, at Badami, 19, ii, 39, 20 223 Jain, theory of liberation, # 191, Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 36 Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the year 1930. Leyden-1932. Pp. 9-11. The Sittannavasal Paintings, Pudukotta State by A.H. LONGHURST. Sittannavasal a hill situated about 9 miles north-west of Pudukotta town; a Jaina strong-hold; Seventeen stone beds in a natural cavern, one of which contains a short Brahmi inscription of the third century B.C. indicating that the cavern was used as a monastery by the Jains at that period. Paintings in the rock-cut Pallava temple of the 7th century at the foot of the hill. Four short inscriptions in early Pallava Grantha script of the 7th century recording names of visitors. The temple was excavated during the reign of Mahendra I when he was an adherant of the Jaina faith. It contains five life-size rock-cut images of seated nudeja in Tirthankaras. The temple consists of a cella, 9'-6" square and 7'-5" in height with a small pillared verandah in front measuring 22'-6" in length, 7'-6" in width and 8-3" in height. (Fig. 2. plan of cave Temple, Sittannavasal). The sanctum ceiling decorated with coloured floral and geometrical patterns; the central portion of the verandah ceiling and the two cubical pillars contained paintings, representing a Lotus Pond covered with flowers, leaves, fish, water fowl, elephant, cattle and three men (Plate v.). Two graceful female figures (Plate vi) on the two pillars. On the face of one pillar a coloured drawing of a king and his consort. P. 26. Annual Bibliography of Indian Archarology. No. 6. Eastern Art. An Annual vol. II. Philadelphia 1930.-An illustrated Svetambara Jaina manuscript of A.D. 1260 by A.K. COOMARSWAMY pp. 237-244. P. 36. No. 49. The Indian Historical Quarterly vol. VI, Calcutta-1930. The caste of Chandragupta Maurya by Amalanand GHOSH pp. 271.283. When was the Gomata image at Sravana-Belgola set up? A. VENKATASUBBIAH pp. 290-309. Digambara Jaina Stupa at Mathura, by K. P. JAIN pp. 376-377. P. 38. No. 52. The Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, vol. XVI (1930). A note on the lathigumpha inscription of emperor Kharavela by N. TRIPATHI pp. 189-205. Kharavela and the Madala Panji by N. TRIPATHI pp. 211-215. P. 40. No. 59. Nagari-Pracharini Patrika in Hindi. Vol. X. Parts 3, and 4. (Samvat 1986) Beneras 1930-Sri Kharavela prasasti aur Jain dharma Ki Prachinata (The Eulogy of Kharavela and the antiquity of the Jain religion) by K.P. JAYASWAL pp. 499-502. Var Nirvana samvat aur Jain Kala-ganana (The era of Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY the Nirvana of Mahavira and Jain Chronology) by Muni KALYAN-VIJAY pp. 586 745. P. 40. No. 59. Idem-vol. XI parts 1 & 2 (Samvat 1987)-1930. Jain Kal-gana na-Vishayak ek is prachin parampara by Muni KALYAN VIJAY pp. 75-104. P. 40. No. 60. Prabasi (in Bengali) for the year 1337. Calcutta 1930-31. 15 Jain Dharma (Ayagapatta), by R. D. BANDYOPADHYAYA. pp. 811-817 with Six illustrations. Prabast for the year 1338, Calcutta 1931. Paharpur, by SAROJENDRA NATH RAY pp. 664-672 with ten illustrations. P. 41. No. 66. Anonymous. Do you know that the biggest Statue in Asia is in India? Statesman, 14 Dec. 1930 with 3 illustrations of the Statues ef Gommatesvara at Sravana Belgola and of Buddha at Awkana, Ceylon. P. 42. No. 67. (Anonymous) Discovery of three-terraced Buddhist temple. Times of India, Bombay March 29, 1930. Excavations at Paharpur-the main shrine copper-plate grant of the year 159 of the Gupta Era. P. 42. No. 68. (Anonymous), 1400 year-old temple find. Excavation revelations at Paharpur where three sects worshipped. The Englishman, Calcutta. March 25, 1930. P. 49. No. 148. BANDYOPADHYAYA R.D. Jain-dharma (Ayagapatta) Prabasi vol. XXX. Part I (year 1337). pp. 811-817. With 6 illustrations; a description of various Ayagapatta (i. e. stone slabs carved with an image of a Jina surrounded by numerous auspicious emblems) found near Mathura. P. 50. No. 162. CHOPRA. U.C.-Among the ruined temples of Madanpur. Times of India weekly, Bombay, Oct. 12 th, 1930. Ancient Jain remains built by the Chandel Rajas in the 11th-13th centuries. P. 54. No. 198. RAY. S. N. Paharpur (in Bengali) Prabasi, vol. XXXI part 1. Year 1338 pp. 664-72 a description of the Vihara and temples excavated near Paharpur. No. 203. VENKATASUBBIAI A. when was the Gommata image at Sravana Belgola set up? Ind. Hist. Qu. vol. II. No. 2 pp 290-309-it was set up in 980 A.D. No. 205. VOGEL, J. Ph. La Sculpture de Mathura Ars Asiatica, vol. XV Paris ' and Brussels. 1930. P. 56. No. 209. BROWN, W. Norman. Early Vaishnava Miniature Painting from Western India. Eastern Art vol. II pp. 167-206. Vasanta Vilasa and the Jain manuscripts from Gujerat (15th Century). Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 215. CoOMARSWAMY. A. K. An illustrated svetambara Jaina manuscript of A.D. 1260. Eastern Art. vol. II pp. 236--40 with 5 illustrations. No. 216 COOMARASWAMY A. An early illustrated Jain manuscript. Boston Blin XXVIII pp. 7-8 with 2 figures. P. 58. No. 229. MEHTA, N. C. Some new pictures. The Modern Review vol. XL VII illustrations to the Jain romance Sripala Ras, dated Gujarat 1837 A.D. P. 62. No. 263. BARUA Benimadhaba, Old Brahmi Inscriptions in the Udayagiri and Khandagiri caves, Calcutta University 1929. P. 64. No. 277. JAYASWAL, K. P. An important Brahmi inscription (Barli stone) J. B. & O.R.S. vol. XVI pp. 67 f. with one plate. A very fragmentary Jaina inscription in Brahmi characters, found on a portion of a split pillar near Barli, Ajmere. It is dated in the year 84, while according to the author would be equivalent to 374/3 B.C. which would make it one of the earliest Brahmi inscriptions being of Pre-Asokan times. P. 66. No. 289 KUNDANGAR K.G. Rayabaga inscription of Dasimarasa. J. Bom. Hist. S. vol.III. pp. 192-200 with one plate. Jaina inscription in old Kannada characters and partly Sanskrit, partly Kannada language found in the Kolhapur district; it fixes the date of accession of Chalukya Jagadekamalladeva of Kalyana (1019 A.D.). P. 69. No. 314. TRIPATHI, Narayan. A note on the Hatigumpha inscription of Emperor Kharavela. J.B. & O.R.S. vol VI Pp. 189--205. The correct expression is Hati (Gumpha) Aira. In Orissa are at present many places such as Airipur, Airikana etc. There is an old Sanskrit MS. in the possession of a Brahmin at Bhubaneswar which contains brief accounts of various dynasties of Kings who held sway over the Tri Kalinga countries After the Mauryas, a dynasty called Bhila Vamsa became the paramount lord over Kalinga. The Kings of the line were Buddhist: their names were (1) Aira Bhila, (2) Khara Bhila, (3) Sura Bhila, (4) Nara Bhila. (5) Dhara Bhila, (6) Sara Bhila, (7) Khara Bhila II. Khara Bhila I .. may safely be identified with Kharavela III Cheti-Raja. P. 70. No. 324. MUNI, K.V. Vir Nirvana Samvat aur Jain Kala Ganana in Hindi. Nagari. vol. X pp. 586-745. That Saka was born 615 yerrs and 5 months after Mahavira's death. No. 325. MUNI K. V. Jain, Kala--ganana vishayak ek tisri prachin parampara Vikramarka was crowned in Ujjaini 410 years after Malavira's death. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 74. No. 362. GHOSH Amalananda-The caste of Chandragupta Maurya. Ind. Hist. Q. vol. VI. No. 2 Pp. 271-283. Candragupta was in reality a high class Ksatriya of the Moriya clan of Pipphalivana. P. 77. No. 391 JACOBI Hermann-Buddhas und Mahaviras Nirvana und die politische entwicklung Magadhas in jenerzcit. Berlin 1930. 17 P. 78. No. 393-JHAVERI Krishnalal M. Some Farmans of Shah Jahan. The Modern Review, vol. XLVIII-pp. 27-30. Farmans in favour of the Jains of Gujarat. P. 84. No. 452. SAMSOOKHA, Puran Chand-A few notes on Pusyamitra and the Sunga Empire. Ind. Hist. Q. voi II No. I pp. 185-191. A controversy with R.P. Chanda concerning the restoration of the Jain Angas by Kharavela. P. 88. No. 483. TRIPATHI, Narayan-Kharavela and the Madala Panji. J. B. & O.R.S. vol. XII pp. 211-215. The Madala Panji is a chronicle maintained at the temple of Jagannatha in Puri......we have been able to equate Kharavela...... with Bhoje Raja--Bhoja Raja. P. 89. No. 490.-CODRINGTON, K. D.B. Ancient Sites near Ellora, Deccan. Ind. Ant. vol. LIX-pp.10-13. 37 ARTHURA C. MARCH-A Buddhist Bibliography, London-1935. No. 124. J.BIRD. 1847-Historical researches on the origin and principles of the Buddha and Jain Religions. Illustrated by descriptive accounts of the sculptures in the caves of Western India, with translations of the inscriptions from those of Kanari, Karli, Ajanta, Ellora, Nasik etc. 303. Encyclopaedia Britanica, 11th edi. Jaina. 408. J. FLEET. Notes on a Jain Inscription at Mathura. J.R.A.S. 1905. p. 635. 861. A SEN-Schools and Sects in Jaina literature. Cal. 1931. pp.55. An of the doctrines & practices of the philosophical and religious sects of Jaina canonical literature. 872. Chimanlal J. SHAH-Jainism in Northern India: 800 B.c.-526 A.D. History Research Institute, St. Xavier's college, Bombay. London, 1932. 940. Articles in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics-Mathura VIII. 494-5. Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY te 969-975. Alice Margaret STEVENSON. The Heart of Jainism, Oxford, 1915. pp. 336. Notes on Modern Jainism, Oxford, 1910. Festivals and Fasts. E.R.E., V. 875-9. Prayer E.R.E., X 493 --5. Svetambaras-E.R.E., XII. 123-4, Worship. E.R.E. XII. 799-802. 987 & 1231. AIYAR K.V. Subrahmanya. The Origin & Doctrine of Buddhism and Jainism in Southern India. I.A. 1911; J.R.A.S. 1911.pp. 209-218. 1314. Cecil BENDALL-Ancient Indian Sects & Orders mentioned by Buddhist Writers. J.R.A.S. 1901. pp. 122-7. 1348. J.G. BUHLER-On the Indian Sect of the Jains, Edited with an Outline of Jaina Mythology by James BURGESS. London. 1903. IV. 79. 1349. James BURGESS-Buddhist and Jainist Caves (1881-3) 3 vols. 1642--1643. Hermann Jacobi. Jaina Sutras-Vols. 22 & 45. Pt. I. The Acaranga-Sutra & Kalpa-Sutra. Pt.11. The Uttaradhyayana--sutra & Sutrakritanga-sutra. The Nestorian Monument. 1909. British Museum, Ottoz. 1358. Paul CARUS- C. 7 (10). 1644. K.P. JAIN-Mahavira & Buddha. B.S. (B.r.B. 634). pp. 113-177. 1645. Jaina references in Buddhist Literature I.H. Q. vol. II. 1926. P. 698. 1646. J. L. JAINI-Outlines of Jainism, edited by F. W. THOMAS. 1916. 1654. H.L. JHAVERI-- The first principles of the Jain Philosophy. London, 1910. 1669. A. Berriedale KEITH-Mahavira & the Buddha, B.S.O.S. (London). VI. 1932. pp. 859-66. 1767. Puranchand NAHAR-An Epitome of Jainism & its relation to modern thought. Calcutta 1917. 1792. C. F. OLDHAM-The Sun & the Serpent : a contribution to the History of Serpent worship, London 1905. pp. 207. -Chap. IX deals with Buddhism & Jainism in relation to sun & serpent worship. & Buddhist 1806. K.B. PATHAK. Kumarila's verses attacking the Jain notions of an Omniscient Being A.B.O.R.I. XII.2. pp. 123-31. Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1983. Edward Thomas--Jainism, the Early Faith of Asoka. J.R.A.S. 1877, pp. 155. Articles 1988. F.W. THOMAS-Outlines of Jainism 1916. (B.M.) Ac. 2091.-C in J.R.A.S. 2066. Herbert WARREN - Jainism in Western Garb, as a solution to life's great problems, Madras, 1912. 2086. M. WINTERNITZ - A History of Indian Literature Vol. II. Buddhist Literature and Taina Literature. Calcutta, 1933. Translated from the original German by Mrs. S. KETKAR & Miss H. KOHN & revised by the author. pp. 424-595. Jaina Literature. pp. 614-615. The year of the Death of Mahavira. 38 A.B.M. HABIBULLAH-Medieval Indo-Persian Literature, relating to Hindu Science and Philosophy, 1000-1800 A.D. - A Bibliographical Survey (I.H.Q. Vol. XIV. Calcutta, 1938). P. 170.- Jainism : Pancasata Gai (Govindacarya.) Dilaram (of Bijapur). Pancasata Gai (Persian commentary of the Sanskrit version of the original Prakrit collection of 346 distichs); Rieu. Add. 25022, copied 1796. Karmakanda (Ascribed to Nemicandracarya). Dilaram (of Bijapur). Karmakanda written for General Claud Martin) Persian commentary of the original Praktit text 1796. Rieu Add. 5022. ii, n.c., 1796 (1796 Rieu-Catalogue of Persian MSS. in the British Museum by C. Rieu. London, 1879. Supplement 1895) 39 Bibliography of Indian History & Oriental Research, Vol. 1, BRAZ. A. Fernandes for 1938, Bombay. Pp. 43-44. Jainism. BRAZ A. Fernandes--Annual Bibliography of Indian History And Vol. 11 for 1939, Bombay, 1941. Indology P. 74-75 Jainism. Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. Braz A. Fernandes--Annual Bibliography of Indian History And Indology-Vol. III, for 1940-- Bombay 1944. . Pp. 101-107 Jains and Jainism. BRAZ A. Fernandes-Annual Bibliography of Indian History and Indology. Vol. IV. for 1941-Bombay, 1946. Pp. 92-100 Jains and Jainism, BRAZ. A. Fernandes-Annual Bibliography of Indian History and Indology. Vol V. for 1942--Bombay, 1949. Pp. 92-99. Jains and Jainism. 40 George M. MORAES.-Bibliography of Indological Studies 1942, Bombay 1945. Pp xxvlll-xxlx. A note on Archaeological excavations in Pudukkottai State (1938-44)-by K.R. SRINIVASAN - Mounds called "samanar-tidal" ora (means Jain mound')--one such mound excavated in Mosakudi village-an extensive mound 4-5 ft. high, on its slope were a nude standing Tirthankara idol and a Yaksi; one idol of seated Parsvanatha removed from here to the state Museum. There is a Tamil inscription of the early Cola period on the moulding of the plinth and it gives the name of the place as Penenjar and of the temple as Perumpalli, During excavations were found a nude standing idol of Tirthankara, a lotus base of a Manastambha in stone, panels of gables and other figures made in stucco, and large quantities of large sized bricks; images of Adinatha, Parsvanatha and Mahavira, and Yaksi; traces of a compound wall 134 ft. long and 100 ft. wide round the temple; all sculptures of the Pallava period (7th-9th centuries A.D.). Another Jain mound in Nallur, 50' x 50' was excavated; seated image of Mahavira with triple umbrella, chowrie bearers, two lions. On a mound (85' X 58') in Sembattur were found 3 stone pillars, two pilaster, all with lion bases, idols of Mahavira, a Yaksi with an inscription, similar lion pillars belonging to this temple were traced out in temples of a much later date in two villages, nearby; features of the lion pillars and Mahavira indicate late Pallava times (8th-9th centuries A.D.), which the Yaksi's inscription is of the time of Cola, Rajaraj I (985-1014 A.D). These monuments illustrate the history of the temple architecture in the south and the evolution of the various motifs from the Pallava to the Cola period; they show certain indigeneous motifs mot found in the typically Pallava monuments round about Kanchi. Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY K. VENKATESWARA SARMA. Index of papers submitted to the All - India Oriental conference Sessions I to XII (1919-1944); Poona, 1949. Title Index : Adisvaracarita, the first book of the Tri sasti salakapurusacarita of Hemacandracarya (summary) Helen M. JOHNSON Vth Conf. Summaries, 67-70. Asoka and Jainism, KAMTA PRASAD JAIN. VIII conf; Sum. p. 71. Bhagvata and Jain religions, origin of the Prahlad C. DIVANJI Ann. Bh. Ori. Re. Inst. XXIII. XI. Sum. 117-18 pp 107-25. Brahmi Inscriptions, the caverns and, of Southern India H. KRISHNA SASTRI I conf. vol. ii, 327-48. Buddhism section, Praksts, Jainism and N.P. CHAKRAVARTI IX conf. pp. 659-68. Buddhist Studies, the present position of Prakrt, Jain and their future. Prakrta sec. A.N. UPADHYE, XI. conf. Jain Anti. VIII. & IX. pt. ii, 27 60. Camundaraya, Sangraha of (in Kannada) VIII, 125. Dhanabhuti, paleographic tests and the date of, and Kharavela, RAMAPRASAD CHANDA, II, Lii. Ditthirada, remnants of the Jaina Srutanga, H.L. JAIN, X conf. 214-32. Dharmapariksa, Harisena's, A. N. UPADHYE. XI con. 101-02 An. Bh. Or. Re. Ins. XXIII, 592-608. Dravidian languages section, Kannada and other. Antiquiry of the Kannada literature as compared with that of the literatures of the sister languages of South India R. NARASIMHACHAR. VIII con 801-13. Gomata colossus, the art of the, M.H. KRISHNA. VIII, 690-91. Haribhadrasuri, the date of, Muni Jinavijayaji. I. vol. I. c xxix-c xxvi. Harisena's Dharmaparik sa in Apabhramsa, A.N. UPADHYE An. Bh. Ori. Re. In. xxiii, 492-608. XI. 101-02. Jain Antiquities in Vidarbha, the ancient Berar Y. K. DESHPANDE. IX. 816-22. Jain frescos of Sittannavasal--600-640 A.D. K.R.SRINIVASAN X. sum. 130. Jain relief at Mathura, a nativity scene on a, V.S.AGRAWALA XII sum. ft. iii. p. iii. Jaina, A Critical examination of Svetambara and Digambara chronological traditions, H.C.SETH. XII sum. pt. ii pt. ii. 20-21. Jaina and Buddhist studies, the present position of Praket, and their future * A.N.UPADHYE. XI. pt. ii. Jain Anti. VIII. & IX. 27-60. Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jaina canonical literature, a dissertation on the earliest stratum in the development of the, P.C.BAGCHI, II. Liv. J. Dept. Lett. XIV, 1-7 (On the Purvas). Jaina classical Sanskrit literature, a note on the, P.C. NAHAR Jaina Dharma and Jaina Darsanas. SUBBIAI SASTRI VIII. sum. 49. Jaina epistemology. S.SRIKANTHA SASTRI VIII sum. 49. Jaina Ramayanas, the D.L.NARASIMHACHAR VIII sum. 58-59. Jainas, the mode of ascertaining the right time of study among the, AMULYACHANDRA SEN. XI. 106. Jainism, a hidden landmark in the story of, H.L.JAIN, XII. pt. I,B.C. Law vol. pt. ii. 51-60. 122-23. Jainism, Asoka and, KamTA PRASAD JAIN. VIII. Sum. 71. Jainism in Kannada literature. H.CHENNAKESAVA AYYANGAR, IX. 1299-1302. Jainism in South India, early history of, V.R.RAMACHANDRA DIKSHITAR VIII sum. 78-79. Jainism, mystic elements in, A.N. UPADHYEIX. 673-77. Jainism, Prakrts and, H.L.JAIN XII. vol. ii. 131-46. Jainism, women in, H.R.KAPADIA VII. 259-62. Jains, the, in Pudukkotta state. K.R. VENKATARAMAN IX. sum. 91-94 J. Or. Re. XIII. 1-14. Pali and Jain sources) Janaka, King, and the burning of Mithila (from C.V.RAJWADE I. vol. ii. 115-124. Jatasimhanandi of Kopbal inscription, A.N. UPADHYE X. sum. 80-81. Kannada language and literature, a brief account of the, R. NARASIMHA. CHARYA IV vol. i. pro. 58. Kannada language, and literature, a short survey of, K. NARASINCA RAO, V sum. 62-63. Kannada language, relationship between Praksts and the, R.S. PANCIIAMUKHI XI. sum. 270. Kannada language, state of the, from the early times to the 13th century A.D. H. SESHA AYYANGAR X. sum, 191, Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Kannada literature, chronological history in, H. CHENNAKESAVA IYENGAR, XI sum. 136-37. Karnataka-Sabdanusasana, authorship of, K. VARADACHAR, VIII Sum. 129-30. Kharavela, SUNITI KUMAR CHATTERJI VII Sum. 73. Kharavela and Pusyamitra, can, ever be contemporaries? T.L. SHAH. VII Sum. 131--33. (Ancient India, T. L. Shah) Kharavela's personal history: three points. B.M. BARUA V. vol. i. 364-385. Mahesvarasuri's Jhanapancamikatha-Study. A.S. GOPANI XI Suin. 103.-5. Manuscript Bhandars, the Jain, at Patan: a final word on their search. J.S. KUDALKAR I. vol. i. cvii-cix An. Bh. Or. Re. I. III, 35-52. Padmaprabha and his commentary on Viyamasara A.N. UPADHYE VIII. 42534. J. uni. Bom. XI. 100-10. Padmeparana, Paumacariya and, B.A. CHAUGULE XI. Sum, 103. Pataliputra, the Jain tradition of the origina of, P.C. NAHAR VI, 169-71. Paumacarija, the authorship and date of the oldest extant epic in the Jaina Maharastri language S.C. UPADHYAYA VII. 109. Rsabhadeva on the identification of an image K. MITRA In. H: Q. XVIII 261-66 sum 162-63. Sanskrit literature, a note on the Jaina classical, P.C. NAHAR II. li. Santale, the queen of Visnuvardhana (Hoyasala). R. CHAKRAVARTI VIII. Sum. 126. Silappatikaram, the date of, E.M. SUBRAHMANYA PILLAI. III. 229-33. Syadvada, reference to, in the Ardha-inagadhi canon. A.N. UPADHYE IX 609-72. Vratyas, the, A. CHAKRAVARTI III. Sumi-ii (Jain Gazette), xxi. 161 ff. Index to Journal of the American Oriental Society, volumes 21 to 60, New Haven, Connecticut, 1955. Subject Index P. 69. Jain, Jaina, Jainist. Jainism, Caritas and Prabandhas as chronicles, 36 55; categories 46 268 f; as Dravidian reaction, 39 125; Kalpasutra, date of a paper Wianuscript of 57 118 f. ; Katha(naka) writings, 36 55f.; Maharasyri, words found Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY in Vedas but not in classica! Sanskrit. 44.160; in North India, 52.393-395; nuns in Hindu fiction, 14.204, 236-242; sacred texts, earliest date of, 56.371 Sanskrit, correspondences with Buddhist Sanskrit, 40.342 f. ; words and forms, in Salibhadra Carita. 43. 287-290. 42 The western Ksatrapas, E. J.RAPSON---Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty. the Traikutaka Dynasty and the 'Bodhi' Dynasty, London 1908. P. XII. F.N. 1. Local Character of Indian Coin types; Inscriptions prove that Brahmanism, Buddhism and Jainism continued throughout the two centuries before end after Christ to flourish side by side. The coins, no doubt, reflect the particular form of religion which prevailed in the district in which they were struck. P. XVII: Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela: date of the inscription 157 B.C. Kharavela's accession 170. B.C. Viddharaja father and Ksemaraja Grandfather of Kharavela (alias Bhiksuraja); P.XXXIX Paithan on the Godavari in the Nizam's Dominions, the ancient Pratisthan, is in Jain legend the capital of king Salivahana (Satavahana) and his son Sakti-Kumara. CLXXV. Nandipada, the foot-print of Nandi. The symbol associated with the Figures and Siva and his bull but it is frequently seen, often in a more elaborate form, in Buddhist and Jain sculptures (e.g. The Jaina Stupi and other Antiquities of Mathura, Ar. Svr. Ind.XXpl. XL.) P. CLXXVII Symbols found on the most primitive coinage of Ancient India and most of them are of frequent occurence in inscriptions and sculptures, are common property of diverse sects in different parts of India-i. e. the Brahmans, the Buddhist and the Jains. 43 S.M. EDWARDES - A review of Catalogue of the Indian collections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston--by A.K, COOMARASWAMI --(Ind. Anti, vol. LIII-1924-Bombay). P. 184. The Museum possess, illustrated Jain MSS; salient features of Jainism) Pp. 273-276: The history of Jainism from the period to the modern times, remains to be written. The work attempts the value of Jain contribution to the rich and fruitful streams of south Indian Culture; origin and early history of Jainism; migration of the Jains; Jain faith from the Sangham age; the authors of Tiukural Tolkapiyar, Kalingathuparani were Jains; Kundakunda, the contemporary and instructor of Sivaskanda of Kanchi 'n the first century A.D.; Tiruvalluvar not a Jain; Tolkapiyar was a Jain (according to Panan-baranar a contemporary); the Tamil Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 25 work Periyapuranam reflate with fanciful account of miraculous incidents which no modern student of history would care to accept; Appar a Jain spending his life in the Jain-cloisters at Tirupapuliyur. Confusing persecution of the Jainsimpalement of 8000 Jains; the frescoes on the walls of the 'Golden-city tank at Madura (Minakshi temple); the age of the Alvars-exhibits a confusion; the Kalabhras were Jains not supported by evidence. Age of the Sangam. 44 S.M. EDWARDS : Book Notice : Catalogue of the Indian Collections in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston-1924. (Ind. Ant. Vol. LV-1926-Bombay). - P. 40. Character of the Jaina religion; legends connected with Mahavira, Parsvanatha & other protogonists of Jaina tradition and the Jaina cosmology; literature and paintings; miniatures reproduced from Ms.; the art of Jaina paintings, represents the survival of an old hieratic tradition; contains 39 plates. 45 (J.U.P. H.S.) Vol. 23 V.S. AGRAWALA--Catalogue of the Mathura Museum (1950) Lucknow, 1952. Pp. 36-51---Jain Tirthankara Images : (a) Dated images of the Kushana period : Descriptions and find places are given. B. 71-Stele with 4 nude Jinas : Ins. Text. Trans. mention Sam. 4 Kotiya Gana, Uchenagara Sakha, the Brahmadasika Kula; Mihila. 1565 : Fragmentpedestal of a Jina image. Ins. Text. translation mentions year 33, disciple of the preacher Arya. (Reign of Huvishka). B. 70-Stele-4 nude Jinas Ins. Text. Tr. 35th year; Kottiya, Brahmadasika , Uchchanagari, Srigriha (Sambhoga). B. 29.- Fragments--pedestal of a Jina. Ins. Text. Tr. Huvishka, year 50, (Kushana period). 490-Fragment of a Tirthankara Image Ins. Text, trans, mentions year 84 (162 A.D.) Vardhamana-pratima, a gift of Okharika, daughter of Damitra and Data; Satyasena, dharbeidhi, of the Kottiya Gana. B. 2--Image of Jina. Ins. Text Tr. mentions year 83 Maharaja Vasudeva ; gift of Jinadasi, daughter of Sena. B. 3-Image of Jina. Ins. Text. Tr. year 83. B. 4 Image of Adinatha or Rishabhanatha-Ins. Text. Tr. mentions Vasudeva, year 84, Kotabhava Ainnra, Bhatadatta Ugabhinaka, Kumaradatta, Bhagavato Arhato, Rishabhasya pratima. Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. B. 5-Image of Jina. Ins. Text. mentions --Kottiya Gana. . Undated Kushana Images, both inscribed and uninscribed. B. 8--Image of a Jina. B. 9-Torso of a Jina. B.12--Image of a Jina. B.13--Image of a Jina. B.14-Fragment of a statue of a Jina. Ins. Text. Tr. mentions--preacher Siha, the pupil of Datta . B.16--Statuette of a Tirthankara. B.17--Statuette of a Jina. Ins. Text. mentions Dharmamitra, Jada, Dhimabodhiya. B.18-Statuette of a Jina Ins. Text. Tr. Kottiya Gana, Vachchhalika Kula, Vadhamana pratima; Choda Rishidasa. B.27---Fragment of a Jina. B.30--Fragment of a Jina. B.32--Image of a Jina. B.34 to B. 42-Torsos of Jinas. . B.43--Fragment of a Jina. B. 55, B. 57, B. 58, B. 62-Heads of Jinas. B.63--Statuette of a Jina. - B.64--Fragment. B.67--Stele with- 2 nude Jinas--one with seven hooded Naga and the other with straight hair falling on both shoulders. B. 68-Stele with 4 nude Jinas Ins. Text. (Kushana period). B. 69- Stele with 4 nude Jinas. Ins. Text. mention Sanghadeva. B. 72-Stele with 4 nude Jinas. B. 73--Stele with 4 nude Jinas. B. 78--Head of a sina. 272-Fragment of a Tirthan kara image. Ins. begins Siddha (Kushana period). 276-Pedestal of a four-fold Jina. Ins. Text. Tr. mentions gift of Bhuttidama of Abhisara (Town) Preacher Rishidasa, Kushan Period. Abhisar, the Aisares of the Greeks identified with Hazara, the north-western district of the Peshawar Divisions. 291-Headless image of a Tirthankara. Inscription (Kushana period). 373--Fragment--portion of Jina figure. Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 22 ** 396--Fragment of a Jina Ins.--dedicated in the reign of Kanishka (Kushana period). 397- Fragment of Tirthankar Statuette defaced Ins. 433-. Fragment of a colossal Jina (Kushana period). 560_Upper portion of a four-fold Jina. Kushana. 564-Bust of a Jina. Kushana. 576-Fragmentary bust. Kushana. 577-Upper part of a Jina. 723-Head of a Jina. Kushana. 741-Bust of a Jina. Kushana. 790.- Fragment of a pedestal of a Jina. Ins, mentioned Vachaka-Kushana. 794-Fragmentary bas-relief Kushana period. 972--Fragmentary image--Ins. Text. Tr. mention Riddhila, pupil of Naga nandi; Sabha, Bhavanaka, Datila Kushana. 1011-Statuette of Tirthankar. Kushana. 1260- Head of a Jina. Kushana. 1262- Fragment of a Jina. Ins. Text. mentions Arahitta-Chetiya. 1263-Fragment of a Jina. Ins. Text. mention Jayadasa, Sisurika. Later Kushana period 3rd Centr. A.D. 1531--Head of a Tirthankar. Kushana, 1535-Head of Tirthankar. Kushana. 1940-Detached head of a Colossal image. 1977-Statuette. Kushana. 2082-. Pedestal of a Jina. Kushana. 2126--Fragment of a seated Vardhamana. Ins. Text. Tr. mention--Vardha mana image, Data, Dharmadeva, Bhavadeva. 2483-Fragment. 2 naked Jinas with parasols. Kushana. 2488--Tirthankar-Kushana. 2502---Upper part of an image--bust of Neminatha, Four-armed figure of a Nagaraja with seven hoods, identified with Balarama on account of Hala symbol in his hand; left figure, four-armed Vishnu. Late Kushana period, 2555-Head of a Jina. Kushana. 2605---Pedestal Ins. Brahmi. Pp. 52-71. Tirthankara. Images of the Gupta period. Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY B.1--Image of a colossal Jina. Gupta Period on account of its ornamental halo and the treatment of the hair. B.6-Image of Rshabhanatha attended by Nami and Vinami. B.7-Statuette of Rshabhanatha. B.11-Image of a Jina. B.15-Statuette of a Jina; on the base 8 worshippers on both sides of a wheel placed on a pillar. Similar devotional scenes found on Gandhara image. Ins. Text. Tran. 75th year. Dr. Vogel refers the date to the Gupta era. But the drapery and headdress of the attendant makes it Kushana era. B.28-Fragment : lower portion of a Jina. B.31 --Fragmennt of a Jina, a wheel on the throne. Ins. Text. year 97 mentions Kottiya Gana, Vajri Sakha. Gupta era, because of the style of the figures and script. A.D. 416 (Kumara Gupta). B.33-Fragment of a torso of Rshabhanatha. Gupta B.44-- Mask of the head of a Jina. B.45-Mask of the head of a Jina. Gupta. B.46 to B.54-- Heads of Jinas. B.59-Fragment of the head of a Jina. B.60. -doB.61. -doB.74-Fragment of a stele similar to Nos. 65-73. B.75-Sculpture--a Tirthankara, a wheel and two dcers, figure lines of Kubera with his money bag and of the goddess of fertility who holds a child and the sun, the moon and the five planets; Compare B.66 for figures of the eight planets, and B. 65 for Kubera and his wife. The sculpture forms a transition between the Tirthankara figures of the Gupta period like No. B. 6, 7 and 33 and those of the late middle ages like No. B. 77. 134-Head of a Jina with curly hair and elongated earlobes-Gupta. 268-Stele with a nude Rshabhanatha. Ins. Text. Tr. mentioned Rshabhapratima, Samudra, Sagara and Sangaraka. The value of the record list in the name of the Jina given, i.e. Rshabhanatha, who is represented with loose locks on both shoulders. Compare B.6, B.7 and B.33, B.65, B.66, etc. Early fourth century A.D. 488-Upper left of an image. Gupta. 565--Head. Gupta. 566--Head, 624-Bust of a Jina. Gupta. 959--Headless Jina. Gupta. Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 29 983-Statuette. Gupta. 1388--Pedestal; symbol mina, mithuna according to the Digambaras the cognizance of the 18th Jina Aranatha. According to the Svetambaras the Nandyavarta symbol is given to Aranatha. Gupta. 1941--Head, Gupta. 2100-Head, hair arranged in S-shaped curves. Gupta. 2348-Head, hair arranged in parallel crescent like waves. Gupta. 2499-Head, hair in parallel crescents. Gupta. Pp. 58-65. Tirthankara images of the Medieval period. A.60-Statuette, two lions with a Dharmachakra between them. The circular piece of cloth marked on the rim under the legs makes it a Svetambara image. Medieval period. B.10-Lower portion of a seated Jina. B.91 - Image of a Jina. B.20---Image of a Jina. B.21--Statuette, Adinatha or Vrishabhanatha. A piece of cloth with garlands hangs down from the seat; below a couchant bull with other 24 Jinas. Ins. Nagari. Text. Om Pamdita Sri Ganavara- Devaya. B. 29--Statuette--Neminatha. Ins. Text. Samvat. 1104 (A.D. 1047) mention Sri Bhadresvaracharya Gachchha Mahila. B.23--Statuette-Ins. Maha Sudi 8. B.24 - Fragment. Indistinct Nagari Ins. S. 1234 (1177 A.D.) B.25 --Statuette, Ins. Text. Tr. The year 1826 in the reign of Maharaja. Raja Kehar Singh at the Town of Dig. Mahananda Sagar Suri Chowdhary Jodh Raj of the Pallivala Clan of the Magiha family; resident of the town of Harasana. B.26--Statuette either Suparsva or Parsvanatha. B.65-Stele with a nude Jina, 7 headed Naga, Kubera and Hariti. NOTE :- Quadruple Tirthankar image like B.65-74 are designated in the inscription as pratima sarvato bhadrika "an image auspicious on all sides." Also Chaumukha. B.66-Stele with 4 nude Jinas, between each pair of lions is a wheel. In, one are two kneeling human figures on both sides of the wheel; nine planets. B.76-Sculpture-Adinatha or Voishabhanatha bull, lock of hair on the shoulder Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY B.77 --Image.Neminatha; an ornamental cloth hangs down between the two lions; Medieval. B.79--Statuette. B.80--Statuette. G.46-Fragment--a nude Jina and a Yakshini seated with a child on her left knee. 251-Image, Parsvanatha, Dharamchakra between two lions. Early Medieval. 259-Headless Tirthankar. Medieval. 536-Stele 24 Jinas. Medieval period. 553-- Architectural piece with Jinas. Early medieval.. 557-Headless Jina. Medieval. 559-Fragment of a Chaumukhi, Adinatha and Suparsvanatha. Early Medieval. 715-Fragment. 1194-Image. Triple Parasole. Medieval. 1207--Image, locks of hair on shoulders-Rshabhanatha. 1504-Tirthankara--Dharmachakra between two lions a deer like that on B. 75. Early Med. 1505-Parsvanatha. Med. 1529--Stele Pratima Sarvotobhadrika. Med. 1693-Arhat's head. Med. 2123 Headless Jina with Sasana Devatas. Med. 27384 Image of Neminatha four armed Balarama holding a cup; four-armed Vasudeva with his usual ayudha. (See No. 2602) Early Med. 2796-Headless Jina. Dated Sam. 1548, Vaisakha Sudi. Digambar. Pp. 65-69 Miscellaneous Jain Images. D.6--Statuette of Goddess Chakresvari, the Yakshi of Rshabhanatha; supported by a Garuda. 1.7-Statuette. Ambika; she holds a bunch of flowers. At the other side is a miniature Ganesa; a Kubera; beneath are eight figures, probably Saktis ; Balarama holding hala and musala ; Vishnu holding padma and gada, chakra & Sankha. See No. 2502. E.1-Statuette of Nemesa or Naigamesa who presides over child-birth. Kushana period. E.2-Goat-headed goddess. E.3-Goat-headed goddess-a replica of No. E.2. E.4-Female Kushana. Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY E.5-Fragment of a female figure." For figures E.1. E.5--See Jain Antiquary, Arrah, March 1937. Pp. 75-79 "The presiding Deity of Child-birth among the ancient Jainas with special reference to figures in the Mathura Museum". 278-Sculptures; a miniature Tirthankara; on the trunk of the tree is an ascending lizard. On the pedestal two butting rams and a group of 6 children. Cf. R. 50, 1111 and 1578. A.S.R. 1924-25. 799.--Statuette; Naigamesa. Kushana. 909--Statuette. Goat-headed male. Kushana. 1001--Head of Naigamesa. Kushana. 1046--Statuette. Goat-headed Nigamesa. Kushana. 1092-Statuette. Goat-headed goddess. Med. 1111-Statuette--a male & female; on the tree a Tirthankara; the female carries a child. Compare with Nos. 278 and 1578. See A.S.R. 1924-25. Med. 1115--Statuette. Harinaigamesa, goat-headed. Kushana. 1210--Statuette. Goat-headed goddess. Kushana. 1578-Statuettee. Dampati; a Tirthankar on a tree; the female holds a child; 7 miniature figures. Med. Cf. 278 and 1111. 2482_Goat-faced Harinigamesa. Kushana. 2547-Image. Harinaigamesa, 4 children. Kushana. Pp. 69-71-Ajaga Patas 2.2. Tablet of Homage or Ayagr-pata. Carved with a complete stupa and Gateway (torana) with 3 architraves; description given. Inscription Text. Tran. Adoration to the Arhat Vardhamana. Lonasobhika etc. devkula, a Temple which enshrined an image for religious worship. 569-Fragment part of an Ayagapatta. Kushana. " 1603---Fragment of an Ayagapatta. Ins. text. mentions-Kottiya Gana Thanikiyu Kula. 2313-Fragment. Brahmi Ins. Kusana. 2563-Fragment of an Ayagapatla. Ins. Text year 21, (78 A.D.) in honour of Arhat. 46 Dayaram SAHANI Guide to the Buddhist Ruins of Sarnath, Simla 1923. P. 13-A Stupa was built either to enshrine the corporeal remains of a saint or other great personage, or as a memorial of some remarkable event. Edifices of this kind were erected by the Jains as well as by the Buddhists. Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 36--Dhamekh Stupa above the paved terrace of the Jaina temple adjoining P. 38--This Jain temple is a modern temple, dedicated to the 11th Jaina patriarch Sreyansanatha and was erected in 1824 A.D. 47 Agarchand NAHATA--Palm-leaf Mss. from Shri Mohanlalji Jaina Juana Bhandara Surat (Summaries of papers, A.I.O.C., XXth Session 1959) Bhubaneswar, 1959. P. 93--Gives brief notices of a number of palm-leaf mss. at the said Bhandara 48 V. RAGHAVAN. Some new collections of Sanskrit Manuscripts (proc. and trans. A.I.O.C., XIXth Session) Delhi, 1961 part 11. P. 56-A rich Jain collection, 3000 strong at Nagaur, District Headquarters between Jodhpur and Bikaner. At Sikar, there is a Mahavira Pustakalaya, which has a Jaina manuscript collection. Rajasthan possesses about 300 Jain Mandirs and most of them have manuscripts. P. 57--There are many (about 60,000 mss.) Jain collections in Ahmedabad. Catalogorum of the Jain H.D. VELANKAR Jinaratnakosa or the Catalogus & manuscripts. (P.O. Vol. VIII 1943) P. i-editorial. 50 H.H. WILSON. The Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the oriental manuscripts collected by C. MACKENZIE. Second edition. Calcutta, 1828. The mission accomplished at the commencement of the 19th century by C. MACKENZIE in the province of Mysore was especially fruitful as regards Jainism, of which it inaugurated some sort of scientific study. It indulges, indeed, in collecting for the first time an important series of historical decuments and a rich collection of manuscripts. Among these it is necessary to make a place aside to the Puranas. The most celebrated are due to Jinasena, preceptor of the king Amoghavarssa, the First. Historical Notes Pages. 40-41 Development of Jainism in the Deccan. Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 42. The Jaina grottos of Elura. 62. Spread of the Jaina religion under the princes of the Kadamba dynasty. 65. Accounts of the kings of the name of Ballala, of the Hoysala dynasty, who professed the Jaina faith. Manuscripts. The principal manuscripts described (Pp. 176-188) are: The Adipurana the Ullarapurana, the Camundarayapurana (with translation of two passages), the Jinadattara pacaritra, the Kalpasutra, the Dharmamstakatha and the Agamasamgraha. Pp. 599-621. Account of an archaeological mission containing some indications relating to the Jains. Simon Casie CHITTY. A Catalogue of Books in the Tamil Language with the names of the authors, the subjects and the dates, as far as they can be ascertained (JCBRAS, 1849, Pp. 53-73). P.: 53. Nannul, a grammar written by a Jain ascetic, named Pavanandi, and inscribed to the king Seyakanga, who is conjectured to have reigned at Madura about 800 years ago. P. 54. Karigai, a treatise on versification, by a Jain ascetic named Amsta Sagara. P. 58. Sulamani Nighantu, a vocabulary written by Vira Mandala, a Jain king. Neither the name of his kingdom nor the chronology of his reign is known. P. 63. Chintamani, a poem in 10 cantos. The name of its author is not mentioned but described as a Jain sage. 8o. 51 W. TAYLOR.- A Catalogue systematic (Sic) of oriental manuscripts in the Library of the (Late) College Fort Saint George. 3 volumes-Madras, 1857-1862. A certain number of Jaina manuscripts are described or marked out in this work. VOLUME I. Pages 369-391 Reviews on 45 mss. 475. Jainapujavidhana. VOLUME II 681. Collection of legends entitled "Trisastilaksanapurana". VOLUME III 74-82 Reviews on 9 mss, among others the "Caturvimsatipurana", 242-252 Reviews on 24 mss. Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 639. Reviews on 3 mss. 688. "Adipurana". 52 Th. AUFERCHT--Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae Pars octava, codices sanscriticos complectens.-Oxford, 1864. Jaina Manuscripts. No. 326. "Simhasanadvatrims at putrikavartta" (Vikramacarita), important Jaina recension, at least by the prologue where it is said that Siddhasena Divakara engaged the king Vikramaditya to show himself tolerant towards the Jainism. 329. "Bharatakadvatnimsika", with the text of the recitals 4, 13 and 25. 378-380. Two 'Dhatupatha' after the grammatical system of Hemacandra and the "Vibhramasutra", attributed to this author, with commentary of Ganacandra. 410-411. Book VIII of the grammar of Hemacandra, dealing with the Prakrit grammar. 422-426. "Abhidhanacintamani" of Hemacandra. Collection Wilson (Pp. 361. 388). 161. "Tripancasatkriyakatha," explanation of 53 Jaina rites by Krsnasimha. 261. "Pancasadgatha," in Prakrit, with Sanskrit version & Persian commentary 262. "Karmakanda", in Prakrit with Persian commentary. 263. "Kalpasqytravyakhya", commentary on the Kalpasutra. 264. "Satrunjayamahatirthamahatmya" by Dhanesvarasuri. 265. "Svamikarttikeyanupreksa" in Hindi, by Jaycandra. 266. (a) "Laghusantipurana" by Asaga. (b) "Guruparipali" or enumeration of Jaina masters. 267. (a) "Vimalanathapurana" by Krisnadasa. (b) Santipurana" by Asaga. 268. "Sripalacarita" in Hindi by Parimalla. 269, "Purusarthasiddhyupaya" by Amrtacandrasuri. 270. "Atmanusasana" by Gunabhadra. 271. "Satrunjayamahatirthamahatmya". 370. Jaina Prayers. 371. (a) Jivavicatuprakaranavrtit", commentary on the "Twvavicara of Santisuri, by Ksmakalyana. Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 35 (b). "Jivavicaraprakarana" by Santisuri. (c) Jinadharma. (d) "Puryusanastahnika", in Hindusthani. 390. (a) "Gotamathreccha" in Prakrit, with Sanskrit commentary by Mativardhana. (b) "Navatattva", with Sanskrit commentary by Sadhuratnasuri. (c) "Navat attvabalavabodha" by Somasundara. (d) Navatattva. (e) "Sravakavrata". (f) "Karmagranthiprathamavicara", work in Hindi in honour of Parsvanatha. (g) "Kriyasthanakavicara", in Prakrit. 458. "Pancatthiyasamgahasutta" by Kundakundacarya with Sanskrit commentary. Collection Mill (Pp. 388-396). 36. Kalpasutra. 57-58. "Trisastilaksanamahapuranasamgrha". Jaina epic commenced by Jinasena and terminated by Gunabhadra. 70. "Parsvanathakavya" by Padmasundara. Collection Walker (Pp. 396-402). 124-125. (a) "Jivabhigamasutra" with commentary of Malayagiri. (b) "Gunasthanaprakarana" by Ratnasekhara. 181. "Niryuktibhasya" commentary in Guzrati on certain Jaina precepts by Bhavyajivana. 205. "Karpuraprakarana." by Hari. 206. (a) "Gacchacaraprakirnakasutra". (b) A Jaina recital. Collection Fraser (Pp. 403-404). No. 34 "Siddhantasara" in Guzrati. 38. "Jivavicara". Collection Ouseley (P. 406). 136. Images of the 24 Tirthankaras and prayers in their honour. 53 John MURDOCH. Classified Catalogue of Tamil printed Books, etc. Madras, 1865. Pp. xxii-xxiii. Oldest Tamil works now extant, are those which are written, or claimed to have been written, by the Jains, or which date from the era of the literary activity of the Jain sect. Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 . JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jains of the old Pandya country animated by a national and anti-Brahmanical feeling of peculiar strength. Extent of the Jain period probably from the 8th or 9th century A.D. to the 12th or 13th. the Pandya country in the reign of Sundar Jains finally expelled from Pandya. Tol-Kappaya, a grammar, written at the very commencement of the Jain period, or about the 8th century A.D. In Tiruvalluvar's age Jainism was rather an esoteric ethical school than an independent objective system of religion. * The poem Chintamani written by a Jain probably in the 10th cent. A.D. The Nan-nul, a Tamil grammar and the poetical vocabularies written by Jain Scholars came later than Chintamani. P. ixxxiii. Amirtasakarar, a Jain, was a Sanskrit as well as a Tamil.. scholar. He wrote Karikai, a grammar on Tamil verse. Appavaiyar, author of Tandava Malai, said to have been a Jain. Appar though born of saiva parents, entered a Jain monastery-Later returned to Saivism again-Lived about the 10th century A.D. P. ixxxix. Mandala Purudar, a Jain ascetic, said to have lived in the time of Raja Krisna Rayar who reigned at Vijayanagar in the beginning of the 16th century-wrote tho poetic lexicon Churamani Nikanda. P. xcii. Pavanandi, a Jain living at Sanakapur--wrote the Tamil grammar Nan-nul. P. xciv. Kuna Pandya, first a follower of the Jain religion, afterwards embraced Saivism under the influence of Sambandar, and was induced by him to impale 8000 Jains at Madura. Pp. 65-66. Some finest compositions in the Tamil language are attributed to the Jains-Jains increased by immigrations from the north-At first the Buddhist and the Jain sects lived peacefully together in South India-Defeat of the Buddhists in a great dispute in the reign of Himasitala, the Buddhist king of Conjeveram, about 800 A.D.-Jains overcome by the Saivas, headed by Sambandar, at the time of Kuna Pandya of Madura, about 10th century A.D.--8000 learned Jains put themselves on the impaling stakes. P. 67. Ramanuja's success in converting the King of Mysore from Jainism to Vaisnavism. Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 37 P. 70. Extermination of almost all the Jains in some parts of the Deccan by the Vira Saivas. P. 73. A few adherents of Jainism found around Conjeveram-None of their religious books seem to have been printed. P. 182. The Chintamani written by a Jain in about the 10th century A.D.The commentator styles the author as "the master of the learned". 54 G. Buhler. Report on Sanskrit mss., 1869.-- Bombay, 1869. In this report it is only question of the visit made by BUHLER to several Jaina priests; of the examination of their libraries, of the making out of lists of Jaina books and of negociations in view of purchase of different manuscripts. Th. AUFRECHT, A catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge.-Cambridge-London, 1869. In matter of works which have some reference to Jainism, this catalogue mentions only two manuscripts : Number 66a. Commencement of a short recension of the "Simha sanadvatrimsatika". 68. The "Simhasanadvatrimsatika" attributed now to Vararuci. The text of the 7th recital is given as specimen. 55 F. KIELHORN. Report on the search for Sanskrit mss. in the Bombay Presidency, during the year 1869-70.--Poona, 1870. List of 120 manuscripts, among which are 40 Jaina works. Other list of 15 manuscripts, of which 5 are of Jaina works. 56 G. BUHLER. Report on Sanskrit mss., 1870-71.-Surat, 1871. List of 13 manuscripts of Jaina works, comprising : Dharma ... 7 mss. Grammer ... 2 mss. Religious poetry ... 3 mss. Astronomy ... 1 mss. 57 G. BUHLER. Report on Sanskrit mss. 1871-72-Surat, 1872. List of 270 Jaina manuscripts, comprising : Dharma ... 114 mss. Legends, History ... 67 mss. Poetry ... 63 mss. Diverse Treatises ... 26 mss. A summary of this Report is found in the "Indian Antiquary" vol. I, Pp. 379-380. 58 G. BUHLER. Report on Sanskrit mss., 1872-73.-Bombay, 1874. Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages : Report. 1-2. Review on the copiousness of certain Jaina libraries at Cambay, Limdi and Ahmedabad. 4-5. Reviews on the manuscripts of the "BIhatkalpasutra" of the "Acaraugasutra", of the "Nisithasutra", and of the "Vyavaharasutra", written on the leaves of palm-Tree. 5. Some notes of Jaina paleography, in particular on the letters i and gh. 6. Brief historical notes on the celebrated Jaina commentators, Haribhadra, Abhayadeva and Malayagiri. 6-7. Some remarks on the chief interest which the 'Desisabdasamgraha' Hemacandra and the "Paiyalacchinamamala" of Dhanapala present.. Catalogue. Pp. 9-17. List of 123 Jaina manuscripts which are classed in the following manner. Dharma ... 72 mss. Legends, history ... 23 mss. Poetry ... 9 mss. Diverse treatises. 19 mss. Summary in the "Indian Antiquary" vol. II. *Pp. 304-305. G. BUHLER. Report on sanskrit mss., 1873-74.-Surat, 1875. Acquisition of Jaina manuscripts, consisting especially of commentaries on the sutras and of several historical legends. Visit of a celebrated and very rich Jaina Library at Tharad. A certain number of works deals with the history of the Jainism. Acquisition, at Jodhpur, of important manuscripts of grammatical and lexicographical work of Hemacandra. Visit of the library of the temple of Parsvanatha, at Jessalmer; it contains some Jaina works of great rarity. Jessalmer possesses also some Jaira private Libraries. Review on a beautiful manuscript of the "Paiyalacchi", and on "Mahaviracarita" by Hemacandra. 59 G. BUHLER. Report on Sanskrit mss., 1874-75.--Girgaum, 1875. P 2. Report on the library of the Tapa sect., at Ahmedabed. This library contains 887 manuscripts some of which are rare, among others the "Prabhavakacaritra", which sets forth the life of the Jaina masters posterior to Vajrasvamin. Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 2-3, Visit to the library of Bhattarakji Jivankul, at Bhuj. Among the 614 manuscripts of this collection is found an ancient copy of the "Mahanisithasutra" with Guzrati version. Pp. 3-6. Visit to Patan. This town, to-day as in the past, is the most important Jaina centre. A considerable number of Sravakas have fixed their residence there, and one counts there more than twelve monasteries, some of which go up to the period of the Caulukya kings. Among the Jaina libraries, three are the object of special mention. The first, the Pophliapadano Bhandar, contains about 500 manuscripts, among which some canonical treatises, a collection of legends in Prakrit and two works of Hemacandra. The Bhabhanapadano Bhandar includes approximately 300 manuscripts, among others that of the "Jamalis tra". 39 At last, nearly 500 manuscripts are found in the "Sanghavinapadano Bhandar", especially the complete collection of the Jaina Agamas, with bhasyas, curnis vrttis. P. 13. Review on the "Trisastisalahapurusacarita", containing the detailed biography of Mahavira, by Hemacandra, and on a copy of the "Paiyalacchinamamala" of Dhanapala. Pp. 20-21. List of 15 Jaina manuscripts, namely: Biography 2 mss. Dharma ... 6 mss. 1 mss. Diverse Poetry 6 mss. See a short summary in the "Indian Antiquary" vol. IV. P. 314-316. 60 ... Rajakiya--Varanasi-Vidyamandira-Sarasvati Bhavana-Vartti-Pustakanamsucipatram (Pandit, vol. IX-X, Supplement).-Benares, 1869-1875. P. ccxi-ccxii. List of 131 Jaina manuscripts. G. BUHLER. On the celebrated Bhandar of Sanskrit mss. at Jessalmir (I. Q. vol. IV, P. 81-83)-Bombay, 1875. Jessalmer is today one of the principal Jaina centres of India. This town was founded towards the middle of the 12th century, after the destruction of Lodorva, the ancient capital of the Bhatti Rajputs. The Jains who, from Lodorva, came to settle at Jessalmir, brought with them a statue of Parivanatha, for which they construted a temple in the 15th century under the pontificate of Jinabhadra suri. Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Eventually, six other temples were successively constructed and dedicated to other Tirthakaras. The Jaina Library of Jessalmer is celebrated among all. It contains some manuscripts on leaves of palm trees and on paper. The manuscripts on leaves of plam tree consist only of a "Dharmottaravstti", a "Kamalasilatarka" a "Pratyekabuddhacarita", a "Visesavas yaka", some fragments of sutras a great part of the grammar of Hemacandra, and a commentary ("Anekarthakairavakarakaumudi!') composed by Hemacandra himself on his "Anekarthasan graha". The manuscripts on paper comprise a magnificent collection of canonical sutras, dating from the 15h century. 61 * Rajendralala Mitra. Report on the search for Sanskrit mss. during the year 1874Calcutta, 1875. This report mentions a collection of 7 Jaina treatises without indicating the titles of them, J. C. NESFIELD and Deviprasada. A catalogue of sanskrit manuscripts existing in Oudh.-Oudh-Calcutta-Allahabad. 1.1875---Oudh 1875. Pp. 34-35. Information on the "Samyaktvakaumudi" by Prabhacandradeva. II. September 1875-Oudh 1875. Pp. 50-53. List of 15 Jaina manuscripts. III. Fasciculus XI.-Calcutta 1878. Pp. 34-37. List of 16 Jaina manuscripts. IV. Fasciculus XIII, for the year 1880-Allahabad, 1881. Pp. 114-115. Information on the "Acaradyota" by Madanasimhadeva. V. For the year 1881-Allahabad, 1882. Pp. 112-113. List of 3 Jaina manuscripts. VI. For the year 1887--Allahabad 1888. Pp. 132-133. List of 3 Jaina manuscripts. 62 G. BUHLER. Detailed Report of a tour in search of Sanskrit mss, made in Kashmir Rajputana and Central India--Bombay, 1877. Appendix I. P xxxxi--L. List of 228 Jaina manuscripts, comprising 141 digambara works and 87 svetambara works, Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY T : Appendix III. G CLXXI. Other list of 6 Jaina manuscripts. A. E. Gough. Papers relating to the collection and preservation of the Records of ancient Sanskrit literature in India.-Calcutta, 1878. This Volume is a Collection of letters, memoirs, reports, etc. concerning the search of the Sanskrit manuscripts in India. Among these documents, those in which there is question of Jaina works are the following: Pages. 14--37 Raj MITRA, Report of 1875. 49-58 G. BUHLER ... 1869. 61--75 F. KIELHORN ... 1870. 75-80 G. BUHLER 1870-71. 82-99 G. BUHLER 1871-1872. 100--113 G. BUHLER 1872-1873. 115--120 G. BUHLER 1873-1874. 125-137 G. BUHLER 1874-1875. 63 J.C. NESFIELD, DEVIPRASADA and Rajendralala MITRA. List of Sanskrit manuscripts discovered in Oudh during the year 1876_Calcutta, 1878. P. 34-35. Information on two Jaina manuscripts, the "Aryastasahasrika", anonymous collection of stanzas in honour of Mahavira, and the "Sarvarasasubhasitavali" of Srivibudhanikara. 64 Liste der indischen Handschriften im Besitze des Prof. H. Jacobi in Munster i.W. (Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Vol. (XXXIII, Pp. 693-697).- Leipzig, 1879. The Jaina Collection comprises 88 manuscripts divided in the following manner : Canonical treatises 48 mss. Other treatises 40 mss. Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Among the last is found all a series of Stotras. 65 A.C. BURNELL. A Classified index to the Sanskrit mss. in the palace at Tanjore, 3 Parts-London, 1879-1880. Page. Manuscripts. Part I. 46. Abhidhanacintamani, 49. Anekarthasangraha. 57. Vagbhatalamkara, with a notice on the conversion of the author, Vagbhta, who abandoned the Brahmanism. 66. Jainism. Kalyanakaraka by Ugradityacarya. Part II: 123. "Avatdikadarsanasangraha" of Gangadha-ravajapeyayajin; appeared to be extract of the "Sarvadarsanasangraha", explain the doctrines of the four Buddhistic schools and terminate by a sketch on the Jaina opinions. 155. "Maghakavyatika" by Caritravardhanacarya. 157. "Gadyacintamani" by Vadibhasimha. 160. "Bhojacarita". G. BUHLER. Report on Sanskrit mss., 1879-80--Bombay, 1880. Visit to the libraries of Anahilvad--patan and of Cambay. The library of temple of Santinatha, at Cambay, contains a great number of 'Jaina works, among which several "Prabandhas". Among the manuscripts examined in the libraries of Anahilvad-Patan, BUHLER points out in particular the "Dvya srava" and the "Kumarapalacarita" of Hemacandra. (Reproduced in the Indian Antiquary. Vol. X, Pp. 43-46.) 66 Rajendralala MITRA. A catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the library of his Highness the Maharaja of Bikaner-Calcutta, 1880. Pp. 668-705. List of 90 Jaina manuscripts, with short indication of the contents of each of them. The commencement and the end are given in ihe orgie nal text, Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 1460. Alamkaracudamanilaka, Prakrit Commentary camposed by Hemacandra on his treatise of Sanskrit rhetoric. 1463. Bhaktamarastotra of Manatungasuri. 1468. Chandraprabhapurana by Jinavardhanasuri. 1469. Daivajnadipavatika, treatise of liturgical astronomy, without name of author. 1474. Duritaharastotra, hymn in honour of mahavira, by Jinavallabhacarya. 1482. Jainasarvabhtosa, exposition of the Nyaya doctrin according to Jaina point of view, by Pancayasavijayagani. 1485. Jivabhigamasutra, with the commentary of Malayagiri. 1491. Mahaviracaritratika, commentary on the 'Mahaviracaritral of Jinavallabha. 1499. Navatattvaprakaranatika. 1502. Parsvanathacaritra by Udayaviragani 1505. Prajnapanasutra, with the commentary of Malayagiri. 1508. Prasnavyakaranasutra, with the commentary of Abhayadeva. 1514. Samavayangasutra, with the commentary of Abhayadeva. 1516, Santinathpurana 1533. lpasakdasasutra 1534. Uttaradhyayanasutra, with the commentary of Laksmivallabhagani. 1536. Aupapatikasutra, with the commentary of Abhayadeva. 1537, Sthanangasutra, with the commentary of Payacandasuri. 1541. Vipakasutra, with the commentary of Abhayadeva. A certain number of other manuscripts relating to the legends, hymns, moral works etc. are equally indicated. Pp. 709-713. Supplementary list of 41 Jaina manuscripts, with very brief indication of the contents. Kashi Nath KUNTE. Report on Sanskylt manuscripts in the Punjab for the year 1880-81-Lahore. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 Pages 3-9 contain useful information on the Jaina religion, namely: Review on Jina Deva, legendary founder of the Jainism. Enumeration of 18 Jaina sects, after an anonymous treatise, the "Sabhairngara". Characteristic of three principal sects the digambaras, the Svetambaras and the Dhundias. List of the 24 Tirthakaras, with varied details on each of them. Classification of Jaina canonical treatises. Review on the four kinds of commentaries, of which these treatises are ordinarily the object: raka, taba, niryukti and cuni. While the canonical treatises are written in prakrit, the commentaries are composed in Sanskrit or in Gujrati, Guzrat and Sindh are the two regions where Jainism is widely prevalent. Appendices. P.8. Review on the "Jainipratimapratisthavidhi" a treatises of Sakalacandragani on the manner of consecrating the idols of the Tirthakaras. Pp. 36-55. List of 106 Jaina manuscripts with brief indication of the contents. 67 F. KIELHORN. Report on the search for Sanskrit mss. in the Bombay Presidency, during the year 1880-81-Bombay, 1881. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P.VIII-X. Palaeographical notes on certain ancient forms of signs of numeration after Jaina manuscripts on palm leaves. Fp. 2-52. Description of the manuscripts on palm leaves collected during the years 1880-81. Almost all these manuscripts concern the Jaina works. No. 5 "Uttaradhyayanasutravrttisukhabodha", with extracts notably of the colophon. 7. "Upamitabhavapraparakatha, with some extensive extracts. 13. Kaipacury1", commentary in Prakrit and Sanskrit on the "Brhatkalpa sutra". 4: 16. "Ksetrasamasa", of Jinabhadragani, with commentary by Malayagiri. Some extracts. 22. "Calukyavamsadvyasrayamahakavya", of Hemacandra. with the first five stanzas and the final stanza. 46. "Pindaniryuktivrttisisyahica", by Viragani, with long extracts. 47. "Pindavituddhi, in Prakrit, by Jinavallabhagani, with commentary by Yasodevastri, 50. "Moharajaparajaya", play in five acts, of Yatahpala. Some extracts. 58. "Vikesavas pakavrttisisyahita", with long extracts. Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 45 59. "Satakavsltivineyahita", of Hemacandra. The commencement and the end have been quoted. Pp. 76-79. List of 54 Jaina manuscripts on paper, collected during the years 1880-81. Pp. 91--103. List of 170 Jaina manuscripts collected during the years 1873-74 and incluidng: Dharma ... 107 mss. Biography, legends ... 24 mss. Poetry ... 13 mss. Diverse ... ... 26 mss. F. KIELHORN. Ancient Palm-leaf Mss. lately acquired for the Government of Bombay, (I. A. Vol. X, Pp. 100--102) --Bombay, 1881. Important collection of Jaina manuscripts, the date of which extends from Samvat 1145 (1088 A.D.) to Samvat 1359 (1302 A.D.). The principal manuscripts are the following: Anekarthasangraha, of Hemacandra. Acaraniryukti. Uttaradhyayanas utra three copies and commentary. Upadesakandalivrtli by Balacandra. Upamitabhavaprapasuakatha. Rsidattacarta, of Gunapala. Karmastavatika by Govindagani. kalpacurni, on the Brhatkalfasulye. Kalpasutra. ksetrasamasa, of Jinabhadragani with commentary of Malayagiri Caityavandanakulavstti by Jinakusalasuri. Caityayandanasutruvsiti by Haribhadra. Lalitavistarapanjika by Srimunicandrasuri. Caulukyavamsaduyasrayamahakavya of Hemacandra Jitakalpac urni by Siddhasena." Sabdarnavacandrika, criticism of Somadeva on the "Jainendravyakarana". Nisithasutra, with commentary by Jinadasagani. Nyayapravesaiika by Haribhadra. Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Paksikasutravstti by Yasodevasuri. Prajnapanapradesavyakhya by Haribhadra. Vicarasara by Jinavallabhagani. Satakavslti, of Hemacandra. Sabdanusasana, with commentary of Malayagiri. Saptatika with commentary of Malayagiri. G. BUHLER. Uber eine kurzlich fur die Wiener Universitat erworbene Sammlung voh sanskritund prakrithandschriften-Wien, 1881 (Sitzungsberichte der phil. hist. Classe der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften). General survey on the Jaina manuscripts acquired by BUHLER for the University of Vienna. Short review on the celebrated Jaina commentators, Silankacarya, Abhayadeva and Malayagiri. Special review on Hemacandra, and in particular on his "Caulukyavamsadyasrayamahakavya", where there is a talk of the princes of the Calukya dynasty which reigned in Guzrat from the middle of the 10th century to the middle of the 12th century. Long review on Dhanapala, after the biography of this last, inserted by Merutunga in his "Prabandhacintamani". Quotation, with translation, from the commentary written by Dhanapala on the "Caturvimsatika" of Sobhana. Conclusions on the biography of Dhanapala : Originally coming from a family of Madhyadesa, he was the brother of Sobhana, and their father was named Sarvadeva, he composed his lexicon entitled "Paiyalacchi" in the year 1029 of the era Vikrama (972 A.D.) List of the Jain manuscripts acquired by Buhler. These manuscripts, numbering 74, have reference to following categories : Angas 13 mss. Mulasutras 6 mss. Upangas 10 mss. 5 mss. Stuti 3 mss. Works Prakirnas 21 mss. Chedasutras 2 mss. Legends 9 mss. Nandisutra 1 mss. Diverse Treatises 4 mss. List of canonical books of the Jains. This list has been set up for BUHLER by a yati savant in 1871, and reviewed afterwards by different Jain masters, among other Jinamuktisuri, of the Kharatara sect. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 68 Catalogue of newly discovered, rare and old Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Lahore Division.Lahore, (1881). Pp. 22-23. List of 5 Jain manuscripts, namely : "Nyayabodhin?", essay of refutation of the philosophical systems, from the point of view of the Jains. "Adhyalmopanisad", of Hemacandra. "Uttaradhyayana", with notes. "Gamanikasutravrtti", of Tilakacarya. "jnatadharmakathasitra". 69 F. KIELHORN--Lists of Sanskrit manuscripts collected for the Government of Bombay in 1877-78, 1879-80 and 1881-82.-Bombay. s. d. 1877-78. List of 54 manuscripts, among which are 10 Jain works. 1879-80. List of 62 Jain inanuscripts. 1881-82. List of 19 Jain manuscripts on plam leaves and of 51 on paper. Kashi Nath KUNTE. Report on Sanskrit manuscri in the Punjab for the year 1881-82.Lahore. Appendix Pp. 11-12. List of 10 Jain manuscripts with rapid indication of the subject. 70 Dhundhiraj Sastri. A catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the North-Western Privinces. Part VII.--Allahabad, 1882. Pp. 72-75. List of 21 Jain manuscripts. Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 Catalogue of manuscripts and books belonging to the Bhau Daji memorial.--Bombay, 1882. This contains the information of Jain manuscrirts. 72 Park John ANDERSON---Catalogue And Hand-book of The Archchaeolngical Collections In The Indian Museum Part II.-Calcutta, 1883. Pp. 196-215. Jain Sculptures : Twenty-four Tirthankaras, names, Chinha 5 distinctive--signs, colour, place of Nirvana. Parsvanatha 777 B. C. The Digambaras and the Svetambaras. Nirgranthas or Niganthas. P. 200. Connagar : A small marble figure of Parsvanatha, seated, inscribed; found at low water, at Connagar, on the right bank of the Hughly. P. 201. Manbhum Dist. : Jain temples (Col. Dalton-JASB. Vol. XXXV, Part I. p. 186). Santinatha, from an old Jain temple in the Manbhum Dist. P. 202. Adinatha-with the 24 Jinas, from an old Jain temple in the Man. bhum Dist. . P. 203. Kampilya : Jain sculptures found in 1815 (Ar. Su. Rep. Vol. XI, P. II; Vol. I, p. 255). P. 204. Panchala remains are also Jain (Cunningham Vol. I, p. 264 footnote). Four Jinas seated back to back. (Jain temple of Campela in Rohelcund-No. 7 of Col. MACKENZIE's Memorandum). P. 204. Four Jinas standing--presented to the As. Soc. of Beng. by Col. C. MACKENZIE in 1815). L. P. 205. Fragment of a sculpture (temple) with a standing Jina, Pp. 205-07. Tripura (modern Tewar) C. P. : Two Jain temples. Sitalnatha, seated, found at Karanbel. A Jina from Karanbel. A fragment of a large statue of a Jina. P. 208. Part of a Jain temple. Pp. 208-12. Gwalior : The fortress an important seat of Jainism; founded in 275 A, D. Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY A quadrangular tower made of copper; three storeys-each containing 12, 8 and 4 Jians respectively. A figure of Chandraprabha seated. Three figures of Jinas. Pp. 213-14. Miscellaneous Jain inscriptions. Figures of Parsvanatha and other Jinas four in number, 73 L. de MILLOUE. Cotalogue du Musse Guimet, Lyon, 1883. Pp. xli-xlix. Note on Jainism and names of 24 Tirthankaras and their emblems. P. PETERSON. Detailed Report of operations in search of Sanskrit mss. in tne Bombay Circle, 1882-83 (Extra nnmber of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Soc!ety, Vol. XVI)-Bombay, 1883, Review. Pp. 50-54. Jain manuscripts examined at Udaypur : "Catuhsaranaprakirnaka", attributed to Virabhadra, one of the 14,000 saints whom Mahavira should have taught himself. "Anekarthakairavakarakaumudi", a commentary of Mahendrasuri on the "Anekarthasamgraha" of Hemacandra. Some verses of this commentary have been quoted and interpreted. Commentary on the Bhayaharastotra of Manatunga, with brief biographical information on the author, Jivaprabha Jagatsundariyogamala of Harisera. Commentary on the "Samyaktvasaplatika" by Sangatilakasuri (of the Rudrapalliya), which indicates his religious genealogy in going up to Vardhamana. "PrakTtaprabodha", commentary on the book VIII of the grammar of Hemacandra, by Naracandrasuri. Pp. 55-56. Account rendered of a visit made by PETERSON to Kanakakirti, a Jain priest of Udaypur: Pp. 57-58. Note on a manner of paging the Jain manuscripts with the help of syllabic signs, Pp. 58-59. Jain manuscripts examined at Cambay : "Vasudevahindi", of Hemacandra. Srijinendracaritra" or still. "Padmanabhakavya" by Amaracandra. "Santinathacaritra", of Devasuri, quotation of two verses of this poem one concerning Hemacandra, and the other Devanandasuri. Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Commentary of Bhadrabahu on the "Avasyakasutra", with notes of Tilakacarya. Very detailed analysis of this commentary and quotation of several passages. The religious genealogy of Tilakacarya is given after the notes of the letter. "Satapadika" of Mahendrasimha. Commentaries of Bhadrabahu on different sutras. Commentary of Hemacandra on the "Jivasamasaprakarana". Quotation of the colophon in which Hemacandra is given the epithet of "Paramanaisthikapandita-svetambar'acarya", very devout svetambara master and savant". "Sabdanusasanavitti" of Hemacandra. "Yogasastra" of Hemacandra. Recall of the religious genealogy of Manatungasuri. - Commentary of Siddhasena Divakara (Siddhasenasuri) on the "Pravacanasaroddhara" of Nemicandra. Summed-up history of Siddhasena Divakara, Different commentaries, among others those of "Abhayadevasuri" on four angas. "Kavis iksa", a manual for the poet, due to Jayamangalacarya. "Sobhanastuti" of Sobhanacarya. Pp. 88-94-Extracts. "Bhayaharastotra" of Manatunga and commentary of Jinaprabha "Anekarthakairavakarakaumudi", of Mahendrasuri. Catuhsaranaprakirnaka. "Jagat sundariyogamala", of Harisena. "Prakrtaprabodha", of Naracandrasuri. Commentary of Sanghatilakasuri on the "Samyaktvasaptatika. Pp. 122-132. List of 136 Jain manuscripts acquired by PETERSON for the Government. Appendix I. List of 180 manuscripts on palm leaves examined at Cambay. Appendix II. Pp. 111-112. Note on the honorary epithet "bhattara" employed by the Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY ancient Jains in order to disignate those who have abandoned secular life, and on the "Dharmasarmabhyudaya", a historical poem by Bhattaraka Haricandra. Recension : G. BUHLER, Indian Antiquary. Vol. XIII, Pp. 28-32. 74 R.G. BHANDARKAR. Report on ihe search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1882-83-Bombay, 1884. Pp. 41-49- Reviews. "Kalpamanjari", commentary of Sahajakirti on the "Kalpasutra". "Anekasastrasarasamuccaya", series of short works due to different authors. "Vivekavilasa" of Jinadattasuri. "Saodarsanasamuccaya". "Samayvsaraprabhtia", of Kundakundacarya, the celebrated Digambara master, "Suktimuktavali", of Somaprabhacarya. "Sabdabhusana", treatise of grammar under metric form, by Danavijaya. Dhatupatha", with commentary, by Harsakirti, which mentions some of the most eminent representatives of the Tapa sect, to which it belonged. "Karpurmanjari, the piece is attributed here to Vacanacarya, disciple of Jinasagara, but it does not differ from the work of Rajasekhara. "Bhojaprabandha", of Merutunga. Short analysis of part of a commentary of Sumatigani on the "Ganadharasardhasataka" of Jindatta. This fragment relates the lives of several Jain pontiffs of the Kharatara sect, namely, vardhamana, Jinesvara, Jinacandra. Abhayadeva, Jinavallabha and Jinadatta. , Review on "Ramacaritra" in prose, by Devavijayagani Pp. 86-91. List of 61 Jain manuscripts in Sanskrit and Prakrit, and of 8 in modern dialects. Pp. 155-161. The same list reproduced in devanagari characters. Pp. 225-229-Extracts. "Suktimuktavali", of Somaprabhacarya. Sabdabhusana", of Danavijaya. "Dhatupatha", of Harsakirti. Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY "Subhasitaratnasamdoha", of Amitagati (with respect to the Bhojaprabandha of Merutunga). Two passages of the commentary of Sumatigani, concerning the Jain pontiff Jinavallabha. "Ramcaritra", of Devavijayagani. (Recension: G. BUHLER. Indian Antiquary. Vol. XIV, Pp. 62-64).* 75 P. PETERSON. A second Report of operations in search of Sanskrit mss. in the Bombay Circle, 1883-84. (Extra number of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XVII)-Bombay, 1884. Reviews. Pages. 33-49. A much developed analysis of the "Yasastilaka" of Somadeva. Several passages of the poem have been quoted and translated. After the colophon, the work should have been composed in Saka 882. 54-57. Information on two Jaina commentaries on the "Kumarasambhava", and more extensive review on a third commentary due to Matiratna, who belonged to the sect Upakesa. 64-66. Review relating to the commentary of jnanavimala on the "Sabdabhedaprakasa" of Mahesvara. At the end of his work, Jnanavimala gives his religious genealogy in going up to the origin of the sect Kharatara. 67-74. Long critical discussion on the subject of the "Jainendravyaarana", which would be the work of a digambara master called pujyapada. This summary of grammatical science, in use among the Digambaras, should have been supplanted by the "Pancavastuka", due to Devanandin. 74-76. Review on the "Acarasutra", with respect to the commentary on this treatise by Vasunandin. The "Acarasutra" plays, among the Digambar as, the same role as, to the Svetambaras, the "Ayaramgasutta", of which it is moreover an adaptation and a summary, due to "Vattakeracarya". 76-77. Short notice on "Caritrasara", a manual in view of the deliverance, by Camundaraya. 77-78. Biographical idea on Haricandra, author of the "Dharmasarmabhyudayakavya", some verses of which have been quoted. Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 53 78-80. Review on the "Tattvarthuvartika" and biographical ideas on the probable author of this commentary. Akalanka, This work contains a short survey of the digambara canon. 80-86. Extract quotations of the "Satprabhria" of Kundakunda--carya, and review relating to a commentary on this work by Srutasagara. 86--88. Rapid analysis of the "Prabandhacintamani" of Merutunga. Pp. 134-166-Extracts, Commentary of Vasunandin on the "Acarasutra" Caritrasara. "Dharmasarmabhyudayakavya" of Haricandra. "Yasastilaka" of Somadeva, Tattvarthavartika. "Satprabhsta" of Kundakundacarya, and commentary of Srutasagara. Commentary of Amstacandrasuri on the Samayasaraprabhsta, Text of a Pattavali contained in the "Pak sikapratikramanakriya" of the "Avasyakasutra." Appendix. List in Devanagari characters, Pp. 14-16, and in Latin characters, Pp. 27- 29, of 38 Jain manuscripts acquired by the Government; 19 of these manuscripts concern some digambara works, and 19 svetambara works. Recension : G. BUHLER, Indian Antiquary. Vol. XIV, Pp. 352--355. 76 Lewis Rice. Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in Mysore and Coorg-Bangalore. 1884 . Pp. 300-321. Simple list of 131 Jain manuscripts classed under the following heads :Kavya 25 mss. Purana 11 mss. Stotra 2 mss. Puja 6 mss. Nataka 5 mss. Mantra 3 mss. Alankara..... . 2 mss. Sangita 2 mss. Tarka 10 mss. 3 mss, Vyakarana 13 mss. Jyotisa Silpa 4 mss. Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 Kannada Vyakaran 3 mss. Vedanta Dharma 20 mss. 7 mss. 77 Ganita Vaidya Bhugola 78 Anirdista G. OPPERT. Lists of Sanskrit manuscripts in private Libraries of Southern India.2 Volumes. Madras, 1880-1885. One finds in the Vol. II, Pp. 677-678, under the head of: "Alphabetical index according to subject matter, G. Miscellaneous;" the alphabeticai list of the 52 Jains manuscripts, the indication of which is furnished in the entire work. 79 JAINA BIBLOGRAPHY 3 mss. 2 mss. 8 mss. 2 mss. E. HULTZSCH. Ueber eine Sammlung indischer Handschriften und Inschriften (Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischan Gesellschaft, Vol. XL, Pp. 1-80)-Leipxing, 1886. List of 115 Jain manuscripts of which 41 are canonical and 74 non-con onical. C. BENDALL, A Journey in Nepal and Northern India.-Cambridge, 1886. Pages. 24. 32. The Jain community at Benares. The Library of the temple. The Jain temples of the village Ahar, near Udaypur. Statue of a Tirthankara dated Samvat 1031. Diverse short inscriptions of the 16th century. 46-48. List of Jain manuscripts acquired in Rajputana. This list comprises 14 canonical treatises and about 60 non-canonical treatises, 49-51. Other list of 140 Jain manuscripts acquired at Bombay. 60-65. Speial reviews on different Jain manuscripts : 1. Commentary on the 'Damuyantikatha' or 'Nalacampu' by the two Jaina Candapala and Gunavinavagani which gives their spiritual genealogy. 2. "Vagbhatalamkara", with anonymous commentary. Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 55 3. "Alamkaralilakn or Kavyanusasana" of a Jain of the name of Vagbhata, the same without doubt as the author of the 'Vagbhatalamkara'. 4. Sambodhipancasika' short treatise in verse on the Jain doctrines, by Gautamasyamin. 5. "Dharmangraha", work in verse on varied subject by Med havin 6. "Pramananirnaya" discussion on the different sorts of knowledge. 7. Lumpakamalakuttana", compilation of the Svetambara canon. due to a member of the Kharatara gaccha; Samvat 1687. 8. Upadesarasala, moral composition by Sadhuranga disciple of Bhuvanasoma, equally of the Kharatara gaccha; Samvat 1587. 9. "Vicarasangraha" or "Paramitavicaramrtasangraha". 10. Parasaraprakarana or Marganasutaka with a pattavali of the Kharatara gaccha. 11. "Guyavarmacaritra" by Manikyasundarasuri, of the Ancala gaccha author of the 'Prthwicandracariti." 12. "Vratakathakoia" or "Vratopakhyanakatha" by Srutas ligara. Varadallagunamanjarikatha". 13. 14. 7ayatihuyanavrtti", Prakrit hymn. 88-91. List of manuscripts contained in the library of the Jaina temple of Benares. 80 (i) P. PETERSON. A third Report of operations in search of Sanskrit mss, in the Bombay Circle, 1884-86. (Extra number of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XVII).-Bombay, 1887. Pp. I-XXX. Alphabetical list, with very precise indications, of all the works, of which there is a talk in the three first reports of PETERSON. A very great number of Jain works have been quoted, and the principal among them are the object of special references to the study of WEBER, "Die heiligen Schriften der Jaina". Reviews. This third report gives an account of vistits made by PETERSON at Ahemadabad, Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY in the Rajputana and at Cambay. The Jain manuscripts which have appeared worthy of a particular notice are the following (Pp. 3--40): "Gathasahasri" of Samayasundara. This collection contains a great number of stanzas relating to the Jain events. The more interesting have been translated and interpreted and the review all entirely must be considered as one of the most important contributions to the history of Jainism. "Visamvadasataka", in which the same author, Samayasundara, shows the disagreement which exists sometimes among the canonical treatises. "Candraprabhs", Commentary of Meghavijaya on the "Sabdanusasana" of Hemacandra. "Pancasutra", with commentary, by Haribhadrasuri. "Dharmapariksa", of Amitagati, the ingenious genealogy of which is indicated. "Gathakosa", of Municandrasuri, with translation of some of the stanzas. "Vicararatnasamgraha", of Jayasomasuri. This work includes chronological lists of the highest interest and of the commentaries on diverse Jain Works. "Yamakastuti", of Dharmaghosasuri. "Atmabodha", of Jina labhasuri. "Kumaraviharuprosastikavya", of Vardhamanasuri disciple of Hemacandra. "Kathamahodadhi", of Somacandra. "Kavyaprakasasamketa", Commentary of Manikyacandrasturi on the Kavyprakasa. "Duyasrayamahakavya", of Hemacandra, with commentary by the author him self. "Darsanasura", of Bhattaraka Devasena. The review devoted to this work contains some information relating to the author and to his other writings. Besides, the first 15 verses of the Darsanasara have been translated. "Jayatihuyanastotra", of Abhayadevasuri, with commentary relating in which conditions this hymn was composed. 'Panjika' commentary of Rajasekharasuri on the "Nyayakandali" of Sridhara, The ingenious genealogy of Rajasekharasuri is briefly related after this commentary Elaborate commentary of Sadhuratna on the ratijitakalpa', with review on the origin of this last work, Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY "Upamitibhavaprapancanamasamuccaya", of Vardhamansuri. Commentary Paramananda, disciple of one Abhayadevasuri, on the 'Karmavipaka' of Gargarsi. "Dharmabhyudayamahakavya" or "Samghapaticarita", of Udayaprabhasuri, with review on the biography of the latter. "Nandyadhyayanatika" or commentary on the "Nandisutra", by Malayagiri. "Upadesapada" of Haribhadrasuri. "Dharmabind" of the same Haribhadrasuri, with the commentary of Muni candrasuri, Commentary of Siddhasenagani on the Tattvarthastra of Umasvati. Cammentary of Silanka on the Acarangasidra. Amamasimicaritra of Mnniratnasuri, with analysis of this work. Perekamanjari of Asada, with the commentary of Balacandra. Pages. 2--5 6-7 Appendix I. List of 158 manuscripts of palm leaves examined at Cambay. This list is the series of that which constitutes the Appendix I of the first Report of PETERSON. Some extracts, sometimes very extensive, of these manuscripts have been reproduced. The following Jaina manuscripts are thus the object of quotations: 16--19 35-37 37-45 46 49-50 53-54 60-62 64-66 66-70 57 of Upamitibhavaprapancanumasamuccaya of Vardhamanasuri. Karmapaka of Gargarsi, and the passages corresponding to the commentary of Paramananda. Commentary of Abhayadevasuri on the Jnatadharmakatha. Parvanathacaritra of Devabhadragani. Tilayasundarirayanacadakaha of Devendragani, Dharmabhyudayamahakusja of Udayaprabhasuri. Nandyadhyayanatika of Malayagiri. Siddhajayanticaritra of Manatungasuri and commentary of Malayaprabhasuri. Upadesapada of Haribhadrasuri. Kammapayadi, and commentary of Malayagiri. Dharmabindu of Haribhadrasuri, and commentary of Municandra suri. Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 Nos. 74-77 78-82 83-86 86-89 Yogasastra of Hemacandra. Akhyanamanikola, of Nemicandrasuri, and commentary of Amradeva suri. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Commentary of Siddhasenagani on the Tattvarthasutra. Commentary, called Subodha, of Nemicandra on the Uttaradhyaya nasutra. 90-99 Amamasrumicaritra of Muniratnasari. 100-109 Vivekamanjari of Asada and commentary of Balacandra. 118-124 Samaradityacaritra of Haribhadrasuri. 128-130 Commentary of Yasodevasuri on the Paksikasutra. 131-134 Pandavacaritra of Devaprabhasari. 134-142 Katharatnakoka of Devabhadrasuri. 146-153 Upamitibhavaprapancakathi of Siddharsi. 155-157 Bhavabhuvana of Hemacandra. 157-164 Parivanathacarita of Manikyacandra. 165-170 Upadesamala of Dharmadasagani, and commentary of Ratnaprabha suri. 174-176 Salibhadracaritra of Dharmakumarasadhu. Appendix II. Extracts of 159 manuscripts, mostly Jains. The principals are: Pages. 245-247 Jayatihuyanastotra of Abhayadevasuri, 255-260 Rayamallabhyudayamahakavya of Padmasundara. 272-276 Nyayakandalt of Sridhara, with the commentary, called Panjika, or Rajascharasuri. 277-279 High commentary of Sadhuratna on the Tatijitakalpa. 280-281 284-290 Gathasahasrt of Samayasundara. 294-297 Dharmapariksa of Amitagati. 297-302 Gathakosa of Municandrasuri. Navatattva of Jinacandragani, with commentary of Abhayadevasuri and of Yasodevasuri. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 302-310 Vicararatnasamgraha of Jayasomastiri. 316-320 Kathamahodadhi of Somacandra (table of recitals). 357--360 Nalayana or Kuberapurana of Manikyasuri. 374_-379 Darsanasara of Bhattarak Devasena. Appendix III. List of manuscripts acquired on account of the Government, Among these manuscripts, 103 concern some digambara works and 83 svetambara works. Recension : G. BUHLER, Wiener Zeitschrift f.d. Kunde d. Morgenlandes. Vol. I, Pp. 319--324. Pp. 16-22-Account of another visit made at Ahmadabad, also in several Jain libraries, To mark out among other manuscripts that of a Prakrit anthology, entitled "Vajjalagga", and due to a svetambara of the name of Jayavallabha. Reviews, Pp. 91-126. Digambara literature. 1. Analysis of the "Pravacanasara" of Kundakundacarya. This work, written in Prakrit gathas, containins an explanation of the Jain doctrine by one of the most notables among the Digambara masters. 2. Review on the "Niyamasara" of the same Kundakundacarya. 3. Brief analysis of the "Dharmamsta" summary of the life of the author Asadhara, and list of his works. 4. Analysis of the "Tattvarthasaradipaka" of Sakalakirti, who lived towards samvat 1520. This work contains the enumeration of the treatises which constitute the canon of the Digambaras. 5. Analysis of the "Kartikeyanupreksa" of Kartikeyasvamin, with the commentary of Subhacandra. 6. Review on the "Prasnottaropasakacara" of Sakalakirti. 7. Reivew on two treatises concern the ritual : the "Jinasamhita" and the "Jainendrayajnavidhi", 8. Review on Ravisena and one of his works, the 'Padmapurana'. 9. Short analysis of the Adipurana of Jinasena. The introduction of this work recalls the names of several Jain authors. Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 J AINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 10. Copious analysis, with historical identifications, of a prasasti which terminates the "Uttarapurana", composed by Gunabhadra, disciple of Jinasena. 11. Review on the "Santinathacarilra" of Sakalakirti. 12. Review on the "Parsvanathacaritra" of the same Sakalakirti. 13. Brief review on the "Harivamsapurana" of Jinadasa. 14. Some indications on the "Srpalacaritra" of Nemidatta, and on the "Jivamdharasvamicariira" of Subhacandra, 15. Review on the "Subhaumacaritra' of Ratnacandra, and particularly on the chronological list which terminates this work-To this purpose R.G. BHANDARKAR indicates in some pages (124-126) the succession of the most ancient Jain priests. This passage constitutes a precious contribution to the Jain chronology, Pp. 126-157-Svetambara literature. 1. Review on a prasasti of the Kharatara sect. This prasasti is found at the end of a commentary of Vallabhagani on the "Abhidhanacintamani" of Hemacandra. 2. Some information on the "Aslalaksarthi" of Samayasundaragani. 3. Analysis of a sthaviravali which serves as introduction to the "Avasyakanirjuktjavacurni, the Niryukti of which is due to Bhadrabahu. 4. Review on Santyacarya, with respect to his commentary on the "Ultarddhyayanasutra". 5. Review un Devendragani and his commentary on the "Uttaradhyayanasutra", 6. Sunimary of a pattavali of the sect Ancalika, which terminates ju the "Upadesavintumani" of Jayasckharasuri. 7. A very extensive analysis of the "Rsimandalapraharana" of Dharmaghosagani. 8. Historical information on a sthaviravali contained in a commentary of Samayasundara on the kalpasutra. 9. Revicw on Brahmamuni, commentator of the "Jambudvipaprajiapli". 10. Review on Gunavinaya, commentator of the Damayanticampu". 11. Some historical ideas after a commentary of Manvijayagani on his own work the "Dharmasamgraha". 12. Enumeration of the five kinds of sramanas, distinguished by Malayagiri in his commentary on the " Mandisutra". Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 13. Detailed analysis of the "Pravacanapariksu", in which the author, Dharmasagara, who belonged to the Tapa sect, gives long information on ten heterodox sects. To mark out particularly three pattavalis (Pp. 150, 151 and 154). Review on Munisundara author of the 'Mitracatuskakatha". 15. Review on Rajahamsa, author of a commentary on the "Vagbhatalamkara". 16. Summary analysis of the "Vivekavilasa" of Jinadatta, with review on the latter. 17. Summary of a chronological list which terminates a commentary of Ratnasekhara on the "Sravakapratikramanasutra". Pp. 276-282. List of 72 Jain manuscripts, the principles of which have preci. sely made the object of the precedent reviews. This collection comprises: 37 Svetambara works. 28 Digambara works. 7 Works in modern dialects. 61 Pp. 311-466-Extracts. Short extract of the gurvavali examined at Patan. Text of the Pattavali found equally at Patan. "Vajjalagga" Prakrit anthology of Jayavallabha. "Pravacanasara", of Kundakundacarya. "Dharmamrta", of Asadhara. "Tattvarthasaradipaka", of Sakalakirti. Text of the chapter XII of the Kartikeranupreksa". Integral text of the "Tattvarthadhigama" of Umasvati. Text of the first book of the "Padmapurana" of Ravisena. Extract of the first canto of the "Adipurana" of Jinasena. "Uttarapurana", of Gunabhadra. "Santinathacaritra", of Sakalakirti. "Parivanalhacaritra", of Sakalakirti. "Harivam sapuranna", of Jinadasa. "Sripalacaritra", of Nemidatta. Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY "Jivamdharasvamicaritra" of Subhacandra. Text of the chronological list which terminates the "Subhaumacaritra" of Ratnacandra, Commentary of Vallabhagani on the "Abhidhanacintamani" of Hemacandra. Commentary of Santyacarya on the Uttaradhyayanasutra". Commentary of Devendragani on the same sutra, "Upadesacintamani" of Jayasekhara. "Rsimandalaprakarana of Dharmaghosa. 80 (ii) Gustav Oppert. Index to sixty-two Ms. Volumes deposited in the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, containing references to Archaeological, Historical, Geographical and other subjects. (MJ, 1887). The index to this volume has reference to many Jain matters. 81 (i) R.G. Bhandarkar. Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the year 1883-84-Bombay, 1887. Of all the reviews of R.G. Bhandarkar, this one is most abundant in information relating to the Jain religion. Among others, the pages 91- 157 contain important reviews on the Digambaras as on the Svetambaras. One will judge it by the short analysis which is as follows: Pp. 1--15. Account of a visit made during the month of December, 1883 in different Jain libraries of Patan. Among the numerious manuscripts examined, it is proper to quote : (a) A Gurvavali comprising 20 gathas with commentary. The list com mences with Sudharamasvamin and terminates with Hiravijayasuri, who would be dead in Samvat 1622. (b) A pattavali containing the chronological lists of the great priests of a sect of the Svetambaras, probably the sect Vata, with mention of the most important events which happened in the period in which these pointiffs lived. Commentary of Samyasundra on the "Kalpasutra". Commentary of Vinayarama on the Kiratarjuniya'. Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Commentary of Brahamamuni on the 'Jambudvipaprajnapti'. "Tarkaphakkika" of Ksamakalyana. Commentary of Gunavinaya on the 'Damayanti campu'. Text of the Prasasti which terminates the 'Dharmasamgraha' of Manavijaya gan 'Pravacanapariksa' of Dharmasagara, Mitracatuskakatha' of Munisundara. Vivekavilasa' of Jinadatta. Commentary of Ratnasekhara on the "Sravakapratikramanasutra." (Recension : G. BUHLER, Indian Antiquary. Vol. XVIII, Pp. 184-192). 81 (ii) S. R. BHANDARKAR. A catalogue of the collections of manuscripts deposited in the Deccan College-Bumbay, 1888. This catalogue contains indication of a great number of Jain manuscripts. without other information. Pp. 6-12.-Collection of 1869-70. 41 Manuscripts of varied purports : sutras, commentaries, chronological lists, legends, relegious poems, etc. P. 17-Collection of 1870-71. 13 manuscripts : sutras, comincntaries, grammar, astronomy, religious poetry. Pp. 27-40--Collection of 1871-72. 114 manuscripts concerning the dharma (sutras and commentaries) ; 63 varied poems; 67 works of biography, history and legends ; 26 diverse treatises. Pp. 46-52-Collection of 1872-73. 72 manuscripts relating to the dharma ; 32 religious poems ; 20 diverse treatises. Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 60-68-Collection of 1873-74. 107 manuscripts having reference to the dharma ; 13 manuscripts having reference to the poetry ; manuscripts having reference to the biography and to the legends ; 25 manuscripts of diverse treatises. 24 Pp. 71-72-Collection of 1874-75. 6 manuscripts relating to the dharma ; | religious poem ; 2 manuscripts concerning the biography; 6 manuscripts of diverse treatises. Pp. 106-119-Collection of 1875-76. 142 manuscripts of digambara works ; 87 manuscripts of Svetambaras ; besides a supplement (P. 123) containing the indication of 6 manuscripts, Pp. 145-148--Collection of 1879-80. 62 manuscripts of diverse works. Collection of 1880-81. Pp. 164-173. Information on some manuscripts on palm leaves. Pp. 191--194. List of 54 diverse manuscripts. Collection of 1881-82. Pp. 195-196. Information on some manuscripts on palm leaves. Pp. 205-210. List of 51 varied manuscripts. Pp. 274-279-Collection of 1882-83. 69 manuscripts of diverse works. Pp. 320.-.--336--Second collection of 1882-83. 136 manuscripts of different works. Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 37 manuscripts of Svetambara works. 28 manuscripts of Digambara works. 10 manuscripts of modern dialects. Pp. 356-363-Collection of 1883-84. Pp. 411-414-Second collection of 1883-84. 19 manuscripts of Digambara works. 19 manuscripts of Svetambara works. G. BUHLER. Two lists of Sanskrit Mss. together with some remarks on my connexion with the search for Sanskrit Mss. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischan Gesellschaft, Vol. XLII, Pp. 530-599)-Leipzing, 1888. 82 The first of the two lists contains the catalogue of the manuscripts which constituted the private collection of BUHLER. Nisithasutra. Brhatkalpasutra. The Jain literature is represented there by 29 manuscripts, of which the following are the principal manuscripts. 1. Agamas of the Svetambaras. Anuttaroavaisutta. Kalpapradipika by Sanghavijayagani. Dasaraikalikasutra. II. Svetambara legend and history. Kumarapalacarita by Jinamandana. Several gurvavalis. Jagaducarita by Sarvanandasuri. Tribhuwandipakaprabandha by Jayasekharasuri. Parilistaparcan of Hemacandra, Prabandhakosa of Rajasekharasuri. Prabandacintamani of Merutunga. Prabhavakacarita by Pradyumnasuri. 65 Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Vastupalacarita by Jinahamsagani. Sukstasamkartana by Arisimha. III. Diverse Svetambara works." Dipalikalpa of Jinasundarasuri. Saddarsanasamuccaya, with commentary. IV. Digambara legend. Fragment of a poem in honour of a saint by Ajitasena, 83 Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Sanskrit College Library,-- Benares-Allahabad, (1889). Pp. 458-459. List of 11 Jain manuscripts, among which are two copies of the 'Kalpasutra' and a cammentary on the 'Suryaprajnapti'. 84 R. G. BHANDARKAR. Principal results of my last two years studies in Sanskrit manuscripts and literature (Berichte des VII, internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses, Pp. 66-68).- Wien, 1889. Some of the results obtained by R. G, BHANDARKAR interest the history of the Jainism. They are as follows: 1. Jinadatta, the author of the Vivekavilasa, lived towards the middle of the 13th century. His disciple was Amaracandra who wrote the Kavyakalpalata and whose contemporary was Ari simha. 28. The Jainism is not a sect of Buddhism. Some of the Jaina doctrines rep resent a compromise between the Samkhya and Vedanta systems on the one hand, and the Vaisesika philosophy on the other hand, 30. The Padmapurana of Ravisena was composed in 1204 of the era of Maha vira, that is to say in Samvat 716 or 660 A. D. 31. Jinasena who wrote his Harivamsa in Saka 705, mentions Siddhasena, Aka lanka and other authors in his introduction to the Adipurana. 32. A Prasasti at the end of the Uttarapurana, of Gunabhadra relates that the work was consecrated in Saka 820, by Lokasena. The king Amoghavarsa Ist was a devotee of Jinasena, Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 67 33. The Jainas had not the literature written before 139 A. D. Their religion although as ancient as the Buddhism, did not take the importance than towards the 3rd century of the Christian era. 85 RAJENDRALALA MITRA. Notices of Sanskrit mss. published under orders of the Government of Bengal. (1st series) 10 Volumes.-Calcutta, 1870-1892. Volume III (1876). Pp. 66--69. Review on a manuscript of the Kalpasutra. Classification of the Jain canonical treatises after "Siddhanta-dharmasara", Some information on the particular estimation which the "Kalpasutra" enjoys among the Jains. Citation of the commencement, of the end and of the colophon of the manuscript in question. Reproduction in facsimile of one page of another illuminated manuscript of the "Kalpasutra", about 300 years old. Volume IV (1878). Pp. 97-98. Review on the 'Syadvadamanjari". This work, from which Madhavacarya has made borrowings in his "Sarvadarsanasamgraha", is a commentary on a hymn of Hemacandra. Volume VI (1882). Pages 70---74. Rapid analysis of the "Pun yacandrodayapurana", a Jain adaptation, in 23 cantos, of the Ramayana. 77-97. Detailed analysis of the Harivamsapurana. This Brahmanical imita. tion of the Harivamsa, composed by Jinasena, gives information on several Jinas, exposes some legends and contains details on the cere monies and Jain rites. 97-104. Analysis of the "Trilokasara", a description in Prakrit verse, with Sanskrit commentary, the three regions of the Universe. 105-108. Review on the "Aptamimamsa" of Samantabhadra. The manuscript of this work contains besides a commentary of Vidyananda. 108-109. Review on a "Bhagavatiostti". Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 Pages 97-98. 176-177. 177. 178. 178-181. 182. Volume VII (1884). 258-259. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Review on a manuscript of the "Kalpasutra", with a commentary entitled "Kalpadrumakalika" by Laksmivallabha. Brief review on the "Parikiamukhasutra", an anonymous treatise of Jain logic. 266. 181-182. Review on the "Siddhipriyastotra", which celebrates the merits of the 24 Jinas. Short review on a manuscript of the "Suktimuktavali" by Somaprabhasuri. Information on anonymous "Sahasranamastotra". The question is of a hymn where Mahavira is celebrated by thousand epithets. A commentary explains the value of these epithets. Analysis of the "Janaryava" by Subhacandra. The work, in Sanskrit, is accompanied by a Hindi commentary. 183-185. Analysis of the "Samayasara", the manuscript of which contains also a commentary, the "Atmakhyati". Brief notice on the "Santyastakastotra", a hymn in honour of Mahavira, at the same time a prayer in view of deliverance. 187-190. Analysis of the Tattvarthasutra" of Umasvati. A commentary entitl ed "Srulasagar" by Vidyananda, accompanies the text. Short review relating to a commentary of Bhoja on the "Dravyanuyogatarkana". Analysis of the "Dravyanuyogatarkana". Volume VIII (1885). Review on the "Prameyakamartanda" or "Pariksamukhalamkara", com mentary of Prabhacandra on the "Pariksamukha of Vidyananda". This part describes 154 Jain manuscripts. The following are the principal manuscripts. Pages. 33-36. Kumarapalaprabandha by Jinamandana. This history contains a biography of Hemacandra. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 47-48. 51-52. 53-54. 56-58. 58. 60-61. 70-72. 80. 82-83. 83-84. 84-85. 86-87. 89-91. 111. 113-114 119. 120-122. 122-124. 139-140, 142-150. 147-150. Review on a manuscript of the Nayalattva. Short analysis of the Kalpasutra. Kalpakiranavali, Sanskrit commentary on the Kalpasutra. Gautamiyamahakarya, Sanskrit poem in 10 cantos on the life of Mahavira, by Rupacandragani. Gautamayaprakala, commentary on the previous poem, by Ksemakalynagani. Commentary of Malayagiri on the Prajnapanasutra. Analysis of the 'Prajnapanasulra". Dasarrutaskandhasutra. Pradyumnacarita by Mahasena. Yasodharacarita by Srutasigara. Vidhiprapasutra. 69 Two commentaries on the Sutrakrtanga, one in Guzarati by Pasacandra, and the other in Sanskrit by Silanka. Samacartiataka by Samayasundara. Sripalacaritra, in Prakrit verse, with Sanskrit commentary by Jina harsasuri. Snkalpasiddhanta or Paryusanakal padasasrutaskandha, review on the 24 Jinas. The Prakrit text is accompanied by a Sanskrit com mentary. Candraprajnaptisutra, with the commentary of Malayagiri. Dasavaikalikasutra. Analysis of the Sutrakrtanga. Analysis of the Trisastisalakapurusacarita of Hemacandra.. Tapagacchapattavalisutra by Dharmasagara. Caturvimsatistuti. Danadikulaka, poem, with commentary, praising the Jain merits and containing some ancedotes on different Jinas. Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 154. Commentary of Nemicandrasuri on the Uttaradhyayana, 161--163. 163-165. Karmaprakrti with the commentary of Malayagiri. Bharatadikatha or Kathakosa by Subhasila. Collection of legends, the heroes of which are found in the Buddhistic or Brahmanical works, notably in the Mahabharata. slopadesamala, other historical collections, by Jinacandrasuri with commentary in Gujarati by Merusundara. 165-166. 168. Commentary on the Dasavaikalikasutra by Vinayahamsa. 169-170. Varavikramadityacaritra by Ramacandrasuri. 180. Kalpalata, commentary on the Kalpasutra by Samayasundara. 184-185. Guzarati comment on the Prajnapanasutra by Vanavimala. 188-191. Tattvaprakasa, poem in 11 cantos on the superiority of the Jain reli gion by Silaratnasuri. 222-224. Gunamala, anonymus description of the virtues, with which the Siddhas, sravakas etc. are endowed. 226. Mahipalacaritra by Viradevagani. 229--231. Samavayangasutra, with the commentary of Abhayadevasuri. 231-232. Samyaktvakaumudi. 236-237. Santharaprakirna. 240-241. Uttaradhyayanavrihadbrittikatha, collection of 25 Jain legends extract ed from a Prakrit commentary on the Uttaradhyayana and translat ed in Sanskrit by Padmasagaragani. 243-245. Analysis of the Pradyumnacarita. 312. Anonymous commentary in Guzarati on the Juvabhigamasutra. 315-316. Analysis of the fnatadharmakathasutra. Volume IX (1888). An account of 13 pages precedes the description of the manuscripts indicated in this volume. Some passages concern the Jains, namely: P. 5. Note on the "odium theologicum" which exists between the Jains and the Brahmans, Quotation of a proverb in this subject. Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Pp. 11-12. Survey on the number and the value of the Jain manuscripts of which there is a talk in this valume. Among these 108 manuscripts, it is convenient to point out the following: 6-8. 81. 102-103. Recall of some catalogues of manuscripts in which some Jain works have been enumerated. Importance of Guzarati which constitutes the language of the modern Jains. Many Jain treatises have been translated in Guzarati. 133. 125. 282. Pages. 27-28. 35-37. 45-46. Volume X (1892). Of the 105 manuscripts, of which there is a talk in this volume, the following are the most important: 46-47. 71 Kalpalata by Samayasundara. This work has no other intention. than to be a commentary on the Kalpasutra. However, it contains a great number of historical information, notably on three sthaviras who bore the name of Kalakaickrya. Atmaprabodha by Jinalabhasari. Vinodavilasarasa, collection of histories concerning the princes, the saints, the merchants etc. by Udayaratna. Pratisthavidhi, treatise of rituals. Dhanapalacaritra, history of the banker Dhanapala, by Devendra suri. Ratnapalacaritra, in Guzarati verse by Kavimohan. Yogasant, with commentary by Yogacandramuni. Nemiduta, an imitation of the Meghaduta of Kalidasa. by Vikrama. Dharmasarmibhyudaya by Haricandra. Sravakadinally, an anonymous treatise in Prakrit on the duties of the sravakas a short analysis of it has been given. Upadesamalaprakarana, by Dharmadasagani. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos, 47-48. Yogavindu, an anonymous treatise on the Jain yoga in Sanskrit. Muktidvatrimasika, polemic work in Sanskrit establishing the Jain doctrine of deliverance and criticising other doctrines on the same subject. 128--130. Samaradityacaritra, adapted from the Prakrit of Haribhadra in Sans krit. Some indications on the intellectual geneology of Haribhadra and on the Jain works which are habitually recited in religious congregation 134-39. Analysis developed from the Ramacharitra or Ramayana an imitation of the classical epic poem, by Padmadeva. 146-147. Sripalanarendrakatha. Besides the history of Sripala, this work in Pra krit verse contains an explanation of the nine fundamental doctrines of the Jain faith, at the same time as the description of certain tantrical rites. 147-148. Jambucaritra in Sanskrit by Sakalaharsa. The matter is of the his tory of Jambusvamin, accompanied by 18 other moral histories. 86 A Weber. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit-uni Prakrit-Handschriften der Konigliohen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Zweiter Band.---Berlin, 1886-1892. The second part and almost all the third part of this second volume are devoted to the Jain works. They constitute the best anthology that one possesses until now of Jainism. The review of each of the manuscripts described is, indeed accompanied by copious extracts and of historical and bibliographical references, which make a great catalogue of Weber, an work of the highest order by the number and copiousness of the documents which it includes. First classification (1886). Nos. 1580. 1581-82. 1597. Jain drawing up in verse of the "Pancadandachatraprabandha" of Ramacandra, by Vivekamandanagani. Fragments of a Jain collation of the Simhasanadvatrimsika. Fragments of the commentary of Bhuvanapala on the Saptasataka of Hala Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 1604. 1610. Prithvicandracaritra of Manikyasundarasuri. Saddarsanasamuccaya of Haribhadra, with commentary of Gunaratnasuri. 1634. Jainendravyakarana of Devanandin (?) with commentary of Abhayanandin. 1638. Cintamani, commentary of Yaksavarman on the Sabdanusasana of Sakatayana. 1639. Sarasvatavyakaranadipika of Candrakirtisuri. 1640-1695. Grammatical works of Hemacandra. 1696. Haimavibhramasutra, with the commentary of Gunacandra. 1699-1702. Abhidhanacintamani of Hemacandra, with different com mentaries. 1708. Commentary of Jnanavimalagani on the sabdabhedaprakasa of Mahesvara. 1709. Chandonusasana of Hemacandra. 1717. Kavyanusasana of Vagbhata, with the commentary of the author. 1718. Vagbhatalamkara. 1719-1720. Commentary of Jinavardhana on Vagbhatalamkara. 1722. Jalpakalpalata of Ratnamandana, disciple of Ratnasekhara. 1728. Commentary of Jinaprabhasuri on the Vidagdhamukhamandana of Buddhist Dharmadasa. 1741. 1764. Aramahasiddhi, summary of astrology by Udayapraphadevasuri, with commentary of Hemahamsa. Short manual af ritual (T apavidhi), of recent date. Siddhasarasvatastotra (Bhuvanesvarustotra) of Prithvidhara, with commentary of Padmanabha 1770. Second Classification (1888). The second part describes especially the manuscripts of the canonical treatises. Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Angas. Nos. 1773-1775. Ayaramgasutta, text. 1776. Tika of Silanka on the Ayaramga. 1777. Suyagadamga, with dipika of Harsakula. 1778. Text only of the Suyagadamga. 1779-1780. Thana, text. 1782-1782. Commentary of Abhayadevasuri on the 3 Angas. 1783-1785. Text of the Samavayanga. 1786. Commentary of Abhayadeva on this anga. 1787-1788. Bhagavati, text. 1789. Bhagavati, commentary of Abhayadeva. 1790-1791. The reverting treatises to the Bhagavali : the Pudgalasatirimsika of Ratnasimhasuri, and the Pancanigranthi. 1792-1797. Nayadhammakaha, with the commentary of Abhayadevasuri. 1798-1801. Uvasagadasau, text. 1802-1805. Different comments of the Uvasagadasau. 1806-1809. Amtagadadasau, text. 1810-1814. Anuttarovavaiyadasau, text and diverse comments. 1815-1817. Panhavagaranaim, with the commentary of Abhayadeva. 1818-1821. Vivagasuya, with commentary of Abhayadeva. 1822-1823. Fragments of the 12 anga, the Diffhivaya. 2. Upangas. 1824-1828. 1829-1832. lupapatika, with the commentary of Abhayadevasuri. Rayapasenaiyga, with the commentary of Malayagiri. 1833-1835. Jivabhigamasutra, text. 1836. Commentary of Malayagiri on the Jivabhigamasutra. Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 75 Nos, 1837-1838. Pannavana-bhagavati, text. 1839-1840. Commentary of Malayagiri on the Pannavana. 1841-1843. Text of the Suriyapannatti. 1844--8846. Text of the Jambuddivapannatti. 1847. Commentary of Santicandragani on the Jambuddivapannatti. 1848. Jambuddipasamgrahani of Haribhadrasuri, with the commentary of Prabhanandasuri. 1849-1853. Camdapannatti, with the commentary of Malayagiri. 1854--1860. Upangas 8-12, may be the Nirayavalisutta with the commentary of Candrasuri. 3. Painnas (Prakirnas). 1861--1864. Causarana, with anonymous preface. 1865. Aurapaccakkhana. 1866. Bhattaparinna. 1867. Samtharagapaya. 1864--1869. Tamdulaveyaliya. 1870. Collection of the 10 painnas. 1871. Collection of 9 painnas. 4. Chedasutras. 1872-1874. Nisithajjhayana. 1875. Nisithabhasya, still called Nisithacurni. 1876. Mahanisiha. 1877. Vavahara. 1878-1879. Commentary of Malayagiri on the Vyvahara. 1880-1881. Dasao. 1882--1886. Kalpasutra, with different commentaries. 1887. Samdehavisausadhi, commentary of Jinaprabhamuni on Kalpasutra. the Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 1888-1890. Different commentaries or comment on the Kalpasutra. 1891-1892. Kalpantarvacyani, sort of commentary on the Kalpasutra. 1893. Brhatkalpasulra. 1894. Kalpacurni. The 6 chedasutra is not represented by any manuscript. * Nandisutra and Anuyogadvarasutra. 1895. Nandisutra, with anonymous preface. 1896. Namdisuttakaha. 1897--1900. Anuyogadvarasutra, with the commentary of Hemacandra. 6. Mulasutras. 1901--1906. Uttarajjhayana, with commentaries. 1907-- 1910. Sisyahita, tika of Santisuri on the Uttarajjhayana. 1911. Salavasyakasutra. 1912-1913. Avasyakaniryukti of Bhadrabahu. 1914. Commentary of Haribhadra on the Avasyaka. i915. Commentary of Hemacandra on the Viasesavasyakabhasya of Jinabhadra. 1916-1918. Secondary commentary on the Avasyaka. 1919-1921. Dasavealia, with different commentaries. Some manuscripts of the 4th Mulasutra are wanting, 7. Miscellaneous. 1922--1925. 1926-1927. 1928. Oghaniryukti, with preface. Paksikasutra, with preface. Text in prose relating to some legends. 8. Review on the Siddhanta of the Digambaras. 9. Additions and corrections, Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Third Classification (1892). Preface. Note on the acquisition of the Jain manuscripts of the Library of Berlin. Importance of these manuscripts for the knowledge of the Jain doctrines. Classification of the non-cononical Jaina treatises : 1. Dogmatic and discipline. 2. Stava and Stotra. 3. Historical-legendary literature, 4. Didactic literature under the form of stories, narrations etc. The principal works acquired by the Library of Berlin in each of these series. General ideas on the Jain manuscripts. They are written with care; almost always the copyists recall their names and the date of their work; enumeration of the words, abreviations and diverse indications. The tradition of the canonical texts. The codification of the Svetambara canon by Devarddhigani (5th century A. D.) and of the Digambara canon by Puspadanta. External aspect of the Jaina manuscripts. The place and the writing of the commentaries with reference to the text. The customary diagram. System of writing of the manuscripts, and in particular of the group of consonants, Catalogue and description of the manuscripts Dogmatic and discipline. Nos. 1929. Avaravihi, on the domestic observances, by one anonymous. 1930. Anonymous commentary on the 5 karmagranthas of Devendrasuri and on the Saptatika of Candramahattara. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. Gotamaprccha, with modern commentary. Thanasattarisaya of Dharmaghosa and his student Somatilaka. Navatatta, with Sanskrit comment. Pratikramanasutra, with anonymous commentary. Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos, 1935. 1936--1939. 1940-1941. Pravacanasaraprakarana, extract of the Darsanasuddhiprakarana of Haribhadrasuri. Pravacanasaroddharaprakarana, sort of scientific encyclopaedia by Nemicandra, with commentary of Siddhasenasuri. Bhavabhavana of Maladhari Hemacandrasuri, with anonymous commentary. Laghuksetrasamasa, treatise of mythical geography by Ratnasekhara, with the author's own commentary. Vicarasattrimsaka of Gajasara, disciple of Dhavalacanda, Vihimaggapaya of Jinaprabhasuri. 1942. 1943. 1944-1945. 1946. Sraddhajitakalpa of Dharmaghosa, with Sanskrit commentary. 1947. Sraddhapratikramanasutra, with the commentary of Ratnasekhara suri. 1948-1949. Sastis ataprakarana of Nemicandra. 1950. Samghayani (Samgrahani) of Candrasuri, with the commentary of Devabhadrasuri. 1951. Samayarivihi by Paramananda, disciple of one Abhayadeva (?). 1152. Commentary of Vidyananda on the Aptapariksa. 1953 Fnanarnava (Yogapradipadhikara) of Subhacandra. 1954. a. Dharmavindu ; b. Yogavindu, attributed to Haribhadra with commentaries. 1955. Pratikramanavidhi of Jayacandrasuri. 1956-1959. Yogasastra of Hemacandra, with diverse commentaries or com ment. 1960. Vicaramritasamgraha. 1961. Srisamghapattakaprakarana of Jinavallabhasuri. 1962. Gathas on the 14 Gunasthanas by Jivaraja (Samvat 1665). 1963. Nayacakratika by Hemaraja (Samvat 1736). 1964. Vicaramanjart of Sripati (?) (Samvat 1603). Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY II. Staya and Stotra. Nos. 1965. a. Ullasikkamastotra of Jinavallabha; b. Bhayaharastotra of Manatunga. Rsabhapancasika of Dhanapala. Different short treatises of dogmatics or of religious poetry. 1966. 1967. 1968. a. Kalyanamandirastotra of Siddhasena Divakara; b. Bhaktamarastotra of Manatunga. 1969. 1970-1971. Commentary on the Bhaktamarastotra. Syadvadamanjari, commentary of Mallisenasuri on the Dvatrimsika of Hemacandra. Viharasataka of Ramacandra. Sobhanastuti (Tirthesastuti) of Sobhanamuni. 1972. 1973. III. Historical-legendary literature. 1974. 1975. Prabhatavyakhyapaddhati, comment on the Rsimandalatika, by Harsanandana; 50 legends. Kalasaruva of Dharmaghosa, with anonymous preface, called Kalasattari. Kupaksakausikadilya (Pravacanapariksa) o Dharmasagara (book I and beginning of the book II), with commentary of the author. 1976. 1977-1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. Kurmmaputracaritra of Jinamanikya. Ganadharasardhasataka of Jinadattasuri, with the commentary of Sarvarajagani. Gurvavalisutra of Dharmasagara, with commentary of the author, Jambuditthanta (Jambuajjhayana, Jambusvamikathanaka, Jambu. caritra). Sripalakatha of Ratnasekhara. Fragment of a work on the Harivamsa. Upadesasata (Mahapurusacarita) of Merutunga. 1982. 1984-1985. 1986. Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 AINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 1987. Gautamiyamahakavya of Rupacandra. 1988. 1989. 1990. 1991. 1992. 1993. 1994. Nemijinapurana of Brahmanemidatta. Pattavalivacana (anonymous) of the sect Kharatara, Parisistaparvan (Sthaviravalicarita) of Hemacandra. Pradyumnacarita of Ratnacandra. Yasodharacaritra of Manikyasuri. Extract of the Satrunjayamahatmya of Dhanesvara, Editing in prose of the Satrunjayamahatmy , by Hamsarantna. IV. Didactic literature, shorts, recitals etc. 1995. Ajaputrakatha. 1996. Ajaputrakatha and Aramanandanakatha. 1997. 1998. 1999. Amjanasundarisambandha. Antarakathasangraha. Ultamacaritrakathanaka. 2000. Ultamakumaracarita. 2001-2002. Uva esamala of Maladhari Hemacandra. 2003-2004. Uvaesamala of Dharmadasa. 2005-2007. Silovaesamala of Jayakirti, commentary (Silatarangini) of Somatila kasuri, and anonymous preface. 2008. Upadesaratnamala of Sakalabhusana. 2009-2013. Different collections of Kathas. 2014. Karpuraprakara (Subhasitakosa) of Hari. 2015. Kathamahodadhi of Somacandra. 2016. Katharatnakara of Hemavijayagani, 2017. Campakasresthikathanaka of Jinakirti. 2018. Dhanadakatha. 2019. Dharmaparaksa of Amitagati. 2020. Pancasatiprabodhasambandha of Subhasilagani, Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 2022 2024. 2021. Commentary of Devendra on the Prasnottararatnamala of Vimalacandra. Samyakivakaumudikaihanaka. 2025. Sinduraprakara of Somaprabha. 2026. Sulasacarita (Samyaktvasambhava) of Jayatilakasuri. 2027. Susadhakatha. Supplement. 2299. Suyagodamga, with the commentary of Slanka. 2300. Urasagadasao, with version in modern dialect. 2361. Commentary of Abhayadeva on the angas 7-9. 2302. Pannavana-bhagavati. 2303. Kasmakanda. 2804. Lokaprakasa of Vinaya. Additions and Corrections. The notes relating to the Jaina literature are found in Pp. 1209-1216. Indices. Among the seven indices, the most important are the last three: 5. Alphabetical index of the titles of works. 6. Alphabetical index of the authors. 7. General index. Facsimiles of manuscripts. 1. Ullaradhyayanatika, on palm leaves. III. (a) Nandisutra. IV. Ayaravihi and commentary on the Sadasilika (4th Karmagrantha) of Devendrasuri. V. (a) Bhagavali $81 87 Peter PETERSON. Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Ulwar-Bombay, 1892. Contains names of Jain Manuscripts in the library and names of twenty-one manuscripts under the head "Jain and other works in Prakrit". Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 88 Th. AUFRECHT. Florentine Sanskrit manuscripts examined.-Leipzig, 1892. Jaina Manuscripts. Nos, 71. Commentary on the canto I of the Naisadhzyacarita'. 1744-180. Different grammatical and lexicographical treatises of Hemacandra, with commentaries. 183. Sarasvataprakriyadipika' of Candrakirti chief of the Tapa sect at Nagpur ; quotation at the end of this commentary in which is found some information on the school of Candrakirti. 189. Vakyaprakasa', treatise of syntax, by Udayadharma, disciple of Ratnasimhasuri. 190--195. Different lexicographical treatises of Hemacandra. The number 194 contains a commentary, called Namasarodhara', composed on the 'Abhidhanacintamani' by Vallabhagani, disciple of Jnanavinaya. 205-206. Commentary on the 'Alamkarasastra' of Vagbhata. 285. Janmapattripaddhati' by Mahimodaya. 300---303. Naracandra' astrological treatise, by Naracandra. 503. "Kalpasutra'. 89 Cecil BENDALL. Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit Books in the British Museum acquired during the years 1876-92-London, 1893. P. 620. Names of 12 works on Jain religion. P. 624. Names of 42 works in Jain Prakrit both canonical and non-canonical on miscellaneous subjects. F. L. PULLE. The Florentine Jaina Manuscripts (Transactions of the Ninth InterNational Congress of Orientalists, Vol. I, Pp. 215--218)-London, 1893, Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 83 Preliminary remarks of M.F. LEUMANN, who points out particularly the manuscript of the "Pindaniryuktisnlra" and that of a "Nisithacurni". List of 65 manuscripts of canonical treatises, nanely : Angas ... 20 mss. Chedasutras ... 9 mss. Upangas .. 7 mss. Nandisutra 1 ms. Prakirnakas 12 mss. Mulasutras 14 mss. 90 E. LEUMANN. Liste von transcribirten Abschriften und Auszugen vorwiegend aus der Jaina-Literatur (Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Vol. XLV, P. 454 ; Vol. XLVII, Pp. 308--315).-Leipzig 1891 et 1893. This catalogue of copies and manuscript extracts, constituting the private collection of M.E. LEUMANN, comprises 128 numbers. Of this total, 106 concern the Jain literature. A first group (1468) has reference principally to the canonical treatises, texts, commentaries, criticism, etc. A second series (91 and following) admit works of all kinds, which are classed in alphabetical order of titles. Alphabetical Index of Manuscripts in the Government Oriental mss. Library, Madras-Madras, 1893. Here is the list of the Jaina manuscripts indicated in this catalogue. Sanskrit Manuscripts. Titles. Authors. Atmanusasana. Gunabhadrasvamin. Upasakacara. Karmapraksti. Ksattracudamani. Vadibhasimhasuri. Gomathasara. Candraprabhajinagadyamalika. Jinasamhita. Jinastuti. Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Authors, litles. Jinendralayavisaya. Jainadevatapujavidhi. Jainadevatastotra. Jainapujavidhana. Jainapujahoma. Jainamatasarasangraha Jainastotra, Tattvarthasutravstti. Bhaskaranandin. Nemicandra. Dravyasangraha. Dravyasangrahasutravrtti. Dharmasarmabhyudaya. Nagakumaracaritra. Haricandra. Mallisena. Vagbhata. Nitikavyamsta Neminirvanakavya. Nyayamanidipika (Prameyaratnamalavyakhya) Pancaparamesthisvarupanirupana. Pariksamukhalaghuvsiti. Prameyakanthika. Anantaviryaya. Santivarain. Hirapa. Samantabhadrasvamin. Prameyaratnamala. Ratnakaranda. Ratnakarandatika. Saptabhangitaranginz. Sinduraprakarasubhasitakosa. Tamil Manuscripts. Kaumudikathei. Jainamatavisaya. Tirunarrantadi (with commentary). Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Titles. Pancamargotpatti. Purvakarmam-aparakaramam. Yatidarmam-siravakadarmam. Sadurvimsatipurana. Sindamani (with commentary of Naccinarkkiniyar). None a series of historical documents. cf. Alphabetical index of Tamil Records, in particular, P. 24. Anjanacarire. Anantanakathe." Aparajitesvarasalaka. Id. Abhisekhasandhi. Astavarnatilaka. Aroganeyasandhi. Karmanirjara. Karmaharastamiyanompi. Kalpakujadanompi. Kamanakathe. Ganitasastra. Gurudattaracaritre. Gomathe varacaritre. Jinakathe. Candradarsananompi. Jinadattarayacaritre, Jinamunitanayakataka. Jinavacanamritalaradhi. Jinasiddhagama Canaras Manuscripts. Authors. Mayana. Brahmayya. Hamsaraja. Bhadraprabha. Surupuraderiappa. Bhadraprabha. Kalyanakirti. Uttungakavi. Candranna. Ravikirtiraya. Padmanabha. Akalankadevasisya. 85 Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Titles. Authors. Bhadraprabha. Sarvajnabhaskara, Cidambarapurusa. Jinagama. Jivandharanacaritre. Jivahitartha. Jainakadamba. Jainaganita. Jainabirudavali. Fainarabastiyadhavaladahadu. Jainavarnasrama. Turthesapujasandhi, Akalankadevasisya. Akalanka. Bhadraprabha. Tripuradahanasangatya. Rajakavi. Trilokasataka. Rajahamsa, Camundaraya. Trisastilaksanapurana. Trailokyaraksamani ataka, Dvadasanuprekse. Arhatparamesvara. Vrittavilasa. Nayasendeva, Bahubali. Rajahamsa Bahubali. Dharmaparikse. Dharmamritapurana. Navanidhibhandaradanompi. Nagakumaranakathe. Nagakumaranacaritre. Nagakumarapancamiyanompi. Nagararalsati. Nemicandracaritre (Jaina Bharata). Padmavatiyacaritre. Palanasandhi. Puspadantapurana. Pujyapadacaritre. Prabhanjanacaritre. Bijjalacaritre. Mangarasa. Padmanabha, Bhadraprabha. Gunavarman. Devayya. Dharanindra. Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 87 Titles. Authors. Bharatesvaracaritre. Kaladhara. Niranjanasiddha Id. Bharatesvaravaibhava, Bhavyanandanompi. Migeyanompi. Ratnakaragangalapadajati. Rayanasarasutravritti. Lokasvarupa. Varanganripacarita. Candrakirti. Dharanipandita. Camundaraya. Vardhamanabhatlarakapurana, Vijayakumariyacaritre. Santisvarapurana. Sivaralriyakathe. Srutaskandanompi. Kamalabhava. Sanatkumarakathe. Bommarasa Saptajyotiyakathe. Samyakttvakaumudi. Siddharanompi. Mangarasa. Marathi Manuscripts, Adipurana. Malucandra, 91 P. PETERSON, A fourth Report of operations in search of Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Circle, 1886-92 (Extra number of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XVIII).- Bombay, 1804. Pp. I-XILII-Index of Authors, This index is conceived following the Sanskrit alphabetical order. Each of these authors mentioned is the object of a biographical and bibliographical review more or less extensive. Most of the authors are Jains. Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 The most important reviews are devoted to: Abhayadeva Umasvati Kundakunda Jayacandra Jinacandra Jinapati Jinaprabha Jinabhadra Jinalabha Jinavallava Jinasena Jinesvara Devabhadra Devasuri Devendra Dhanapala Dharmaghosa Padmadeva caritra". Bhadrabahu Bhadresvara Malayagiri Manikyacandra Mantunga www JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 4-17-Reviews. Summary of the Jain legend concerning Mallavadyacarya after the "Prabandhacintamani". This author has written a commentary on the "Nyayabindutika" of the Buddhist Dharmottara. Municandra Muniratna Merutunga Ratnasekhara Rajasekhara Santisuri Silanka Review on Siddharsi; author of the "Upamitabhavaprapancakatha". Religious genealogy of Hemacandra, after a manuscript of the Mahaviracaritra of this master. Religious genealogy of Sricandrasuri, after his work, the "Munimueratasvami Sanghatilaka Siddhasena Haribhadra Hemacandra Review on the Dharmavidhi of Sriprabhasuri, after the commentary written on his work by Udayasimhacarya, whose religious genealogy is recalled. Biography of Devacandra, after a manuscript of his "Sirinahacariya", Religious genealogy of Guracandra, extract from the Vtracariya of this author. Review on the Kumarapalapratibodhamahakavya of Somaprabhacarya, and ingenious genealogy of the author. List of 55 manuscripts of work mostly Jains. Review on Ramacandra, disciple of Hemacandra, with respect to a manuscript of his drama, the Raghuvilasa. Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 82 Extracts. Astalaksi or Artharanavali of Samayasundara. Jayantakavya of Abhayadeva, Tirthakalpa of Jinaprabhasuri. Padmacaritra of Vimalasuri. Salapadisaroddhara of Merutungacarya. Upadesaratnamala of Sakalabhusana. Aradhanakathakosa of Brahmanemidatta. Jambusvamicaritra of Jinadasa. Trisastilaksanamahapurana of Gunabhadracarya. Dharmaratnakara of Jayasena. Pandavapurana of Subhacandra. Harivamsapurana of Jinasena. List of Manuscripts. . Pp. 43-58. List of 337 Jain manuscripts. Recension : G. BUHLER, Wiener Zeitschrift f.d. Kunde d. Morgenlandes, Vol. X, Pp. 328-333. 92 R.G. BHANDARKAR, Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the years 1884-85, 1885-86 and 1886-87--Bombay, 1894. Pages. 13-19. Detailed analysis and translation of some passages of a work, up to that time unknown, the "Dharmapariksa" of Amitagati, which belonged to the order of the Digambaras. 19. Religious genealogy of Amitagati. 19-20. Chronological review on Dhananjaya, the author of the "Dvisandhanakavya", the exact title of which would be "Raghavapandaviya". 101-109. List of 126 manuscripts of Digambara works, of which : 64 Concerning the dharma; 39 Concerning the legends; and 23 Concerning the sastras, poems etc. Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 Pages 110-127. List of 244 manuscripts of Svetambara works: 134-138. Extracts of the "Dharmapariksa", containing the religious genealogy of the author, Amitagati. 138. Quotation of two slokas concerning Dhananjaya. 93 95 have reference to the dharma; 80 have reference to the history and to the legends. 69 have reference to the sastras, poems etc. F. L. PULLE. Catalogo dei Manoscritti g'ianici della Biblioteca nazionale centrale diFirenze. Firenze, 1894. Each article comprises three parts: 1. A descriptive review of the manuscript studied. 2. A bibliograpy relating to the work and divided in three sections (a) Edition, (b) Translations and (e) Critical works. 3. A detaliled analysis of the work. The only part published deals with the following three manuscripts: 1. Ayaramgasutta. (Acarangastra). 2. Acarangasuri' (incomplete manuscript) by Manikyamandiramuni, disciple of Udayacandragani. 3. Suyagadamgasatta' (Sutrakrtangasutra). manner: JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY F. L. PULLE. Les manuscrits de l'Extra-Siddhanta (G'ainas de la Bibliotheque nationale centrale de Florence (Actes du X Congres International des Orientalistes, II Partie, Section I, Pp. 17-24).-Leide, 1895. This collection comprises 176 manuscripts which are divided in the following Dogmatic and religious rule. Stava & Stotra 94 History and legends Short stories and news Woks of Hemacandra Lyrical and dramatic poetry 60 mss. 24 mss. 33 mss. 46 mss. 7 mss. 6 mss. Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BibliogrAPHY 95 P. PETERSON. Afifth Report of aperations in search of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Circle, 1892-95-Bombay, 1896. P. 1-LXXXVI.-Index of Authors. The principal Jain authors of whom there is a talk in this new index are : Akalanka Trivikrama Balacandra Ajitaprabha Dhanesvara Santisuri Udayasimha Dharmaprabha Subhacandra Ksemakirti Naracandra Sadhusundara Jinasena Nemidatta Somaprabha. The religious genealogy of almost all these masters has been given. Appendix 1. Extracts of Jain maunscripts of palm leaves preserved at Anahilvad Patan. The most extensive works concern the following works : Mahaviracaritra of Hemacandra. Munisuvratasvamicaritra of Candrasuri. Commentary of Trivikrama on the VIllaratnakara. Mahaviracariya of Gunacandragani. Kumara-palapratibodha of Somaprabhacarya. Upadesak andali of Asada, with commentary of Balacandra, Santinathacaritra of Devacandra. Risahadevacariya of Vardhamanasuri. Dharmopadesamalavrtti of Vijayasimha. Samaradityacaritra of Haribhadrasuri. Tika of Ksemakirti on the Brhatkalpas utra. Dharmavidhi of Sriprabhasuri, with commentary of Udayasimha, Puhaicandacariya of Santyacarya. santinathacaritra of Ajitaprabhasuri. Upadesamalavytti of Ratnaprabha. Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Gurusiuti of Dharmaprabhasuri. Jiyakappacunni, with commentary, of Sricandrasuri. Raghuvilasa, drama of Ramacandra. Appendix II. Extracts of Manuscripts on paper preserved at Anahilvad-Patan. There is scarely anything to recall than the following: Pages 156-160 Dhaturatnakara of Sadhusundara. 165-166 Mulasuddhiprakarana of Pradyamnasuri, with commentary of Devendra. 170-171 Jainadharmavasamstavana of Bhavaprabhasuri, with commentary of the author. Appendix III. Extracts of Manuscripts examined on account of the Government. The most remarkable Jain manuscripts are : Pages. 199-201 Anansundara of Sarvavijaya. 203---206 Parsranathacaritra of Bhavadevasuri. 208-215 Sricandracaritra of Silasimhagani. 216-219 Commentary of Laghusamantabhadra on the Astasahasri. Appendix IV. Pp. 276-317. List of 383 Jain manuscripts. Recension: G. Buhler, Wiener Zeitschrift f. d. Kunde d. Morgenlandes, Vol. X, Pp. 328-33. 96 E. LEUMANN. A list of the Strassburg Collection of Digambara Manuscripts (Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Vol. XI, Pp. 297-312).--Wien, 1897. Important collection of manuscripts, among which are the following works : Akalankastotra by Akalarka. Astaprabhfta of Kundakunda. Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Astasahasri or Aptamilmamsalamkara by Vidyananda. Adipurana of Jinasena and Gunabhadra. Aptapariksa by Vidyananda. Aptamimamsa or Devagamastotra by Samantabhadra. Upasargaharastotra by Bhadrabahu. Jnanasuryodaya, drama of Vadicandra. Candraprabhacaritra by Viranandin. Jnanarnava by Subhacandra. Tattvarthasutra of Umasvati. Trilokasara by Abhayanandin (?) Drazyasamgraha by Nemicandra. Dharmapariksa of Amitagati. Dharmakarmabhyudaya by Haricandra. Niyamasara of Kundakunda. Padmapurana of Ravisena. Pandavapurana (Mahabharata jaina) by Subhacandra. Parvabhyudaya, imitation of Meghaduta, by Jinasena. Pravacanasara of Kundakunda. Prasamarati of Umasvati. Brhaddharivamsapurana of Jinasena. Bhadrabahucaritra by Ratnanandin. Mulacara by Vattakera. Yasastilaka by Somadeva. Vardhamanapurana by Sakalaktrti. Samayaprabhrta of Kundakunda. Subhasitaratnasamdoha of Amitagati. Harivamsapurana by Sakalakirti and Jinadasa. 135 93 Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 97 R. G. BHANDARKAR. Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during the years 1887-88, 1888-89, 1889-90 and 1890-91.-Bombay, 1897. Pages 73-81. List of 79 manuscripts of Digambara works, of which: 53 relating to the dharma; 13 relating to the legends; and 13 relating to the sastras. Pages. 81-110. List of 369 manuscripts of Svetambara works: 223 have reference to the dharma; 60 have reference to the legends; and 86 have reference to the sastras, poems etc. 112-114. List of Jain manuscripts in modern dialects: 3 are of Digambara works; and are of Svetambara works. 28 98 (i) Seshagiri SASTRI. Report on a search for Sanskrit and Tamil Manuscripts for the year 1896-97.-Madras, 1898. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 34-35. Review on the 'Tapparungalakkarigei' treatise of prosody in Tamoul, composed by Amrtasagar, and commented by Gunasagar. The list of authors and of works quoted by the commentator is recalled. P. 49. Review on the "Aranericcara" Tamoul poem of Mufiaippadiyar; who was to profess the Jain faith; references to the Jain dogmas contained in the work have been given. Pp. 182-189. Extracts of the "Tapparungalakkarigei". Pp. 241-242. Short extracts of the "A anericcara". P. PETERSON. A sixth Report of operations in search of Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Circle, 1895-98.-Bombay, 1899. Pp. 1-XXV-Index of authors. Among the Jain authors, the most important reviews have been devoted to: Gunaratna Yasovijaya Silasimhagani. Gunakara Devendra Bhavadeva Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 95 Appendix 1.-Extracts of Manuscripts. The Jain works, the extracts of which have been given (Pp. 38--56) are the following: Astasahasrivivarana of Yasovijaya, Acarapradipa of Ratnasekhara. Upamitibhavaprapancakathasarodhara of Devendrasuri. Navyabhatksetrasamasa of Somatilaka, with a commentary of Gunaratnasuri. Mahapurusacaritra of Merutunga. Yogavindu, with commentary, of Haribhadrasuri. Rucitadandakastuti, with commentary, of Jinesvara. Vijayacandracaritra of Candraprabhamahattara. Visesavasyakavstti of Hemacandra. Sudarsanacarita of Devendragani. Bhagavatyaradhana of Sivacarya. Ratnakarandaka of Samantabhadra. Appendices II and III--Lists of Manuscripts. Pp. 111-134. List of 1895-98 : 150 Jain manuscripts. Pp. 140--144. List of 1898-99 : 34 Jain manuscripts. 98 (ii) Seshagiri "ASTRI. Report on a search for Sanskrit and Tamil Manuscripts for the year 1893-94.- Madras, 1399. P. 83. Review on the "Srngaramanjari", short poetical treatise composed by Ajitasenadevayatisvara, who lived in the second half of the 10th century A.D. Pp. 104-111. Long review on the Tolkappiyam', treatise of grammar in Tamoul, and on the commentary of Naccinarkhiniyar. The latter is generally considered as a Sevaite ; but he was rather Jain or Buddhist. The information on his Life and works are contained in this review. Pp. 129--131. Review on the "Pasmamosi", moral poem in Tamoul, of Munruai Araiyan, who seems to have professed the Jain faith. Some extracts of his work have been given in note. Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96 Pp. 231-234. Extracts of the 'Srhgaramanjart'. Pp. 263-292. Very extensive extracts of the commentary of Naccinarkkiniyar on the "Tolkappiyam". JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 99 A.V. KATHAVATE. Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presi dency during the years 1891-92, 1892-93, 1893-94 and 1894-95.-Bombay, 1901. Pp. 20-21-Reviews. Five manuscript collections of diverse legends, "Kathasamgrah". Among these lengends, it is necessary to point out that of Bharata and Bahubali and that of Nala and Damyanti. Samayasundara and one of his works, the "Artharatnavali". "Tapotamatakatlana", in which the author divides the heterodox Jains in three categories-Tapota, Mudgalo and Sakini. "Dvijavadanacapeta", polemic work against the Brahmanical religion. "Namamalasesa", supplement to the Abhidhanacintamani' of Hemacandra. Pages. 67-77. List of 182 manuscripts of Digambara works, of which: 91 concern the dharma and the stotra; 43 concern the legendary literature; 44 concern the sastras, poems etc; and 4 concern the grammar. 78-91. List of 207 manuscripts of Svetambara works, namely 92 relating to the dharama and to the stotra, and 30 to the lengendary literature and to the sastras, poems etc. 98-103. List of 128 manuscripts in modern dialetes, of which 20 of Digambara works, 108 of Svetambara works. Pp. 117-121-Extracts. Commentary of Jayasekhara on the 'Upadelacintamani". 'Artharatnavali' of Samayasundara. "Tapotamatakuftana' of Jinaprabhasuri. 'Dvijavadanacapeta'. Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 97 100 Th. AUFRECHT. Katalog der Sanskrit ---Handschritfen der Universitats-Bibliothek zu Leipzig-Leipzig, 1901. Jain manuscripts. Nos. 416. "Meghaduta" with Jain commentary of Kanakakirtigani, disciple of Jayamandira. A specimen of this commentary has been given. 780-781. "Linganusasana" of Hemacandra. 782. "Vakyaprakasa", syntax of the verb with examples in Sanskrit and in Jain Prakrit, 129 sutras ; composed in 1451 by Udayadharma, disciple of Ratnasimhasuri. 798-802. "Abhidhanacintamani" of Hemacandra. 815. Commentary on the "Srutabodha" by the Jain Hamsaraja, disciple of Jimutanada. 822-823. Vagbhatalamkara". 824. Commentary on the "Vagbhatalamkara", this commentary is extract of that of Simhadevagani. 1101. "Janmapattrikapaddhati", treatise analogous to the precedent by a Jain equally anonymous. 1100. "Janmapattrilekhanaprakura", treatise of astrology relating to the birth, by an anonymous Jain. 1185. (5) "Yogacintamani", medical treatise by Harsakirti of the Tapa gaccha. 1188-1189. The same work with comment in Guzarati. 101 C. BENDALL. Catalogue of ihe Sanskrit manuscripts in the British Museum-London, 1902 This catalogue is devoted to the Brahmanical and Buddhistic manuscripts. Some numbers, however, have reference to the Jain literature. These are the following: Nos, 218. "Raghuvamsa", with commentary of Dharmameru, disciple of Munipra bhagani. 225. "Avacurni", on the Meghduta due to a certain Kanakakirtigani, of the religions descent of Jinacandrasuri of the Kharatara gaccha, Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 Nos. 254. Commentary on the Satakas of Bhartrhari by Dhanasara, disciple of one Siddhasuri of the Kesa sect. 281. "Pancadandachattraprabandha", unique manuscript, a copy of which was utilised by WEBER for his edition. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 286. "Prabandhakola" of Rajasekharasuri, disciple of Tilakasuri (14th century). 327-328. Commentary (nyasa) of Hemahamsagani on his own treatise of logic entitled "Nyayamanjusa" or "Nyayarthamanjusika". The author belonged to the Tapa gaccha. 329. "Tarkatarangin", treatise of logic composed by Gunaratna, who belonged to the Kharatara sect and lived probably at the end of the 16th century. 376. "Kriyaratnasamuecaya", a treatise on the verbal origins followed by a pattavali of the Tapa sect, by another Gunaratna. This author lived at the end of the 14th century and was the third principal disciple of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa gaccha. The most remarkable reviews of the pattavali concern Manadeva (19th suri) Vimalendu (Vimalacandra, 34th), Devendra (45th), Dharmaghosa (46th), Somaprabha (47th) and Devasundara (49th) whose disciple was Gunaratna. 382. "Dhaturatnakara" or "Kriyakalapalata" by Sadhusundaragani, of the Kharatara sect, of which a pattavali terminates the manuscript. The principal masters marked out are: Jinesvara, Jinasimha, Jinaraja, Jinasagara and Vimalatilaka. 396. Commentary on the "Sabdaprabheda" of Mahesvara composed in 1598 by Jnanavimalagani of the Kharatara sect. 403. "Abhidhanacintamani" of Hemacandra, with the commentary "Saroddhara" of Vallabhagani, disciple of Jnanavimala. 409. "Unadinamamala" by Subhastlagani of the Tapa gaccha, the disciple of Laksmisagarasuri and of Munisundara. 421-423. "Vagbhatalamkara", with the commentary of Jina-Vardhanasuri. 426. "Prasnottara" or "Prasnottaraikasastisala" Jinavallabhasuri. or still "Prainal" by 428. Commentary of a Jain of the name Ksemahamsa on the Vrritaratnakara of Kedara. 431. "Chandoratnaval" by Amaracandra, disciple of Jinadattasuri, of the Vayada sect (end of the 13th century). Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 451. "Ganakakumudakaumud?", commentary of Sumatiharsagani on the "Karanakutuhala", an astronomical treatise of Bhaskara. This commentator lived in the 17th century; he belonged to the Ancalika sect and was the disciple of Harsaratnagani himself the disciple of Udayarajaganti. 485-487. "Arambhasiddhi", astrological treatises by Udayaprabhadevasuri, with the commentary of Hemahamsa. 556. "Jyotisasaroddhara" of Harsakirtisuri. 102 99 List of Sanskrit, Jaina and Hindi manuscripts purchased by order of Government and deposited in the Sanskrit College, Benaras, during 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900 and 1901. --Allahabad, 1902. Pp. 37-38. Of the introduction. Alphabetical list of the Jain manuscripts, of which there is a talk in the work. Pp. 110-119. List of 46 Jain manuscripts collected during the year 1898. List of 16 Jain manuscripts collected during the year 1899. Pp. 166-167. 103 Syamsundar DAS. Annual Report on the search for Hindi manuscripts for the year 1900-Allahabad, 1903. Each of the manuscripts mentioned in the catalogue is the object of a concise review accompanied by the introduction and the conclusion of the original text. It is convenient to mark out the following Jain manuscripts: Nos. 91. "Srisilarasa", history of Sila, son of Neminatha, by Vijayadeva. 94. "Srisatarabhedapija", treatise on the 17 manners of adoring Jina Deva, by Gunasagara. 95. "Prthivicandraguna sagaragila", without the name of the author. 97. "Bhagavaligia", hymn in honour of the goddess Sarasvati, according to the Jain faith, by Vidyakamalla. 101. "Ekabharabhasa", short treatise on Jainism, by Dyanatei. 102. "Bhupalacaubts", translation in Hindi verse, by Bhudharamalla, of a Sanskrit work of Bbupala on Jainism. 103. Visapalarabhasa", Hindi translation of a Jain stotra entitled "Virapahara"." Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 104. "Kalyanamandirabhasa", Hindi translation of the stotra of Siddhasena Divakara. 105. "Sadhubandana", or description of the 28 virtues of the sadhus, according to the Jain doctrine, by the poet Banarasi, who lived at Agra under reign of Shahajaban (1628-58 A, D.). 106. "Moksamargapaidi", that is to say, the method of arriving at deliverance following the Jain religion, by the same Banarasi. 107. "Karmabatisz", dealing with the soul and and karma according to Jainism; without name of the author. 110. "Dharmadattacaritra", by Dayasagarasuri. 113. "Puspanjalipujajapamala", indicating the five methods of adoration accord ing to the Jains. 114. Adityakathabadi", the author of which is probably the poet Govri. 116. Sambadhipancasika", translated in Hindi by Biharidasa. 118. "Yogindrasarabhasa", or method to escape transmigration, by Buddhajana. 119. Svadsastalarangini", anonymous work on Jainism and dealing with the manner of writing holy books. 120. "Prabodhacintamani" by Dharmamandiragani. 122. "Dharmaparksa", or history of Jina Deva, by Manohar Khandelval. 123. Hanuvantamoksyagamikatha" by Brahmaral. 132. "Samayasaranatika, description of the seven elements, by the poet Banarasi. 133. "Cetanakarmacaritra", or struggle between the soul and the passions, by Bhagotidasa.. 134. "Almanusasana" of Gunabhadra, translated in Hindi verse by Todara malla. 104 Th. AUFRECHT. Catalogus catalogorum. An alphabetical Register of Sanskrit Works and Authors.--Leipzig, 1891---1903. The great work of AUFRECHT is properly speaking, specially devoted to Sanskrit literature. However, it indicates a certain number of Jain authors and works. Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBI IOGRAPHY 101 The names of same and the titles of works have been recalled in the following tables : Part I (1891). Pages Column Name of authors Titles of works ON NON Ajitasena, Abhayacandra. Abhayanandin. Amitagati. Ugraditya. Udayaprabhadeva. Candrasena. Jambukavi. 65 182 198 213 Jyotisasarasamgraha. 262 Devendrasuri. Dhananjaya. 266 270 Dharmasarmabhyudaya by Puspasena. Naliparikna. 284 Padmanandin. 321 325 Paramatmaprakasa (?) Pisacakalacakrayuddhavarnana(?) by Nathamalla. 338 433 Malayagiri. Mahendrasuri. 445 447 Manikyacandra. 464 Mutrapariksa. 466 Meghavijaya. Merutunga. 467 468 Maithilinataka. 491 2 Ratnasekhara. Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 Pages Column 502 2 512 1 553 2 558 559 562 563 569 576 594 638 679 680 696 704 705 707 715 716 728 735 736 758 765 768 771 772 1 1 2 1 2 212 21 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 *2 1 1 2 2 Name of authors Rajasekhara. Ramacandra. Vardhamanasuri. Vagbhata. Vaidcandrasuri. Vadibhasimha. Vinayavijaya. Viracarya. Samantabhadra. Sahajakirti. Sagaracandra. Sadhukirti. Saresvarapandita. Simhatilaka. Somatilakasuri. Somaprabha, Haribhadrasuri. Hastimallasena. Hemacandra, JAINA BIBLOGRAPHY Titles of works Vakyamahjari. Vikramadityacaritra (two works of this name are Jains). Sakatayanayakarana. Saddarianasamuccaya. Sastisamvatsar by Durgadeva. Subhasitamuktavali of Amitagati. Adhyatmavidyopanisad Nyayadipika by Abhinavadharmabhusana, Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 103 Part II (1896). Pages Column Name of authors Titles of works Udayadharma. . . Ganitasarasamgraha, commentary on the sutras attributed to Mahavira. Janmapattripaddhati by Mahimodaya. Nemiduta, poem imitated from the Meghaduta by Vikrama, son of Sangana. Nyayatalparyadipika, commentary of Jayasimha on the Nyayasara. 68. Mahimodaya. Vagbhata, son of Soma and author of of ....... 134 2 Vikrama, son of Sangana. 158 Srngaravairag yatarangini of Somaprabhacarya. Saddarsanasamksepa. Saddarsanasamuccaya. 162 162 168 Sahajakirti. Hemacandra. 18+ 2. : Part III (1903). Ajitasena. Triolkasara by Nemicandra. Diksitadevadatta. Bhojacaritra. 157 1 Haribhadrasuri. Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Titles of works Pages Column Name of authors 158 2 Hemacandra. 1592 Quotation of the first two works of the Bhojacharitra. 105 J. EGGELING and E. WINDISCH. Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office. Parts I-VII.-London, 1887-1904. Part II (1889). Nos. 811-812. "Sabdanusasana" of Hemacandra, with the commentary of the author (Laghuvsiti). 813-814. "Linganusasana" of Hemacandra, with avacuri. 942--944. Prakrit grammar of Hemacandra. 1004--1009. "Abhidhanacintamani". 1010--1013. "Anekarthasamgraha". 1045. "Ekaksaranamamalika" or "Ekaksarani ghantu", lexicographical trea tise in 49 stanzas, by Sudhakalasa, disciple of Rajasekharasuri. 1086. Commentary of Harsakirtisuri, disciple of Candrakirtisuri, on "Srutabodha", attributed to Kalidasa. & Part III (1891). 1153-1154. "Vagbhatulalamkara'. 1156. Commentary of Jinavardhanasuri on the "Vagbhataslamkara". 1157. "Kavyanusasanavstti" or "Alamkaratilaka", other poetical treatise by Vagbhata, 1183-1187. "Karyakalpalala" by Amaracandrayatindra, disciple of Jina datta suri, of the Vayada sect. Part V (1896) 3001. "Fyotsasaroddhara", summary of Jain astrology, by Harsakirti. :? Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 105 Nos. Part VII (1904). 3846. "Balabharata" of Amaracandra, 4098-4102. "Simhasanadvalrimsatikatha". 106 A. B. Kerra. A Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prakrit Mss. in the Indian Institute Librarr, Oxford-Oxford, 1903. Pp. 16-39.-- Jaina Literature. Nos. 29. Commentary of Silankacharya on the 'Acaranga-sutra'. 30. Commentary of Abhayadeva on the Sthanangasutra. 31. Bhagavati-sutra. 32. Jnaladharmakatha. 33. Commentary of Abhayadeva on the 'Upasakadasa'. 34. Antakrtadasu. 35. Anuttaraupapatikadasa. 36 & 38. Prasnavyakarna. 37. Vipakasrula. 38-40. Aupapatika and commentary of Abhayadeva. 41. Rajaprusniya with the commentary of Malayagiri. 42. jrabhigama-sutra. 43. Commentary of Malayagiri on the 'Prajnapana'. 44. Jambudvapa-prajnapti' with comments in Sanskrit. 45. Nirayavaliya. 46. Aturapralyaklyana. 4749. Ullaradhyavana' (two mss., one of which with comment in bhasa, and the other with kathas in Sanskrit), and anonymous comments. 50. Avasyaka-niiyukti. 51. 'Dasovaikalika-sutra' with comment in Sanskrit. 52. Nandi-sutra' with comment in bhasa. 53 & 55. "Pratikramana-sutra' and commentary of Tilakacharya, Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 Nos. 54. Commentaries of Tilakacharya on the 'Gaityavandana', the 'Vandaraka' and the 'Pratyakhyana'. 56 & 57. Ksetra-samasa', treatise of mythical geography more ancient than that of Ratnasekhara, and commentary of Haribhadra. 58. Ketra-samara' of Ratnasekhara with interlineary comment in bhasa. 59. 'Navatattva' in 54 stanzas. 60. 'Samgrahant' of Chandrasuri, with comments. 61. Comment on the Yogasastra' of Hemachandra (Summary of his own commentary). JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 62. Antarakatha-samgraha' by Rajasekhara. 63. Padmacharita', Kavya in 123 cantos by Ravisena. 64. Santinatha-charitra' by Bhavachandrasuri. 65. Commentary of Tapacharya on the 'Kalyanamandira-stotra' of Siddhasena Divakara. 66. Commentary of Jayavijaya gani on the 'Sobhanastuti." 67. Comment in Sanskrit and in bhasa on the Vitaraga-stotra of Hemachandra. 107 List of Sanskrit, Jaina and Hindi manuscripts deposited in the Sanskrit College, Benares, during 1902.--Allahabad, 1904. P 17. Mention of a single Jain manuscript the "Kulakavrtti" of Devavijayagani. SYAMSUNDAR DAS. Annual Report on the search for Hindi manuscripts for the year 1901. -Allahabad, 1904, This catalogue, conceived in the same way as the precedent, only marks out at single Jain manuscript: No. 109. "Jinarasa" treatise on the Jain principle, composed in Samvat 1779 by Benirama, disciple of Dayarama. 108 A Classified List of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, N.I. The Bhagvanlal Indraji Collection (Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XXI, Appendix)-Bombay, 1904. Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 107 Pp. 23--28. List of 46 Jain manuscripts among which almost all are canonical sutras, and several commentaries, some are stotras and others are poems. 109 KUNJA VIHARI Kavyatirtha. Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts in Sanskrit belonging to the Oriental Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal --Calcutta, 1904. Names of 12 printed and 12 manuscript works on general Jain subjects. J.F. BLUMHARDT. Catalogue of the Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Pushtu and Sindhi Manuscripts in the Library of the British Museum,-London, 1905. Pp. 1-17. Names of 34 manuscripts on Jain religion. 110 M. WINTERNITZ and A.B. KEITH. Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Vol. II. - Oxford, 1905. Jain Manuscripts. Nos. 1105. Namamula of Dhananjaya. 1107. Abhidhanachintamani of Hemachandra. 1108. Commentary of Hemachandra on the preceding dictionary. 1109. Abhidhanachintamani and Sesasmgrahasarodhara of Hemachandra. 1110. Sesasamgraha-sarodhara of Hemachandra. 1111. Anekarthasamgraha of Hemachandra, with the Anekarthasesa and a commentary. At the end, the second pariccheds' of the Namamala of Dhananjaya. 1120. "Prakriya-kaumudi, according to Panini by Ramchandra, 1136-1137. Sarsvata-dipika', commentary of Chandrakirtisuri on the Sarasvata. vyakarana'. 1138. "Sarsvali ya Dhatupatha" by Harsakirti. 1139. "Dhatu tarangin7", commentary by Harsakirti himself on the preceding work. 1140. Commentary of Hemachandra on his "Sabdunusasana'adhyayas V-VIII-Naya-vrlti belonging to the grammar of Hemachandra. 1141. Nayaya-vytti', beloning to the grammar of Hemachandra. 1142. Commentary on the "Sabdanusasana" of Hemachandra. Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 1143. 'Linganusasana-vivaranoddhara', commentary of Hemachandra on his 'Linganusasana'. 1154. Commentary of Somachandra on the 'VIllaratnakara' of Kedara. This commentary was composed in 1273 A. D. 1250-1251, Jain commentaries on the Meghadula of Kalidasa. and 1253. 1276. Jaina Manuscript of the 'Simhasana-dvalrtmsatkathanaka' (Vikrama or Vikramaditya charita). 1334-1356. Commentaries on the canonical treatiscs by Abhayadevasuri, Vinayachandra, Laksmivallabha, Malayagiri, Juanasagara, Tilakacharya and Haribhadra. 1357--- 1374. Commentaries on the non-canonical treatises, aniong others the *Karmagranthas', the 'Gautama-prccha', the Navatattva', the 'Samgrahani', the 'Jivavichara'. 1375. Atmanusasana' of Gunabhadra. 1376. "Yogasastra (I-IV) of Hemachandra. 1377. "Gunasthana-kramarohana-prakarana' of Ratnasekhara. 1378. Nyaya-dipika' of Dharmabhusana. 1379. "Purusartha-siddhyupaya' of Amrtachandrasuri. 1380--1388. Different hymns, among which the Vitaraga-stotra' of Hemachandra. 1389. 'Adipurana' of Jinasena. 1390-1392. The cantos I, VIII and X of the 'Trisasti-salakapurusa-charita' of Hemachandra. 1393--1395. "Satrunjaya-mahatmya' of Dhanesvara. 1396--1406. Other legendary works, among others the 'Pandavapurana', a Jain adaptation of the Mahabharata', by Subhachandra (No. 1400). 1407. 'Uapdesamala-vrlii'. 1408. Balingrendrakhyanaka' of Hemachandra. 1409_1413. 'Sindura-prakara' of Somaprabha. 1414. "Karpura-prakara' of Hari. 1415. 'Dipalika-kalpa' of Jinasundara. Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 109 Nos. 1416. "Chitrasena- l'admavali-charita' of Rajavallabha. 1417. "Samyaktva-kaumudi-charitra'. 1418. "Dasa drslanta-katha', choice of Prakrit stanzas abstracts of the 'Upadesa-mala' of Hemachandra. 1481. 'Saddarsana-samuccaya' of Haribhadra. 1541-1542. "Arambha-siddhi', work of astrology by Udayaprabhasuri. 1543-1544. "Grahabhava-prakasa' or 'Bhuvana-dipika', other work of astrology by Padmaprabhasuri. 111 J. F. BLUMHARDT. Catalogue of the Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, l'ushtu and Sindhi Manuscripts in the Library of British Museum.-London, 1905. Marathi Manuscripts. Nos. 1, 2. Narrative relating to the controversy happened between Sankracharya and the Jain Amaracharya. 1, 3. List of 18 terms applicable to the Jains and to the Buddhists, in Sanskrit and Marathi. 53, 5. "Gorakh-Machindar-charitra', legend of two Jain saints by Krisnadasa. Guzerati Manuscripts. 1. Acaranga-sutra', with the Guzerati commentary of Paravachandra, disciple of Sadhuratna, of the Tapa gaccha. 2. Jnatadharma-katha' with notes in Guzerati. 3. 'Aupapatika-sutra', with balabodha by Rajachandra, 4. "Rajaprasniya-sutra, with Guzerati commentary. "Coatuhsarana-sutra', with Guzerati commentary. 6. "Sadavasyaka-sutra', with a Guzerati commentary by Nemihamsa Gani. 7. "Dasavaikalika-sutra', with comment in Guzerati. 8. 'Kalpasutra', with the Guzerati commentary of Sukhasagara gani, disciple of Dipasagara gani. Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 Nos. 10. 11-12. 13-15. 'Bhaktamara-stotra', with Guzerati commentary. The first four chapters of the Yogakastra of Hemachandra, with a comment in Guzerati. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 'Samgrahani-sutra' by Chandrasuri, with Guzerati commentaries. Laghuksetrasbmasa-prakarana', by Ratnasekharasuri with notes in Guzerati. 16-17 & 30. 'Dipalika-kalpa', legends in Sanskrit with notes and commentaries in Guzerati, 18. Upadesamala-prakarana', with commentary in Guzerati. 19-20. Navataitea', with commentaries in Guzerati. 21. Javichara-sutra", with Guzerati commentary. 22. 'Samyaktua-kaumud', with translation in Guzerati. 23. 'Santhara-vidhi', with translation in Guzerati. 24. 'Vandanaka-sutra", with Guzerati commentary. 25. Jambu-charitra' by Padmasundara, with Guzerati commentary. 26. 'Dadala-bhavana' and 'Bhalaint-copai", two poems in Guzerati. 27. 'Dravya-guna-paryaya-no ras', metaphysical treatise in Marwart with Guzarati commentary. 28. Satrunjayodhara', composed in Samvat 1768 (?) by Premavijaya. 29. Agama-sarodhara' by Devachandra gani. 31. Siddhantalapaka' in Prakrit and Guzerati. 32. Fragment of a manuscript containing some legends. 33. Fragment of a work on the Jain cosmography. 34. Religious poems of short length. 35. Life of Mahavira, in Guzerati: anonymous. 36. Pattavali of the branch Vesadhara of the Lumpaka sect. chronological list contains 16 names, since Bhana, founder of the school (Samvat 1533) upto Bhagachandra (Samvat 1763). 56, 1. Navataitva-copai", anonymous para-phrase of the 'Nawatattva". 56, 3. 'Girnar-rthodhara-mahima', relation in verse of the restoration of the temple of Neminatha, on the mount Girnar: by Nayasundara; towards Samvat 1443, Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 56, 5. Collection of hymns in honour of the Tirthakaras, in Prakrit and in Guzerati. 112 S. R. BHANDARKAR. (Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in Central India, Central Provinces and Rajputana, 1904-05).-Poona, 1905. Pages Localities 3 Indore 5 Ujjain 7 Gwalior Rutlam Kaman 10-12 Jaypur 9 9 12 Jodhpur Ajmer. 12-13 16 Sirohi Jain manuscripts Collection in a Svetlimbara temple. 111 No manuscripts in the Jain temples of this town. Manuscripts belonging to the Digambaras. Difficulty to examine the collections collected in this locality. A Jain library. A collection of manuscripts, Jain library of diffluult access. Examination of four collections of manuscripts, among which that of 'Madana. parajayanataka' by Nagadeva. Collection in a Svetambara temple. Visit of three Digambara collections. Mention of the following manuscripts: 'Kalikanyastika". Thanasuryodaya' by Vadicandra. 'Nativakyamrta' by Somadevasuri, the same who in Samvat 881 should have written the 'Talastilaka". Town often quoted in the Jain works; the manuscripts that it possessed have been, moreover, removed at the time of Mussalman invasions. 113 E. HULTZSCH. Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts in Southern India. No. III.-Madras, 1905. Pp. VI-VII. Reviews on two Jain authors: 1. Ratanaprabhasuri, author of the 'Ratnakaravatarika' and of the Upadesamalavrtti'. His master was Devasuri. contemporary of the king Jayasimha Siddharaja, of the Calukya dynasty. Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. Rajasekharasuri, disciple of Tilakasuri, and who composed his 'Prabandhako ka' at Delhi, in Samvat 1405 (1348 A.D.). The Jain works-the manuscripts of which have been marked out, are the following: 112 Nos. 1771. Syadvadamanjart' of Mallisenasuri. 1772. 'Ratnakaravatarika', treatise of logic by Ratnaprabhasuri (with extracts). 1912. Anekarthasamgraha' of Hemacandra, with marginal comments, a specimen of which has been given. 1966. Prabandhokola' of Rajasekharasuri. The beginning and the end (extensive extracts) have been reproduced, Pp. 112-115. 2088. Vivekavitasa' of Jinadattasuri (short extract). SYAMSUNDAR DAS. Annual Report on the search for Hindi Manuscripts for the year 1902'-Allahabad, 1906, 114 A single Jain work is mentioned in this report: No. 76. 'Lilavati-bhasabandha'. Hindi translation and in verse of 'Lilavati' of Bhaskaracharya, by Lalachandra, disciple of Sobhagasuri, himself disciple of Jinachandrasuri, chief of the Kharatara gaccha. This version was written in Samvat 1736 (1679 A. D.). Nos. M. RANGACHARYA. A descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras. Vol. III, Grammar. Lexicoraphy and Prosody. Madras. 1906. 115 Jain works. 1269. 'Unadisutra-vrtti", anonymous. 1274. Upasargapatha', constituting a part of the Sabdanus asana' of Saka tayana. 1321-1323. Kalika-vivarana-pancika', commentray of Jinendrabuddhi on the 'Kasika-vrtti' of Jayaditya. 1527. Sabdanukasana' of Sakatayana. 1528-1529. Dhatupatha', according to Sakatayana. Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JUANA BIBLIOGRAPHY 113 Nos. 1531. 'Sabdanusasana-vrtti (chintamani)', the commentary of Yaksavar man on Sakatayana. 1530. Sabdanusasana-vyakhya (Rupasiddhi)', commentary of an unknown author on the 'Sabdanusasana' of Sakatayana. 1532-1533. Sabdanusasana-vyakhya (Amoghavrtti)', other commentary on Sakatayana. 1534--1538. 'Prakriya-samgraha', grammatical work according to the system Sakatayana, by Abhayachandrasiddhantasuri. 1539. 'Linganusasana' of Sakatayana. 1543. 'Jinendra-vyakarana-sutra'. The author is indicated under the name of Pujyapada. 1544. Jainendra-dhatupatha, 1545. 'Prakriyavatara', grammatical treatise according to the Jainendra school. The author is Nemichandra. 1612--1615. Namamala' of Dhananjaya, 1616 - 1619. "Nighantu-samaya' by Dhananjaya. 116 S. R. BHANDARKAR. "Report of a Second Tour in search of Sanskrit Manuscripts made in Rajpurana and Central India in 1904-1905 and 1905-1906--Bombay, 1907. Sec. 13, 15-31. The Jain libraries of Jesalmer; their organisation; the manuscripts that they contain The most important is the great Library annexed to the temple of Sambhavanatha constructed in Samvat 1497 (1441 A.D.). Among the manuscripts that it contains, two are particulary worthy of interest, the 'Vastupala-prasasti' by Jayasimha Kavi, and the 'Hammira-mada-mardana', a play in five acts, dedicated to Vastupala in Samvat 1286 by Jayasimha, disciple of Virasuri, and probably the same as the precedent. Sec. 33-34. Review on a pattavali of the Kharatara sect, composed in all probability towards Samvat 1856 by Ksamakalyana, and which includes the names of 70 pontiffs, up to Jinaharsa. Sec. 40, 47, 51. The Jain Libraries of Bikaner, Jodhpur and Mandsaur. Sec, 59-60. Notes on the Jain Libraries in general. A catalogue of their collections would be in project. Appendix I.--Analysis of inscriptions. Nos. 1 and 2. Construction at Jesalmer of the temple of Chintamani Parsvanalha, which was dedicated in Samvat 1473 by Jinavardhana of Kharatara gaccha. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 3. Dedication of a statue of Parsvanatha in the preceding temple, in Samvat 1493. No. 5. Dedication of the temple of Sambhavanatha at Jesalmer, in Samvat 1497, by Jinabhadra of the Kharatara gaccha. No. 6. Dedication of a tablet in the preceding temple in Samvat 1505, under the pontificate of Jinabhadra of the Kharatara gaccha. No. 7. Foundation of the temple of Santinatha at Jesalmer, in Samvat 1536. Appendix II.-Abstracts of Manuscripts and partial text of the inscriptions. 117 P. E. PAVOLINI. 'I manoscritti indiani delle Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (non compresi nel Catalogo dell' Aufrecht) (Giornale della Societa Asiatica Italliana. Vol. XX, Pp. 63--157). -Yirenze, 1907. The central nationl Library of Florence possesses 798 Hindi manuscripts. In his 'Florentine Sanskrit Manuscripts', AUFRECHT has catalogued 416 of them. The 382 others are the object of the present review of M. PAVOLINI. The Jain stock is particularly important : it contains 314 manuscripts which are divided in the following categories : Categories Number of Mss. Number of Mss. Grammar, Lexicography Rhetoric 443-446 Astronomy 460 and 470 Canonical treatises 491-571 572-664 Dogmatic Hymns History and legends Stories and novelettes ... 665-699 700--740 741-798 An alphabetical index of the authors and of the works. 118 L. D. BARNETT. A Supplementary Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali and Prekrit Books in the Library of the Brilish Museum acquired during the years 1892--1906.-London, 1908. Pp. 1062-1063. Names of 34 Jain religious poems. Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 115 Pp. 1082-1084, Names of 77 Jain religious works. Pp. 1093--1096. Names of 93 miscellaneous works on Jain literature (canonical and Non-canonical) in Prakrit. 119 An Alphabetical List of Jain Mss. belonging to Government in the Oriental Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (JPASB IV, 1908, Pp. 407-440). 120 Catalogue of the Tamil Books in the L. D. BARNETT and G. U. V. POPE. A Library of the British Museum.--London, 1909. P. 580. Names of two Jain religious poems 121 J. F. BLUMHARDT. A Supplementary Catalogue of Hindusthani Books in ihe Library of the British Museum.-London, 1909. Pp. 277-278. Names of 18 works on Jainism. 122 L. D. BARNETT. A Catalogue of the Kannada, Badaga and Kurg Books in the Library of the British Museum.--London, 1910. Pp. 269-270. Names of 10 Jain religious poems. Pp. 277-278. Names of 18 works on Jainism. 123 A. GUERINOT. Quelques Collections de Livres Jainas. (J. A., 10th Ser., xvi, 1910, Pp. 581-586. Notices of works published in the Yosovijaya-Jaina-Grantha-mala, Benares. 124 Haraprasad SASTRI. Report on the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts (1906-7, 1910-11).-Calcutta, 1911. P. 6. Discovery of a work of the Jinendra School in one of the Jain Upasrayas at Benares. Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 125 A. GUERINOT. Quelques Collections de Livres Jainas. (J. A., 10th Ser., xix 1912, Pp. 373-378 ). Notices of works published in the Rayachandra-Jaina-Sastra-mala, Bombay. 126 :: "A. GUERINOT. Note sur un manuscript Jaina. (J. A, 10th Ser., XIX, 1912, P. 605). 127 L. D. BARNETT. A Catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.-London, 1912. P. 310. Chandraprabha-Charitra, by Vira Nandi, a disciple of Abhaya Nandi. Translated into Telugu from the original Sanskrit by Sathavathanulu Tirupati Venkateswarulu. 128 J. F. BLUMHARDT. A Supplementary Catalogue of Hindi Books in the Library of the British Museum acquired during the years 1893--1912.-London, 1913. Pp. 439-443. A miscellaneous list of 164 works of Jain literature. 129 H. P. SASTRI. Preliminary Report on the operation in search of manuscripts of Bardic Chronicles.-Calcutta, 1913. P. 4. Jain bardic literature, P. 9. Sevak or Scythian Brahmanas as officiating priests in Jain temples. 130 Haraprasad Sastri. Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Bishop's College Library, -Calcutta, 1915. Pp. 29-30. Jain manuscripts : 1. Kappasuya or Kalpasutra, 2 Five works on Jain dogmatic tracts in Prakrit. 3. Syadvada-Manjari, with a commentary. Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 4. Samaya-Sara-Natakam-a Hindi work going over all the principal topics of Jainism in a dramatic form. 131 Haraprasad SASTRI. Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts. (JBORS. I, 1915, Pp. 57-65). 117 P. 63. Library of Jowahir Mall, a Jain Yati-Collection of Jain works at the Upairaya of Bhattaraka Umerdanji. P. 65. Buddhists and Jains find no place in the volumes of the Catalogus Catalogorum, a register of about Forty Thousand Sanskrit works. P. 74. Udayin, founder of the city of Pataliputra according to the Jain tradition. P. 79. Jain chronology on the date of the House of Avanti. 132 Suparshwa Das GUPTA. A Collection of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Hindi works in the Jain Siddhanta Bhavana, Arrah,-Arrah, 1919. 133 Jain Manuscript 'Bhandaras' at Patan. (MR, July, 1920). P. 72. The importance of exploring these hitherto unnoticed Jain mss. libraries is emphasised in this short note. 134 J. S. KUDALKAR. The Jain Manuscript-Bhandars at Patan. A final word on their search. (ABORI Vol. III, 1921-1922, Pp. 35-52). Patan, since its foundation by Vanaraja in 745-6 A.D. the true centre of Jainism in Gujarat-PETERSON's remarks about the importance of these manuscript collections at Patan-their location in the State of the Maharaja Gaikwad-King Kumarapala said to have established 21 large Bhandare-Vastupala, minister of King Viradhavala of Dholka, the founder of 3 big Bhandars. None of the Bhandars founded by Kumarapala and Vastupala and other Jain ministers exist at present. Kumarapala's successor, Ajaypala, a great hater of Jains and Jainism, and his effort to destroy Jain literature-Removal of Mss. from Patan to Jesalmere and other unknown places by Udayana and others-similar fate of the libraries founded by Vastupala, perhaps at the hands of the Mahomedans-The palm-leaf ms. of 'Jitakalpa Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Brhat-curni, by Sri Chandrasuri, copies in Samvat 1284, containing verses in praise of Vastupala. Col. Tod's mention of two objects of special interest in Anhilwada (Patan) : (a) the statue of Vanaraja, and (b) the 'Pothi Bindar' or library of the Jains Visit by Dr. BuHLER to several Bhandars--his agents' visit to the Hemachandra Bhandar-his acquirement of a catalogue of the Bhandar belonging to the Tapagaccha of Patan-Sir R.G. BHANDARKAR deputed by the Bombay Governmment in 1883 to examine the Mss. collections ---Eleven libraries in Patan-at that time Mr. M.N. DVIVEDI deputed by the Baroda Government to examine the collections and his examinations of about 9 to 10 thousand Mss.-Prof. PETERSON deputed by the Bombay Government in 1983 to visit the libraries.--Publication through the Jain conference at Bombay of a list of most important Jain Bhandaras in India, including those at Patan also.--Erection of Vadi Parsvanath temple building at Patan for housing all the Bhandaras under one roof.-Muni KANTIVIJAY AJI's discovery of some new Mss.-Mr. C. D. DALAL's successful, and final search for the Patan collections in 1914.--Short account of Mr. DALAL's 13 different collections of Mss. at Patan. 135 C. D. DALAL. A catalogue of Manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at Jesalmere. Edited with Introduction, Indices and Notes on unpublished works and their authors by Lalchandra Bhagawundas Gandhi. --Baroda, 1923 (Gaekwad's Oriental Series, Vol. XXI). 136 HIRALAL. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscrips in the Central Provinces and Berar.- Nagpur, 1926. Pp. ii-iv. Three Jain temples at Karanja (district Akola, Berar) named after Subdivisions of Digambara community, Balatkaragana, Senagana, and Kashtasangha---Manuscripts giving pontiffical history from Bhadrabahu to Mahichandra, Pp. vi.- xxv. Jain literature, specially Digambara-seven books of Kundakundacharya---discussion on his date-Umasyami's. Tattvarthadhigama sutra, the Jain Bible--discussions on his date--five commentaries on Umasvami's work found at Karanjamfive works of the author Samantabhadra-his life--Siddhasena. Divakara, author of Nyayavatara, a handbook of Jain logic---his life --Svami Karttikeya, author of Karttikeyanupreksha-Vattakera, author of Mulachara and Trivarnachara-Padmanandi, author of Jambudvipa--Prajnapti--Sivakoti, author of Mularadhana--Pujyapada, author of Servarihasiddhi and Upasakachara-Ravishenacharya, author of Padma Purana (A. D. 678)--Jinasena--Gunabhadra, author of Uttarapurana, --Mahaviracharya,-author of Ganitasarasamgraha (the first Jain book on Mathematic) ---Sakatayana, author of grammar called Sabdanusasana. Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 119 Pp. xxvi-xli. Some Naiyayikas-Akalanka, Manikyanandi, Vidyananda, Indranandi Yogindra, Somadeva, Asaga, Mahasena, Nemichandra, Asadhara, Appayarya, Sumatikirtti, Sakalabhushana--Vadichandra--their lives and works. Pp xlii-liii. Apabhramsa works--Pushpadanta, Devasena, Dhavala, Srichandra, Dhanapala, Nyayanandi, Padmakirtti, Yogachandra Muni, Kanakamara--their lives and works. Pp. liii--Iv. Ratnasekhara Suri's some Svetambara works-Sripalacharita, (V.S 1428)-Udayadharmagani's Vakya-prakasa (v. s. 1507)-Jinavijaya's commentary--Ratnamandira gani's Bhojaprabandha (v. s. 1517)-Chandrakirtti's Sarasvatadipika (v, s. 1723). P.p. 620_716. A list of Jain works. Pp. 717-768. Some important extracts from the Jaina manuscripts at Karanja, Berar, (in Sanskrit and Prakrit). S. KuppuswAMI SASTRI. New catalogus catalogorum--Madras, 1937 (University of Madras). An alphabetical Register of Sanskrit and allied works and authors. Information regarding : Akalarka, Akalarika Bhattaraka, Bhatta Akalanka, Akalanka, Kavi, Akalarka Charita, Akalanka Deva, Akalanka Pratist ha-patha, Akalanka Samhita, Akalanka Sutra, Akalanka Stotra, Akalanka Swamin, Akalankastaka, Akaladantakalpa, Akstrim-chaitya-paja, Akstrima-Chaityalaya, Aksha-Prabha Akshayatritiya-katha, Akshaya-tritiya-vyakhya, Akshaya-tritiya-vyakhyana, Akshayanavami-kath, Akshaya-nidhana, Akshyarama, Akshaya-vidhi-udyapana, Aksharavattisi Agad-datta-kumarcharita, Agadadatta-charitra, Agadadatta-rasa, Agrayaniya-Jurva, Aghatakumar-katha, Aghabhedaga, Ankuraropana-vidhi, Angachulika, Anga-chesta-vidya, Anga-pannatti, Anga-pannatti-suhachanda-katha, Anga-rakshakastotra, Anga-vidya, Angasara-pahuda, Anga-sphurana-vichar. 137 HIRALAL. The Twelfth Report on the search of Hindi Manuscripts, Vol. 1,--Allahabad, 1944. P. 4. Jains and their manuscripts, : many works in Hindi of considerable length composed by them. Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 17-145. Appendix 1-Notes on Authors : AGARAVALA (1354 A. D.); AGARAVALA; AUSERILALA (1830); Bakhtarama Jain (1764); Banarasidasa (1586); Bhagavatidasa or Bhaiya Bhagavatidasa (1684); Bharamalla (1756); Bhavasimha (1725); Bhudharamala or Bhudharadasa (1724); Brahmarayamalal (1576); Bulakidasa (1690); Dalurama Agaravala (1805); Daulatirama (1766); Dtigakanja or Kanjadriga (1757); Dyanata Raya; Gulata-kirtti Bhattaraka; Harjimalla; Hemaraja (1685); Javaharalala (1830); Jinendra-Bhushana (1743); Jodharaja Godi (1667); Khadgasena (1656); Khusalachandra; Lalachandra Pande (1761); Lalajita (1813); Manarangalala (1833); Manasudbhasagara; Manoharadasa (1648); Meghamuni (1760); Ramachandra; Ramachandra (1735); Ranagalala (1800); Rayachandra (1656); Sundaradasa (1559); Surendrakirti (1683); Todaramala (1761); Vinadilala (1689); Vsindabana or Brindabana (1818). Pp 149-950. Appendix II-Notices of Mss. and extracts therefrom : Pradyumna Charitra (1354 A. D.--Date of composition); Adityavara Katha; Yasodhara charitra; Mithyalva Khandana Nataka (1764 A.D.). Banarasi Vilasa (1629); Nataka Samaya sara (1642); Niravana Kanda (1684); Nisibhojana Tyaga Vrata Katha; Sila katha; Jivacharitra Bhasha (1725); Jain sataka (1724); Sruta Panchami Katha (1576); Sravakachara (1690); Pancha Parameshthi Bhashapuya (1805); Adi Puranaki Balabodha Bhasha Vachanika (1867); Harivansa Purana Bhasha Vachanika (1772); Maha Padmapurana (1766); Baranga Kumara Charitra (1757); Charcha-Sataka; Padmanabhicharitra; Charchasataka ki Tika; Rohinivrata ki Katha (1685); Adhai Dwipa Pujana Patha (1830); Jnanarnava (1812); Samiya Sara Bhasha Bachanika (1807); Alipurana (1775); Neminath purana (1743); Samyaktva Kaumudi Bhashu (1667); Trailokya Dipakasara (1656); Akasa Panchami ki Katha (1728); Dhanya Kumara Charitra; Ramapurana (1728); Shatakarmopadesa Ratnamata (1761); Teraha Dvipa-pujana patha (1813). 138 Hiralal Rasikdas KAPADIA. Descriptive Catalogue of the Govt. Collections of Mss. deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Vol. XVII. Jaina Literature and Philosophy (Agamika Literature Part IV : (a) Miscellanea, (b) Ritualistic works and (c) Supplement.---Pooha, 1948. Pp. XV-XVII Preface. XVIIIX-XI List of Catalogues and Reports. XXII System of Transliteration. A. Agamika Literature, Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 121 Part IV. Pp. 1-163. Pp. 164-245. Pp. 246-280. (a) Miscellanea (b) Ritualistic Works (c) Supplement. 139 V. RAGHAVAN. New Catalogus Catalogorum. Vol. one-A.-Madras, 1949. An alphabetical register of Sanskrit and allied works and authors. The plan of the book is the same as that of AUFRECHT's Catalogus Catalogorum with the exception that it includes Buddhistic, Jain and Prakrit works and authors. P. V. References to Jain institutions of Jhalarapatan, Ahmedabad, Sravana Belgola, Arrah, Delhi, Rohtak, Panipat, Dhilaoli, Moodbidri, Aliganj, Banaras, Kolhapur from where the lists of manuscripts have been sent. For details see pages VIII-XXIX. Pp. XXXI-XXXVI. General Bibliography including some Jain works. 140 Hiralal Rasikdas KAPADIA. Descriptive catalogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. XVIII, Jain Literature and Philosophy. Part I: Logic, Metaphysics etc. Poona---1952. P. 1-XVIII Preface. XIX--XXI. List of catalogue and Reports, XXII. List of the Descriptive Calalogues of Mss, in the Govt. Mss. Library XXIII. System of Transliteration. XXV-XXVI. Rules for the Govt. Mss. Library. B. Darsanika Literature. Pp. 1-81. (L) Nyaya. (i) The Svetambara Works. (ii) The Digambara Works, Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 124-482. Pp. 483--498. (B) Metaphysics, Ethics etc. (I) The Svetambara Works. Supplement, 141 Hiralal Rasikdas KAPADIA. Descriptive Catatogue of the Government Collections of Manuscripts deposited at the Bhandarakar Oriental Research Institute. Vol. XVII. Jaina Literature And Philosophy (Agamika Literature). Part V. Ten Appendices, Poona--1954. P. I-XV. Preface. P. XVI-XVIII. List of Printed Catalogues And Reports About Manucripts. P. XIX. List of the Descriptive Calalogues of Mss. in the Govt. Mss. Library. P. XX. System of Transliteration. P. XXI, XXII. Regulations of the Mss. Dept. Ten Appendices : P. 1-19. Appendix I-Index of Authors. P. 20-74. Appendix II.--Index of Works, P. 75--105. Appendix III.-Classification of works. (According to Languages). (a) Works in Prakrit Pp. 75--86. (b) Works in Sanskrit Pp. 87--150. (c) Works in Vernacular Pp. 101-105. Pp. 106--108. Appendix IV.-List of Dated works. Pp. 109-130. Appendix V.--List of Dated Manuscripts. Pp. 131-135. Appendix VI.-Significations. (a) Chronograms and their signification Pp. 131-32. (6) Sanskrit Works and their Numerical Significations. Pp. 133-135. P. 136-144. Appendix VII. Cosmological Data (with special reference to names of places where works were composed or copied.) (a) Terrestrial Pp. 136-143. Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 123 (6) Celestial P. 143. (c) Infernal 143, 144, Pp. 145-254. Appendix VIII,--Proper Names of: (a) Deities Pp. 145-156. (b) Kings, Queens and Princes Pp. 156--160. (c) Scribes P'p. 161-166. (d) Schools and Sub-Schools Pp. 166- 169. (e) Castes, Sub-Castes, Lincages etc. Pp. 169-171. (f) Jaina Monks & Nuns Pp. 172--213. (8) Jaina Laity Pp. 213---229. (h) Non-Jaina Laity Pp. 230-251. (i) Works & Their Sections Pp. 230-251. (1) Miscellanea Pp. 251---254. Pp. 255-258. Appendix IX.-- List of Abbreviations along with their Explan ations and Locations. Pp. 259-279. Appendix I.--Correspondence Table of Manuscripts. 280. Supplement. Pp. 281-290. Addenda. Pp. 291--298. Errata. 142 V. B. TRIVEDI. Descriptive Catalogue of the Rajasthani Miss, in the Collection of the Asiatic Society. Part I, Calcutta- 1957. Revised and edited by Sukumar Sen. No. 2. No. 5. Tapagaccha Ri Patfuvalz Jain Tirtha-Mala by Silavijaya Subject Jain History Jain pilgrimage. Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Subject Jain religious History. . No. 7. Schanakularatna Patlavali Raba by Dipavijaya Kaviraya. No. 20. Osvalan Ri Utpatti No. 32. Tapagaccha Patlavali No. 36. Jaina Tirtha Mala by Megharaja Origin of the Oswals. History (Jain). Places of Jain pilgrimage. No. 51. Vimala Nav Siloko by Pandit Vinita No. 101. Osvalan Ri Utpalla Jain Poetry. Origin of the Oswals. No. 104. Dhala Samgraha by Muni Khema No. 148. Osvala Ri Utapatta Ra Kavitta No. 149. Sameta-Sikhara Stavana No. 150. Sameta-Giri Tirthamala Stavana by Jaya Sagara or Vijaya Sagara. Jaina. Origin of Oswals. Praise of a Jain shrine. Praise of Jain shrine. 143 Hiralal Rasikdas KAPADI . Descriptive Catalogue of the Govt. Collections of Mss. deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Vol. XIX: Jaina Literature and Philosophy (Hymnology). Part I: Svetambara Works, Poona-1957. XI-XIX : Preface. XX-XXII : List of Printed Catalogues & Reports about Mss. XXIII : List of the Descriptive Catalogues of Mss, in the Govt. Mss. Library. XXIV-XXV : Rules for the Govt. Mss. Library. XXVI : System of Transliteration, C-Hymnology Pp. 1-367. (1) The Svetambara Works. Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 125 144 Manuscripts from Indian Collections, Descriptive Catalogue, National Museum, New Delhi, 1964. The manuscripts described in this catalogue were exhibited from Indian Collections on the occasion of the meeting in New Delhi of the XXVI International Congress of Orientalists (January 1--11, 1964) following Jaina manuscripts were exhibited : P. 6. Upamitibhava prapancakatha (a Jaina allegorical work on the evolution of the soul). 906 A. N. Pp. 41-50. Shatkhandagama (Dhavala), a work on the karma philosophy of the Jainas, (1113 A. D.) Mahabandha (Mahadhavala), a work on the Karma philosophy of the Jainas. Kashayapahuda (on the Karma philosophy of the Jainas). Santinatha Kalasa (1293 A. D.). Uttarapurana (1334 A, D.) : (Life story of the Tirthankaras after Rishabhadeva). Kalpasutra and Kalakacaryakatha (Biographies of the Jainas and rules for asectics : the story of Kalaka). Upadesamala with commentary (a poem containing moral instructions for laymen and nuns), 1400 A. D. Kalpasutra (1429 A, D.) and Uttaradhyayana Sutra with Avachuri, (1494 A. D.). Adipurana (1540 A. D.). Life story of the first Jaina Tirthankara Rishabhadeva. Jasaharachariya (1590 A. D.). Life of King Yasodhara. P. 55. Vikramaditya-khaparachora-chaupai (1670 A. D.). ...... P. . 59. Adipurana (1378 A, D.) in Kannada (life of Adinatha). P. 65. Vaidyavinoda (1655 A. D.) a work on medicine. F. 68. Tolkappiyam with the commentary of Ilampurana and Nachchinar Kiniyar, a work on Tamil grammar. Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section 1 V. GAZETTEERS 145 W. Miles. On the Jainas of Gujerat and Marwar (Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. III, Pp. 335-371).---London, 1835. Part I. 1. 2. 3. 4. The latls. Their customs, their belief and their teachings. The Sravakas. The two principal tribes, Oswals and Srimalis. The Jaina doctrines. The sacred books of the Jains (Digambaras). Part II. 1. The Jains of Guzerat and of Marwar. Brief historical summary, statistical data. The Jain temples of Guzerat. 2. Part Ill. 1. Generalities. Svetambaras and Digambaras. Priests and the laity. 2. List of the Jain tribes. Special review on the Srimalis, the Oswals, the Porewars and the Agarwals. 3. List of the 84 gacchas or religious sects. Review on the principal sects among them. 146 Mrs. Gutch POSTANS. London, 1839. Pp. 117-119. Sect of the Jaina-Singularity of costume---Religious tenets- Jain temples. 147 E. THORNTON. A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the East-India Company and of the Native States on the continent of India. 4 Volumes -London, 1854. Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Articles. 1-3 Mount Abu Pages. 305-308 Bikaner 350 Benares 96 Bombay 247 Cambay 253 Canara 358 Chitor 221 Edur 335 Girnar 388 Gorakhpur 48 Guzerat 282 Jessalmer 324-325 Jodhpur 9 Kaira 37 Karkala Volume I. 127 Reviews. Famous place of Jaina pilgrimage; the temples. The district counts a considerable number of Jains and the town possesses several temples. The Jaina temple. Number of the Jains at Bombay on the 1st of May 1849 1,902. Two temples, one of which is very famous, dedicated to Parsvanatha. The Jains are numerous in the southern Canara. A Jaina tower, errected in 896. Volume II. Several Jaina temples on the hills in the neighbourhood of the town. The temples and the giant statue of Risabha.. A small number of merchants of this district professing the Jaina religion. The Jains are in very great number in this province. In the peninsula in particular, there is no village which does not count several families of them. The Monastic establishments of Girnar and of Palitana. The Jaina temples of this town dating from an ancient period. The natives of Marwar belong mostly to the Jaina creed and constitute the nine-tenths of the bankers of the whole of India. Among the Jats, whose race is very ancient, one counts some Jains. Volume III. Temple and Jaina grottos. The princes who formerly governed this district belonged to the Jaina religion. Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. Reviews. 177 Kalenjira Formerly an important Jaina city. Ancient temple now abandoned. Buddhistic or Jaina relics. 556 Mandor 597 Mainpur Jaina temple. Volume IV. 99-100 Palitana 588-589 Sravana Belgola. 804 Yenur The different Jaina temples. The Satrunjaya, sacred mountain, dedicated to Adinath. Celebrated place of Jaina cult. The colossal statue of Gomatesvara. Eight Jaina temples and a colossal statue. 148 Ch. GRANT. The Gazetteer of the Central Provinces of India. Second edition Nagpur, 1870. 24 Balihri Ancient place of Jaina cult. (Bhilri) 41 Beria Great number of Jaina merchants, who have constructed a beautiful temple in this town. 175 & 249 Kundalpur 213-244 Khandwa Annual Jaina assembly. Numerous temples, Great centre of Jaina cult in the 12th century. Considerable ruins. 261-264 Mandhate *323 Nagpur Three temples dating of the 12th-13th century and adorned with statues of Tirthakaras; a detailed description of them has been given. The Marwaris of the district of Nagpur are mostly Jains and adore particularly Paravanatha. This province counts a small number of Jaina merchants.. The Jainism prevailed formerly in this region, where one finds the relics of numerous temples, 360 Narsingpur 377 Nimar Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. Reviews. 388 Nohta Ruins of some temples in the neighbourhood. 408 Raipur This district contains some pretty temples. 428 Ramtek Some Porewars profess the Jaina creed. Several modern temples. Another, the oldest in the city, is probably also Jaina, 149 The Rajputana Gazetteer. 2 Vols.-Calcutta, 1879. Vol. I. Introduction, Pp. 70, 90. The Osval section of the Jains, which had its beginning in Rajputana, is perhaps the largest among the merchants. At Rikabdeo in the south-west of Mevar, is a famous shrine of the Saraogis; and the temples on Mount Abu are much resorted to by Hindus as well as Jains on pilgrimage. Vol. I. Bikaner, Pp. 195, 291. Among the Hindus, the Jains are very strong and a great many merchants belong to the Osval division of that sect. Jain monasteries as places of instruction in ancient days. At Reni there is a handsome Jain temple built in A.D. 942. In the city of Bikanir there are seven Jain monasteries (upasrayas) which possess numerous Sanskrit works. Vol. 1. Bundi, Pp. 240-241. The Kasba of Hindoli has six Hindu temples. Near this site there exists a Jain temple with walls painted. Vol. II. Jesalmere, Pp. 176, 182. There are 19 Jain temples in Jesalmere, 12 of these are situated in the city of Jesalmere and 7 in the districts. The Jain temples in the fort are remarkable for their beautiful stone carving ; the oldest one was built in A.D. 1371. Vol. II. Jodhpur, Pp. 261, 263. Nadolai, Bali, Desvai and Sadri, in the province of Godwar, were ancient seats of the Jains. Near the site of the fort at Pokaran there are ruins of an old Jain temple. Vol. II. Mallani, Pp. 277, 278. The Bhojaks, although themselves. Saivites, worship at the Jain temples. Jatis (Jains) are worshippers in the Jain temples and are by profession school-masters. 150 J. BURGESS. Papers on Satrunjaya and the Jains (Indian Antiquary, Vol. II, Pp. 14--17; 134-140 ; 354-357; Vol. XIII, Pp. 191-196, 276--282). ---Bombay, 1873-1884. Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 1 Tsang. I. Kathiawad and the Jainas. The Jaina centres in India. General character of the Jainism; resemblance with the Buddhism. Origin and history of the Jainism, according to WILSON. Account of Hiouen The Jaina doctrines. Moral rules. The Tirthakaras and the gods. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY II. The Tirthankaras or Jinas. History (or legend) of each of the 24 Tirthakaras. List, according to Hemacandra, of the Tirthakaras of the past and future cycle. III. Satrunjaya Hill. The five sacred places of the Jains. Description of the mount Satrunjaya. Review on the Saturunjayamahatmya. Legends relating to the Satrunjaya. Short description of the principal temples. IV. The Jaina ritual. The cult. The three daily divine worship. Detailed description of the rites, prayers and formulas. The sacred days of the Jains. The confession and the abstinence. V. Gacchas, Sripujyas, Yatis, Nuns etc. Gacchas. Of the 84 Jaina sects, 8 only are represented in Guzerat. Each sect has its goddess or devi. Each familly besides the goddess of the caste, or Jnatidevi, possesses a particular goddess or Kuladevi. List of the Tirthakaras with their respective Yaksas and Yaksinis and the information about the tree under which they obtained illumination. 2. Sripujyas. Each gaccha has its grand priest, called Sripujya and who is charged with religious instruction. 3. Samvegis and Yatis.-The Yatis or Jatis are the Jaina ascetics. They form two classes: the Samvegis and the Jatis properly called. Their imitiation; their duties, and their customs. 4. Girnis.-The Girnis or Sadhvis are the Jaina nuns. Their organisation and their customs. Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 131 5. The eternal Tirthakaras.-The Jains recognise four eternal Tirthakaras, who are : Rikhabhananda, Chandrananda, Varikhena and Vardhamana. 6. Legend of Parsvanatha and Kamatha. 7. Omkara and Hrimkara.--Composition and signification of the syllabie Om and of the symbol Hrim. Their symbol and their representations. 8. Jalajatra.--The festival of water. On what occasion and how it is celeb rated. VI. Jaina marriage. Detailed description of the marriage of the Jains and the different ceremonies which it admits. 151 Lewis Rice. Mysore and Coorg. 3 Volumes. Bangalore, 1877-1878. Vol. I. Mysore, in general. Pp. 340-341. Distribution of the Jains in the province of Mysore. They are generally agriculturists or tradesmen. Pp. 370--375. The Jainism in Mysore, Historical notes. The three principal Jaina Localities : Sravana Belgola, Maleyur and Humcha. List of the principal masters of Sravana Belgola and of Humcha. Generality on the Jaina doctrine. Reviews on Parsvanatha and Mahavira. P. 388. The Jaina literature in Canara. Vol. III. Coorg. P. 204. Statistic of the Jains in the country of Coorg. P. 210. Some relics of temples prove of the ancient habitation of the Jains in this country. 152 Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency.-Bombay. Volume I.---Part I (1896). History of Gujarat.-Bhagwanlal INDRAJI, Jacson, Watson, J-A. BAINES, ASHBURNER Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. 102. The Jaina ministers Teja pala and Vastupala. 152. The king Vanaraja. Foundation of Anahilvad and construction of Jaina temples. 156 -197. The Jainism under the Chalukyas. The life and the role of Hema chandra. Volume I.- Part II (1896) II. Early History of the Deccan.---R.G. BHANdarkar, See under No. 680, the detailed analysis of ihe second edition of this work. JII. Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts.-J. F. ELEET. The Chapter IV, (Pp. 426---467), consecrated to the Chalukyas, exposes the state of the Jainism under this dynasty. Pp. 479-482. Persecution of the Jains by the Lingayats under the Kalacuris, P. 491. The Hoysola adepts of the Jaina religion. Volume II (1877) Surat and Bharoch. Pages. 55. Jaina statistic in 1872 : 11,332 inhabitants, 299. Rander was formerly a Jaina city. 303. The hospital for animals called Panjrapol at Surat, 379. In 1872, the district of Bharoch counted 3,986 Jains. 555. The hospital for animals at Bharoch. 566. Kavi, place of Jaina pilgrimage. The two tempies. Volume IV (1879) Ahmadabad. 34. Jaini population of the district of Ahmadabad : 35,847 inhabitants, in 1872. 300--302. The Jaina temples of Ahmadabad; short descriptive and historical reviews. 323-324 The Jaina convents of Ahmadabad. Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 133 Volume V (1880) Cutch, Palampur and Mahi Kantha. Pages, 42. The district of Kacch counted in 1872 a Jaina population of 65,873 inhabitants. 213-214. Ruins of an ancient Jaina temple at Bhadreswar. 221-222. The Jaina temple of Gedi. 289. Palanpur. The district in 1872, counted 32,956 Jains. 342. Kakar. Inteiesting Jaina temple. 347. Sankheswar. Celebrated Jaina sanctuary. 436-437. Idar; the Jaina tempic. 412. Taranga; the two celebrated temples of Ajitanatha and Sambhavanatha. Volume VI (1890) Rewn Kantha, Narukot, Cambay. 168. Sanjala. Ancient temple dedicated to Risabha. 215. The Jains at Cambay in the time of the minister Vastupala. Volume VIII (1883) Baroda. 67. Jaina population (1872): 46,718. 508. The Jaina temple of Patan. 619. Metrana; celebrated temple dedicated to Parsvanatha. Volume VIII (1884) Kathia war 147-149. The Jains in Kathiawad. The Satrunjaya and Girnar. The castes and tribes. 441-444. Description of the mount Girnar. 603-606. Palitana and the Satrunjaya. Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume IX.-Part I (1901) Guzerat. Population: Hindus, Pages. 106_-115. A very interesting review on the Jainism. Digambaras and Svetambaras.-The gacchas of the Svetambaras.-The Sripujyas or chiefs of sects.--The ascetics; sadhus, sadhvis and gorjis.--The temples, the priests and the cult. - The monasteries. The festivals.-The hospitals for the animais. 550. Places of Jaina pilgrimage in Guzerat.' Volume X (1880) Katnagiri and Savantvadi. 119. in the district of Ratnagiri; traces of The Jains and the Jainism survival. Volume XV--Part I (1883) Kanara. 229-236. Review on the Jains of the Northern Canara. Historical state ments. Organisation, Beliefs, Cult, Customs. Volume XV-Part II (1883) Kanara--(contd.) 282-283. The Jainism at Gersappe. Antiquities and temples. Volume XVI (1883) Nasik. 423-424. The Jaina Grottos of Ankai Tankai. 426-428. Description of the Jaina grottos of Ghamar (Chamar Lena). Volume XVII (1884) Ahmadnagar. 99-103, Review on the Shimpi Jains (tailors). Origin, creeds, morals and customs. Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume XVIII.-Part III (1885) Poona, Pages. 340-31. Description of the temples in honour of Parivanatha at Poona. Volume XIX (1885) Satara. 58. Review on the Jains of the district. Volume XXI (1884) Belgaum. 101-103. The Jains in the district of Belgaum. Morals and customs. 530-541. The Jaina temples of Belgaum. Volume XXII (1884) Dharwar. 116-119. The Jains in the Country of Dharwad. Origin, morals and customs. 653. The Jaina temple of Bankapur, 769. Lakkundi; the two Jaina temples.. Volume XXIII (1884) Bijapur. 280-282. Review on the Jains of the district. 557. The Jaina grotto of Badami. 564. The temple of Jinendra, constructed by Ravikirti at Aihole. 683-686. Translation of the inscription of the temple of Jinendra at Aihole (634 A. D.). 135 Volume XXIV (1886) Kolhapur. 133-146. Developed account on the Jains. Their number and their distribution in the district. The Tirthakaras; Parsvanatha and Mahavira. Doctrines and creeds. Morals and customs. Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 153 . Lewis Rice Mysore. Revised edition. 2 Volumes.-Westminster, 1897. Volume I. Pages. 220. Statistic of the Jains in the province of Mysore, according to the census of 1891 : 13,278, may be 0.27% of the total population. 242. The Jaina priests belong especially to the Digambara community and are dressed in yellow robe, whence their name of Pitambaras. 244. The Svetambaras count few representatives in Mysore, the Digambaras are much more numerous. 247. The Jains are met especially in the District of Shimoga. 287-288. Chandragupta, disciple of Bhadrabahu. The latter after having left Ujjain in anticipation of a famine, died at Sravana Begola. Evidences of the emigration of the Jains from the north towards the south. 332. Bijjala, prince of the Kalacuri dynasty, professed the Jaina creed. 346-347. Bukka Ist, prince of Vijayanagara, pacified in 1368 a dispute bet ween the Vishnuites and the Jains. 460-465. The Jainism in Mysore. The Jains and the Tamil and Canara literature.-The Jaina sanctuaries in Mysore : Sravana Be!gola, Myleyur and Humcha.--Chronological list of the masters of Sravana Belgola and of Humcha, Generality on the Jainism.-List of the 24 Tirthakaras. Reviews on Parsvanatha and Mahavira. 490. In the first centuries of the Christian era, some Jain scholars wrote in Canara 494. The Jaina literature in Canara. It is flourishing upto the 12th century, then it becomes extinct. After the 16th century, it manifests itself again specially through the Campukavyas, or poems of varied meters and mixed with prose. . 496-502. Sketch of the history of the Canara literature ; the principal Jaina authors. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. 509-510. The Jaina sculpture at ravana Belgola; the colossal statue of Gomatesvara. 510-511. The Jaina architecture in South India; two kinds of temples; bastis and bettas. The temples of Sravana Belgola. Volume II. District of Bangalore. Statistic of the Jains, according to the census of 1891: 1,578, may be 2% of the total population. District of Kolar. 110. Statistic: 896-0.15% 145. The town of Nandiddoorg was formerly a Jaina place. Ancient inscription. District of Tumkur. 167-169. Statistic: 1,956 0.33%. 137 District of Mysore. 228. Statistic: 2,158 0.18%. 236-237. Bettadpur, formerly Jaina principality, founded in the 10th century. 240. Chamarajnagar. The principal Jaina temple was built in 1117. 251. At Sravana Gutta, to the north of Yelwal, a colossal statue of Gomatesvara resemble to that of Yenur. District of Hassan. In the 3rd century B.c. Bhadrabahu emigrated from Ujjain and died at Sravana Belgola, which afterwards became a famous Jain sanctuary. The colossal statue of -Gomatesvara that is seen there was erected by Chamundaraya (about 983 A.D.), minister of the king Rajamalla, of the Ganga dynasty. The kings of the Ganga dynasty granted special protection to the sanctuary of Sravna Belgola. Bittideva, of the dynasty of the Hoysalas renounced Jainism. 335-336. Jaina statistic of the district: 1,321, may be 0.25%. 364-366. Sravana Belgola, one of the principal Jaina sanctuaries. Colossal statue of Gomatesvara height of 57 feet; 72 other small statues; different temples. Bhadrabahu, emigrant from the North, died at Sravna Belgola in the 3rd century B.C. The oldest temple dedicated to his disciple Candragupta. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY In 788, the Jain Akalanka confounded the Buddhists before Himasitala, king of * Kanci and provoked their expulsion. Later, when the kings Hoysalas were converted to the Visnuism, the Jains were persecuted. District of Kadur. Pages. 382-383. Statistic : 1,308--0.39%. 408-409. Sankaracarya, the great sivaite reforiner, settled down at Sringeri in the 8th century and made a desperate war with the Jains and the Buddhists.-Sringeri possesses a Jaina temple. District of Shimoga. 429-430. At Humcha, a Jaina community was founded by Jinadatta in 159 B. C. 439. Jaina statistic of the district, 3,422 may be 0. 64455-456. Humcha. Ancient capital of the community, founded by Jinadatta; native of Mathura. Review on Jinadatta; his genealogy according to an inscription of the 11th century and other documents. District of Chitaldroog. 506-507. Statistic : 639--0.15%. 154 Sultan Singh JAINI. A brief account of the Jains in India. (Asiatic Quarterly Review, Third Series, Vol. IX, Pp. 395--397).-.-London, 1900. 155 H. R. Nevill. District Gazetteers of the Uniteil Prorinces of Igra and Oudh. --- Allahabad. T VolIII (1903).-Muzaffarnagar. P. 84. The Banya Jains from one of the most important classes of merchants in the district of Muzaffarnagar, * P. 284. The town of Khatauli counts 4 Jaina temples of recent construction. Vol. IV (1904). ---Meerut. P. 82. The Jains are more numerous in the district of Meerut than all other districts of the United Provinces. They are generally merchants and possess many temples of recent construction and without great importance, Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol. VIII (1905)-Agra. P. 69. Number of Jains 12,953 may be 1.22% of the total population of the district. P. 72. The Jains are scattered in all the district, but specially in the sub-division of Agra. They belong generally to the caste of the Banyas They are designated ordinarily under the name of Saraogis. They are engaged in trade and commerce. Among them are found some of the richest representatives of the community. The village of Jarkhi counts 321 rich Jains, who have constructed there a magnificent temple. 139 Vol. XXXIV (1904)-Nainital. P. 99. The district counts only 40 Jains (census of 1901). 4. The Jains are established as merchants, principally in the two towns of Kashipur and Jaspur. Vol. XXXIX (1905)-Rai Bareli. Pp. 57-58. There are only about 50 Jains in the district of Rai Bareli and about half reside in the capital. Vol. XL (1905)-Sitapur. Pp. 51 and 60. There are 261 Jains in the district. Pp. 59-60. sion of merchants. Vol. XLI (1904)-Hardoi. There are only 15 Jains in the district. They practise the profes Vol. XLII (1905)-Kheri. Pp. 66-67. In the district of Kheri, the Jains are only in the number of 21. They are merchants. Vol. XLIII (1905) --- Fyzabad. Pp. 57-58. The Jainism at Ayodhya. Five Tirthakaras, among which Risabha, were born at Ayodhya. In Samvat 1781, five Digambara temples were erected in their honour. A Svetambara temple has been constructed in Samvat 1881. Vol. XLIV (1905)-Gonda. Pp. 65-66. The Jains, in the number of only 8, inhabit the whole of Nawabganj, where they are engaged in trade. Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol. XLV (1903)-Bahraich. P. 65. According to the census of 1891, the district of Bahraich counts only 82 Jains. Vol. XLVI (1903)-Sultanpur. P. 59. Taere are only 2 Jains in the district of Sultanpur. Vol. XLVII (1904)-- Partabgarh. P. 63. The district counts only 8 Jains. . Vol. XLVIII (1904)--Bara Banki, Pp. 66 and 69. One finds 972 Jains in this district, where they are engaged in commerce specially in the sub-divisions of Nawabganj and Ramsanehighat. 156 W. Bellary FRANCIS, Madras. 1904. (MDG). P. 30 The Jain temples scattered all over the district seem to have been erected about 1070, though the Ganigitti shrine at Hampi was built in 1385 A. D. P. 54. The occurrence of the Jains is chiefly found in Bellary, Hadagalli and Harpanahalli taluks. Their temples are scattered throughout those places. Description of their manners and customs. Pp. 54, 112, 229. Jains of the Bogara sub-division. P. 198. At Adoni are some Jain Tirthankaras carved upon rocks. Descrip tion. P. 202. At Chinnatumbal there are two ruined and deserted Jain temples with the typical stone pyramidal roofs. P. 206. The village of Peddatumbal contains representations of Jain Tirthankaras. Of the many deserted shrines three seem to have been originally Jain. P. 210. One of the Mackenzie manuscripts states that king Bijjala built a fort and lived at Chippigiri a Jain colony in ancient days. On the hill north of the village is a Jain temple called the "Basti". The temple contains several representations of seated and standing (nude) figures. Pp. 232-233. In the side of old Kurugodu, stands a collection of Jain temples. The architectural designs in this district exhibit the gradual degrees by which the Jain style shades into the Chalukyan. Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 141 Pp. 242-243. The village of Kogali was once a considerable Jain centre, The Jain temple in it is still called the "Basti". There are many Jain relics scattered in the village. Inscriptions of the piace record gifts to the Jain temple of Chenna-Parsva in the village by the Hoysala ruler Vira Ramnatha in 1275 and 1276 A D. and to the Virabhadra temple by Achyut Raya of Vijayanagar, P. 238. One of the twelve inscriptions of the Western Chalukya king Vikramaditya VI refers to the Jain temple of Brahma Jinalaya in a village anciently called Balguli. P. 273. The siepped towers of the group of Jain temples in Hampi are very noticeable. Besides this group and the Ganagitti there is another Jain shrine. P. 291. Kotturu was once a stronghold of the Jains. Basappa Vanquished the Jains of the place in controversy and converted them to the Lingayet faith, and set up a lingam in their principal temple. This temple is now known as the Murukallu-math. It is an unusually good specimen of an undoubtedly Jain temple. Pp. 300-301. In the Rayadurg taluk office there is a Jain image of a nude male figure, fully described. The whole sculpture is executed with much detail and finish. Along the foot of it runs an inscription. There are some Jain antiquities in Rayadurg. These are carvings on rocks known as "Rasa Siddha's hermitage". 157 W. FRANCIS. Madras District Gazetteers.-Madras. Pages. Bellary (1904) 30. Some Jaina temples of the district of Bellary are dated of the 11th century. 54. The Jains are not very numerous in this district and their influence is negligible. Their customs and their religious ceremonies are little different from those of the Brahmans. General characters of their creed and their moral. 198. Adoni. Some ancient statues of Tirthakaras. 202. Chinnatumbalam. Two Abandoned Jaina teraples. 206. Peddatumbalam. Several images of Tirthakaras. 210. Cippagiri. Ancient Jaina centre, Temple, Statue of Tirthakara and other antiquities. Several inscriptions. Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 Pages. 232-233. Kurugodu. Group of 10 old temples. 242. Kogala. Ancient Jaina Centre. Temple, statue of Tirthakara and other antiquities. Several inscriptions. 248. Bagali. Ancient temple called Brahma-Jinalaya. 273. Hampi. Diverse temples. 300. Rayadurg. Temple with statue, diverse antiquities, Anantapur (1905). 26. The Jains are in the number of 300 only in the district. 154. Some relics of Jaina antiquities at Gooty. 161-162. Konakondla. Ancient Jaina centre. Statue of a Tirthakara. Digambara sculptures. 176. Kambaduru. Traces of Jaina influence in the architecture of the temples. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 178. Agali. Ancient Jaina temple with statue of a Tirthakara, 179. Amarapuram. Modern temple with statue and inscription in old Canara. 185. Ratnagiri. Old Jaina temple. 194. Pennakonda. Two Jaina temples. 158 (i) C. WATSON. Rajputana District Gazetteers. Vol. I-A, Ajmer, 1904. Pp. 34-36. Jaina population according to the census of 1901: 14,409 5,513 Ajmer Marwar Total 19,922. General characters of the Jaina religion. The temples. The temple called Nasiyan Ajmer. Ajmer-Merwara. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY C.C. WATSON. Ajmere-Merwara.-Ajmer, 1904. (RDG Vol. VII, IA. text). Pp. 35-36. The Jains and their tenets. Their temples. In the Nasiyan Jain temple at Ajmer there is an allegorical representation showing the progress of the Tirthankaras through life to mirtana. 159 Hoshiarpur District. Pt. A-Lahore, 1904. (PDG, Vol. XIII-A). Pp. 56-57. The Bhabras are by religion a Jain community. As a caste they have two groups (Osval and Khandelvals) each comprising various gotras. 160 W. FRANCIS. Anantapur. Vol. I (MDG).-Madras, 1905. P. 26. In this district the Jains number only some 300 and two-thirds of these are found in one taluk, Madakasira. P. 154. At Gooty the interior of the little shrine at the foot of the citadel rock has a Jain flavour. 143 Pp. 161-162. Konakondla was at one time a centre of Jainism, and it is (except Kambaduru) the only village in the north or centre of the district which contains any traces of the former prevalence of that faith. Many Jains images and inscriptions are near the village. P. 176. The architecture in the three temples of interest in the village Kambaduru contains traces of Jain influence. The one called "The chola temple" is in style Chalukyan-Fully described. P. 178. There is an old Jain temple in the village Agali containing a nude image of one of the Tirthankaras. P. 179. In the new Jain temple at Amarpur is an old stone bearing nude figure and an inscription in old Canarese. A similar stone surmounted by two nude figures, bearing an inscription, is in the Anjaneya temple in Tammadahalli. P. 185. At Ratnagiri is an old Jain temple. P. 194. Among the lesser antiquities of Penukonda may be noted two Jain temples. 161 B.C. ALLEN. Assam District Gazetteers.-Calcutta and Allahabad. Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 141 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol. II (1905)-Sylhet. P. 90. The district counts 141 Jains. Rajputana. They are merchants coming from Vol. IV (1905)--Kamrup. P. 105. The 163 Jains of the district live mostly in the town of Gauhati. They are also merchants coming from Rajputana. Vol. V (1905)--Darrang. P. 102. The Jains here number 269. Natives of Rajputana, they have in some sort monopolised the commerce in the district. Vol. VI (1905)--Nowgong. P. 95. The commerce of the Valley of Assam belong to the 243 Jains of the district, who moreover do not settle in the region. Vol. VII (1906)-Sibsagar. P. 104. The number of the Jains is 197 ; they are merchants. Vol. VIII (1905)-Lakhimpur. P. 135. Number of Jains : 271. 162 R.V. RUSSELL. Wardha District. (CPDG, Vol. A-Descriptive).-Allahabad, 1906. P. 54. The district has a sprinkling of Saitvals, who are Jains by religion and are apparently Maratha Banias or Vanis who have been converted to Jainism and therefore, form a separate sub-caste. Their chief Guru lives in Poona. 163 Punjab District Gazetteers.- Lahore. Hoshiarpur (1906). P. 73. The Jain Bhabras in the district of Hoshiarpur. They are divided in two sects : the Dhunderas and the Pujeras. Their creed and their customs. The Jaina temples at Hoshiarpur, Jaijon and Miani R.V. RUSSELL. 'Central Provinces District Gazetteers'. -Bambay, Allahabad and Calcutta. Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 145 Narsinghpur (1906). Pp. 56-57. The district counts about 2,500 Jains. They are preponderant in more than 100 villages. Saugor (1906) Pp. 48-50. The Jains are in number of 15,000 in this district, may be onethird of the Jaina populalion of the Central Provinces. Generalities on the Jain religion : temples, cult, customs; the car festival. Damoh (1906). P. 44. The district counts about 7,000 Jains They are generally bankers. The Carnagars constitute a special sect of Jains in this district : their customs. Betul (1907). P. 61. The Jains are few in number in this district : less than a thousand. Balaghat (1907). P. 82. The number of the Jains in the district is 402. Seoni (1907). P. 46. One counts 1,282 Jains in this district. Chhindwara (1907). P. 43. Number of Jains in the district : 1,558. Bhandara (1908). P. 47. There are only 83 Jains in this district. Nimar (1908). P. 57. Jainism was formerly flourishing in the district. It counts today 1,600 representatives. Some temples in ruin are seen at Harsud, Khandwa and Mandhata. P. 235. Khandwa. This town was, in the 12th century, a centre of Jain cult. The relics of the ancient temples. The modern temple. P. 243. Mandhata. Ruins of temples. Statues of Santinata dated 1488 A.D. Yeotmal (1908). P. 49. According to the census of 1901, this district counts 2,568 Jains, Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nagpur (1908). P. 71. In this district, the number of the Jains has diminished in the interval of the last two census; it was 3,141 in 1891, and 2,675 only in 1901. These Jains belong to the caste of the Banias. They are engaged in banking and trade. 165 L.S. O' MALLEY, Bengal District Gazetteers.-Calcutta. Vol. I (1906)-Shahabad. P. 36. The Jains of the district, in the number of 449, live in the whole town of Arrah, where they possess several temples (cf. p. 130). P. 146. The temple and the Jain antiquities at Masar. Vol. II (1906)--Cuttack. Pp. 19-20. The Jains in the realm of Kalinga. The grottes of Udayagiri and Khandagiri. The King Kharavela and the inscription of the grotte Hathigumpha at Udayagiri. P. 23. Jainism in the region from the 8th to the 10th century. P. 46. The Jain temple of Cuttack; it is dedicated to Parsvanatha and be. longs to the Parwars of the Rajputana. Vol. III (1906)--Gaya. Pp. 18-19. The epoch of Mahavira. Vol. IV (1907)--Muzaffarpur. Pp. 13-14. The town of Vaisali. Life of Mahavira. P. 16. Vaisali in the time of Hiouen-Thsang : the Jains were numerous there. Vol. VI (1907)--Darbhanga. Pp. 13-14. Life of Mahavira. The ancient Vaisali : the pilgrimage of Hiouen-Thsang. Vol. VII (1907)-Balasore. P. 20. The King Kharavela : his benevolence with respect to Jainism. His successors were probably adepts of this religioni. Vol. VIII (1907)-Patna. P. 17. Origin of Jainism. Life of Mahavira. Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 147 Pp. 20-21. Extension of Jainism. The council of Pataliputra. Pp. 61-62. The Jains at the actual time in the district of Patna. The two Jaina temple in the town of Patna. Other temples: at Bargaon (cp. p. 185), at Pawapuri (p. 215) and at Rajgir (p. 220). Vol. XIII (1908) --Puri. Pp. 250--268. Detailed description of the grottes of Udayagiri and Khandagiri. 166 W. FRANCIS and F. R. HEMINGWAY. Madras District Gazetteers. Madras. South Arcot (1906). Pp. 76-80. The Jains are in the number of about 4,500 in this district. History of Jainism in the country. The great priest; his election; his powers. Actual conditions of the Jains; temples, cult, customs: priests and laie adepts. Diverse Jain antiquities at Tirupapuliyur (p. 304) Kilkuppam (p. 311), Tiruvadi (p. 311), Sirukadambur and Sittamur (p. 367), Tindivanam (p. 369), Tondur (p. 370), Tirunirankonrai (p. 380), Koliyanur (p. 384), Villapuram (p. 390) and Ariankuppam (p. 405). Tanjore (1906). P. 55. Jainism counts hardly 600 representatives in this district. Some temples are the object of diverse pilgrimages: at Mannargudi (p. 227) and at Divangudi (p. 237). A "Jaina pagoda" was existing formerly, it appeared at Negapatam (p. 248). Madura (1906), Pp. Pp. 74-75. The Jain community, which was formerly influential in this district, does no more count there today any representative. One meets some Jain antiquities in the following localities Aivarmalai (p. 300), Anaimalai (p. 255), Kovilankulam and Kuppalanattam (p. 327), Tirupparankunram (p. 279) and Uttamapalaiyan (p. 322). Trichinopoly (1907). The Jain antiquities in the district. P. 80. Godavari (1907). The Buddhistic or Jain antiquities in the district. P. 39. Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 Vizagapatam (1907). P. 62. Jainism was never preponderant in this region; it counts there today 49 adepts only. One meets Jain antiquities only at Ramatirtham (p. 335). Malabar and Anjengo (1908). P. 446. The Jain temple of Palghat. Jhelam District.-Lahore, 1907, (PDG, Vol. XXVII-A). P. 46. Dr. STEM's identifications of Singhpura with the Kitas locality and the Jain temple with Murti. Pp. 114-117. Jain sects: Dhundipanthis. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Mandirpanthis, 168 Svetambaras, L. S. S. O'MALLEY. Bengal District Gazetteers-Puri.-Calcutta, 1908. P. 7. Historically, most interesting hills are Khandagiri and Udayagiri near Bhubaneswar, honeycombed with caves cut by the Jains 2,000 years ago. Digambars, P. 24. During the Mauryan rule, Jains settled in the district; KhandagiriUdayagiri caves used by Jains & monks for centuries; Hathigumpha inscription; Kalinga became independent after the downfall of the Maurya; Kharavela, his career; Kaling made powerful by him; his pious deeds; he and his family were Jains. P. 28. In medieval times, Jainism continued to retain its hold on the affections of the people, inscriptions and rockcut Jain images of that period testify to this. P. 56. Earliest Jain caves of Khandagiri-Udayagiri excavated between the third and first century B. C. P. 85. Saraks-word derived from Sravaka (a hearer) i. e. a layman as distinguished from the yatis, the monks; Orissa Saraks have taken to weaving and are known as Saraki Tanti. Four main settlements in Orissa-in the Tigiria and Baramba States, in the Bankithana in Cuttack, and in Piplithana in Puri; Puri Saraks have no connection with others. Saraks all vegetarians, they assemble once a year (on the Magh Saptami) at the cave temples of Khandagiri. Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 250. Khandagiri-divided into three peaks-Udayagiri 110 ft. hight (or the sun-rise), Khardagiri 123 ft. (or the broken) and Nilagiri (or the blue) hill, all the three shown on the maps as Khandagiri, also known as Khandachal in Mahatamyas (guide books). There are 44 caves in Udayagiri, 19 in Khandagiri & 3 in Nilagiri. Pp. 251-56. Udayagiri caves. Ranihansapura or Ranigumpha the biggest most richly carved fully described scenes in the friezes described-a family attending a temple during some religious festival; Procession of a saint; life of Parswanatha depicted. 149 P. 256. Alkapuri or Swargapuri cave-caved with winged lions animals with human faces; elephant king. P. 257. Jaybijaya cave-carved with a fat yaksha; a tree worshiped by males and females. Manchapuri cave-figures of guards; procession of an elephant; 2 inscriptions. P. 258. Svarga puri cave-an inscription of the chief queen of Kharavela. Ganesh cave-flanked with elephants holding lotus; a figure of guard, scenes resembling some of the scenes in the Queen's palace-a tree, a male and a female; Kilted soldiers fighting. P. 259. Hathigumpha 57' x 28' x 11.3/4-an inscription 14' x 6' with symbols-gives biography of king Kharavela upto the 13th year of his reign. P. 260. Sarpa cave-a serpent with three hoods; 2 inscriptions. Baghagumpha-an inscription. Jambeswara cave-an inscription. Haridas cave-an inscription. P. 260-261. Tatwa cave-written inscription, figure of soldier; another inscription. Dhanagarh cave-7 ultras of 7th to 9th century A. D. not deciphered. 261. Nabamuni cave-an inscription of 10th century A. D. of Subhachandra; another inscription of same, and a small inscription of a female Jains disciple; image of 10 Tirthankars with their Sasana-devis in relief. P. 262. Barabhuji cave-on the walls in relief seated Tirthankaras with Sasana-devis and their symbols trisula cave-carved a series of 24 Tirthankaras Lalatendu cave Jain images. P. 263. Ananta cave-on the wall carved 7 sacred symbols swastika, Trisula etc., and an image of Parivanath carved scene a royal elephant; sun-God, goddess Sri; Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Tree with railings and being worshipped by a male; man seizing the hind leg of a lion; and buffalo flying vidyadharas. Pp. 263-64. A fallen cave bearing images of Jain saints. P. 264. On the west of Khandagiri is a Jain temple with two side temples; 5 Jain images in the temple; 5 Jain images in the temple behind the temple scores of votive stupas. Pp. 264-65. Architecture of the caves. Pp. 265-66. Carvings---showing males and females in different attitudes; animals; trees; domestic life; ornaments, clothes; religious life; preference given to Parsvanatha. Pp 267-68. Chronology of the caves-1st and 2nd century B. C. some of 3rd century B. C. signs of subsequent occupation are also found; Jain Parwaras of Cuttack built the Jain temple on the west of Khardagiri during the period of British rule. 169 District Gazetteers of United Provinces of Agra and Oudh H. R. NEVILL. Allahabad. Vol. XIV (1908)-Bijnor. Pp. 92-94. The district counts 1,029 Jains. They belong in general to the caste of Banias and live in the commercial towns. Vol. XV (1907)-Budaun. They Pp. 69 and 71. The Jains are in the number of 161 in this district. reside especially at Bilsi, a commercial town). Vol. XX (1906)--Fatehpur. P. 82. On counts only 74 Jains in this district. They reside in the sub-divisions of Bindi (p. 186), Ghazipur (p. 221) and Khajuha (p. 248). Vol. XXVIII (1908) - Jaunpur. P. 76. The district of Jaunpur is the only district of the United Provinces which does not possess Jaina population. Vol. XXXII (1907)--Basti. Pp. 74-75. The 7 Jains of this district live in the little town of Bansi. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 151 The Imperial Gazetteer of India. New Edition : 26 Volumes. The First Edition of the Imperial Gazetteer of India was published in 9 Vols. in 1881. A second cdition, augmented to 14 Vols., was issued in the years 1885-7. The second edition having passed out of print, a New (third) Edition, consisting of 26 Volumes was published in 1908. The single Volume of "The Indian Empire" was expanded into 4 Vols, and was entirely rewritten. The articles of the body of the Gazetteer also were rewritten by "Census Superintendents of the Provinces for States in 1901". Comparative statistics were given for the three Census Years 1881, 1891 and 1901. In the entries below of the second edition (1885-87) corresponding numbers of the volumes and pages of the New Edition (1908) have been given in () brackets along with the newly added materials. 170 Imperial Gazetter of India. New Edition-1907-1908. The Indian Empire, (Vol. 1-Descriptive)-Oxford, 1907. All other Volumes published in 1908. Pages. 369. Mahavira uscd an early form of Eastern Hindi-the Prakrit, Ardhamagadhi. 408. Many Jains permit connubium with a Hindu family, 413. The Saraks Sravaka (a hearer). 414. Jainism; its history; Mahavira, only a reformer of. 414. Jainism; compared and contrasted with Buddhism; The Jain schism--the Svetambara and the Digambara; during the mediaeval period, it secured political influence; on the Muhammadan conquest many Jain shrines demolished. 415. Causes of the survival of Jainism. Its vast literature. The Jain pantheon; Tirthankaras or Jinas; the ascetics and the Sravakas (Saraogi); nude images; their sanctuaries and splendid temples. 416. Jainism at the present day; their number 1 1/3 millions, this is nominal because they describe themselves as Hindus; its close resemblance to Hindus-points of difference. 416-17. Sects and distribution of Jains; its three sects; the chief seats of Jain influence-their sudden disappearance from the population in the direction of Sind is somewhat remarkable; indigeneous Jains in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 422. The Lingayats; their founder Basava, his career according to Lingayat Basava-Purana and Jain Bijjalaraya Charita; Basava persecuted the Jains ; Bijjala a Jain King, his death or abdicaiion and murder of Basava. 424. Muttra, an early seat of Jainism; alliance between the Vaishnavas and the Jains-cause of the immunity of Jainism from persecution in Western India, 471. Jainism recognized as a distinct religion but in certain parts the Jains themselves assert their claim to be Hindus and thus were entered at the Census. 493. Population : Religion- Jain; India-I 334, 148 ; Provinces-478, 700; States-855, 448. Volume II-Historical. Pages. Articles. Accounts, P. 4n, 5n The legend belongs to the Jains. Vikrama Era (58 B.C.) 6. History 7, 8. The Pattsavalis 22. Successions of kings. History of Jainism (A.D. 950-1300), specially in Mysore, contained in the Rajavalikatha. The Pattavalis or succession of pontiffs (chronological list). From Jain Patlavalis, Pravachanaparkisha of Dharmasagara, Harivamsa of Jinnasena, Uttara purana of Gnnabhadra, Yasodhara's life of Somadeva. Inscriptions at Sravana Belgo!a. Jain Tirthankara at Muttra (22 A.D.) inscribed colossal statues of Bahubali or Bhujabali or Gummata at Sravana-Belgola (977 to 984 A.D.), at Karkala (A.D. 1432), at Venur (A.D. 1604). Best instance of historical narrative is the Hathigumpha inscription (page 14 above). 42, 43. 47, 48. Rocks (Inscriptions). Images & Statues. 50. Statement of events. Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. 56, 58. 57, 58. 84, 85 110, 111. Articles. 123. Religious records apigraphical. Endowments. Research. 115. Sculptures. Jain Stupas. 122. Sculptures. Tower of Chittor. 124. Temples at Mt. Abu. 153 Accounts. Installation of an image of Vardhamana in B.C. 53-Muttra inscription (EI, I. 381; IA, 1904, 34, No. 4). Settlement of dispute between the Jains and the Vaishnavas-EC, 2, No. 136 Sravana Belgola). Presentation of caves to the Ajivika ascetics by Asoka and Dasaratha (IA, 20.361) -Barabar and Nagarjuni hills. Charters of the Kadamba kings of Banawasi for the worship of Jinendra (IA, 6.25). Kaluchumbarru grant of the Eastern Chalukya king Amma II for a charitable. dining-hall of a Jain temple (EI, 7.177). The Pattavalis (p. 7 f. above) required to be examined more fully. Indexes of the Jain and other Prakrit works are required. The Jains, erected slipas surrounded by stone railings which are indistinguishable from those of the Buddhists. Two undoubted Jain stipas one at Mathura, nearly 70 ft. in diameter and a miniature votive stupa also at Mathura. The smaller structural building was excavated at Ramnagar (Ahichhatra) in Bareilly Dt. Jain sculptures of the Kushan period is arranged on the same principle as those of the Buddhists. Bundelkhand full of Jain images. The colossal monolithic nude Jain statues of the South are among the wonders of the world. The colossal reliefs at Gwalior are also Jain (A. D. 1440-73). The Jain tower, 80 feet high of uncertain date, is covered with sculptures. The marble temples dedicated to Jain worship at Mount Abu in Rajputana of Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 Pages. 158. 161. 164. 170. 179. 182, 187. 251. 258. Articles. Protection by Asoka. Cave temples. Cave temples. Jain temples architecture in Kanara, Indo-Aryan style. Muhammadan. Architecture. Panchatantra. Buddhism & Jainism. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Accounts. which the two finest date from A. D. 1032 and 1231, carry to its highest perfection the Indian genius for the invention of graceful patterns and their application to the decora tion of masonry. The Jains and other sects were protected by Asoka, and they raised shrines and cons tructed cave temples and monastic abodes for their devotee. In the Barabar hills, a group of caves dedicated to the Ajivikas, a naked sect, similar to the Jains description given. All the earliest caves are not of Buddhist origin; certain of the excavations at Junagarh are almost certainly Jain. Orissa caves, most of them Jain. Jain temples and tombs at Mudbidri in South Kanara-like Nepal chaityas and Chinese towers. Description. The Jain style of architecture in Western India, a development or variety of the IndoAryan order and was used all over Rajputana, Malwa and Gujarat. Their first mosques were constructed of the materials of Hindu and Jain temples. Dilwar Khan mosque, the oldest in Mandu (1405) constructed of materials taken from Hindu or Jain shrines. The two forms of the Northern recension of the Panchatantra show secondary Jain influence, probably brought to bear on it during the period A. D. 950 to 1300. Both in their main outlines are based on the Sankhya system; their fundamental doctrines. These two pessimistic religions are altogether so similar that the Jains were looked upon as a Buddhist sect. But researches prov. ed that founders of both religions were contemporaries. Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 155 Pages. Articles. Accounts. 260, 261. Jainism. Foundation of Jainism; Mahavira of Kundagrama in Videha (Tirhut) near Vaisali; its two sects-division in about 300 B. C.; sacred canon in Prakrit (Ardha-Magadhi) and its noncanonical writings in Maharashtri; the golden age of Jainism from about A. D. 950 to 1300; its fundamental preceptahimsa; avoid injuring even the smallest insect. The oldest historical traditions embodied in the Jain and Buddhist scriptures. The kingdom of Magadha; origin of Jainism. Asoka's patronage of Buddhism, but the older Jain religion continued through all ages to claim multitudes of adherents. 271. Literary traditions. 273. 298. Magadha. Adherents. 317-18. Jainism. 327. Chalukyas. 331. Rashtrakhutas. Its mediaeval prosperity in Gujarat and Rajputana. Mangalesa (597 A.D.) defeated the Katachchuri king Buddha Raja, a Jain. Amoghavarsha I (died in A. D. 877) a follower of Jainism, his adviser Jinasena, part author of Adipurana. Influence Jainism on the Tamil and Kanarese literatures. Naladiyar on moral sayings, Kurral. deal with virtue, wealth and pleasure, the Chaintamani, the Nannul. Kanarese literature originated, like Tamil literature, in the labours of the Jains. 434-436. Literature. 436. Kanarese, 171 W. W. HUNTER. The Imperial Gazetteer of India. Second edition. 14 Volumes.-- London, 1885-1887. Entries in brackets () are from the New Edition (1908). This work gives, for the districts, the sub-divisions and the towns where some Jains inhabit, the number of the latter according to the census of 1881. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Besides these statistical information, one finds further in the different volumes the following accounts : Vol. I (Vol. V, Oxford. 1908). 156 Pages. 7-12. (6-7) 81 (93). 93-97. (97,90. 106, 108). 104.(115, 119). 112 (133). (146) 124. (176). 141-142. (189) 206 (260) Articles. Mount Abu. Ahar. Ahmadabad. Ahmadnagar. Ajaigarh. Ajmer. Ajodhya (Ayodhya) Akola Town. Alwar. Accounts, The five Jaina temples of the Mount Abu, with particular description of the great temple of Varisabha, of the Vimalasah dedicated to Adinath and of the temple of Vastupala and Tejalipala in honour of Neminatha. Some ancient temples. are still to be traced. The city of Ahmadabad is a very impor tant Jaina centre. One counts there more than 120 temples. The majority of the merchants and bankers are Jains (Shravak)The Jaina art at Ahmadabad. The banks belong in general to the Marwari Baniyas, of Jaina creed. (Jains 16,254). Relics of ancient Jain temples. Jains 26,939 (in 1891) and 19,922 (in 1901). The realm of Kosala, the capital of which was Ayodhya, is famous as ancient Jaina country. One sees still today several temples, some of which erected in the 18th century, on the supposed places of birth of five Tirthakaras. Before the Mussalman invasion, the princes of the district were Jains. 226 Jains. (in 1901). Several temples. Jains 4,919. Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. (275) Amba Town. (382-83) (398) (400) (407, 408) (385) Ankai (Ankai Tankai). Arang. Arasibidi. (497, 408) (Vol. VI-5) 314. Arcot (North). (Vol. VI p. 49) Articles. Arrah. (359-360) Assam. 402. (Vol. VI p.163) 407. (Vol. VI p.176) Anjaneri. (Anjini) Nasik. Arcot (North). 45. Ajimganj. (235) (Balasinor). 13. Badami.. Balibri (Bhilri) Banavar, (356) (Banda Town). (381) (Bankapur Town). Accounts. The Panchami Jains-descendants of a feudatory of Chalukyas Ruined cavetemples in the vicinity.. Jain caves with Jinas. Below Anjaneri, Jain temples; inscription dated A. D. 1140. Seven Jain caves, richly sculptured. Remains of Jain temples, sculptures. Two ruined Jain temples. 157 Jain rock-sculptures at Panch Pandavamalai, Mamandur, Tiruvattur, Tirumala, and Vallimalai-Best Jain shrine at Arungulam. The Jains are particularly numerous in the southern part of the district of North Arcot. Jains 8,000. (433 Jains). The Jains of this province are merchants from Rajputana. Jains 1,797. A colony of merchants Oswals and Marwaris, of Jaina creed, with several magnificent temples. Volume II (Vol. VI). The Jaina grotto and cave-temple of about 650 A, D. (Jains 215). Ancient place of Jain cult. Ancient capital of a Jain principality. (5 Jain Temples). (Earliest mention in a Kolhapur Jain Ms, dated 898). Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. Accounts. (409) (Banswara State) A fine Jain temple at Kalinjara and remains of Jain temple at Arthuna. Vol. II- contd. (Vol. VII). (Bareilly) (Ahichhatra or Ramnagar a sacred place of the Jains). (Barkur) Hoysala Ballas were Jains by religion), (6) (22) (24) [Baro (Barnagar)] (Barada State), (25, 41 43, 44) (79) (81) 181. (93). (Baroda Prant), (Baroda city). Barwani. (Remains of Jain temple. Large Jain Mandir, cells contain Jain images; a Samadhi). (Ancient name of city--Chandanavati; wrested it from the Jains) 48.290 Jains (in 1901) ---31,410 Svetambari, 9,599 Digambari, 4,281 Dhundia ). (10,916 Jains in 1901) (Jains, 2,266) Some Jain temples in the neighbourhood of the town (Bawangaja hill contains a gigantic Jain figure; on the summit a small temple has two inscriptions dated 1166 and 1459; at the foot some modern Jain temples.) The Jains had the power in this district before the Musalman invasion. The teniple of Antariksha Parsvanatha at Sirpur, belonging to the Digambara Jains). (Jains, 2,094). Basim. 184: (97). Beawar. (139) (145) Belgami. (148) Belgaum Dist. (It contained 5 maths, one dedicated to Jina), (Temples of 11th, 12th & 13th centuries scattered over the district; nearly all were Jains but converted into lingam shrines.) (Contains two Jain temples of great interest). (157) (162) (174) Belgaum Town. Bellary Dist... Bellary Taluk. (Numerous Jain temples). (Few Jains found here). Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 159 Accounts. Pages. 252. Articles. Belur.' (221) Bengal. A Hoysala king abjured Jainism for the Visnuism. (Caves on the Khandagiri & Udayagiri hills, long believed to be Buddhist but now thought to be mostly Jain; Kharavela inscription-165 B. C.) (With the exception of the Sonbhandar cave at Rajgir, dating from the 3rd century A. D., these are the only Jain remains with any claim to antiquity. South Bihar---the ancient Magadha, the birthplace of Jainism & Buddhism). 326 327 (5) (9) Beria. Residence of a very great number of Jaina merchants. A magnificent temple. Vol. II-contd. (Vol. VIII). Bettadpur. In the 10th century, a Jaina prince entered in the sect of the Lingayats. Betul Dist. At Muktagiri - modern Jain temples. Annual Jain fair. Interesting Jain ternple. Ruins of temples created towards 1125 A. D. by the merchant (Jagadeva Sah) Jagadusha; celebrated place of pilgrimage in the 12th & 13th centuries ; Jain images were destroyed, at the end of the 17th Cent. by the Mussalmans. 340 (23) Bhagalpur. 352 (24, 29, 37). In the neighbourhood of the town (at Champanagar) are found two remarkable sancturies belonging to the Oswals, and one of which was built at the end of the 18th century. Jains 723 ). Bhatkal. 378 (90) At the beginning of the 18th cent. this town counted several Jain temples. (Chandranathesvarabasti. Jain princess Channabhaira Devi (1950). (96) Bhavanagar, (Jains 10,681). Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. Accounts. (A Jain shrine-3 Tirthankaras, one colossal Mahavira 20 ft. high, two Parasnath). (Jains 10, 171) (121) Bhojpur (Bhopal) (124). Bhopal Agency (133) Bhopal State (144) Bhopal City (163) Bidar Division (172) Bihar Sub. Div. (188) Bijawar State. (202) Bijolia 442 Bikaner (Jains, 6,397 ) (Jains, 1,327 ) (Jains, 1,320) (Pawapuri contains 3 Jain temples) (Jains, 2035 ) (Five Jain temples). The town possess 10 Jain (Upasaras) monasteries, rich in manuscripts, many temples. (Jains, 23,403. The Alakhgirs, consider themselves a Jain sect but do not worship Jain Rishis. ) (208, 219) 35 (307) Volume III. (Vol. VIII.) Bombay The Jains constitute an influential sect in the presideney of Bombay. (Bombay Presidency-Statistics-Jains, 5,55,209 in 1891 and 5,35,950 in 1901. Bombay city Banias or traders, of Gujarat and Marwaris of Rajputana--a large portion of both ad here to the Jain religion. Jains, 14,228). (412-13) Volume III.--contd. (Vol. IX) 88 | Boram Broach city (21) (22) 128 (45) Jain ruins in the neighbourhood of the town (on the right bank of the Kasai river). (Jain archaeological remains met with) (Jains, 3,254). Ruins of Jain temples. In the neighbourhood of Pakbirra, a group of temples with the 9 feet stature of a Tirthankara. Buddhapur (Manbhum) Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 161 Pages. Articles. Accounts. 143. Buldana According to popular belief, the Jains would have formerly reigned in this district. (Jains, 6,482) (82) Bundi State (294) Cambay (Jains form 5 per cent of the total). (297) Cambay town (Jains, 3,063. Jama Masjid erected in 1,325, its interior pillars taken from desecrated Jain temples) (320) Jains, 73,830. Central Division (Bombay) Central India (348, 350) The age statistics show that the Jains, who are the richest and best-nourished community, live the longest. Ages of girl marriages : Jains 12 years and 6 months. Central India (351, 353, 354) Eastern Hindi, its early form was employed by Mahavira (500 B. c.) in expounding the tenets of his religion, whence it became later the language of the canonical books of the Digambar Jains. In the 11th and 12th centuries the Jain religion was the chief form of worship of the highest classes in Central India, and the remains of temples and images of the Jains are met with all over the Agency. Jains, 89,984 in 1891 and 112,998 in 1901.) 333 Champanagar Residence of the priests of the Oswals. Volume III-condt. (Vol. X) (19) Central Provinces. (Ancient and modern Jain temples are found in several localities in the northern Districts; almost all in ruins; were finely built. At Kundalpur more than fifty modern temples. Jains, 48,644 in 1891 and 47,306 in 1901. Of the total population, of the province, the Jains number 48,000). . Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. 369 (148) Chanasama Chanasma Accounts. Grand temple of Parsvanatha, erected in the beginning of the 19th century; has inarble statues of the 24 Tirthankars, (167) Chandor (Nasik Dt.) (Jain caves in the cliffs of the Chandor fort hill, contains images of Tirthakaras, principal being of Chandraprabha.) 372 (180) Charra (Manbhum) 7 Jain temples, two very old; description given. (These and some large tanks were constructed by Saraks.) (196) (292) (299) Chhaprauli (Meerut) (Large colony of wealthy Jain Banias). Chitaldroog Dist. (801 Jains). Chitor (Udaipur) (Kirtti Stambha, most ancient building in the fort, erected by Bgherwal in the 12th or 13th century, dedicated to Adinath.) (329, 330) Chota Nagpur Divn. (Jains, 853. The Jain temples at Parasnath hill, attracted thousands of pilgrims). Coimbatore Dist. Jain temples and remains not infrequent. (359) (377, 378) Conjeeveram (118 Jains. Jains numerous in the 7th Town, century. Old Jain temples situated at Tirupparuttikunram, Chola period; Vijayanagar kings made grants. Description given.) Volume II---contd. (Vol. XI) Coorg (The Changalvas, originally Jains, their priests claim exclusive authority over the Jain temples from Hanasoge to Tale-Kaveri. The Kongalvas also were Jains.) Cutch (Jains 70,467.) (9) (79) (98) Cuttack City A few Jains. Volume IV. (Vol. XI) Damoh Dist. (137) (138) (At Kundalpur fifty or more Jain temples. At Nohta numerous remains of Jain temples, their stones used for buildings). Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLOGIRAPHY 163 Pages. Articles. Accounts. 112 Damoh A temple to Neminatha erected at Kundalpur, here the Jains from the neighbourhood assemble to settle their differences (Population 24 per cent. Jains). 157 Datiya About 4 miles from the town, group of Jaint temples, archaeologically remarkable (Sunagadh). 158 Daulatabad Ruins of an important temple. (209) Dessa (Palanpur) (Two jain temples of interest) (226) Delhi Dist. (Jains 7,726) (233) Delhi city. (Jains, 2,164) (245) (247) Deogarh (Udaipur) Deolia (Partabgarh) Deulgaon Raja (Jains 19 per cent) (Two Jain temples) 230 Ancestors of the Jains of this town came from the north, 300 years ago. (278) Dewas State of Dewas, (Nagda, 3 miles south remains of Jain figures.) (290) Dhar State (Jains. 2,987 in 1901). (295) Dhar Town (Lat Masjid erected in 1405, out of the remains of Jain temples.) (305) (307, 308) Dharwar Dist. (Early Kadambs, a Jain faimily, heid away in Banavasi until the 6th century). Population one per cent Jains. The Lingayats were largely converts from Jainism). (333) Dhoraji (Kathiawr) (1,518 Jains). 318 Dugari Two Jain temples. Volume V. (Vol. XII) (19) Ellichpur Town. (231, Jains.) Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. Accounts. (22) Ellora (Rock temples-Jain group of five caves. Indra Sabha.) (41) Etawah Dist. (At Asai Khera, Jain sculptures, dated between the 9th and 12th centuries have been discovered.) Fyzabad Dist. (109, 110) (Ajodhya, the Jains visit it as the birth place of several of their Tirthankars. Their place of pilgrimage). (121 Jains) Gaya Town Gersoppa (212) Village. (Ruins of Nagarbastikere, the capital of the Jain chiefs of Gersoppa (1409--1610); a cross-shaped Jain temple with 4 images, other temples--the Vardhamana temple and inscriptions). 85-86 Girnar Short description of the temples, according to FERGUSSON. (248) Short description of the temples, according to FERGUSSON. Gohana Town 141 (305) Two temples dedicated to Parasnatha, at which annual festival takes place. 147 Gonda The district was formerly a Jain realm which could resist the Musalman forces. (347) Gudivada Town (To the west is a fine Jain statue.) (375) Gulbarga Div. (Jains, 6,163) (388) Guntupalli (Formerly a town called Jainapuram on the site of Guntupalli). Gwalior 234235 (415, 426, 442) Ancient Jain sanctuary. Short review on the ruins of temples and on grottos containing colossal statues-one 57 ft. Jains, 30,129 or 1 per cent in residency and 2 percent in the State.) Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. (1) 295 (11) (22) 332 342 (61, 63,64, 68) 374 (89) (155) (161) (221) (223) Articles, Gyaraspur (Gwalior) Halebid Hanamkonda. Haridwar. Harpanahalli Hassan Dist. Hazaribagh Hissar Town Hongal (Belgaum) Hubli City Huli (Belgaum) 165 Accounts. (Mala Devi and Bajranath both Hindu temples, appropriated by Jains and contain Digambara Jain images. Jain ruins; some striking bastis. (Close to the ruined town of Hanumantgiri, several Jain figures cut in the rocks.) Statue representing probably Adinath. Town contains a Jain colony. Sravana Belgola, occupied by the Jains since 3rd century B. c. Indrabetta is covered with several ancient temples with inscriptions and on Chandrabetta rises the colossal statue of Gomatesvara. District of Hassan formerly governed by Jain princes. Migration of Jains from Ujjain under the leadership of Bhadrabahu, accompanied by Chandragupta the Maurya emperor; history given. Chamunda Raya and the colossal image of Gomata. FERGUSSON's remarks. 1,874 Jains in 1901. Manufacture of brass and copper vessels a monopoly of the Jains at Sravana Belgola. Jains mostly merchants in the towns of Hazaribagh and Chatra. Jain temples at Parasnath, a place of pilgrimage; Jain remains on Kuluha hill. Jahaj nosque, once a Jain temple. North of the village, an old Jain temple, now converted into a lingam shrine. 902 Jains. Handsome ruined temple of Panchlingdeo, originally a Jain basti. Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. Accounts. 501 Humcha 502 (223) This village, counts almost exclusively some Jains; was the capital of a Jain principality founded in the 8th century by Jindatta Raya, who came from Muttra in N. India. A descendant of his acquired the Santalige country and the rulers thenceforward took the name of Santara. Extensive ruins of large Jain temples and inscription of the 10th century. Humcha math one of the chief. seats of the Jains in Mysore. Reveiw of the Jains of Berar. They occupy the region since a very distant time, Some Jain princes reigned at Kaliyan. (Jains, 20,345, 318 Jains in the city.) Hyderabad State. 26667. Hyderabad City (247, 308) (326) (340) Idar State Indore State Jains, 4,376. Numerous Jain ruins throughout the Malwa district. Jains, 14,255 or 2 per cent Jains. Jains, 2,558 in the city, Jains, 44,630; 8,726 in the city. (350) (388, 400) Indore city Jaipur State 158162. Volume VI. [also see (Vol. II) of the new edition above] General review of Jainism. The Jains, their doctrines, their sanctuaries. Resemblance of Jainisin with Buddhism, Antiquity of Jainism. Researches of Mr. Jacobi. Jainism older than Buddhism. Date of the Jaina writings. Modern Jainism. The Jaina period of the Tamil literature from the 9th to the 13th century; the principal works; the dictionary Divakaram and the epic poem Cindamani. The Prakrit of Jains. Statistical data. 331. 338. 693, 701 Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. tspy i (55) (64) (70) 117 (124) (140) (164) (170) (188) 248. (208, 209) (220) (237, 238) 289 (265, 266) (278, 279) Articles, Accounts. Volume VII. (Vol. XIV Oxford, 1908) Jais Jaisalmer State. Jandiala Guru (Amritsar) Jaora State Large mercantile community of Bhabras, who are Jains. Jains, 3,314 or 4 per cent. Jaso (Baghelkhand) Jain remains lie scattered. Jhalawar State Jhalarapatan Town Jhansi Dist. Jhunjhunu Jind State Jodhpur State Jorhat (Sibsagar Dist.) Jubbulpur Dist. Jullundur Divi. Junagarh State Kadar (Mysore) Kaira Dist. Temple dedicated to Parsvanath. Remarkable temples. Lodorva has a Jain temple, 1000 years old. Very fine Jain temples in the fort, some, 1400 years old. 167 Jains, 3,129 or 3 per cent. A Jain temple which formerly belonged to the old city. Jains number 10,760 or 1.7 per cent. A Jain temple 1000 years old. A few Jains in the Dadri tahsil. 1,37,393 or 7 per cent. Jains. This village counts an important colony of Jains. Ruins at Bargaon belong to the Jains. 617 Jains. 5,562 Jains. In the states, 1,993 Jains. 7,842 Jains. In the town, 1,029. According to inscriptions and monuments, this village was a Jain In the 10th century. At Sosevur or Angadi, ruins of Jain temples. Jains, 1,554. A fine Jain temple. Jains, 8,469. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Articles. Accounts. (299) Kalasa (Mysore) Temple of Kalesvara; 13th century copper grants by Jain queens. It was originally a Jain temple. 337 (313) Kalinjara (Rajputana) Formerly centre of Jain trade. The ruins of a fine Jain temple. Jain sculptures and inscriptions. (321) Kalugumalai (328) (343) Kampil (U. P.) Kanara North A fine Jain temple. It was for long a stronghold of the Jain religion. Kanara, South 356359. (356359 After the battle of Talikota in 1565, the local Jain chiefs achieved independence. Jain remains most remarkable in the presidency. Noteworthy are at Karkala, Yenur, and Mudbidri. Jain chiefs, Bhairarasa Wodeyars of Karkala. Jain remains of three kinds--betas, bastis and stambhas described. Barkur, once the Jain capital of the region destroyed by Lingayat fanatics in the 17th century, beautiful Jain buildings now a heap of ruins. Jains, 9,582 or 1%. 386 Kangra Dist. Remains at Kangra prove that it was a considerable Jain centre. (404) Kankroli (Udaipur) On a hill to the north-east are the remains of a large Jain temple. 439 (406) Kapadvanj (Town) Modern Jain temple richly decorated with marble pillars. Volume VII.--contd. (Vol. XV) 463 Karkala Once a Jain town and seat of the Bhairarasa Wodeyars, a powerful Jain family. In the neighbourhood many Jain remains--monolithic statue of Gomat Raya; to the north, on a smaller hill a square temple; at Haleangadi, the finest Jain stambha (pillar); descriptions. Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 169 Articles Acc vunts Pages (151) Katas (Jhelum Dist.) On the banks of the Katas, lies the hill, of Murti; on this plateau remains of a stupa; and close to it once stood a small Jain temple, from its debris a considerable quantity of architectural fragments (now in Lahore Museum) were discovered by Dr. STEIN in 1890. The locality is the Singhapur (Sangho-pu-lo of the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsiang). (177) Kathiawar Some fine Jain temples on Girnar and the Satrunja hills. Volume VIII. (Vol. XV-contd.) (101) Two Jain temples. Katra (U. P.) Meduiganj (192) A Jain basti. Kavlapur (Sangli) (197) Kekri (Ajmer) 364 Jains. Khajraho (218) (19) The south-eastern group--entirely Jain group of temples; similar in appearance to the Hindus. Oldest temple in this group--the Ghantai (6th or 7th century). Temple erected by the Marathas at the end of the 18th century. 159 Khandagiri (240) Khadgiri Udayagiri and Khandgiri; caves occupied by Jain monks and not, as is usually stated, by Buddhist. Caves and sculptures fully described, 231 Khandesh Dist. 12,298 or 0.9 per cent are Jains. Khandwa 162 (242) Ancient Jain centre of 12th century. Remains of old Jain temples still seen. A new Jain temple. (266) Khatauli Four large Jain temples, Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages Articles Accounts 187 (295) Khekara Khurai Town (C. P.) Khurja 212 (297) Kolar Dist. (371, 372) Magnificent temple. Considerable colony of Jains and a number of fine Jain temples. Magnificent Jain temple. Churuwal Banias are Jain by religion, a wealthy class doing banking business all over India. At Nonamangala, south of Malur, were discovered in 1897 the foundation of a Jain temple with inscribed plates of the 4th and 5th centuries, and a number of antiquities. 880 Jains in 1901. 50,924 Jains. Large number of Jain cultivators (36,000)-evidence of the former predominance of the Jain religion in the Southern Maratha country; they are peaceable and industrious peasantry. Jains 1,401 in the city. A large collection of Jain sculptures of the 11th century were dug up here. A small modern temple. (383, 384, 386) Kolhapur State. 407 Kosam (U. P.) Volume VIII-contd. (Vol. XVI) (7-8) Kotturu (Bellary) Basappa came to Kotturu when it was a stronghold of the Jains, vanquished them in controversy, converted them to the Lingayat faith, and set up a lingam in their principal temple, Murukallu matha. 345 Kumbhalgarh (Udaipur) (22) (28-29) Ancient temples. Site of an ancient castle of Samprati, a Jain prince of the 2nd century P. C. The Senior chief's estate--Jains 3,532; the Junior chief's estate---Jains 2,498. Jains, 5,507. Jain bastis. Kurandavad State (Kolhapur) Lahore Divi. Lakshmeshwar (Miraj) (95) (131) Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 171 Pages Articles Accounts Lalitpur (U. P.) The 458 (133) Numerous Jain temples in the Dist. town contains picturesque Jain temples. Volume IX. (Vol. XVI-conid.) 22 (255, 263) Madras Presidency Jains number 27,000, most of them found in South Kanara and North and South Arcot. Jain antiquities in South Kanara, at Karkal, Yenur and Mudbidri. Magadha Mahavira founded the cognate sect of the Jains. (408) Volume IX-contd. (Vol. XVII) (17) (42) 183 (97) (105) (113, 114) Mahi Kantha Jains 3 per cent. Maiskhal Amont the hills is built the shrine of (Chittagong) Adinath, which attracts the pilgrims from all parts of the district. (?) Mahoba Relics of ancient Jain temples. Malwa Agency Jains, 36,615 or 3 per cent. Mamandur (Arcot) Rock-caves, work of the Jains; Jain monks from Conjeeveram, here retire in narrow cells for meditation. Manbhum Bajra Bhumi of the Jain legend; ruins of ancient Jain temples near Purulia. District contains ancient remains at Palma, Charra, Pakbira, ascribed to the Saraks (Jains); image of Arhanath Deoli. Mandasor Town Nuinerous Jain remains found. Mandhata(C. P.) On the north bank of the Narbada are some Jain temples. Mandor (Jodhpur Some Jain ruins. Manki (N. Kanara) Remains of several Jain temples prove former paramount Jain influence here. Mannargudi 153 Jains. An old Jain temple. (Tanjore) (150) 296 (152) 309 (198) (199) Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Accounts Pages Articles 351 (214) Masar (Shahabad Dist.) Its old name according to the 7 inscription in the temple of Parasnath, was Mahasara. Jain temple with Brahmanical images and an inscription dated 1386. 361 Temple. Matar (Kaira) Mau 368 Temple (233) Mau-Ranipur (U. P.) Prinpical temple here, Jain. Jains an important commercial body. (252, 257) Meerut Division Jains, 37,941. 1 per cent Jains. (361, 362) Miraj State (Kolhapur) Jains, 3,866. in the Senior branch and 1,288 in the Junior Branch. Chiefly inhabited by Jains, who carry on a thriving trade. (380) Miyagam (Baroda) Volume IX.--contd. (Vol. XVIII) Morvi State Jains, 4,913. (Kathiawar) 525 Mudbidri (S. Kanara) (10) Ancient Jain city; a descendent of the old Jain chief, the Chouter still resides; 18 bastis; the Chandranath temple finest, descriptionFERGUSSON states the nearest approach to the type is to be found in Nepal; tombs of Jain priests. Inscriptions. (12) Mudhol State Jains, 277. (20) Muigund (Dharwar) Four Jain temples in the town. (54) Murshidabad Town Second only to the Nawab in establishing the importance of Murshidabad was the Jain banker, Manik Chand Jagat Seth. Muttra Was a stronghold of the Jains. Jain stupa, incriptions. (62, 66) (87) Muzaffarnagar Jains, 10,150 or 1.2 per cent, Banias--Many of whom are Jains. Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY ijs Pages Articles Accounts Volume X (Vol. XVIII-contd.) (92,93,100 Mysore State Jains, preponderate here for a long time; the 168-69) ancient Chola princes, professed Jainism 172-73,187, just as the Hoala kings; relics of temples 191,192,194, and numerous inscriptions; sacred Jain books 198,202,220) written in old Canara. Jain tradition-Chandragupta Maurya and his migration to Sravana Be!gola with Bhadrabahu. Poysalas or Hoysalas were Jains. Balligave (Belgami) contained Jain temples. Bittideva, under the influence of Ramanuja, exchanged the Jain faith for Vaishnavism. Chikka Deva Raja, his Jain minister. The Jain temples are called basadi or basti, are in Dravidian style; manastambha, monolith pillars; Jains have bettas (hills). In 1901 the Jains had the fewest females; they have a higher ratio of bachelors than the Hindus; but among them spinsters are proportionately fewest and widowers and widows most numerous; infant marriage of girls prevail. The Sada tribe include Jains also. The Jain Banajigas. Establishment of the Vaishnava faith and ousting of the Jainas in Mysore by Ramanuja; Manufacture of brass and copper vessels is to a great extent in the hands of the Bhogars, who are Jain. Earliest history of the Mysore District-the Jain tradition of the Maurya emperor Chandragupta according to the Jains. 2,006 Jains. 142 Nadol Jainism predominated formerly in this town, (283) (Jodhpur) Inside the fort extremely handsome temple of Mahavira. (298) Nagar Parkar In Bhodisar are the remains of three ancient Jain temples. (304, Nagpur Division Jains, 6,624. 2,675 Jains in Dist. In the 308, 318) city 760 Jains. (336) Nakur Town A fine Jain temple. Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages Articles (359) Nandidroog (Mysore) Accounts Stronghold of the Ganga kings, who were Jains. Narnala (Akola) 213 (379) Some cisterns of stone were constructed by the Jains, who reigned in the region before the Muhammadan invasion. (400, Nasik Dist. 401, 410, 412) Jain caves of Chambhar, and those of Ankai and of Tringalvadi near Igatpur. Jains one per cent. In the town, 133. Description of Chambhar Lena or Chambhar caves. (Bombay Gazetteer, Vol. XVI, Pp. 541-639 and 426-8). (414) Nasirabad Town Jains 354. (420) Navanagar State Jains. 21,006. Vol. X-contd. (Vol. XIX) (25) Nemawar (Indore State) In the time of the Paramara kings of Malwa, the fine Jain temple was erected at Nemawar. (56) Nerbudda Division 9,522 Jains. Nimar (C. P.) 329 (109) Jainism prevailed in the country from the 9th to the 12th century. Khandwa, formerly a centre of the Jains and many finely-carved places of stone-work taken from Jain temples may be seen in the houses at Khandwa and Mandhata. (245) Orchha State. Jains, 5,884. (270) Osmanabad Dist. Jain caves at Dabar Lena. Oudh (U. P.) 485-86 (285) A Jain dynasty reigned (10th century) in the region of Sravasti, at Sahet--Mahet numerous Jain ruins visible; a modern Jain temple dedicated to Sambhavanatha. (309) Padavedu (N. Arcot Dist.) A chief city of the Kurumbas, a powerful clan. Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 3-10 (361-366) 14 (370) (390) 57-58 (409) (411) 77 (10, 14) (40) (73) Articles Palitana Volume XI (Vol. XIX-contd.) Palma (Purulia) Pandharpur (Sholapur) Mt. Paresnath Parbhani Dist. Partabgarh State. Accounts Patiala State Pattadkal (Bijapur) Summary-history of the resemblance between the Jains of the Satrunjaya and the Govt. of Palitana (rents due by the Jains). Jains 4,047. 175 Shetrunja Hill, sacred to Adinath; entire summit covered with temples, most famous are of Adinath Kumar Pal, Vimalasah, Samprati Raja, and the Chaumukh. Mr. Kinloch FORBES in the Ras Mala and Dr. BURGESS-full description. Ancient Jain establishment, described according to DALTON. Principal temple stands on a mound; several sculptures of nude male figures-the Tirthankaras. Jains, 414. Description and history of this hill of Bengal, one of the most frequented places of the Jain pilgrims. 4,480 feet above sea level. From Parivanatha, the hill, originally called Samet Sikhar, has taken its name. Volume XI-contd. (Vol. XX) Sir W. W. HUNTER, Statistical Account of Bengal, Vol. XVI, Pp. 216-17. Jain temple of Parasnath near Jintur with a carved figure 12 feet high. This town of Rajputana possesses 4 Jain temples. Population 9 per cent Jains; in the town 27 per cent Jains. 11 Jain temples. Jains, fewer than 3,000, mostly found in the Mohindargarh nizamat. Old Jain temples. Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages Articles Accounts 82 Patan (Baroda State) Great Jain centre with 108 Jain temples and important libraries. (24, 25) Patna (Bihar) 84 (53) In the neighbourhood a mutilated statue of Mahavira. Jains, 999. Ruins of several magnificent temples, on the east side of the north end of the hill. Pavagad 121 (80) (81) Pawapuri (Bihar) Mahavira buried in the village; three Jain temples great place of pilgrimage for the Jains. (151) Jains about 19 per cent. 188 Pirawa Dist. (Rajputana) Pisangan Pokaran (Jodhpur) 195 (158) Ancient Jain Temple. Jain temple on the site of the ancient city (the site of Satalmer). Jains, 10,703. In Poona city 1,473 Jains. Jains 1,158. Porbandar Town 1,113. (170, 181) Poona Dist. (189, 190) Porbandar State (217) Presidency Divn. (Bengal) (233) Pudukkottai State. Jains, 2,245. Ancient caves of Jain origin. Punjab 184, 291, 292. Among Jains marriage is in theory a sacrament. Jain temples similar in plan to those of Hindus, but more than one shrine is often found in the enclosure and pillared varandas are a feature. Jains, 45,615 in 1891 and 49,983 in 1901. Volume XI-contd. (Vol. XXI) Raichur (Hyderabad) The country round Raichur was the battleground of the ancient Hindu and Jain dynasties. (71) Rajgarh Town (Alwar) CUNNINGHAM found 3 life-size nude figures and ruins of a Jain temple. Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 177 Pages Accounts Articles Rajgir (Bihar) 381 (72) (73) (103, 104, 109,111, 115) Rajkot State Rajputana Several Jain temples. The hills have several Jain temples. Jains, 3,352. Jain structures temples at Delwara and Kirtti Stambha at Chitor. The oldest Jain temples near Sohagpura in Partabgarh, at Kalinjara, in Banswara and in Jaisalmer and Sirohi; remains exist at Ahar near Udaipur, and at Rajgarh and Parananagar in Alwar. Among Jains females slightly predominated. Polygamy more common among the Jains. Jains, 3,42,595 or 31 per cent. In 1901 more than 32 per cent. Digambara, 45% Swetambara and the rest Dhundia. The 3 Jain sects. 439 (168-69) Rakhabh Dev (Rajputana) Famous Jain temple dedicated to Adinatha or Rakhabhnath; it was repaired in the 14th and 15th centuries. Thousands of pilgrims visit it. Hindus worship it as incarnation of Vishnu. The Bhils call him Kalaji and have great faith in him. Another name is Kesaryaji. Every votary is entitled to wash off the saffron paste applied by a previous worshipper. (1. A. Vol. I). Short description of two Jain temples erected in 1440; to annual pilgrimages in March and September. Site of a clelebrated Jain temple. See Ranapur. Rampur (U. P.) 461-462 (190) (190) Rampura (Jodhpur) (196-97) Ranapur (Jodhpur) A celebrated Jain temple built in the 15th century; extensive in design; dedicated to Adinath; description given. (FERGUSSONHist. of Ind. and East. Archi. Pp. 240-2. 1899). 509 Ranipur Two pretty small temples. Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages (242, 244) (249) 262, 272) (276) (277) Articles Accounts Volume XII (Vol. XXI --contd.) Ratlam (C. I.) Jains, 11 per cent. 6,452 in State. town, Ratnagiri In Kharepatan is the only Jain temple (Bombay Presi.) found in Southern Konkan. Rawalpindi Jains, 1,232 in district and 1,008 in the town. Rayadrug Town On the hill a Jain temple, and some curious (Bellary) Jain figures carved upon the face of the rock in a place known as Rasa Siddha's her mitage. Raybag (Kolhapur) In the 11th century the chief twon of a Jain chief. Most of the inhabitants are Jains and Marathas. Reni (Bikaner) A handsome Jain temple built in 942. Rewah (C. I.) Some Digambara Jain figures lying near Brahmanical temples. Rewa Kantha Jains, 1,400. (Bombay) Ronahi Three temples. Sadri ( Jodhpur) Ancient town. Handsome Jain temple. Sailana State Jains, 912. (C. I.) Sahet-Mahet Ancient Sravasti; birth place of 3rd (see Set Mahet Tirthankara--Sambhavanatha. See Set. P. 181) (278) (283) (295) 79 (349) (386) 127 (381) Volume XII---contd. (Vol. XXII) 217 (51) Sanganer (Jaipur) Sarangpur (C. I.) (95-96) Several Jain temples, one of marble, of considerable size, 950 years old. Many fragments of Jain temples; a statue of a Tirthankara erected in 1121. A Jain temple close to the Stupa. Several Jain temples; Jain merchants. (109) Sarnath (Benares) Sarsaganj 271 Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 Pages (114121) (129) (140, 148) (158) (168) (183) Articles Accounts Satara Agency & Jains 1,166. Jains, 18,483 chiefly in the Dist. villages in the south of Valva and Tasgaon talukas. They represent a survival of early Jainism. Satara City Jains, 253. Saugor Dist. (C. P.) More than 15,000 Jains in the district or nearly a third of the total number in the province. 1,027 in town. Sawai Madhopur Jain pathsala. (Jaipur) Seoni District At Ghansor in the Seoni tahsil, are the ruins (C. P.) of numerous Jain temples. Seven Pagodas-- Near the stone choultry, ridges on which the Mahabalipur caves are cut-a recumbent figure, called (Madras) "Giant Raja Bali" it is no doubt the work of Jains. There are 14 or 15 Rishi caves. Shahabad Dist. Jains, 449. Shahpura Chiefship Jains, 1,543 or 3 per cent. (Rajputana) Shimoga Dist. In the 7th or 8th century, a Jain principality (Mysore) was established at Pomburchchha or Hombucha (Humucha) by Jinadatta, a prince of the Ugra family and Solar race from Muttra. His line assumed the name of Santara; established their capital at Karkala (S. Kanara); remains of splendid Jain temples at Humcha. Jains, 3,523. Sholapur City Jains, 1,206. Simla Town Jains and Parsis, 35. Sind Ruins at Pari Nagar (in Thar and Parkar); fragments of many Jain temples. Jains, 921. (190) (224) (284, 286) (305) (383) (403, 406) Volume XII-conid, (Vol. XXIII) Singhbum (Chota Nagpur) Sirajganj Town (E. Bengal) Saraks, who were Jains, still exist, in Manbhum District. A small number of Jains. (16) Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages (32) (37) 8 (40) Articles Accounts Sirohi State Jains, 11 per cent. A well-preserved Jain (Rajputana) temple of the 10th century Siron (Jhansi Dist.) Remains, chiefly of Jain buildings. Volume XIII. (Vol XXIII-contd.) Sirpur Village The old temple of Anteriksha Parsvanatha (Akola Dist.) belonging to the Digambara Jain community, has an inscription dated 1406, the temple was built at least a hundred years before the date of the inscription. Tradition regard ing the find of the image by a Raja. Sitamau State Jain, 781. (C. I.) Sohagpur Many Jain sculptures among ruins. Village (C. P.) (52) (69) (82) Jain monasteries. Sonda (North Kanara) 59 (63) (80) (87) (90) (92) Sonpat Two temples Songir (C. I.) On the summit and slopes of a ridge more than a hundred Jain temples. Sopara (Thana Ancient town; frequent mention of by Jain Dist., Bombay) writers. Southern Division Comprises Belgaum, Dharwar, Bijapur and (Bombay Presi.) North Kanara; Jains, 73,069. Southern Maratha Jains, 27,714. Jagirs. Sravana Belgola Episode of Bhadrabahu and emperor Chand ragupta. The colossal statue of Gomatesvara erected by Chamunda Roya in 983; its description given, formerly an important Jain centre, being the residence of the principal guru. Sultanpur Town famous for the number and the wealth merchants who reside there. 424-25 Vol. XII) (96-97) 106 of Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY idi Pages 157 (164, 168) 163 (214) . (242) 242 (281) 267 398 Articles Accounts Surat District Some of the mosques constructed out of Jain temples. 4,671 Jains in the city. The title and office of Nagarseth hereditary in a Srawak or Jain family. Talaja Temple. Talikota Jama Masjid with Jain pillars. The Siva (Bijapur Dist.) temple contains some Jain images. Tanjore City Jains, 154, Terdal (Sangli Nemnath Jain temple built in 1187. State) Thar Parkar (Sind) Ruins of several temples. Tiruvadani A ruined Jain temple at Hanumantakudi. (Madura Dist.) Tonk State Jains, 6,623. (Rajputana) Yenur (South Ancient Jain town; Jain statue 37 feet high. (Kanara) or Venur (See Vol. XXIV p. 422) (Volume XXIV) Tumkur District Jains, 949. Turanmal On the south side of the hill a Jain temple of (W. Khandesh) Parasnath; annual fair in October. (410) 554 (65) (64) 102 Udaipur City The Jain temple known as Adbudji's is remarkable only for the great size of the images it contains, the largest, that of santinah, being 6 feet by 4 feet. i Jains, 64,623. 4,520 in Udaipnr city. (94, 102) (109) Udaipur State (Mewar) Record dated in A. D. 425-6 in the Jain cave. Udayagiri (Gwalior) Ullal (South Kanara) (115) Once the seat of an important Jain family in the 16th and 17th centuries. Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 JAINA BIBLOGRAPHY Pages Articles Un (Indore State) Accounts Old Jain temples, still stand there. (121) United Provinces 171, 176) Excavations at Muttra yielded Jain sculptures fragments of ternples, inscriptions of Kushan period (Ist or 2nd century A. D.). In the Lalitpur tahsil of Jhansi Dist. fine Jain temples and sculptures of mediaeval period (900 to 1100). Jains, 84,401. At Jain festivals a striking feature is the carrying of images in elaborate cars. (345) A Jain temple. (346, Jains, 5,030. 3,507 in the town. 347) (354) Jains, 1,719, Wadgaon Town (Kolhapur) Wadhwan State (Kathiawar) Wankaner State (Kathiawar) Warangal Division, Western Rajputana States Residency. Yenur for Venur) S. Kanara. (356, 359) (386) Jains, 13. Several Jain figures cut in the rocks, close to the Hanmantgiri town. Jains, 7 per cent. (422) Monol'th Jain statue, 37 ft. high; constructed in 1603. (Vol. XXVI)--Atlas See in the Map --XVI, the geograahy of Jainism. 172 G. L. CORBETT and R. V. Russel. Hoshangabad District, Vol. A-Descriptive. Calcutta, 1908 (CPDG). P. 66. The Agaryals are either Hindus or Jains and the Parvars nearly all Jains. The Parvars have a sub-caste called Banaika. 173 Bahawalpur State. Lahore. 1908, (P. D. G., Vol. XXXVI-A). P. 183. The Jains are to be found only at Manjgadh, Phulra, Derawar, Bahawalpur town and Ahmadpur East. They are divided into three sects in the State viz., (1) the Digambaras, (2) the Svetambaras and (3) the Daundias, Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 183 174 K. D, ERSKINE. The Mewar Residency. Ajmer, 1908. (Raj. Gaz. Vol. II-A, Text). P. 38. Two main ancient divisions of the Jain sects are the Digambaras and the Svetambaras. From the latter come an offshoot known as Dhundia. The Digambara class asserts that woman cannot attain salvation, while the Svetambara holds the opposite view. P. 220. Among religions, the Jains, as usual, come first with nearly twentythree per cent. literate. P. 222. In the town of Deolia (or Deogarh) there are two Jain temples. In Partabgarh 27 per cent. are Jains. P. 203. In the Partabgarh State, the principal subdivisions of the Mahajan caste are the Humar, Osval and Narshingpura. Of the Jains, about 56 per cent. belonged to the Digambara, 37 per cent to the Svetambara and 7 per cent, to the Dhundia sects. 175 C. E. LUARD. Western States (Malwa) Gazetteer. Byculla, Bombay, 1908. (CISG, Vol. 5, Pt.-A. Text). P. 79. Reference to Jain images in Sia, Pargana Dewas, a village situated at a distance of 7 miles from Dewas. P. 168. In Pachor, Pargana Pachor, mutilated portions of Jain idols are often found when excavating. 176 C. E. LUARD and Ram Prosad Dube. Indore State Gazetteer. Calcutta, 1908. (CISG, Vol, ii--Text and Tables). Pp. 55-57. In the whole state Jains number about 14,255. The leading bankers and traders in the state are Jains. After the Maharatta conquest of Malva. collisions between Jains and Brahmans were common. The temple of Rama in the town of Kotri formerly belonged to the Jains. Caste and customs of the Jains. P. 57. Of the Mahesris a few are Jains. P. 58. The Osvals--the origin of the division of two classes of Osvals is mentioned. Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 177 C. E. LUARD and Dwarka Nath SHEOPURI. Gwalior Slate Gazetteer. (CISG, Vol. 1, 4 Pts.)--Calcutta, 1908-09. Vol 1, Pt. 1, pp. 45, 205. Among Jains the Digambaras are the most numerous, Svetambaras following, the Dhundias being the least numerous. The Jain scriptures regard Bhadalpur as the birthplace of Sitalanatha, the tenth Tirthankara, whose birthday is still commemorated here by a yearly feast. Vol. 1, Pt. 4. The following photos are found in this part: Zila Gwalior Gird. P. 33. Jain temple at Gwalior Fort, Pargana Gwalior Gird. P. 48. Urwai Jain images, cut in rock, at Gwalior Fort. P. 49. Urwai Jain images, cut in rock, at Gwalior Fort. Zila Tonwarghar. P. 144. Jain twin images at Khutiani Bihar, Pargana Jora. (Now in State Museum) Zila Sheopur. P. 159. An inscription in a Jain temple at Dubkund, Pargana Sheopur. P. 160. Jain images ae Dubkund. P. 161. Jain temples in ruins (exterior view) at Dubkund. P. 162. Jain temples in ruins (interior view) at Dubkund. Zila Narwar. P. 179. Jain temple at Chanderi, Pargara Pichar. Zila Isagarh. P. 232. Jain temples at Mungaoli, Pargana Munagaoli. P. 233. Jain temple or Para Sahib at Thoban, Pargana Isagarh, P. 234. Jain temples (east view) at Thoban. P. 235. Jain temples (general view) at Thoban. P. 236. Jain temple (west view) at Thoban. Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 185 Zila Bhilsa. P. 243. Jain temple at Baro, Pargana Basoda. P. 251. Jain temple at Bhilsa, Pargana Bhilsa. P. 258. Jain temple at Giaraspur, Pargana Basoda. P. 259. Jain temple (front view) at Giaraspur Pargana Basoda. Zila Shajapur. P. 322. Jain images (group) at Gandhawal, Pargana Sonkach. P. 323. Jain temples (in ruins) at Gandhawal. P. 325. Jain temple (Digambari) at Maksi, Pargana Sonkach. P. 326. Jain temple (svetambari) at Maksi. P. 327. Jain temple at Pipalawan Pargana Sonkach. 178 A.E. Nelson. Jubbolpore District. Vol. A.-Descriptive. Bombay, 1909. (C.P.D.G.) P. 108. The Parvars, who are Jains and Agarvals, are very rich and among modern temples theirs are perhaps the most beautiful and costly. There are fair examples of these in Jubbalpur and Marwar. The Parvars came from Bundelkhand, In a car festival the Jain gods are placed in a temporary pavilion and thousands of Parvars flock to take part in the festival. 179 A.E. NELSON. Raipur District. Vol. A.-Descriptive. Bombay, 1909. (CPDG). Pp. 65-66, 258-259. Arang is conspicuous for its Jain remains. The Jain temple of Arang is ornamented on the exterior with Jain devis and other figures and inside there are three big nude images. In another place are found 3 naked Jain figures with the symbols of elephant, a conch and a rhinoceros representing Ajitanatha, Neminatha and Sreyamsa respectively. About 6 or 7 years ago a Jain statuette made of a precious stone was discovered. 180 K. D. ERSKINE. The Western Rijputana States Residency and the Bikaner Agency. Allahabad, 1909. (RG Vol. III A, Text). P. 92. Jain sects. P. 256. The Jains of Sirohi state. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 181 L. F. BEGBIE, Chanda District. Vol. A.-Descriptive. Allahabad, 1909. (CPDG) P. 94. The Jains have a handsome temple in the city, 182 A. E. Nelson. Buldana District. Vol. A.-Descriptive. Calcutta, 1910. (CPDG). Pp. 90-92. Jainism-The performance of five duties and avoidance of five sins-Two divisions of the Saraogis. 183 L. S. S. O'MALLEY. Singhbhum, Saraikela and Kharswan. Calcutta, 1910. (BDG). P. 25. The Saravak, Serak or Sarak, is a corruption of Sravaka. The Jain temples in Manbhum date back to about the 14th or 15th century A.D. From this it may be inferred that during that period the Jains penetrated to Singhbhum. 184 The Gazetteer of Bombay City and Island. 3 Vols. Bombay, 1909-10. Vol. 1. Pp. 177, 294. The Jains. There are 9 Jain temples in Bombay. There are no Digambara temples in Bombay. Vol. 1. P. 454 n. Many Jains in Bombay deal in pearls. Vol. 3. P. 353. Among Jain temples the most noteworthy are one at the corner of Parel road, facing Pandhoni, and another on Malabar hill. 185 A.E. NELSON. Bilaspur District. Vol. A. -Descriptive. Allahabad, 1910. (CPDG). P. 255. On the site of an old temple of Devi in Adbhar, Chandarpur estate, is a hut containing a Jain seated figure. P. 265. Reference to Jain remains and fragments of statuary in Dhanpur, Pendra zemindari, A curious relic is a huge figure of a Jain naked god carved out of a large cylindrical rock. P. 313. At Balapur there are about 20 families of Digambara Jains and many of the Svetambaras. P. 341. In the town of Karanja are three Jain mandirs. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 358. In the village of Mundgaon stands a Jain temple. Pp. 59, 368. The block of four large covered cisterns with broken but graceful arches rising above them in the hill fort of Narnala is thought by some to be the hand work of the Jains. Pp. 54, 55, 389-391. The village of Sirpur in Basim taluk is a very holy spot to Jains. Within Berar, Muktagiri in the Ellichpur taluk of Amraoti district is also a holy place of the Jains. Sirpur has two Jain temples, the great object of reverence is an image of Antariksa Paravanatha in the chief temple belonging to the Digambara Jain community. The story about the image is narrated. This temple has an inscription dated Samvat 1334 (A. D. 1406). the doorway are nude Jain figures and over the lintel is a In the shrine are two small marble Jinas. On either side of small seated Jina. P. 392. Telhara town, west of Akot taluk: a Svetambara Jain has built a temple to Padmaprabhu. 187 186 C. BROWN. Akola District. Vol. A.-Descriptive. Calcutta, 1910. (CPDG). P. 53. In the Patur caves there is a cross-legged seated figure. It has been held to be a Jain relic but may be a Buddhist image. 187 H. COUPLAND. Manbhum Calcutta, 1911. S. V. FITZGERALD and A. E. NELSON. Amraoti District. Vol. A.-Descriptive. Bombay, 1911. (CPDG). P. 355. In the town of Amraoti are two Jain temples. P. 371. Bhatkuli-Reference to Jain temples built about 200 years ago and a figure of Parivanatha said to have been found buried in the village Garhi. 188 (Bengal District Gazetteers Vol. XVIII), Pp. 48-49. The Jain and Buddhistic era: At Dalmi (pargana Patkum) trances of Jain influence suggesting a Jain civilisation preceding the Brahmanical Early Jain ruins and civilisation at Telkupi, Pakbina, Buddhpan, Manbazar, Safaran and Sursa. Pp. 51-52. Saraks-Jain by origin-district still contains a considerable numbertheir ancestors built the temples at Para, Charra, Boram, and another places. DALTOR places them in five or six hundred years before Christ and identifies with Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY colossal image now worshipped at Pakbira under the name of Bhiram as Vira, the 24th Tirthankara. Between 10th and 16th centuries they were destroyed by Bhumij and others. Pp. 83-85. Saraks : an archaic community; found in considerable number in Manbhum and adjoining districts. Their accounts form Mr. GAIt's census report. The word Sarak derived from Sravaka (hearer) indicating the laymen distinguished from the Yatis or monks; and still survivers as a regular caste (Saraogi); origin of the caste according to Brahma-Vai-Varttapurana the union of a Jotaha man with a woman of the Kuvinda or weaver caste. This shows that at the time when this Purana was, or when the passage was interpolated, the Saraks had already taken to weaving as a means of livelihood. Mr. RISLEY (Census of India) says that the Saraks of Manlehum, though now Hindus, retain traditions of having formerly been Jains. Manlehum and Ranchi Saraks originally Agarwals migrated from the country on the bank of Saraji (U. P.'; first settled in Dhalbhum according to Manlehum Saraks Ranchi Saraks first settled in Ogra near Puri and later in Chota Nagpur: Burdwan and Birbhum Saraks came from Gujarat. They were traders and revered Parsvanatha. They have ten gotras. Their sub-caste based on locality and trade. They are strict vegetarians and do not use the word "cut". Mostly found in Raghunathpur, Para, Jhapra. According to DALSON (Ethnology of Bengal) they had never been convicted of any heinous crime. P. 264. Balarampur. BEGLAR described the ruins here as consisting of nude figures of the Tirthankaras. Pp. 265-66. Borun. Situated from miles south of railway station Garh Jaypur. The three brick ruin temples fully described; DALTON ascribed them to the Srawaks or Jains. Pp. 268-69. 4 miles north-east of Purnhia. Its Jain ruins. Dalm on the North bank of the Subarna-rekha river. Its Jain ruins; largely populated by the Srawaks between the ninth and eleventh centuries .D. P. 275. Katras (a railway station) 8 miles off on both sides of the Damodar River. Its Jain ruins now at Belonja P. 277. Pabanpur, a village in Barabhum pargana. Tirthankar images. Pakbira. Two miles east of Puncha and 25 miles south-cast of Purul. Jain statues and sculptures. Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 189 P. 282. Para. four miles from the railway station Kargati and Anara (between Purul and Gobindapur). Ruined Jain temples ascribed to the ancestors of the Saraks. P. 289. Telkupi. Cheliame pargana in the south bank of Damodar river. Jain remains of a large monastery. 189 Vol.-A. Descriptive. Bombay, 1912. F. R. R. RUDMAN. Mandla Distrid. (CPDG) P. 40. The only surviving temple built of hewn stone without mortar, is probably the work of the Jains, a community of whom itsed to live in the neighbourhood of the Kakarramatha temples in Dindori tahsil. The finely carved images found near the site belong to the Hindu and Jain religions. 190 Delhi District. Lahore, 1913. (PDG., V.-A.) Pp. 79-80. Jainism is only found in the towns among all the well-to-do traders. 191 L. S. S. O'MALLEY. Murshidabad. Calcutta. 1914 (BDG). P. 75. The Jains are an influential section of the community owing to their importance as bankers and landholders. The Kayahas, settled at Azimganj, belong almost exclusively to this sect. The great banking family of Jagat Seth was originally Jains. Some Jain families migrated to Murshidabad from Bikanir in the eighteenth century. On the Banks of the Bhagirathi they have their temples; three of the temples at Parasnath have been constructed at the expense of the Murshidabad Jains. 192 Hissar Disirict. Pt. A. Lahore, 1915. (PDG, II-A). Pp. 63-4 Jain sects; Mandirpanthis, Dhundiapanthis. P. 80. Nearly all the members of the Jain sect are to be found in one or other of the divisions of the Banias. All the Osvals, with very few exceptions, appear to be Jains of the Svetambara sect. Of the Agarvals a few are Jains. Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 193 L. S. S. O'MALLEY. Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. Cambridge. 1917. P. 136. Mahavira, the founder of Jainism was the son of the Lichchavi prince and spent his early manhood in a monastery at Vaisali. P. 221. There is also a Jain shrine at Parasnath having been the scene of the Nirvana of no less than ten of the twenty-four deified saints; from Parsvanath, the mountain has taken its name. 194 H. R. PATE. Tinnevally. Vol. I. Madras, 1917. (MDG). Pp. 100-101. No Jains or Buddhists to be found in the district. The Jain and Buddhist influence in Southern India began to disappear from about the beginning of the seventh century A. D. The ceremony known as kaluvettal (lit. impaling) is associated with the Jains of old and is held to commemorate the savage treatment they received at the hands of their Saiva persecutors. Widespread influence of Jainism and Buddhism in the district can be traced from stone remains found in different places. There are monuments which are attributed either to the Buddhists or the Jains. 195 E. LISTER. Hazaribagh. Patna, 1917. (BODG.) Pp. 205-209. The twenty-third Tirthankara Parsvanatha-The last Tirthankara Mahavira-Jain sects: (i) Digambaras. (2) Svetambaras-Quarrel about Parasnath Buildings--The temple on Parasnath hill. The shrines on Parasnath hill-Madhuban, the administrative head-quarters of the two sects of the Jains. 196 F.J. RICHARDS. Salem, Vol. I, 2 Pts. Madras, 1918. (MDG). Vol. I, Pt. 1, Pp. 51-52. Amoghavarsa I (A. D 814-877) was a devout supporter of the Jain faith and a great patron of literature. Vol. I, Pt. 1, P. 58 and nx. 12. Ganga Raja, the general of Bitti Deva, better known as Visnu Vardhana, was one of the three chief supporters of the Jain Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 191 religion. The other patrons of the religion were Camondaraya, minister of Mara Singa, the Talakad Ganga, and Hulla, the minister of the Hoysala Narasimha I. Vol. I, Pt. 1, P. 59. Destruction of Jain temples by the Cholas. Vol. I. Pt. 1, P. 125, n. l. Dr. OPPERT's theory of origin of Right and Left Hand Factions (or the struggle between Jainism and Brahmanism). Vol. I. Pt. 2, P. 202. The inscription of Mahendra in the Malikarjuna mandapa records the building of a Jain Basti or Tagadur by two brothers Nidhiyanna and Chandiyanna, sons of a merchant of Srimangala. Both the Jain and Saiva faiths flourished side by side in the ninth century at Dharmapuri under the imperial patronage of the Nolamba kings, but no relics of the Jain Basti have survived the ravages of time. Vol. I. Pt. 2, P. 240. At Salem there is a Jain figure, seated in an attitude of mediation, now known as Talai-vetti-mini-appan, or the "Muni-with-a-broken crown" 197 Sialkot District. Lahore, 1921. (PDG, XXIII-A). P. 51. Almost all the Jains of this place belong to the Bhabra sect and are to be found chiefly in the towns of Sialkot and Pasrur. They are usually traders. P. 56. In 1892 the Bhabras of the city constituted a Jain Sabha for their own betterment in religious and social directions. A big "Upasra" and a Jain Library have recently been established in the city. 198 J. F. W. JAMES, Patna. (A revised edition of L. S.S. O'Malley's Patna-BODG) Patna, 1924. P. 15. Rise of Jainism. P. 17. Spread of Jainism. P 61. Patna, early home of both Buddhism and Jainism-Rise and development of Jainism in Patna-Mahavira's death at Pavapuri. The Jain order began to spread over India from this district in the fourth century B. C. Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 JANIA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 71. Jainism-Jain shrines at Patna, Rajgir and Pavapuri-Sthulabhadra, the patriarch of the early Jain church in the first part of the third century B. C.-A shrine dedicated to Sudarsana. A temple kown as Thalmandar, in Pavapuri, marks the spot where Mahavira died. Another temple called Jalmandar stands in the midst of a great tank on the spot where he was buried. Pp. 223-24. Pavapuri and its account. Pp. 230-31. Rajgir and its account. 199 C. HAYAVADANA RAO, Mysore Gazetteer. Vol. I.-Descriptive. (New Edition), Bangalore, 1927. P. 178. Right-hand and left-hand castes : castes termed Panas or professions, are 18 in number; Right hand and Left hand; Jaina traders or Komati traders come under the Right hand division. P. 225. Heggade was the Jain designation of the Headman of a village. Pp. 229-30. Jain (20,700). The term Jain signifies more a religion than a caste. In it are found persons belonging to different castes. Thus there are Jain Brahmans, traders Chaturlakshatri, Panchama Kshatri weavers, calenderers and dyers who call themselves Gadiyas. Some of the Sadas (q. v.) in the State are Vokkaligas by profession, but in religion are Jains. Most of the immigrant Marwari traders are Svetambaras. The Digambaras are indigenous to the State. The usual caste title of Mysore Jains is Ayya, Pp 230-31. Kuruba : A caste of shepherds and blanket weavers; also agricul ture. Connected with the Pallava Kings of the South. The earliest kings of many dynasties of the South rose from this caste. The Halu Kurubas, abstain from liquor. A Gauda (or headman) being at the head of each territorial section. Saivism is professed by many. The usual titles are Gauda and Heggade. Pp. 246-47. Sadas : These are cultivators found chiefly in the Shimoga and Chitaldrug districts. They appear to have been originally Jains, though many at present profess the Lingayat and Brahmanic religions. The Jains worship the Tirthankaras and Hindu Gods Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 193 The as well. They are strict vegetarians and total abstainers. usual caste title is Gauda. Pp. 265-66. Early Kannada authors: The first cultivators of the Kannada language for literary purposes were the Jainas, down to the 12th century; we have, with very few exceptions, Jaina authors, There were few compositions by the Jainas during the later periods. The earlier Jaina works are champu kavyas, Pp. 284-95. Jainism : P. 284. Its existence in Mysore brought to light by col. Colin MACKENZIE in 1799. In Southern India they were established from a very early period. The oldest Tamil and Kannada literature is of Jain authorship and to the Jains is due the first cultivation of these languages. Jainism described. P. 286. Jain immigration in Mysore : Bhadrabahu and his disciple Chandragupta, the great Maurya Emperor, led a colony of Jain emigrants from the north to the south. Pp. 287-89. Their chief Mutts and Gurus : The principal seats of Jain faith in Mysore are Sravana Belgola in Hassan District, Maleyur in Mysore District, and Humcha in Shimoga District. The guru of the Sravana Belgola Mutt claims to be the guru of Dilli (Delhi). Hemadri (Maleyur), Sudha (Sode in Northern Kanara), Sangitapua (Haduvalli), Svedapura (Bilige), Kshemavenu (Mudu Bidare), these last three in Southern Kanara, and Belgula (Sravana Belgola) samasthans. The present religious establishment is attributed to Chamunda Raya in 983 A. D. Succession of gurus (Mula-sangha, Desi-gana, Pustaka-gachh. Accordiag to a list from the matha; names given. From 1117, the gurus all bear the name of Charukirti Panditacharya and endowments have been granted to the matha by all succeeding lines of kings. The Maleyur matha is now closed. Akalanka, a pati of Maleyur and Bhattakalanka is the title of the line of the patis of that placc. Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 288-89. The Humcha matha was established by Jinadattaraya, the founder of the Humcha State, in about the 8th century. The gurus, as given in the list, were of the Kundakundanvaya and Nandisangha. From Jayakirti Deva, they were of Sarasvatigachcha. List given. The gurus are now named Devendra Tirtha Bhattaraks. P. 289. Theio sects: The Digambara, clad with space, that is, naked; and the Svetambara, clad in white. The first is the original and most ancient. The yatis in Mysore belong to the former. P. 290, Their moral code : Five Maha-vratasor great duties. Four Dharmas or merits; three restraint. The practice of Samadhi, Sanyasana or Sallekhana (or religious suicide) is considered meritorious. Numerous instances of Sallekhana recorded in inscriptions dating from 600 A. D. to 1809 (Epi. Carn., II, Sravana Belgo!a). P. 291. Their ritual. Their sacred books Purvas, Agamas; their language-Ardha-Magadhi; in the 11th century, they adopted the use of Sanskrit. In the Edicts of Asoka and early Buddhist literature, Jains are called Nigrantha; with reference to their philosophical tenets, they are designated Syadvadins (those who say perhaps, or it may be so) the doctrine explained. Fo. 293-94. Their Tirthankaras: List of 24 Tirthankara with their names. signs and Sasana Devis given. List of Jain Puranas with dates, authors and names. Pp, 294-95. Jainism in Mysore: The history of the spread and decline of Jainism in the State, is closely bound up with the history of the State itself. It was the State creed in the time of the Gangas, of some of the Rashtrakutas and Kalachuryas and of the early Hoysalas. Also of the minor States of Punnata, of the Santaras, the early Chengalvas and the Kongalavas. But the Chola conquests in 1004, the conversion of the Hoysala king in 1117, and the assasination of the Kalachurya king in 1167, were severe blows to its influence. P. 295. The introduction of Jainism into the State was due to Chandragupta and the establishment of Buddhism into it was the act of Asoka, his grand son. Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INA BIBLIOGRAPHY 195 P. 372. P. 377. Of the total population of the State, 35 per cent. were returned as Jains (21,000). In every, 10,000 persons in the State there are 35 Jains. Census of 1921. They have increased in the past 40 years (1881-1921) by 92.7 per cent. The Jains in the State represent a past in which their forbears played no mean part, as much in the political as in the literary field. A larger population at one time claimed adherence to their religion and great kings and able generals professed it. Of the districts, Shimoga has the largest number of them in proportion, to the population, viz, 6 in every 1,000. Kadur and Tumkur Districts show 4 in every 1,000 and Kolar nearly the same number, Chitaldrug and Mysore show less than 2 and stand last. Bangalore and Hassan Districts each with 3 in every 100 stand between Kolar and Mysore. The comparatively large number in Shimoga is due to the existence there between 8th and 12th centuries A. D. of a Jain principality with its capital Humcha; so is the case of the Kadur District. P. 386. The proportion of females to males among the Jains is only 8:26 per mile. P. 394. The proportion of literature among the Jains is 203 out of every 1,000 persons of the age of 5 years and over. P. 395. The high literacy of the Jains is explained by the fact that they are largely engaged in trade or industry, in which a knowledge of letters is necessary. They have besides a traditional love for letters. 200 (i) C. HAYAVADANA Rao. Mysore Gazetteer, Vol. IV.-Administrative Bangalore, 1929. The jain sytem of education : Pp. 473-75. Mysore State, the chief centre of Jainism of India, and the prime seat of Digambara Jains; their system of education, based on the Brahmanic model. The Sutras lay down specifically how a pupil should behave towards his teacher, and how a teacher should treat his pupil. Learning given an exalted position; Jains have developed vast literature in Sanskrit, Prakrit ard the chief Dravidian languages of South India. The secular pursuits which Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY the generality of the Jains pursued and still pursue-made them popularise the seeular aspects of education to a large extent. The Jains honoured the educated is testified by their extant literature and inscriptions found in the State. They were among the first to use the vernacular languages for literary purposes. They specially revere, in their prayer-formula, their teachers (upadhyayas). P. 663. The inscriptions at Sravana Belgola have established beyond doubt the antiquity of the Jains and their priority to the Buddhists; they have furnished important information regarding Kannada literature and its antiquity. The Jain sect is one of the most ancient in India--its discovery first made in Mysore. P. 666. The Jain work Lokavibhaga, supplies the date Saka 380 as the 22nd year of the reign of Simhavarma, the Pallava king of Kanchi, Kalyanakaraka, a medical work of Ugraditya, a contemporary of the Rashtrakuta King Amoghavarsha I and the Eastern Chalukya King Kali Vishnuvardhana. 200 (ii) C. HAYAVADANA RAO. Mysore Gaztteer, Vol. IV.-Administrative-New Edition, Bangalore, 1929. Chapter VII.-Public Instruction : The Jain System of education : Pp. 473-75. Mysore cheif centre of Jainism and prime seat of the Digambara Jains and long and uninterrupted history in it. Teaching a duty with the Jains. Strict discipline; monk not allowed to go out without permission of the teacher. Twenty-five virtues to a teacher and ten of a lay disciple. Obedience of a teacher, Learning given an exalted position, and it is evident from the vast literature the Jains have developed in Sanskrit, Prakrit and the chief Dravidian languages of South India. Religious instruction is necessity. But the secular pursuits which the generality of the Jains pursued-and still pursue---made them popularize the secular aspect of education to a large extent. Their literature bears ample evidence for this view. Oral teaching was at first the rule. The Jains honoured the educated. They were among the first to use the vernacular language for literary purposes. They attach special merit to gifts of the four kinds ; Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 197 food, shelter, medicice and teaching (Epi. Carn. II, Srav. Bel.' 126 dated III A. D.). The earliest Jain inscription refer to the intellect of person being "brightended by the water of learning." (Epi. Carn. II, Srav. Bel. 75, dated 950 A, D.). Numerous inscriptions of the 12th and 13th centuries are a witness to the high state of learning and teaching them current among the Jains in the State. P. 663. Archaeological Survey : The inscriptions at Sravana Belgola have established the antiquity of the Jains and their priority to the Buddhists. They have furnished information of the utmost importance regarding Kannada literature and its antiquity. The Jain sect is one of the most ancient in India. 201 (i) C. HAYAVADANA Rao. Mysore Gazetteer, Vol. II, Historical, Part 1 - New Edition, Bangalore, 1930. P. 5. Maisura-deregala-vamsavali is a small Kannada poem by an unknown Jain author who lived in the 19th century. It begins with the Hoysala and Vijayanagar kings and ends with Krishoaraja Wodear III. P. 38. The Lingayat revival in the time of the Kalachurya King Bijjala spread with alarming rapidity through out the Kannada country, superceding the Jains and the Brahmans alike. P. 51. The Sravana Begola inscriptions contain lists of Pattavalis which give much valuable information of Jain gurus. P. 58. A grant to a Jina temple is called a Jain-sasana. P. 62 Inscribed slabs displaced have been sometimes carved out into images; the Jain image carved out of an inscribed slab at Sankigatta, Bangalore Dist.; the inscription is of the period of the Hoysala King, Narasimha 1 (1 141-1173) and the image of Vardamana carved out of it is of a later date. Pp. 63-64. Stone inscription : rock inscriptions on the Chandragiri hill at Sravana Belgola (E. C. 11, Ins. at Sr. Bel., Nos. 1459, New Edi), including the eiptaph of the Jain teacher Prabhachandra, which commemorates the migration of Digambara Jain to Mysore and Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY their settlement of Sravana Belgola; the epitaph of the great Western Ganga prince, Nolambantaka Marasimha II, incised about 975 A. D. at Sravana Belgola (E. I. V, 101 and E. C. 11, Ins. at Sr, Bel. No. 59 New Edi.-Old Edi. 38) and of the Jain teacher Mallisena, incised about 1129 A. 1. (E. C. 11, Sr, Bel. No. 67, New Edi). On the Vindhyagiri, Sr. Bel., on the rock out side the first entrance of Odegal basti, there are ten inscriptions in characters "older than those of the oldest inscription hitherto known on this Hill". Stone inscriptions on pedestals : the colossal statue of Gommatesvara at Sravana Belgo!a (E., at Sr. Bel. Nos. 175-177 and Nos. 179-180, New Edi.). The inscriptions underneath it are in Nagari, Marathi, Purvada Hala Kannada, Grantha and Vattelattu and Hala Kannada. Date of its execution was about 983 A. D. An inscription dated in 1160 A. D. in the reign of the Hoysala king, Narasimha, is engraved near the left foot of the Gommatesvara. Ten inscriptions, are also of time of Narasimha I, are engraved on the pedsestal of the images in the cloisters around Gommatesvara. The date of these records is about 1170 A. D. An inscription, of the reign of Ballala II, engraved on the pedestal of the image in Akkanna basti, records it was built by one Achamba, wife of the minister Chandramauli. An inscription on a broken image at Jakkikatte, Sr. Bel., shows that it was dedicated to Vrishabhaswami, by Jakki the minister Ganga Raja's elder brother's wife (M. A. R. for 1901, para 77). Inscriptions, composing of a communal difference between the Jains and Vaishoavas by the Vijayanagar King Bukka-Raya (E. C. II, Sr. Bel. 136, Old Edi. and 344 New Edi.) which sets out the decree of reconciliation passed by him. P. 68. P. 69. Records registering donations; and endowments ; Some of the charters of the early Kadamba Kings of Banavasi were issued to convey lands and villages to the God Jinendra, and to members of various Jain sects for the maintenance of the worship of that God (I. A. VI, 24; I. A. VII, 33). P. 137. Religion : Jainism competed for supremacy with both Buddhism and Brahmanism from very early times, and succeeded during the Ganga times and to 11th century A. D. in firmly establishing itself in the land. To this period belong the Jain monuments, Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 199 The kings of the Hoysala dynasty (11th to 14th century) were staunch Jains upto the time of Vishnuvardhana (1111-1141 A.D.) and favoured much the Jain religion, but after his conversion to the Brahmanic faith, Vaishnavism gained considerable strength and spread over the country. The adherents of the three religions (Buddhist, Brahman Jain) drew on a common stock of symbolism in the same way as in early times. The Jain statues are, however, distinguishable from the Brah nan by their nudity, but the accessions of both do not differ widely. P. 144. Chalukyan times (11th to 13th century): A chief called Nagavarma built habitation to the four different sects-Jain, Vishnu, Isvara (i. e. Siva) and Muni (i. e. Sakya Mnni) (E. C. VIII, Shikarpur 20, dated in 1048 A. D). An inscription dated in the 12th century refers, in giving list of Jain gurus, to one Vimalachandra, who put up a writing on his door in the public street, describing among other religions, the Tathagat. Sec. tarians. This inscription at Jodi Basavapatna (E. C. III Mys. i T-Narasipur, 105 A D. 1183). Celebrates the Sallekhana of Chandrabha muni. P. 154. Gangas 2nd to 10th century A. D. Though the Ganga dynasty of kings professed the Jain religion; they patronised the Brahmans and made grants to them. The sculpture of the Brahmanic temples of the period could not have differed much from the prevailing style of the early Jains. P. 170. Later Kadambas, 10 to 11th century A D. Chamunda Raya not to be confused with the name sake connected with Sravana Belgola in the 10th century A, D, who recognizes the over-lordship of Chalukya Somesvara I Trailokya Malla Deva, was, a patron of all religions. Through his agent, Nagavarma. he erected in 1048 A. D. habitations for the four prominent religious orders of the time in the Banavasi country-Jain, Vishnu, Siva and Buddhist (called Munigana, i. e. gans or sanghas of Sakya Muni's religion). P. 177. Kalachuryas : Though Bijjala, the first of the line, was a Jain by birth and persuasion he was tolerant towards Brahmanism, the religion of Kesiraja, his Governor at Banavasi. Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 faina BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 252- 288. Jain. Gangas. Priority of wooden over stone sculpture. Conversion of wooden into stone temples. Pp. 252-53 Jainism has long been one of the chief religions of Mysore; its influence dates from a period long anterior to the introduction of Buddhism. The first structures raised for religio is purpose by the Jains were in wood in later days, the old structures were, converted into stone Chaityalayas. References to this conversion in the extant inscriptions : 9 vide E. C. VII, Shikarpur 136 dated in 1068 A, D and Shimoga 41 dated in 1122 A. D. From the first inscription we learn that Laksmana, the minister of Som svara II, the then Chalukyan Emperor, at the instance of Santinatha, his minister at Banavasi, built of stone the Mallikamode Santis ath Basadi at Baligami, which was till then a wooden structure. The second inscription is of Nanniya Ganga, which mentions that Dandiga and Madhava of the Ganga line had established on the hill of Mandali a basadi; afterwards the kings of Ganga line caused it to be built of wood. Bhujabala Ganga Permadi Deva, made this basadi "the chief of all the basadis, giving it the name of pattada basadi and in Saka 1027 (A. D. 1105) granted lands to it. His son Nanniya converted in 1122 A. D. the wooden basadi of his grand-father into a stone one. For the promotion of the Jain faith he erected twenty-five chaityalayas. Pp. 253-55. The earliest Jain monuments : The earliest references to Jain monuments go back to very early times. Leaving aside the period covered by Chandragupta, we find the first definite references to Jain monuments in the reign of the Ganga kings; these are of three classes-Jinalayas, bastis or chaityalayas which are temples; free standing monuments, like the Gummata Image and stambhas or pillars; and memorial slabs or Virakals, etc. The first definite mention of a Jain temple is contained in ihe Manne Plates of the Ganga king Marasimha dated in 707 A, D. (E. C. IX, Nelamangala, 60, Marasimha) general Srivijaya, built a lofty Jinendra temple. The Devanhalli plates of the time of Sripurusha record a grant to a Jain temple called Lokatilaka Kandachi, (E. C. IV, Mysore ii. Nelamangala 85, dated in 776 A. D.). All the bastis situated on the Chandragiri hill probably go back to the 8th century. All these are in Dravidian style of Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 201 architecture. Description given. The Chandragupta basti on this hill, attributed to the great Maurya Emperor Chandragupta, is one of the oldest on this hill (8th or 9th century A. D.). Other bastis description given. The 64 bastis of Panasoge; the Ganga kirg Marasimha I, (961-974) made a grant to it; the Chengalva king, Rajendrachola Nanni-Chengalva, a feudatory of the Chola king Rajendrachola, rebuilt them about the middle of the 11th century. The two ruined bastis at Angadi, Mudgere taluk, may represent Hoysala buildings of an early type; they mark the transition from Chalukya to the purely Hoysala style (E. C. VI, Mudgere 9 to 18, the oldest inscription being No. II, a Jain epitaph dated about 1000 A. D.). P. 256. Stambhas: Of the Ganga period, two kinds-Manastambhas and Brahmadeva Stambhas. Kuge Brahmadeva Pillar 974 A. D. Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar, 983 A. D. Pp. 257 270. At Sravan Belgola : Statues; the Gommatesvara Statue 913 A. D. Description and history given. Other Gommatesvara statues : one at Sravanagutta, near Yelwal, in Mysore Taluk; one at Yenur (South Kanara dist.); another at Karakala; history and description given. FERGUSON's description of the Gommata (History of India and Eastern Architecture, 11--74) given. Workman's description (Through Town and Jungle, 82-84) given. Particulars about Gommata statue from E. C. II, Sravana Belgola, new edi. no. 234 of about 1180 A, D.--given. Mr. Narasimhachar's account, given. Date of the statue 983 A. D. arguments given. The Bharatesvara statue; circa 10th century; on the Chandragiri Hill, description given. P. 275. Western Chalukyas-Somasvara II. Pillar of Victory at santinatha Basti, Baliframi, 1159 A. D.: Under the Chalukya rule, numerous Jain monuments came into existence in the old Kadamba country. At the santinatha Basti at Baligami was set up in 1068 A. D. by Lakshma, the governor of Banavasi, a pillar of victory, which with the temple has disappeared (E. C. VII, Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 P. 276. P. 277. Pp. 277 278 P. 278. P. 279. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Shikarpur 136), its probable site being marked by a massive seated Jain figure in the yard of a private house at Baligami. Vikramaditya Brahma-Jinalaya, Kuppattur, 1077 A. D.: consecrated by the virtuous queen Malala Devi through the Jain teacher Padmanandi Siddhanta Deva. Jain Basdis at Humcha, 1077 A. D. the Pancha-basadi, the Urvi-tilakam (a glory to the world); the five basadis were built in 1077 A. D.; foundation laid by the Jain saint Srivijaya Deva (also called Pandita Parijata), the preceptor of Chattala Devi, the Pallave queen. (E. C. VIII, Shimoga ii). Tattakere, Havage and Nellavati Basadis, 1085 A. D. Built by Ganga feudatories of the Western Chalukyas (E. C. VII, Shimoga 10). In 1113 A. D. in the reign of Bhujabala Ganga Permadi Deva, a Ganga feudatory of the Chalukyas, his wife Bachala Devi built a Jain temple at Bannikere (E. C. VII, Shimoga 97). Hoysalas. Vinayaditya. Temples at Sosevur or Angadi circa 1050 A. D. On the subversion of the Gangas by the Cholas in 1004 A. D., the Hoysalas rose to power in the west of Mysore. Their birth place was Angadi and they were Jains by religion. The finest and oldest sculpture is in the Jain bastis at Sosevur or Angadi 11th century; a Jina and a Yakshi. Jain temple, Hale Belgola, 1094 A. D., a ruined Jain temple in Hoysala style; description given. (E. C. V. Chennarayapatna 148); records a grant by Ereyanga, father of Vishnuvardhana, to the Jain guru Gopanandi. Basti at Hatna: Cir. 1100 A. D. Nagara Jinalaya; has a beautiful image, which was set up by Mariyanedanda-nayaka, the father-in-law of king Ballala I. Restoration of Jain temples by Punisa, 1116 A. D. Punisa, the General of Vishnuvardhana, employed his wealth in restoring Jain basadis throughout Gangavadi (E. C. IV, Yedatore 6). Trikuta Basti, Chamarajanagar, 1116: Punisa built a basadi at Chamarajanagar, called Arakottara. It was also called Trikuta-basadi (E.C.IV, Chamarajanagar 83). In 1117A.D., he built the Indirakulagriha at Sravana Belgola (E. C. II, Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 279-80. P. 281. 203 Sr. Bel. 74). His wife Lakshini built in 1116 A. D. the Erudukatte basti dedicated to Adinatha, Sravana Belgola (E. C. II, Sr. Bel. No. 130). Terina Basti, Sravana Belgola, 1117 A. D. also known as Bahubali Basti, from Bahubali (or Gommata); a curious car-like structure in front of it, known as mandara and sculptured on all sides with 52 Jain figures. Two varieties of mandara, namely Nandisvara and Meru; it belongs to the latter class. Sr. Bel. 7, dated 1117 A. D. Kattale Vishnuvardhana Basti on Chandragiri Hill, Sravana Belogla, 1118 A. D.; another basti built by Punisa himself is the Kaitale or dark basti; has a fine seated figure of Adinatha, 6 feet high, description given. The is the only temple on the Sravana Belgola hill which has a circumambulatory passage around the garbhagriha. Basti at Jinanathapura, 1117 A. D. Ganga Raja founded Jinanathapura, about 1117 A. D. together with the basti at that place; a fine specimen of Hoyasala work; it is the most ornate of the Jina temples in the state. Other bastis of the regin (Vishnuvardhna): the Savati Ghandavarana basti on Chandragiri Hill at Sravana Belgola built by his queen, Santala Devi in 1123 A. D.; Mallinatha basti at Abalwadi in Koppa Hobli, Mandya Taluk, built in 1130 A. D. (E. C. I. Mysore i, Mandya 50); the Parsvanatha basti at Basti halli, near Halebid renowned for its turned and polished pillars, erected in 1133 A.D.(E. C. IV, Hassan, Belur124); Samanta Soma, built a lofty chaityalaya at Heb-Biddirurvadi (E, C. IV, Nagamangala, 94), it was called the Ekkoti Jinalaya (E. C. IV. Nagamangal 95). Pp. 281-82. Narasimha I, Bhandari Basti, Sravana Belgola, 1141 A. D. the largest temple at Sravana Belgola, dedicated to the twenty-four Tirthankaras; description and history given, Sr. Bel. Inss. Nos. 345 and 349. Beautification of Chandragupta basti C, 1145 A. D. Various additions to the Chandragupta basti on Chandragiri Hill at Sravana Belgola were made in the 12th century; details given; the screens are carved with minute figure sculptures Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY supposed to represent scenes from the lives of the sruta-Kevali Bhadrabahu and the Maurya Emperor Chandragupta. P. 283. Santisvara basti Nittur, 1150 A, D.: the navaranga has beautiful carved ceilings. Parsvanatha Basti, Heggere, 1100 A, D.: a fine specimen of Hoysala architecture; description given. (E. C. IV, Chikanayakanhalli 21). P. 284. Mahanavami Mantapa, Sravana Belgo!a, 1176 A. D. : of the time of Ballala II; and epitaph of Jaina teacher Nayakirti, who died in A. d. 1176 (Sr. Bel. No. 66). Pp. 284-85. Ballala II. Akkana Basti, Sravana Belgola 1181 A. D. : description and histoty given; built in 1181 by a Jain lady Achiyakka, wife of Chandramauli, the Brahman minister of the Hoysala king Ballala II. Pp. 285-86. santinatha Basti, Magudi. 1182 A. D. : description and history of the shrine and the image given; built by Sankara Samanti, the general of the ruling Hoysala king, Ballala II. P. 286. santinatha Basti, Sravana Belgola, 1200 A. D., a fine example of Hoysala style; on the outer walls are images of Jinas, Yakshas and Yokshis. Lofty Jain image, Basti Hoskote, cir. 1200 A. D. P. 287. Brhmadeva Pillar, Kambadahalli Basti, cir. 1200 A. D. : 50 feet high, loftiest in the state; on the top a seated figure of Brahma. Ballala III. Mangayi Basti, Sravana Belgo!a, 1325 A.D. : built in 1325 A, D. by Mangayi of Belgola, a crest jewel of royal dancing girls, and a disciple of Abhinava Charukirti Panditacharya. Jain tombs Silakutas at Jinanathapura, 1213 A, D. : Sravana Belgola; an inscribed tomb, generally known as samadhi mentapa, but designated silakuta, commemorates the death in 1213 A. D. of Balachandra Deva's son, a disciple of the royal guru Nemichandra Pandita of Belikumba; (E. C. II, Sr. Bel. No. 389), another tomb of ascetic Charukirti Pandita, who died in 1643 (E. C. 31 Sr. Bel. No. 362). Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 288. Nishidis at Halebid, 1295 A. D. at Pushpagiri, near Halebid; they are memorials to Jain gurus who performed the austere religious fast called sallekhanu; one commemorates the death of Vardhamana Maladhari Deva in 1295 A. D.; more in the Jain temples at Halebid (E. C. V, Belur 131-4); they have the figure of the guru and his disciple sculptured at the top, with their names written below, and a small table, called thavana kolu, on which the book that is taught is supposed to be placed, is represented between them (M. A. R. for 1907-08, para 50). Mediaeval Period 205 Pp. 307-10. Jain: Hoysala patronage to Jainism decreased as it increased in favour of Vaishnavism, though there was throughout the Hoysala period a marked similarity in the treatment extended to both the systems of faith. The same equality of treatment marked the sovereigns of the house of Vijayanagara, who succeeded the Hoysalas practically throughout the whole of India south of the Krishna. But Jainism, however, declined as a faith from about the 14th century and was practically eclipsed by the rival faiths, This falling off of Jainism from its high position from about the 14th century, is fully roflected in the practical cessation of architectural and sculptural activity from about that time; only a few cases of construction and that not always of any great merit are met with; several examples are given. Pp. 310-15 Mysore artists: the index label, indicating the event or person depicted in the sculpture or the name of the sculptor concerned in the work; some names connected with the Jain monuments given. Pp. 328-29. Matallic and bronze images: Jain some Jain images at Sravana Belgola of the 12th century, some of 1850-58 A. D. Representations of Tirthankaras, Gommata, Panch-Parameshti, Nava devata, Nandisvara, Padmavati, Jvalamalini Sarasvati, Ganadharapada and Sruta (the sacred Jain scriptures, shown in the shape of a tree). The nava devata bimba, or image of the nine dieties, has besides, the Pancha Parameshtis, Jina dhrama (or Jain religion or law), Jinagama (or Jain scriptures), Jina chaityalaya (or Jain. Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY temple), represented by a tree, a thavana kolu or stool for keeping the book in reading, a Jaina figure, and a mantapa or pavilion (vide E. C. II, Sr. Bel. New Edi. intro. 29-30). P. 335. Paintings : The walls of the santinatha basti (12th or 13th century) on Chandragiri Hill at Sravana Be!gola and its ceilings were adorned with paintings, of which only a few traces are now left. Pp. 338-39. The walls of the Jain matha at Sravana Belgola have illustrations of scenes from the lives of some Jainas and Jain kings; Dasara Darbar of Krishna Raja Wodeyar III; Pancha-Parmeshtis, Neminatha, swami of the matha, Parsvanatha's Samavasarana, scenes from the life of the emperor Bharata, scenes from the life of the Jain prince Nagakumara, forest scene, the six lesyas of Jain philosophy (description given). P. 347. Caves : some at least of the earliest caves were other than Buddhist in origin--either Brahmanical or Jain. The caves on the Bettadapura hill, the pecularly mixed Brahman and Jain images in it will be found described in volume V of this work. P. 349. Jain monuments : Jain temples, flourished side by side with Buddhist viharas for long after until Buddhism ceased in the State about 13th century. The temples (Jain) of the Ganga period range from about the 2nd to the 10th century A. D. Associated with the Jain temples of their time are the monolithic stambhas detailed in Chap. V above. The Gangas followed the Dravidian style. Pp. 349-51. Jain Architecture : Jain architecture in its essentials follows the Dravidian style. In this State, it is represented by two classes of structures, bastis and betyas (for bettas-see E. I. VIII, 138, No. 5). The bastis are Regular temples, containing an image of a Tirthankara. The bettas (literally hills) are courtyards,-properly, though not always, at the summit of a hill,-open to the sky, and containing a colossal image of Gommatesvara. The rise of the Virasaiva cult checked the growth and even converted a number of bastis into Saiva temples. The principal group of bastis are at Sravana Belgola. They have been described by Narasimhachar (Inscriptions at Sravana Belgo!a E.C. 11). FERGUSSON's description given. Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 207 P. 370. Longas have been formed by cutting down 1. seated Jaina figure into the required spape (E. C. VII, i. Intro. P. 31). P. 383. Tanks : The famous kunigal tank was built in 1394 A. D. by Irugappa, the general of Harihara II, the Vijayanagara king and the author of the Sanskrit lexicon Nanarlha Ratnamala (M. A. R. for 1919, para 31). Pp. 405 406. Sanskrit literature : Pujyapada's Sabdavatara, a commentary on Panini has not yet been discovered. The earliest reference to Pujyapada is in an inscription dated 729-30 A. D. of the time of the Chalukya King, Vijayaditya. 5th century A. D.: Lokavibhaga, a Sanskrit work on cosmography by Simhasuri, a Jain author (5th century A.D. has been found by the Dept. of Archaeology in Mysore. Sarvanandi the copist of this Ms., lived at Patalika or Pataliputra, now represented by Tirupa puliyur a part of modern Cuddalore town, which was originally a Jain centre. This town was situated in the Panarashtra, or the dominion of the Bana Kings of the time. This work enables us to fix the period of Pallava King Simhavarma (Pallava). The Saka year given is 380, corresponding to the 22nd year of Simhavarma's reign (458 A. D.); this date gives clue to the kind of literature the Jain scholars studied about the 5th century A. D. Trailokyaprajnapti, a Prakrit work referred to in the Lokavibhaga, shows that Prakrit was also cultivated at that time, though it was fast yielding its place to Sanskrit. P. 406. Period of the Kadambas (3rd to 6th century A. D.): The Jain disputant, Samantabhadra, his several Sanskrit works commented upon by Kannada writers; his work Ratnakarandaka. Pujyapada, besides Sabdavatara, he composed a Sanskrit grammar called Jainendra (one of the eight original authorities on Sanskrit grammar); also known as Aneka Sesha Vyakarana; his other works were, Sarvarthosiddhi, Jainabhisheka and Samadhisatak. Pujyapada's disciple Vajranandi founded a Tamil sangha at Madura. This Vajranandi is different from the author of Navastotra (Sr. Bel. Ins. No. 67 of 1129-A, D.). P. 407. Padma-charita or Maha-Ramayana a work by Ravishenacharya (7th century A. D.); contains one of the earlist versions of the story of Rama. Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Ashtafati, a commentary on Samantabhadra's Aplamimansa by Akalanka (8th century A. D.), a celebrated Jain philosopher who defeated the Buddhists at Kanchi. The laler Sanskrit work Akalanka-charita gives an account of this disputation. P. 407. 9th century A. D. Utiara Purani by Gunabhadra, is in Sanskrit written in 898 A. D. The Rashtrakuta King Nripatunga (or Amoghavarsha, 815-877 A. D.) was an author in Kannada and Sanskrit; his Sanskrit work on Morality translated into Tibetan. Kalayana-Karaka, a work on Medicine, by Ugraditya (9th century A.D.), a contemporay of the Rashtrakuta King Nripatunga and of the Eastern Chalukya King Kali Vishnuvardhna V. This work gives a long discourse on the uselessness of flesh diet at the end. P. 408. 10th century A. D. : In the 10th century, translations from Sanskrit were prominent. Pampa gave his version of the Bharata. Ponna (Ubhaya Kavi Chakravarti) wrote both in Sanskrit and Kannada. Ranna's Gadayuddha, an episode from Bharata. Nagavarma gave a version of Bana's Kudambari. P. 408. 11th century A. D.: Linganusasana, a work on Genders by the Jain author Harshavardhana, son of Srivardhana (11th century A. D.). P. 409. 12th century AD. : Dharmopades amrita, a Sanskrit work on sain philosophy by Padmanandi (12th century A. D.). The Jain guru Prabhachandra author of a celebrated work on logic. Abhinava Pampa wrote a Kannada version of the Ramayana. Karna parya gave in his Neminatha Purani, the stories of Krishna, the Pandavas and the Bharata War. Jagaddala Somanatha translated Pujyapada's Kalyana-Karaka, a treatise on medicine-entirely vegetarian treatment. Vritta Vilasa rendered into Kannada Amitagati's Dharmaprakasike, which is a critical cxamination of Brahman religious beliefs. Nemichandra based his Kannada novel Lilavati on Subhandus romance Vasasvadatta. P. 410. 13th century A. D. : Sisumayana (circa 1232) based his Anjanacharitre on Ravishena's Sanskrit Padmacharitra; Nagaraja (circa 1331 A. D.) based his Pun yasava, on a Sanskrit work, Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 209 Pp. 411-12. 15th century A. D.: Nemichandra, a Jain author, wrote a legal treatise entitled Traivarnikachara Atmat atua-parikshana, by Devaraja, Jain author; it deals with philosophy. Irugapa, the general of the Vijyanagar King Deva Raya I, another Jain Sanskrit author, wrote the metrical lexicon Nanartharatnamala. His guru Sruta-Kirti (or Srutamuni) was author of RaghavaPardaviya. P. 412. 19th century A. D, : the most prominent work rendered into Kannada was Jivandhara Charita Bbaskara (cir. 1485) gave one version; then Bommarasa of Terakanambi (c. 1485) gave a second one; and Kotisvara of Tuluvadesa (c. 1500) gave a third one. P. 414. 17th century A. D. : Bhattakalanka Deva's Karnataka Sabdanusascnum, written in 1604 A. D. is a work in Sanskrit though dealing with the grammar of the Kannada language. Vaisyani ghantu, a medical lexicon by Chikkana Pandita, a Jain author who was patronized by Chikka Deva Raja Wodeyar.. Pp. 417-20. Undated works : Tatrarthasutra by the "illustrious Umasvati", otherwise called Padmanandi, the first in the line of Jain gurus, He was also known as Konda-munisvara, who "acquired the power of moving in the air". His another name Gridhrapinchhacharya. The earliest inscription in which he is named is dated in 1163 A. D. He is described as a successor of Chandragupta, the disciple of Bha Trabahu, we may have to set down Umasvati to about the 1st century A. D. A commentary on this work Tatvarthasutra) was written by Sivakotisuri, a successor of his, and disciple of Samantabhadra; he may be assigned to the 5th cen. A. D. Vrata-svarupa by Prabhachandra; it gives the results of the observance or violation of some of the Jain vratas. GayatriVyakhyana is a Jain commentary on the Vedic verse called the Gayatri, which comes to the conclusion that the God invoked in it is none other than Jain. A commentary on Dhananjaya's Raghava Pandaviya by Nemichandra, disciple of Devanandi, who again was the disciple of Vinayachandrodya Pandita. Srutakirti wrote with great skill the Raghava Pandaviya reading forwards or backwards. Nemichandra assigned to the 12th century, while Srutakirti to the 15th century; the latter's disciple was Charukirti, the author of Saratraya and other works. Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 420. Sanskrit Inscriptions : Mallinatha a lay disciple of Malad harideva, composed the impressive inscription numbered Sravana Belgola 67, dated in 1129 A. D. in kavya style teeming in slesha. Heggade Mardimayya, and Pergefe Chavaraja, lay disciples of Prabhachandra-siddhanta Deva were authors of several inscriptions in mixed Sanskrit and old Kannada. They date from 1115 to 1121 A. D. Pp. 424-25. Prakrit works : Prakrit works have come down to us, mostly in connection with the Jains; it was until the 11th century the sacred language of the Jains. In that century Sanskrit was adopted by them; they largely employed the dominant vernaculars of the countries in which they promulgated their religion. Thus, in Mysore, Kannada was cultivated by them; in the Tamil country, Tamil which owes much to them, in the Telugu country, Telugu was equally largely used by them, though their works have not, singularly enough, come down to us in the profusion they have done in the Kannada and Tamil countries. Trailokyapragnapati, a work in Prakrit on cosmology; does not give the name of its author; it should be earlier than the Lokavibhaga, which was copied in the 5th century A. D. The Jain poet Srivardhanadeva (Tumbaluracharya) of the 7th century A. D., wrote some works in Prakrit. Anupreksha, by Kundakundacharya; Darsanasara by Devasena. Jnanachandra-charite, in Kannada composed by Payanavarni in 1659; the story was originally written in Prakrit by Vasachandra, subsequently rendered into Kannada Shat pati by Pujyapadayogi; Payanavarni's work is based on the latter. Private libraries in the State possession many other Prakrit works. Pp. 425-27. Kannada Literature : Kannada one of the earliest of all the South Indian languages. Bhattakalanka in his Sabdanusasana mentions the Chudamani (96,000 verses), the most important production in early Kannada literature; its author was Srivardha (Tumbulur. acharya); work not yet discovered; Srivardha praised by the celebrated poet Dandi (7th century) Shyamakundacharya wrote in Kannada in about 700, Amritasagara, a Jain Tamil poet, who lived before the 11th century mentions in his work on Prosody, existence of Gunagankyiam, a work on Prosody in the Kannada language; name of the author not known and the work not availiable; probably the work was dedicated to the Eastern Chalukya Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 211 King Vijayaditya III (844-888). Nripatunga, or Amoghavarsha, a Rashtrakuta king (814-877), his work Kavtrajamarga on poetics. P. 428 Pampa wrote the Adi-purana and Vikramarjuna-Vijaya (PampaBharata, in 941) he was a Jain, Pp. 428-29. Kannada writers of the 10th century; Ponna, author of Santi purana; he received the title Kavichakravarti from the Rashtrakuta king Krishna III (939-968). In 978, we have Chamundaraya, author of the Chamundaraya-purana and in 993, came Ranna, author of Ajita-purana and of Sahasa-Bhima-Vijaya (Gada Yuddha) he l'eceived the title Kavichakravarti from the Chalukya king Tailapa (973-997). At the same time as the two preceding, we have Nagavarma I, a younger brother of Chamundaraya, was the author of Chhandombudhi (the first work extant on prosody) and of Kadambari. All three have had as their preceptor Ajitasena, Guru of the Ganga king Rachamalla. Pp. 429-30. Writers of the '11th century : Sridharacharya wrote the Jataka Tilaka (1049), the first work on astrology in the Kannada language; Santinatha, author of the poem Sukumara Charite (1068). Pp. 430-31. Writers of the 12th century : Jain authors : Nagachandra or Abhinava-Pampa, author of Ramachandra-charita-Purana (PampaRamayana), and of Mallinatha-Purana, Nayasena, author of Dharma mrita (1112); Rajaditya, author of Vyavahara-Ganita and other mathematical works ; Kirtivarma, a Chalukya prince, author of Go-Vaidya, the earliest veterinary work in Kannada ; Brahmasiva, author of Samaya Parikshe; Karnaparya, author of Neminatha-Purana; Nagavarma II, the Katakacharya (poet laureate) of the Chalukyan king Jagadekamalla II and author of several important works, namely, Kavyavalokana (on poetics), Karnataka-Bhasa-Bhushabhusana (grammar) and Vastukosa (lexicon); Jagaddala Somanatha, author of the medical work Karnataka-Kalyanakaraka; Sumanobana, the Katakacharya (poet laureate) of the Hoysala king Narasimha I; Vrittavilasa, author of Dharma-Parikshe and Sastra-Sara; Nemichandra, author of a romance called Lilavati and a Purana called Ardhanemi; Sujanottamsa, author of a panegyric on Gommata; Aggala, author of Chandra-prabha-Purana (1189); Achanna, author of Vardhamana Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 jAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Purana and Sripadstti; and Bandhuvarma author of Harivamsabhy. udaya and Jivasambodhane; the poetess Kanti. Pp. 431-32. Writers of the 13th century : A group of excellent Jaina poets, patronised by the Hoysa la kings : Jaina author of Yasodhara-Charite (1209) and Anantanatha-Purana (1230), who received the title Kavichakravarti from Ballala II, was the son of Sumanobana, the poet-laureate of Narasimha l; his sister's husband Mallikarjuna wrote the anothelogy Sukti-Sudharinava for the recreation of king Somesvara; and his son Kesiraja was the auther of the standard Kannada grammar Sabdamani-Darpana. . Other Jaina poets of this period were Parsva-pandita, author of Parsvanatha-Purana; Gunavarma II, author of Pushpadanta-Purana; Kamalabhava, author of Santisvara-Purana ; Andayya, author of Kabbigara-Kavya; Mahabalakavi, author of Neminatha-Purana (1254); Kumudendu, author of Kumudendu-Ramayana; Hastimalla, author of Adi-Purana; Rattakavi, author of Ratta-Matha, a work on meteorology and omens; and Sisu-Mayana, author of Tripuradahana Anjana-Charite. P. 432. Writers of the 14th century; Jain poets : Nagaraja, author of Punyascava (1331); Bahubali-pandita, author of Dharma-natha-Purana (1352); Mangaraja I, author of Khagendramanidarpana (toxicology); Madhura, author of Dharmanatha-Purana Ayatavarama, author of Kannada Ratnakarandaka; and Chandrakirti, author of Parmagamasara. P. 433. Writers of the 15th century : Jaina poets : who are rarely met with from this century onwards. Bhaskara, author of Jivandharacharite (1424); Kalyanakirti, author of Jinachandrabhyudaya (1439); Vijayanna, author of Dvadasanuprekshe (1448); Bommarasa of Terakanambi, author of Sanatkumara Charite, and Sridharadeva, author of Vaidyamrita (medical). P. 434 Writers of the 16th century : Jainas : Mangarasa III, author of Jayanripa-Kavya and other works; Abhinava Vadividyananda, author of Kavyasara (anthology); Salva, author of Bharata, Rasarat nakara and other works; Doddaiya, author of Chandraprabha Charite; Ratnakara-varni, author of Bharalesvara-Charile; Trilokasalaka (1557) and other work; Bahubali, author of NagakumaraKathe; Devottama, author of the lexicon Nanartha-Ratnakara; Santarasa, author of Yoga Ratnakara. Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 436. P. 437. P. 438. P. 443. P. 445. 213 Writers of the 17th century: Jains: Bhattakalanka, author of Karnataka-Sabdanusasana (1604) grammar; Panchabana, author of Bhujabali Charita. Writers of the 18th century; Jains: Payanna, author of Ahimsacharitre; Padmaraja, author of Pujyapada-Charite (1792); Padmanabha, author of Ramachandra-Charitre (1750); and Surala, author of Padmavati Charitre (1761). Writers of the 19th century: Jains: Devachandra, author of Rajavali-Kathe (1838), a cyclopaedia of Jain traditional history. and chronology. Chandra-sagaravarni, author of Kadamba-Purana and other works, was a voluminous Jain writer. Telugu Literature: Poets in two languages: The earliest Telugu literary works date from the 12th century A.D. Bhima Kavi's Kavijanasrayamu, modelled on Nripatunga's Kannada work Kavirajamarga (9th century A.D.). The work is dedicated to one Recha, a Sravaka and disciple of Vadindra Chudamani, a Jain guru. Bhima Kavi lived towards the close of the 11th century A.D. in the reign of King Anantavarma Choda. Tamil Literature: Early Tamil Literature and its indebtedness to Tamil literature, like Kannada owes much to Jain authors. The earliest known Jain poets in Tamil belong to the 7th or 8th century A. D. The religious connection between the Jains of the Kannada and Tamil countries (both Digambaras) enabled them to keep touch with each other. Thus, one of the disciples of Pujyapada (6th or 7th century A.D.). Vajranandi migrated to the Tamil country and founded a Tamil Sangha at Madura; he was earlier than the Naladiyar and Kural (8th century A.D.). A great Kannada work, Chidamani by Sri Vardhadeva, also called Tumbaluracharya, (7th century) from his birth-place, Tumbalur (identified with Dombalur, near Bangalore or more likely with Tumbala, near Yedatore in T. Narasipur Taluk). This Childamani and another work Chintamani have not so far been recove. red in Kannada, though there is an ancient Jain work of the name of Chintamani in Tamil. Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 201 (ii) C. HAYAVADANA RAO. Mysore Gazetteer, Vol. II, Historical, New Edi. Bangalore 1930. Pp. 464 74. The Mauryas-327 B.C.-185 B.C. Chandragupta's Rule 323 B.C. to 298 B.. Chandragupta's abdication and retirement to Mysore, 298 B.c. The Bhadrabahu tradition. Reason for his abdication. The testimony on which it rests. Chandragupta, the Mauryan Emperor was a born Jain and lived and died a Jain. Opinion of Sir Vincent SMITH (Early History of India--4th Edi. 1924). Ponnata Kingdom, the Ponnata of Ptolemy, whose capital was Kirtipur, the modern Kittur, on the Kapini, in the Heggaddevankote Taluk of the Mysore District. Pp. 478 79. Asoka- his early life. He was at first a Jain (Thomas Jainism or the Early Faith of Asoka); Asoka introduced Jainisrn into Kashmir (Abul Fazl, in the Ain-i-Akbari), which is confirmed by the Rajatarangini, recording that Asoka "brought in the Jina Sasana". His grandson Dasaratha dedicated the Nagarjuni caves to the Ajivikas, a sect of Jains, who may be regarded as the fore-runners of the Digambaras, while his grandson Samprati was certainly a Jain. Asoka eventually embraced Buddhism. Pp. 589 90. The Gangas : Circa 2nd century A.D. to 11th century A.D. Origin : Dadiga and Madhava the two brothers were helped by the great Jain Acharya Simhanandi, of the Kanurgana (or Kranurgana) and founded the kingdom named Gangavadi, a Ninety-six Thousand country. With Nandagiri as their fort. Kuvalala as their city, the Ninety-six Thousand as their kingdom, Victory as their companion in the battlefield, Jinendra as their god, the Jina matha as their faith, Dadiga and Madhava ruled over the earth. P. 620. Tadanagala Madhava or Madhava III (450-475 A.D.) the Ganga king, his Nonamangala grant (E.C. X Mular, 73) dated in his 13th year to a Jain temple. P. 622. Avinita (480 A.D.) son of Madhava III; his Jain grants in the 1st and 36th years of his reign, contained in the Nonamangala and the Mercara Plates. The Jain temples to which the grants were made were in the Punnad Ten Thousand and one of the grants Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 215 was by the minister of Akalavarsha (a Rashtrakuta king). The Punnad Ten Thousand formed the southern portion of Mysore, and seems to correspond with the Padi-nad or Ten-nad country of later inscriptions. P. 623. Avinita, according to Malur 72, was brought up as a Jain, the learned Vijayakirti being his preceptor. P. 627. Durvinita (550--600 A.D. or 605-650 A.D.): the author of a Sabdavalara the name of a nyasa on Panini always attributed to the Jain grammarian Pujyapada. Possibly Pujyapada was his preceptor, as the latter's Jainendra belongs to the latter part of the 5th century A.D. (I. A. XLIII, 211) and he was probably a contemporary. P. 629. Mushakara or Mokkara (? 550 A. D.) son of Durvinita; A Jaina (Ganga) temple (called Mokkara-vasti was erected in his name at Lakshmesvara in the Miraj State in the Dharwar District. The erection of this temple points to an extension of the Ganga kingdom in that direction. From this time the Gangas seem to have adhered more steadily to the Jain religion. P. 635. Sripurusha, Muttarasa (726-776) : his Devarhalli grant to a Jain temple (E. C. IV, Nagamangala 85 and I. A. 11, 155, 370) dated in the 50th year in Saka 698 or 776 A.D.; and Narasimharajapura grant to a Jain Chaityalaya (M. A. R., 1919-1920), about 780 A. D. P. 642. Sivamara II, Saigotta (788-812 A.D.). He erected and endowed a Jain temple at Kummadavada (now Kalbhavi in the Belgaum District). He also built a basadi on the smaller hill at Savana Be!go!a) --Chandranathasvami temple. P. 650. Dindiga or Prithivipati I (2 850 A. D): He with his queen Kampita witnessed the nirvana of the Jain acharya Aristanemi on the Katvapra hill at Sravana Belgola (M. A. R. 1908-1909, para 45). P. 655. Rajamalla, Satyavakya I (about 817 A. D.) :- He was the founder of the Jain cave at Vallimalai in the North Arcot District, (E. I. IV, 140). Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 P. 656. P. 659. P. 661. P. 663. Pp. 665 66. P. 669. P. 672. P. 675. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nitimarga I (853-860) According to Kudlur grant he professed the Jain faith. Rajamalla Satyavakya II (870-907 A. D.): The Biliur grant of 888 A.D. records a gift of twelve villages on the Peddoregare (Lakshmanatirta) by the king to a Jain priest for the benefit of the Panne Satyavakya Jaina temple of the Panne-Kadanga in Coorg. His Narasapur grant of 903 is also to a Jain. Rajamalla II was like his father (Nitimkrga), a Jain in his faith. His. tolerance, his grants to Brahmans. Butugendra or Butarasa (870-907 A. n.): spoken of as a "devout Jain" and "of truthful speech and conduct as enjoined by the purport of all sciences". A nisidhiae tombstone for a Jaina teacher named Elacharya, who subsisted on water for one month and expired by samadhi after the fast of eight days known as Ashtoparasa (M. A. R. 1913-14, para 63). In the reign of Ereyappa or Nitimarga II (887-935 A. D.) Erayappa or Nitimarga II (887-935 A. D.): A great minister of Nitimarga II is mentioned in a mutilated inscription on the doorway of the Iruve-Brahmadeva pillar at Sravana Belgola. A son of this great minister was Narasinga. Nagavarma, this unnamed great minister's son-in-law, comitted, sallekhana, at this temple (M. A. R. 1908-09, para 59). Nitimarga was also a Jain by religion. Butuga (Nanniya Ganga), Rajamalla's youngest brother, with his queen made a grant to a Jain teacher (M. A. R. 1923. No. 113). Butuga II (925-960 A. D.): his Sudi plates dated in Saka 860 or 938-939. D. which record a grant to a Jain temple. (E.1, 111, 164) have been declared spurious, on what appear to Mr. Narasimhachar (M. A. R. 1920-21, para 55) "very weak grounds". The Ichavadi stone grant, in Shimoga District, records a gift of wet lands by Butuga II (as Nanniya Ganga) and his queen to a Jain priest in favour of a basadi constructed by him (M.A R 1923, No. 113). He was well versed in Jain philosophy and worsted a Buddhist controversialist in an open debate, Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 217 P. 676. Marula Deva or Punuseya--Ganga or Kaliyuga-Bhima (contemporary of Rashtrakuta Krishna III, Butuga's son. He was a devout Jain and possessed exceptional skill in politics and was of a religious turn of mind. He died without accending the throne. Pp. 676 82. Marasimha III (961-974 A. D); Marula Deva's younger brother Marasimha III, succeeded his father on the Ganga throne. He was the donor of the Kudlur plates to a great Jain scholar. It is dated in Saka 884 or A. D. 962. Of him a long account in E. C. 11, new Edi. No. 59, old Edn. 38) both of his achievements and his death in 974 A. D. He maintained the doctrine of Jina and erected basadis and manastambhas at various places. He relinquished the sovereignty, and keeping the vow of all khana for three days in the presence of Ajitabhatyaraka, died at Bankapur in 974. His various achievements described. The Rashtrakuta king Krishna III (better known as Akalavarsha III) crowned him king of Gangavadi. Marasimha's other names were Guttiya Ganga and Nolambantaka. Sri-Marasimha did good to the cattle. The Ganga kingdom, during his reign, extended as far as the Krishna and included the Nolambavadi 32,000, the Gangavadi 96,000, the Banavasi 12,000, the Santalige 1,000, and other provinces (E. I. IV, 352). Pp. 685. 87. Chamunda Raya, the minister and general of Rachamalla IV. He was one of the greatest ministers known to Ganga history. In the Jain religion his name stands high and is referred to in several inscriptions as merely Raya. The story of his achievements and pious deeds is told in a few inscriptions found in Sravani Belgola and in a work of his own. He belonged to the Brahma-Kshatra race. He had many titles, a list of them is given in Cha nunda Raya Purana (978 A. D.). His sacred erections at Sravana Be! 30la are Chamunda Raya-basti and the colossal image of Gommatesvara, about 983 A. D. He was a devout Jain and his guru was Ahitasena, the same great saint at Bankapur before whom Marashimha III performed sallekhana. Rachamalla IV, during whose reign the Gommatesvara image was completed, is as much connected with it as that of his minister, Chamundaraya. Chamunda Raya's son, Jinadevana built a temple at Sravana Belgola (Srav. Bel. No. 121). Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 P. 689. GR. P. 704. P. 720. P. 726. P. 729. P. 733. P. 736. Pp. 738 46. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Ganga Permanadi (Rakkasa-Ganga) mentioned in E. C. III, Mandya 78, lived down to 1024 A. D. Pergade Hasam built a new Jain temple, in whose favour a grant is recorded, at Talkad. The Chalukyas: Pulakesi II-Jain temple erected in his name to Puligere (Lakshmeivara in Dharwar Dist.) An inscription on a stone built into the wall of the kitchen in the Rama temple at Kudlur, records a grant to Jain temple; the inscription belonged to an older temple. It refers to a private grant to an eastern basadi, in the reign of a Ranapakarasa (about the 8th century), early Chalukyas. Rashtrakutas: Dantidurga identified with Sahastunga to whom Akalanka-Deva, the great Jain guru, describes the greatness of his own learning (Srav. Bel. new Edn., 67, dated in 1129 A. D.) Govinda II, identified with the king Vallabha mentioned as ruling over the South in the Jain Harivamsa, composed in Saka 705 or 783 A. D., as the son of Krishna (I) entitled Akalavarsha (E C. XI, Intro. 8; and Mysore and Coorg from the Inscriptions, 68). Kambha (802-807 A. D.): He was Dhruva's eldest son. He made a grant, at the request of his son Sankaraganna, to Jain basti at Talkad built by Srivijaya-Raja, a Mahasamanta of his brother Govinda III. He is the same person at whose request, Kambha, made a similar grant to another basti built by him at Manne (Manne Plates of 802 A. D.). Vimaladitya of the old and defunct Chalukya family was the sister's son of Chaki-Raja, the Rashtrakuta viceroy in Gangavadi, He was the governor of the Kunigal-desa. His evil influence of Saturn was removed by Arka Kirti, a Jain Saint whom he made, with the sanction of Govinda III, the grant of a village named Jalamangalam (in the Closept Taluk, about 20 miles south-east of Kunigal), E. C. XII, Gubbi, 61, text page 49. Arkakirti belonged to the sect of the Yapantyas. Amoghavarsha I (815-878) his other names-Nripatunga; Atisayadhavala. Succeeded Govinda III; had a long reign of 62 years. Many titles are ascribed to him in his work Kavirajamarga. Transferred his capital from Nasik to Manyakkheta (Malkhed) the Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 219 Mankir of the Arab writers. His war against the Gangas. His policy towards the Gangas. His Kavirajamarga, the earliest known work on metrical composition in Kannada; it gives a glowing account of the country and of the culture of the people. His religion and literary works : He professed the Jain religion, quite unlike the other kings of the Rashtrakuta line, who were devout worshippers of Siva. He was the disciple of Jinasena, the well-known Jain author of Adi-purana, who bears testimony to the fact in the Parsvabhyudaya. References to Amoghavarsha in the Jayadhavala-tika, in Viracharya's Ganitasarasangraha, in the Sabdamanidarpana and in the Sabdanusasana. In Saka 797-799 (or A. D. 875-877) he composed a Sanskrit work called Parsnottararatnamala. A Tibetan translation of it discovered by SHIEFNER, confirms the author's name as Amoghodaya which stands for Amoghavarsha. Nriptunga, another name of Amoghavarsha. His Kavirajamarga mentions many Kannada authors anterior to the royal author. His trans-Indian reputation. About 875 A.D. he abdicated the throne in favour of his son, Krishna II, and spent the remainder of his life in literary and religious pursuits. Pp. 746- 47. Krishna II (880--911 A.D.) : Succeeded Amoghavarsha I ; he was also known by the names of Kannara II and Akalavarsha ; the Jain disputant Paravadimalla gave the derivation of his name (Srav. Bel. 67). One Sattarasa, the Nal-gavunda of Nagarakhanda 70 fell, on which the office was bestowed by the king (Krishna), on his widow Jakkiyabbe, who held it with great credit for seven years. She is described as "skilled for good government". She expired in performance of (Jain) vows in 918 A. D. (E. C. VII, Shikarpur 219, A. D. 911). P. 749. Indra III (912-916 A. D.), son of Krishna II, succeeded him. He was a Jain in faith. P. 752. Govinda IV (918-933 A. D.), younger son of Indra III. His Maha-samanta, Kannara a governing over the province of Sindavadi 1000. This feudatory Kannara and his Jain queen Chandiyabbe are referred to in an inscription (M. E. R. 1916, Appen, B, No. 540; 932 A. D.)-Nityavarsha a title of Govinda IV. P. 760. Khottiga, Nityavarsha (966-971 A. D.), succeeded his brother Krishna III. He was a Jain by religion. He caused a pedestal Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 P. 761. P. 763. P. 768. P. 769. P. 775. P. 778. P. 779. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY to be made for the bathing ceremony of a Jaina saint named Santi, at Danavalapadu, in the Cuddapah District. He was also the overlord of the Kadambalige 1000, which was governed in his name by one Pandayya (or Pandiga) who was connected with the ancient Chalukya dynasty. Pandayya's wife, Jakki Sundari was a Jain. She built a basadi, to which a grant was made by Pandayya. Danavalapadu-a sacred Jain place. Indra IV, (died 982 A. D.). He retired to Sravana Belgola and there starved himself to death by the Jain rite of sallekhana in 982 An inscription (Sravana Belgola 133) describes him as great in war and liberality. Simultaneous fall of Rashtrakutas and Gangas, meant a great blow to the Jain faith. With rare exceptions, the Ganga kings were Jains by religion, and though most of the Rashtrakuta kings were Saivas, some appear to have been Jains. But the disapearance of these two dynasties did not for the time being affect the Jain religion, though the Saiva faith was competing with it for supremacy, Chalukyas (of Kalyani)-Taila II (973-997 A. D.). He patronised the Kannada poet Kaviratna, who wrote Ajitapuraya in 993 A. D. and received from Taila II the title of Kavichakravarti, (M. A. R. 1908-09 and Ins. at Sra. Bel. Intr. 76 where Taila III is a slip for Tails II; Sra. Bel. 449). Satyasraya; Iriva-Bedengal (997-1009 A. D.) succeeded Taila II. He was a Jain by religion; his Guru was the Jain teacher Vimalachandra (E. C. VI, Mudegere II). Jayasimha II, Jagadekamalla (1018-1042) Chalukyan King: His queen Suggaladevi, converted him from Jainism to the Saiva faith. He was orginally a Jain like his forbears and honoured Jain teachers. The Jain saint Vadiraja was honoured by Jayasimha II. (Sra. Bel. 67 & 69; 1129 & 1100 A. D.). Somesvara I (1042-1068) The influence of the Kalamukha ascetics, continued in this reign; they had some influence in checking the growth of Jainism. Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 221 P. 780. On the accession of Somesvara I, about 1042 A. D. the Cholas burnt Pulikesa Nagar (Lakshmesvar in Dharwar District) and destroyed its ancient Jain temples. P. 783. An inscription at Annigere in Dharwar states that the wicked Chola (Rajadhiraja), penetrated the Belgola country and burnt the Jain temples erected there by the Ganga king Ganga-Permadi, but yielded his head to the Chalukya king Somesvara in battle, (FLEET. Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts, 441). P. 784. The Santara kings acknowledged Somesvara's suzerainty; Vira Santara built many Jain temples. His wife Chagala Devi also dedicated a Basadi in her own name. P. 785. In a record dated in 1055 A. D. is mentioned a fifth by a Jain teacher to a basti built by Durvinita at Kogali. Durvinita possibly a Ganga king. Somesvara at first a Jain by religion, later a Saivite. He honoured Swami, a Jain teacher, with the title of Sabda Chaturmukha (Sra. Bel. 67 dated in 1129 A. D.). E. P. 789. P. 794. Somesvara's viceroy Mahasamanta-Udayadity was tolerate to the Jain faith (Shikarpur, 221). P. 795. He obtained a grant for a Jain basadi at Baligami (in 1075). P. 796. Lakshmana an important functionary at the court of Somesvara II; His minister and chief treasurer was santinatha, who was a Jain and a most distinguished poet, author of Sukumara-charite; his title Sarasvatimukha-mukura; he pursuaded Lakhmana to build Santinatha basadi at Baligrama. Somesvara II was a Saiva; during his period, the Kalamukha ascetics eclipsed to some extent the Jains. P. 818. Mahamandalesvara Joyimmarasa, a feudatory of Vikramaditya was a Jain by faith and was entitled Pesangagaruda (inscription found at Konakondla, Gooty Taluk, Anantapur); his wife Navikabbe, built a Jain temple called Chatta-Jinalaya, at Kondakundaya-tirtha (modern Konakondla) in the 6th year of Vikramaditya's reign (about 1081 A, D.). He had charge of the whole of Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 P. 826. P. 832. Pp. 880 82. Pp. 88790. P. 899. P. 900. P. 903. P. 934. P. 942. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Adoni (Sindavadi) and parts of Anantapur and Raichur Taluks, with his capital at Tumbalam, Though Vikramaditya VI was probably a Jain in religion (he built a basadi when he was governor of Banavasi), he favoured the Kalamukhas (Saiva); he was catholic in religious patronage. Baligami, the capital of the Banavasi 12,000 the Jains held their place in it equally with other religions. One inscription (Nagar 35) dated in 1077 A. D. in Vikramaditya's reign, shows the existence of numerous Jaina philosophical and other literary works in it. A Jain teacher was called Srivijaya, "from giving stras to the learned and their needs to the destitute (ibid)." Bijjala (1156-1167 A. D.), the Kalachurya was Jain. Basava, the promulgator of the new Saiva faith (Virasaivas), was his minister. The Bijjala Raya Charita, enshrines the story of these two, according to the Jains. Basava Purana referes to the Jains and their shortcomings; Ekantada Ramayya a disciple of Basava, persecuted the Jains. The Kalachurya dynasty did not last beyond a short period of about twenty-seven years. The rise and rapid growth of Viras aivism was one of its chief features. Bijjala was not converted to it. Virasalvism claimed many of the Jain temples and with but a little change, converted Jain images even into the Linga. About the 3rd century B. c. there were already professing Buddhists and Jains in and about the Chola country. In the 7th century A. D. Buddhism was in a decaying state, Jainism and Brahminism being in the ascendant. Sundara Chola's daughter Kundavai built three temples at Dandapuram, one to Siva, another to Vishnu and a third to Jina called Kundavai-Jinalaya and made costly gifts to them. Rajaraja I, (985-1013): his sister Kundavai, though a devout Saiva, her charities extended to Vishnu and Jain temples as well; Kundavai-Jinalaya on the rock close by Tirumalai, ten miles north of Polur; her other benefactions to Jain temples are known (M. F. R. 1887, para 7). Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 223 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 960 In 1008 A. D. Rajaraja confiscated to the villages concerned the lands of those who did not pay the taxes due along with their breturen; this order was made applicable only to "villages of Brahmanas", villages of Vaikhansas (Srivaishnavas of pre-Ramanuja time) and "villages of Sramanas", i. e., Jains. P. 982. This shows that the Jains enjoyed equal privileges with others. Private gifts to Jains were still common and Jainism flourished side by side with the other two religions. In the seventh year of Rajaraja's reign one Virasolan, a subordinate of his, made a gift not only to Brahmanas but also to a Jain temple (M. E. R. 1915, App. B, 116; E. I. iv 136). P. 1058. Rajendra Chola I was succeeded by his son Rajadbiraja I (10181055); a wicked Chola, he penetrated into the Belvola country and burned the Jain temples which Ganga-Permadi, the lord of the Gangamandala, had built in the Annigeri-nadu (FLEET, Kanarese Dynasties, 441). P. 1274. Cholas of Nidugal : Irungola II; in an inscription dated in a. D. 1232, he made a grant for a Jain Basadi on the Nidugal hill, otherwise called Kalanjana (E. C. XII, Pavagada 52), P. 1297. Chola period : Both Buddhism and Jainism inculcated the worship of the "teacher" (or gieru). With the gradual subsidence of these faiths and the rise of the cults of Siva and Vishnu, the worship of the "guru" was taken by these faiths. P. 1310. : Hoysalas : story of their origin; they claim to be Yadavas and of the Lunar race; the first few kings of the family were Jains, and the progenitor of the family was Sala; the rati connected with the story was Sudatta (E. C. II, Sravana Belgola 28) and according to another, he was named Vardhamana Munindra (E. C. VIII, Nagar 46). P. 1318. Vinayaditya II, 1047-1100 A. D.; he was a devout Jain; he built a basti at Mattavara (A. D. 1077). A Sravana Belgola record dated in 1129 A. D. states that he became a great king by the favour of the Jaina teacher santideva (Sr. Bel. 67-54-Old. Edn.). Another states that he built many tanks; temples and Jaina ..Another states that Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY shrines (ibid 143); the Jaina basadi at Angadi (c. 1050 A. D.); the Adinatha-basti at Chikka Hanasoge (c. 1090 A. D.). P. 1320. Ereyanga, 1063-1095 A. D. He was a devout Jain, his guru being Gopanandi, to whom he made a grant in 1094 A. D. (E. C. V. Channarayapatha 148). P. 1321. Mariyane-dandanayaka (father in law of Ballala I) was a devout Jain. With the merchants of Belegere-pattana, he set up the Jain image in the basti at Hatna in the Tiptur Taluk, the image was consecrated by Subhachandra (M. A. R. 1918, para 93). P. 1322. Ballala I, suffered from some terrible disease of which he was cured by the Jain guru Charukirti pandita (Sr. Bel., New Edn. Nos. 254 of 1398 and 258 of 1432 A. D.); Bhujabali-sataka of Doddaiya (c. 1550 A. D.). P. 1326. Bitti Deva, or Vishsuvardhana 1111-1141 A. D. was a Jain ; Ramanuja converted him to Vaishnavism; he, even after his conversion was a tolerant ruler and a friend as much of Jainism as of Vaishnavism or Saivism. His most able generals were Jains and they are recorded to have restored Jain temples on an unprecedented scale. Pp. 1337 41. Bitti Deva's generals and ministers : foremost among his generals was Ganga-Raja, the conqueror of Talkad, he was a great supporter of the Jain religion, perhaps the greatest after Chamun daraya; he was the disciple of Subhachandra-Siddhanta-Deva; he restored all the Jian temples of Gangavadi; his eulogy; he is said to have converted the Gangavadi 96,000 into K pana, identified with Hiuen Tsiang's Konkanapura and Kopal, a Jain place of pilgrimage in the S.-W. of the Nizam's Dominions He built Jinanathapura, close to Sravana Belgola, Grants conferred on him he made over to his guru for use in connection with Jain temples or for other charitable purposes. Thus was granted by him the villages of Parama, Bindiganavile, Govindavadi, He built the Jain temples : Indira Kulagriha (Sasana-basti) at Sravana-Belgola; also the Kattale-basti; his wife built the Eradakatte-basti. His guni Subhachandra died in 1123 A. D. Ganga-Raja's elder brother's wife Jakkanabbe built a tank and a Jain temple; her husband Dandanayaka Echa built Jain Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 225 temples at Kopana, Sravana-Belgola and other holy places; he died by the rite of Sannyasana. Ganga-Raja's son, Boppa drove out the Kongas and other arrogant adversaies who were thorns to the country ; he built the Jain temple Trailokya-Ranjana (Boppana-chaityalaya) and the Parsvanath-basti (Drohagharatta-Jinalaya). He also built the santisvara-basti at Kambadahalli. He was probably the Boppana, the general of BittiDeva; he gained a victory at Halasur. Closely related to Ganga-Raja were the generals Mariyane and his brother Bharata; both were generals under Vishnuvardhana and his son Narasimha I. Bharata erected the two images of Bharata and Bahubali, the sons of Rishabhanatha, the first Tirthankara, at Sravana-Belgola. He is credited with the building of eighty new bastis and renovating two hundred old ones in Gangavadi. An equally famous general was Punisa, who was the conqueror of the Nilgiris; he employed his wealth in restoring Jain bastis throughout Gangavadi as they were in the days of the Gangas. The Parsvanatha-basti at Chamara. janagar was founded by him. His gurl was Ajitasena panditadeva. He built the Mulasthana-basadi of Vishnuvardhana. Poyasala-Jinalaya at Bsati-Hoskote, where his wife also built a stone basadi ; her name was Dandanayakitti Jakkiyabbe. Another general was Vishnu or Bittiyanna, and surnamed Immadi-dandanayaka; he received his education under Sripala a celebrated Jain teacher and logician of the time. His father was an old minister of the time of Ereyanga. The king treated him like a son Pergade Vasudeva, his son Udavaditya erected a Jina temple called Vasudeva Jinabasti in his father's name. P. 1342 A feudatory described by the names Bitti-Deva, Vishnu samanta and Vishnuvardhana, apparently after the king; he built Jinalayas also. P. 1343. King Bitti Deva (Vishnuvardhana), his domestic life: he had a number of queens; of these, Santala Devi was at first a strenuous upholder of the Jain faith but later embraced Vaishnavism; she Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY built the Savati-gandha-varana-bastiat Sravana-Belgola in 1123 A. D. ; she endowed it with a village and certain lands which she presented to her guru Prabhachandra. Her father was a Saiva and her mother, Machikabbe, a devoted Jaina; Machikabbe's father and grand-father were generals. Pp. 1348- 49. Religion and Society : Buddhism, Jainism and Vaishnavism flourished in the reign of Vishnuvardhana as friendly faiths ; though he left Jainism for Vaishnavism, his interest in the former did not abate. Thus in 1125 A. D. long after his conversion to the rival faith, we find him building a Jain temple for Sripalatraividya-Deva, and presenting him a village as an endowment for it; this teacher belonged to the Akalanka-math; he was a great logician, dialectician, and a poet; his titles were Shat-tarka-shanmukha, Vadibhasimha, Vadi-kolahala and Tarkika-chakravarti. Many other Jaina teachers flourished in Vishnuvardhana's reign, among these being MallishenaMaladhari (Ganadhara of the Kali age); Prabhachandra, a disciple of Meghachandra-traividya, the guru of queen Santale I ; Subhachandra, the guru of Ganga-Raja, who is described as a Siddhanandi in philosophy. Two of the greatest promoters of the Jaina religion Ganga-Raja, Punisa flourished during his reign. The reign of Vishnuvardhana should accordingly be set down as one of the brightest in Jaina history. His change of faith did not mean any want of patronage in favour of the Jains, with whose teachers he seems to have kept close intercourse. P. 1351. P. 1352 Vishnuvardhana cannot have been the sectarian he is represented to have been in certain traditionary stories. These are undoubtedly later inventions worthy of no credence. Society too would not have tolerated such vandalism as the wild destruction of Jain temples which is attributed to him under the influence of Ramanuja. P. 1355. Narasimha I (1143-1173): His rule : Narasimha I, though a Vaishnava, was tolerant towards Jainism, the religion of most of his generals. He visited Sravana-Belgola in 1159 A D. and made grants of villages to the temple built by Hulla. Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 227 P. 1357. His generals and ministers: Hulla, the treasurer, was a minister of Narasimha. He was a Jain. He had served under Vishnuvardhana and is praised as one superior to Brihaspati in politics and to Yogandharayana in administration. He was a minister during the reign of Ballala II as well. He restored several Jain temples at Bankapura, Kalivita, Kopana and Kallengere, all places held sacred by the Jains, besides building five Jain temples at Kallengere and the Chaturvimsati temple at Sravana-Belgola. Pp. 1358 59. Pp. 136667. Provincial rulers: A subordinate chief (Samanta) was Guli-Bachi, the lord of Manyakhedapura (Malkhed). He was the patron of four creeds, Bauddha, Jaina, Saiva and Vaishnava; he built Jain basadis in the name of his mother. Another Samanta was Bitti-Deva; his mother Santale was the supporter of the four creeds. Bitti and his brothers were devout Jains and the gift made by his brother Govi-Deva are mentionedthe beautiful Parivanatha basti at Heggare in 1160 A. D.; his wife Sriya-devi presented a Jain image which was once in the Ranganatha temple at Huliyur. Bitti had been general in the time of Vishnuvardhana; he was engaged in the wars against the Nilgiris and the Coimbatore country. Ballala II (1173-1223 A. D.): his generals, ministers and feudatories Mahapradhana Sarvadhikari Dandanayaka Bittimayya was the prime minister; Mahasamanta was Govi of Huliyera who was the supporter of the four creeds-Mahesvara, Bauddha, Vaishnava and Arhat. Chandramauli was the ornament of ministers, he was a worshipper of Siva; his wife Achambike was a devout Jain; she built the Parivanath temple (Akkana basti) at Sravana Belgola, to which at Chandramauli's instance, Ballala II generously granted a village; she obtained from the king the grant of another village for worship of the Gommata. The general Vasudhaika-bandhava Rechimayya or Recharasa, who had rendered eminent services to the Kalacuryas, joined Ballala II and served under him; he built, about 1220 A. D., at Arsikere (Arsikere) the Sahasra-kota-jinalaya and endowed it with the sanction of the king; Arsikere at that time contained a thousand Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY steadfast Jain families and was styled the southern Ayyavale (Aihole). Recharasa set up also the god Santinatha at Jinanathapura near Sravana Belgola. Pp. 1371. 1373. His (Ballala II) capital cities : Arsikere, a populous place with large number of Brahmans, Jains and Koyilal; it attracted the attention of donors like Recharasa, who built the Sahasra-kutaJinalaya in it in about 1220 A. D. Religion, Architecture and sculpture : During the reign of Ballala II, Jainism and Vaishnavism flourished side by side, without the exhibition of any ill-will towards each other. Ballala II visited Sravana-Belgola and made grants there as usual. The largest number of temples built in any single Hoysala king's reign was in that of Ballala II-Akkana basti at Sravana-Belgola (1182 A.D.); Santinatha bastiat Jinanathapura, and Santinatha basti at Bandalike (cica 1200 A. D.); Sahasrakuta basti at Arsikere (C. 1220 A.D.) 201 (iii) C. HAYAVADANA RAO. Mysore Gazettcer, Vol. II, Mediaeval, Part 111. New Edition,--Bangalore, 1930. P. 1453. Records relating to Harihara 1. 1342 A. D. E. C. VIII, Sorab 263, dated in 1342 A.D. Records the death of a Jain guru at Kupp. atur in Nagarakhand, P. 1480. Irugappa-Odeya (the prime minister of Harihara II) is known as the "best of Jains" who built the Jain temple at Vijayanagar (S. I, I. 1,156). Pp. 1483- 84. Settlement of Jain and Sri-Vaishnava dispute, by Bukka I, in 1368 A.D. (E. C. II, Srav. Bel. New Edi, 344-old edi. No. 136; E. C. IX, Magadi 18; E. C. III, Nanjangud. 64.) P. 1500. During the reign of Bukka I, codsiderable literary activity in the Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 229 Kannada country. Jains claimed a larger number of poets during the period : Authors Works Date Bahubali Pandit Dharmanatha Purana 1352 A.D. Kesava-Varni Commentaries on the 1369 A.D. Gommata-sara and Amitagati Sravakachara Manga-Raja 1360 A.D. Khagendra-manidarpana Abhinavasrutamuni 1365 A.D. A commentary on Mallisena's SajjanaChitta-vallabha. Madhura Dharmanatha-Purana 1365 A.D. Padmanaka Ayatavarma Padmaraja-Purana Kannada Ralnakarandaka. 1410 A.D. P. 1523 Harihara II's Jain minister Baicha's son Irugappa, a famous general; several records of his : two of these culogies his guru Panditarya (Panditacharya, the guru of Bhima-devi; the Jain queen of Deva-Raya 1)-E.C.II, Srav. Bel. 337. Another record states that he built the Kunthu Jinalaya at Vijayanagar (S. I. I i. 156)-- this is evidently the temple known today as the Ganigitti temple at Hampi. An inscription dated in 1422 A.D. sets out his pedigree and records the grant by him of Belgola for Gommatesvar (E. C. II, Srav. Bel. 253). The founder of the family was Baicha I, a general and minister of Bukka I. Baicha I and Iruga I were ministers of Harihara II and Bukka II. Irugappa was a Sanskrit scholar. His brother Baicha lI was governing the Mangalur-rajya in 1407 A.D. (M.E.R. 1901. No. 41). In the reign of Harihara II, both Jainism and Virasaivism claimed an equal number of adherents and popularisers in the Kannada language. P. 1529. P. 1553. The great minister Baiche-dandyaka, who had been minister in the reign of Harihara II and had been entrusted with many private affairs by Bukka II, granted in about 1420 A.D., under Deva Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Raya's orders the village of Belame (in Mepinad) to provide for the worship of the Gummatasvami of Belgola. P. 1554. Bhima-Devi one of the 3 queens of Deva-Raya, set up the image of santinatha at Sravana Beglola; she was the lay disciple of Panditacharya (E.C. II, 337). This Jain teacher, same as Panditarya the guru of Irugappa (the general of Harihara II). P. 1593. Kalyana-Kirti a Jain, wrote the Gnana-Chandrabhyudaya and other works during the reign of Deva-Raya II. P. 1595. Since the restoration of amity between the Srivaishnavas and Jains in 1368 A.D. by Bukka-Raya I, there appears to have good feeling between them (middle of the 15th century). P. 1598. Deva-Raya Il caused a Jain temple to be built in 1426 A.D. in the capital (S. I. I i. 82). Pp. 1665 66. The period of rule covered by Mallikarjuna and Virupaksha (1446-1486)-some Jain poets : The most noteworthy among the Jain poets was Terakanambi Bommarasa who was the author of Sanatkumara-Charita, and Jivandhara-Sangatya, the latter being a work of considerable interest. His grandfather Nemichandra won fame as a disputant at the court of Deva-Raya II. Pp. 1668- 69. & p. 1754. The Saluvas of Sangitapattana, Sanskrit for Haduvalli, situated in Tuluvadesa (or South Kanara) were in power from about 1491 A.D. to about 1560 A.D. in a part of the present South Kanara District. They professed the Jain faith. They belonged to the Kasyapa-gotra. P. 2097. Among the Jain poets of the period (Sadasiva Raya), the chief were Salva, author of a Bharata-Rasaratnakara and Vaidyasangalya, and Doddayya, who wrote the Chandraprabhacharite (ibid 234-254). P. 2208. Tirumala (Viceroy at Seringapatam-1585-1626 A.D.): A record of his dated in 1626, registers a gift for the merit of his father and mother to a Jain Pandit. Pp. 2229. 30. In the Mysore country there flourished during the reign of Venkata I many poets. The Jain lexicigrapher Devottama, whose Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 231 work Nanartha-Ratnakara deserves to be better known, probably lived about 1600. But the greatest poet and grammarian of the time was the Jain author Bhatta kalanka-Deva who finished the famous work Karnataka-Sabdanusasc na in 1604. He was a poet at the court of Sri-Ranga II and then at that of his successor Venkata I. His work bears eloquent testimony to the depth and range of his learning. 202 C. HAYAVADANA RAOMysore Gazetteer, Vol. V, New ed. --Bangalore, 1930. P. 26. Jains, 2,391 (30%) P. 145. Begur, about 8 miles south of Bangalore, Nagesvara shrine-into the floor of varandah a Jain epitaph. Kamathesvara shrine - a headless Jina figure and 2 feet high figure of Parava. The place once an important for Jain settlement. Pp. 184. 185. Kalya - a village in Magadh Taluk-a holy place to the Jains; ruins of a basti (E. C. IX, Magadi 18; Sravana Be!gola 136records a compact made his A. D. 1368 between the Vaishnavas and the Jains). Two short epigraphs near a boulder known as Adugat bande. P. 195. Kuppepaly-in Magadi Taluk. A Epigraph mentions Bisugur in the Kumgal dist.--modern village Visakur, once a great city contained 75 bastis. P. 267. Nandisvars temple and Nandi-from Chikallapur 29, originally Jain temples. : Pp. 351- 52 Nandidrug, (Nundydroog)-31 miles north of Bangalore. The Gangas had the title "Lord of Nandagin", and the hill was then a Jain place. In the Gopinath Hill, on the north-east, is an ancient Jain inscription. The name Nandagiri (Hill of pleasure) was changed to Nandigin (hill of Nandi, the bull of Siva), in the 11th century under the Cholas. As the Jain inscription begins by invoking the first Tirthankara Vrishabha whose name means bull, helped towards suggesting the appelation. Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 375. Tekal A seated Jina figure (3 feet high) in the village of Hubidenhalli belonged to a basti to the north of the village, but no, longer in existence. P. 396. Tumkur dist.-Jains, 3,323. P. 459. Agrahana. Boundary stones marked wiih a mukkode or tripple umbrella indicate a grant to a Jain temple. P. 484. Heggare (Tiptun Taluk) : The Parsvanatha basti built of black stone is a fine specimen of Hoysala architecture description given. Original Jina image is gone, now there is a small figure of Anantanath. P. 488. Huliyar (Tumkur dist.): Ranganatha temple, image kept here on a stone pedestal which once belonged to a Jain temple, evidenced by an inscription on it. P. 495. Kaidala (Tumkur dist.) : Gangadharesvara temple, in the navaranga is the inscription Tumkur I engraved on a slab figure of Visnu with a figure of Jina built in 1151 by Samanta-Bachi, a subordinate of Hoysala King Narasimha 1. He built Jain temples at the village. P. 504. Kumgal (Tumkur dist.) : Kumgal tank-Sluice built in 1394 by Irugapa, the Jain general. P. 509. Madhugiri (24 miles north of Tumkur). The Mallinatha basti adjoining the fort has a manastambha, Jina figures and metalic figures of Sarasvali and Padmavati. avati. P. 522. Nidugal (Pavagada Taluk)--at some distance from the village is the Parsvanatha temple. ... Pp. 523 24. Nittur (Gubbi Taluk): Santisvara bastima Hoysala structure (12th century), description given. Insciiptions and Jain manuscripts. P. 549. Tumkur. Jains, 205. P. 587. Mysore dist. : Jains above 15, males 721, females 734, under 15, males 401, females 438. Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 233 P. 597. History and Archaeology. An old Jain work of tenth century mentions Punnata country, this must be the Punnada corresponding with the Pounnata of Ptolemy. P. 636. Badanavalu (Najangud Taluk)-a Jain figure 31 feet high lying here. P. 642. Bellur (Nagamangala Taluk)-a basti in the Dravidian style. Pp. 644. 646. Bettadapur (Hunsur Taluk)-In former times a Jain principality, Chengala Raya, a powerful king, was a Jain latter converted to Lingayatism. Anjaneya temple; a nude squatting figure amongst other Hindu figures. P. 652. Chamarajnagar. Jains, 100. Principal Jain basti erected in 1117 by Punisa-raja (general). P. 672. Hatna (Nagamangala Taluk). The Virabhadra temple at this place was once a Jain basti dedicated to Parsvanatha. P. 681. Hosaholalu (Mysore dist.) : Parsvanatha basti (A. D. 1118), description given. Pp. 689. 90. Kambadahalli (Nagamangala Taluk). A holy place of the Jains; a 50 feet high Brahmadeva pillar loftiest in the State, Dravidian style Jain temple Panchakuta basti, Adinatha, Parsvanatha, Neminatha, santinatha etc., description given. A small hill to the south of this village known as Bolari-betta has at the top of the ruins of a basti with a Jina figure. P. 700. Ketaman halli (Mysore Taluk)-on the way to the village a mutilated Jina figure 2 feet high lying. P. 717 Malali (Heggaddevankote Taluk)-contains 2 bastis has a large population of Jains. P. 732. Mugur (T. Narasipur Taluk) : T. Narasipur 88-an old Jain epitaph. P. 761, Mysore. santisvara basti and Jain inscriptions. P. 785. Nagamangala town-Jains, 2. Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 P. 789. P. 791. P. 802. Pp. 807 08. P. 826. P. 845. P. 864. P. 871. P. 896. Pp. 906 07. P. 912. P. 942. P. 945. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nagarle (Nanjangud Taluk)-a ruind Parsvanatha basti, 5 feet high Paivanatha and an epigraph of Chola king Rajendradeva. Nanjangud town-Jains, 3. Sargur (Mysore dist.)-Jains, 115. Seringapatam. Ramanujacarya converted, Hoysala King Bittideva (Visnuvardhana) to Saiva faith. In 1454, Timmanna, a hebbar, enlarged the temple of Ranganatha making use of materials obtained from the demolition of 101 Jain temples at Kalasnadi, a town five miles to the town. The Adisvara basti with Adinatha etc., description given. Talkad (28 miles south-east of Mysore). The site on which a Jain temple once stood has now bec me a private garden attached a house and the images removed to Mysore. Varuna (7 miles south-west of Mysore)-a mound known as Basti-tittu once a large Jain temple. Parsvanatha and other images described. Mysore 47 and 48 inscriptions. Yelandur. Visalaksha Pandit, a Jain, was the faithful adherent of Chikkadevaraga during his captivity at Hangala (1672-74). Hassan district-Jains, 1,877. History and Archaeology: The earliest event supported by any evidence was a migrations of Jains from Ujjain under the leadership of Bhadrabahu and Chandragupta, the Maurya, recorded in an ancient inscription engraved on the surface of the rock at the summit of Chandrabetta at Sravana Belgola, and may be assigned to the 3rd century B. C. The Jain bastis at Basti halli, near Halebid-Parsvanatha basti (1133), Santinatha (1192), Jain guru memorial stones (See Vol. II, chapters V and VI of this work). Arsikere or Arasiyakere town--Jains, 60. Sahasra Kuta-Jinalaya (1220), the object of worship in a mountain containing 1,000 Jina figures.. Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 235 P. 947, Bastihalli (Hassan Taluk)-the Parsvanatha basti, a Hoysala structure, description given. P. 953. Belur town-Jains, 40. P. 965 66. Belvadi (Arkalgud Taluk)-during the time of early Hoysala Kings, an important Jain settlement-inscriptions-Belur 171 B. C. V. dated 1160 and 1200 A, D. mentioned Jain basti, but no traces now. Pp. 980 82. Grama (7 miles east of Hassan)-Kesava temple, east doorway of its hall once belonged to a basti at Eleyur, Channaraya Patna Taluk, it bears a Jain inscription on the lintel. Santinatha basti by Santale, queen of Visnuvardhana has an image of Sumati, two caturvimsati-tirthankara panels. Markuli, a village two miles from Grama, pancha-kuta basti has five Jina images and a 16 armed yakshi Chakresvari. P. 984. Halebid (Belur Taluk): The city originally contained 720 bastis. 3 only now remain, of which Parsvanathesvara is the largest. Pp. 990 91. 3 Jain temples at Bastihalli; beautiful pillars, description given. Yaksha, Yakshi and different Tirthankara images-description given. 3 inscriptions. P. 992. Halebid. Hoysalesvara temple. There is a solitary Jina figure on the rail. P. 1005. Heragu (Hassan Taluk)- Jain basti, a heap of ruins was built in 1155 A. D. dedicated to Parsvanatha (Hassan 57); its Jain image removed by a Government. P. 1023, Markuli (Hassan Taluk) : Ancient basti, Hoysala style constructed in 1173 A. D. by Buchimayya, minister of Ballala II, Trikutachala in plan with images-description given. Pp. 1037. 68. Sravana--Belgola : Chief seat of Jain guru; detailed description of the antiquity. Full descriptions of the undernoted monu Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY ments on the hills given : Chikka-betta, Santinatha basti, Suparsvanatha basti, Parsvana. tha basti Kattale basti, Chandragupta basti, Chandraprabha basti, Chamundaraya basti, Majjiganna basti, Eradukatte basti, Savatigandha-varana basti, Terina basti, Santisvara basti, Kuge Brahmadeva pillar, Mahanavami Mantapa, Bharatesvara, Iruve Brahmadeva temple, Kanchinadone, Lakki-done (pond), Bhadrabahu cave, Chamundaraya's Rock, Dodda-betta (hill), Gommatesvara Colossal image--his life ; its Mahamastakabhisekas in 1398, 1612, 1677, 1825, 1827, 1871, 1887; its mutilation by Ramanujacarya its enclosure; Siddhara basti, Akhande-bagilu (entrance), Tyagada Brahmadeva pillar, Chennanna basti, Odegal basti, Chauvisatirtha-kara basti, Brahmadeva temple. The village (Sravana Belgola)-Bhandarti basti, Akkana basti Sidhanta-basti, Danasale basti, Kalamma temple, Nagara Jinalaya, Mangayi basti, Jaina Math or monastery--its paintings and other antiquities described ; Kalyani (pond), Jakki katte (tank), Chennanna's pond. Adjacent villages--Jinanatha pura, Santinatha basti, five specimen of Hoysala style of about 1200 A. D.- description given; east of the village Aregal basti, South-west of the village Samadhi-mantapa (Jain tomb), Hale-Belgola, a village--its Jina temple, there are also a Visnu and a Siva temples at the village; a ruined basti and mutilated Jina figure. Sanchalli village, a ruined basti of 1,120. 500 inscriptions (inscriptions at Sravana Belgola, E. C. II by R. Narasimhachar). Kaden District-Jains, 1,386. P. 1089. P. 1101, Archaeology : the finest and oldest sculpture is in the Jain basti probably of the 11th century a beautiful Yakshim. Ajjanpur (Tarikere taluk)-Jains, 16. P. 1125. Pp. 1130 31. Angadi (Mudigere Taluk)-2 Jain bastis, early Hoysala stylefigures of Neminatha, Chandranatha, Gommatesvara, Ara, Malli and Muni Suvrata, Yakshis--description given. Pp. 1139. 40. Bale-Honnur (Kadur dist.) : Inscriptions engraved on boulders in the river (E. C. VI, Kadur district --Koppa 17, 21 and 3); Mara, Santara king, son of Mayura varma, the second-disciple of the great Muni Vadibhasimha Ajita Sena (1070 A. D.) ; Bommanakallu boulder, a Jina figure on it. Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 237 P. 1141, Birur (Kaden Taluk)-Jains, 25, P. 1142. Chikmagalur : the country formed part of the territory of the Jain kings of Humcha. Chikmagalur was a Jain settlement, Jain epitaphs of 11th century A. D. P. 1152. Kadur-Jains, 14. Pp. 1153- 54. Kalasa (Mudigere Taluk)-Kalasesvara temple probably a Jain originally. Kalasa. Karkala kingdom of original Santara kingdom of Pombachha (Humcha) ; Kings of this line Jains by religion (1246-1598 A. D.). P. 1160. Koppa (Koppa Taluk)---Jains, 17. P. 1170 71. Narasimharajpur (formerly Yedehalli), Jains, 30, the town consists of a single state, its end known as Singannagadde are three bastis and a Jain Math, inscription of A. D. 1778, and 1300, the basti and its metalic figures of Sarasvati, Ganadharapada (foot-print), Sruta (the Angas and Purvas)-descriptions given. P. 1183. Sringeri Town. 1 Jain basti. Vidyasankar Hindu temple (A, D. 1338), its pradakshina west entrance has a figure of Jina or Buddha. P. 1197. Tarikere Town (Kadur dist.)-Jains, 32. P. 1218. Shimoga District-Jains, 2,982. P. 1230. History. The last of the Jain Humcha Kings became a Sivabhakta, taking the name of Gante Wodeyar was the progenitor of Keladi family. P. 1242. Antiquities of Belgami : Jain basti, a massive seated Jina in a private house of a colossal fallen statue of Jina to the east of the village. P. 1244. Jain Basadis at Humcha, Pancha-Basadi described in Nagar 35 as Urvvi-tilakam, a glory to the world, now in ruins. P. 1275. Bandalike or Bandamike (north of Shikarpur Taluk) : Santinatha basti. Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 1279. Belagavi or Belgami (Shikarpur Taluk) : Jain Matha, no trace of Jain basti now, but figures of Jinas found in several parts of the village--one 10 feet high and 4 feet broad, another two feet high, a fourth 3 feet high, a fifth 24 feet high, the places indicated are sites of former Jain bastis. Bhadravati---Jains, 24 Chikka Magdi--a former basti has been converted into the pleasant Basavanna temple, an inscribed Jain figure (Shikarpur 201) and several Jain images lying about. P. 1284. P. 1291. Pp. 1293 94. Govardhangiri, fortified by Jinadatta, the founder of Humcha State; Sagar 55 an interesting Jain inscription, gives description of Kshemapura or Gerasoppe and Devaraya his guru was Panitaraya-this king performed head anoiting of Gummata; Nemisvara Chaityalaya in Kshemapura. Honnali (Shimoga dist.) - Jains, 11. P. 1298. P. 1299 1301. Humcha, a Jain village (Nagar Taluk): Correct name Hombucha (Pomburchchha and Patti Pomburchchha); a capital of a principality founded by Jinadatta (7th-8th century), an inscription of the 11th century traces the descent of Jinadatta to Kaha, of the Ugra-vamsa, lord of the Northern Madhura who was a successful leader in the Bharata war in Kurukshetra; old events described, according to the late Huncha Svami, Devendra tirtha Bhattaraka; these events happened in the year 500 of the fifth Kaliyuga (or 159 B. C.). Jain temples. P. 1311. Kumsi Town (Shimoga District) : Its correct name Kumbase, it was granted as an endowment by Jinadatta Raya of Pumburcha (Humcha) for the Jain temple there. P. 1312. Kuppatur (Sorab Taluk)-in the Jain temple inscribed Jain images, a seated Jina 5 feet high with a seven hooded serpent. P. 1319. Nyamti (Honnali Taluk)-Jains, 7. P. 1323. Sagar (Sagar Taluk)-Jains, 8. P. 1334. Shikarpur (Shikarpur Taluk)-Jains, 39. P. 1338. Shimoga Town--Jains, 85. Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 239 P. 1339. P. 132. P. 1349. P. 1370. P. 1417. P. 1424. P. 1431. P. 1443. P. 14+7. Siralkoppa (Shikarpur Taluk)-Jains, 7. Sorab (Sorab Taluk)- Jains, 10. Tirthahalli (Tirthahalli Taluk) --Jains, 28. Chitaldrug District-Jains, 1,009. Challakere or Chellakere-Jains, 45. Chitaldrug Town- Jains, 70. Davangere-Jains, 272. Hiriyur Town-Jains 4. Holalkere, Jains 57. Husdurga Town-Jains, 134. Jagalur Town-Jains, 5. P. 1450. P. 1453. P. 1467. Ni ginda (Hosdurga Taluk)--was the capital of a principality included in the Ganga empire 1500 years ago. Jain P. 1468. Siddapur ( Hlakalmum Taluk)-at the foot of the Brahmagiri hill is a ba ti with a Jain image; not a single Jain living in the village at present. 203 B. C. LAW. Mathura : An Ancient Indian City (QJMS Vol. 32, No. 1, 1914) - Bangalore. P. 3. Among the earlier finds may be mentioned a broken four-fold Jain image with a fragmentary inscription in Brahmi of the Kusan period (Exploration at Mathura by J. Ph. VOGEL : A. S. I. An. Rep. 1911-12, Pp. 120 -33). P. 4, Jainism was practised with great devotion at Mathura (Smith, Early Hist. of India p. 301). Under the Kusans, Mathura was an important religious centre of the Jains. Jains firmly established in the city from the middle of the 2nd Cent. B. C. Jains a flurishing community at Mathura in the reign of Kaniska, Huviska and Vasudeva (RAPSON, An Ind. p. 174). Pp. 5-6. The Jain Ayagapatas supposed to have a direct or indirect bearing on the later Visnapatas met within Bengal and other places. Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 Jarna BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 7. Importance of - Mathura in the political history of India. Submission of Brahmamitra, the then King of Magadha, to Kharavela, the King-over-lord of Kalinga, as well as the hurried retreat of a Greek King, Dimita (Demetrios)--(E.1. Vol. XXKANOW and JAYASWAL). S. SrikantAYA-Chitaldrug (QJMS. 31 Nos. 3 & 4 1941 Bangalore). P. 339. The colossal image of Gomatanatha (Vardhamana Mahavira) at Sravanabe]gola. P. 342. The Bhadrabahu caves at Sravanabe!cola and the Bhadrabahu inscriptions-Third century B. C. Sravana Belgola was perhaps within his (Chandragupta) vast dominions. P. 314. The Tamil, script developed later than Kannada Kannada was known early enough and it must have been derived from a proto-dravidian original and not from Tamil as is sometimes believed. Apparently ill the 4th century of the Christian era, at all events, Prakrit was the Official language and Prakrit and Sanskrit continued to interprct our thoughts and ideas for many centuries after the birth of Christ. The Jainas gave up Prakrit and began writing in Sanskrit about the 5th Century A. D. Jainism was in vogue carlier than Buddhism under Chandragupta Maurya and Srutakevali Bhadrabahu. 204 B. C. LAW. Vaisali, Mahavira's Birth Place. (Jain Ant. Vol. X; No.I ; Arrah; 1944; Pp. 16-18). Vaisali (identified with the present village of Basarh in the Muzaffarpur dist. Bihar) the capital of the Licchavi Rajas and the head quarters of the powerful vajjian confederacy. The great city claims Mahavira as its citizen. H, was known as casalie or Vuisalika, that is, an inhabitant of Vaisali. Kund agrarna, the birth place of Mahavira was a suburb of Vaisali. Mahtivira's mother Trisala was a sister of Cetaka who was one of the Vaisali Rajas. Out of the forty-two rainy seasons Mahavira spent no less than twelve at Vaisali Mahavira's parentswere worshippers of Parsva and followers of Sramanas. Sramanas or wondering ascetics had been in existence ever since the time of the Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 241 earlier Upamisadas and evidently the sramanas that were followed by the parents of Mahavira belonged to one of the numerous sects or classes of Indian ascetics. Mahavira died at the age of seventy-two freed from all pains in the town of Pava. A. N. UPADHYE, Tavanidhi And Its Inscriptions. (Jain Ant. Vol. X; No. II; Arrah; 1944; Pp. 49-51). Tavanidhi is a Jain holy place, situated on the left side of Poona to Bangalore road, a couple of miles to the south of Nipani, in the Belgaum District. Its name variously written : Tavanidhi. Stavanidhi, Tavandi etc. A village is there known as Tavandi on the top of the hillock. In the valley there is a row of temples, five in number. This holy shrine is lately famous as Sri Ksetra Stavanidhi. A Manastambha is there in front of the central temple. Two Kannada inscription Text given. The first inscription mentions Viranandi who flourished about the middle of the 12th century A.D. period assigned to the Parsvanatha image. Today Tavanidhi is famous for Brahmanatha or Ksetrapala, Nayasena in his Kannada Dharmamrta refers to Parsvanatha at Tavanidhi which is known to be a holy place, 206 S. SRIKANTHA SASTRI. Identification of Tavunidhi. (Jain Ant. Vol. XI; No. 1; 1945; Arrah; Pp. 1-3). A. N. UPADHYE has suggested in Jaina Ant, Vol. X; P. 51, that Tavandi, near Nipani in the Belgaum District is the famous Jaina holy place mentioned by Nayasena in his Dharamamsta. But here the author identified Tavanidhi with the village Tavanandi, in the Kuppagadde holebi, Sorab Taluk, Shimoga District of Mysore, Epigraphical evidences cited. It may be inferred that this Tavanidhi was a Saiva Centre where as Tavanidhi near Sorab was sacred to the Jainas. Taking all these facts into consideration it is probable that Tavanandi near Sorab is Tavanidhi mentioned by Nayasena. A. N. UPADHYE : Tavanidhi. (Jain Ant. Vol. XI; No. II; Arrah; 1946; Pp. 15-16). S. SRIKANTHA SASTRI has identified Tavanandi near Sorab as Tavanidhi (Jain Ant. Vol. XI; No. I; Pp. 1-3) and about the evidence of Silavijaya's Tirthamala he opines that it is not precise. Dr. UPADHYE maintains that Silavijaya refers to Tavanidhi in Belgaum Dt, and quotes the text of the Tirthamala, Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 208 K. R. VENKATRAMA AYYAR. Ayirattali--A Cola Capital (Prs. Ind. Hist. Cong.) Allahabad, 1946. P. 160. Ayirattali, also called Palaiyaru and Mulikondasolapuram, one of the capitals of the Colas. Ayirattali means the 'thousand temples'. When Appar visited Vadatali or the 'northern shrine of Palaiyaru he found the central shrine of Siva obscured by a new vimanam put up by Jains, who had obtained possession of the place, and with the help of the chief of the place, probably the Muttaraiyar chief, he had the temple cleared of the Jains and caused a new vimanam to be built for Siva. Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section I 209 W. P. CORNISH. Report on the Census of the Madras Presidency, 1871, Vol. I. Madras, 1874. VI-CENSUS REPORT Buddhists and Jains and their distribution. Pp. 113-115. Buddhists and Jains-Buddhism extinct-Rise of the Jain sect on the downfall of Buddhism-Jain tenets-Sectarian divisions-Jains; a distinct community-Decline of the sect through Brahmanical persecution. 1875-77. William Wilson HUNTER. Statistical Account of Bengal, 20. Vols. London; 210 Vol. 7, p. 224. Rangpur: The Jain population appears to be confined to the Kayahas or Marvaris who have settled in Rangpur, most of whom are wealthy. merchants. Vol. 7, p. 383. Dinajpur: The Jains are represented by about a dozen banking families. Vol. 8, p. 52, Rajshahi In 1871 the Jains were principally confined to the town of Rampur Bauleah, and were nearly all Marvari bankers and traders, and very wealthy. Vol. 9, Pp. 58-59, 158-159, 252-265. Murshidabad: The Jains are specially influential in the District of Murshidabad. Harakh Chand Jagat Seth, the fourth Jagat Seth, renounced Jainism and became a Vaisnava. The Parasnath hill in the Hazaribagh District is the most celebrated place of Jain pilgrimage in Bengal. It is thought to have been built by Khusal Chand, the predecessor of Harakh Chand. Vol. 11, p. 64. Jains in Patna. Vol. 12, Pp. 39, 41. Gaya: The Jains have a temple at Gaya, and another at Navada-Ruins of Jain temples are common all over the district, testifying to their former ascendency. Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol. 14, pp. 82-83, 86-87. Bhagalpur : Kabirpur, situated near Champanagar, is a place of worship belonging to the Jains. Below the buildings of the sannyasis in Sultangunj is a small temple dedicated to Parsvanath. The sannyasis say that Baidyanatha has given orders that the Jains shall no longer worship on his sacred rock. Vol. 15, p. 60. Jains in Munghyr. Vol. 16, Pp. 84, 207--227,318. Jains in Hazaribagh: Their history. Philosophy Religion Pilgrimages to Parasnath hill-Jains in Lohardaga. Vol. 17, Pp. 40, 298-302. Jains in Singbhum : Ruins of Jain temples in Manbhum. Vol. 18, p. 79. Jains in Cuttack. 211 E J. Kitts. Report on the Census of Berar, 1881,---Bombay, 1882. Pp. 73---76. Jains. Antiquity of the Jains in the province of Berar. Doctrines and customs. Priests and the laity. Among the 84 Jain sects, some only are represented in the country of Berar. The Porewars, Khandarwals, Agarwals and Setwals are Digambaras. The Oswals and the Srimalis are Svetambaras. Statistical data on the Jaina population of the different districts of Berar. 212 Rabort on the Census of British India, 1881. 3 Volumes-London-Calcutta, 1883. Volume I. Pp, 23-24. Jaina population of India : 12,21, 896, may be a proportion of 48 for 10,000. P. 42. Distribution of the Jain population in the principal provinces. Volume II. Different tables of religious statistic. Volume III. The appendix B, consecrated to the religions of the Panjab, contains some rare information relating to the Jains. Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 245 213 Lewis Rice. Report on the Mysore Census of 1811.---Bangalore; 1884. Pp. 62-63. Jains, Hindus by nationality, not Hindus by religion. To them is due the earliest cultivation of the South India languages and all the early literature of Karnataka. Their principal seats in the State are at Sravana Beg!ola in Hassan District, Maliyur in Mysore District, and Humcha in Shimoga District. Distribution of the Jains in India. P. 73. Cultivation of the Kannada language by the Jains down to about A. D. 1300. 214 H. B. ABOTT. Census of India, 1891, Vol. XXVI : Rajputana, Pt-1--Calcutta, 1892. P. 29. Ratio per 10,000 of all ages (Jains). Table VII-Part D (xlv---xlvii). Ages by religions-Jain population, Table VIII--Part D (lxxi-lxxiii). Civil condition by religions and age-Total Jain population. Table IX---Part D (lxxxv). Education by religion and age. Jains. 215 Census of India, 1891, 3 Volumes-London, 1892-1893. Vol. I. Tables of religious statistic. The number of the Jains rose to 14,16,638 (tab. VI). (Vol. III). General Report by J. A. BAINES. Pages. 162. Brief review on the Jainism. 172. Proportion of the Jaina population : 49 for 10,000. 176. Geographical distribution of the Jains. Statistical Atlas of India, Second edition-Calcutta, 1895. Ch. XVI.-Statistic of the religions. Number of the Jains : 15,00,000. Bearing to the total population : 0.5% See : Map of the religions, Plate II. Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 216 S. M. EDWARDS. Census of India 1901, Vol. II :-Bombay, (Town and Island), Part 5: Report, Bombay, 1901. Pp. 22, 79. Mandvi has been a Jain centre for the last seventy or eighty years. 217 S. C. ALLEN. Census of India, 1901. Vol. 4 :--Assau, Part I, Report. Shillong, 1902, P. 46. There are 1,797 Jains in the Province. Some 1,600 are found in the Brahmaputra valley. Most of them are Marvari merchants, 218 S. M. EDWARDS. The Rise of Bombay. Bombay, 1902. (Reprinted from Vol. X of the Census of India Series 1901). P. 269. Considerable increase of the Jain population in Bombay by 1848 A. D. P. 324. Enormous expansion of the Jains by 1891 A. D. 219 K. S. MACDONALD. Baroda Census Report, 1901. (CR. cxvi, art. 6, 1903, Pp. 46-47). P. 57. The Jains, 48,290 strong, reject the Vedas, yet call themselves Hindus. They observe caste distinctions and intermarry with Hindus. The sacred books of the Svetambara Jains are in the Magadhi Prakrit language, and those of the Digambara Jains in Sanskrit. The Dhundia Jains carry the doctrine of the preservation of animal life to a shocking extent. 220 Hanry YULE and A. C. BURNELL. Hobson-Jobson, London, 1903. P. 447. Jain. 221 Census of India, 1901, Volume I.--Calcutta, 1903. Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BILIOGRAPHY 247 Part I. Report by H. RISLEY. Pp. 367-369. General review on the Jainism. The Origins-Mahavira. Separation of the Svetambaras with the Digambaras. Difference between the Jainism and the Buddhism. The Jains in the actual period. Pp. 381-382. Statistical data. The total number of the Jains is 13,50,000. Their geographical division with map. Part II. Tables by H. Risley and E. A. Garr, To consult in particular the tables V, VI, VII and XIII. 222 E. A. Gait. Census af India, 1911, Vol. I: India, Part A : Report.-Calcutta, 1913. P. 119. Hindus and Jains--The Jains share the Hindu belief in transmigration as the doctrine of Karma-They reject the Vedas and worship their twenty-four deified saints-Many Jains regard themselves as Hindus. Pp. 126-127. A map showing distribution of the Jains in India-3,53,000 are found in Rajputana and Ajmere-Merwara and 8,15,000 in the adjoining States and provinces. They form an integral part of the Hindu social system. Some of them in quite recent times have joined the Arya Samaj. 223 L.S.S.O' MALLEY. Census of India, 1911, Vol. 5: Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and Sikkim. Part 1 : Report.--Calcutta, 1913. Pp. 209-10. Jains .number 11,411-Birth of Mahavira at Vaisali - Ancient Jain Shrines in Patna city, Rajgir and Pawapuri-Parasnath Mountain-Travels of Mahavira-Jain remains in Manbhum--Three main sects of the Jains. P. 213. Connection of the Kumbhitapatias with the early Buddhists or Jains. 224 L. S. S. O.' Malley. Census of India, 1911. Vol. 5 : Bengal, Part II, Tables. - Calcutta, 1913. Pp. 152--190. Table XIII; Caste, Tribe, Race or Nationality. Part A. Jains. Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 JAINA BIBLIOCRAPHY 225 L. S. S. O.' Maley. Census of India, 1911, Vol. 6. City of Calcutta, Pt. I : Report-Calcutta, 1913. Pp. 23-24. 1,797 Jains-Most of them are Marvari merchants from Rajputana. 226 C. T. LLOYD. Census of India, 1921. Vol. 3 : Assam. Pt. I : Report. Shillong, 1923. P. 56. The Jains-Increase of their number in the decade from 2,500 to 3,500. They are traders from Rajputana or Western India. Number of Jains by sect : Svetambara 9 Digambara 227 Sthanakvasi Sect unspecified 3,264 Total 3.503 227 W. H. THOMPSON. Census of India, 1921. Vol. 5 : Bengal. 2 Pls. Calcutta, 1923. Pt. 1; Pp. 166-167 and Pt. 2, p. 28. The Jains and their number : 1881 ... ... 1,529. 1891 ... 4,912. 1901 5,232. 1911 6,782. 1921 13,369. 228 W. H. THOMPSON. Census of India, 1921. Vol. 6: City of Calcutta. 2 Pts. - Calcutta, 1923. Pt. I, P. 38; Pt. 2, pp. 7, 11, 18-19. The Jains-- They number 5,678. 229 P. C. TALLENTS. Census of India, 1921. Vol. 7 : Bihar and Orissa. 2 Parts, -Patna, 1923. Pt. 1, Pp. 123-124; Pt. 2, pp. 18, 19, 20, 29, 46. The Jains-Definition of a Jain-The Jains are not all Vaisyas-Many Agarvals are Jains-The Jains are not a Hindu caste--They deny the authority of the Vedas-- They number 4,610. Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 249 230 Lt. Col. B. L. COLE. Census of India 1931. Vol. XXVII-Rajputana Agency, Report and Tables, 1932. P. 6-Bikaner-Jains have increased by 22.2 (Variation per cent. 1921-1932.) Jains 1921 Persons 23,555 28,773 Males 9,840 12,479 Females 13,715 16,294 1931 P. 7.-Variations in certain castes in Bikaner. 1931 1921 Oswal 27,568 24,551 Increase percentage. Increase actual 3,017 12.3 P. 8-Marwar-Jains-variation percent : 1921-31 State Urban 10.2 Rural 8.6 -5.3 P. 9-Jaipur variation in 1921-31. Jains : S..01 P. 22--The Urban population per 1000. Jains 60 The rural -do- -do--'Jains 22 P. 25--Religious distribution in Urban & Rural Areas per mile of each Religion: Jain Jain 308 (Urban) 692 (Rural) 60 (Urban) .... 22.(Rural) Jain Urban population Rural population w .. Jain ... 298 246 Number per mile of the total population who live in townsRajputana - 308 Dholapur - 267 Kotah - Abu Dist. - 1,000 Dungarpur - 236 Kushalgarh Alwar - 434 Jaipur 415 Marwar Banswara - 80 Jaisalmer 180 Mewar - Bharatpur Jhalawar - 273 Partabgarh Bikaner Karauli - 817 Shahpura - Bundi - 340 Kishangarh - 471 Sirohi *** Tonk .... 175 III III. 502 584 352 . 177 378 Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 250 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 48-49. The sex ratio by religion-for the population at all ages the highest proportion of females is 1,060 and is recorded by Jains (1931) and 1,073 (in 1921). The excess of females in the Jain community is due to the absence on business in other parts of India of many males. P. 49. P. 57. Numbers of females per 1,000 males Oswal 1,085 Suraogi The later age for marriage among Jains is very noticeable: Jains Unmarried Widowed Married Year 1931. 251 45 189 The high proportion of widows among Jains is due to the prohibition of remarriage. The excess of married females among Jains is due to the absence on business in other parts of India of many husbands. P. 66. Proportion of the sexes by civil condition: M. 146 F. 155 Jains P. 96. Progress of literacy: 1931 Jains Unmarried 657 P. 98. Population in Number of literates 1931 (000's (000's omitted.) omitted.) M. 76 F. 4 Married 1,175 Males 607 Variation in population per cent. since 1921 M. 8.3 F. 69 Widowed. 2,815 Females 32 909. Variation in No. of literates since 1921. P. 113. Chap. XI, Religion-In every 1,000 of the population are 27 Jains. Main varitations since 1921-Jains-7.5. M. 13.3 F. 46.7 P. 114. 79 per cent. of all Jains are found in Marwar (38), Mewar (22), Jaipur (10) and Bikaner (9) and are also returned in comparatively small numbers from other States, where they are in larger numbers, their variation per cent. in the decade is as in the margin. The increase in Bikaner is on account of greater openings for trade in the Canal Colonies, while the relatively small increase of 7.5 per cent in the Jain population in the whole Agency Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 251 is due to the absence of many males engaged in trade in all parts of India. The proportion of 1,060 females per 1,000 males, the absence of many married males and the prohibition of widow re-marriage are not factors that are conducive to a high rate of increase, The numbers by sects are as in the margin and show the actual variation in the intercensal period. The figures would appear to indicate that in 1921 many of the Svetambar sect were returned under 'others' (unspeified). Sect. 1931 1921 Digambara 76,237 71,312 Svetambar Baistola Terapanthi 1,34,615 50,228 38,563 55,969 48,046 31,020 73,375 Others 1,105 Marwar 10.2 Mewar 4.5 Jaipur Bikaner 22.2 Jains pro rata prefer an urban existence, P.116. General distribution of the population by religion. Actual No. Proportion per 10,000 Variation per cent. in 1931. of population in 1931. 1921-31. 3,00,748. M. 1,46,004 F, 1,54,744 268 7.5 Table V.-Towns arranged territorially with population by Jain religion. P. 18. Agency, State or Dist. and town. Persons. Males, Females, 44,176 48,389 Rajputana Abu Dist. 92,565 21 10 Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 252 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Persons. Males. Females. Agency, State or Dist and town, Mt. Abu 21 10 Alwar 1,653 850 803 461 500 Alwar city Bahadurpur 19 Behror Govindgarh Rajgarh 23 104 108 Rangarh Tijara 143 144 Banswara 370 192 178 Banswara 192 178 370 1,199 455 643 Bharatpur Bharatpur city 556 233 202 Bhusawar Bayana 152 91 Dig 204 Kaman 242 91 Kumher Weir 116 116 48 34 9,299 3,059 66 Bikaner Bikaner city 21,504 6,957 12,205 3,898 Bhadra 34 57 Bidasar 655 897 Churu 1,552 1,633 1,411 761 872 600 Dungargarh Hanumangarh 811 42 79 37 Nohar 228 Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 253 Persons. Males. Females. Agency, State or Dist. and Town. Rajaldesar 1,367 540 327 Rajgarh 940 399 541 669 289 380 Ratangarh Reni 502 227 3,964 1,706 275 2,258 9 20 11 822 Sardarshaher Sri Ganganagar Sujangarh Suratgarh Bundi Bundi city 1,972 119 1,144 63 56 1,367 657 710 398 739 341 Keshoraipatan 72 Lakheri 31 Nainwa 540 264 276 212 Dholpur 480 268 Dholpur city 41 34 77 Bari 427 Rajakhera 228 199 673 Dungarpur 696 1,369 763 387 376 Dungarpur Gabakot 370 177 193 236 Sagwara Jaipur 109 6,302 3,828 127 5,936 12,248 Jaipur city 7,242 3,414 Amber 11 Bourat Bamanawas Baswa Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Persons. Males. Females. Agency, State or Dist. and Town. Bissau Chaksu Chaumu 27 118 117 Chirawa Dausa 90 540 Fatehpur Gangapur Hindaun 87 Jhunjhunu Khandela Khetri 183 120 97 349 138 336 Kotputli Lachmangarh Lalsot Malpura Mandawa Manoharpur Naraina Nawai Nawalgarh Nimkathana Ramgarh Sambhar Samod Sawai Madhopur Shahapura Sikar Snighana Sri Madhopur Surajgarh Toda Bhim 420 748 12 Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Agency, State or Dist. and Town. Toda Raisingh Udaipur Uniara Jaisalmer Jaisalmer Jhalawar Jhalrapatan Patan Karauli Karauli Mandrail Sapotra Kishangarh Kishangarh Rupnagar Sarwar Kotah Kotah city Baran Mangrol Sangod Khushalgarh Kushalgarh Marwar Jodhpur city Bali Persons. 408 10 268 164 164 718 160 558 366 352 14 1,050 732 129 189 1,548 1,034 313 94 107 569 569 27,940 4,773 1,359 Males. 216 6 143 65 65 361 85 276 180 172 8 562 279 69 104 811 537 160 52 62 286 286 12,866 2,465 594 Females. 192 4 125 99 99 357 75 282 186 180 6 498 363. 60 85 737 497 153 42 45 283 283 15,074 2,308 765 255 Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 256 Agency, State or Dist. and Town. Balotra Barmer Bhinmal Bilara Didwana Jaitaran Jalore Kuchaman Ladnun Lohawat Makrana Merta Mundwa Nagaur Nawan Nimaj Pachbhadra Pali Phalodi Pipar Pokaran Sadri Sambhar Sojat Mewar Udaipur city Persons. 870 1,639 1,441 417 189 426 1,244 484 2,933 805 17 274 37 1,733 275 262 455 1,555 2,509 785 13 2,052 76 1,317 11,572 5,076 Males. 440 790 631 194 84 204 564 250 1,256 309 9 131 21 803 139 114 214 778 1,062 343 10 813 43 605 6,003 2,706 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Females, 430 849 810 223 105 222 680 234 1,677 496 00 8 143 16 930 136 148 241 777 1,447 442 3 1,239 33 712 5,569 2,370 Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Agency, State or Dist. and Town. Benera Begun Bhilwara Bhindar Chhoti Sadri Chitorgarh Deogarh Jahajpur Kapasin Kherwara Kotra Nathdwara Pur Salumbar Partabgarh Partabgarh Shahpur Shahpur Sirohi Sirohi Erinpura Kharari (Abu Road) Shivganj Tonk Tonk city Chhabra Nimbahera Pirawa Sironj Persons. 190 414 740 910 621 590 805 79 545 12 13 416 548 613 2,597 2,597 499 250 2,748 1,137 5 190 1,416 2,593 762 137 599 720 375 Males. 102 196 392 450 330 309 389 48 298 57 226 274 271 1,270 1,270 250 249 1,245 516 2 112 615 1,343 506 67 322 366 179 Females. 88 218 348 460 291 281 416 31 247 7 6 190 274 342 1,327 1,327 249 1 1,503 621 3 78 801 1,253 356 70 277 354 196 257 Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 37. Age, sex and civil condition,-- Jains. Widowed Unmarried 1,25,152 75,521 Married 1,23,732 Population Persons. 3,00,748 Males. 1,46,004 Females. 1,54,744 51,864 56,889 13,594 49,631 66,843 38,270 Females. 4,310 Literate Pessons. 80,270 2,20,478 2,604 Males. 75,960 70,044 Illiterate 1,50,434 Literate in English 2,541 63 231 G. S. GHURYE. Census contribution to the Racial Analysis of India : A valuation, (QJMS. Vol. 27-Nos. 3 and 4, 1937, Bangalore). P. 297. Census of India, 1931 Vol. 1, Part III, by B. S. GUHA. There is no reason why, because one caste gives a low value of R. C. R. L. with another caste, which again gives, more or less, a similar value for R. C. R. L. with a third caste, that the first caste should give a low value for R. C. R. L. with the third. Instance from Dr. B. S. GUHA's own data. The R. C. R. L. between the Bania Jain and the Chitpavan Brahmins is 9.53, that between the Rajput and the Chitpavan Brahmin is 5.45 and yet that between the Bania Jain and the Rajput is over 14. P. 299. In his attempt to explain the smaller value of this co-efficient between the Rajputs and the two Gujarat castes of the Bania Jain and the Kathi than those between these latter and the Malve Brahmins, Dr. GUHA employs the absence of the brachycephalic strain in the Malve Brahmins to account for the difference. But Dr. GUHA forgets to explain why the same 'brachycephalic' Rajputs do not show even such values of the R. C. R. L. with Nagar Brahmins and Audich Brahmin, while they show much smaller values of the co efficient with some castes of Maharashtra. P. 315 Dr. GUHA concludes that there is "a very intimate relationship between the peoples having a more intermediate head-form in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kannada, Tamil Nadu and Bengal." Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 259 Going through the table (A) one finds that intimate relationship exists between the Nagar Brahmins, on the one hand and Bania-Jain and the Kathi, on the other; and also, perhaps, between the Kathi and the Brahma-Kshatri; and the Audich Brahmin and the Bania-Jain. P. 317. The Nagar Brahmin, the Kathi, the Bania-Jain, it is only the Bengali Kayastha who has the third degree of association with them. P. 319. From Table (A) it is seen that of the four Gujarat castes, the threc peculiarly Gujarati castes, viz. Nagar Brahmin, BaniaJain, and Kathi, show no association with any South Indian caste except the Kanarese Brahmin. Both the Nagar Brahmin, and the Bania-Jain, have only second degree of association with the Kanarese Brahmin, while the Kathi has none whatever. Two of them, viz., the Bania Jain and Nagar Brahmin have fair decree of association with the Marathi castes. P. 329. Previous figures (Averages) Dr. Guha's Averages C. I. Differ- Previous ence. Measure- ments. (Ave.) Dr. Guha's DifferAverages ence. N. I. Bania-Jain 78.52 80.58 2.06 76.30 70.26 -6,94 232 (i) SWAMI PRAKASH CHANDRA. Census of India-Jaipur State, 1941. Part I, Report. Jaipur, 1942. Pp. 14-25. Proportion per 1,000 of the total population and of each community living in towns--Jains-465. The proportion per 10,000 of urban population of each community as compared with that of rural one shows that the Jains living in towns is about for times more than those living in the villages. P. 23. Mean-age-Jain--Males-1941 : 27.23; females 26.60. The Jains have had comparatively the highest mean-age which the Mohamadans the lowestit therefore testifies that Muslims are very prolific as the number of children under 10 is higher than in any other community. Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 25-Proportion of females per 1,000 males in Jain community in the districts: 260 Jaipur city Amber Dausa Gangapur Hindaun Jaipur Sawai Kot-kasim Madhopura Sawai 885 1,063 777 911 784 888 833 Malpura Sambhar Shekhawati Torawati Khetri Sikar Uniara 890 918 Jain females predominate in Torawati. The Proportion of Jain females is the lowest in Thikana Khetri. 917 1,155 630 1,080 779 P. 27. Mean-age-Jains. Age distribution of 10,000 of each sex. P. 32. Diagram No. 32. Age distribution of 100 of each sex by Jain community-age-groups. Diagram No. 36-Diagram showing proportion of persons over 60 per 100 aged 15-4 & married females aged 15-40 per 100 females of all ages-Jains. Diagram No. 37-Diagram showing proportion of children under 10 of both. sexes per hundred to persons and females aged 15-40. P. 32. Females per 1,000 males by Jains and age. Diagram No. 033-Females per 1,000 males by Jains & age. Diagram No. 035-Distribution by civil condition of 100 of each sex-Jains. P. 36. Distribution of married per 1,000 Jains. Males 396, females 467. P. 37. Proportion per mile of each sex who are married at the age-periods, 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 respectively for the years 1941 and 1931. P. 38. Comparative statement showing extent to which infant marriage (under 5 years of age) prevails among the Jains. P. 39. The proportion of infant marriage among the Jains on the whole is rather low. Only 3 out of 15 units have recorded infant marriage among the Jain community. The highest proportion is noticeable in Dausa and Sawai Jaipur among males and the lowest in Malpura amongst females only. Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 261 Widowhood seems to be higher among the females of Jain community because social and religious sentiments debarring widow-marriage have this say to a large extent. The highest number of widowers and widows is among the Jains. The statistics show that though the Jains do not favour early marriages, yet the proportion of widowhood is very high. . P. 54. Out of the Hindu, Muslim and the Jain communities, the highest proportion of literate females is noticeable among the Jains and the lowest among the Hindus. Diagram 54-Progress of literacy per 1,000 females aged 5 and over. Diagram 55-Progress of literacy per 1,000 males aged 5 and over. Diagram 56-Literacy by community and age per 100. P. 55. Literate per 10,000. Jains-4,190 (Males : 681, Females : 1,222) all ages. P. 60. Variations in the figures for the Jain community since 1911. No. in 1941 1931 1921 1911 31,842 29,492 29,488 38,408 Variations per cent. : 1931-41 1921-31 1911-21 - - - 7.96 7.96 - 01 :-23.2 Population of each community with variations since 1931. Jains. Nos. Population Percent % age in 1931 31,842 1.05 1.12 16,802 in Jaipur State. 15,040 Variaiions -.07 Males Females Total : 31,842 Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 232 (ii) Swami Prakash CHANDRA. Census of India--Jaipur State, 1941. Part II, Tables. Pp. 30-31. Table V.--Towns arranged territorially with population by Communities-Jains. P. 41. Table VII.-Age, Sex and Civil condition--Part 1, Jains P. 133. Table XII.- Part 1, Literacy by community and Age---Jains. State Jaipur. Total Persons. Literate Persons. Illiterates Persons, 27,744 11,625 16,119 Males. 14,762 Males. 10,039 Males. 4,723 Females, 12,932 Females. 1,586 Females. 11,396 Literate in English :--Persons, 1,237; Males : 1,211; Females : 26. P. 135. Table XI.-Literacy by community and age. Part II, by City. Nizamats and Thikanas. Table XIII.-Part II--community by Nizamats, Tehsils, Towns and Thikanas--Jains, P. 179. Provincial Table No. II. Population of State, under Administrative Units by communities and literacy. State Jaipur, Jains. 233 Vilas Adinath Sangave. Faina Community--a social survey. Bombay, 1959. Pp. l-xviii; 1-480. Chap. I. Population Jains: total, distribution, age. sex composition, fertility and longevity, unmarried, married and widowed, literacy-charts and diagrams in the Appendices. Chap. II. Divisions in the Jaina community (Religious Divisions) : early history, Schism, Sects. Chap. III.' Divisions in the Jaina community (Social Division): varnas, castes (also in Chap. VI). Appendices-84 castes with places of their origin Dist. showing gotras, dynasties, places of origin and family deities, Chap. IV. Marriage and position of women. Chap. V. Jain Ethics and miscellaneous customs and manners : meaning of Jainism--fundamental principles-Philosophy-theory of Karmamoksa (salvation)-Ethics--worship-festivals and fasts-superstitions--samskaras--places of pilgrimage---occupations and profes Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 263 sions-(also in Chap. VI)--food and drink--dress and ornamentslanguage and literature-Jaina Institutions (also in Chap. VI.). Chap. VI. The working model : Names and surnames---Sects and sub sects-gotra, sangha, gana, gachchha and SakhaEndogamy, exogamy and Polygamy--education-Institution of Bhattaraka-Ascetic stage-criminals-family deity-family organisation--inter-marriages-festivals-rites, Sacred thread priests--death ceremony-worship of Hindu deities. Chap. VII. Retrospect. Chap. VIII. Epilogue : Jaina population according to 1951 census. 234 DULICAND PAKSIKA, Jaina ratradarpanna.-Delhi, 1888. Guide to the Jain sanctuaries (in Hindi). 235 L, De MILLOUE. Petit Guide Illustre au Musee Guimet, Paris, 1894. Pp. 37-40. On Jainism. References to some Jain works of secular importance are also found on Pp. 605, 611 etc. 236 . Petit guide Illustre au Musee Guimet. Fisth recension. Paris, L. de MILLOUE. 1905. Pp. 108-112. Short explanation of Jainism. Description of some objects of Jain art, namely : 1. Bas-relief in stone representing Vrisabha. 2. A small statue in bronze of a Tirthankara (Puspadanta or Munisuvrata 7). 3. A small statue in white marble. 4. Black stone with the image of Sitala, the tenth Tirthankara. 237 H, E. A. COTTON. Calcutta Old and New. Calcutta. P. 988. An account of the Jaina temple of Rai Buddreedas Bahadur, Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 264 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY - 238 Guide Illustre du Musee Guimet de Lyon. Chalon--sursaone, 1913. P. 63. Some references to the Jain collection in the museum, 239 A Guide to Chanderi. Archaeological Department, Gwalior, 1928. P. 5. Budhi (old Chanderi) possesses mostely Jain temples of the 10th or 11th century all in ruins-its history. P. 20. The rock-cut Jain sculptures excavated in the Khandar hill are the only vestiges of pre-Muhammadan style of monuments. Pp. 24-25. (n) The Chaudhari Jamindars of Chanderi of Rajput decent were Jains-Tarachand a favourite of Aurangzeb adopted Islam-but rest of the family professed Jainism. The Chaudharies served under the Bundelas and their meritorious service was rewarded with titles of Faujdar, Rajdhar and Sawai. Chawdhuri Hride Sahai celebrated Jain car festival at Ramnagar and secured the religious title Singhai in 1836. P. 39. Jain temples in the town-built in the days of Bundelas. P. 40. Chanderi a place of Jain Pilgrimage. Jain image carved in a hill called Khandar bearing inscriptions of 13th century A. D. Plate XVII. A modern Jain temple, Chanderi (built in v, s. 1893). Plate XVIII. Rock-cut Jain images, Chanderi in Khandar hill of 13th century. P. 41. Remains of old Jain temples in several villages round above Chanderi-like Thoban. Plate III. Showing pointed spires of a Jain temple as seen from the fort. Plate XIX. Images in the Ruins of Jain temples-old Chanderi --List of inscriptions discovered at Chanderi -- No. 2-v. s. 1252, 1291-1303, 1316 No, 22, v. s. 1690. No. 3--V. s, 1280. No. 4-v. s. 1283. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 265 240 Constance E. PARSONS. Mysore City. ---Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, 1930. P. 151. Jain shrines and the Yelwal Road, Santisvara Basti, opposite the Umbrella gate of the palace, at the south corner of the road leading to the Jagan Mohan Mahal from the Lansdowne Bazar, is one of the city's chief Jain temples, the santisvara Basti; inscribed metal image of Anantanatha, records that Devarajanripati and his wife Kempammanni set up the image in 1832; two inscriptions on the doorways, dated 1832; two lamp stands given to the shrine by the Rani Devajammanni-queen of Chama Raja Wadiyar IX, great grand father of the present Maharaja. Pp. 154-55. Sravana-gutta or Comatagiri. (plate) image 18 ft. high; an inscription dated 1423 A. D. (Mysore Arch. Repf. 1918 p. 64 and 1919). 241 Directory of Forts in Gwalior State-Archaeological department, Gwalior State, 1932. P. 22 (n). Budhi (old) Chanderi-numerous remains of Jain temples of about 10th century A. D. P. 46. Two furlongs to end south of Matadevi temple and Suroj kund tank stands a half ruined three storeyed Jain temple having few loose idols. The lintels of the doors have figures of Tirthankaras (15th century A. D.). Pp. 52-57. Gwalior fort--With numerous rock-cut and Jain sculptures. Two or three Jain images in Lakshmana gate of Gwalior fort. Nude Jain sculptures on all faces of the Fort rock--dated inscription showing their excavation in 1440--1472 A. D. during the reigns of Dungar Singh and his son Kirthi Singh of Tomar dynasty. All the sculptures falling into five groups. Those situated in the north-west corner of King George park being most important. The largest image of Adinath being 57 ft. high-defaced by Babar in 1527, repaired recently by the Jain community. P. 73. All the Jain temples of Narwar (50 miles S. W. of Gwalior) were destroyed by Sikandar Lodi in 15th century. : 242 D. R. SAHNI. Guide to the Buddhist Ruins of Sarnath. 5th ed.-Delhi, 1933. P. 3. Sarnath---sacred place of Jains-death of Sriamsanatha the 13th predecessor of Mahavira at Sarnath. Modern temple near the Dhamekh Stupa Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY dedicated to the above saint-few images of the Jaina patriarchs of mediaeval period discovered at the excavations of Sarnath. 266 P. 37. Jain temple of Sriamsanatha on the Dhamekh Stupa-erected in 1824 A. D. P. 51. Map of Sarnath-showing Dhamekh stupa and the position of Jain temple. 243 V. S. AGARWALLA. Handbook to the sculptures in the Curzon Museum of Archaeology, Mutira.-Allahabad, 1939. P. 5. Chronology of Muttra Art, Mahavira art 599 B. c. to 527 B. C. P. 27. Mention of detached heads of Tirthankaras shown in the museum. P. 31. Ayagapata-ornamental slab, bearing the representation of a Jina or some object of worship-Q2 (Tablet of Homage in court B south half)-inscribed in characters of Ist century B.C. carved with a nice example of a Jain stupa. P. 32. Mention of excavations of railing pillars from the Jain establishment at Kankalitila--Jain art antiquity as early as the Buddhist art. Mention of Jain stupas at the Kankali site Muttra of Ist and 2nd century n. c. Image af Tirthankara (B. I.) of Gupta period. Two steles (B. 67 and 68)-representative of popular Jain art images of Tirthankaras of Kushana period. The Jain symbol of Srivatsa in images later on adopted in Vishnu iconography. P. 34. Mention of the image (B 4) of Jain Tirthankara Rshabhanatha dedicated in year 84 of king Vasudeva by a Kutumbini. P. 35. Jain images from Kankali Tila (court C) with inscriptions. Pp. 42-3. Mention of the head of Tirthankara (B 61 ht. 2'-4") in court D. North half of 380-81 A, D.. refers to Bhattaraka Maharajadhiraja Srt Chandragupta an images of Tirthankara in the left corner of Gupta and post-Gupta period. (No. B. 33)-standing image of Tirthankara of 5th century A. D. seated Tirthankara image. (No. B. 6)-a work of high Jain art. P. (facing 43). Plate-Jain Tirthankaras of the Gupta period. Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 267 244 Vasudeva S. AGARWALA. Handbook to the Sculptures in the Curzon Museum of Archaeology-Muttra, Allahabad, 1933. P, 27. Detached heads of Tirthankaras, Pp. 31---. An Ayagopata (tablet of homage) inscribed with a stupa similarity of early Jaina and Buddhist art. Stupas at Kankali-Tila. Tirthankara image of Gupta period-two steles-Tirthankara images of Kushan period. P. 34. Image of Adinatha. P. 40. Three Sarvatobhadrika Jain images from Kankali Tila. P. 42. Head of a Tirthankara image-Tirthankara images of Gupta and post-Gupta periods. 245 Sight seeing at Gwalior (Arch. Dept. Gwalior State) 2nd Ed, 1934, P. 12. Several Rock-cut niches sheltering Jaina images now mostly obliterated in Chaturbhuja temple. P. 16. Tirthankara images on both the sides of Urwahi road, tallest being 57 ft. 246 A Guide to the Mysore State, --Mysore, 1935. P. 7. Jain tradition stating Chandragupta Maurya's adherence to Jainism--his rambles with Bhadrabahu a Jain saint-his settlement in Sravana Belgola-and death according to Jain tenets. Chandragupta Basti---crected in his memory, P. 31 Lokavibhaga-a Jain manuscript of 8th century in the oriental Library at Mysore. Pp. 33-34. Sravana Belgola basti-Jain style of architecture-beautiful stambhas attached--of 30-50 ft. height fully described. Tirthankara, Yaksha and Yakshini images--Jinanathapura a Hoysala work of 12th century-colossal statues of Tirthankaras at Sravanabelgola, Karkala and Yennur (near Mysore). 10th centuary image of Gomatesvara-made under the orders of Chamundgaraya C-in-C of Rachamalia. Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 33. (facing)-image of Gomatesvara--Sravanabelgola. P. 40. Fine collections of metalic images in the Jain matha Sravanabelgola and the Argue Basti of Jiranathapura. P. 47. Kannada (language) followed Jain through upto 12th century--Kavirajnmargu a Kannada work (9th centuary) of the Jain period-mention of Adi-purana the life history of a Jain Saint-Vikramarjuna vijaya a Jain version of Mahabharata. P. 48. Jain men of letters flourished in Virasaiva period. Mention of Andayya (1235 A. D.) author of Kabhigara Kava-Sarvajnamurti author of Sarvajna Padagalu. P. 121. Mention of a Jain Matha Belagani, Shikarpur taluk near Soraba, 247 Kesharlal Ajmera Jain and Jawaharlal Jain. The Jaipur Album or All about Jaipur, Jaipur, 1935. 23,236, "P. 8. General sketch-Religion, Jains-29,492 (Digambari Swetambari 4,903, Terapanthi 238, Dhundiya 593 and others 522). They show an increase The Jains follow a religion distinct from the Hindus. of only .01% in the decade (1931) census, Distribution of the Jains in various units. Units : 7,242 1,023 3,538 1,429 1,350 571 Jaipur city Nizamat Amber Nizamat Dansa Nizamat Gangapur Nizamat Hindaun Nizamat S. Jaipur Nizamat Kot Kasim Nizamat S. Madhopur 920 Nizamat Malpura Nizamat Sambhar Nizamat Shekhawati Nizamat Jorawati Thikana Khetri Thikana Sikar Thikana Umara 497 1,361 1,991 30 3,061 38 1,978 1,035 -- - - Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 269 Chapter XII Pp. 12-13. The Jain Scholars. Pt. Todarmal-his works-Gomatsar Vachnika', Trailokyasar Vachnika, Atmanooshashan Vachnika, Purusharatha Siddhupaya Vachnika, and Moksa Prakasak. Pt. Jaichandra CHHABRA wrote Commentaries on Sarwartha Siddhi, Parikshamukh Asta Pahuda Ravagam Gyanarnava, Maha Samuchhaya and others. BUDHGIAN, the writer of Budhgyan Satsai; DEEPCHAND LALCHAND and SAVARAM other writers, Pt. KISHAN SINGH prepared Kriya Kosh and Bhadra Babu Charita. Pandita Manohar Lal SONI, the author of Dharma Pariksha. Pt. Jodhraj GODIKA wrote 'Samyukt Kaumudi', 'Karma Sarovar', 'Kanya Kosh', 'Pritankar Charita', 'Pravashan Sar', 'Bhavya Diepika Vachanika', and 'Gnan Samudra'. Pt. Kushalchand KALA translated 'Hari Vamia Puran', 'Uttar Puran', etc. Pt. Daulat Ram KASLIWAL translated many books, Pandits DALURAM, DEVIDAS, Pannalal DURIWALA, Gumani Ram, Parasdas NIGOTIYA, Than SINGH, AJMERA, CHAIN, SUKH, JAIT RAM, Vaidya Amin Chand AJMERA and Swami CHANDMAL are other scholars. Chapter XV-Fairs and Festivals. P. 6. On Chaitra Shukla Purnima every year a great Jain fair is held at Mahavirji (near Patunda Mahavir Road station). P. 9. Anant Chaturdashi falling on the 14th day in the bright half of Bhadrapad is a fast day for the Jains..., P. 12. Bhadon, the most sacred month among the Jains. Important fairs of the Jains are held in the months of Asoj, Katik, Pos and Chait at several Places. On the 8th and 14th days of every month the Jains keep fast, Chapter XVII-The Places of Interest. P. 12. Amber, the ancient capital of the Jaipur State lies 7 miles to the North-East of Jaipur, some beautiful Jain temples. P. 16. Sanganer, an old town, 7 miles from Jaipur towards the South. The famous Jain temple of Sanghiji, built some time in the 11th century, is next to the famous Jain temple at Dilwara in excellence of artistic work and finish drawing a . richly adorned spire and a wonderful building standing on a high plinth. Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 270 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY the several prominent Jain Chapter XVIII-This Chapter deals with traders. Several photographs of the traders given. Chapter XIX-Institutions of Jaipur, The Jain Kumara Sabha - The Jain Navayuwak Mandal, Veer Sewak Mandal Padmawati Jain Library. The Sanmati Library. The Mahaveer Library. Digambar Jain Mahapathashala. The Jain Kanya Siksha Pracharani Committee, Digambar Jain Ausadhalaya, Khandelwal Central Pathsala. Chapter XX-Who's Who in Jaipur contanis names of several Jains. The Album contains several photographs on many prominent Jain traders. 248 N. G. MAJUMDAR. Schools.--Delhi, 1937. A Guide to the Sculptures in the Indian Museum. Early Indian Pp. 75-83. Udayagiri caves of about the Ist century B. C.--casts of some highly ornate friezes, belonging to the Rani Nur cave, Sarpa cave, Ananta cave, Ganesa cave, and Jaya Vijaya cave. 249 B. MAZUMDAR. Guide to Sarnath --Delhi, 1937. P. 69, Jain temple to the south of Monastery VI, Sarnath erected in 1824 A.D. to commemorate the scene of the asceticism and death of Sriamsanatha the 13th predecessor of Mahavira. Jain sculptures stored in a shed to the west of Jaina temple are Brahmanical and Jain specimens and do not belong to Sarnath. Pp. 74-75. Jain sculptures exhibited under the shed near Jain temple. G 61. A sarvatobhadrika or Chaturmmakha slab representing four patriarchs on four sides of the stone : Face (1). A headless standing nude figure of Mahavira with his emblem lion indicated on the pedestal. Face (2). Adinatha, standing nude, his cognisance the bull, is on the pedestal. Face (3). Santinatha, standing nude, with his symbol the antelope (mrga) on the pedestal Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 271 Face (4). Ajitanatha, standing nude, with a wheel between a pair of elephants on the pedestal. G. 62. A standing naked figure of Sriamsanatha with an attendant on either side. The emblem Khadgin, the rhinoceros is carved on the pedestal. Pp. 75-77. Difference of Buddhism and Jainism fully discussed. Both deny the authority of Vedas. Their doctrine of transmigration of soul. To them Kalpa units of time to measure the history of world. Both influenced by Brahmanism. Doctrine of Ahimsa of the Jains and Buddhists traced back to Brahmanism. Jainism postulates the existence of soul although of limited dimensions Buddhist theory of Skandhas no counterpart in Jainism-Jains like Hindus believe in the existence of life or soul in inanimate objects. No belief in Jainism of the existence of a creator. Their difference with Vedantists discussed. Eternity of souls in Jainism is preserved. Jains maintaining caste distinctions. Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra castesinstituted by Rishabhadeva and the Brahman caste was added by his son. The division of Jains into the Digambara and Svetambara schools in 4th century B. C. The Muhammadan emperors compelled the Digambaras to cover their nakedness. P. 94. The worship of Tara-occurance in ancient Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. P. 123. Map showing the location of Jain temple at Sarnath . 250 A Guide to the Archaeological Museum at Gwalior. P. 8. Erecting of monolithic pillars in front of Jain temples customary in olden times. Pp. 15-16. In room No. 5--Two images of Parsvanatha with his lanchhana the serpent, two of Neminatha with his lanchhana the conch, one of Chandraprabha with cresent moon, one of Santinatha with antelope--the lower portion of an image of Adinatha or Rshabhadeva with bull and other images of Tirthamkaras with distinctive symbol --- all images of Digambara sect. P. 17. In room No. 6- 4 Jain Chaumukhas--with figure of a Tirthankara on each facet and a Chauvisai representing all twenty four Tirthamkaras-numerous miniature images of Tirthamkars carved on the pedestals, Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 19. Room No. 10-Five carving on the elephant canopy of a Tirthamkara. P. 29. Room No. 16-The image of 'mother and child'-Its various interpretation-Jain version being the picture of the mother Trisala and Mahavira. (To see plate XI). P. 51. The state of Gwalior abounds with monuments of Jain faith. Plate VI-Picture of Neminath from Padhavli, Mediaeval period. Plate VI (b) Picture of Jain Chauvisi from Padhavli, Mediaeval period. Plate XI-Mother and Baby (interpreted by Jain as Trisala and Mahavira. 272 251 N. G. MAJUMDAR. A Guide to the sculptures in the Indian Museum. Two partsDelhi, 1937. Part I: Pp. 75-88. Udaigiri caves Orissa-Age of the caves, caves intended for the residence of Jain monks, made in the first century B. c. Hathigumpha (Kumariparvata) inscription of Jain king Kharavela of Kalinga. Friezes in Rani Nur caverepresent some legends from Jain mythology. Pp. 81-82. Sarpa cave, Ananta cave, Ganesa cave, Jaya-Vijaya cave, scenes described in all the above caves. Part II: P. 54. Scenes from the life of the Buddha. Relief No. 76. depicts as illusion to the rivalry that existed; between the Buddhist and Jain sects. The Buddha once prophesied that the wife of Subhadra, a Jain citizen of Rajagriha would give birth to a son who would make his family. renowned, the Jain monks on the other hand warned Subhadra and predicted that the future child would bring disaster, there upon the husband administered some drugs to his wife to cause abortion, she died and was being cremated when the child came out of the womb and was taken charge of by Bimbisara, king of Rajagriha at the suggestion of the Buddha, Pp. 56-58. Invitation of Srigupta and Grahadatta. Relief Nos. 79-80. Story of two friends, Srigupta, a lay disciple of the Buddha, and Grahadatta, a disciple of the Naked Asceties of the Jain order lived at Sravasti. A ditch was dug out and a seat was placed at its edge, when the Jain ascetics sat over it they fell down in the ditch but the Buddha by dint of his supernatural power saved himself. Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 273 252 F. H. Gravely and C. SIVARAMAMURTI. Guide to the Archaeological, galleries, -Madras, 1939. P. 2. Jain and Buddhists the first to develop sculpture in stone. P. 10. Kushan indigenous sculpture (about 100-300 A. D.) was mainly patrorised by Buddhists and Jains. P 26. The Rashtrakutas of Malkhed-their sculpture represented by examples from a Jain temple at Danavulapadu in Cuddapah Dist. The western Gangas of Talkad-their sculpture the colossal monolithic image of the Jain ascetic Gomatesvara at Sravana be!go!a (10th century A. D.). P. 28. Jain sculptures from buried temple at Danavulapadu (the village of demons); an inscribed pillar, a chaumukha, an inscribed bathing platform and other sculptures of 10th century A, D. ; the rest of the 14th and 15th centuries. P. 28. Jain images in Madras Museum-Images of Tirthankaras Mahavira most common-Parsvanatha being the next. Jain images have no Usnisa or protuberance on the top of the head. Jain memorial stones--the person commemorated is usually shown in worship in a lower penel with a Tirthankara in a panel above it. P. 47. Jain images-description either standing with arms hanging down, or sitting with hands resting palms uperwards, in the lap one upon the other; the emblem or attendent deities, are the only source of a Tirthankara's identification. P. 48. List of Tirthankaras in traditional order, with their emblems. 253 M. H. KURAISHI & A. Guose. A Guide to Rajgir, --Calcutta, 1939. III-Rajgir-a sacred place of the Jains. Mention of Mahavira's passing several rainy seasons at Rajgir-Existence of a number of Jain Dharamsalas. P. 1. Kusagrapura-ancient name of Rajgir mentioned in Jain works. P. 2. Vaibhara, Vipula, Ratna, Chhatha. Saila, and Sona--the hills encircling Rajgir orginally Jain names. P. 5. Jains claim Bimbisara, and Ajatasatru (known in their texts as Srenika and Kunika) as votaries of Jainism. Jain settlements at Rajagriha at the time of Buddha. Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 274 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 6. Hills of Rajagriha littered with Jain temples. Pp. 16-19. Temple of Adinatha locally known as Andharia Dhandaria-A Jain temple by the side of a modern Jain temple--fully described-image of Rishabhadeva seated on pedestal --of 8th century A. D.-gift of Vajantanandin. Another mutilated image being the gift of Thiroka. Sculptures of Parsvanatha and Mahavira in the inside central chamber-seated Jain figure of a male and female to the north of the temple--images of Neminatha and of Mahavija with a 5th century A. D. inscription to the north. P. 19 Antiquity of the Jain establishments recorded in Hiuen-Tsang, A Jain image enclosed to the Siva temple. P. 21. Maniyar Math originally applied to small Jaina shrine built on the top of a brick mound. Discovery of the figure of Parsvanatha by Cunningham in 186162 by sinking a shast near the Math. P. 28. Sonbhandar caves a settlement of Jains at a time. Six small figures of Tirthankaras carved in relief represent Padmaprabhu, Parsvanatha and Mahavira. P. 29. Mention of Sonbhandar Caves excavated in 3rd or 4th century A. D. by a Jain ascetic recorded in an inscription. Sikhara--shaped sculpture depicting Jain figure placed in the Western cave ----Jain figures on the pedestals. Plate III-General view of Maniyar Math. Plate IV-Group of Pottery at Maniyar Math. Plate V-Stucco images on the central shrine at the Maniyar Math. Plate VII (a) Sonbhandar caves. (b) Jain images in the Eastern cave. Plan of old and New Rajgir, Patna District showing location of Jain and other temples. 254 V. S. AGARWALA. A short guide-book to the Archaeological Section of the Provincial Museum, Lucknow, Allahabad, 1940. P.1 The sculptures in the Archaeological Section of the Provincial Museum, Lucknow belong to the ancient site of Kankali Tila near Mathura. These date from the second century B. c. to about 1000 A. D. The specimens removed en bloc to the Lucknow Mu'eum, were of the great Mathura School, and consisted of seated and standing images of the different Jaina Tirthankai as, beautifully caived Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 275 states or tablets of homage (Ayagapattas), various parts of ancient Toranas or gateways. P. 2. The Mathura School of art flourished in the Kushana period. Fig. 5. The slab was set up by Simha-nadika, son of a trader, for the worship of the Arhats. It belongs to the early first century A. D. Description given. P. 3. This Ayagapatta was dedicated by the lady Sivayasa wife of the dancer (nartaka) Phalguyasa for the worship of the Arhat. Description given. Another Ayagapatta set up by the lady Achala, showing in the centre a seated Jina within a circle with four Nandipadas disposed exteriorly. Description given, Goldsmith Nandighosha set up one Ayagapatta. Description given. Another Ayagapatta showing a central Jina figure within a circle surrounded by four sacred symbols enclosed within circular ends of a conspicuous Svastika symbol. Detailed description given. Surrounding it are a Stupa, Bodhi tree, Jina and an indistinct figure. P. 4. Another Ayagapatta set up in honour of the Tirthankara Mahavira by the wife of a high dignitary of Mathura. Description given. P. 5. Tirthankara Images--A number of these images seated in meditation (dhyanamudra) with pedestals inscribed and dated. The epigraphs are important for purpose of the early Jaina religious, history throwing light on the organisation of the Jaina community (Samgha) of ascetics and teachers of different Ganas, Sakhas and kulas. Aryavati and Saraswati figures-the image of Aryavati is carved in the year 42 of the great Satrap Sodasa, about the middle of the first century B. C. Description given. She is identified with the royal lady Trisala Kshatriyani, mother of Mahavira. The image of goddess Sarasvati belongs to the year 54 (132 A. D.). Description given. This image belongs to the Jaina pantheon and installed at the instance of a Jaina preacher in the Kottiyagama. It is very striking that both Lakshmi and Sarasvati formed part of the Jaina pantheon from the very beginning of its religion art. Pp. 7, 8, 9, Torana (arch) and Bracket figures, Torana, Tymapanum, railing 10, 11, 12. pillars---description given. Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 12-13. Tirthankara Images and Heads-Tirthankara statues belong to to the Kushana and Gupta periods (1st to 6th A.D.). Descriptions given and their dates assigned. 276 Plate II-Worship of the Lion Pillar and its celebration with dance and music. Plate III-Female figure in Salabhanjika motif. Plate IV-A lintel showing worshop of stapa by suparnas, and Kinnaras (fig. 4A); A procession of worshippers riding on Horseback, elephant and chariot (fig. 4 B). Plate V-Ayagapatta or Tablet of Homage. Plate VI-Jaina Ayagapatta or Tablet of Homage. Plate IX-Women under Kadamba tree displaying sword dance (fig. 9); Woman bathing under a water-fall (Nirjhara-snana) (Fig. 10). Plate X-Woman under Asoka tree (fig. 11); Dancing female figure and parrot (fig. 12). M.H. KRISHNA. The Guide to Sracana Balgola-Mysore. Review (QJMS Vol. 31, Nos. 3 and 4. 1941, Bangalore). Derivation of the name; Chandra Gupta the earliest Mauryan Emperor and his Guru Bhadrabahu; the image of Gomata under construction over 10 years, the statue-serene and peaceful, impressive; contemplative of the struggling world, perfectly self-controlled. FERGUSSON says, "nothing grander or more imposing exists anywhere out of Egypt and even there no known statue surpasses it". None can compare with this in expression, in impressiveness, in majesty, dignity, beauty of design and execution or in that calm, beatific spirit of renunciation; the orbit of its hypnotic influence; for at least 40 miles around the vision continues. 255 M. H. KRISHNA. A Guide to Seringapatnam. Mysore, 1947. P. 9. Ranganatha Temple: A Dannayaka by name Timmanna Hebbar is said to have collected materials of a large number of Jain Bastis from Kalastavadi on the Mysore Road and enlarged Ranganatha temple (largest temple in the Stateat Seringa patam, 9 miles from the Mysore city). Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 256 Swani Pranavananda KAILAS. Manasarovar-Calcutta, 1949. P. 10. In Jain literature Kailas is called Ashtapada. Adinatha Vrishabhadeva, the first Tirthankara of Jainism, was said to have attained Nirvaga at Kailas. In Jain works Manasarovar is known as Padma Hrada. 257 M. N. DESHPANDE. Places of Buddhist Pilgrimage: Rock-cut Sanctuaries Around Bombay (The Indo-Asian Culture. Vol. III, No. I, July, 1954)-New Delhi, 277 P. 69. The Jains also contributed to this form of architecture (caves) by excavating the Ankai Tankai caves near Manmad and the Chamar Deva caves near Nasik. 258 MUNI JAYANTAVIJAYA. Holy Abu,-Bhavnagar, 1954. Translated into English by Dr. U. P. Shah. Pp. 1-24, I-XLVI and 1-215. 72 plates. Arbudachala, Delvada, Vimla Vasahi. 1030 A. D. Luna Vasahi 1230 A.D., Pittalahar Temple, Kharatara Vasahi, Oriya, Achalagadh. 16 Vidyadevis. and 24 Tirthankaras. P. IX-XI. The site of the Vimala Vasahi (1030 A. D.) originally a Hindu site which was obtained by Vimala Saha at huge costs.. 259 C. SIVARAMAMURTI. A Guide to the Archaeological Galleries of the Indian Museum. -Calcutta, 1954. P. 6. Casts of friezes from Udayagiri caves from Orissa subject: Jain mytho logy; still await identification. Caves for Jain monks. Kharavela greatest of the monarchs of Kalinga. P. 8. Kushan Sculpture The masterpieces of this period, even Jain Tirthankara single or composite in Chaumukh form with srivastsa mark on chest, is always a simple figure still retaining something of the simple directness of earlier indigenous sculpture though progressing towards the refinement the culminating point of which is reached in Gupta sculpture. P. 11. Gupta sculpture: The Jain version of Buddha's Maradharshana, the Tirthankara surrounded by threating ghosts. Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 13. Mediaeval Sculpture: Terracotta plaques from paharpur. The fine stone sculpture-Tirthankara from Bankura shows the earliest traditions. 278 P. 14. There are fine examples of Jain sculptures from Orissa. Two fine examples of Jain Tirthankaras in the best traditions of mediaeval Central Indian art. P. 19. Tirthankara: Jain Tirthankaras in early Kushan sculpture with Srivatsa mark-this mark in its later changed shape occurs on the chest even in mediaeval sculpture all over Northern India except in Bengal and South India. A. M. ANNIGERI, A Guide to the Kanada Research Institute Museum, -Dharwar, 1958. 260 Pp. 18-20. Stone images-Jain. Two Tirthankara images from Lakkundi near Gadag Parshvanatha from Amminabhavi in Dharwar Taluk. Brahmadeva from old Hubli, inscribed Padma vati. Pp. 26-32. Metal Images-Jain. Adinatha-seated against an elaborately carved prabhavali which checked with small figures of 71 Tirthankaras-an inscription on the back of the pedestal mention Prabhendu (Prabhachandra) of Yapanlya-sangha. Nandisvaravaradvipa with thirteen Siddhas inscribed. Padmavati-Brahmadeva from Haduvalli-BahubaliKusmandint from Haduvalli, Collection from Haduvalli includes several Tirthankara images-Sambhananatha, Ajitanatha, Mallinatha, Puspadanta, Puspadanta, Samtinatha, Sitalanatha, Suparsvnatha, Sumatinatha, Vasupujya etc. Some inscribed. of Sumatinatha from Gujarat-with a Nagari inscription of (A. D. 1479). Parsvanatha inscription mention on Kantikirti of Mula Sangha (14th-15th century A. D.), v. s. v. s. 1536 Manastambha-from Hirebasti at Hadunalli inscription of 1484 A. D. mentions that kind Saluvendra of Haduvalli erected Chandraprabha basti and made gifts of land etc. Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 279 Pp. 44-45. 7 Nisadigals, from Bilur and Tilavalli in Hingal Taluk and Mirzan Fort in Kumta Taluk of the Karwar District; som: bear inscriptions; No. 23 fully described. Plate No XIII-Image of Adinatha. 261 Exhibition-Archaeological Survey of India, Hand book to the Centenary -December, 1961. K. R. SRINIVASAN & Z. A. Desai. Archilecture (Section V). P. 23. The earliest of the historical monuments are the stupas, mostly Buddhist and rarely Jaina. The earliest of the Jaina caves are those at Udayagiri. P. 25. and Khandagiri, near Bhubaneswar in Orissa in the 1st century B. C. From sixth century down to the eleventh. That numerous cave-temples belonging to Jaina and Brahmanical rituals are excavated in all parts of India. In the culminating series at Ellora we have Jaina cave-temples. The early and medieval. P. 28. Jain temple-cities are widespread, the main centres being Girnar and Palitana in Gujrat. Parsanath in Bihar, and Sravanabe!go!a in Alysore, besides Mount Abu and Ranakpur in Rajasthan. K. R. VIJAYARAGHAVAN. Bronzes, Ivories, coins and seals (Section VI). P. 35. Among the bronzes of the early centuries artistically notable is the recently discovered board of later Jaina bronzes from Akota in Guj at. K. R. SRINIVASAN. Slone Sculptures (Section IX). P. 54. A comparable art - tradition found expression in the rock-cut and freestanding sculptures in the Jaina centres at Khandayiri-Udayagiri near Bhubaneswar, in Orissa. The Mathura school has left some figures of P. 55. Jiina Tirthankaras. The Rashtrakutas of p 56. Malkhed, the political and cultural successors of the main Chalukyan branch, kept up the artistic idiom and have left a great variety of sculpture at Ellora and the Jaina temple of Danavaiapadu in Suuthern Andhra. Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 58. The Western Gangas of Talkad have left a number of temples sculptures dating from early times to the eleventh century. The chief sites being Sravanabe!. go!a. The greatest achievement of Pallava and Chalukyan influences in the colossal monolithic statue of Gommatesvara on the hill at Sravanabelgola, Dt. Hassan. P. 59. The Jaina temples of Mount Abu, Girnar and Satrunjaya hills built under the rule of Chalukya Kings (tenth-twelfth centuries), display an efflorescence of sculptured forms integrated with architecture and characterised by deep cut work. The white sculptures of Dilwara on Mount Abu are of the most delicate kind. Plate X-Akota : santinatha, ht. 35.5 cm. (Baroda Museum). Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Part 2 262 Account of the Cave Temple of Elephanta. (TLSB. Vol. I, ERSKINE, William. 181 I, Pp. 198-250), Pp. 202-203. The Jains bear a very great resemblance to the Budhists in their religious doctrines-Their tents-They resemble the Hindus in having castes. In all Jain temples images are human, and distinguished only by symbols. Presence of twentyfour Tirthankara figures in their temples. P. 233. The figure of a horse is the distinctive mark of Sambhava, a Jain Tirthankara-Half-moon appears, as the ensign of Chandraprabha, another Jain Tirthankara. 263 Sykes, W. H. An Account of the Cave Temples of Ellora (TLSB. iii, 1823, Pp. 265--323). Pp. 312-313. Worship of Parsvanatha in Poona in a handsome temples. Objects of Jain worship resemble the Bauddha figures at Ellora, Juneer, Karlee and Kenera. Description of the figure of Parsvanatha Figure all naked. Common objects of worship to all sects, Brahmanical, Buddhist and Jain, 264 ODEYPOOR. Mount Aboo, Bheels and Jains. Extracts from the correspondence of an Indian traveller, in the years 1821 and 1822. (AJ, xviii, 1824). Pp. 571-575. Gives an account of Jain temples. 265 A. STIRLING. An Account, geographical, statistical and historical of Orissa Proper, or Cuttack (Asiatic Researches. Vol. XV, Pp. 163-338)-Calcutta, 1825. Pp. 311-314. Description of the Khandagiri, The temple of Parsvanatha and the Jaina statues. Facsimile beside text of the inscription Hathigumpha, Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 266 F. BUCHANAN Hamilton. Description of Temples of the Jainas in South Bihar and Bhagalpur (Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I, pp. 523-227)-London, 1827. The two places of Jaina pilgrimage in the southern Bihar-Nakur and Pokharan. Description of the temples. The Jaina temple of Puri. The two places of Jaina religion in the Bhagalpur Division; Champaran and Kabirpur, of Jainkan,. Description of the ha pilgrimage in t 267 W. FRANCKLIN. Description of the temple of ParSwanatha at Samet Sikhar (Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. I, Pp. 527 530) --London. 1827. Description of the temples, of a ritual ceremony ond of the site. 268 A. BURNES. Account of the Jain Temples on Mount Abu in Guzerat (Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. II, Pp. 161-167)-Calcutta, 1833. Description of four temples of the mount Abu. The two main tenuples have been dedicated respectively to Risabha and Neminatha 269 ** P. B. ' LORD. Letter to Sir Alexander Johnston (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (Old Series), Vol. III, Pp. LXXVII-LXXXI) -London, 1836. Short description of the Jaina temple of Cambay. 270 E. CONOLLY. Observations upon the past and present condition of Oujein or Uijayani (Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. VI, Pp. 813-856) --Calcutta, 1837. P. 835. At the time of this report, Ujjain counted 16 Jaina temples : 13 Svetambaras and 3 Digambaras. Three of these temples were ancient. The most famous was dedicated to Parsvanatha. In the neighbourhood of the town, there was a place of pilgrimage equally dedicated to Parsvanatha and frequented twice a year. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAFNA BIBLIOGRAPHY 5283 1271 BURNESS, Alexandar. Account of the Remains of the celebrated Temple at Patlan Somnath, sacked by Mahmud of Ghizni; A.D. 1024. (JRAS, Vol. V, 1839, Pp. 104-107). P. 106. Jain style of architecture noticeable in some of the Mohammedan structures at Pattan Somnath. 272 NEWBOLD, T. J. Note on the State of the Statues of the Jains (AJ, xxxvii, 1842). P. 198. There is reference to the defaced statues of the Jains and their persecution by the Brahamanas and Jangamas. (This is an abstract of Mr. NEWBOLD's paper published in full in the Madras Journal of Literature and Science, Vol. XI, Pp. 306--310). 273 J. FERGUSSON. On the rock-cui Temples of India (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (Old Series), Vol. VIII, Pp. 30-92) ---London, 1846. Brief descriptive review on the Jaina grottos of Khandagiri, Elura and Gwalior. 274 J. Wilson. Memoir on the Cave-Temples and Monasteries, and other Ancient Buddhist. Brahmanical, and Jaina Remains of Western India (Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. III, Part II, Pp. 36-107; Vol. IV, Pp 340----379). -Bombay, 1849--53. First treatise. Generalities-The Jaina grottos are not very numerous in the West of India. Among the 24 Tirthankaras, Neminatha and Parsvanatha occupy there in general the first placc. Grottos of Nasik - The sculpture of these grottos resemble to the Jaina sculpture more than to all other. Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 Grottos of Dhumnar- They present the characters of Jaina temples. Grottos of Elura- The Jaina grottos date probably from the 11th or 12th century. Temples The Jaina temples of the West India. Satrunjaya, Girnar, Abu Statues. Description of a huge Jaina statue which is found in the district of Barwani, on the Narbada. Inscriptions The inscriptions of Girnar Grottos of Elara. The fourth grotto of the first group is Jaina. It is of small dimensions and includes a statue of Neminatha. Grotto of Chandor. It contains the statue of a Tirthankara (Parsvanatha or Neminatha) surrounded by two companions and two consorts, and by the images of other Tirthankaras. The sculpture recalls that of the Jaina temples of Elura. Grottos in the Kathiawad-List of the hills or localities where the grottos have been excavated. Second treatise. E. IMPEY. Description of a Colossal Jain Figure, discovered on a Spur of the Satpoorah Range, in the district of Burwanie, on the Nerbudda (Journal of the Asiatic. Society of Bengal, Vol. XVIII, Pp. 918-953)-Calcutta, 1850. Pages 3-4 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Situation and dimensions of the statue. Detailed, description. Historical notes. Text and translation of different inscriptions. 6. 275 6. Pigou, A. NEILL. Col. BIGGS, Col. TAYLOR and J. FERGUSSON. Architecture in Dharuar and Mysore-London, 1866. 276 The Jains and their polemic with the Brahmans under the Calukyas, Saka 618-655. The Jainism under the Calukyas. Resemblance of the Lingayat sect with the Jainism and the Brahmanism. Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 285 Pages : 12. Development of the Jainism in the 6th and 7th Centuries. 47-48. Description of a Jaina temple at Guduk- Pl. I. 57-58. Description of a Jaina temple at Lakkundi, PI, XL. 58. Description of a Jaina temple near Halebid - Pl. XLI. 59-60. Description of a portico of Jaina temple at Belgaum--Pl. XLV. 62. Notes on the ruins of a Jaina temple at Hubballi --P. LIII. 277 J. Burgess. The Temples of Satrunjaya--Bombay, 1869. Magnificient album of 45 Photographic plates reproducing the Jaina temples and sanctuaries of Satrunjaya. Some descriptive reviews accompany these plates. 278 J. BURGESS, Somanath, Girnar, Junagadh.-Bombay. 1870. Collection of 41 photograph reproducing principally the temples of the mount Girnar. A descriptive introduction opens this collection, 279 SYKES, D. H. and DWYAR. The Temple of Satrunjayha the celebrated Jaina place of pilgrimage near Palitana in Kathiawad.-Bombay, 1869. 280 Famed RIKHABNATH. (Indian Antiquary, Vol. 1, P. 96). -Bombay, 1872. Description of the temple of Risabhanatha at 10 miles to the south of Prasad, on the way from Udaypur to Ahmadabad. 281 A. M. BROADLEY. The Buddhistic Remains of Bihar (Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. XLI, Pp. 209--312)-Calcutta. 1872. Pp. 241-250. Review on the antiquities and the Jaina temples of Rajagriha (Rajgir). Some of these temples contain inscriptions. Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 COLE H. H. Architecture of Ancient Delhi. London, 1872. P. 45-Masjid-i-Kutbul-Islam. There is a stone pillar on the south Colonade, bearing the figure of Buddha the ascetic, or one of the Jain Hierarchs, and this may probably belong to old Delhi. Pp. 50-51.-do Mr. FERGUSSON says of the Great Mosque: "The roofs and domes are all of Jaina" architecture, so that no trace of the Moorish style is to be seen internally. The pillars are of the same order as those used on Mount Abu, except that those at Delhi are much richer and more elaborate. They belong to the 11th or 12th century. On the roof and less seen parts, the cross-legged figures of the Jaina saints, and other emblems of that religion, may still be detected.". 282 P. 51. The carved pillars in the Mosque itself, and in the courtyard, are Jaina in style, but no one figure so perfect as to be undoubtedly a Jain emblem. P. 57. Jain style of architecture. Pillars in the mosque; they have a beauty and variety of ornament unequalled, so far as is known, in the whole of the northern part of India, and are some of the best samples of a style of architecture, evidently one suggested by that of the Jains, of which specimens abound in Rajputana and Bundelkhand. P. 61. Pillars in the centre of the east colonnade in the mosque-these pillars are grouped together and their arrangements is octagonal in form. The column resembles the character of those to be seen in the Jain temples on Mount Abu, the lower shaft being long and the upper one short. Pages 69-74 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY A M. BROADLEY. On the identification of various places in the Kingdom of Magadha, visited by the pilgrim Chi-Fah-Hian (Indian Antiquary, Vol. 1, Pp. 18-21; 69-74; 106-110)-Bombay, 1872. 107-108. 109. 110. 283 Rajgir and the Jaina pilgrimages. The temples of the mount Baibhar. The temples of the mount Vipula. The temples of Udayagiri. Review on some inscriptions found in these different temples. Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 287 284 S. F. MACKENZIE. The temple at Halabid (Indian Antiquary, Vol. I, pp. 40-44). --Bombay, 1872. Towards 1100 A. D., the king Visnuvardhana was converted from the Jainism to the Visnuism by Ramanujacarya. There remains still at Halebid five temples, of which three are Jainas. 285 A new Jaina Temple at Palitani (Indian Antiquary, Vol. I, P. 96)-Bombay, 1872. Mention of the construction of a new Jaina temple at Palitana, by a merchant of Bombay, of the name of Kesavji Nayak. This temple was dedicated in February 1872. 286 A. K. FORBES. Put un Somnath (Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic. Vol. VIII, Pp. 49-64)-Bombay, 1872. Pp. 56-59. The mention of the temple of Somath in the Prabandhacintamani and in the Duyasraya. P. 62. General considerations on the architecture of the Jaina temples. 287 W. C. BENETT, Notes connected with Sahet Mahet (Indian Antiquary, Vol. 11, Pp. 12-13)-Bombay, 1873. Suhil Dal prince of Sravasti, who defied the Musulmans, was a Jain. A small modern temple at Sahet-Mahet, is dedicated to the Tirthankara Sambhavanatha. 288 M. Priilips. The Seven Pagodes (Indian Antiquary, Vol. II, Pp. 107-109)Bombay, 1873. Formerly, the region in which the village of Mavaliveram and the Seven Pagodas" are found was called Kurumbabhumi and was inhabited by the Kurumbars who had adopted the Jaina religion. Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 288 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Afterwards, in the 12th century, the country was conquired by the king Kulottungachola, and his son Adondai, who gave to it the name of Tondamandalam and let the Brahmanism oust the Jainism. At last, towards 1300, the Jains were definitely driven away from the Tondamandalam and Pandya. S. F. MACKENZE. Sravana Belgola (Indian Antiquary, Vol. II, Pp. 129-133). -Bombay, 1873. Description of the site of Sravana Belgola and of the colossal statue of Gomatesvara. Local legends. Time of the statue. History of Sravana Belgola and of the Jainism in the country. A plate beside text reproduces the statute of Gomatesvara. J. F. KEARNS. Archaeology in North Tinnevelli (Indian Antiquary, Vol II, Pp. 202-203).-Bombay, 1873. Review on the following Jaina antiquities: Localities Tinnevelly Nagalapur Kulattur 289 Korkai Description of the mount Abg. description of the different temples. inscriptions of the mount Abu, 290 Temple with statues and inscriptions in ancient tamoul. A colossal statue. Small statue, object of worship on the part of the inhabitants. Other small statue. 291 J. ROWLAND. Mount Abu (Indian Antiquary, Vol. II, Pp. 249-257)-Bombay, 1873. Antiquities Histories and local legends. Additional note of M. J. BURGESS on Systematic Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 289 292 A. C. BURNELL. On the colossal Jain statue at Karkala, in the South Kanara District (Indian Antiquary, Vol. II, Pp. 353-354)-Bombay, 1873. A brief description of the statue. Text and translation of the inscription which recalls the date of the erection : Saka 1353. Notes on the reason of existence of the colossal statues to the Jains.. The statue is reproduced in a plate beside text. 293 Sravako Temple at Bauthli (Indian Antiquary. Vol. III, Ch. WodeHOUSE P. 180) -- Bombay, 1874. Announcement of the discovery, at Bauthli, near Junagadh, of a Jaina temple in perfect state of conscrvation and ihe sculptures which resemble to those of the temples of Girnar. 294 G. M. CORKELL. A Legend of old Belgam Pp. 138-140) --- Bombay, 1875. (Indian Antiquary, Vol. IV, Study of a local popular legend, according to which a pious kind would have constructed at Belgaum 108 Jaina temples in expiration of the accidental cremation of 108 Jaina sages. 295 F. KITTEL. Ueber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indian---Mangalore, 1876. Pp. 16-24. Some historical ideas relating to the construction of different Jaina temples. 296 J. Gerson da Cunha. Notes on the History and Antiquities of Chaul (Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XII, Pp. 51---162) -Bombay, 1877. P. 61. At Chaul, in the northern Konkan, a fragment of sculpture coming from an ancient Jaina temple may be seen. The figures represented are those of Tirthankaras. Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 297 Rajendralala Mitra. Calcutta, 1878. Buddha Gaya, the hermitage of Sakya Muni P. 47. The Jainism existed before the composition of the Lalipayistare. Some remarks on the architecture and the Jaina Pp. 106, 109, 142. sculpture. 298 (1) MITRA. The Antiquities of Orissa. 2 Volumes-Calcutta, Rajendralala 1875--1880. Volume-II. Pages 17. Notes on the formula of Jaina Homage : "Namo Arihamtanam, namo Siddhanam etc." 29. The swastika as Jaina symbol. 33-34. Episode of the conception of Mahavira, according to the Kalpasutra. 35-36. Description of the grottos and of the Jaina temples of Khandagiri. See plates XXV and XXVII. 298 (ii) MITRA, Rajendralala. The Antiquities of Orissa. 2 Vols.--Calcutta, 1875-80. Vol. 2, pp. 1-35. A modern Jaina temple perched on the highest point of the Khandagiri hill. Vol. 2, pp. 17-18. Jina gayatri. Vol. 2, P. 35. Jain gumpha or caves, Vol. 2, P. 46. Jaina Cave at Khandagiri. Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 291 299 M. J. WALHOUSE, Archaeological Notes (Indian Antiquary, Vol. V, Pp. 36--45) ---Bombay, 1876. 1. The two Kanara Colossal. General notes on the colossal Jaina and Buddhistic statues. Description of the colossal statue of Yenur, compared with that of Karkala. It is said that these two statues have been carved by the same artist of the name of Jakkanacari. Brief review on the Jaina temples of Yenur. Description of the famous Jaina pillar which is found in the same villages. Three plates beside text illustrate this article and reproduce : 1. The colossal statue of Yenur; 2. The carved door of a temple; 3. The Jaina pillar. II. A Jain Temple and Sasanam. Description of the great Jaina temple of Karkala. Text and translation of an important inscription of the year Saka 1508, recalling the foundation and the endowment of this temple. 300 J. BURGESS. The Dharasinva Rock Temples (Indian Antiquary, Vol. V, Pp. 76-80) - Bombay, 1876. Description of the seven grottos of Dharasinva, near Poona. By the statues and the sculptures that they contain, these grottos are Jainas. 301 J. FERGUSSON. History of Indian and eastern Architecture - London, 1876. The Book II (Pp. 207-278) of this work is consecrated to the Jaina architec ture Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 292 It admits of the following sub-divisions: Ch. I. Introduction. Ch. II. Ch. III. Ch. IV. The mordern Jaina style. The Jaina temple of Delhi; the Jaina grottos; the Jaina temples converted into mosques. Ch. V. The Jaina style in the southern India- Beffus and bastis. Numerous prints representing the principal temples illustrate these chapters. Construction-Arches, domes, plans, kikras (sorts of towers). The Jaina style of the north-Palitana, Girnar, Mount Abu, Mount Paresnath, Gwalior, Khajuraho. 302 (a) JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY CONGREVE, Henry. On druidical and other antiquities between Metapoliam in Coimbatore and Karnul on the Tungabhadra (MJ, 1878. Pp. 150-168). Pp. 152-153. Vizaimangala: The plan of Jain basti pagoda here similar in some respects to those of the Hindus. Indication of the close connection of Jainism with Buddhism. The first Jains had been Buddhists, Pp. 162-163. Udenhally: Origin of the story of the Jains having built stone. houses to escape the vengeance of Siva. Pp. 166-167. Pennakonda: Reference to a Jain figure canopied by a sevenheaded snake, and like Buddha, seated cross-legged, 302 (b) V. A. SMITH and F. C. BLACK. Observations on some Chandel Antiquities (Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. XLVIII, Pp. 285-296).--Calcutta. 1879. Discovery at Mahoba of a great statue of Sumatinatha, with inscription of Samvat 1215. The Jaina temples of Khajuraho. Several ancient Jaina temples are found among the ruins of Khajuraho; one is dated of 1085 A. D. Several plates beside text illustrate these archacological notes. Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 293 303 J. FERGUSSON and J. BURGES. The Cave Temples of India-- London, 1880. Pages 13. In the general explanation of the religions of India (R12 Sqq), some lines have been devoted to the Jainism, The death of Mahavira has been fixed at the year 526 B. C. 35-36. The architecture of the Jaina grottos in general. These grottos are imitated from those of the Buddhists. Information about the Jaina grottos at Udayagiri near Cuttak, in the Orissa. A temple has been constructed on the top of this hill. 66-68. Notes on the grotto called Hathigumpha, at Khandagiri and the inscription that it contains 159. Review on the Jaina sculptures of the 11th or 12th century at Kulumulu, near Madras. 169- Gene 170. General ideas on the Jaina grottos of the West India. These grottos number about 35. The most ancient dates of the 5th or 6th century, and the most recent of the 12th century. 171. Concise ideas on the architecture, the varieties and the situation of the Jaina grottos. 418. Information about a rough image of Tirthankara which is found in a grottos at Karusa, in the district of Hyderabad. 425. Some Jaina grottos at Jogai Amba, district of Hyderabad, The 4th book of the second part (Pp. 485-512) is especially devoted to the Jaina grottos and contains the following chapters : Chapter 1.-Generalities on the Jainism. The deliverance. Cosmogony. The principal Tirthankaras. Vrisabha, Ajitanatha, Parsvanatha, Mahavira. The Digambaras and the Svetambaras. Moral. List of the 24 Tirthankaras with their symbols, their appearance and the place of their nirvana. Chapter II.--Generalities on the Jaina grottos, Age, number, architecture, images of the Tirthankaras. Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 294 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Grotto of Badami. Excavated towards the year 650 A. D.; its dimensions. Statue of Mahavira seated: figures of some other Tirthankras, particularly of Parsvanath. Grotto of Aihole- General description. Sculpture representing Mahavira in the midst of a group of 12 other figures. The two grottos of Patna- Brief description of the second. More detailed description of the first and of the statues that it contains. It is dated of about 9th or 10th century. Grottos of Chamar Lena (Nasik). Rapid description of these excavation relatively recent (11th or 12th century). Grottos of the fort of Bhamer, to north-west of Dhulia. Only one presents some interest. Grotto of Ramcandra, to the north-west of Poona. Short description. Chapter III.-The Jaina grottos of Elura. 1. Chota Kailasa- Imitation of the great brahamanical temple of Kailasa. Its dimentions. Some parts are in dravadian style. A mutilated statue bears the date Saka 1169. 2. Indra Sabha-detailed description. The court. The statues of Parivanatha, of Gautamasvamin, Mahavira and of the goddess Ambika, To the right of the court, there is an elephant on pedestal and a monolithic pillar 27 feet high, surmounted by a quadruple image. At the centre of the court, there is a pavilion with, quadruple image likewise. To the west there is a grotto with several statues, among which those or Parsvanatha, Mahavira and Santinatha, the last accompanies by an inscription. The great hall. The gigantic statues of Indra and of Ambika. The figures of Tirthankaras. The sanctuary with the image of Mahavira. To the south-west of the great hall, there is a cell with some statues of Jains. To the north-west, there is another similar cell. Seven plates beside text: LXXX, 2: LXXXVI-LXXXIX; XCI, I and XCII, 2. 3. Jagannatha Sabha-To the west of the and inscriptions, not very legible, in old canara. court, a hall with carved pillars In front of this hall, a chapel with To the east of the entrance, a chapel with images of Mahavira or Santinatha, of Parivanatha and of Gautama. On the upper storey, a hall with 12 pillars and numerous sculptures. To the west the last grotto. Three plates beside text: XC, XCI. 2 and XCII, 1 and 3. Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 295 4. Colossal statue of Parsvanatha, on the top of the hill where the grottos have been excavated. An inscription, the translation of which, according to BUHLER, has been given, is carved on this statue; it bears the date af 1234-1235. Chapter IV.--Grottos of Dharasinva-Description of the second, the third and of the fourth. These grottos are dated in the middle of the 7th century A. D. or thereabout. Plate XCIII. Grottos of Ankai Tankai-The first four are the most important. The first is remarkable by its sculptures (Plates XCIV and XCV, I). The second contains the statues of Indra and Ambika and the image of a Tirthankara, The third offers, on each side of the vestibule which leads to the sanctuary, two statues especially, described; one repre:ents Parsvanatha and tbe other probably Santinatha. The fourth grotto contains an inscription of the Ilth or 12th century. The three other grottos are smaller than the precedents. The sanctuary of one of them shelters the image of a Tirthankara reproduced in the plate XCV, 2. Grottos of Gwallior : Five groups, the first of which consists of 22 gigantic statues of Tirthankaras, among which those of Vrisabha and of Neminatha. The second contains 18 great statues, and the three others, less important, offer nothing remarkable. Final remarks. The Jaina monuments do not go back beyond the 6th or 7th century. However the Jainism is as old, if not more, as the Buddhism. But while the Buddhism developed repidly, the Jainism lay dormant in some way during several centuries, upto the moment when the disciples of Mahavira began to construct, some temples of all beauty. Those of Gujarat, constructed in the 11th or 12th century, are perhaps the most remarkable in the whole of India. As regards the grottos, they represent only an episode in the history of Jaina architecture. 304 Cole, Captain H. H. Preservation of National Monuments, Madras PresidencySimla. 1881. Pp. 23-24. Jaina Temple Conjeveram-Tiruparath Kundram is a Jain temple; Vijayanagar kings made grants of lands to this temple during the 14th to 16th centuries; Jain sect now reduced to 258 in the whole of the Chingleput district. Diagram illustrating the arrangement of a Jain temple near Conjeveram, P. 28. Jain Temples-Hampi-on the slope of the hill are some peculiar temples of the Jain style. Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 296 305 J. ANDERSON. Catalogue and Hand-book of the archaeological collections in the Indian Museum-Calcutta, 1883. Part-I. Pp. 167-169. Historical notes on the Jaina establishments of Mathura, in the beginning of the Christian era, and principally (according to Cunningham) during the Indo-scythian period. Review on the Jaina statues, accompanied by inscriptions found at Mathura. Part-II JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY A special chapter (Pp. 196-215) is devoted to the Jaina sculptures and to the Jainism in general. List of the 24 Tirthankaras, with their respective symbols, their colours and the place of their nirvana. Special reviews on Parsvanatha and Mahavira. The Digambaras and the Svetlimbaras. Period of Jaina writings: 6th century A. D. Principle of the Jainism. The Jains are found specially in the western region of India. The temple of the mount Abu and the colossal statues of South-India. Description of twenty Jaina sculptures coming specially from Gwalior. These sculptures consist of some statues of Jinas and bas-reliefs. the principal figures of which are equally of the Jinas. Review on the ruins of different Jaina temples at Gwalior. 306 Bhagwanlal INDRAJI. Antiquarian Remains at Sopara and Padana (Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XV, Pp. 273-328) -Bombay, 1883. P. 276. Mention of the town of Sopara in the Jaina literature: According to the "Sripalacarita", Srtpala must have married the daughter of a king of Spara as one of the sacred places of the Jains. Still to-day, besides, this town is a frequented place of pilgrimage. One of the 84 Jaina sects is called Sorparaka. P. 298. Review on a perfumed powder which the Jains use in some of their religious ceremonies. Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 297 Pp. 316-317. A little to the north of Sopara, the ruins of a temple probably Jaina can be seen. Among the statues found in this place, one represents Parsvanatha and another Candraprabha. 307 DIPACAND DevAChand and Javeri Chaganlala. Siddracalanum uarnanaAlimadabad, 1887. Description in Guzerati of the Jaina temples of Palitana. This volume also contains a series of hymns and Jaina prayers. . .. 303 A. CUNNINGHAM. Archaeological Survey of India. Reports. 23 Volumes at Index general-Simla-Calcutta, 1871-1887. .. Volume-1. Introduction. P. XXII. FERGUSSON has established the chronology of the Jaina temples of the middle age according to the resemblances and differences of the architectural style Pages Localities Jaina antiquities 21-26 Rajgir : Five modern temples on the mount Baibhar. Three other hills are crowned with small temples. One has been constructed in 1780. One statue naked and standing is probably Jaina. 33 Bargaon Modern temple. 75 Pawa A statue probably Jaina. 85-91 Khakhundu Fragments of statues, small temples constructed by some bankers of Gorakhpur and of Patna and comprising several statues, among others those of Adinatha. Plate XXVIII. Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages Localities Jaina antiquities 94 Remarks on the term 'vati' which designates exclusively to-day the Jaina priests, which are most often, unless always, the brahamans. Kosam 303 308 311 Kosam, the ancient Kausambi, is today an important place of Jaina pilgrimage. A small temple, dedicated to Parsvanatha, has been constructed there in 1834. Another modern temple is found to the south-east of the town. Plate XLVIII. Volume-11 234 362-363 Haridwar Gwalior Statue representing perhaps Adinatha. Temple with statues and inscriptions. Plate XC. 364-368 Gwalior The Jaina grottos and the sculptures carved in the rock : 1. Urwahi group. 22 figures, the principal of which is a seated statue of Adinatha. Six inscriptions dated Samvat 1497 and 1510. South-West : 2. Group of the 5 principal figures. 3. Group of the North-West : among others a statue of Adinatha with inscription of Samvat 1527. Group of the North-East : Small statues without inscriptions. Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 396 404 431-435 445 448 3 Localities Gwalior Buri Chanderi Khajuraho Mahoba Mahoba Jaina antiquities 5. Group of the South-East : 18 gigantic statues and a great number of others, with inscriptions. The detail of the grottos of this group is given in a special catalogue, P. 367. All these sculptures have been executed between the years Samvat 1497 and 1530. Some are of a great eopiousness. 299 List of inscriptions of this locality. 21 statues, of which 19 are standing and 2 are seated. Fragments of Statues with inscription dated Samvat 1142. Ancient temple, repaired and dedicated to Parsvanatha, with statue of this Tirthankara. Two other small temples equally restored. and dedicated to Parsvanatha and Adinatha. Other more important temples constructed towards the 9th. century and containing some some small inscriptions relating to some donations. Ancient temple restored, with gigantic statue of Adinatha and inscription of Samvat 1085. Small ancient temple with several statues and inscriptions. Different ruins or some statues were discovered. Plate XCV. Numerous broken statues. List of inscriptions. Volume-III. The Jaina sculptures of Mathura belong to the Indo-Scythian period of the Hindu architecture (57 B. C.; 319 A. D.). Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 300 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jaina antiquities Pages - Localities Most of the Jaina temples date from 900 to 1200 A. D. Mathura Great temple dedicated to Parsvanatha sculptures and inscriptions. 20 Mathura Fragments of statues and others anti quities furnishing the proof that Mathura was an important Jaina centre under the Indo-Scythian domination. 30---37 . Mathura Text and analysis of 24 inscriptions discovered at Mathura. Several of these inscriptions are Jainas, among others the Nos. 2,3,4, 6,10,16 18,19 and 20. Plates XIII-XVI. 38 Mathura The general purport of the inscriptions of Mathura is the recall of a donation. 45-46 Mathura The ruins and the inscriptions of Mathura reveal a flourishing state of the Jaina religion during the IndoScythian period. 47. Bitha Legend of the King Udayana and of the statue of Mahavira in forest of Santal, according to the 'Piracaritra'. 66-70 Masar Madern tempie, dedicated to Parsvanatha, Plate XXIII. Text and analysis of three inscriptions dated Samvat 1443. Plate XXIV. Volume--IV. IV-V Delhi The great mosque was constructed with the relics of 27 Hindu temples of which several are Jainas. 208 Agra Statue with four arms. Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 301 Pages Localities Jaina antiquities 214 Jagner Buddhist or Jaina sculpture. 215 Chambal Buddhist or Jaina image. 216-217 Agra Pillars and statue in block marble in the Museum of Agra. 222. Bhateswar called This locality was formerly Surajpur by the Jains. 224 Bhateswar Rajabhoja, prince of Bhateswar in 483 A. D., was an adept of the Jainism. 225-226 Bhateswar Group of five temples, of which one is modern and the others dating from the middle age. 231-239 Bhateswar Description of the temples of the Aundha Khera. 240-244 Bhateswar List of sculptures or of fragments of sculptures found in the Aundha Khera, among which several are Jainas. Volume-V. 92 Ketas Recall of the account of Hiouen-tsang relating to the Jains, and attempt to identify the Jains temple of Ketas which he has mentioned in this account. 163-165 Kangra Temple dedicated to Parsvanatha. Statue of Adinatha with inscription dated Samvat 1523. Different other statues. 183 Kragrama Inscription dated Samvat 1296 and recalling the dedication of a sanctuary. Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 302 Pages 45 117-118 122 124 & 135 187 239-242 8-9 14-15 22 30 40-41 58 78-79 Localities Chatsu Shiv-Dungr Thoda Nagar Bijoli. Bhateswar Orai Rawatpur Dinai Kundalpur Pathari 107-108 Ghansor 113 Ramtek Volume--VI. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jaina antiquities The sect of the Jains must have existed before Mahavira, and the Buddha must have been the disciple of Mahavira, Pillar of white marble, with carved base, and bearing several short inscriptions, of which one is of Samvat 1706. Volume-VII. Temple presenting certain Jaina characters. Modern Temple. Fragments of sculptures. Temple dedicated. to Parsvanatha inscriptions, of which one is dated Samvat 1232. Group of small temples. Fragments of statues of recent date. History of Mahildeva, a Jain, stepbrother of Parmal, Parihar of Mahoba. Statue, probably Jaina. Temple with gigantic statue of Santinatha, the base of which bears an inscription of the 13th century. Place of pilgrimage. Several temples, the principal of which contains at colossal statue of Neminatha. Inscription dated Samvat 1501. Group of temples in ruin. Statues of no interest. Ruins of a temple, Statue. Temple with gigantin Santinathe. statue of Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 117-118 164-165 216 237 240-245 77 136 159 160 182 187 119 190-191 193 202 Localities Nagpur Arang Ratnapur Dhanpur Sohagpur Pawa Mandor Chechgaongarh. Bilonja Churra Dulmi. Deoli Suissa Pakbirra Babulara Jaina antiquities Numerous statues coming from Raipur, important Jaina place, which counted formerly several temples and possesses still one to-day. Temple and numerous relics. Some fragments. Group of four great temples probably Jainar. Numerous relics. Several statues. Fragment of Stupa. Volume-VIII. 303 Groups of temples. Ancient A very frequented place of pilgrimage. Two temples of recent date. statues. It is there, according to tradition that Mahavira died. Temple of no interest. Inscription, according to which this locality counted formerly several Jaina temples. Statue. Temples in ruin. Sculptures. This locality was an important Jaina centre in the 9th and 10th centuries. Temples, with beautiful statue in the greatest temple among them. Several statues. Numerous temples and statues, of which one is colossal. Statue, Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 304 Pages 32 40-41 58 114 . 1-2 5 16-17 32 34 Localities Pataini Devi Bahuriband Tewar Khandwa Kaushambi Kausambr Khajuraho Gyarispur Gyarispur 53-55 Udayagiri Volume-IX. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Statue of Adinatha and two other statues of Jaina appearance. Jaina antiquities Gigantic statue with inscription of seven lines, the date of which has been mutilated. Three Digambara statues, one of which is of Adinatha. Volume-X. Temple of Parivanatha with several statues bearing an inscription. Temple and collection of 15 Sculptures. Medal representing, it is said, Trisala, mother of Mahavira. The temple Ghantai and the temple of Jinanatha. Plate VIII. Collection of 13 sculptures, eleven of which are some digambara statues. Ancient brahamanical temple now occupied by the Jains and decorated with statues. Temple with some short inscriptions recalling the names of pilgrims. Jaina grotto, with statue of Parsvanatha. Inscription of eight lines in perfect. state and dated of the year 106 of the Gupta era. This inscription has been reproduced (Plate XIX), transcribed and translated. It permits the ver fication of the legend relating to the origin. of the Svetambaras. Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 63-64 73-74 92-93 96 96 100-104 52 98 Localities Baro Dudahi Dudahi Chandpur Deogarh Newal 170-171 Pava Jaina antiquities Resemblances between the Jains and the Buddhists. Some places, as Dhamek near Benares, Rajgir, Kaulambi etc. are equally sacred for both; the resemblance between a Buddhist and a Svetambara Jain is slight; at last it seems almost certain that the Buddha may have been the disciple of Mahavira. Temple of Brahamanical origin and repaired by the Jains. A group represented Mahavira child with its mother Trisali. Group of small temples. Inscription of Samvat 933. Ruins of two temples. Plate XXXI. 305 In the neighbourhood of the town, ruins of another temple, with sculptures. Volume-XI Description. Ruins of temples and broken statues. Ruins of six temples constructed from 862 to 1164 A. D. Different inscriptions. The greatest and the most important of these temples contain an inscription dated all together Samvat 919 and Saka 784, and fixing thus the date of Bhojadeva at 862 A. D. Plate XXXIII. Temple in ruin. The princes of Chandrikapuri (Sravasti) must have been Jainas. Holy town among all for the Jainas. Mahavira died there. The legend of Upali. Two temples, the Jal-Mandar Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages Localities Jaina antiquities and the Thal-Mandar, the Jal-Mandar is constructed at the place where Mahavira died, and the Thal-Mandar at the place where his remains were burnt. Miniature-temple, called Samosaran, containing the prints of the feet of Mahavira, and constructed on the site where the master had the custom to teach his disciples. The five stages of the career of a Tirthankara. conception, birth, entrance in religious life, enlightenment, nirvana. The cult at Pawa; the respect of the living beings. Volume-XII. 121 According to the Jaina chronicles, a founder of religious sect, named Gautama, has been the disciple of Mahavira. Volume-XIII. 3 Tala Some ancient temples with sculptures. Benu Sagar Two scultptures probably Jaina. 73 Mount Paresnath Place of pilgrimage. 79-91 Khandagiri Grottos with statues of Tirthankaras. The locality was a place of pilgrimage. Volume-XV. Jahangira Sculptures and temple Parsvanatha. dedicated to 108 - Mahasthan Statue of a Tirthankara. Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 307 Pages Localities Jaina antiquities Volume-XVI. 18-129 Khakundu Temple with statue of Parsvanatha. Volume --XVII. 20-21 Arang 111-112 Mathura Temple and some statues. Statues of Mahavira with inscriptions, A very frequented temple of Parsvanatha, Volume-XVIII. Ramagrama Fragments of statues. Rudrapur Statue. Volume---XIX. 82-83 Rewa Temple and statue of Mahavira. Volume---XX. Mathura Mathura Mathura 101-102 Dubkund Statue with bas-reliefs. Plate IV, I. Statue with Indo-Scythian inscription of the year 57. Inscription dated Samvat 62. Plate V, 6. Important temple (Plate XX), with statues and inscriptions, one of which of 59 lines, is dated Samvat 1145, plates XXI and XXII. Persecution of the Jain and the Buddhists by the Brahamans, in the 11th century. The Jains retired specially in the Pancala. 04 Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 Pages 119-120 Bahadurpur 122 127 2 19 47 60-62 73-74 101 152-153 Localities Rajgir Paranagar Kosam Marpha Ajaygarh Khajuraho Mahoba Bargaon Gurgi-Masaun Temple in ruin with inscription of Samvat 1573, the text and the translation of which have been given. Volume-XXI. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jaina antiquities Three entire statues and numerous fragments. Fragments of statues, Modern temple with three carved in the rock, 5. with three statues Two inscriptions, dated Samvat 1407 and 1408. Small statues. Different inscriptions: Two, very short, of the 10th and of the 12th century, in the temple Ghantai (Plate XX); On a gigantic statue of Santinatha Samvat 1085 (Plate XX); On a statue of Sambuhnatha, Samvat 1215 (Plate XX); In the temple of Jinanatha. Samvat 1111 (Plate XVI); 5-9. Short inscriptions dated Samvat 1205, 1212, 1215, 1220 and 1234. Seven inscriptions dated respectively Samvat 1169, 1203, 1211, 1213, 1220 (?) and 1224, (Plate XXIII). Relics of temples and sculptures. Temples in ruin and sculptures. Plate XXXV. numerous Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 309 Pages Localities Jaina antiquities 166-167 Kundalpur 170 Saurai Temples numbering about fifty; the most important contains a gigantic statue of Mahavira. Two inscriptions of Samvat 1757 and 1501. Temple decorated with sculptures and dedicated to Adinatha. Three temples with statues and one of which contains an inscription of Samvat 1212. 172 Madanpur Volume-XXII. 12 Rudrapur Statue. 105 Candravati Three temples of recent construction. Volume-XXIII. 85-91 Pali Different temples, the most important of which has been specially described. Plate XVIII. 93 Nadole Three temples dedicated to Neminatha, Mahavira and Santinatha. 101 Nathdwara Some Jains reside in this locality but without possessing there any temple. 117-118 Chitorgarh The famous tower called Kirtam of Choga Kirtam. Plate XXII. Temple dedicated to Parsvanatha. 135 Khatkar 309 J. BURGESS. Report of the first season's operations in the Belgam and Kaladgi districts (Archaeogical Survey of Western India, Vol. I)-London, 1874, Pages 1-5 Description of three ancient Jaina temples at Belgaum with 6 plates out of text. These temples date from about the year 1200. Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 310 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 11-12 Mention of an inscription in Canara mixed with Sanskrit, found at Saundati and on which some Jaina names are found. 12-13 25-26 Short description of the temple of Pancalinga, constructed as Huli by the Jains; 2 plates out of text. Description of a Jaina grotto at Badami (grotto IV); Statues of Parsvanatha and of several naked Jainas, that which makes one believe that the question is of a digambara temple; some inscriptions of names, written in an alphabet of the 6th century; 2 plates out of text. Short description of the statue of a Jain, in the grotto V. at Badami. Description of an ancient Jaina temple at Pattadkal broken statue of Parsvanatha and other small statues of Jinas; a plate out of text. Description of a Jaina grotto at Aihole; statue of Parsvanatha, of Mahavira and of other Jinas; 2 plates out of text. Mention of an ancient Jaina statue with short inscription at Aihole. 37-38 40 310 1. BURGESS. Report on the Antiquities af Kathiawad and Kachh (Archaeological Survey of Western India, Vol. II)-London, 1876. Pages 14-15 84-85 91 Enumeration of the principal Jaina sanctuaries in the Kathiawad. Reviews on the place and the period of composition of the 'Kalpasutra' and 'Satrunjayamahatmya'. The rayana tree (the Rajadani of the Sanskrit writers-Mimusops Kauki or Butea frondosa, according to Wilson), considered as sacred in the western India and especially dedicated by the Jains to their first Tirthankara, Risabha. The grottos of Junagadh would have been excavated for the Jains at the end of the 2nd centuary A. D. 141 147 149 157-158 Review on two temples constructed at the top of a hill, at Talaja. Short description of the smallest of these temples, (in note). Analysis of the chapters X-XIII of the Satrunjayamahatmya. Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 159-163 Text and translation of a great historical inscription situated on the way of the temples of the mount Girnar. 166-176 Detailed description of the Jaina temples of the mount Girnar. I. Temple of Neminath, with 2 inscriptions and 2 plates out of text. II. (a) Temple of Risabhadeva ; (b) Temple of Parsvanatha; (c) Temple of Kumarapala. V. Temple of Sampratiraja. VI. Different other temples of less importance. 181-132. Short description of the Vaniavast, an old temple in ruin, at Ghumli; statue of Parsvanatha reporduced in a plate out of text. 215 205. Description of a Jaina dome at Munra, with 2 plates out of text. 206-209. Detailed description of the temples called Vaski or of Jagadevasah at Bhadreswar; historical reviews relating to this temple. Five plates out of text. 217 4-10 311 III. Temple of Sambhavanatha. IV. Triple temples of Vastupala and Tejahpala, with 2 plates out of text and 5 inscriptions. 37 Short review on the temple of Dharmarka, and on the ruins of another temple at Kanthkot. J. BURGESS. Report on the Antiquities in the Bidar and Aurangabad Districts (Archaeological Survey of Western India, Vol. III)-London, 1878. Pages Short description of the temple of Parsvanatha at Sankhelwar, and of the relics of an ancient temple. 311 Detailed description of seven Jina grottos of Dharasinva; 7 plates out of text. The Calukya princes, while professing the visnuite faith, defended and often patronised the Jains and the Sivaites. Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 52. DescriptIon of a Jaina grotto at Jogal Amba with a piate out of text. 129-138. Study of a Sanskrit inscription coming from the temple called Meguti at Aihole. This inscription, which is reproduced in facsimile, transcribed and translated, proves that the temple where it is found is of Jaina origin. 312 (i) D. P. KHAKHAR. Report on the architectural and archaeological remains in the province of Kachh (Archaeological Survey of Western India, Miscellaneous Publications, (n. 13 - Bombay, 1879. Pages 19-21 Description the temple of santinatha at Kothara, with a plate out of text (Appendix II, No. 3). -- 61 Short description of the temple of Vasupuja at Sikra. Description of the Jaina temples of Katariya. 63 64-65 Review on the temple of Mahavira at Kanthkot. 67-76 Text of an inscription (No. 1) which is found in the temple of Santinatha at Kothara. 84-85. Text of two inscriptions (Nos. 23 and 24) of the temple of Vaspuja at Sikra. 86-87 Text of eleven inscriptions (Nos. 25 to 35), of which one (No. 25) reproduced out of text, of the temple of Mahavira at Kanthkot. Analysis of the inscription No. 1. Analysis of the incriptions No. 23 and 24 and note on the inscriptions Nos, 25 to 35. Reports regarding the archaeological remains in the Kuryachee, Hydreabad and Shikarpur collectrorates in Sindh (Archaeological Survey of Western India, Miscellaneous Publications, n. 8) -Bombay, 1879. - P. 29. Review of R. I. crawford on a Jaina temple in marble, situated at Haro, at 12 miles from Virawah, and dedicated to the goddess Gauar. This temple was constructed in Samvat 1432; it is the object of annual pilgrimages on the part of the Jains and of others inhabiting the region. Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages J. BURGESS. Report on the Elira Cave temples and the brahamanical and Jaina Caves in Western India (Archaeological Survey of Western India, Vol. V)-London, 1883. 2. 43-50. The Jaina grottos of Elura: 58. 313 Importance of the discovery of the grottos of Elira as regards the history of the Buddhism, of the Jainism and of the mythology of India in general. 50-51. Indication of a Jaina grotto at Badami and of another at Aihole. 2 Notes of chronology compared, Buddhistic and Jaina. The five Jaina grottos of Elura. Short review on the first two which offer nothing remarkable. Detailed description of the third grotto, the Indra Sabha. Description of the Jagannatha Sabha. Short review on the fifth grotto. Seven plates out of text illustrate this description of the Jaina grottos of Elura: pl. VI-VII and XXXVII, 2-XLI, I. 58-59. Complementary reviews on the Jaina grottos of Ankai Tankai, with three plates of text, pl. XII; XLIX and L. 313 Review on the two grottos of Patna, with two plates out of text, pl. XLVII and XLVIII. J. BURGESS. Lists of the antiquarian remains in the Bombay Presidency (Archaeo logical Survey of Western India, Miscellaneous Publications, n-11).-Bombay, 1885. Pages Localities Murdeswar Districts 314 North Canara Jaina antiquities It is said that the temple was constructed by the Jaina kings of Kaikuri. Two inscriptions, one the gift in a temple in ruin. Stones carved with inscriptions. Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages Localities Districts Jaina antiquities 3-5. Bhatkal North Canara Hadavalli North Canara North Canara Different temples, the three principal temples of which are those of Candranatha, of Parsvanatha and of Santesvara. Serveral inscriptions; some bear Jaina symbols. Temple and inscriptions, Important temple called Caturmukhabasti. Temples of Vardhamana, of Nemi and of Parsvanatha. Statues of Jinas. Three important inscriptions. Carved stones. Gersappe 6-7 Bilgi North Canara Temple of Parsvanatha constructed towards the year Saka 1515, with statues of Neminatha Parsvanatha and Vardhamana consecrated in Saka 1573 Two great, inscriptions dated Saka 1510 and 1550. Old temple with carved stones and two inscriptions. Four statues of Jinas, one of which is with inscription Old temple. 8-9 North Canara Kubtur (Vanavasi) 23 Yalawatti Dharwad 26-27 Bankapur Dharwad Inscriptions of Saka 977 and 1042, relating some grants of territory made to some Jaina temples. Inscriptions dated Saka 1044. Two temples, one of which is with six inscriptions. 28 Aratalu Dharwad 29 Laksmeswar Dharwad 30 Chabbi Dharwad This village must have been formerly the capital of a Jaina prince. Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 30 31 33 34 42 43 43 37-38 Lakkundi 43 44 44 45 45 45-46 46 47 47 48 Localities Hubballi Aminbhavi Mulgund Soratur Belgaum Degulavalli Hannikeri Nandigad Badgi Kagwad Konnur Kalholi Saundati Huli Badami Pattadkal Aihole Districts Dharwad Dharwad Dharwad Dharwad Dharwad Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Belgaum Kaladgi Kaladgi Kaladgi Jaina antiquities Temple in ruin. Ancient temple of Neminatha, with three inscriptions. 315 Temples of Candranatha and of Parivanatha. Five inscriptions. Temple with inscription of Saka 993. Two temples and some other small sanctuaries. Three inscriptions, one of which is dated Saka 1094. Two temples of the 12th or of the 13th century. Temple of Isvara, partially in ruin and probably of Jaina origin. Ancient Jaina temple. Remarkable ancient temple. Ancient temple. Grotto and temple. Temple with inscription dated Saka 1009 and 1043. Ancient temple. Temple with two inscriptions, Saka 797 and 1018. Temple with inscriptions. Grotto. Ancient temples. Grotto. Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 316 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages Localities Districts Jaina antiquities 49 Hungund" Kaladgi Ruins of a temple. 51 Almele Kaladgi It is said, there existed in this village an important Jaina temple. 54 Kolhapur Kolhapur Ancient temple, inscriptions, Saka 1064. with two 1058 and Pawala Kolhapur 56 Rayabag Kolhapur Ancient college. Capital of a Jaina principality in the 11th century. Temple with inscription dated Saka 1124. Temple. 56 Khedrapur 57 - Herle Kolhapur Kolhapur Inscription in old canara, relating a grant to a temple, Saka 1040. 57 Bamni Kolhapur Temple and inscription dated Saka 1073. 57 Savaganw. Kolhapur Temple and inscription on a statue of Parsvanatha. 73. Dabhol . Ratnagiri Following the local history, this town must have been, in the Ilth century, the capital of a powerful Jaina prince. Khare-Patan Ratnagiri Temple, the only Jaina which exists, it is said, in the whole of the South Konkan. 102 Washali . Thana Grotto probably Jaina. 115-117 Nasik Chamar Tenkdi Grottos with statues of Jinas; the description of them has becn given Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 118 118 119 121 122 125 125 125 126 127 125 Varatiadevadi 130 131 132 132 132 134 135 Localities Chandor Ankai Nizampur Patanen Surate Rander Pal Vareth Baroch Shahabad Gandhar Kavi Kapadwang Matar Districts Nasik Nasik Khandesh Khandesh Surate Surate Surate Surate Surate Bharoch Bharoch Bharoch Bharoch Kaira Kaira Jaina antiquities 317 Sculptures. Seven or eight grottos, with an inscription. Temple consecrated to Parsvanatha. Temple of the 11th or 12th centuries. Tombs of Jaina priests with inscriptions. Four temples, one of which has been dedicated Parsvanatha, to Five temples. Important temple dedicated to Parsvantha, Two temples containing four inscriptions, the text of which has been given. Several temples, almost all are mordern. Statues in marble Three and in metal. inscriptions. Temple of Parsvanatha. Temple constructed in 1619. Two temples, each containing an inscription. Pretty temple. Modern temple. Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -318 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Page Localities Districts Jaina antiquities 136 Cambay Cambay Temple of Parsvanatha, constructed in 1588, and reconstructed at a recent period; inscriptions. Temples of Adisvara and of Neminatha. Champanir Panch Mahal Temples in ruin. 137- Pavagad Panch Mahal Temple in ruin and group of other ancient temples, but revived at a recent period. 139 Idar Mahi Kanta and Temples of finished, temple of santinatha. 140 Posina Sabli Mahi Kanta Temple of Parsvanatha and of Neminatha. 141 Kumbharia Mahi Kanta Five temples dedicated to Neminatha: inscriptions. Historical review on these temples. Temple of Hathisingh (1848) and of Cintaman (1638). 149 Ahmadabad Ahmadabad Temple. 167 168 Mahuva Baroda Anahilvad-Patan Baroda Several temples. Important inscription of the Kharatara sect, dated Samvat 1651. Chanasama Baroda Temple dedicated to Parsvanatha, the most important of the region, constructed towards 1835. Baroda Some temples, 170 Sankheswar Baroda Ancient Jaina sanctuaries which possesses still some temples. 175 Wadhwan Kathiawad Temple of Mahavira, dating probably from the 11th century. Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 319 Pages Localities Districts Jaina antiquities 182 Veraval-Patan Kathiawad Ancient temple disaffected by the Musalmans. 186 Girnar Kathiawad Group of temples with numerous inscriptions. 188- Satrunjaya Kathiawad 213 The famous Jaina sanctuary. Complete inventory of different temples. Concise description of each of them : period. architecture, statues, images, inscriptions, etc. Names of the devotees who had them constructed. P. 188--193. Integral text of an inscription situated at the entrance of one of the principal temples. 219 Haro Sindh Temple constructed in Samvat 1432: short historical review. 220 Virawah Sindh Ruins of several temples. 221 Bhadreswar Kacch Great temple of Jagadusah with inscriptions. Temple of Mahavira. Gedi Kacch 222 Kanthokot. Kacch Temple of the 13th century, partially in ruin. Some inscriptions, one of which is of Samvat 1340. Kacch Damaged temple. 222 222 Katariya Sikra Kacch Pretty temple of Vaspuja. constructed in 1717. 224 Kothara Kacch Great temple of Santinatha, eonstructed in 1852. .. Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320 Pages 228 228 241 Localities Kolhapur Jurur Sirpur Districts Amaravati Amaravati Basim Appendix Pp. 282-317. Text and translation of 39 inscriptions of Girnar. The most importants of them are those of the temple of Vastupala and Tejapala and of the temple of Neminatha, Supplement Pp. 321-322. Review on the temple of Candraprabha and that of Mahavira, at Ahmadnagar, in the district of Mahikanta. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jaina antiquities Celebrated Jaina sanctuary. Three temples. Temple of Paravanatha and other small ancient temples. H. COUSENS. Notes on Bijapur and Satrunjaya (Archaeological Survey of Western India, Miscellaneous Publications, (n. 14)-Bombay, 1890. Pp. 71-79. Review on the Satrunjaya. Historical and description. Period of the inscriptions: none is anterior to the 12th century; several of them are dated from the 12th to the 15th century, three of the 16th century and a great number from the commencement of the 17th century upto our days. Resemblances between the Buddhiste and the Jaina sculptures., The Jainas of Guzerat; beliefs and customs. The architecture of the temple of the Satrunjaya in general. 316 BHANDARI. Viracand Bhutaji. Viracand Bhutaji. Vinati Patra-Delvada, 1838. On the Jaina temples of the mount Aba. In Guzerati. 317 BURGESS, Jas. and H. COUSENS. The Antiquities of the town of Dabhoi in Gujarat. -Edinburgh, 1888. P. 1. The Brahamanical temples at Siddhapur. Somanatha and Ambarnatha, are built in the same style as those of the Jains at Mount Abu and Bhadresvara. "P. 2. In his later days Kumarapala greatly favoured the Jains, or perhaps adopted their cread, and they possessed great political influence. Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 321 Visaladeva and his father Viradhavla were largely supported by two wealthy Jaina brothers, Vastupala and Tejahpala, famous in their days as builders of temples. Vastupala was a minister of Viradhavala. Temples in most of the principal cities of Gujarat were built or repaired by Vastupala. Visaladeva was encouraged by his minister to repair or rebuild, in rich style, the old temple of Kalika. Vastupala-carita, written in Samvat. 1365 (A. D. 1308), contains information relative to Dabhoi or Darbhavati, and an account in connection with the reigns of Viradhavala and Visaladeva. P. 3. Temples built by Tejahpala. Supply of materials from the Hindu and Jain shrines for the erection of a mosque. P. 5. and note 1. Jaina minister Vastupala Tejahpala's temple at Abu-The prasasti by Somesvara, dated Sam. 1311 or 1254 A. D. incised on the wall of the temple at Dabhoi. P. 7. Tejahpala's temple at Abu. 318 (i) BUHLER. Miscellaneous notes (Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des morgenlandes, Vol. IV, PP. 260-261)-Wien, 1890. Review on the fragments of sculptures discovered by Dr. STEIN at Murti, in the Punjab, on the ancient Jaina temple. 318 (ii) G. BUHLER. Dr. Stein's discovery of a Faina temple described by Hiuen-Tsiang (Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des morgenlandes, Vol. IV, Pp. 80-85) - Wien, 1890. Narration of the discovery, by Dr. STEIN, at Murti (Ketas), in the Puniab of the ruins of the Svetambara temple of Simhapura spoken by Hiouen-Thsang. Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 322 319 Report of the Archaeological Survey to the Government of Madras, Bangalore, 21st May, 1891; No. 210. Pp. 1, 3. At village Jayankondacholapuram in the Udaiyar palaiyam taluk of the Trichinopoly district, sketches of Jain images made as available at the village. and notes taken of the traditional history-Two Jain images known as Ammanasvami (or 'naked God')-vellalas once Jains, persecuted by Brahamanas-Their escape from the hands of the latter in disguise as cowherds. 320 Report of Archaeological Survey to Madras Government, dated Bangalore 10th, May, 1892, No. 210, Kistna district, Gudivada: Sketches made of the fine Jain image in the temple-A monolithic pillar with four Jain figures grouped around, and a triple umbrella over each. Pp. 5-6. Repalle taluq, Buddhani and Peravali : Jain dibba in the villages. 321 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Report of Archaeological Survey to Madras Government, dated Bangalore, 10th May, 1892, Na. 210. P. 4-Drawings: No. 1328. Plan and two Jain images, Adipattalagar temple, Magaral, Chingleput district. 322 L. A. WADDELL. Discovery of the exact Sie of Aseka's classic Capital of Pataliputra and description of the superficial remains.-Calcutta, 1892. P. 18. Review on two Jaina temples ol' Pataliputra. One contains an inscription of Samvat 1848, which recalls its dedication. P. 29. The Jaina ruins of Kanchananagar, namely: 1. A temple still standing and very well preserved; Relics of seven other temples; 2. 3. Different statues, one of which is of Neminatha, and one is of Candraprabha with mutilated inscription; Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 323 4. Several carved stones; A plate beside text, pl. IV. 323 G. BUHLER. Jaina Sculptures from Mathura (Transactions of the Ninth international Congress of Orientalists, Vol. I, pp. 219-221).-London, 1893, Study of four plates reproducing some sculptures discovered at Mathura. 1. Tablet of homage with scenes of adoration of the Arhats. II. (A) The god Nemasa conveying the embryo of the Mahavira. (B) (a) Adoration of a stupa by some Kinnaras and Suparnas. (b) Procession of human worshippers. III. Pilgrimage of gods and men towards the Jaina sanctuaries. IV. Statue of a Tirthankara. 324 Dr. G. LE Bon. Les Monuments de l'Inde.--Paris, 1893. There is a talk of Jaina monuments in the following chapters. Book-III Chapter 1. Monuments of north-east India. Pp. 68-70. Underground temples of Khandagiri and of Udayagiri, Fig. 47 and 48. Chapter II.- Architecture of Rajputana and Bundelkhand. Pp. 78.89. Monuments of Khajuraho-Fig. 63 to 81. Pp. 93-99, Monuments or Gwalior-Fig. 85 to 98. Pp. 101-104. Monuments of the mount Abu-Fig. 105 to 110. Pp. 109-111. Monuments of Mathura--Fig. 122 to 124. Chapter III.-Architecture of Guzerat. Pp. 118-122. Monuments of Ahmadabad--(No reproduction of Jaina monuments). Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 123-124. Monuments of Palitana-155 & 156. Chapter IV.-Architecture of Central India. Pp. 125-133. Monuments of Elura. Fig. 157 and 158. (grotto cailed Indra Sabha). Book-IV Chapter II.-Underground temple of South India. Pp. 148-150. Monuments of Badami.--Fig. 179 to 185. 325 J.U. YAJnik. Mount Abu and the Jaina Temples of Dailwada (Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XVIII, Pp. 14-29). -Bombay, 1894: At Dailwala, a village of the mount Abu one sees still to-day five Jaina temples, which the pilgrims visit every year. Four of these temples constitute a group, the fifth of which has been separated. All are remarkable for their architectural beauty. The most ancient of them is dedicated to Vrisabhadeva; it was constructed in 1030 A. D. by Vimalasah, a merchant of Anahilvad. Detailed description of this temple. Another, built by the two brothers vastupala and Tejahpals, Ministers of the king Viradhavala, is dedicated to Neminatha. It is equally the object of a special description, 326 Report of Archaeological Survey to Madras Government dated Bangalore, 30th June, 1896, Nos. 757, 758. P. 4. Drawings : No. 1383, Jain figure in the second prakara, Kamaksiamman temple, Conjeeveram. No. 1394. Jain figure on the road to Great Conjeeveram, Ekambresvara-svami temple, Conjeeveram. Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BILIOGRAPHY 325 327 Burgess, Jas. The Ancient Monuments, Temples and Sculptures of India. Pt. I: The Earliest Monuments.-London, 1897. Plate 58: Jaina sculptured pillars excavated at Mathura. Plate 59 : Two Jain and a Buddha pillars found at Mathura. Plates 155-156 : Jain sculptures from Mathura. 328 The J. BURGESS. The ancient monuments, Temples and Sculptures of India. Part I. earliest monuments-London, 1897. Among the plates devoted to the antiquities of Mathura, there are three of them which interest the Jaina art. The Plate 58 represents fifty carved pillars and the plates 155 and 156 of other varied sculptures. 329 James WARD. Historic Ornament, Treatise on Decorative Art and Arehitectural Ornament, London, 1897. P. 272. The four principal styles of Indian architecture are the Buddhist, the Dravidian, the Northern Hindoo, and the Chalukyan or Jain.' 277. The Jaina sect makes its appearance in India about the seventh or eighth century. They did not believe in the divine inspiration of the Vedas but as long as they observed caste and acknowledged the gods of the Hindu Pantheon, the Brahmans refraimed from persecuting them. The architecture of the Jains began when the Buddhist was dying out, One of the characteristics of Jaina architecture is the horizontal archway, and another is the bracket from of capital. 330 Report of Archaeological Survey to Madras Government dated Bangalore, 23rd June, 1898, No. 140.: P. 2. Tinnevelley district, Kallugumalai, with rock-cuttings on the hill. Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 326 331 F. KIELHORN. On a Jain Statue in the Horniman Museum (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland for 1898, Pp. 101-102),-London, 1898. Description of a statue of Neminatha, the pedestal of which bears an inscription in devanagari characters and dated Samvat 1208. The statue is reproduced in a plate beside text. 332 Report of Archaeological Survey to Madras Gavernment, dated Bangalore, 1st July, 1899, No. 171. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 2. Tinnevelley district, Kalluguma Lai, with rock-cuttings on the hill. Extensive Jain sculptures, P. 4. Drawings: Nos. 1406-1400. Jain images on the hill at Kallugumalai, Tinnevelley district. 333 Report of Arahaeological Survey to Madras Government, Bangalore, 29th June, 1900, No. 271. P. 6. Drawings: Nos. 364-371: Jain objects, Kolugumalai Tinnevelly district. As under Drawings in No. 137 (VI). 334 Report of Archaeological Survey to Madras Government, Bangalore, 29th June, 1901, No. 258. P. 9. Photographs: No. 374. Rock-cut Jain image on the top of the hill at Kailugumalai, Tinnevelley district. Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 327 335 A. STEIN. Notes on an Archaeological Tour in South Bihar and Hazaribagh (Indian Antiquary, Vol. XXX, Pp. 54-63; 81-97).--Bombay, 1901. Pages : 59 The Jaina sanctuaries around the ancient city of Rajagriha (Rajgir). 59-60 The temples and the Jaira grottos of the hill of Baibhar. 92 The grottos of Baimbhar and the statues that they contain. 93-95 The Jaina The mountain Paresnath. "The sculptures on rock. tradition relating to this sanctuary. 336 Repart of Archatological Survey to Madras Government, Bangalore, 28th June, 1902, No. 215. P. 3. Jaina temple at Anjanageri is a note worthy specimen-contains a long inscription and some carved Jaina sculptures. P. t. A stone built Jaina temple of Santinathasvami with a front Mandapam of four pillars- Description of the temple and its architecture. The principal image with attending rakja and Yaksini. An inscription dated A. D. 1544. P. 15. Notes on Survey : 1. Field No. 306-A temple of Jain style completely destroyed. temple in Jain style with thick massive pillars and 2. Field No. 413. A gopuram. P. 38. Basadi or Basti. A Jain temple. 337 CHAKRAVARTI, Mon Mohan. Notes on the Remains in Dhauli and in the Caves of Udayagiri and Khandagiri-Cuttack, 1902. P. 2. All Jain figures are not nude-"The God of the Jainas is figured naked, young, handsome, with a calm countenance, and arms reaching down to the knees; Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 328 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY (Varahamihira's Brihat-Samhita his breast is marked with the Srivatsa figure". Ch. 58, V. 45). P. 3. Hallos or bhamandalas are common to all classes of images, Hindu, Buddhist and Jain. All the Tirthankaras have generally halos. Pp. 4-6. The caves of Khandagiri, Udayagiri and Nilgiri. All the caves ascribed to the Jains and not to the Buddhists. Prevalence of Jainism in Khandagiri from a long time-Trisulas open or pointed, Stupas, Svastikas, barred railings, railed trees, wheels, the Goddess Sri common to Jainism as to other religions-Symbols closely connected with Jainism observed in these caves-Jainism fairly well proved to be older than Buddhism, its last two Tirthankaras, Mahavira and Parsvanatha being historical personages. The last two Tirthankaras are generally assigned respectively to the 6th and 8th century B.C. Proof of ample margin for the spread of Jainism. The inscriptions support the hypothesis of Jain occupation. King Kharavela of the Hathigumpha inscription made the grant to the Jains. Caves having images meant as temples places of worship; while those without such images meant as residences for Jain monks. P. 8. The Satagharia cave images of 24 Jain Tirthankara of the three broken caves to the left of the Satabakhria two have images of Tirthankaras and their attendants. The Jain temple over the Satabakhria cave is of the same age as the cave. The other temple crowning the hill was built in the 18th century by a Jain merchant of Cuttack. . - - - - The Jain caves began to be made at about the time of Asoka's conquest of Kalinga (60 B. G.) P.9. The revival of Jainism with more elaborate image-worship is apparently due to the influence of the Jains in Western and Southern India. To the influence of the Rastrakutas flourishing from A.D. 748 to A.D. 973, the of revival Jain worship in Orissa in the 9th to 11th century may be reasonably supposed to have been due. The subsequent disappearance of Jainism from Orissa is probably attributed to the increasing influence of Jainism from Orissa is probably attributed to the increasing influence of Vaisnavism and specially of Jagannatha worship-Persecution of Jain and Bauddha Sadhus in the hills round Bhuvanesvara by Madar Mahadeva, grandson of Chodaganga Deva in the close of the 12th century A.D. No Jain remains have been found which can be authentically dated later than this period, Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 329 P. 20. In the Jain temple in the terrace of the Khandagiri there is a masonry platform with small walls in which are embedded five images of Tirthankaras. P. 22. Dr. T. Bloch's remark on the paper--Everything in the caves is of Jain origin. 338 GARKETT, A. Notes on the caves of Udayagiri and Khanda giri.-- Calcutta, 1902. P. 8. On the upper storey of Lalatendra Kesari cave a number of upright naked figures of Jina. 339 Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of Madras and Coorg, 1908-03. -- Madras, 1903. P. 4. Jain image from Vellur. 340 Archaeologvical Survey of India. Annual Report 1902-03.-- Calcutta, 1904. Pp. 40-42. Review on the Jaina grottos of Khandagiri, in Orissa. The inscri. ption Hathigumpha of the King Kharavela. The sculptures of the grottos. The modern temple. As regards the inscription Hathigumpha, the date correspond to the year 165 of the Mauryakala, that is to say to the year 155 B. c. in taking for the point of start the accession of Chandragupta. 341 Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of India, 1902-03. Pt. 2:-Calcutta, 1904. P. 20. Jain caves at Khandagiri - Their conservation. Pp. 40-42. Caves at Khandagiri and their date. Pp. 108, 195, 199, 204. Hindu, Buddhist and Jain remains discovered at Ter (Tagara), near the western boarders of H. H. the Nizam's dominions. Temple of Mahavira and Parsvanatha-These shrines to the west of the town are of modern period without particular interest. Pp. 208-209. Stone columns in front of Jain temples, especially in the Kanarese country. No dipamalas attached to Jain temples. Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 330 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 342 Report, do Madras and Coorg; 1903-04.-Madras, 1904. P. 9. Jain temples. 14th Century : Gangatti temple, near Kamalapur. Group of six Jain temples South of Sri Pampapathi temple. Jain temple, Danavulapad, Proddatur, Cuddapah district. Pp. 26-30. Cuddapah district. Jammalamadugu taluk-Discovery of important Jain statues at Dhanavulapad on the bank of the Penner river 5 miles below Jammalamadugu-Full description given. Plate VII--Figures 59, 60, 61, Illustrations in the Report : 1. Colossal statue of Tirthankara in the shrine of the buried Jain temple, (2) Danavulapad-Ground plane of the burried Jain temple, Danavulapad. P. 36. Jain temple with some fine old brass images at Pennukonda, Anantapur district. Pp. 38-40. Cuddapah district, Proddatur taluk. Antiquities of ChilamkurThe two temples at the place seem to be survivals of the Jain period. P. 52. South Arcot district, Tindivanam taluk. Twenty-four Jain figures carved on a hill called "Tirunathar Kunru", near Ginjee. P. 58. Trichinopoly district, Perambalur taluk. The square tank at Valikandapuram has a Jain or Buddhist appearance. P. 82. Two underground large Jain images near Pattavaithalai. Pp. 91-92. Monuments selected for Conservation, The old temple of Sidhesvarasvami Cuddapah district, Siddhavattum taluk. at Jothi. P. 94. Photo : No. 602. A Jain image, Danavulapad. 343 Annual Report of Archaeolagical Survey of India, 1904-05, Pt. 2.--Calcutta. P, 4. Magnificient group of Hindu and Jain temples at Khajuraho-their conservation Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 26-27. Buried temple at Vijayanagar, probably the most extensive Jain temple in the city. Pp. 40-41. Mediaeval Jain shrines at Dhanavulapadu in the Cuddapah district. Pp, 59-60. Sarnath, near Benares, claimed by the Jains as one of their sacredsites-A modern temple of the Digambara sect, erected in 1824 A. D. Footprints and a white marble image of Amsanatha in the temple-Jainaprabhasuri's Tirthakalpa is dated in Samvat 1669 or 1612 A. D. 344 331 Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India. 1903-04. Pt. I. Caleutta,-1905. P. 5. Jain shrines brought to light at Danavulapadu, on the bank of the Pennar river in Madras. 345 Report de Madras and Coorg, 1904-05.-Madras, 1905. Conservation : Pp. 3-4. North Arcot district. The Jain cave temple-Malabar district. The Jain temple at Palghat. P. 15. Gangatti Jain temple. P. 17. Jain temples at Hampi. Pp. 20-21. Notice of the existence of a Jain temple on Jaganamadu near Palghat. Pp. 37-38. Cuddapah district. Extent of remains of an old Jain temple discovered at Danavulapad. P, 47. Monuments Selected for Conservation: No. 2.-The Jain temple at Danavulapad, Cuddapah district. No. 33. The Jain temple at Guruvayankeri, south Canara District. Additional List of Conservations: P. 48. No. 52.-The Jain images at Arappakkam, Chingleput district. No. 67. The Jain figures in the rock at Ginjee, South Arcot district. No. 68-The Jain temple at Chittamur, South Arcot district. Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 332 Pp. 51-55. No. 686.-South-East view of Ganagitti Jain temple, Humpi, Ballary district. No. 687. North-West view of Ganagitti Jain temple do. No. 688.-South-East view of dipastambham of Ganigith Jain Temple, Hampi, Ballary District. Photos: Dist. Nos. 690-92. East, South-West and North-West views of Jain temple at Hemakutam, Bellary District. Nos, 734-5.-South-East view of Buried Jain temple, Danavulapad, Cuddapah JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 736.-Inscriptions at Buried Jain temple, do. No. 737. Ornamented sculptures Pani Vattam, Buried Jain temple, do. No. 738.-Hanuman, Buried Jain temple, do. No. 739. Sculptures in front of main shrine, Buried Jain temple, do. No. 740.-Sculpture Pani Vattam, Buried Jain temples, Cuddaph district. Nos. 741-2.-Views of two sculptured stones in front of Buried Jain temple, do No. 743.-Portion of a figure, Buried Jain temple, do. No. 744.-Sitting posture of a lion, do. No. 745.-Portion of a Jain Tirthankara, Buried Jain temple, do. No. 746.-Sculptured base, Buried Jain temple, do. No. 747-750-Inscriptions at the Buried Jain temple, do. Nos. 751-752.-Sculptured pedestal at the Buried Jain temple, do, Nos. 811.-Ancient tombs of Jain priests in the burial ground at Mudbadri, Mangalore, South Canara District. Nos. 812-814.-South-East view of Hosabasti, Chandranatha Deva Jain temple, do. 346 Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India. 1903-04, Pt. 2.-Calcutta, 1906. Pp. 54-55. Hinda, Buddhist and Jain remains in the Central Provinces-Principal Jain shrines, now standing at Arang in the Raipur district and at Bhandak, near Chanda, Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 333 P. 68. Buddhist or Jain appearance of the square tank in Valikondapuram. a temple at P. 78. Jain shrines at Danavulapadu, on the bank of the Pennar river in Madras. Pp. 82-87, 105. Mahavira called "Vesalie" a native of "Vaisali", in the Jain scriptures-His birthplace at Kundagama in Videha-Pawapuri. in the Patna district, the place of Mahavira's death, and Champa near Bhagalpur are sacred places to the Jains-Nirgrantha monks living at Vaisali at the time of Hiuen-Thsang's visit, about 635 A. D.-Kundagama is same as Vaisali. Padukas of some Jain Tirthankaras are now a very fovourite object of worship in the Jain sanctuaries of north-eastern India. Plate 23. Map showing ruins of Hampi, Hospet taluk, Bellary district-Jain temples selected for conservation. 347 Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1904-05, Pt. 1,-Calcutta, 1906. P. 4. Mediaeval Jain shrines ot Danavulapadu in the Cuddapah district. P. 12. Photographic Negatives : No. 199. Temple of Adinatha, Khajuraho. No. 200. Jain tempie. Khajuraho. 348 1905-06. Annual Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey, Southern Circle, -Madras, 1906. P. 3. Excavation of the buried Jain shrines at Danavulapad. Sculptures and inscriptions discovered. Conservation: . P. 9. The Jain temple at Vijayamangalam, Erode taluk, Coimbatore district. P. 10. The Jain sculptures and inscriptions on a boulder at Vallimalai, Chitoor taluk, North Arcot district--The 18 Jain bastis, sculptures in the Raja's Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 334 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY palace and tombs of the Jain priests, Mudbidri, Mangalore taluk, South Canara district-A Jain statue known as Gumtesvara Dev, and the Jain basti known as Chaturmukha, Karakal, Udipi taluk, South Canara district. 349 Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1905-06. Pt. I.--Calcutta, 1907. P. 3. Buried Jain shrines at Danavulapadu in the Cuddapah district, Pp. 8-9. Photographic Negatives : No. 35. Banganga hill, Jain temple, Rajgir (old). - Nos. 44-45. Maniyar Math before demolition of Jain temple. Rajgir (old). No. 51. Maniyar Math after demolition of Jain temple, do No. 55. S n Bhandar cave, Tirthankara on east face of miniature chaitya, Do. Nos. 92-93. Vaibhara hill, cave below western most Jain temple, do. 350 Annual Report of Archacological Survey of India, 1905-06. Pt. 2.--Calcutta. Pp. 15-16. Two Jain images in the Indresvara temple in Kangra, Punjab. Pp. 43-49. Digambara Jain tower at Chitorgadh in Mewar-The tower probably built in 1100 A. D.-Kumarapala's visit to the hill in about the middle of the 12th century- A few shrines on the hill erected by the Svetambaras during the reign of Raja Kumbha-Version about the tower given in a ms. called the $17-Chitrakuta-durga Mahavira prasada-prasasti, composed in v. s. 1495, by Charitraratnagani. Pp. 58-59. Jain shrine in the site of ancient Rajagriha. P. 60. Mediaeval Jain shrines at Danavulapadu. P. 98. n. 1. Son Bhandar cave, a sanctuary of the Jains. Pp. 107-118. The main group of Dhamnar caves, Jain in origin. Pp. 120-127. Buried Jain remains at Danavulapadu. Pp. 141-149, Jain inconography. - -- P. 166. Inscriptions copied : (1) Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela; (2) a short inscription on the Son Bhandar cave, records that it was constructed in the 2nd or 3rd century of the Christian era by a Jain for members of his order. Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 335 351 (i) Annual Pro-Report of Archaeological Survey of Southern Circle, 1906-07.-Madras, 1907. Conservation : Pp. 19-20. Jain temple, Sultan's Battery. Wynud taluk, Malabar district--The old Jain basti, sculptures in the Raja's palace, tombs of Jain priests, and the great stambha Halcangadi, Mudbidri, mangalore taluk, South Canara district-A Jain temple at Karakal, Udipi taluk, South Canara district. 351 (ii) J. H. MARSHALL. 'Archaeological Exploration in India, 1906-07' (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1907, Pp. 993-1011), London, 1907. Pp. 1010. In the vicinity of Osia to the north of Jodhpur (Marwar) is found the ruins of a Jain temple. According to a mutilated inscription, this temple existed already in the time of the Pratihara Vatsaraja. . This prince must have been the contemporary of the Kings Govinda II and Dhruva of the dynasty Rastrakuta; according to the 'Harivamsa' Jaina, he lived towards Saka 705, that is to say 783 A. D. 352 J. H. MARSHALL. Archaeological Exploration in India, 1907-08' (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1908, Pp. 1085.1120 -London, 1908. P. 1102. Sahet-Mahet. Exploration of the Jaina temple of Sobhnath; discovery of numerous statues (cf. plate V. 3). 353 Annual Pro-Report of Archaeolagical Survey-Southern India, 1907-08, -Madras, 1908. Pp. 10-17. Ganagitri Jain temples-Jain temples on the rock above the Hampi village.--The Jain temples at Danavulapad-The Jain temple at Vijayamangalam. The Jain temples at Sultan's Battery. P. 28. Condition of Monuments : No. 151. Group of Jain figures at Kalugumalai. Sankaranayinar Koyel, Tinnevelley district, Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 336 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHA 354 Annual Report af Archaeological Survey of India, 1906-07, Pt. I: Administrative, -Simla, 1909. Pp. 26-27. Photographic Negatives : No. 437. View of Jain temple enclosure, Sarnath. No. 449. Jain temple in Sarnath. No. 594. Jain Tirthankara Parsvanatha, Kahaon (Gorakhpur). 355 - Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1906-07, Pt. 2.--Calcutta. P. 49. One Jain and twelve Vaisnava temples in Osia, 32 miles north of Jodhpur. P. 81. A sculpture in a Buddhist stupa at Sarnath, depicting Tryambaka engaged in a merry dance on the body of a Jain patriarch. P. 125. n. 3. Origin of Stupa-worship amongst the Buddhists and Jains. Pp. 138. 140-141. Jain remains obtained at Kankali Tila in Mathura - Jain establishment at the place down to the Muhammadan period --Jain sculp'ures found on the site of the old fort (Sitala Ghati) and in Rani-ki- Mandir. Pp. 189-192. The Jain work Tarkarahasya-Dipika and its composer thri Gunaratna-Suri in connection with the Pasuptas and the Saivas. P. 209. Neminatha temple on Mount Abu built by Tejapala, minister of the Vaghela Chalukya king Viradhavala-Tne family came from Anahilapura, i. e., Anahilpataka, and professed the Jain faith-Anupamadevi, the wife of TejahpalaConsecration of the temple took place in Samvat 1287-An inscription of v. s. 1013 in the Jain temple at Osia. P. 221, n. 4. The Kurumbas said to have belonged to the Yadava race and to have been Jains by religion, Pp. 232-235. The Pallavas and Jainism. Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 337 356 Annual Pro-Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1908-09,-Madras, 1909. Pp. 10-11. Jain residence at Ramatirtham near Vizianagram. Existence of Jain caves and remains on the hills Budhikonda and Durgakonda. Jain images on the hill Gurubaktakonda. P. 15. Bellary district. Vijaynagar-Groups of six Jain temples on rock, south of Sri Pampapati temple. Ganigitti Jain temple near Kamalapuram. P. 17. Cuddapah dist. Danavulapad-Jain temple. Combatore dist. Erode taluk, Vijayamangalam, Jain temple. P. 18. South Canara district. Mangalore taluk, Mudakodu, the Jain basti. Tombs of Jain priests. Venur, a Jain figure. Udipi taluk, Karkal, a Jain statue known as Gumtesvaradeo. A Jain temple known as Chaturmukha basti, on the hill. Uppinangadi taluk, Guruvayankerri, the Jain temple and stambha. Malabar district. Wynaad taluk, Sultan's Battery, Jain temple, P. 20. Trichinopoly district. Jayankondacholapuram, the Jain statues. Pp. 26-33. Conditions of Monuments : No. 100. Jain temple at vijayamangalam, Erode, Coimbatore dist. No. 110. Jain sculpture and inscription in the hill, Vallimalai, Chitor, North Arcot district. No. 141 (1) The old Jain bastis. (2) Sculptured wooden pillars in the Rajah's palace, Krisnagiri, Mangalore, South Canara district. No. 143. A Jain figure at Venur, Mangalore, South Canara district. Nos. 144-45. Jain statue Gustesvaradev and Chaturmukh basti at Karkal, Udipi, South Canara District. No. 147. Jain temple and stambha at Guruvayankerri, Uppanangudi, South Canara district. Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 338 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 194. Jain temple at Tirupaddikunram, Conjeeveram, Chingleput district. No. 281. Jatn cave at Yanamalai, Madras, Madura district. * No. 308. Jain statues at Gangaikondacholopuram, Udaiyarapalaiyan, Trichinopoly district. No. 313. Jain ruins at Mahadanapuram. Kulittalai, Trichinopoly district. No. 336. Group of Jain figures at Kalugumalai, Ottapidaram, Tinnevelley district. P. 39. Photos : No. 1927. View of the ruined brick shrine of the top of the Bodikonda, Ramatirtham, Vizagapatam. No. 1930. View of the natural cave and two Jain statues lying side by side, Ramatirtham, Vizagapatam. P. 42. No. 2009. View of sculptured panel of seated image from a Kalungula, Pauhalapati Trichinopoly. 357 BLOCH T. The Modern name of Nalanda (JRAS, 1909, Pp. 440-443). P. 442. Symbol of heavenly music on images of Jain Tirthankaras in Behar and elsewhere. 358 Vogel, J. Ph. Catalogue of the Archaeological Museum at Mathura,-- Allahabad, 1910. P. 11. Many broken statues of Tirthankaras were obtained by Cunningham in the course of his excavations at the western end of Kankali Tila. Kankali Tila was the site of some important Jain building which existed during the rule of the Indo-Scythians. That the Jain establishment, which once occupied this site, existed down to the Muhammadan period, is proved by inscribed Jina images dated in the 12th century of the Vikrama era. Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 17. Two Jain temples discovered in the Kankali Tila. P. 27. The Jain community of ancient Mathura had its main sanctuary on the site of Kankali Tila. 339 There are inscriptions which prove that the great Jain establishment of the Kankali Tila existed till the time of the Muhammadan conquest, when all Buddhist monuments of Mathura had long since fallen into ruins. Pp. 41-43. Some remarks regarding images of Jinas or Tirthankaras. The great Jain site of Mathura is the Kankali Tila. The Tirthankara image is in all probability a purely Indian creation. The most striking feature of the Tirthankara figure is its nudity in which case the image belongs to the Digambara sect. The Jina has symbols not only on the palms and soles, but also in the centre of the breast. The hair is usually arranged in short curls in the shape of spirals turned. towards the right. The earlier specimens are somewhat different: The hair assumes the appearance of a periwig, or it hangs down on the shoulders in straight locks. The earlier Tirthankaras have neither usnisa nor urna but those of the later part of the Middle Ages have a distinct excrescence on the top of the head. In artistic merit Jain figures are far inferior to those of the Buddhists-Devotional scenes are commonly found on the pedestals of Tirthankara figures of the Kusana period-The standing Jain figures are more devoid of grace and expression than the seated ones-Mention is made of the four-fold Jain figures in the possession of the Mathura Museum. In the earlier Jain sculptures of the Kusana and Gupta periods there is nothing to distinguish the individual Tirthankaras, except the snake-hood in the case of Supariva and Parsvanatha. In mediaeval sculpture there is usually a symbol or cognizance carved on the pedestal to show which Tirthankaras the image repre sents. Pp- 66-82. A list of eighty Jain sculptures including Jina or Tirthankara images, portions of images, heads, torso etc. Pp. 207-209. List of inscriptions, Kusana period (1st and 2nd centuries A.D.). Dated: Jina four-fold images; inscription dated in the year 5. Jina four-fold images; inscription of the year 35. Jina (?) image, fragmentary inscription of the year 50 in the reign of Huvishka. Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 340 JAINA BIBLIOCRAPHY Jina image : inscription of the year 83 in the reign of Vasudeva. Jina image : fragmentary inscription of the year 3. Jina image : inscription of the year 84 in the reign of Vasudeva. Jina image : inscription of the year 90 (?). Jina (?) statuette inscription. Jina image : fragmentary inscription. Jina (?) statuette : inscription of the Gupta (?) year 57 (A. D. 376-7). Jina pedestal : inscription of the Gupta (?) year 97 (?) (A. D. 416-7). Mediaeval and Later inscriptions. Jina statuette : inscription of the Vikrama year 1104 (A. D. 1047). Jina statuette : inscription of the Vikrama year 1234 (?) (A. D. 1177). Jina statuette : fragmentary inscription. Jina statuette : inscription of the Vikrama year 1826 (A. D. 1770). 359 Annual Pro-Report of Archaealogical Survey, Southern India, 1909-10,--Madras, 1910 P. 5. Jain temples above the Hampi village, Bellary district. P. 6. Jain temple on a hill on the north of the Chippagiri village, Bellary district. P. 19. Trichinopoly district. Virapatti Jain image in a field at Annavasal on the left side of the road from Trichinopoly to Pudukkottai, N. P. vellanur Jain image in a field on the right side of the road. Madura district, Yanamalai-Narasimhasvami temple, Jain sculptures, on the boulder above the cave. P. 21. Vizagapatam district, Ramatirtham monastery. A Jain image and several carved stones inside a natural cave--Supposed occupation of the site by an extensive colony of Jains, P. 38. Conservation : No. 10. Jain temple opposite Sita Sarovar. Hampi, Vijaynagar, Hospet taluk, Bellary district. Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 341 P. 42. Repairs to Jain statue, Jayankondacholapuram, Udaiyarpalaiyam, Trichinopoly. Coservation : Pp. 47-48. Jain temple, 14th century. No. 55.--Group of seven Jain temples on rock, south of Sripampapathi temple, Vizianagar, Hospet taluk, Bellary district. No. 56.-Ganigitti Jain temple near Kamalapur, Vizianagar, Hospet taluk, Bellary district. Condition of Ancient Monuments : P. 57. No. 8-Jain temple, Danavulapad, Jammalamadugu taluk, Cuddapath district. P. 61. No. 3-Jain temple, Vijayamangalam, Erode taluk, Coimbatore district. P. 64. No. 1.--Jain temples (1) The old Jain bastis, (2) Sculptured wooden pillars in Rajah's palace, (3) Tomb of Jain priests, Mudbidri, Mangalore taluk, South Canara district. P. 66. No. 38.-A Jain figure, Venor, Bangalore taluk, South Canara District. No. 39.--State of Gumtesvaradev, Karkala, Udipi taluk, South Canara district. No. 40. Chaturmukha basti, Karkal, Udipi taluk, South Canara district. No. 42. Jain temple and stambha. Guruvayankeri, Uppinangadi taluk, South Canara district. No. 45. Jain temple, Sultan's Battery, Wynad taluk, Malabar district. P. 67. No. 9 Jain sculptures and inscriptions in the hill, Vallimalai, Chittoore, North Arcot district. P. 74. No. 59. Jain temple, Tirupaddikunram, Conjeeveram taluk, Chingleput district. P. 88. No. 89.-Jain statues, Trichinopoly district. Jayankondacholapuram, Udaiyarpalaiyam, P. 89. Jain ruins, Mahadhanapuram, Kulittalai taluk, Trichinopoly district. P. 93. No. 1-Jain cave inscriptions on the rock etc., Yanamalai, Madura. Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 342 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 98. No. 15.--Rock-cut temple on the hill Kalugumalai group of Jain figures, Kalugu-Chelamuthu temple, Kalugumalai Otta pidaram, Tinnevelley district. Pp. 101-111. Photos : Village District No. 2054 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam 2056 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam Description Seated Jain image. Gurubhaktakonda, Three sculptured panels, Bodhikonda. Standing Jain image, Durgakonda. Standing Jain image, Gurubhaktakonda. 2058 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam 2083 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam 2084 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam Seated Jain image. Gurubhaktakonda. 2085-6 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam Seated Jain images, Bodhikonda - 2088 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam Standing Jain image with Nagahood from Durgakonda. Seated Jain image from Durgakonda. 2089 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam 2090 Ramtirtham Vizagapatam Standing Jain image from Durgakonda. Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Section II 1-ARCHAEOLOGY (Including Museum ) 360 Ajmer, for the Annual Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum, year 1910-1911. P. 5. Appendix A: List of Inscriptions in the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer, in 1910-11. Sirohi State (1) Slab of white marble at Dammani inscribed with a Sanskrit inscription of 6 lines, dated Sam. 1296 (1239 A, D.) recording a grant by Mahanasiha and others for the spiritual welfare of Anupamadevi, wife of Tejahpala; it also states that the village of Dammai belonged to the temple of Neminatha also called Lunavasahi on Mt. Abu (2) Slab at Kalagara, inscribed with a Sanskrit inscription of 13 lines, dated Sam. 1300 (1244 A. D.) records a grant to the temple of Parsvanatha at Kalagara by Kheta and others, in the reign of Maharajadhiraja Alhanasiha of Chandravati, P. 6. Appendix B: List of Images and sculptures in the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer, during 1910-91. Ajmere Municipality: An ornamental marble canopy at Ajmere of a Jain image containing elephants. 361 Report, do, 1911-1912. P. 2. Archaeology : Batli inscription of the 2nd century B. C. It is a fragment of an inscription in Characters of the 2nd cent. B, G.. engraved on a hexagonal pillar-First line Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 344 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY contains the words "Vir(a)ya Bhagavat (e)" which shows its original Jaina affiliation. It was found in the temple of Bhilot Mata about a mile from Basli, and was used as a mortar. Images of Santinatha and Parsvanatha (Digambara). P. 5. Appendix A: List of inscriptions in the Museum-Barli Estate . A fragment at Batli of a Jain inscription of the 2nd cent. B. C. Pp. 5-6. Appendix B: List of Images etc., in the Museum-Bharatapur State : A pedestal of a Jain image at Govardhan with a mutilated inscription with names of Jain Acharyas, Suratnasena and Yasahkirti. Tantoli Estate : At Tantoli a seated Jain image of black stone, another of santinatha and a third ornamental sculpture with Adinatha in the centre. Baghera Estate : (1) At Baghera a standing image of (Digambara) Parsvanatha, (2) Parsvanatha (Head missing), (3) A fragment of a sculpture representing eight Tirthankaras, (4) A pedestal of a Jain image. P. 7. Appendix C: List of inscription copied for the Museum Savor Estate : At Gatyali on a pillar of a Jain temple an inscription records the grant of a field called Mamavati to the Jain temple known as Dhania Vihara by a person named Nona in Sam. 1085 (A. D. 1028) Sirohi State. On a pillar of a Jain temple at Nandia an inscription, dated Samvat 1298 (A. D. 1241) and records that the pillar was made by Bhima for the spiritual welfare of his father Raura Kamana, son of Raura Punasiha. 362 Report do, 1912-13. Pp. 7-8. Appendix B: List of Inscription copied for the Museum -Jhalrapatan (city): On a pillar of Satsalaki Pahari, an inscription dated Samvat 1066 (A. D. 1009) mentions the names Nemidevacharya and Baladevacharya- Another much mutilated Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 345 one dated Sam. 1299 (A. D. 1242) contains the names of Malasangha and Devasangha. Jhalrapatan State: On Jain images at Gangohar. (1) an inscription dated Samvat 1330 (A. D. 1273) records the name of Sa Kadua, son of Kumbha, (2) another dated Samvat 1352 (A. D. 1296) records the name of Deda, son of Sa Ahada. (3) a third dated Samvat 1512 (A. D. 1456) records the construction of the image of Abhinandana byBhandari Gaya, (4) and a fourth dated Samvat 1524 (A. D. 1468) records the construction of the image of Sreyamsa by Sravaka Mandana, son of Jayata. Report do for the year ending 31st March 1915. Archaeology: P. 2. Several inscribed Digambara and Svetambara images. Pp. 5-6. Appendix A: List of Prehistoric Antiquities, images etc., in the MuseumThe Dungarpur State : At Baroda, (1) A Jain image bearing inscription dated Sam. 12 (xx) (head missing), (2) another inscription on a similar image bears the date Sam. 12(6)4, (3) a third bears the date Sam. 1713, (4) a fourth one, the date Sam. 1730, (5) a fifth one, the date Sam 1632, (6) a sixth one, the date Sam. 1654, (7) a seventh one on a image of Adinatha bears the date Samvat 1573, (8) an eights one, on an image of Sumatinatha bears the date Samvat 1654, (9) a ninth one, a Jain image bears the date Samvat 16 (xx), (10) a tenth one, on a Jain image bears the date Sam. 1650, (11) an eleventh, on an image of Parsvanatha bears the date Sam. 1573 (head missing), (12) a twelth one on part of a sculpture of a small Digambara Jain image. The Banswara State. : At Kalinjara, (1) an inscription on lower part of a Digambara Jain image bears the date Sam. 1640, (2) another inscription on lower part of a Digambara Jain image of Chandraprabha bears the date Sam. 1625, (3) a third inscription on a Jain image of Sumatinatha (head missing) bears the date Sam. 1648, (4) a fourth inscription on a Jain image of Sreyamsanatha (head missing) bears the date Sam. 1648. The Banswara State : At Talwara, (1) a standing Digambara Jaina image bears inscription of Sam. 1130, (2) another bears inscription of Sam. 1137. Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 346 The Dungarpur State : At Baroda, a Jain image of Parivanatha bears inscription dated Sam. 1665. Pp. 7-8. Appendix B: List of inscriptions copied for the Museum Banswara State: JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY In a Jain temple at Arthuna. an inscription of the time of the Paramara prince Chamundaraja is dated Sam. 1136 (A. D. 1080). Dungarpur State: On a slab built into the wall of a Jain temple at Antri an inscription (broken into pieces) of the time of Rawal Somadasa of Dungarpur, is dated Sam. 1525 (A. D. 1468). Inscription Copied : P. 2. An inscription of the time of Paramara prince Chamundaraja dated Sam. 1159 (A. D. 1102) found at Arthuna in the Banswara State. It is much defaced. 363 Report do, for the year ending 31st March, 1917. Inscriptions copied : P. 3. Navgama (in the Banswara State) It is bulit into a wall of the Jain temple of Santinatha and is dated Sam. 1571 (A. D. 1514). It states that during the reign of Maharajadhiraja Raula (Rawal) Udayasimha, the temple of Santinatha was built at Nutanapura (Navgama) in the Vagvara (Vagada) country by Humbada Sripala and his brothers Rama Manka, Ruda, Bhauna, Ladika and Viradasa. P. 6. Appendix B: List of Inscriptions copied for the Museum Banswara State: Engraved on a memorial pillar at Naugama is an inscription of the time of Rajadhiraja Somadasa of Dungarpur, dated Sam. 1557 (A. D. 1480). It records the death of some Jain priest. 364 Report do, for the year ending 31st March 1918. P. 2. Inscriptions copied : Do. dated Sam. 1155 (A D. 1098) recording construction of the image of Munisuvrata, found in the Godijis (Jain) temple at Kelwa Udaipur State. Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 347 Do. of the time of Paramara prince Vijayaraja (of Vagada) dated Sam. 1165 (A D. 1109), contains names of Mandana and Chamundaraja. Do, dated Sam. 1732 (A. D. (1675) engraved on the pedestal of the image of Risavadeva in the Chaturmukha temple, records that during the reign of Maharana Rajasimha the temple was built by Saha Dayaladasa, Sarpuria Oswal, whose pedigree is given in detail. Do, dated Sam. 1699 (A. D. 1543) engraved on the pedestal of the image of Parsvanatha in the Jain temple known as Jagaji Talesara at Kelwa, records the name of Saha Jita of the Talesara sect in the Ukes (Oswal) caste, the constructor of the image. P. 9. Appendix B: Inscriptions copied : Udaipur State (1) Engraved on a dais in the Sitalanatha temple at Kelwa is an inscripticn, dated Sam. 1023 (A. D. 966). (2) Engraved on a lintel of a niche at Kelwa is another inscription, dated Sam. 1155 (A. D. 1098). (3) Engraved on the pedestal of the image of Parsvanatha at Kelwa is a third inscription, dated Sam. 1699 (A. D. 1642). (4) Engraved on the pedestal of the image of Risabhadeva as Rajnagar is an inscription, dated Sam. 1732 (A. D. 1675). 365 Report do, for the year ending 31st March, 1919. P. 2. Antiquities : A head of a Jain image. Pp. 2-5. Inscriptions copied : (1) An inscription on the pedestal of a stone image, in Digamber Jain temple at Ajabgarh in the Alwar State, dated Sam. 1170 (A. D. 1113), records the name of Sravaka Anantapala, who set up the image. (2) An inscription on the back of a brass image of Chandraprabha. Dated Sam. 1493 (A. D. 1436). Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 348 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY (3) Do; of the time of Rajadhiraja Dungarasimhadeva of the town Copachala (Gwalior), dated Sam. 1510 (A. D. 1453), records the installation of the image of Sambhavanatha by Bham (=Bhandari)-natha. The image originally belonged to some Jain temple at Gwalior, but is now deposited at the western entrance of the guest house at Alwar. (4) Do, on the back of a brass image of Dharmanatha, dated Sam. 1519 (A. D. 1462). (5) Do, of Parsvanatha dated Sam. 1559 (A. D. 1503). (6) Do, on the pedestal of a stone image, dated Sam. 1826. (7) A Hindi poetical inscription in Chhappai metre on a wall of Devaka Devara at thana Ghazi in Alwar State, records that one Rama, son of Risabhadasa of Khonduka sect of Patani clan (of Digambara Jains) built a mansion and a garden and consecrated the image of Deva (Devaji, a snake God) Sam. 1809 (A. D. 1752). P. 7, Appendix A : List of Antiquities in the Museum-A head of a Jain image at Adhai Dinka Jhompra, donated by the Commissioner, Ajmer Merwara, 366 Report, de, for the year ending 31st March, 1920. P. 2. Antiquities : Alwar State. A Digambara Jain image of Santinatha of white marble the head being severed from the body. The pedestal has inscription dated Sam. 1195 (A. D. 1138). Pp. 2-5. inscription copied : Alwar State On the pedestal of the standing image of Anantanatha in the Digambara temple at Navgama (Ramgarh Tahsil), dated Sam. 1175 (A. D. 1119). Do, of the temple of Santinatha, dated Sam- 1195 (A. D. 1138). Do, of a stone image in the Jain temple at Sundana, dated Sam. 1348 (A. D. 1291). Do, on the back of a brass inage representing all the Tirthankaras in the Jain temple at the village of Khela, dated Sam. 1479 (A. D. 1412) Do, on the pedestal (front and back) of a stone image in the Digambara Jain temple at Naugama, Alwar State, dated Sam. 1509 (A. D. 1452). Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOCRAPHY 349 Do, on the back of a brass image of Sumatinatha in the Svetambara temple of Santinatha at Manjpur, dated Sam. 1525 (A. D. 1469). Do, on the pedestal of a stone image in the Jain temple at village Khela, dated Sam. 1531 (A. D. 1475). Do, do, in the Digambara Jain temple at Naugama, dated Sam. 1545 (A, D. 1488). Do, do, in the Digambara Jain temple at Naugama, dated Sam. 1548 (A. D. 1491). Do, on the back of a brass image of Parsvanatha in the Digambara Jain temple at Lachhmangarh, dated Sam. 1595 (A. D. 1538). Do. on a stone slab built into the wall of the temple known as Chaumukhji at Sirohi. Records the consecration of the image of Adinatha by Sanghmukhya Sam. * (Sanghavi) Sipa and his wife Sarupade their sons, and grandsons, dated Sam. 1634, Saka, 1501. Do, on a siab of stone built into the wall of a Jain temple, recording constructions of a tempie of Ravana Parsvanatha and the consecration of his image by Hirananda. Dated Sam. 1645 (A, D. 1589). Do, on the image---pedestal of Sitalanatha in the Svetambara Jain temple at Manjpur, recording that the image was set up in Sam. 1654 (A. D. 1597). Do, do, in the Digambara Jain teraple at Lachhmangarh, dated Sam. 1660 (A. D. 1604). 'Do, on the back of a brass image of Kunthunath in the Digambara Jain temple of Risabhanatha at Lachimangarh, dated Sam 1700 (A. D. 1643). A Hindi inscription on a loose stone slab lying in the house of a Jatni at Kathumbar, dated Sam. 1718 (A. D. 1661). An inscription on the pedestal of a Jain image in the upper storey of the ChaumukAji temple at a Sironi, dated Sam. 1721 (A.D. 1664). P. 7. Appendix : List of Antiquities : A Digambara Jain image of Santinatha at Budha Pushkar donated by the Assistant Commissioner, Ajmer. 367 Report, do, for the year ending 31st March, 1921. P. I. Antiquities : A pillar having four Jain images (Chaumukha) on its sides bearing an inscription dated Sam. 1137 (A. D. 1080). Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 350 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY A pedestal of a Jain image with an inscription dated Sam. 1216 (A. D. 1159). Pp. 2-6. Inscriptions (copied): An inscription engraved underneath a Jain image found at Ajmer in a well near Husband Memorial High School. It is on a pillar with images on its four sides. (Chaumukha) and under one of the faces is emblem of lotus representing the image to be either of Padmanatha or Neminatha. Dated Sam. 1137 (A. D. 1080). An undated inscription which appears to be of the 12th C. From the script, on a lintel of one of the arches of the temple of Siva, 3 miles from Jaipur city. The inscriptions originally belonged to a Jain temple out of the material of which the mandapa of this temple was constructed. It contains five verses and extols Jina Nabhi. Do, on a pedestal of a Jain image (lost) found at Badhnor in the Dhar territory, dated Sam. 1216 recording the name of Acharya Kumarasena of Lada Vagada Sangha. Do, on a stone slab lying loose on a piatform built round a tree in front of the Ramapol gate at Chitor, dated Sam. 1358 (A. D. 1302). It is important as it gives the latest date of the reign of Rawal Samarasimha of Mewar. The latest epigraphic evidence known so far gives the date, Sam. 1344 (A. D. 1387). Do, on a pillar in the Jain temple now known as Singar Chaurt at Chitor, dated Sam. 1505 (A. D. 1448). The Building where the inscribed pillar exists is really, a Jain temple and not the Singar Chauri or the place of marriage Rana Kumbha's daughter. The temple has no image at present, P. 7. Appendix A: Antiquities deposited in the Museum-Dhar State: A pedestal of Jain image at Badhoor, donated by Pt. Chandradhar Gulleri, Ajmer, P. 8. Appendix B: List of inscriptions copied for the Museum An inscription dated Sam. 1137 (A. D. 1080), underneath a Jain image at Ajmer. 368 Report, do, for the year ending 31st March, 1922.-Delhi, 1923. Pp. 1. 4. An inscription on the back of a brass image of Parsvanatha in the temple of Santinatha at Sirohi. Dated Samvat 1155 (A. D. 1078). Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 351 Do, of Risabhadeva in Gumanji's temple at Partabgarh, Dated Sam. 1363 (A. D. 1306). Do, in the Naya Jain temple at Partabgarh dated, Sam. 1373 (A. D. 1317). Do, in the Svetambara temple at Deolia in the Partabgarh State Dated Sam. 1373 (A. D. 1316). Do, of Santinatha in the Svetambara temple of Parivanatha at Deolia, dated Sam. 1393 (A. D. 1337). 1394 (A. D. 1338). 1452 (A. D. 1395). Do, in the same temple, dated Sam. Do. in the same temple, dated Sam. Do, in Gumanji's temple at Partabgarh. Do, in the temple mentioned above. Dated Samvat 1464 (A. D. 1408). Dated Sam. 1462 (A. D. 1405). Do, in the Svetambara temple of Parsvanatha at Deolia, Dated Sam. 1479 (A. D. 1422). Do, in the same temple, Dated Sam. 1483 (A. D. 1426). Do. in Sadha Bara's temple at Partabgarh. Dated Sam. 1503 (A. D. 1446). Do, in the Svetambara temple of Parsvanatha at Deolia. Dated Sam. 1509 (A. D. 1452). Do. in the Svetambara temple of Parivanatha at Deolia. Dated Sam. 1518 (A. D. 1461). Do, in the Svetambara temple of Parivanatha at Deolia. Dated Sam. 1518 (A. D. 1461). Do, in the Digambara temple of Risavadeva at Jhansadi in the Partabgarh State. Dated Sam. 1521 (A. D. 1465). Do, in the Svetambara temple of Parivanatha at Deolia. Dated Sam. 1521 (A. D. 1464). Do, representing 24 Jinas in the temple of Santinatha at Sirohi Dated Samvat 1522 (A. D. 1465). Do, image in the temple of Santinatha at Sirohi. Dated Samvat 1524 (A. D. 1467). N. B.-All the above inscriptions are engraved on the backs of brass images. In the above inscription there is proof of the wholesale conversion of the town of Osian (Ukesh) to Jainism. Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 352 369 (1) Annual Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum-Ajmer (2) For the year ending 31st March, 1910. P. 7. List of images and sculptures (1999-10): Locality Bharatpur State Katara No. 1. 3. 5. 8 Donor Bharatpur State. Katara Bharatpur State. Katara Tonk State Pindware Sirohi State Pindware Sirohi State P. 8. List of copies and impressions of Inscriptions (1904-10). No. Place Position of Inscription. In the temple of Mahavira. In the Temple of Santinatha. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Description. Digambar Jain Image of Mahavir bearing inscription of Samvat 1061 (A. D. 1004) head missing. Pedestal of a Jain Image forming a Lion Throne. Pedestal of a Jain image bearing an inscription of Samvat 1051 (A. D. 994). A small Jain image of brass bearing inscription Samvat of 1572 (A. D. 1515). Particulars. Records installation of an image of Vardhamana in Samvat 1465 (A. D. 1408) during the reign of Prince Sohaja (Devra Sobha of Sirohi). Records that some orchard Land was granted to be the temple by Shringara Devi, Queen of Dharavarsha daughter of Kelhan in Sam. 1255 (A. D. 1198). Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 353 No. Place. Particulars. Position of inscriptions. Siwera (2 slabs) Moongthala (2 slabs) Moongthala Kayadaran, Sirohi State. Kalagarha, Sirohi State. In the Temple of the time of Devra Vijey of Santinatha Singh. Records grant of Grain to the temple (copied). On a pillar of Records the erection of a pillar a Jain temple. by Veerdeva in Sam. 1216 (A. D. 1159). On a pillar of a Records a grant by Raj Visaldeva, Jain temple. son of Raj Kanarde va. Sam. 1442 (A. D. 1385). In Jain Records the installation of an Temple. image by Gunadhya, son of Jajja, in Sam. 1091 (A. D. 1034). On a stone lying Records grants to the temple of in a field, Parasanath during the reign of Raj Alhan Singh of Chandravati in Sam. 1300 (A. D. !243). In the Jain It is of the time of prince Jait Temple. Singh, son of Kalahanadeva (of Jalore) Sam. 1239 (doubtful). In the Jain It is of the time of prince Samant Temple. Singh of Naddula (Nadule) Sam. 1359 (A. D. 1302). In the Jain Records that an image was Temple. installed in the temple in Sam. 1251 (A.D. 1194). 35. Palri, Sirohi State. 36. Vagin Sirohi State. Uthman Sirohi State. 369 (ii) 3. Report for 31-3-1911. P. 5. List of inscriptions-1910-11. No. Name of owner. Locality. Description. Sirohi State. Dammani Slab, Sanskrit inscription dated Sam. 1296 (1239 A. D.). Records grant by Mahanasiha and others for the spiritual welfare Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. Name of owner. Locality. Description. of Anupamadevi, wife of Tejpal, it also states that the village of Dammani belonged to the temple of Neminatha (Lune-Vasahi on Mt. Abu). 19. Sirohi State. Kalagara Slab, Sanskrit inscriptions dated 1st day of bright half of Magha, Sam. 1300 (1244 A.D.) records grant to the temple of Parsvanatha at Kalagara by Kheta and others during the reign of Maharajadhiraja Alhanasiha of Chandravati. P. 6. List of images : No. Donor. Locality. 3. Ajmer Muni Ajmer An ornamental marble canopy cipality. of a Jain image containing elephants etc. 369 (iii) . .. Report for 31-3-1913; P. 7-8. List of inscriptions copied-1912-13. No. Place Position of Particulars. inscription. 4. : . Jhalarapa- On a pillar on Dated Sam. 1066 (A. D. 1009) tan (city) : Satsalaki mentions the names NemidevaPahari. charya and Baladevacharya. Jhalarapa On a pillar on Dated Sam. 1166 (A.D. 1109) tan (city) Satsalaki records the records the death of Sristhi Pahari. papa. I Jhalarapa- On a pillar on -- Dated Sam. 1170 (A. p. 1113); tan (city) Satsalaki records the death of Sethi Pahari. Sadhila. . Jhalarapa- On a pillar on Dated Sam. 1299 (A. D. 1242) tan (city) Satsalaki contains the names of Pahari, Milasangha and Devasangha a condition mutilated, 4. Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 355 Place. Position of inscription. Particulars. On a Jain image. Dated Sam. 1330 (A. D. 1273); records the name of Sa Kadua, son of Kumbha. On a Jain image. Dated Sam. 1352 (A. D. 1296); records the name of Deda, son of Sa Ahada. Gangadhar (in the Jhalrapatan State) Gangadhar (in the Jhalrapatan State) Gangadhar (in the Jhalrapatan State) Gangadhar (in the Jhalrapatan State) On a Jain image. Dated Sam. 1512 (A, D. 1456); records the construction of the image of Abhinandana by Bhandari Gaja. Dated Sain. 1524 (A. D. 1468); records the construction of the image of Sreyansa by Sravak Mandana, son of Jayata. On a Jain image. 369 (iv) 5. Report for 31-3-1914 : P. 6. List of inscriptions copied-1913-14. Ahar (Mewar) On a lintel in It is of the time of the Guhila Jain Temple Prince Naravahana--date bet Bavan Devran. ween Sain. 1010 and 1034 (A. D. 953 and 977). 369 (v) 6. Report for 31-3-1915 : Pp. 5-6. List of images and sculptures--1914-15. Donor. Locality. Descriptions. Baroda Dungarpur State, A jain image dated Sam. 12 (xx) head missing bearing inscription. A Jain image, dated Sam. 12 (6) 4. Baroda Dungarpur State. Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 356 No. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23. 24, Donor. Dungarpur State Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Dungarpur State. Banswara State. Banswara State. Banswara State. Locality. Baroda Baroda Baroda Baroda Baroda Baroda Baroda Baroda Baroda Baroda Kalinjara Kalinjara Kalinjara JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Descriptions. A Jain image. dated Sam. 1713 (head missing). A Jain image, dated Sam. 1730 (head missing). A Jain image dated Sam. 1632 (head missing). A Jain image dated Sam. 1654 (head missing). A Jain image of Adinatha, dated Sam. 1573. A Jain image of Sumatinatha Sam. 1654. A Jain image dated Sam. 16 (xx). A Jain image 1650. dated Sam. A Jain image of Parivanatha of Sam. 1573 (head missing). A part of a sculpture representing a small Digambara Jain image. Lower part of a Digambara Jain image bearing inscription dated Sam. 1640. Lower part of a Digambara Jain image of Chandra Prabha, dated Sam. 1625. A Jain image of Sumatinatha dated Sam. 1648. (head missing). Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 357 Donor. Locality. Descriptions. Kalinjara Banswara State. A Jain image of Sreyansanatha dated Sam, 1648 (head missing). A standing Digambara Jain image dated Sam. 1130. Talwara Banswara State. Talwara Banswara State A standing Digambara Jain image bearing inscription dated Sam, 1137. Talwara Banswara State A standing Digambara Jain image bearing inscription dated Sam. 1137. Baroda Dungarpur State A Jain image of Parsvanatha bearing inscription dated Sam. 1665. Pp. 7-8. Inscription copied-i914-15. No. Place, Pesition of inscription. Description, Arthuna (Banswara State). In a Jain Temple It is of the time of the Paramara Prince Chamundaraja, dt. Sam. 1 159. Antri (Dungarpur State.) On a slab bulit into the wall of a Jain temple. Of the time of Rawal Somadasa of Dungarpur, Dated Sam. 1225. Broken into pieces. 369 (vi) 7. Report for 31-3-1916 : P. 3. An inscription of the time of Rawal Pratapasimha of Dungarpur, found at Uparagarem in the Dungarpur State it is dated Samvat 1461 (A.D. 1401) and records the construction of a Jain Temple by Prahlada, the Mininister of Rawal Pratapasimha. Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 358 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 369 (vii) 8. Report for 31-3-1917 P. 3. (5) Naugama (in the Banswara State) inscription ; Built into the wall of the Jain Temple of Santinatha and is dated the 2nd day of the dark half of Kartika, Sam. 1571 (A.D. 1514). It states that during the reign of Maharajadhiraja Raula (Rawal) Udaysimha, the temple of Santinatha was built at Nutanapura (Naugama) in the Vagvara (Vagada) country by Humbada Sripala and his brothers Rama, Manka, Ruda, Bhanna, Ladika and Viradasa. Particulars. Dated Sam. 1023. 369 (viii) 9. Report for 31-3-1918 : P. 9. List of inscriptions copied-1917-18. - No Place.. Position. 1. Kelwa (Udaipur Engraved on a dais State). in the Sitalanath's temple. 3. Kelwa (Udaipur Engraved on a lintal State). of a inche in the Godiji's temple, 10. Kelwa (Udaipur Engraved on the State). pedestal of the image of Parsvanatha. Dated Sam. 1155. Records construction of an image of Munisuvrita. Dated Sam. 1699. Ukisa (Oswal caste). Dated Sam. 1732. Oswal. 11. Rajnagar (Udaipur State). Engraved on the pedestal of the image of Rishabhadeva. 369 (ix) 10. Report for 31-3-1919 : Pp. 2-5. Inscriptions copied--1918-19. P. 2. IV. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Digambara temple at Ajabgarh (Alwar State). Dated Sam. 1170 ; records the name Sravaka Anantapala (who set up the image). VIII. An inscription of the time of Sultana Firoz Shah Tughlak, dated Sam. 1439. Built into the wall of a Bawri at Macheri Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 3. IX. X. XII. (Alwar State). Records construction of a Bawri by a family of Khandelwala Mahajanas of of Kasyapa Gotra, of the time of Maharajadhiraja Gogadeva of the Badagujara family ruling at Macheri. On the back of a brass image of Chandraprabha in the Digambara temple at Ajabagarh. Dated Sam. 1493. Image set up Bhimasiha and Kheta of Srimala caste; consecration by Ratna Suri of Tapagachchchha. 359 Alwar. Dated Sam. 1510. Records installation of the image of Sambhavanatha by Natha of Ukesa family; consecration by Jinasagara of Kharataragachha. On the back of a brass image of Dharmanatha in the Digambara Temple at Ajabgarh. Dated Sam. 1519. Srimala Caste and Brahmana Gachchha. Consecration by Vimalasuri. XIII. On the back of brass image of Parivanata in the Digamhara temple at Ajabgarh. Dated Sam. 1959. Records image set up by Sresthi Govinda, by the instruction of Vijayakirti Guru, who succeeded. Bhattaraka Jinaprabha Siri of Mula Sangha. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Digambara temple at Ajabgarh. Dated Sam. 1826. Records-image set up by Samgahi Nandalal by the instruction of Bhattaraka Surendra Kirti at Sav Madhavapura (Madhopur) during the reign of Savar Prithvisimha (of Jaipur). P. 5. XXIII. A Hindi Poetical inscription in Chhappai metre on a wall of DevaKa-Devara at Thana Ghazi in Alwar State. Records that one Rama, son of Rishabhadasa of Khonduka Sect. of Patni clam (of Digambar Jain) Originally resident of Nevata, that settled at Jaipur--who was an Amil (revenue Officer) built a mansion and a garden and consecrated the image of Deva (Deyaji, a snake. God?). Samvat 1809. P. 7. List of Antiquities: Donor-Commissioner, Ajmer Merwara. Locality-Adhi Din Ka Jhompra-Ajmera head of Jain image. Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 360 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 369 (x) 11. Report for 31-3-1920 : P. 2. Inscriptions copied : III. On the pedestal of the standing image of Anantanatha, in the Digambar temple at Naugama (Bamgarh Tahsil) in the Alwar State ; dated Sam. 1175. Records--the image was set up by Narendra-Kirti, a disciple of Acharya Vijayakirthi. IV. On the pedestal of the image of santinatha dated Sam. 1195 ; records--the image was erected by Pandita Gunachandra for Acharaya Geptanandi (Gauptnandi). P. 3. VI. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Jain Temple at Sundana in the Alwar State ; dated Sam. 1348 ; mentions the names of Sa (Saha) Lakhu and his son Lakhana belonging to Lambalambaka Anvaya (family) of Mula Sangha, VII. On the back of a brass image representing all the Tirthankaras in the Jain temple at the village of Khedo in the Alwar State. Dated Sam, 1479 ; records-the image was set up at the village of Baghori by Sa (sana). Dehtu and his son Jinadas ; consecration performed by Sahasakirtideva and Pam (Pandita) Lakhmidhara. VIII. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Digambar Temple at Naugama in the Alwar State. Dated Sam. 1509, mentions Bhattarkas Kshemakirti, Hemakirti and Kamalakirti (in order of succession) of the Kashtha Sangh Mathuranvaya, Pushkara Gana. . . IX. On the back of a brass image of Sumatinatha in the Sveta. mbera temple of Santinatha at Maujpur (Alwar State), dated Sam. 1525 mentions Sa Salha of the Svayambha family of the Osvala clan ; consecration by Vinayaprabha Suri of the Vada Gachchha. X. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Jain temple at the village of Kheda (Alwar State), dated Sam. 1531. Mentions Maharajadhiraja Kirtisimhadeva; Mula Sangha and Sarasvati gachchha. XI. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Digambar temple of Anantanatha at Naugama (Alwar State), dated Sam. 1545; Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 361 mentions the name of Sa Valiya of the Sahilwal Clan, and Mandalacharya Dharmakirti who was a follower of Bhattakaraka Sabha-Chandradeva, Successor of Bhattaraka Padma Nandideva in the descent of Kunda--Kundacharya of the Mula Sangha. XII. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Digambara temple at Naugama (Alwar State), dated Sam. 1548; mentions Bhattarak Jinachandra of Mala Sangha and Saha Jivaraja. On the back of a brass image of Parivanatha in the Digambara Temple a Lachhmangarh (Alwar State). Mentions Sa Lahua and his son Sagrama, who set up the image; Bhattaraka Subhachandr of the Mula Sangha; Sam. 1595. On a stone slab built into the wall of the Chaumukhaji Temple at Sirohi. Records consecration of an image of Adinatha by Sanghamukhya, Sipa. Sipa. Ceremony performed by by Hiravijaya Suri and Vijayasena Suri of the Tapa Gachha, dated Sam. 1634. The Samvat and Saka years mentioned in the record do not tally. P. 4. IV. On a slab built into the wall of a Jain temple, now used as a house by a Thakur at Alwar. Records-the construction at Alwar of a temple of Ravana Parsvanatha, consecration by Hirananda, orginally of Yoginipur (Delhi) and then residing at Arjalapura (Agra); Osval. Dated Sam. 1645. Mentions Vachaka Rangakalasa and Jina Chandra Suri, Brihat Kharatara Gachchha; in the reign. of Akabbara Jalaluddin. XVI. On the pedestal of a stone image in the Digambara Temple at Lachhmangarh (Alwar State), dated Sam. 1660, records the name of Bhattaraka Chandraktrti of Nagha Amnaya in the Mula Sangha; donor Gojara Sa of Khandelavala clan. On the back of a brass image of Kunthuntha in the Digambara temple of Rishanatha at Lachhmangarh (Alwar State). Records setting up of the image by Sa Lakamanaka and his sons Jinadasa and Akhayaraja, dated Sam. 1700. Consecration by Upadhyaya Dharmachandra of Tapa gachha. XIX. A Hindi inscription on a loose stone slab lying in the house of a Jatni at Kathumbar (Alwar State). Records, construction Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 362 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY of a wall by Chaudhari Durgamahal, Kanungo, of Khandelwal Family under orders of Sanghi Megharaj. Dated Sam. 1718. In the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb and Maharajadhiraj Sri Jesinghaji. On thc pedestal of a Jain image in the Chaumukhaji Temple at Sirohi. Dated Sam. 1721. Records consecration of the image by Virapala belonging to Vriddhasakha of Pragvata Jnati (Porwad Caste). See No. XIV above. XX. o. Vriddha. consecration 5 9). See No. P. 7. Antiquities acquired -1919-20. A Digambara image (364" x 281) of santinatha, the head being severed; Inscription dated Sam. 1195, see No. IV, found at Budha Pushkar, 369 (xi) 12. Report for 31-3-1921. Inscriptions copied : P. 2. II. An inscription engraved underneath Jain image found at Ajmer in a wall; it is on a pillar with images on its four sides (Chaumukha) : dated Sam. 1137. III. On a lintel of one of the arches of the temple of Siva, near the temple of Balaji (Hunumana) at Purana Ghat, about 3 milles from the city of Jaipur. It contains five verses and extols the Jina Nabhi. It mentions two names of Sravakas belonging to Pushkara Jati. The verses were composed by Pandita Nishkalankasena. Writing appears to be of the 12th Century A. D. IV. On another lintel of the same temple (No. III above), dated Sam. 1217; mentions names of Acharya Vayaraka, his pupil Chhatrasena, his brother in faith Ambarasena, his brother Udayasena, Saha Padamana etc. The temple to which the inscription belonged was built by the whole community (Goshthi). V. On a pedestal of a Jain image; fround at Badhnor in the Dhar Territory; dated Sam. 1216, records the name of Acharya Kumarasena of Lada Vagada Sangha, mentions names of several donors. Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 369 (xii) 13. Report for 31-3-1922 Inscriptions copied : P. 1. I. On the back of a brass image of Parsvanatha in the temple of Santinatha at Sirohi ; dated Sam. 1135, records-the image was set up by Saha Uka, son of Sejaha. 363 P. 2. III. Engraved on the back of a brass image of Rishabhadeva in Gumanji's temple at Partabgarh. Dated Sam. 1363, records erection of the image by Tejaka; consecration by a Suri of the Brihadgachchha. V. Engraved on the back of a brass image in the Naya Jain temple at Partabgarh; dated Sam. 1373; mentions Gandhi Kada. VI. On the back of a brass image in the Svetambar temple at Deolia (Partabgarh State), dated Sam. 1373; records setting up of the image of Parsvanath by Khetaka of Srimala caste, by the preaching of Ajitadeva Suri. On the back of a brass image of Santinatha in the Svetambar temple of Parsvanatha at Deolia (Partabgarh State), dated Sam. 1393. Erection of the image by Vyava (Vyavahari) Alha of the Pragvata (Porwad) caste. IX. On the back of the image of Santinatha in the temple mentioned in No VIII above. Dated Sam. 1394; records, set up of the image by Prabhakar of Srimala caste. X. On the back of a brass image in the temple mentioned in No. VIII above, dated Sam. 1452; records set up of image by Ja-i-taka consecration by Pasachandra Suri. P. 3. XI. On the back of a brass image in Gumanji's temple at Partabgarh, dated Sam. 1462; records Humbada Jesa set up the image of Dharmanatha; consecration by Sarvananda Sarvananda Suri of Rumbada Gachchha. On the back of a brass image in the temple mentioned in No. XI above, dated Sam. 1464. Records that Humbada Limbaka, set up the image of Santinath consecration by Sri Suri of Mula Sangha. Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 364 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY XIII. On the back of a brass image in the temple mentioned in No. VIII above; dated Sam. 1479, records erection of the image of Parshvanatha by Sri Goinda of Humbada caste, consecration by Somasundara Suri of Tapa Gachchha. XIV. On the back of a brass image in the temple mentioned in No. VIII above. Dated Sam. 1483. Records consecration by Padma Suri of Nagendra Gachchha. XV. On the back of a brass image in Sadha Baras Temple at Partab garh ; dated Sam. 1503 ; records, the setting up of a Patla of 24 Jinas by Vya. Ganga, consecration by Gunaratna Suri of Pipal Gachchha. XVI. On the back of a brass image in the temple mentioned in No. VIII above, Dated Sam. 1509 ; mentions Hu (Humbada) Tha (Thakura) Teja etc. as bowing to Sitalanatha by the preaching of Bha (Bhattaraka) Sakala Kirti of the Mu (Mula Sangha). XVII. On the back of a brass image of Padmaprabhu in the Naya Mandir at Partabgarh. Dated Sam. 1511, records the setting up of the image by Sra (Sravika) Ami of the Srimala family; consecration by Suresvara Suri. XVIII. On the back of a brass image in the temple inentioned in No. VIII above. Dated Sam. 1518; records setting up of the image by Gadaka of Pragvata caste.Consecration by Lakshmisagara Suri of Tapa Gachchha. XIX. On the back of a brass image in the Digambara Temple of Risha bhadeva at Jhansadi (Partabgarh State) ; dated Sam. 1521. Records consecration of the Image of Adinatha by Bhuvanakirtidev of Mula Sangha. Image set up by Humba (Hunibada) Sre (Sreshthi) Pata and others. XX. On the back of a brass image in the temple mentions in No. VIII above. Dated Sam. 1521 ; mentions the names of Bhattarakas Sakalakirti and Bhuvanakirti of the Mula Sangha; Sresthi Nasala of Humbada Caste. XXI. On the back of a brass image of 24 Jinas in the temple of Santinatha at Sirohi. Dated Sam. 1522. Records that Sadhu Kelha Fiecied the image of Neminatha with 24 Jinas. Of Bapna family of Ukesa caste conservation, by Kakka Suri. Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 365 XXII. On the back of a brass image in the temple of Santinatha at Sirohi. Dated Sam. 1524. Records setting up of the image of Dharmanatha by Saha Javada consecration by Jinachandra Suri of Kharatara Gachchha. 369 (xiii) The Annual Report on the Working of the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer for the year ending 31st March, 1923-Delhi, 1923. P. 3. VII. An inscription fixed in an arch of the bridge on the Gambhiri river near Chitor. The stone originally belonged to the Mahavira temple at the Talahattika (Talahati, a town at the foot of a hiil) of Chitrakuta Mahadurga (Chitor fort) of which there is no trace. It is dated Samvat 1324 (A. D. 1267) and is of the time of Maharaja, the illustrious Tejasimhadevi (of Mewar). It mentions the name of Hemachandra Suri, Bhattaraka Padmachandra Suri and Ratnaprabha Suri of Chaitra Gachchha. VIII. Chitorgarh inscription (now in the Udaipur Museum) engraved on a lintel belonging to a Jain temple. It is dated Wednesday, the fifth day of the bright half of Vaisakha Samvat 1335 (A. D. 1278) and records the construction of the temple of Syama (black) Parsvanatha by Jayatalladevi queen of Tajasimha, the lord of Medapata (Mewar) and Chitrakuta (Chitor). It also states that Maharajakula (Maha Rawal) Samarasimhadeva, the ornament of the Guhilaputra (Guhilot) family, granted land to the West of the temple for a monastery to Pradyumna Suri with some endowments. P. 3. IX. Another inscription fixed in an arch of the bridge on the Gambhiri river (mentioned above). The inscription originally belonged to some Jain temple and is somewhat defaced. It is of the time of Guhila King Samarismha and records the grant of land to a Jain temple belonging to the Bhatripuriya (Bhatevara) Gachchha for the spiritual welfare of his mother Jayatalladevi who releived religious instruction from Sadhvi (Jain nun ) Sumala. P. 3. IX. An inscription in Rajasthani language) engraved on a memorial stone found at Mahroli (markutab Minar at Delhi). It is dated Samvat 1533 (*, D. 1476). It is of the time of Sultan Vahalol (Sultan Bahlol Lodi) and record that the memorial was Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 366 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY crrected on the boundary of Mahroli in honour of Inda Ranamalu and his wife (who became Satz). Inda Ranmalu is said to be an inhabitant of Joginipura (Delhi) and was a Saravaga (Sravaka, Jain layman) of Jamgada family and Sivalasa clan. Pp. 3-4, XII. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a stone image in the Jain temple near Gaumukha at Chitorgarh. It is dated Samvat 1543 (A. D. 1486) Saka 1408, and mentions Sri Rajamalla (Rayamala) Rajendra as ruling over Chitrakuta Mahadurga (the fortress of Chitor) at the time. The image was set up by the Samgha or the entire community of the Jains and consecration was performed by Jinasundara Suri of Kharatara Gachchha. 369 (xiv) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer for the year 1924-Simla, 1924. P. 3. VI. Inscription engraved on a pillar of the Jain temple at Nandia. It is dated Samvat 1298 (A. D. 1241) and states that the pillar was erected by Bhima for the spiritual welfare of his father Kamana the son of Ratha Uda (Rathod) Punasiha (Purnasimha). P. 3. VII. An inscription angraved on a loose stone lying in the Jaina monastery at Delwara in the Udaipur State. It is of the reign of the illustrious Rana Kumbhakarna of Mewar and dated Samvat 1491 (A.D. 1434). It records that during the victorious reign of Rana Kumbhakarna 14 Tankas (Silver Coins) were allotted for the worship of Dharmachintamani temple. Of the numerous known inscriptions of the time of the Rana Kumbhakarna this is the earliest. Pp. 3-4. VIII. An inscription engraved on the padestal of a Jain image lying in the Jain temple at Vasantgarh in the Sirohi State. The inscription is greatly defaced. It is of the reign of Rana Kumbhakarna of Mewar aud is dated Samvat 1507 (A. D. 1450). It states that the image was set up in the Vasantpura Chaitya (temple) by Bhadaka son of Dhansi, and others and was consecratad by Munisundersuri. Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 367 369 (xv) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer for 1925-Delhi, 1925. Pp. 2. & 3. IV. An inscription engraved on a slab built into a wall of the inner Mandapa of the Jain temple of Rikhavadeva at the village of Dhuleba in the Udaipur State It is dated Samvat 1431 (A.D. 1374) and records that Sadhu Hardana, son of Vija and his two sons Punja and Kota inhabitants of Kharwalapattan (Guzrat) repaired the temple of Jinesvara (Rikhavadeva) at the preaching of Bhattaraka Dharmakirti belonging to the kastha Sangha. P. 3. V. An inscription engraved on the lintel of the Jain temple of Santinatha at Jawar. It is of the time of Maharajadhiraja SriMokaladeva of (Mewar) and is dated in the Samvat 1478 (A. D. 1421). It records that the temple of santinatha was erected by the descendants of Saha Nana of the Pragavata (Porevad) family, and also contains the names of several male and female members of the family. 369 (xvi) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer for 1926--Calcutta, 1927. P. 2. I. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a Jain image of Santinatha in the temple of Singhiji at Sanganer in the Jaipur State. It is dated Samvat 1185 (A.D. 1128) and records that the image was set up by Titana, Kamaladeva etc., for the spiritual welfare of their brother Kapardi, son of Sresthi Vahudeva. P. 2. II. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a Jain image in the above mentioned temple. It is dated in the Samvat 1202 (A.D. 1145) and records that the image was set up by the Alha and Harsa, sons of Mahaila. P. 2. III. An inscription engraved on one side of a four sided massive Jain pillar bearing an effigy of a Tirthankara on each side. The pillar lies in the Jain temple at Rupaheli in the Udaipur State. It is dated Samvat 1233 (A.D. 1176) and records that the pillar was erected by Padmasri, a female disciple of Ajika belonging to the Mathura Sangha. Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 368 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 2, V, An inscription engraved on the back of a Jain image in the Jain temple at Rupahell. It is dated Samvat 1505 (A. D. 1448) and records that the image was set up by Sa (Saha) Saliga, belonging to the Ukesa (Oswal) family and Malaya Gotra. P. 5. VIII. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a big brass image of Adinatha at Achalgarh on Mt. Abu. It is dated the Samvat 1518 (A.D. 1461). It was set up by Sa (Saha). The consecration ceremony was performed by Lakshmisagarasuri of Tapagachchha. P. 5. XI. A mutilated inscription engraved on the slab in the Digambara Jain temple of Gadas at Saganer in the Jaipur State. It is of the time of Patisaha (Emperor) Shah Jahar and Raja Jaisimha (of Amber) and is dated the Samvat 171 (1) (A.D. 1654). 369 (xvii) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer for 1927--Calcutta, 1928. P. 3. V. An inscripsion engraved on the pedestal of the Jain image which is missing, was found at Valicha in the estate of Kanor in the Udaipur State. It is dated Samvat 1167 A.D. 1110) and records that Asapala. son of Punjaka of the Naigama family migrated from Chitrakuta (Chitor) and established the image of Munisuvrata by the advice of Suvakirti the successor of the Acharya Sahasrakirti of Nanditata gachchha. Pp. 3 & 4. IV. Chitorgarh (now in the Udaipur Museum) fragmentary inscri ption of the time of Maharajadhiraja Rana Rayamalla of Chitorgarh. It is dated the Samvat 1556 (A.D. 1499). The fragment seems to be the lower right hand portion of the second slab of a Prasasti of some Jain temple (probably of Mahavira) erected by Mantri Rajasimha. The Prasasti was composed by Vimala, the pupil of Upadhyaya Sadhuharsha. The fragment contains the names of several Jain Acharyas, Pandits and the predecessors of Rajasimha. Pp. 3 & 4. X. Chitorgarh fragmentary inscript Chitorgarh fragmentary inscription now in the Udaipur Museum belonging to the Jain Kirtistambha at Chitor. It records that the pillar was erected by Jijaka, son of Sa (Saha) Naya of the Bagherwal Caste. Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 369 (xviii) Annual Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum, for the year 1928, -Calcutta, 1929. 369 Inscriptions copied : P. 2. No. 1. On a marble slab in the temple of Vimalasaha on Mount Abu outside the Devakulika (small shrine) No. 10. It is dated Friday, the first day of Jyeshtha, Samvat 1201 (A.D. 1144); gives pedigree of one Ninnaka Srimala of the Pragvata clan; setting up of the image of Neminatha in the Davakulika of the Rishava temple. In the elephant stable attached to the temple of Vimalasaha there are ten stone elephants with their riders; on the pedestals of nine are engraved the names of riders who were the predecessors of Vimala. These elephants were set up on Saturday the 10th day of the bright half of Phalguna, Samvat 1204 (A.D. 1143). No. 11. An inscription without date on the pedestal of the image of Neminatha in Devakulika No. 10 mentioned above; it records that the image of Neminatha was set up by the minister Dasaratha. P. 3. No. VII. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of the image of Ambikadevi in the temple of Vimalasaha on Mount Abu. It is dated Saturday the 5th day of the dark half of Jyeshtha, Samvat 1394 (A.D. 1237); records setting up of the image by Abhayastha, a descendant of Vimala. No. IX. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a Jain image found at Badnor in the Udaipur State. It is dated Samvat 1497 (A.D. 1440) and records that Saha Srikarana belonging to Ukesa (Oswal) clan and Natha gotra, built the great temple of Santinatha at Vardhanapur by the advice of Srijinasagarasuri of Kharatragachchha. Vardhanapura is the old name of Badnor in Mewar territory. 369 (xix) Annual Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum for the year 1929, -Calcutta, 1930. P. 2. No. 2. An inscription on the back of a Jain brass image in the temple of Adesarji at Sirohi. It is dated the 3rd day of the bright half of Vaisakha, Sam. 1111 (A. D. 1054) and records that the image was set up by Chanduka, Manibhdara and Sahadeva, sons of Spharaka. No. 3. An inscription engraved on the back of a Jain image in the temple of Ajitanatha at Sirohi. It is dated the 10th day of bright half of Margasirsha, Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 370 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Sam. 1138 (A. D. 1081) and records that Dhanadeva belonging to Ghara (Gharapadriya) gaccha set up the image of Vardhamana at Madahada (Madada in the Sirohi State.) No. 4. Another inscription engraved on the back of a brass image of Parsvanatha in the temple mentioned above in No. 3. It is dated Kartika, Sam. 1161 (A. D. 1104) and records that Nemikumara of Vayatiya gachchha set up the image. No. 5. An inscription on the back of a Jain image in the temple of Adesar at Sirohi; dated Sam. 1185 (A. D. 1128), records ihat Jinadatta set up the image. No. 6. An inscription on the back of a brass image in the temple of Ajitana. tha at Sirohi; dated the 4th day of the dark half of Phalguna, Sam. 1195 (A. D. 1138) records that Sreshthi Bhavana set up the image of Mahavira. No. 7. An inscription engraved on a slab built into the outer wall of the Jain temple at Goeli in the Sirohi State; dated the 3rd day of the bright half of Vaisakha, Sam. 1223 (A, D. 1166); records that, during the regin of Mahamandalesvara Dharavarsha, one Tejapala made certain grants to the above mentioned temple. No. 8. Another inscription on a slab on the outer wall of the Jain temple mentioned in No. 7; dated the 1st day of the bright half of Vaisakha, Sam. 1245 (A.D. 1188) and records that one Munjaldevi granted a well to the above temple. P. 3. No. 9. An inscription on the back of a Jain brass image in the temple of Adesar at Sirohi; dated Sam. 1287 (A. D. 1230), records that Lularaya erected the image of Rishavhadeva. No. 10. An inscription on the back of a Jain image in the temple of Adesar at Sirohi; dated Friday, the 2nd day of the bright half of Phalguna, Sam. 1294 (A. D. 1236); records that Harsharaja of Kharayatha gaccha set up the images of twentyfour Jinas. No. 11. An inscription engraved on the back of a Jain brass image in the temple of Ajitanatha, at Sirohi; dated Saturday, the 3rd day of the bright half of Vaisakha, Sam. 1298 (A.D. 1241); records that the image of Parsvanatha was set up by Jesadhara and Jasapala, it was consecrated by Haribhadrasuri. No. 13. An insciption on the back of a Jain image in the temple mentioned in No. II; dated Friday, the 5th day of the dark half of Chaitra, Sam. 1317 (A. D. 1260); records that Mahattara Nara saka belonging to Sri Srimala caste and Brahman gachchha set up the image of Mahavira. The consecration ceremony was performed by Jajimasuri. Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 371 369 (xx) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum for 1930-Calcutta, 1931. P. 3. III. An inscription built into a wall of the Jain temple at Antri in the Dungarpur State. It is a prasasti of 38 lines. It is broken into five pieces and is partly defaced. It is dated Samvat 1525 (A. D. 1468). It states that in the town of Giripura (Dungarpur) in the country of Vagada there ruled a king Gajapala by name. His son's chief minister Salharaja built a temple of santinatha and established a Satka gara (an alms-house) at Antri in Samvat 1495 (A. D. 1438). In that temple he set up a brass image of santinatha. His son Salha was the chief minister of King Soma. He repaired the temple of Parsvanatha at Giripura. The consecration ceremony of the newly built portion of the temple) was performed by Somajayasuri in Sam. 1525. The parasasti was composed by Labdhisamudra and Vijayagani. Pp. 3 & 4. IV. An inscription engraved on the back of a brass image of Vasupujaya in the santinatha Jain temple at Chhotisadri in the Udaipur State. It is dated Samvat 1527 (A. D. 1470) and records that the image was set up by Singhabi Vira, his wife Matku, their son Singhavi Sada and his wife Margu at the preaching of their preceptor Bhattaraka Vidyananda, the successor of Bhattaraka Devendrakirti of Mula Sangha. P. 4. V. An inscription engraved on the back of a brass image of Anantanatha in the Jain temple of Rishavadeva at Chhoti Sadri in the Udaipur State. It is dated Samvat 1565 (A. D. 1508) and records that Sa (Saha) Raja, belonging to the Srimala caste and inhabitants of Natipatra set up the image of Anantanatha. The consecration ceremony was performed by Hamavimalasuri, the successor of Somasundarasuri of Tapa Gachchha. P. 4. VII. Naugama (in Banswara State) Jain Temple inscription. It is dated Samvat 1571 (A. D. 1514) and records that when Rajadhiraja Udaysimha was ruling at Vagvara (Vagda) country, the temple of Santinatha was built by the sons and grandsons of Dosi Champa of Humbada caste at the preaching of Bhattaraka Vijayakirti of Mula Sangha, Sarasvati gachchha Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * 372 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY and Balatkar gana. Names of Bhattarakas from Sakala Kirti to Vijayakirti are recorded. List of inscriptions copied for the Rajputana Museum, Ajmer during the year 1929-1930. P. 8. Appendix-B. No. Place. Position of inscription. Particulars. Naugama (Banswara State). In a Jain Temple. It is dated Samvat 1571 (A. D. 1514) vide paragraph 4 (b) VII of the Report. 4(6), 514) i samvat 369 (xxi) Annual Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum for 1931-Calcutta, 1932. Pp 4-5. No. VIII. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a Jain image in the temple of Santinatha at Khoh in the Jaipur State. It is dated the 13th day of the dark half of Ashadha, Sam. 1521 (A.D. 1464) states that mantri Bhanda belonging to the Upkesa caste erected the image of Sambhavanatha. It was consecrated by Hemachandrasuri of Vrihatgachchha. No. X. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of the image of Naminatha in the temple mentioned in No VIII above; dated Thursday, the 10th day of the bright half of Jyestha, Sam, 1557 (A. 1), 1500) states that Khimsi and Sahisa of the Pragvata clan established the image of Neminatha. Consecration by Indranandisuri. 369 (xxii) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum for 1932. P. 2. 4 (b) Inscriptions copied : I. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a Jain image in the temple of Vasupujya at Udaipur. It is dated Samvat 1076 (A. D. 1019) and records that the image was set up by Vahila Sodaka, a son of Vagadeva and grandson of Padmana, Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 373 369 (xxiii) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum for 1933.--Delhi, 1934. P. 2. II. An inscription engraved on a pedestal of a brass image of santinatha in the temple of Mahavirasvami at Bikanir. It is dated Samvat 1176 (A, D. 1119) and records that in the town of Jangalaku padurga, the image was established in the temple of Vira (Mahavira) by Sravaka Tilhaka, son of Tataka. P. 2. IV. A mutilated inscription in the Vimalasaha temple at Abu. It is dated Samvat 1373 (1316 A. D.) and records that when Maharajakula Lundha (Lumbha) was ruling at Arbuda (Mount Abu) and his minister was Punasiha ..... Pp. 2 & 3. V. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a brass image in the only Jain temple at Hanumangarh in the Bikaner State. It is dated Samvat 1506 (1449 A. D.) and rocords that Sam (Sanghapati) Jayata and his son Bhima of Srimala family established the image of santinatha. It was consecrated by Udayasundarasuri, pupil of Jayachandrasuri of Tapagachchha, P. 3. VI. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a brass image in the Jain temple mentioned in No. V above. It is dated in Samvat 1559 (1502 A. D.) and records that the image of Kunthunatha was established by Sanda, belonging to the Dhamani branch of Suchinti (Sacheti) family of Nagapura (Nagor in Jodhpur State). It was consecrated by Devaguptasuri, a descendant of Kakudacharya of Upkesagachchha. P. 3. IX. An inscription engraved on the pedestal of a brass image in the Jain tempie mentioned in No. V above. It is dated the Samvat 1595 (1538 A. D.) and records that the image of Ajitanatha was established by Sa (Saha) Rupa, inhabitant of Madri for his spiritual welfare. It was consecrated by Bhattaraka Jayasimhasuri of Kanarasagachchha. P. 4. XI. An inscription engraved on the petals of a lotus flower containing the image of Parsvanatha in the temple of Chandraprabhu at Bikanir. It is dated Samvat 1657 (1600 A. D.) and records that when Rajadhiraja Raya Suratrana (Surtana) was ruling at Sirohi, the image was established by man (mantri) Dudaka belonging to the Bahitthara family of Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 374 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Ukesa Vamsa and inhabitant of Vikramanagara (Bikanir). It was consecrated by............... (name lost)-a descendant of Jinamanikyasuri. P. 4. XII. An inscription engraved in the pedestal of a brass image in the temple of Adinatha at Bikaner. It is dated Samvat 1662 (1605 A. D.) and records that, when Maharajadhiraja Rayasimha was ruling at Vikramapura, Sam (Sanghapati) Hammira and his family members established the image of Neminatha. It was consecrated by Jinachandrasuri, a descendant of Jinamanikyasuri of Kharataragachchha. 369 (xxiv) Report on the working of the Rajputana Museum for 1934--Delhi, 1935. P. 4 XIII. Amber Jain temple inscription now deposited in the Jaipur Museum. It is dated Vikram Samvat 1714 (1657 A. d.), Saka (1583) ? (1579). It says that at Ambavati (Amber), the Capital of the country called Dhunda (Dhundhara) there ruled a king called Jayasimha whose chief minister Mohanadasa belonging to the Khandelavala family and to Balatkaragana of Mulasangha, built a temple of Vimalanatha at Ambavati and aborned it with a golden kalasa (a rounded pinnacle on the top of a temple). It then mentions that in the Vikram Samvat 1716 when Maharajadhiraja Maharaja Jayasimha of Kachchhavaha family was ruling at Ambavati some additions were made to the temple by his chief minister. These additions seem to have been recorded in the second slab which is missing. The inscription records the names of various mernbers of the chief minister's family as well as those of the Bhattarakas of Mula Sangha. 369 (xxv) Report for 31-3-1935 : P. 4. VII. An inscription engraved on the back of a brass image of Santinatha in the temple of Advesvara at Sirohi. Dated Samvat 1340 ; records that the image was set up by Khima and Visa; consecration by Abhayadeva Suri. On the back of a brass image of Santinatha in the temple mentioned in No. VII above; dated San. 1469; records that Sresthi Vakhada of Korantaka-Gachchha and Upakesa Caste set up the image ; consccration by Nannasuri. Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 375 P. 5. XI. Engraved in the Jain Temple of Adinatha at Revasa in Shekhavati. Dated Sam, 1661. Records that during the reign of Patisaha Akbar and (his subordinate Ceief) Maharajadhiraja Rayasalji of Kurma (Kachhavaha) family, the temple of Adinath was constructed by Saha Jitamala and Nathamal, the two sons of Deidasa (Devidasa), the prime Minister of Rayasalji, belonged to the Khandela-vala family; Yasakirti of Mala Sangha, Balatkar gana and Sarasvati Gachchha. P. 7. XVII. Engraved on a slab built into the wall of a small Jain temple at Deolia. Dated Sam. 1772. Records that at the request of Sa Raiya and Jivaraja, the oilmen of the town agreed to stop working their mills for 44 days in a year-8 days during the Pajusana of the Svetambara-10 days of the Digambara sect etc. XVIII. Engraved on a slab built into the wall of the temple of Mallinatha at Deolia. Dated Sam. 1774; records when Maharajadhiraja Maharaval Prithvi Singh was ruling at Devagadha (Deolia), the temple of Mallinatha was built by Singhavi Vardhamana at the preaching of Bhattaraka Ratnachandra Mula Sangha and Balatkara Gana. XIX. Built into the wall of a well, about a mile from DeoliaRecords that Maharaval Gopalasimha's Chief Minister Saha Chandrabhana of Humbada caste, Agasti Gotra, Laghu Sakha and Mula Sangha of the Digambara sect built the well and a garden. P. 8. XX. Engraved on a slab built into the wall of the temple of Parsvanatha at Deolia. Dated Sam. 1838. Records the temple of Adinatha was built by Dhanarupa belonging to the Agasti Family of Humbada Caste at the preaching of Bhattaraka Dharmachandra of Mula Sangha, Sarasvati Gachchha and Balatkara gana. 369 (xxvi) Report for 31-3-1937P. 2 Inscriptions copied : II. Engraved on the pedestal of a Jain Image in the Jain temple at Dayanaji (Sirohi State), dated Sam. 1024. Records that during the reign (Paramara ruler of Abu) Krishnaraja, the image of Viranatha (Mahavira) was set up by Vardhamana of the Veshtitaka family. Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 376 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY III. Engraved on the back of a brass image of Parsvanatha in the temple of Sumatinatha at Mela (Sirohi State), dated Sam. 1074. Records Sravaka Sahila set up the image. IV. Engraved on the back of a brass image of Parsvanatha in the temple of Mahavira at the village of Pindwara (Sirohi State). Dated Sam. 1089. Records image was set up by Mahattama Chachcha and Sajjana and the Sravakas of Korantaka (Kotra in the Jodhpur State). V. Engraved on the back of a Patta containing 24 images of Tirthankaras in the temple of Mahavira at the village of Pindwara (Sirohi State), dated Sam. 1151. Records that Sravaka Yasovardhana, set up the Patla. P. 5. Engraved on the back of a brass image of Chandraprabhu in the temple of Mahavira in the village of Kalanderi (Sirohi State). Dated Sam. 1228. Records that Vamana set up the image. XII. Engraved on the pedestal of a marble effigy of a person standing in front of a kite in the temple mentioned in No. X above. Dated Sam. 1389. Records that the effigy of the kite, which fasted to death was set up by Sreshti Mahapa and others in the temple of Mahavira in the village of Kaladrahi (Kalindri). XIII. On the back of a brass image of Kunthunatha in the temple of Sumatinatha at Meda (Sirohi State); dated Sam. 1536. Records that Sa Munja and his family set up the image. Consecration by Jinachandra of Kharatara gachchha. P. 6. XIV. On the back of a brass image of Adinatha in the temple mentioned in No. XIII above. Dated Sam. 1552, records that Vya (Vyavahara) Bagha of the village Nandia set up the image. 369 (xxvii) Report for 31-3-1939- P. 3. Antiquities collected : XI. Seated Parsvanatha white stone (No. 620) assignable to 12th century A. D. from Baghera Ajmer, Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 377 P. 4. Inscriptions copied : IV. From Baghera; on the pedestal of a fragmentary image of Parsvanatha. Dated Sam. 1231. Records the adoration of Parsvanatha by one Dutaka. On the pedestal of an image of Sambhavanatha, dated Sam. 1510. Records consecration by Jinasagar Suri of Kharatara Gachchha. Report for 31-3-1940- P. 3. Acquisitions : (iii) Couple under a tree on which is a figure seated in crosslegged. Both male and female figures sitting in Sukhasana and the female holds a child by her left hand; acquired from Bayana. Plate 11, b. P. 13. Inscriptions copied : No. Localitv. 11 Dated Sam. 1710. Bhinai, AjmerMerwara. On a pillar in a Jain Temple. . Dated Sam. 1714. Amber, Jaipur State. Sanghi Jhunta Rais temple. 370 R. Sewell. Lists of the antiquarian remains in the Presidency of Madras (Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. I).--Madras, 1882, Pages. Localities. Districts. Jaina antiquities. Malati Ganjam Vizagapatam Several Buddhistic or Jaina images. The inhabitants professed formerly the Buddhism or the Jainism. Jayanti Agrahar Marutur Vizagapatam Vizagapatam Some temples. Buddhistic or images. Jaina Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 378 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Localities. Districts. Jaina antiquities, Pages. 17 Mamidivada Vizagapatam Two ancient temples constructed, it is said, by the Jaina. 31 Kajalur Godavari Vizagapatam Two statues. Macavaram Vizagapatam Vegayammapeta Vizagapatam Peddamarru Vizagapatam 41 Tatipaka Vizagapatam Two statues that the people consider as Jainas. A Jaina or Buddhistic statue (?). An image called Jaina. A statue. Relics of a Buddhistic or Jaina village. Buddhistic or Jaina . sculpture. Beautiful statue perfectly preserved. Kokireni Kistna Mogairazapur Kistna Gudivada Kistna 61-62 Pondugala Kistna Relics. 64 Dharanikota Kistna According to the tradition, this village was constructed in the period when the Jains were preponderant in the region. Narasaravupeta Kistna Tadikonda Kistna A temple Sevaite, but originally Jaina. Abandoned temple containing some Jaina or Buddhistic images. This locality must have been formerly an important place very much Jaina. Kudatani Bellary Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. 106 107 108 .119 143 143 149 149 155 156 160 160 160 160 161 161 161 162 166 Localities. Vijayanagara Kogala Magala Pennakonda Atmakur Mahimalur Kucur Melpadi Vallimalai Kavanur Kukainallur Latteri Pasumandur Sormur Tennampattu Tirumani Mahendravadi Mamandur Districts. Bellary Bellary Ballary Anantapur Nellore Nellore North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot 379 Jaina antiquities. Temples abandoned or in ruins and some modern temples. Relics of a temple. A temple Jaina. Two temples. Statue of a Tirthankara. probably Site of an ancient Jaina or Buddhistic village. The Jainism was for several centuries the religion of this country. Old construction with some inscriptions. Ancient temple. Temple with several sculptures. Some relics. Some relics. Some relics. Some relics. Some relics. Car > ed stone. Some relics. Temple constructed by the Buddhist or the Jains. Grottos probably of Jaina origin. Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 380 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Localities. Districts. Jaina antiquities. 166 Pancapandavamalai North Arcot A figure representing the Buddha or one of the Tirthankaras. 167 Tiruvattur North Arcot Fundations of an oid temple with two grand statues. Not far from that place, a pond where the doors of bronze and the treasure of the temple must have been swallowed up. The locality was formerly one of the principal Jaina centres of the district. 168 Cevur North Arcot Ancient temple. 168 Pundi North Arcot 170 Tirumalai North Arcot A temple, the most ancient of the country. Two temples with sculpture and fresco. Other statues have been destroyed. 170 Agarakara-kotrai North Arcot Ancient iempie Sivaite that one says to have been annihilated by the Jains. 170 170 170 Desur Tellar Terukol Venkuram North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot North Arcot Chingleput 171 172 Modern establishment. Temple. Three temples. Temple. Following the account of Hiouen Thsang (640 A. D.), the Jains were formerly numerous in this region, Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. 178 190 191 193 196 200 207 208 209 209 209 209 210 211 214 214 Localities. Conjeeveram Perunagar The seven Pagodas Chingleput Admankottai Salem Cittanur Perumandur Tondur Koliyanur Vedur Villapur Districts, Ellansur Chingleput Bastipuram Chingleput Salem Salem Salem Pondicherry Pondicherry Pondicherry Pondicherry Tirunarunkulam Pondicherry Coimbatore Pondicherry Pondicherry Pondicherry Coimbatore 381 Jaina antiquities. Small temple, probably of Jaina origin. Temple with beautiful architectural ornamentation dating from the 11th or the 12th century. The population was formerly Buddhist or Jaina. Temple in ruin. The ancient kings were Jainas. Temple probably of Jain origin. Two images. Oid temple with inscriptions. Two temples with inscriptions. Buddhistic statues. or Jaina Temple in ruin. Temple in use. Ruins of temple and two mutilated statues. Ancient temple. Temple. The Jainism was formerly the dominant religion of this country. Town foremerly Jaina. A statue and an ancient demolished temple. Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 382 Pages. 215 217 223 228 230 231 231 232 232 232 233 234 235 Localities. Sivansamudra Perundurai Trimurti Kovil Belliki Ellare Karkala Keravase Marane Nallur Bapanad Kashipatna Mogaru Districts. Coimbatore Coimbatore Coimbatore Nilgiri South Canara South Canara South Canara South Canara South Canara South Canara South Canara South Canara South Canara JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jain antiquities. Ancient demolished temple. Temple in ruin, with numerous sculptures. Eight carved stones, Buddhistic or Jains. Grottos with figures of Buddhistic or Jaina characters. The Jains are numerous in the reign and their temples are interesting. Inscriptions of the year Saka 1379, relating to a grant made to a temple. The group of tempples and the grand monolithic statue. Temple with inscription in old Canara, of Saka 1083. Canara inscription of Saka 1331, relating to a grant in favour of a temple. Canara inscription of Saka 1218, recalling a grant. Inscription in old Canara. Inscription in old Canara. Construction of an uncertain period. Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 383 Pages. Localities. Districts. Jaina antiquities. 235 Mudabidri South Canara Ancient moument, very interesting from the architectural point of view; a concise description of it has been given. Several tombs of priests with epitaphs. Seventeen temples with inscriptions. Inscription in old Canara. Inscription in old Canara. Construction of an uncretain period. Nillikaru 236 236 S. Canara S. Canara Padupanambur 236 Ullala S. Canara Yenur S. Canara 236237 The temple and the famous monolithic statue. A brief description of it has been given in the same way as a review on different inscriptions that are raised there." 237 Bali S. Canara Temple dedicated to Parsvanatha, with inscription. 237 237 S. Canara S. Canara S. Canara 238 Ancient temple. Old construction. Old construction. Ancient temple. Statues in a grotto. Abandoned Statue. 253 Bellatangali Guruvayankiri Bangra Manjeswar Palghat Kulatara Periyammapalaiyam. Valikondapur Malabar 258 Travancore 263 Trichinopoly 264 Trichinopoly 264 Ambapur Jayamkondasorapur Cistern of Buddhistic or Jaina origin. Statues. Two Statues in granite. Trichinopoly Trichinopoly 265 Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 384 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Localities. Districts. Jaina antiquities. 266 ***** 267 Vannam Lalugudi Mahadaanpur sivayan Trichinopoly Trichinopoly Trichinopoly Trichinopoly 269 Statue. Old abandoned statue. Ruins. Sculpture probably of Jaina origin; a description of it has been given. 269 269 Buddhistic or Jaina figures. Sundakka-Parai Vettuvattalai Trichinopoly Trichinopoly 270 Three statues. 271 Tanjore The Jainism was formerly dominant in the region. Old temple. 276 Tivangudi Tanjore 286 Ivaraimalai Madura A Buddhistic or Jaina statue (?) ruins; the village was formerly a place of Jaina cult. Ruins; the village was formerly a place of Jain cult. 296 Kuppalnattam Madura 296 Madura Buddhistic or Jaina image 298 Ilayangudi Hanumantagudi Kidaram Madura Old temple. Buddhistic 299 Madura or Jaina statue. 299 Kovilangulam Madura Two Buddhistic or Jaina statues. 299 Kulasekharanallur. Madura Madura Temple in ruin, today, dedicated to the cult of Siva, but of Buddhistic or Jaina cult, for following the tradition, the village must have been formerly inhabited by some Buddhists or some Jains. Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 385 Pages. Localities. Districts, Jaina antiquities. 299 301 306 Manjiyur seluvanur Virasikamani Madura Madura Tinnevelly. 307 Kalugumalai Tinnevelly. Buddhistic or Jaina statue. Buddhistic or Jaina image. Figures most probably Jainas. Celebrated temple, carved in the rock, with sculptures and inscriptions; a brief review of it has been given. Statue which became the object of adoration by the people. Statue, Image. 307 Kulattur Tinnevelly. 307 308 Mandikkulam Muramban Nagalapur Kayai 308 Grand statue. Tinnevelly. Tinnevelly. Tinnevelly. Tinnevelly. Tinnevelly Tinnevelly 312 Several statues. 312 Kokai Two statutes. 313 Statue. Srivaikutam Valliyur 315 Tinnevelly Ancient temple demolished. now 320 Yenamadala Kistan 322 Bellary Cippagiri Kishkindha Inscription. Temple.. Several temples. 322 Bellary Appendix B. Dates of some antiquities Districts, Antiquities, Localities, Ant Dates A. D. Mudabidri S. Canara Temples. Commenced towards 1300 or towards 1498. Yenur S. Canara Colossal statue. Older than those of Karkala and of Sravana Belgola. Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 386 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Localities. Districts. Antiquities. Dates (A. D.) Karkala S. Canara Colossal statue. 1432, following the inscription of the statue. Sravana Belgola Mysore Colossal statue. Same period as the previous one, Conjeeveram Chingleput Teniple About 1500. Vijayanagara Bellary 1508 to 1542. The different temples. 371 R. Sewell, Lists of inscriptions and sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India (Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. II).-Madras, 1884. Pages. 14. No. 89 Seal with Jaina figure. 14. No. 91 Regulation of Saka 1513 with respect to the maintenance of the cult in a Jaina temple. 157. Towards the middle of the 2nd century A. D., the Colas destroyed a certain number of Jaina temples at Puligere of Laksmeswar. 174. Some Jains must have resided at Orangal towards 1320. Note 2. 179. The princes of the Kadamba dynasty professed the Jaina faith. 189. A Jain of the name of Naganandin was minister of three kings of the Ganga dynasty, namely : Kala Vallabharaya, Govindaraya and Caturbhuja Kanaradeva. 190. According to an inscription of 178 A. D., the king Tiruvikramadeva, of the same Ganga dynasty, abandoned the Jaina faith and was made Sivaite. In 788 A. D., the prince Hemasitala drove away definitely the Buddhists from the neighbourhood of Kanci, and was converted to the Jainism, Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages 235. 245 265. 270. 271. 272. The princes Rattat belonged to the Jaina religion. Likewise the Santara Kings. Harihara II; of the dynasty of Vijayanagara, endowed some Jaina temples. 387 Review on the Jaina temple of Tiruppadikunram. Episode of the conversion of the prince Hemasitala, after a controversy between the Jaina master Akalanka and some Buddhists, at Kanci in 788 A. D. Ruins of a temple, with two statues in white marble at Navnnda. In a temple of Karkala, an inscription in old Canara, of Saka. 1377; recalls a grant made to this temple. Review on the temple constructed in the is island of the lake Anekere, near Karkala, and on the temple of Varangi. At Bail, a temple is consecrated to Parsvanatha. An ancient temple, dedicated to Santesvara, at Bangadi, shuts up seven inscriptions in old Canara, the summary of which has been given. At Kuttyar, a temple equally dedicated at Santesvara contains also two inscriptions in Canara. The ancient temple of Anantesvara, at Siboje, possesses an inscription in old Canara dated Saka 1464. Two statues, Jainas or Buddhists, at Koradaceri. Jaina figure at the Southern door of the great temple of Tanjore, and in a temple at Hampi. 372 J. BURGESS. Tamil and Sanskrit Inscriptions, with some notes on village antiquities collected chiefly in the south of the Madras Presidency (Archaeological Survey of Southern. India, Vol. IV).-Madras, 1886. Pp. 40-41. Not far from the village of Kuppaluattam is found a grotto with several statues of Tirthankaras, among others Parsvanatha carved in the rock. These statues roughly carved, are the objects of a certain cult on the part of the inhabi tants. Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 388 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 373 conservation in the Madras Presidency A. REA. List of ancient Monuments selected for in 1891.-Madras, 1891. Pp. 16-17. Jaina antiquities (14th century), Localities. Districts. Antiquities. Vijayanagara Vijayanagara Tirumalai Bellary Bellary South Arcot Group of six temples. Temple. Grottos with sculptures, paintings and inscriptions. Sculptures and inscriptions. Temple. Ancient temple. Sculptures and tombs of Jaina priests. Vallimalai Tiruppadikunram Mudabidri South Arcot Chingleput North Canara Grotto. Yanamalai Yanamalai Madura Madura Sculptures and inscriptions on rock. 374 (i) Antuai Report of the Provincial Museum Committee, Lucknow, for the year ending 31st March, 1890. Pp. 3-4. Excavations of the great Jain temples burried under the Kankali Tila at Mathura. Discovery to the east of the large Svetambaratemple, of a brick stuna and to the west, of another large temple belonging to the Digambara sect. Yielding of 80 images of Jain Tirthankaras. Reference to some inscriptions proving the correctness of the Jain tradition with respect to the early existence of six divisions of monks, not traced before. These inscriptions settle the antiquity of the doctrine allowing women to become ascetics, as recorded in the Svetambara scriptures. 374 (ii) Report, of the Provincial Museum Committee, Lucknow for the year ending 31st March, 1891. P. 4. The Jains of the Indo-Scythic period at Mathura used for their sculptures materials from an older temple. There was a Jain temple in Mathura before B. c. 150. In Samvat 78 was set up a statue of Tirthankara Aranatha. Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 389 Reference to a donative inscription, dated Samvat 1080, proving that some ancient temple were used by the Jains during she greater part of the eleventh century. 374 (iii) Report of Provincial Museum Commitiee, Lucknow for the year ending 31st March, 1892. P. 3. An erect Digambara statue of Jina Aranatha, found in one of the old disused stone quarries on the left of the road running beneath the Naubat-khana, the first recorded instance of a Jain statue ever having been found at Fatehpur-Sikri and it is open to conjecture how an image belonging to this sect came there. 374 (iv) Report of Provincial Museum Commitice, Lucknow for the year ending 31st March, 1895. P. 3. A beautiful sculptured image of Mahaviranatha, the 24th Tirthankara of the Jains, dated Samvat 1238 or A D. 1180. 374 (v) Report of Provincial Muscum Committee, Lucknow for the year ending 31st March, 1914. P. 2. Three Jain figures--one representing Neminatha and the other Parsvanatha; the third is of a standing nude Jina without a symbol. 374 (vi) Report of Provincial Museum Commmittee, Lucknow for the year ending 31st March, 1915. P. 3. Two statues in alabaster or black marble representing Suvidhinatha, and Neminatha, the 9th and 22nd Tirthankaras of the Jains. Both standing nude and flanked by a chowrie-bearer. Their respective symbols of a crab and a conchshell on the pedestals which bear short votive inscriptions in Sanskrit language and Devanagari characters according to which the images were consecrated in v. s. 1208 (A, D. 1151) on Thursday, the 5th day of the bright half of Asadha. 374 (vii) Report of Provincial Museum Committee, Lucknow for the year ending 31st March, 1942. Allahabad, 1222. P. 3. Reference to a brass statuette representing a Yakshi (?) of the Jain pantheon with a child on her left arm and seated in an easy posture over a stan. ding lion. Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference to a brass statuette of Parsvanatha seated in meditation under the canopy of a seven-headed cobra. The date of its consecration is Samvat 1471 Sravana. 390 1890. 375 (1) Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1889-1890.-Bomyay, P. 1. Roho-situated in the north of the Palanpur Agency: Ruined remnants of a white marble Jain temple. P. 2. Sarotra, Palanpur Agency: An old white marble Jain temple. P. 4. Patan: Temple of Panchasara Parsvanatha-Temple of Sri Parsvanatha containing inscription of the Khadattaragachcha Jains. P. 3. Inscriptions: No. 702-On the base of Parsvanatha under Chhattri, Roho. No. 703-On a pillar supporting the, chhattri, Roho. No. 706-On the base of an image in the Jain temple, Bhilri. P. 10. Munjpur Jami masjid and most of the very early mosques of Gujarat constructed chiefly from the material of old Hindu or Jain temples. P. 11. Sankesvara: An old seat of the Jains-Jain temple of Parivanatha no longer in existence-Its materials used in the cell-shrines. Image of Parivanatha removed to a new temple. P. 15. Drawings: No. 950-Plan of Ganguakund and of old Jain temple, Lotesvara and Sankesvara, P. 15. Phottos: No. 1213-Old corridor of temple of Parivanatha, Sankesvara. No. 1214 Back of old shrine, Sankesvara. P. 16. Inscriptions: No. 763 On the seat of Parsvanatha, Dilmal. Nos. 769-796-Over a shrine door in the old ruined Jain temple, etc. Sankesvara, 375 (ii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1890-1891-Bombay, 1891. P. 3. Pedgaon Bhairavnatha temple, originally a Jain one. Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 391 P. 4. Miri : A step well cut in the rock. An inscription below with a Jain figure near it. Buddhist temple mentioned by Dr. Wilson (B. O. R. A. S., 1850). are all Jain. 375 (iii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1891-92.-Bombay, 1892. P. 8. Sinnar--20 miles south of Nasik (Deccan); in the fields about a mile east of the town, are two colossal Jain figures. Pp. 8-9. Patna-10 milles south of Chalisgaon, is Jain shrine included in the fort wall on its east side. About a hundred yards distant, is another small Jain shrine with a seated Jina over the entrance door way. Kalaka Mata Cave P. 14. Chandod: Here is a Jain cave, excavated in one of the lower cliffs of the Chandod fort hill; scores of Tirthankara image in bas-relief. P. 15. Anjancri-14 mills west of Nasik; on the lower slopes of the hill, there is a group of Jain shrines. The inscription at Anjaneri records that in Saka 1063, 3 shops were given for maintaining the temple of Chandraprabha. In the upper cliff, is a small Jain cave and in the lower cliff another small cave; is a small Jain cave and in the lower cliff another small cave; Parsvanatha flanks the doorway. An inscription dated Samvat 1266. P. 19. List of Drawings : No. 1016-Patna, throne of Jain temple No. 1050-54. Anjaneri, group of Jain temples. No. 1055. Tringalvadi-plan and detail of Jain cave. P. 21. List of photos : Nos. 1285-87. Tringalvadi Jain cave. Inscriptions : Nos. 856-57. Tringalvadi-Jina Rishabhanath No. 858 - Anjaneri temple of Candraprabha. 375 (iv) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1892-1893.-Bombay, 1893. P. 4-11. Bhatkal : The large Jain basti, called Jattapa Naikana Chandra- nathesvara basti. Hadvalli : 3 Jain shrines (one on the top of Chandragiri hill). Murdesvara : Jain Viragals (huge slab of sculptured stone set up to record the death of some person), with attendant worshippers. Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Gersappa: Chaturmukha basti having in its central shrine the Chaumukha or Chaturmukha, a square altar with four seated life-sized Jinas. Other temples of interest are those of Vardhamana, Neminatha, Parsvanatha and the Kade basti. Bilgi: Temple of Parsvanatha, built in the Dravidian style. Khidrapur, 30 miles east of Kolhapur-A small Jain temple. P. 15. Drawings : Nos. 1061-1064-Chandranathesvara basti, Bhatkal. Nos. 1079-1082-Chaturmukha basti, Gersappa. No. 1083-Vardhamana Svami temple and images, Gersappa. Nos. 1084-1085-Parsvanatha temple, Bilgi. P. 16. Photographs: Nos. 1337-1340-Chandranathesvara basti, Bhatkal. Nos. 1353-1354-Chaturmukha basti, Jatiga shrine at the temple of Parivanatha, Gersappa. 392 Nos. 1355-Temple of Parsvanatha, Bilgi. Pp. 17-19. Inscriptions: Nos. 910-911-On the seat of a Jain image, at Nagpur museum. Nos. 918-921-A slab in the Chandranathesvara basti, Bhatkal. Nos. 923-925-On a stone at the Parvsanatha temple, Bhatkal. Nos. 933-934-A stone in the Parsvanatha basti, Bhatkal. No. 950 (A. B.)-951-A slab in the old Jain temple; Murdesvara. No. 952-953. A slab outside the Jain temple called basti Makhi, Murdesvara. Nos. 973-975-Viragal in a small old Jain shrine, Murdesvara. Nos. 981-983-A stone built in the compound of Vardhamanasvami's temple, Gersappa. Nos. 984-986-A stone built in the temple of Parsvanata Gersappa. Nos. 989-991-A slab and a pillar in the mandapa of Parsvanatha basti, Gersappa. No. 999. A-On a pillar in the Virabhadra temple, Banavasi. Nos. 1076-1077-A slab lying in front of Parsvanatha temple, Kolhapur. Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 393 375 (v) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1893 94---Poona, 1894. P. I. Gandhar, Broach district : Some Jain marble sculptures, bearing short inscriptions. Pp. 4.7. C. P. and Berar, Narsinghpur : Standing female figure from a Jain temple and saveral seated cross-legged Jinas among the figures grouped about. Tewar near Bhera ghat : Nude Jain figures. Jabalpur ; Some very good Jain sculptures in the garden of the house occupied by Messrs. Cursetji & Co. Nohla : Jain figures--Image of Chandraprabha. Kundalpur : Modern Jain temples. P. 16. Drawings : No. 1151--Jain temple, pillar and doorway, Pathari. Pp. 16-17. Photos : No. 1403-Colossal Jain image, Bahuriband. No. 1411-Jain images in Curserji's garden. Jabalpur. No. 1415--Jain temple, Kundalpur. Nos. 1435-1436-Old Jain temple, Pathari. P. 17. Inscriptions : No. 1093-On the base of a colossal Jain image, Bahuriband. No. 1107--Jain temple, a slab built into wall near shrine door, Kundalpur, 375 (vi) Year 1893. Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India.-Bombay. 1894. Pages. Localities. Jaina antiquities. Gandhar Sculptures in marble with short inscriptions. Different statues, of which one feminine. Narsinghpur Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 394 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. Localities. Jaina antiquities. Nohta Several statues, of which one is of Chandraprabha. Some modern temples of little interest. Kundalpur Chartana Aundha Year 1894-1895 Magnificent pillar of 25 feet high. Relics of temples. Tatta Year 1896-1897 According to the tradition, there must have been formerly in this locality a great Jaina temple. Year 1898-1899 Than Sejakpur Patan Two small sanctuaries. Temple in ruin with statues. Ruins of the ancient and magnificent temple of Parsvanatha. Temple and statue of Risabhadeva. Miani Year 1900-1901 Mount Abu The temples, Descriptive and historical review with plan beside text. Chitorgarh The tower Chota Kirtamand the temple in ruin. Belgaum Temple in the fort. Gersappa Ancient temple. Year 1901-1902 Ter This town was formerly an important religious centre of the Buddhists, Hindus and of the Jainas. Patur Grottos and statue probably Jainas. Sirpur Old temple of Parsvanatha, belonging to the Digambaras and including an inscription dated Samvat 1334 (?);history and description of this temple. Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 395 Pages. Localities. Jaina antiquities. Karinja Bhojpur Mekhar Modern temple. An abandoned temple with Gigantic statue. Statues, of which one bears an inscription of Samvat 1272. Image of Parsvanatha with inscription of Saka 1173. Satgaon Year 1903-1904 Khajuraho Arang Ratnapur Temples in perfect state of conservation, dating in general of the 11th century, and adorned with sculptures and inscriptions. Old Digambara temple of the 12th century with statues standing and seated. Temple which originally belonged to the Digambaras. Several mutilated statues. The famous tower and several svetambara temples with inscriptions of Sam. vat 1510, 1529, 1554, 1564 and 1617. Description of these temples. Review on Haribhadra, according to the 'Prabandhakosa' of Rajasekhara. Reviews on some Jaina inscriptions. Chitorgarh 41-45. 58-59. Year 1904-1905 Jhavia Pasan Mount Abu Amvam Keshorai-Patan. Temple of Santinatha. Notes on the Jaina temples. Digambara temple. Temple with several statues of Jinas. Group of five temples with inscriptions and statues. 51-52. Bijali Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 396 Pages. 59. 61-62. Localities. Kareda Nagada Jaina antiquities. Temple with beautiful statue of Parsvanatha. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Temple with inscriptions and statue of Parsvanatha. Two other temples, of which one contains a statue of Santinatha, 375 (vii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1894-1895-Poona, 1895. Pp. 5-6. Chartana-Nizam Territory: Jain remains amongst the Hindu. One magnificient Jain column, about 25 feet high. Aunda-14 miles south of Hingoli : Remains of Jain as well as Hindu temples. 375 (viii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1897-Poona, 1898. P. 3. All over Sudia, the earliest tombs and mosques were constructed of materials from Hindu and Jain temples. At Broach the Jami masjid was built of materials from a very fine Jain temple. P. 7. Vijnot (Vinjrote)-5 miles south of Reti Railway station. To provide ballasting for the railway, fragments of carved stone from a Hindu or Jain temple were provided (Ind. Ant. Vol. XI). 375 (ix) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1897-1898-Poona, 1898. Pp. 7-8. Sopara-6 miles north of Bassain-Lower part of a small marble image of Buddha or a Jina, seated, measuring 3 3/4 inches. 375 (x) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1898-1899-Poona, 1899. Pp. 3-5: Than, in Kathiawar : Remains of two small Jain shrines of about the 7th or 8th century A. D. Sejakpur: A ruined Jain temple of considerable merit. P. 11. Pattan: Old shrine of Parsvanatha. Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 397 P. 13. Veraval : Materials of a plain Jain temple used in the construction of the Jami Masjid. Pp. 18-19. Miani : Figure of a Buddha or a Jina with a very considerable topknot on his head, seated cross-legged with the hands on the lap. Temple of Nilakantha and Jain temple, 13th century A, D. Jain image, a very unusual sculpture of Tirthankara, placed in the Brahmanical temple. An image of Rishabhadeo. 375 (xi) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1900-1901--Poona, 1901. Pp. 2-7. Abu : Dilwara temples of the Jains. Temples of Vimalasa and Tejpala, the former built in 1032 A. D. and the latter about two hundred years later. Ambadevi's shrine. The present image of Risabhadeva in the main shirne, not the original one. Discovery of curly-haired head of a colossal Jina in black stone. Mahmud of Gazni, the terror of the Hindus and Jains alike. Grants made to the temple of Vimaiasa in 1216 and 1217. Additions of marble halls and corridor to the old shrine of Neminatha by Tejapala and Vastupala of Anhilwara. P. 8. Chitorgarh : Jain tower, locally known as the "Chhota Kirtham", built with the ruined but highly decorated Jain temple beside it. Pp. 11. Conservation : Jain temple in the fort at Belgaum. P. 16-19. Photos : Nos. 1882-2019--Dilwara temples, Mount Abu. Plan of the Dilwara temples, Mount Abu. 375 (xii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1901-1902.- Poona, 1901. P. 1. Ter : A place of religious importance, first with the Buddhists and subsequently with the Hindus and Jains. ..P. 3. Patur : Two caves at Patur, probably Jain. Sirpur : Old temple of Antariksa Parsvanathsa of the Digambara Jains. Another morden temple of the community with underground chambers. P. 6. Karinja : Jain temple of Kastasangh. P. 7. Bhojpur: Jain temple with a colossal nude Jina standing in the shrine. Pp. 9-10. Mehkar : The ruined old dharmasala probably Jain. Lower part of seated Jina near the temple of Balaji. A broken Jain image, inside the temple, dated Sam 1272 (1215 A. D.). Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 15. Satgaon: Lower portion of an image of Parsvanatha with an inscription dated Saka 1173 (1251 A. D.). It is Digambara, its nakedness being distinctly indicated. An image of a devt with a seated little Jina on the very top of her head. P. 17. Conservation: Jain temple at Belgaum. 398 P. 19. Photos: Nos. 2059-2061-Temple of Antariksa Parivanatha, Sirpur (Basim). No. 2071 Karsnja (Amraoti). Sculptured wooden brackets in Jain temple of Kastasangh, 375 (xiii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1902-1903-Poona, 1903. Pp. 4-5. Conservation : Sholapur district: Jain temple in fort Belgaum. Kanara district: Temple of Parsvanatha, Bilgi. West Berar Old Jain temple, Sirpur, Old Jain caves Patur. P. 9. Photos: Nos. 2126-2127-Jain tower and temple. 275 (xiv) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1903-4-Poona, 1904. Pp. 5-7. Photos: No. 2172-Temple of Parsvanatha, Khajaraha (Bundelkhand). No. 2173-Temple of Adinatha, Khajaraha (Bundelkhand). Nos. 2205-2206-Old Jain temple, Arang. No. 2282-Mokalji's temple, sculptured frieze along basement with seated Jina, Chitorgarh. Nos. 2287-2289-Small tower (Jain), Jain temple, etc. Chitorgarh. Nos. 2290-2292. 2311-2312-Satvis (Jain) temple, Chitorgarh. Pp. 7-8. Inscriptions: Nos. 1992-1955-On jambs of the temple of Parsvanatha, Khajaraha (Bundelkhand). No. 2020-Parsvanatha temple, mason's name, Arang. Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 399 Nos. 2042-2043-On pedestal of the colossal Jain image under a tree, Bahuriband. Nos. 2069-2071-On slabs in Jain temple near Gomukha Kunda, Chitorgarh. D . Pp. 16-17. Khajaraha : Collections of both Brahmanical and Jain temples of the 17th century--Walls of the Jain temples free from indecent sculptures-Objectionable figures on door jambs of the temple of Parsvanatha. P. 23. Arang : Digambara Jain temple of the 11th century. P. 25. Bahuriband: A colossal standing nude Jain image-Inscription on the block beneath its feet recording erection of a temple of Santinatha. Pp. 27-28. Ratanpur: The temple of Mahamayi originally Jain, belonging to the Digambara sect-Jain images. Pp. 32-33. Adbhar : A Jain seated figure in a hut. Pp. 37-46. Chitorgarh : Jain tower at Chitor-Temples of the Svetambara sect, known as she Satvis temples-Sringar Chavada Jain temple-Jain temples with dates Sringara Chavadi built either by the Jain treasurer of Rana Kumbha, or by the son of the treasurer in about 1150 A D.--Small Jain shrine near the temple, of about 1494 A. D. Kumbha, a promoter of Jain religion-His directions to build the great Jain temple at Ranapur in 1440 A. D. Expression "Sapta-bhanga" peculiar to Jain philosophy-Jain pontiff Jinavallabha (died 1111 A.D.) said to have caused temples of Mahavira and Parsvanatha to be built on Chitrakuta-Conversion to Jainism of Haribhadra, a learned Bhahmana, a resident of Chitrakuta-Legend about Haribhadra-Ramakirti, the chief of the Digambaras and pupil of JayakirtiExistence of a prosperous colony of Digambara Jains on the hill in Kumara pala's time. Pp. 47-60. Inscriptions : Nos. 1992-1955-On a Jain temple, Khajaraha. No. 2042-On pedestal of a Jain image, Bahuriband. Nos. 2069-2071- Inscriptions in the Jain temple near Gomukh, Chitorgarh. 375 (xv) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1904-1905.- Poona, 1905. Pp. 6-8. Photos : Nos. 2371-2374--Jain temples, Amvam. No. 2395-Jain temple, Ramgarh. Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 400 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 2403--Parsvanatha temple, Bijolia. No. 2456-Parsvanatha temple, Mandalgarh. No. 2457--Risavadeva temple, Mandalgarh. No. 2471-Jain tower, Chitorgarh. No. 2475-Parsvanatha temple, Karera. No. 2490-Jain temple, Ekaling. No. 2491-Parsvanatha temple, Ekaling. No. 2502-Image of Parsvanatha, Mandsaur. Pp. 9-11. Inscriptions : Nos. 2124-2127-On Jain figures and images, Ramgarh. N s. 2130-2131-On pedestal of a Jain image, Ramgarh, Nos, 2137.2144-On Jain pillar, temple of Parsvanatha, Bijolia. No. 2197-Inscription, temple of Risabhanatha, Menal. some Jain temples at P. 12. Paramara inscription dated Samvat !3!4 from Modi, Rampur, Bhanpura district. Pp. 15-21. Conservation : (Bombay). Jain temple, Belgaum, Belgaum district, Jain temple, Degamve, Belgaum district. Two statues of Jinas, Murdesvara, Kanara district. Jami Masjid, Broach, built of pilfered Hindu or Jain temple materials. Pp. 33-35. Jhalrapatan : Temple of Santinatha, Abu : Dilwara temples. P. 46. Amvam : A Jain temple belonging to the Digambara sect. Pp. 51-63. Keshorai Patan : Images of Jina. Bijolia : Jain temples - Temple with Nisedhika pillars setting forth the order of succession of the Jain pontiffs belonging to the Digambara sect--Unnata Sikhara Purana, a Jain poem, inscribed on a rock-An inscription recording repair of Parsvanatha temple by Loliga, a Parvad Mahajana, in about 1100 A, D.-A seated image of a Jina in the double shrined temple of Mahakala and Baijanaiha-Seated image of Siva, looking like a Jina. Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 401 Jaddli: Saiva temple Baijnatha-ka-Mandir with Siva in Jina fashion Digan hara Chaumukha sculpture, called Parvati by the ignorant people in the temple U On the dedicatory blocks of many Saiva temples in Rajputana, Siva i figured like a Jina. Mandalgarh: Temples of Risabhadeva, Undesvara-Mahadeva, Chaturbhuj and Jalesvara-Mahadeva-Figures of Jinas in the temple of Jalesvara. Kareda A large marble temple of Parsvanatha with an image of the Tirthankara dated 1656 v. E. Tradition about the erection of the temple with the pecuniary help of a man of the Vanjart caste-Local tradition about Akbar's visit to the temple and erection of a masjid to make the building sacred both to Muhammadans and Jains-The masjid is probably to prevent the temple from being destroyed by the Muhammadans-The temple of Risavadeva at Satrunjaya, has a miniature idgah built upon it for the same purpose. Nagda or Nagahrada: Mandar of Padmavati, a Jain temple. Inscriptions of V. E. 1356 and 1391 on the central shrine pertain to the Digambara sect, and prove that the temple was originally a Digambara one-The loose figure in the mandapa brought from elsewhere and kept there; or, in the time of Kumbhakarna, the temple was appropriated by the devotees of the Kharatara gachchha-Figure of a Jina in the centre of the slab-Adbhudji's temple, a Jain edifice, containing a clussal image of Santinatha, set up in v B. 1494, during the reign of Kumbhakarna, bv a merchant named Saranga-Images of Kumthunatha and Abhinandan on the side of the walls-another Jain temple dedicated to Paisvanatha-A third dilapidated Jain temple to the north of this temple. 1906. 375 (xvi) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1905-06-Simla and Poona, Pp. 5-6. Photos: No. 2565. Great Jain temple, Lukkundi. No. 2577.-Jain image in Jain temple, Aminbhavi. Nos. 2583-2585.-Old Jain temples, Belgaum. No. 2620.-Solthamba Jain temple, Kanthkot. Nos. 2628-2629.-Jain temples, Bhadresar. Nos. 2632-2551.-Temples of Neminatha, Mahavira, Santinatha, Paivanatha and Sambhavanatha, Kumbharia. Nos. 2665-2666.-Temple of Santinaha, Jhadoli, No. 2667.-Temple of Mahavira, Nandia, Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 402 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 7. Inscriptions : Nos. 2262-2265.--On jamb, pillars etc., of the temple of Neminath, Kumbharia, No. 2269.-Stone built in wall of temple of Santinatha, Jhadoli. No. 2270.-In temple of Mahavira, Pindwara. No. 2272-On pedestal of Jain image, Vasa ntg arh. Conservation (Southern Division, Bombay Presidency) : P. 9. Repairs to Jain temple, Belgaum, Belgaum district. Conservation (Rajputana): Pp. 17-18. Dome of Vimal sa's temples, Abu, Sirohi--Jain tower, Chitorgarh, Udaipur. Jain temple, Kalingara. Banswara and Abu, Sirohi. Protected Monuments : P. 20. Jain temples in the fort of Belgaum, Belgaum. An old Jain temple in th- jungle in the Bidi taluk, Belgaum. P. 22 Sirvhi : Old brass images discovered in the crypt of a Jain temple at Vasantgadh. P. 29. Belgaum : Two Jain shrines. Pp 38-55. Kanthkot : The Jain temple of Solthamba of 11th century dedicated to Mahavira. Bhadresvar : The Jain temple Jagdusa, Ambaji : The shrine visited by the Hindus, the Parsis and the Jains--Performance of the Chaula or hair-cutting cermony of their children by the Jains here. Kumbharia : Hanlom marble temples of the Jains- Tradition about the construction of Jain fanes to the number of 360 by Vimala sa-Of the five Jain temples the most important is that of eminatha. Colossal image of Neminatha in the shrine, and many objects of Jain worship-A temple dedicated to MabaviraVarious scenes of Jain mythology as in the temple of Vimala Sa at Abu-colossal image of Mahavira installed in 1618 A. D., the throne bearing an inscription dated in 1061 A, D.-Temple of santinatha-The ceiling of its hall sculptured with Jain mythological scenes-Temples of Parsvanatha and Sambhava-103? A. D. the date of Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 403 Vimala sa - Construction of the Jain temples at Kumbharia may be ascribed to the middle of the eleventh century. Sirohi : Inhabited mostly by the Jains or Sravukas--16 Jain temples, the earliest and largest being that of Chaumukhji. Mirpur : An old Jain temple, spoken of as one dedicated to Godinatha. Three small modern Jain temples containing a few old inscribed Jain images. Jhadoli : A Jain temple dedicated to santinatha, originally dedicated to Mahavira. An inscription-stone recording installation by Sri Devachandra Suri of an image of Risabhanatha. Pindwara : An inscription in the temple of Mahavira recording installation of an image of Vardhamana in Samvat 1665 in the village of Pimdaravadaka, i, e., Pindwara. Deposition in the temple of old brass images found in a Jain temple at Vasantgadh. Nandia : Temple of Mahavira. Ajari : A Jain temple dedicated to Mahavira. - Vatantgadh : A Jain temple-Inscription on a Jain image, recording installation of the image of Vasantapura, i. e. Vasantgadh in the reign of Kumbhakarna in 1450 A. D. Brass images unearthed and deposited in Mahavira's temple at Pindwara. Vasa : The temple of Jagadisa Mabadeva, originally a Jain and then converted into a Brahmanic temple. Pp. 56-63. Inscriptions (short abstracts and noted): Ramgarh : No. 2126. Recording the name of the person and his relatives who caused the Jain image to be made. Bijolia : Nos. 2137-2138. Contain the names, and describe the glory, of certain pontiffs of the Digambaras or as therein called, of Sarasvati gachchha. Balatkara-gana, Sri-Mula sangha in the line of the Acharya Kundakunda. The names of the pontiffs : (1) Vasantakirtideva, (2) Visalakirtideva, (3) Subhakirtideva, (4) Dharmachandradeva, (5) Ratnakirtideva, (6) Prabhachandradeva, (7) Padmanandi, and (8) Subhachandradeva. They are dated in A. D. 1408 and 1426. No. 2139. Engravings of the names of Bhattaraka Sri-Pandmanandideva and Bhattaraka Sri-Subhachandradeva. Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 404 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 2141.-Inscription incised near the door of the temple of Parsvanatha, No. 2143.-Incision on a rock of the Jain poem entitled the Purana by Siddhasuri. Chitorgadh : No. 2199. An inscription bearing the name of Sri Bhavanachandrasuri, dated Sam. 1303. No. 2204.-Dated Sam. 1505 records erection of temples of Santinatha called Sri Astapada-Its consecration by Jinasagarasuri. List of Jain pontiffs of the Kharatara gachchha. Nos, 2205-2209.- Records consecration by Sri-Jinasundarasuri of alakas (probably niches) in the structure called Sri-Astapada (i. e., Snngara Chavdi). Udaipur : No. 2219. Jain inscription about erection of temple of Mahavira, Ambika, and so forth. Dated in Sam. 1556. Nos. 2225-2229.--Slabs supposed to be connected with the Jain tower at Chitorgarh containing praise of the Jain doctrines. No. 2236.- Inscription Sambhavanatha. recording erection of a devakulika or shrine to Nagna : No. 2241. Dated in Samvat 1497. Records installation of an image of Kunthunatha, No. 2242.--Dated Sam. 1486. Records building of a devakulika in the temple of Parsvanatha by Porvadbania. No. 2243.-(a) Installation of the image of Adinatha by Sri Mativardhanasuri of Kharatara gachchha, (b) Dated Sam. 1391, (c) Dated Sam. 1350 (insert). 375 (xvii) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1906-07--Pouna, 1907. Pp. 4-6. Photos : Nos. 2713-2716.-Jain tower restored, Chitorgarh. Nos. 2788-2793.-Views of Jain temple in Junagarh, Mandor (Jodhpur State). No. 2808.--Wall mouldings of Jain temples, Teori. Nos. 2833-2839.-Views of Jain temple, Osia. No. 2855.-Views of Jain temple, Karparda. Nos. 2884-2889.-Views of Jain temple, Juna. No. 2905.- Jain arch; Bhinmal. Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 7-8. Inscriptions : Nos. 2278, 2279.-On pillars and slab in Mahavira's temple. Mungthala. Nos, 2283, 2284.--From temples of Vimala Sa and Tejapala, Mount Abu. No. 2302.---Mandapa of Jain temple, Osia. Nos. 2319-2322.-Mandapa of Jain temple, Juna. Nos. 2334, 2335.On pillar near Jain temple, Bhinmal. Conservation work done : P. 13. Jain temple ai Mewasa-C. i. P. 14. Dilwara temple at Abu--Jain tower at Chitorgah-Jain temples at Kalinjra. Pp. 17-18. Articles added to the Victoria Hall Museum ai Udaipur, Mewar : (i) a Jain image, (2) a head of a Jain image, (3) Two Jain carvings, etc. Pp. 26-43, Mungthala : A Jain temple of the 15th century. Patnarayan : The doorway of the enclosure of Patnarayana's temple brought from some Jain temple. Dilvada : Elaborately carved Jain temples.-A.D. 1032. Mandor : A Jain tempie. Ghatiyala : The temple of Matajt-ki-sal originally dedicated to a Jina (I. R. A. S. 1895 p. 516). Teori : A Jain temple. Osia : Jain and Brahmanic legends about a Jain yati of the name of Ratan Prabhu- A Jain temple of about the last quarter of the 8th century. Kaparda : a very high Jain temple. Juna : Ruins of three Jain temples. Inscription of Sam. 1352. 375 (xviii) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1907-1908.-- Poona, 1908. Pp. 4-6. Photos : Nos, 2928-2932.---Jain temple, Nana. No. 2944.--Parsvanatha's temple, Beda. No. 2949.- Jain temple, Beda. Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 406 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Nos. 2954-2957.-Mahavira's temple, Hathundi. Nos. 2959-2964.-Temple of Mahavira, Sevadi. No. 2974.-Jain temple, Sadadi,. Nos. 2985-2994.-Temple of Parsvanatha, image of Parsvanatha, Chaumukh temple, Sameta-sikhara sculpture. Sahasrakuta sculpture Satrunjaya Paltika, Parsvanatha's sculpture, Ranpur. Nos. 2997-3000.- Mahavira's temple, etc., Ghanerav. Nos. 3003-3006.--Jain temples, etc., Kumalgarh. Nos. 3025-3027.--Temple of Adiswara, Nadlas. Nos. 3035-3036.---Temple of Padmaprabhu, Nadol. Pp. 7-8. Inscriptions : No. 2350. --Mahavira's temple, Nana. Nos. 2352-2353.--Temple of Adinatha, Belar. Nos. 2355-2359.-Temple of Mahavira, Hathundi. Nos. 2360-2372.-Temple of Mahavira, Sevadi. No. 2374.- Jain temple, Boiya Nos. 2391-2394.--Parsvanatha's sculpture in Chaumukh temple, Ranpur. No. 2395.-Temple of Mahavira, Ghanerav. Nos. 2398-2405.-Temples of Adisvara and Neminatha, Nadlai. P. 10. Conservation (Bombay, Southern Division). Jain temples, Belgaum, Belgaum district. Sanchor : An inscription in Sanskrit, dated Sam. 1322, recording repair to a chatusk ka in the temple of Mahavira by an Osval Bhandari named Chhaghaka. A Jain fane at Sanchor, no longer in existence-Reference in Jinaprabha's Tirthakalpa to a Jain temple, dedicated to Mahavira. Bhinmal : Repairs to the temple af Jagatsvami by both the Osvals ProvadsSurya worship was common to both the Hindus and Jain in the middle of the 11th century-An inscription dated v.E. 1333, speaks of Purnachandra Suri of the Parapadra gachchha, and records benefaction of 13 drammas and 7 Vimsopakas for the annual worship of Mahavira-Origin of the dissemination of Jainism in Srimala (Bhinmal), of furnished by the Puranas-Spread of Jainism narrated in the Srimalamahatmya. Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 407 Pali: The Jain temple called Naulakha containing old images .. Tirthankaras with inscriptions dating from v. e, 1144 to 1201. Nana : Temple of Mahavira, supposed to contain an image of that Tirthankara as he was, before he attained to Kaivalya, or absolution. Inscription Sam. 1506 - Oswal. Belar: A Jain temple of Parsvanatha. Inscription v. E. 1265-Osvala. Beda : A Jain temple near the shrine dedicated to Thokur or Visnu-A Jain temple dedicated to Parsvanatha amongst the ruins known as Juna Beda, the image of the Tirthankara containing date Samvat 1644. Bhatund : A carving in a temple in the village, of the figure of a siva, seated like a Jina. Hathundi : A Jain temple possessing an immage of Rata-Mahavira, called Muchhala, i. e., one with thick moustaches-A pillar in the gudnamandupa bears an inscription dated Samvat 1335-Osval. Sevadi : A temple af Mahavira, probably of the 10th century. Bali : Reference to a Jain sangha organised by Phulchand Umaji, a native of Kalandari, in the Sirohi State. Sadadi : An upasrya, built by Tarachand Kabadiya, an Osval of the RayKothari family. Ranpur : Chaumukh temple of Adinatha. Two other Jain temples in its frontTo the Jains it is one of the pancha-Ilitha in Marwar. Ghanerv : A pancha-tirtha of the Jains in Marwar. 375 (xix) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1908-1909-Poona, 1909. Pp. 5-6. Nadol, Nadlar: Two of the Jain pafcha-Oirthas in Marwar, Sanoe rav : A Jain temple. Korta : Jain temples reported as existing. Jalor : Two Jain temples on the fort. Pp. 7-9. Photos : No. 3172.-Figure of Jina on ceiling of two-storeyed Jain cave temple, Aihole: Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 408 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY I os. 3199-3201.-Triple-shrined Jain temple near Virupaksa, etc., Aihole. Nos. 3218-3221.-Jain caves. Jina Parsvanatha etc., Aihole. No. 3223.-Two leaves of an old ms. from a Bikaner Jain bhandara, Bombay. Nos. 3230-3232.-Temple of Parsvanatha, pillars etc., Barkana. No. 3233.--Jain temple in front of Rampol on fort, Chitorgarh. Nos. 3239-3242.-Temple of Parsvanatha, etc., Sanderav. Nos. 3243-3248.-Temples of Risabhadeva, Santinatha, Mahavirasvami, etc., Korta. No. 3251.-View of Jain temple, Paladi. No. 3254.-Temple of Santinatha, Thamli. Nos. 3264-3266.--Chaumukh temple, etc., Jalor. Nos. 3268-3269.-Temple of Kumarapala, etc., Jalor. No. 3278.--Ruined Jain temple, etc., Nal-Gundha. No. 3290.--Girnar Jain temple, Junagadh. Pp. 9-10. Inscriptions : No. 2428.--Jain temple, Barkana. Nos. 2438-2442.---Jain temple, Sanderav. No. 2476.Jain temple opposite Virupaksa temple, Aihole. Protected Monuments : Panch Mabals district, P. 18. No. 10. The fort of Pavagad and the ruined Hindu and Jain temples on the top, Champanir, Halol. Dharwar district. P. 20. No. 11. Old Jain temple in fort, Hangal. No. 25.-The Jain basti, Lakkundi, Gadag. P. 35. Jain cave, Aihole. Pp. 36-56. Kailwada : Two Jain temples Chaumukh temple originally a Jain. Kumalgadh : The temple of Mamadeva originally a Jain fane, and afterwards in v. s. 1515-16 (A. D. 1458-1459) decorated by Rana Kumbha with Brahmanic images. The Jain temple of Pittalia deva. An inscribed sculpture, dated in v.s, 1516, Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 409 recording construction of the pedestal of Yugadideva, i. e., Risabhadeva in the temple of Samavasarana. Many other temples, mostly Jain. Nadlai : Jain temples of the place. The fort-hill called Jaykal sacred to the Jains. Jain temple, within the fort, dedicated to Adinatha-inscription on the seat of the image, dated in v. s. 1686, refers to the installation of the image of Adinatha by Vijayasimhasuri of the Tapagachchha. The temple originally erected by Samprati, (supposed grandson of Asoka), the hero of Jain traditions and legends. A temple dedicated to Neminatha (Jadvaji). A temple dedicated to Adisvara, originally to Mahavira. Nadol : One of the panchatirthas of the Marwar Jains. Of the Jain temples in Nadol the chief one dedicated to Padmaprabha. Barkana : One of the panchatirthas with the Jains in Marwar and Guzarat. A temple of Parsvanatha. Sculptures in the shrine porch peculiar to Jain mythology. Sanderav : Original seat of the Shanderaka gachchha founded by Yasobhadrasuri. The temple of Mahavira. Korta : Temples of santinatha (14th cent.) Rikhabdeva (Risabhadeva), and Mahavira. Jalore : The topkhana, or originally a mosque, built of materials from the Hindu and the Jain temples dedicated to the Tirthankara Adinatha, Mahavira and Parsvanatha. Two Jain temples and a mosque on the fort. 375 (xx) Report for the Archaealogical Survey of Western India, 1909-1910-Poona, 1910. Pp. 5. Kekind : Jain temple of about the 15th cent. Pp. 7-11. Photos : Nos. 3355-3358 - Jain temple at Mission, Pattadakal. Nos. 3414-3419.-Jain temples in fort, etc., Belgaum. No. 3475.-Temple of Parsvanatha, Bairat. No. 3499.- Jain pillar, Siv-dungar. Nos. 3548-3550.-Temple of Parsvanatha, etc., Phalodi. Nos. 3562-3563.-Temple of Parsvanatha, Kekind. Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 410 Pp. 11-12. Inscriptions: No. 2499.-Below Jain images, 10 in number, Badami. No. 2506.-Temple of Parsvanatha, Bairat. No. 2526. In the temple of Parsvanatha, Kekind. P. 21. Khajaraha: Adinatha temple in possession of Jain community. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Protected Monuments: P. 24. Belgaum district: No. 2. Old Jain temple etc. Belgaum Fort, Belgaum. No. 3. Old Jain temple, Belgaum Fort, Belgaum. No. 12. Ratta inscription of Saka 1009 and 1043 in a Jain temple in the village, Konnur, Gokak. No. 14. Ratta inscription dated Saka 1127 in an old Jain basti, Kalloli, Gokak. No. 26. Jain temple of Muktesvara, Wakkund, Sampgaon. Kanara district. No. 8. The Jain basti, of Parsvanatha, Bilgi, Siddapur. No. 15. The temple of Vardhamanasvami, Nagarbastikeri or Gersappa, Hon var. Nos. 25, 26. Parsvanatha basti and Santesvara basti, Bhatkal (Petha). No. 29. Chandranatha Deva basti, Hadvalli, Bhatkal (Petha). Panch Mahals district: No. 2. Ruined Jain temples in the old town of Champaner, Halol. Pp. 39-62: Mirpur-Khas: Absurdity in accepting the idols discovered at stipa at the place to be Jain images. Jain images are always nude to the waist, and, in the case of Digambara Jains, nude altogether. Pattadakal Jain temples. Badami An important group of Jain caves. Probable retirement of the Rastrakit king Amoghavarsa I (cir. A. D. 850), a devout Jain, to Badami to spend the latter part of his life near tae Jain cave of adout 200 years old at thet ime. Junagadh Buddhist caves of the 2nd or 3rd century and Jain temples of the 13th century. Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 411 Bairat : The temple of Parsvanatha, in possession of the Saraogis or Digambara Jains. Amer : Three Saiva temples, originally Jain-Figures of Jinas found carved in parts of Lal-Sah-ka-mandar (photos Nos. 3482-84). Sanganer : The Jain temple called Singhiji-ka-mandar, supposed to be of the 11th century. Images of the Tirthankaras in the temple are all nude. It is now a Saraogi temple (Photos Nos. 3493-94). Chatsu : A fortified temple on the hill called Sivdungar, originally a Saraogi fane, now appropriated to Siva worship. A chhatri at the northern extremity of the temple enclosure. Inscriptions of Sam. 1556 mentions names of Pontiffs of Mulasangha Jin mata : The temple of Jin-mata, was an image of a Tirthankara near its shrine door. Lohagar : Reference to the origin of the Mahesari, one of the well-known bania classes of Rajputana, in the Itihasa Kalpadruma. Khandela : Objects of antiquity in the place are : (1) the temple of Khandesvara Mahavira, (2) a Saraogi temple, (3) Munji-ka-Mandar, and (4) some old wells. Ajmer : An inscription dated 1051 v. E. engraved on the image of a Jina found at Bayana in the Bharatpur State records that the image was under the instructions of Surasena of apparently the Vagata-Sangha by the three brothers, Simhaika, Yasoraja and Nounaika. Phalodi : A temple of Parsvanatha, and another of Brahmani-story about the image of Parsvanatha. Medta : 12 Jain temples. Inscriptions of v. s. 1677. 375 xxi) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1910-1911-Poona, 1911. P. Old Jain temples on the Pavagada fort, near Champanir. P. 16. Photos : No. 3660.-Sculpture of Nandi svara-dulpa in Jain temple, Rupnagar. No. 3669.-Group of sculptures in Jain temples, Arai. No. 3670.---Torana in same, Arai. Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 412 No. 3674.-Temple of Parsvanatha, Barlu. No. 3675.-Back view of sikhara of same, Barlu. Nos. 3677-3678.-Jain temple, Unstra. Nos. 3680-3682.-Jain temple, Surpura. Nos. 3683-3685.-Jain temple, Nadsar. Nos. 3687-3690.-Temple of Rikhabdevji. Nos. 3691-3699.-Jain sculpture, Khed. P. 18. Inscriptions: Nos. 2557-2558.-On pillars in Jain temple, Surpura. No. 2559.-Near the shrine-door of Jain temple, Nadsar. Nos. 2561-65.-On beams and pillars of Jain temple, Jasol. Nos. 2566-2571.-Temple of Rikhabdevji, Nagar. Nos. 2572-2573.-Temples of Parsvanatha and Santinatha, Nagar. P. 28. Chota Kailasa, a cave temple of Western India, is a Jain structure. Pp. 36-45: JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Kekind: A Jain temple of Parsvanatha, originally dedicated to Vidi. Image of the Tirthankara is dated Sam. Rupanagar: Sculptures of Nandtivaradoipa in a Saraogi temple. There inscribed memorial pillars. Inscriptions Nos. 2540 (v. s. 1018 and v. s. 1076). Mata. Nosal Temple af Anandi Math. She is the tutelary goddess of Lavadiyas, a khamp of the Khandelval Saraogis and of the Chitalangiyas, a Khamp of the Mahesaris, Aira, or Arami: Discovery of old Jain sculptures of about the 12th century, belonging to the Digambara sect. 375 (xxii) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1911-1912-Poona, 1912. Pp. 11-15, 57-58, Pavagadh: A hill sacred to both the Hindus and the Jains. A number of Jain temples on the plateau surrounding the peak. A group of Jain cells. Temples Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY dedicated to Chandraprabha and suparsva (13th century Gujarat architecture). The Jains notorious for painting and whitewashing their temples. Tankai: Interesting and elaborately carved Jain caves. The Jain divinity Amba converted into a Hindu goddess. P. 23. Photo: No. 3754.Jain temple in Bavan Deri, Champanir. P. 31. Acquisitions: Junagadh Meseum-One broken head of a Jain idol found from Uparkot or Girnar etc. Rajputana Museum, Ajmer-(1) Barli inscription of the 3rd century B. a. The words "Viraya Bhagavat (e)" are contained in it, and thus it is certain that it originally belonged to some Jain temple. Inspection. (2) Images of Santinatha, Adinatha, etc. P. 37. Jain temples at Ghori-Three Jain temples at Bhodesar. A Jain temple at Virawah. 413 Pp. 42-43. Conservation: Inscription slabs in Ankusesvara temple, in the Jain basti, etc., Saundatti, Parasgad, Belgaum. Temple of Parsvanatha-Bilgi, Siddapur, Kanara. Chaturmukha basti, Jain temple, Karwar, Kanara. Pp. 53-56. Barlu A Jain temple dedicated to Parsvanatha. temple, probably of the 13th century. Namesvarasvami temple Nagarbastikeri, Surpura: An image of a Tirthankara in the centre of the shrine-door of the temple of Mata, originally dedicated to Neminatha. Photos No. 3682, inscrip tion of Sam. 1239, Nadsar: An unusual Jain temple reminding one of a Muhamadan mosque. Jasol A Hindu temple and a Jain one, called Dada-Deva. Inscriptions of Samvat 1246 and Sam. 1210. Khed: Trace of a Jain monument. Unstra: A ruined Jain Nagar Three Jain temple-(1) one dedicated to Nakoda Parsvanatha, built by the Panch, (2) one to Risabhadeva, built by a woman called Lasibar of the Osval caste, (3) and another to Santinatha by Malasah Seth of the Patwa familly from Jesalmer. Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 414 375 (xxiii) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1912-1913-Poona, 1913. Pp. 5, 30. Two broken Jain images found in excavation work in connection with the drainage work in the Kasba Peth of the Poona city. Muhammadan devastation of the Jain temples containing the images. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 19-20. Photos: No. 3862.-Rajputana Museum, sculpture of Parivanatha, Ajmer. Nos. 3902-3903. Jain temple, Kahala, P. 26. Acquisitions: Watson Museum, Rajkot. Paliasan (seat for an idol) with the letters frarer etc., etc., (Pallival Jnartya). P. 35. Protected monuments (Bijapur district): The Jain and Vaisnava caves, Badami. The Jain temple of Meguti Aihole, Hungund. The two storied Jain temple and cave on hill under Meguti, Aihole, Hungund. P. 41. Conservation: Jain and Namesvara Svami temples, Nagarbastikeri, Honavar, Kanara. Parsvanatha Basti, Bilgi, Siddapur, Kanara. P. 47. Conservation (Rajputana): Dilwara Jain temple on Mount Abu. Adinatha's temple. Vastupala's temple. Pp. 49-50. Inscription Reports: Jain temple at Gori-Three Jain temples at Bhodesar. Temple at Virawah. P. 52. Work proposed: Repairing the roofing of the Jain temple, Deogaon, Belgaum, etc. Pp. 55-57. Mori 10 miles west of Bhanpura. Supposed Jain temples. Close resemblance of the image of Lakulisa, the last incarnation of Siva, to that of a Tirthankara. Kohala Two Jain temples popularly known as Sas-Vau (Sam. 1651-inscriptions). Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 375 (xxiv) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1913-1914-Poona, 1914. P. 9. Conservation (Hyderabad): The famous caves of Ellora-group in one place, of the Buddhist, Brahmanical and Jain sects. P. 21. Photos: No. 4181.-Jain temples, Pattadkal. P. 22. Inscriptions: No. 2643.-On a stone near Jain temple, Baro. P. 33. Mounments protected: 415 The Jain temple included in the Mission area about th of a mile from the village on the west, Pattadkal, Badami. P. 35. Agreements made with owners: Old Jain temple in fort. Bengal. The Jain basti and Maskin Bhavi, Lakkundi. Parsvanatha basti Bhatkal. Santesvara basti, Bhatkal. Chandranatha Deva basti, Bhatkal. P. 38. Conservation: Jain temple, Degam, Sampgaon, Belgaum. P. 50. Eastern Nara.-Jain temple at Gori, built in Samvat 1432 (A.D. 1375-76). Jain temples at Bhodesar. Temple at Virawah, said to have been founded in A. D. 456 by Jeso Parmaro of Barmer. Pp. 60-63. Bhilsa A Tah-Khanah, chamber supported on pillars originally belonging to a Hindu or Jain temple (on the Lohangai rock). Gyaraspur Temple of Bajra math figures of tirthankaras in its shrines. Probability of the Jains having brought materials from Hindu temples to from the triple-shrined temple for installing images of their tirthankaras. Temple of Malade-an image of a nirthankara in its sanctum, and other nude images and a colossal figure of a standing Jina. Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 416 375 (xxv) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1914-1915-Bombay, 1915. P. 4. Reference to a beautiful old wood-carving of Vadi Parsvanatha temple at Patan in the Kadi division, Baroda State. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 7. Devki-Vansol: Excavation of the ruins (13th century) of a Jain temple at this village. Pp. 10-14: Bodesar: Four Jain temples and comment on their repairs. Mount Abu: Dilwara temples and comment on their repairs. Pp. 22-24. Photos: Nos. 4229-4230.-Jain temple (Balabhi Nathubhai), Ahmadabad. Nos. 4231-4232.-Jain temples, Ahmadabad. No. 4338.-Parsvanatha temple Achalgad, Sirohi State. P. 27. Inscriptions: Nos. 2716-2717.-On slabs in the Parivankitha basti, Bilgi. Pp. 33-35. Acquisitions: Watson Museum, Rajkot. 16 inscriptions from the Jain temples of the SatruAjaya hill near Palitana, etc. (Ind. Vol. II, Parts IX & X). Rajputana Museum, Ajmer. 9 dated Jain Images. 3 dated Jain Images of Adinatha, Sumatinatha and Parsvanatha Fragment of a small Digambara Jain image. Fragment of an inscribed Digambara Jain image. Part of an inscribed Digambara Jain image of Chandraprabhu. Inscribed Jain images of Sumatinatha and Sreyamsanatha. 3 Digambara Jain Images, two bearing inscriptions and one without. An inscription dated Sam. 1157, of the time of Parmara Prince Chamundaraja, and found in a Jain temple at Arthuna. Etc. Pp. 41-44. Protected Monuments: Jain cave, Tringalvadi. Igatpuri (Nasik Dist.) Jain caves, Badami. Jain temple of Meguti, Aiholli, Hungund. Two-storied Jain temple and cave Aiholli, Hungund. Mena Basti (Jain cave). Aiholli, Hungund. Large Jain Images and inscription, Adargunchi, Hubli. Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 417 P. 45. Agreements made with owners. Ratta inscription in a Jain temple in the village of Konnur (Belgaum). Two Jain temples at Belgaum. P. 50. Repairs to the Dharmanathesvara temple and caves, Indore, Dhamnar. P. 69. Probability of change of faith of the Kadamba king Harivarman from Jain to Brahmanical sometime between the 5th and 8th years of his reign. (I. A. Vol. p. 22 pp.). . Pp. 76-80. Conservation commentary : Jain temples at Dilwara. Mount Abu; Sirohi State : The Vimala Sa temple. The upper temple of Vastupala. Tejapala. The monuments at Achalgadh ; A Jain temple of Parsvanatha. Isolated portions of an original Jain temple. 375 (xxvi) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1915-1916-Bombay, 1916. P. 4. Reference to the restoration of the Jain tower on Chitorgarh or Chota Kirtham. P. 25. Acquisitions : Watson Museum, Rajkot.-A manuscript of Sraddha-Dinakritya by Jain Acharya Devendra Suri, pages 1-7, complete. P. 28. Protected Monuments : Large Jain Image, Adargunchi; Hubli, Dharwar District, etc. Pp. 30-31. Agreements executed : Dharwar : Jain temple at Lakkundi, Gadag taluq, etc. Belgaum : Jain temple of Muktesvara at Wakkund, Sampgaon taluq. Two dated inscriptions Saka 797 and 902 in the old Jain temple at Saundatti, Parasgad taluq. An old an typical Jain temple in the jungle with fine carving at Nandgad, Khanpur taluq. Kanara : Parsvanathesvara basti, and santesvara basti at Bhatkal in this same Peta, Chandranatha Deva basti at Hadvalli, Peta Bhatkal, etc. P. 42. Inscription reports : Eastern Nara : Jain temple at Gori. Two Jain temples at Bhodesar, Temple at Virawah, etc. Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4180 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 47. Works proposed : Jain temple in Missionary compound, Pattadkal, Bijapur district. P. 69. Conservation comment : The great image of Risabha, known as "Bavan Ganj" at Barwani, Central India. 375 (xxvii) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1916-1917---Bombay, 1917. Pp. 14-16. Photos : No. 4529.---Jain temples, etc., Taranga hill, Mahi-Kantha. No. 4583.-Temples of Rikhadadev, etc., Kolar, Sirohi State. No. 4584.--Temple of Mahavira, etc., Paladi, Sirohi State. No. 4585.- Temple of Parsvanatha, etc., Uthaman, Sirohi State. No. 4595.- Temple of Neminatha etc., Jiraval, Sirohi State. Pp. 17-18. Inscriptions : Nos. 2740-2741.-On pillar etc. of the temple of Sambhavanatha, Kojra. No. 2744.-On the lintel of the Jain temple, Balda. Nos. 2745.2751.-On pillars, etc. of the temple of Mahavira, Paladi. Nos. 2752-2754.-On pillars, etc., of the temple of Santinatha, Vagin. Nos. 2755-2756.- Temple of Parsvanatha, near the image in shrine and on the lintel of shrine door-way, Uthaman. Nos. 2773-2780.-Temple of Neminatha, on a jamb, etc , Jirawal. Nos. 2788-2791.-Temple of Mahavira, on a pillar, etc., Varman. P. 33. Conservation : Jain temple in the Mission compound, Pattadkal, Badami, Bijapur. P. 44. Inscription Reports : Eastern Nara.-- Jain temple at Gori. Jain temples at Bodeswar. Temple at Virawah. P. 46. Works proposed (Special repairs): Jain temple in the Commissariat "store-yard, Belgaum. Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 419 Pp. 55-57. Conservation Comment: Badami : Sureli temple (Jain). Dilwara (Abu) : Vimala So's temple. Tejpala's temple. Pp. 59-72. Exploration : Or (Ur of maps) : Jain temple, now dedicated to Parsvanatha. dedication was to Mahavira. Inscription dated v. 1242. Its former Nitora : The shrine of Surra and the temple of Parsvanatha. Kojra : The Jain temple dedicated to Sambhavanatha. Inscription v. 1634. Originally of Parsvanatha. Inscription Sam. 1224. Bamanvarji : A temple dedicated to Mahavira, called Bamanvarji, belonging probably to the 14th or 15th century. A Siva linga in this sanctum dedicated to Jain worship Balda: A Jain temple of the 14th or 15th century. The shrine contains an image of Mahavira installed in v. 1697. Inscription of v. 1483. Kolar : (Sirohi) Temple of Adinatha. Images bearing dedicatory inscriptions, 18th or 19th century of the Vikrama era. Pictorial representation of a legend, probably from the life of a Jain tirthankara. Paladi : (Sirohi) Temple of Mahavira. Images of tirthankaras. A Chahamana inscription recording the gradual encroachment of the Chahamanas of Marvar into the territory of the Paramaras of Abu in the beginning of the 13th century A, D. Inscription dated v. 1248. Vagin : (Paladi) Two Jain temples one consecrated to Adinatha and the other to Santinatha. Inscription dated v. 1264, 1359. Uthaman : (Paladi). A Jain temple with an inscription. Inscription dated v. 1251. Las : Two Jain temples. Kalandri : A Jain temple at Javal dedicated to Mahavira, of perhaps the 14th century. Udrat : Discovery of an image of a tirthankara, showing evidence of the existence of a Jain temple in the place. Jiraval : A Jain temple with inscriptions of the 14th century. Contains an image of Neminatha. The temple was originally consecrated to Parsvanatha. Varman : A Jain temple dedicated to Mahavira. Inscription v. 1242. Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 420 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 375 (xxviii) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1917-1918-Bombay, 1918. Pp. 7-8, 26. Conservation : Kolhapur : Group of Jain temples now appropriated by Hindu gods. Dilwara : Temple of Adinatha. P. 12. Drawings : Nos. 1394-1395.- Plan of Jain temples, Nos. 1 and 2, Belgaum.-Fort. P. 13. Photos : No. 4693.- Jain images (broken) near Rama temple, Panala, Kolhapur State. P. 20. Agreements : Jain temple at Adhargunchi, Hubli, Dharwar. P. 22. Conservation : Jain temple in the Mission compound, Pattadkal, Badami. Bijapur. Pp, 28-31, Inspection Reports : Bijapur (Bagalkot Subdivision) : Jain temple in the Missionary compound at Pattadkal. Kanara : Chaturmukh basti in Nagarbastikere or Gersappa. Vardhamana Svami temple, Gersappa, and 3 inscription stones in it. Virabhadra temple, Nagarbastikeri, Gersappa. Nasrat Canals : Jain temple at Gori, built in Sam, 1432 (1375-76 A. D.). Jain temples at Bhodesar. P. 33. Works proposed : No. 11. Jain temples in the Fort, Belgaum. 375 (xxix) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1918-1919- Bombay, 1920. P. 18. Photos : No. 4863.-Jain temple, Gwalior. No. 4873 --Jain images in fiont of old fort, Jaso, Baghelkhand. Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPIY 421 P. 22. Acquisitions : Rajputana Museum, Ajmer. Head of a marble Jain image found in the enclosure of the Adhai-din-ki Jhonpura at Ajmer. P. 26. Protected Monuments : No. 35.- Old Jain temple in fort, Hangal, Dharwar, Pp. 29-31. Conservation : No. 2.- Old Jain temples outside Commissariat store-yard, Belgaum. No. 3.-Old Jain temple in the corner of Commissariat store-yard, Belgaum. No. 4.-Jain temple behind the German prisoner's mess, Belgaum. No. 9.-Jain temple in the Missionaries' compound at Pattadkal, Badami, Bijapur. No. 37---Jain basti temple at Lakundi, Gadag, Dharwar. No. 56.Jain temple at Gersappa, Honawar, Kanara. No. 57.-Vardhamana Svami temple at Gersappa, Honawar, Kanara, No. 58.-Varabhadra temple at Gersappa. Honawar, Kanara. P. 38. Inspection Report : Indus left bank division. Jain temple at Gori. Jain temple at Bodeswar. Temple at Virawah. Pp. 46-47. Fort of Umarkot: A fragment of a Sanskrit inscription, dated Sam 1563 (1506 A. D.), bearing names of Thakkura Shetasimha (Kshetra-Simha) and tirthankara Ajitanatha (Plate XXVII). Pp. 60-64. Explorations : Jaso, Baghelkhand : Jain images (Plate XIV). Sohagpur : Jain images showing existence of Jain temples. Un : Two divisions of the temples at Un-(1) the Hindu temples, and (2) the Jain temples. Jain images discovered near the Chaubara Dera, a medieval Hindu temple. Erection of one of the images or colossi by Ratanakirti (Ratnakirtti), a Jain Acharya ins. v. s. 1182 or 1192. A large Jain temple also called Chaubara Dera. In its sanctum stand two Digambara Jain images, one of which is dated in v. s. 13 (? 24). Another Jain temple, called Goalesvara, containing three huge Digambara Jain images-of v. s. 1263. Reference to the huge image of Risabhadeva at Khajaraha and Girnar. Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7 422 Illustrations : Plate 14. Jain images in front of old palace. Jaso.. 375 (xxx) Report for the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1919-1920-Bombay, 1921. P. 20. Drawings: Nos. 1451-1452.-Plan of two Jain temples, Kohala. No. 1455.-Plans of Bada Jain Mandir, Sandhara. No. 1456.-Plan of Chhota Jain Mandir, Sandhara. No. 1458.-Jain Mandir of Tamboli, Sandhara. Pp. 20-23. Photographs. No. 4927. Metal Jain image and doorway of shrine, in Barton Museum, Bhavnagar. No. 4928. Jain stele, in Barton Museum, Bhavanagar. No. 4929. Jain Visva-Chakra on a stone slab, in Barton Museum, Bhavnagar. Nos. 4991-4993.-Jain temples, Pavagarh; Panch Mahal. No. 5038-5043.-Ukha Mandir. broken Jain images pillars etc. in court yard, Bayana, Bharatpur. No. 5067.-Large Jain image, Bhanapura, Indore. Nos. 5085-5088.-Jain temples, Kethuli, Indore. Nos. 5089-5090-Jain temples, Kohala, Indore. Nos. 5099-5101.-Jain temples, Kukdeswar, Indore, JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 5108.-Jain temple, Mori, Indore. Nos. 5110-5111.-Jain temple, Mori, Indore. Nos. 5125-5128.-Bada Jain temple, Sandhara, Indore. Nos. 5129-5130.-Chota Jain temple, Sandhara, Indore. No. 5137.-Jain temple, Vanadia, Indore. Nos. 5142-5145.-Jain temple, Vaikheda, Jaora. Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 33. Acquisition : Rajputanr Museum, Ajmer: A Digambara, Jain image of Santinatha. Budha Peshkar. Pp. 39-40. Conservation: No. 2. Old Jain temple outside commissariat storeyard, Belgaum. No. 3.-Old Jain temple in corner of the commissariat storeyard, Belgaum. 423 No. 4.-Jain temple behind the German prisoner's mess, Belgaum. No. 54.-Jain basti, Lakundi, Gadag, Dharwar. No. 65. Temple of Vardhamansvami, Nagarbastikeri or Gersappa, Honnavar, Kanara. No. 72. Vardhamana Svami to the south of King's seat, Sonda, Sirsi, Kanara. Pp. 75-109. Exploration : Bhatkal Temples of the place adapted from the types of the Jain bastis at Mudabidri. Two principal Jain temples: (1) Jattapa Naik Chandranathesvara basti, and (2) Parsvanathesvara basti. The Bhatkal temples built in the 16th century by the Chiefs of Sonda or Sundha. Kothadi, or Kothri: The Jain temple known as Jainabhanjana. JavaresvaraRama, probably of the 14th century. Pura Gilana At one time in possession of an ancient Jain temple of the 11th or 12th century. One door-jamb of the temple and some Jain images are left at present. Mahavira, Parivanatha, Sasanadev! with inscription. Kohala Two Jain temples know as Sasbahu-ki-mandir erected sometime in the 16th or 17th century. Images of Mahavira, Vardhamana and two other images of Parsvanatha in one of the temples. The other temple used for worship. Champur A colossal figure of a Jain Tirthankara, a Digambara image, called Satmassia, Sandhara Jain temple called Tamboli-ka-mandir. Temple of Adinatha. Both temples belong to the Digambaras. Another Jain temple dedicated to Adinatha also belongs to the Digambaras, Jina images on the lintels. Kethuli, or Ketholi: A Jain temle. The mandapa of this temple is a well-filled museum of Jain inconography. Figures of Mahavira and standing Digambara Jinas. In the sanctum are Jain images which belong to the Digambara sect. Image of Parsvanatha, the presiding deity of the temple. .04 Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 424 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Kukdesvar : Temple of Parsvanatha. interior of the sanctum. Several morden Jain figures in the Jharda : Two images of female Jain deities under a tree inside the village. Depalpur : A huge Jain temple, in the village of Vanadiya, built during the reign of the Khilji Sultans of Malwa. The image of Adinatha, dedicated in v. e. 1548 (1492-93 A. D.) the principal figure in the temple. Vaikheda : Jaora State. A mediaeval Jain temple, now dedicated to the worship of Parsvanatha A stone door-frame belonging to a Jain temple. A figurine of a seated Jina. An inscription in characters of the 12th century A. D. recording the name of the merchant Ramadeva, the illustrious Gani of the Srimala sect. Figure of a seated Jina in meditation on a throne. Temple of Pataini Devi : Stands on a two hill. The lintel bears there niches, each containing the figure of a Jina. A mediaeval image of a female deity with figures of Jinas, Neminatha in the centre. Illustrations in the Report : Plate No. 11.--Porch of Jain temple No. 2, Kohala. Plate No. 12.-Door of Jain temple. No. 1, Kohala. Plate No. 14.-Door of shrine, Bada Jain temple, Sandhara. No. 15.-Bas-relief on lintels. Bada Jain temple, Sandhara, No. 16.--Pillar, Tamboli's temple and Sumeru, Sandhara. No. 17.-Jain temples nos. 1, II. Kethuli. No. 18.--Gateway of Jain temple, No. II. Kethuli, No. 19.-Jain temple, Mori; Door of Jain temple, Mori. No. 20.- Jain temple, Kukdesvara. No. 22.-Jain colossus near Bhanpura. No. 23.---Dado of Jain temple No. 1, Kethuli. No. 24.-Door of Jain temple, Vanedia. No: 26.--Temple of Pataini Devi, Mohar, Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 375 (xxxi) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1920-1921-Bombay, 1922. Pp. 2, 116. Discovery of Jain images during the excavation of the plinth of a house at Naroli, Bharatpur State. Pp. 16-19. Photographs: No. 5187.-Jain temple, Ghotan, Ahmednagar. Nos. 5238-5239.-Jain temple converted into Hindu temple, Hallur Bijapur. Nos 5245-5247.-Jain temple, Belgaum Fort. Nos. 5368-5377.-Jain images, Bayana, Bharatpur, found at Naroli. Nos. 5432-5433.-Jain images lying on hill, Bijawara, Indore State. 425 P. 27. Acqusitions: Rajputana Museum, Ajmer :-A pillar with four-seated Jain images on its four sides. A pedestal of Jain image. P. 42. Inspection Report: Indus left bank division. Jain temple at Gori. 14 miles north-west of Virawah. P. 47. Works Proposed: No. 140.-Repairs to the old Jain temples, Deogaon, Belgaum. No. 169.-Repairs to the Jain basti, Lakundi, Dharwar. Pp. 65-123. Exploration: Ahmedabad: Pillars and carved stones, in the compound wall of the tomb of Malik Shaban at Rakhiyal taken from some Jain or Hindu temples. Ghotan: Close to the Nizam's dominions. Temple of Bali, probably Jain, appropriated later on to the use of Hindu deities, Sohagpur Jain images in the Thakur's gadhi, Ambika, Padmavati, Adinatha, Parsvanatha. Bijawada Indore State-Ruins of a very large Jain temple, probably erected during the 10th or 11th century A. D. at Bandarpekhan hills. Its foundations dug up to provide materials for a few Saiva temple. The ruins consist of slabs of stones and three Digambara images. Vijesvara temple entirely built of stones obtained from the ruins of the Jain temple on the foot of the hill. Images of the Digambara sect built into the walls of the temple. Pedestal inscription of v. s. 1234. Rajor. Indore State: The garbhagriha of an ancient temple containing a Jain image and an image of Visnu or Surya. Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 426 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Sundarsi : Temples containing many fragments of Saiva and Jain images. Bihar : Narsingarh State-Hindu or Jain materials used in the erection of a masjid during the reign of Sultan Mahmud I of Malwa in 844 A, H. (1440 A. D.) Kotra : Rajgadh State-Reference to a headless Jain image in the Gazetteer of Rajgadh. Naroli : Bharatpur State-Ten inscribed Jain images discovered, all dedicated on the same date v. s. 1193 (A. D. 1136). Hallur : Bombay Presidency--on the top of a hill. An old Jain temple, locally called "Melgudi", and worshipped as a Saiva temple for sometime, probably built during the time when the Digambara Jains were inhabiting the place in about 11th century A. D. Eight Jain images carved on the walls. Velapur : A Jain temple of Chalukya type, dedicated to Parsvanatha, in the centre of the village known as Sarkarwada. Illustrations in the Report : No. 8 (b) Jain temple, Hallur. No. 28 (a) Jain colossus, Bijawada. No. 33 (a) Jain image from Naroli. 376 (1) Annual Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey Circle, North Western Provinces and Oudh. Years 1889-1891 Pages. 13-18. The work of excavation of Dr. Fuhrer at Mathura, from the 15th November, 1890 to the 5th March, 1891. Information about the principal monuments discovered. General notes on the value of the inscriptions for history and the doctrine of Jainism ; Organisation of the Jaina Order : the Kottiya gana at Mathura, its -Kulas' and 'Sakhas', the Jaina nuns; the laic adepts; the cult; the goddess Sarasvati; the Tirthakaras; the stupas; the period of the Jaina wrtitings; the Svetambaras and the Digambaras in the beginning of the Christian era. Special examination of some fragments of sculpture and some inscriptions. Year 1891-1892. Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 427 3. Excavations in the neighbourhood of Nasratganj. A temple dedicated to Parsvanatha was brought to light, with fragments of statues and different inscriptions dated from Samvat 18 to 74. One of them, of the year 50, refers to the erection of a statue of Neminatha. Year 1892-1893. of the Jaina temple of Pali, in the province 11-12. Short description of Marwar. 12. Review on the temple of Mahavira, at Nadole. It is one of the finest Jaina temples. Three inscriptions, dated Samvat 1666, recalling its constructions, The temples of Parsvanatha, at Jhalor, with inscription of Samvat 80. 12-14. The Jaina temples of the mount Abu : 1. Properly speaking on the mount Abu some ancient temples profusely decorated, and two others---one dedicated to Risabhanatha the other to Parsvanatha. 2. In the village of Dailwada : five temples, three of which are modern; of the two others, the most ancient was constructed in Samvat 1088 (1032 A. D.) by Vimalasah, in honour of Risabha; the last, of marvellous architecture, is the work of the ministers Vastupala and Tejapala, who constructed it in Samvat 1287 (1231 A. D.) in honour of Neminatha. 14. At Ajari, in the district of Sirohi, ruins of a temple richly carved dedicated to Mehavira; inscription of Samvat 1185. 16. To the east of Udaypur, on the site of the ancient city af Tambavati, there are two Jaina temples, with several short inscription of the 16th century and a beautiful Digambara statue; dated Samvat 1031. 17. Group of beautiful Jaina temples, magnificently carved, at Katragarh, to the north-east of Nathdwara. To the north of the same town, at Kumalgarh, two other ancient temples. 17-18. Two temples of Rampur, constructed in 1440 A. D. and dedicated to Parsvanatha. The greatest of them contains several ancient statues of Parsvanatha and an important collection of old Jaina manuscripts. 18. At Rakhabdeo, to the south of Udaypur, group of temples richly decorated and dedicated to Rishabhanatha; a very frequented place of pilgrimage. 18-20. Chitorgarh. A small temple nicely carved, and a group of other temples dating of the 12th century. A grotto, ancient Jaina hermitage, with several Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 428 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY inscriptions in Jaina Pratrit, of the 14th century. Monument erected in Samvat 952 in honour of Risabhanatha, with fragmentary inscription. Old temple constructed in Samvat 811. 21. Near Bijoli, group of four temples. The greatest of them dedicated to Parsvanatha includes an inscription of Samvat 1232 which gives a list of Jaina masters of the religious issue of Kundakunda and belonging to the Balatkara gana and to the Sarasvati gaccha. Two other inscriptions are equally interesting one recalls the construction of the temple of Parivanatha in Samvat 1226; the other gives a long list of masters of the Kharatara sect. At Dhar, several Musalman monuments have been constructed with materials coming from rich Jaina temples of the 12th century. Year 1895-1896. 1-2, New excavations of Dr. Fuhrer at Mathura in February and March 1896. Fifteen pedestals of Jaina statues bearing some inscriptions have been brought to light. One of these inscriptions, carved on a statue of Mabavira, and dated of Samvat 299, is of considerable chronological importance. Year 1896-1897. 6. Ruins of Jaina temples at Bilaspur. To the south of this town, there are relics of a great and magnificent temple, constructed in Samvat 1319. 376 (ii) Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey, North-Western Provinces and Oudh Circle, 1892-3.-Roorkee, 1893. Pp. 11-12. Marwar State : At Pali, the city of Marwar, a vast Jain temple known as Naulakha. The temple was built by Alhana Deva in Samvat 1218. It has been cloisters containing small images of the Tirthankaras. Nadola Handsome Jain temple dedicated to Mahaviranatha. At Jhalor close to Surajpole, South of Jodhpur, are the remains of a temple of Parivanatha with an inscription of Chandragupta, dated Samvat 80. Pp. 12-14. Sirohi State: Mount Abu. Ancient Jain temples. Within the Achalgarh fort are two Jain temples, one dedicated to Visabhanatha and the other to Parsvanatha. Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Dailwara Jain temples at or near Dailwara. Temples erected in honour of Vrisabhanatha and Neminatha. The former built by Vimla Sah, a Jain merchant of Anahilvad, in Sam. 1088 (A. D. 1032), the latter built by the two brothers Vastupala and Tejahapala in Samvat 1287 (A. D. 1231). Ajari Ruins of beautifully carved Mahaviranatha temple, with an inscription of Sam. 1185. 429 Pp. 14-21. Mewar State: Udaypur: The temple built by Rana Jagat Singh II in A. D. 1734 preserves all the main characteristics of the ancient Jain temples of Mewar. Ahar: A beautiful Jain temple erected under the auspices of Mira Bai. Another Jain temple containing interesting series of shrines. A fine Digambara statue bearing date Samvat 1037 (A. D. 974). Temple village of Nagda and Eklingaji Two temples at Nagda called SasBahu rank first as specimens of Jain architecture. Kotragarh: Group of handsome Jain temples. Hill fort of Kamalmere, or Komalgarh: Two ancient Jain temples. Sadri Pass The Rampura Jain temples. Temple of Parivanatha erected in A.D. 1440, in the reign of Rana Kumbhakarna. Small temple containing a colossal statue of Parsvanatha, the image of Parsvanatha in each of its 86 sikharas. Underneath this larger temple are vaults having ancient statues of Parivanatha and collection of old Jain mss. Rakhabdeo: Famous for beautifully sculptured Risabhanatha temples, built in A. D. 1375. Sculptures of Hindu gods worshipping the Tirthankaras in the sanctum of the chief temple. Chitorgarh A richly carved Jain temple built during the reign of Ranna Kumbhakarana. Elaborately carved Jain temples of the 12th century A. D. called satais deorian, or "27 shrines"-Cave above the gaumukha tank apparently used as a Jain hermitage. It contains several Jain Prakrit inscriptions of the 14th century A.D. Bijolia: A group of a few handsome Jain temples. The largest one, dedicated to Parivanatha, contains an inscription of Sam. 1232, recording a list of the spiritual heads in the line of Kundakunda Acharya in the Balatkaragana, the Sarasvati gachchha, and the Mulasangha of the Digambara. An inscription recording erection of the temple of Parivanatha in Sam. 1226, during the reign of Smesvara, Another inscription giving a list of the spiritual heads of the Kharatara gachchha. Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 430 Pp. 21-28. Dhar State : Dhar or Dhara : Musalman buildings erected out of the wrecks of some Jain temples of the 12th cent. A. D. Colonnade of very fine Jain pillars in the quadrangle of Kamal-ud-din's Dargah built in A. H. 861. Jain columns in the Jami or Lat Masjid erected in A. II. 807. The Dargah of Abdul Shah Chaugal, built in A, H. 859, the transformation of a Jain temple of the 12th cent. Hill fort of Mandu: Spoils of ancient Jain temple used in a colonnade to the west of Jami masjid. Masjid constructed by Hosang Shah Ghori, in A. H. 808, out of the materials of an ancient Jain temple. Juma masjid, built by Hoshang Shah in A. H. 835 from the wrecks of a magnificent Jain temple. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 376 (iii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, North-Western Provinces and Oudh Circles, 1893-4.-Roorkee, 1894. P. 29. List of ancient buildings, Lalitpur dist. Jain temples at Deogarh, Madanpur, Dudali. 376 (iv) Report of the Archaeological Survey, North-Western Provinces and Oudh Circles, 1895-6.-Roorkee, 1896. Pp. 1-2. Excavations at Muthura, Kankali Tila: Ornamental slabs belonging to very ancient Jain stupa-15 inscribed bases of Tirthankaras-Documents containing a number of names of Jain monks. A dated inscription (Sam. 299) incised on the base of a statue of Mahavira. P. 5. Drawings from Mathura: No. 782-Colossal statue of Neminatha, Sam. 1134. No. 783-Inscribed statue of Neminatha, Sam. 1036. No. 784-(a) Oranmental base of the colossal statue of Neminatha, A. D. 1000-1100. (b) Ornamental base of a statue of a Tirthankara. No. 785-Sitting statue of a Jina in red stone. 786-Three inscribed four-faced Jinas, dated A. D. 78-120, A. D. 93, No. A. D. 1022. Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 787-Sitting statue of a Jina in red sand-stone. No. 788-Two statues of sitting Jinas. No. 789-Sitting statue of Risabhanatha, dated A. D. 100-200. No. 791-Ornamentation on the base of a Jina, Samvat 78. No. 796--Sitting statue of Vardhamana. No. 798-Back view of ancient Jain pillar. 376 (v) Report of the Archaeological Survey, North-Western Provinces and Oudh Circles, 1896-7.-Roorkee, 1897. P. 6. Kotah State, Rajputana : 431 Bilas, Nizamat Kishenganj. Ruined dwelling houses, palaces and temples. (Saiva and Jain) of an ancient city formerly called Suvarna-Panaripura. Atru-Ganeshgunj, Nizamat Kunjer. Ruins of a large beautiful Jain temple, built by Maharajadhiraja Jayasimha in Sam. Pp. 11-12 Drawings : No. 844-Statue of Neminatha (12th century A. D.), Sravasti. No. 860-Sculptured pilaster of an ancient Jain temple, Mathura. No. 863-Circular column sculptured with seated Jinas, Asaikhera. No. 865-Fragment of a Torana from ancient Jain stupa, Mathura. No. 866-Square pillar (sculptured) of Mahaviranatha, Mathura. No. 868-Statue of Munisuvratanatha, dated Samvat, 1063, Agra. No. 869-Lintel sculptured with acanthus leaves from an ancient Jain temple, Mathura. No. 871-Statue of Risabhanatha, dated Samvat 1234, Mainpuri. No. 872-Statue of Adinatha, Dubkund (Gwalior State). Nos. 879-80-Pilaster of Jain temple (12th century A.D.) at Atru, Kotah State, Rajputana. Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 432 State. Pp. 13-14. Photo Negatives: No. D 656-Carvings on pilaster of mediaeval Jain temple at Atru, Kotah JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY D 683-Jain tower erected in Sam. 952, at Chitorgarh, Mewar State. D 688-Eastern view of Jain temple of 12th cent. A. D. at Chitorgarh. No. D 689-Interior view showing construction of dome of mediaeval Jain temple at Chitorgarh. No. D 690-Exterior view of ruined Jain temple built in Sami, Chitorgarh. 376 (vi) Report of the Archaeological Survey, North-Western Provinces and Oudh Circles, 1897-8.-Roorkee, 1898. P. 10. Drawings: No. 881-Standing image of Parivanatha from Sironi Khurd, Jhansi Dist. No. 882-Images of Trisala Del, the mother of Mahaviranatha, Batesar, Agra dist. No. 885-Image of Risabhanatha, dated Sam. 1234, from Mainpuri. 376 (vii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, North-Western Provinces and Oudh Circles, 1899-100.-Lucknow, 1900. P. 3. Appendix H.: Mosque reared with the spoil of Hindu temples after careful defacement or basmearing of the sculptured Jain images. 376 (viii) Annual Progress Report of the Superintendent of the Archaeological Survey, Punjab and United Provinces Circle. Year 1903-1904 : Pp. 61-62. Jaina images for Tonk. Hirananda Shastri. Review on eleven statues of Tirthankaras brought to light in January 1903 at Tonk (Rajputana). Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY These are Digambara statues, for they that they bear use the term 'Mulasangha'. Samvat 1510. The statues were erected by one named Lapa, who belonged to the tribe of the Khandarwala. 433 naked and the inscriptions These inscriptions are all dated of 376 (ix) Report of the Archaeological Survey, United Provinces and Punjab, 1903-4. Part I. P. 12. The Jain colonnade situated on the south of Qutab Minar, DelhiSpecial repairs. Tonk. 376 (x) Report of the Archaeological Survey, United Provinces and Punjab, 1903-04. Pp. 14-17. Inscriptions copied : Nos. 74685-Eleven Jain images in possession of His Highness the Nawab : Sanskrit-Nagari ruler, Lungar Deva: Sam. 1550 (A. D. 1550 (A. D. 1453); locality, Nos. 95-98-Base of a Jain image: Sanskrit-Nagari; ruler, Madana Varman; locality Mahoba. No. 95 is dated Samvat 1211; No. 96 Samvat 1219; Nos. 97-98 are undated. No. 99-Rock immediately south-west of Madan sagar with numerous Jain figures; Sanskrit-Nagari; Sam. 1240; locality, Mahoba. No. 11-Inscription in the cave in the same rock, details as above. P. 20. Photos: Nos, 393-400-Eleven inscribed Jain images, Tonk (Gwalior State). P. 33. Collection of Jain and other images in the Lucknow Museum. Mahoba Inscribed fragments of Jains figures. Chipiani Part of a seated Jain figure containing an inscription dated Sam. 1197. P. 34. Fragments of Jain sculptures in the Public Library at Allahabad. Pp. 61-62. Jain images from Tonk (Rajputana). By Pandit Hiranand Shastrt. Eleven Jain images excavated at the place in January, 1903-(1) Parsvanatha, Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 434 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY (2) Suparsvanatha, (3) Mahaviranatha, (4) Neminatha, (5) Ajitanatha, (6) Mallinatha, (7) Sreyamsaprabhu, (8) Suvidhinatha, (9) Sumatinatha, (10) Padmaprabha and (11) Santinatha. Inscriptions at their bases are practically identical, the date Sam. 1510 (A.D. 1453) is invariably the Same. The nude figures belong to Digambar sect, as the term mulasamgha is used in the inscriptions. These were set up by Lapu, his sons Salha and Palha and their wives Lashamini, Suhagini and Gauri, of the Khendelavala dlvision of the Digambara community, and the Vakulyavala golra. The sculptures were carved in the reign of Lungaradeva. 376 (xi) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Northern Circle, 1905-6,-Lahore, 1906. Inscriptions copied : No. 101-Base of Jain image; Sanskrit-Devanagari; Vikrama Sam. 1529 (A. D. 1471); Allahabad Public Library. P. 23. Kangra District : Kangra Fort. Two small Jain shrines at the back of the shrine of Ambika Devi. Inscribed image contained in one of these shrines worshipped by Jains. .. Kangra Bazar : Two Jain sculptures in the temple of Indresvara. 376 (xii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Northern Circle, 1907-8.-Lahore, 1908. P. 7. Repairs to Pirthi Raja's temple. Jain colonnade, Delhi. Pp. 14-21. Inscriptions at Mathura Museum on Tirthankara images in Prakrit and Sanskrit in Brahmi character, Kushana period. No. 26-The year 5, the 1st month of winter, the 12th day. . No. 27-The year 5, the 4th month of winter, the 20th day. im No. 48--The year 50, the 3rd month of winter, the 2nd day (?) of the reign of Huviska. No. 49-The year 83, the 2nd month of summer, the 16th day of the reign of Vasudeva. No 50--The year 83, the 2nd month of summer, the 25th day. Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 435 No. 51-The year 90 (?) No. 53- No. 54 No. 56 No. 67--The year 57 [A. D. 376 (?)], the 3rd month of winter, the 13th day. [Gupta (?) period]. No. 68--The year 97 (A. D. 416) the 1st month of the rainy season, (Gupta period). No. 71-[Vikrama (?)] Samvat 1204. No. 75-Sam, 1896. No. 80-Inscription at Allahabad Public Library on Tirthankara image in Sanskrit-Nagari, Sam 1524. P. 27. Photos : No. 928--Tirthankara image, Faizabad Museum. P. 34. Discovery of Jain sculptures when excavated the large Jain temple Sobhanatha at Mahet. P. 51. Acquisition : No. 114--Inscribed Jain statuette from Mata Math, Mathura Museum. 376 (xiii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Northern Circle, 1908-9.-Lahore, 1909. Pp. 17-19. Acquisitions : Mathura Museum No. 16--Jain sculpture. No. 20-Jain chaumukhi. No. 26-Inscribed Jain image, Balbhadra Kunda. No. 39-Jain chaumukhi of red stone. Nos. 73-74-Headless Jina figure from Sarsvati Kunda. Nos. 161-260-Fragmentary sculptures (Jain, Buddhist, and Brahmanical) exhumed from Shaloka and Ganeswar tanks near Muttra. Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 436 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 22-23. Inscription : No. 23-On Jain image from Balbhadra Kunda; Sanskrit-Nagari; Vadi 7 (?) Friday; Muttra Museum. P. 25. Photo : No. 1003-Tirthankara image, Muttra Museum. 376 (xiv) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Northern Circle, 1909-10.- Lahore, 1910. Pp. 18-19. Inscription : No. 7. Statuette of Vrisabhanatha seated; Prakrit-Kusan Brahmi; the year 84 and the reign of Vasudeva, locality, Balbhadra Kunda near Mathura, P. 20. Photos : No. 1046--Brass image of Jina (locally called Laksminarayana) front, No. 1047-- Ditto. back, (with inscription). Temple of Hirma. Pp. 29-31, Acquisitions : Mathura city. No. 42-Tirthankara, obtained from Potra Kunda. No. 43 -Tirthankara Adinath, obtained from Potra Kunda. No. 44-Female figure nude, probably Jain, from Manoharpur. No. 48-Lintel of some ancient Jain temple with Tirthankara image and other figures, from Isapur, facing Mathura city on the other side of the Jumna river. No. 49-Headless Tirthankara image, from a building between Gokul and Mahaban. and barracks No. 53 - Tirthankara image, from the site of the orderly room for English soldiers of the regiment stationed at Mathura. 376 (xv) Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey, Bengal Circle, 1902.-Calcutta, 1902. P. 14. Seated statue of Parsvanatha, and other minor Jain images, in a cave in the Southern face of the Pachar hill near Rafiganj-An inscription stating worship of Parsvanatha-Existence of a Jain sanctury in the locality. Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 437 P. 16. Rajgir, a sacred place to the Jains, Shrines containing stones with the footprints or padukas of some Jain Tirthankara and numerous Jain images. Settlement of the Jains in the place from the beginning of the Christian era. Sonbhandar or "gold treasury" cave, at the foot of the Baibhar hill, made by a Jain monk for the use of his own sect. Two caves made by Muni Vairadeva. Mutilated carving of Jain Tirthankara. Probably occupation of the caves by Jain monks when the Chinese pilgrims visited Rajgir, P. 18. Ancient sculptures in Jain temple in village Baragaon. Jain pilgrimage to the place. Pawapuri, where Vardhamana Mahavira attained nirvana, a holy tirtha of the Jains. 376 (xvi) List of ancient Monuments in Bengal. Revised and corrected upto 31st August 1895 - Calcutta, 1896. Pages Localities. District. 254 Bargaon Patna 274 Pawa Patna 344 Dharabra Shahabad Jaina monuments. Temple of Santinatha, constructed towards the 6th century A. D. Two temples of a very recent date with ancient statues. A third has been inaugurated in 1894. It is at Pawa that the traditian makes Mahavira die. Temple constructed towards 1845. Several temples, one of which is old of about 200 years. Modern temple. Grottos and modern temple. Temple with inscription of year 1768. Group of temples. Statue. Statues and temple of the 7th century. 422 Bhagalpur Bhagalpur 428 488-502 546 Bhagalpur Puri Hazaribagh Mandor Khandagiri Mount Paresnath Deoli Suissa Pakbirra Manbhum 554 556 Manbhum Manbhum 562 Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 438 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 376 (xvii) Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey, Bengal Circle, Calcutta. Year 1902 Pages. Localities, Districts, Jaina antiquities. 14 Pachar Gaya Grotto with grand statue of Parsvanatha and other small statues. Rajgir Patna Rajgir, the ancient Rajariha, is a very important Jain centre since the beginning of the Christian era approximately. Grottos, sanctuaries, inscriptions and numerous statues. Bargaon Patna with ancient Modern temple sculptures. Pawa Patna Locality where Mahavira died. Modern temples; none antiquity. Year 1903 Champaran Bhagalpur Modern temples enclosing some ancient states. Inscriptions, of which one is of Samvat 1525. Sultanganj Bhagalpur Two statues of Tirthankaras. Lachur Monghyr Great modern temple (1874) and two small sanctuaries each enclosing a sall statue of Mahavira dated Samvat 1505. Hazaribagh Mount Paresnath. Temple containing the prints of the feet. of Parsvanatha consecrated in 1793. Other temples with the statues of eight Tirthankaras. Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pages. 13 14 14 14 14 16 Localities. Pakbirra Palma Churra Arsa Vaisali Districts, Manbhum Manbhum Manbhum Manbhum Manbhum Year 1904. 439 Jain antiquities. The district contains a certain number of Jaina temples of the 14th or of the 15th century. Statues of Adinatha, of Parivanatha and of Mahavira. Temple in ruin. Two gigantic statues of Tirthankaras and other small images. Temple and images. Temples and statues, of which one with some particular characters representing probably Parivanatha. One does not find any trace of Jainism in the village of Besarh which represents the ancient town of Vaisali. It was however in a suburb of this town, Kollage, today Kolhua, that Mahavira was born. 376 (xviii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Bengal Circle, 1903-Calcutta, 1903. P. 7. Champanagar, Bhagalpur district, sacred to the Jains. Antique statues of Adinatha and Mahavira in the Jain temple in the locality. Extinction of Jainism in Eastern India for many centuries that followed. Inscriptions of Sam. 1525 and S. 1881. P. 8. The Jahngira hill Sultanganj resorted to as a place of worship by the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Jains alike. Carvings of Santinatha. Parasnath hill, Hazaribagh district, bears footprints of padukas of various Jain Tirthankaras, consecrated on the 9th Feb. L. 1769 (N. s.). Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 440 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Manbhum dist.-a number of mediaeval Hindu and Jain temples of about the 14th or 15th century A. D. Jain remains in Jharkhand. The country taken by the Hos from the Sravakas, i. e., the Jains, who came there to work in the nume. rous copper ores. P. 14. Jain remains observed at Pakbirra, Palma, Churra and Arsa. Other remains at Burran. Jain images at Deoli. Jain images of Adinatha, Parsvanatha and Mahavira collected close to the temples at Pakbirra. Two statues of Tirthankaras forming part of the temple at Palma-A few semilar statues in the village. Jain Images in the Village Churra-Temples originally belonging to the Jains. Jain statues at Arsa-Figure wearing a crown and the head surmounted by a many-hooded cobra. Unusual representation of Parsvanatha. P. 28. Photos : Nos. 63-64-Bhagalpur--Group of ancient Tirthankaras in a Jain temple at Champanagar. Nos. 78-79-Mandar hill-Jain temple, on top, from south. Nos. 98-99--Parasnatha hill-General view. Nos. 102-103--Pakbirra-Group of Jain statues. No. 113-Palma-A Jain Tirthankara. Nos. 116-117-Arsa--A ruined Jain temple; a Jain Tirthankara. 376 (xix) Report af the Archacological Survey, Bengal Circle, 1904-Calcutta, 1904. P. 16. Vaisali, birthplace of Buddha's contemporary and rival Vardhamana Mahavira. He belonged to the Ksatriya class of the Nayas or Jnatris. Pawapuri, the place of Mahavira's death. No traces of Jainism at Vaisali. Mention by Hiuen Thsang of a number of Jains residing at the place at his time. 376 (xx) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Bangal Circle, 1905-Calcutta, 1905. Pt. 2. P. 14. Worship of stupas by Buddhists and Jains is nothing but an adoption of popular form of grave-worship. Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 376 (xxi) Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1905-06.-Calcutta, 1907. P. 2. Inscription of Kharavela of the year 165 B. c. at Khandagiri Inscription on the Sonbhandar cave at Rajgir proving that it was made in the 2nd or 3rd century A. D. by a Jain for members of his order. 441 P. 12. Caves at Khandagiri-Doubt whether these caves originally intended as places of retreat for the Jain ascetics or any other order. Interpretation of carvings in the verandah of the Rani-ka-naur. 376 (xxii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1906-07.-Calcutta, 1907. P. 15. Udayagiri and Khandgiri. Caves and temples of the places becoming Jain in about the 10th or 11th century. Khandgiri hill crowned by a Jain temple in the end of the last century. Hathigumpha inscription engraved by king Kharavela. The caves are among the most interesting of all the caves in India. 376 (xxiii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1906-07.-Calcutta, 1907. P. 6. Repairs to temple of Parivanatha, Bhandak, Dist. Chanda. Cleaning of Jain temples at 27th mile from Bunda on Saugar. Cawnpore Road, Dhamoni, district Saugor. P. 9. Photo : No. 109. C.-Jain statue, Bahuriband dist., Jubbulpore, Flourishing settlement of Jains at Bahuriband. Fragments of Jain images-A standing image of a Tirthankara (Santinatha). P. 34. An old ruined Jain temple of the 11th century at Arang, dist. Raipur belonging to the Digambaras. Standing Jain images. Figures of Brahma and Jain devis and Gaumukha, a favourite image of the Jains. Pp. 36-37. Mahamai temple, Ratnapur, district Bilaspur, a Jain temple originally. Seated Jinas and rows of smaller Jinas. Several mutilated Jain images in the village in black stone. Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 442 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 376 (xxiv) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1911-12.-Calcutta, 1912. P. 24. Photo: No. 242. C.--Statue of Jain Tirthankara in front of the temple, Kukkurmath, district Mandla. P. 37. Jain temples at Kundlapur, district Damoth. P. 40. Temple of Ranmuktesver, Kukkurmath, Dindori, dist. Mandla (plate 1)-Date of the temple. 9th cent, or earlier, or between 800 and 1200 A.D. This temple buit by the Jains. Nude colossal seated figure. 376 (xxv) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1912-13.-Calcutta, 1913. P. 9. Conservation : Note 23, Antariksa Parsvanatha temple at Sirpur, Akola dist. Central Provinces. Pp. 25-26. Photos : Nos. 252-3. C.-- Jain temple & building, Dhamoni, Saugor district. Nos. 310 C., 311 C., 311 A. C.--Antariksa Parsvanatha temple, Sirpur, Akola district. P. 43. Temple of Antariksa Parsvanatha, Sirpur, Akola district. P. 48. Kari Talai and Karanpur, Jubbulpore dist. : Brahmanical and Jain temples situated on a low ridge between the two villages. Many Jain figures seated in attitude of meditation. Purwa, near Garha-Narharpuri Gufa, Jubbulpore district : Two Gufa Jain temples on an adjoining hill. P. 51. Two Jain temples near the Tomb and Mosque of Beljati Sha, Saugor, P. 53. The Fort Saugo or Kiosks built with old sculptured stones, collected from ruins of Hindu or Jain temples. 376 (xxvi) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1913-14.-Calcutta, 1914. P. 40. Lanji, Balaghat dist : Two sculptured Jain figures in the Fort, Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 443 376 (xxvii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1914-15.--Calcutta, 1915. Ancient Monuments in the Central Provinces and Berar repaired since 1902: P. 38. (1) Ruined Jain temple with other statues etc., enclosed in a wirefencing at Eran, Saugor district, Khurai tahsil. P. 40. (2) Jain temple at Dhamoni, Saugor district, Banda tahsil. (3) An old ruined Jain temple at Arang, Raipur district, Raipur tahsil. (4) Jain temple, at Sirpur, Rajpur district, Raipur tahsil. P. 71. A ruined ancient temple at Adbhar, Bilaspur dist.-A mudhut with an image of Devi and a Jain figure, 8th ecntury. 376 (xxviii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1915-16.-Calcutta, 1916. Expenditure on archaeological works in the Central Provinces during the year. P. 19. An old ruihed Jain temple, Arang, Raipur district. 376 (xxix) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle. 1916-17.-Calcutta, 1917. Expenditure on archaeological works in the Central Provinces and Berar during the year. Pp. 23-24. (1) An old ruined Jain temple, Arang, Raipur district. (2) A ruined Jain temple, etc., Eran, Saugor district. 376 (xxx) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1917-18. --Patna, 1918. Expenditure on archaeological works in the Central Provinces during the year, P. 23. (1) An old ruined Jain temple, Arang, Raipur district. (2) 8 stone Jain images, Nauhwara, Jubbulpore district. Pp. 53-54. Bahulara, Bankura district : Images of a Jain statue of Parsvanatha in a temple. Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 444 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 376 (xxxi) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle, 1918-19,-Patna, 1920. P. 5. Mehkar, Buldana district : The Jain Madh' or old Dharamsala. Expenditure on archaeological works in Bihar nnd Orissa during the year. P. 23. (1) A Jain temple, Rajgir, Patna district. P. 25. (2) Parsvanatha temple, Bhandak, Chanda district. P. 26. (3) Jain temple etc., Eran, Saugor district. P. 43. Bhandak, Chanda district-Called Bhadravati or Bhadrapura by the Jains : It is the birthplace of Sitalanatha. Image consecrated is from temple of Paresnath which does not exist. 376 (xxxii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Eastern (now Central) Circle, 1919-20--Patna, 1920 Repairs to Monuments : P. 5. Ruined Jain temple and statues, enclosed in a wire fencing Eran, Saugor district. P. 20. (1) Jain temple, Rajgir, Patna district. P. 24. (2) Old temple, of Parasnatha, Bhadak, Chanda district. Pp. 27-328. Photos : Antiquities at Khandagiri, Puri. Nos. 1936-7-Jian temples etc. No. 1942--Images inside the Navamuni cave No. 1965-Hathigumpha. Nos. 1966-68-Ranigumpha. No. 1969-General view of caves. Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 445 376 (xxxiii) Report of the Archaeological Survey, Central Circle, 1920-21.-Patna, 1921. P. 10. (1) Jain temple, Rajgir, Patna district. P. 12. (2) Khadagiri and Udayagiri caves etc., Bhubaneswar, Puri dist. Ruined Jain temple and other statues etc., enclosed in a wire-fencing. Eran, Saugor district. 376 (xxxiv) Annual Report of the Archaeological Department of H. H. the Nizam's Dominions, 191415--Calcutta, 1916. Pp. 3-4. Devai masjid originally a Buddhist or Jain temple. Imageg of Buddha or of Tirthankaras carved on several stones. Its architectural style similar to that of the 8th to 10th century A. D. of the Northern Deccan. Its conversion to a mosque by the Muhamadans in A, D. 1325-51. 376 (xxxv) Report of the Archaeological Department of H. H. the Nizam's Dominions, 1915-16Calcutta, 1917. P. 6. Patancheru once an important centre of Jain worship Colossal statues of Mahavira and other Tirthankaras. New images said to be discovered. Attitude of the ruling princes in the northern part of the Deccan favourable to the Jain religion from the 7th to the 10th century A. D.--Subsequent destruction of the Jain temples by the worshippers of Siva and Visnu or their conversion to shrines of these faiths No remains of the temples of Patancheru are found except statues lying buried in mounds or under the Brahmanical constructions. 376 (xxxvi) Report of the Archaeological Depariment of H. H. the Nizam's Domimions 1918-19Calcutta, 1920. P. 6. Group of Jain and Brahmanical caves known as Dabar Lena or Tarla Lena. P. 38. (434). Nagai Jain image in a temple (photographic negative). Page #471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 446 377 (i) Annual Report Ar. Dept. of H. E. H. Nizam's Dominions, 1919-20-Calcutta, 1922. Plate II (b). Indra Sabha. Ellora: Entrance showing Monolithic Pillar which down shortly after Lord Northbrook's visit. Plate III (a). Indra Sabha, Ellora: Figure of Indrani, (b) The same; figure of Indra. 377 (ii) Annual Report Ar. Dept. H. E. H. Nizam's Dominions, 1920-21-Calcutta, 1923. Nothing. 377 (iii) Annual Report Ar. Dept. H. E. H. Nizam's Dominions, 1921-24-Calcutta, 1926. P. 10. Bodana, the modern Bodhana (Nizamabad) a vast array of Hindu and Jain remains noticed at this place. App. G.-List of photographic Negatives. : Sr. No. 590 591 Locality JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Ellora -do 377 (iv) Annual Report Arch, Dept. HE.H. Nizam's Dominions, 1924-25-Calcutta, 1926, P. 10, Patancher-Once an important centre of Jain worship, a vast array of Jain images in the town. P. 36. Photograph: S. No. 709 Facade, Indra Sabha-Ellora. 710 Hall, -do 711 Facade Cave XXXIII Ellora. 712 Indra on Elephant, Cave XXXIII, Ellora. -do Descripton. Indra Sabha, Indra on Elephant. -do Indrani. Page #472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 42. Exhibits-Hyderabad Museum. S. No. 1. Seated statue of Jina. 2. White marble Jain (head broken) 3 to 8. Light green stone Jinas (3 broken). 377 (v) Annual Report of the Ar. Dept. of H. E. H. the Nizam's Dominion, 1926-27Calcutta, 1929. P. 13. Conservation-Ellora caves-the large lanttress for the safety of west wing of the Indrasabha has been completed and the rock over the varandah of the small Jain cave (No. 34) has been grouted and propped. P. 17. Drawings-Paintings in the Jaina group of caves. Indrasabha, belongs to the 8th to 10th centuries A. D. pervaded by ideals and beliefs of Jaina religion, persent a striking contrast to the wall paintings of Ajanta. 377 (vi) 447 Annual Report of the Ar. Dept. of H. E. H. the Nizam's Dominion (1928-29) -Calcutta. 1931. Nothing in this report. 377 (vii) Annual Report of the Archaeological Department of H. E. H. The Nizam's Dominions - 1930-31-Calcutta, 1933. P. 29. App. G. List of photo negatives; No. 1035-Kopbal, Chandra Bandi Rock: Jain Canarese Inscription. P. 32. App. I. List of Drawings: Serial No, 1-A Panel from the eastern gallery of the Indra Sabha, Ellora. Nos. 2 & 3-Two panels from the eastern gellery of the Indra Sabha, Ellora. No. 4-Siva from the ceilling of the Indra Sabha, porch, Ellora. P. 35. Sculptures: Neglected sculptures removed to the Museum. A colossal Jain figure (D}'x2') from patancheru. A very good Jain figure-from Town Hall, Gulbarga. The Jain figures have been installed on pedestals in the Jain gallery. Page #473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 448 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 39. List of Exhibits acquired for the Hyderabed Museum. Serial No. 212-A Jain image found from Patancheru. P. 44. No. 378. Jain figure with the hood of a snake-From Town Hall, Gulbarga. * 377 (viii) Annual Report Arch. Dept. H. E. H. Nizam's Dominion, 1933 34--Calcutta, 1936. P. 3. Survey of Monuments. Bhawani Bais Moran. This is the main gateway of the village. It is an arched structure. Sculptures of Dwarapalas and Hindu gods, as well as the figures of Jain Tirthankaras have been fixed into the body of the building, P. 9. Conservation : At Ellora--as a result of cleaning of the frescoes, five frescoes representing flying Apsarases were brought to light in cave XXXI and XXXII. A complete set of the copies of these frescoes is being prepared, for they throw important light on the history of painting in India after the vanishing of the Buddhist religion from India. The frescoes generally are nearly a century posterior in date to those of Ajanta but the difference is so great that on fears to class them with the latter on points of beauty and artistic fealing (Plates I-IV in colours). App. List on sculptures noted in Warangal Dist. Pp. 32-38. S No. 15. Warangel Fort-Tirthankar Ajinath with elephants on both sides; small inscription. (41" x 20" x 6" giving the Jain Formula on the lowest band). S. No. 19. Jain Tirthankara Parsvanatha 44" X 26" X 6". S. No. 57-do- In the Yallamma gudi. A 18" x 17" X 6" fragmentary Tirthankara, in the fort. S. No. 94. At Inugurti ) Mahavir Vadhamana Mahabudahad Taluq to ( A Prabhavali, has the north of the ( 9 Tirthankaras, lion 57" x 34" X 18" village. ) in the centre seat. App. L. List of drawings---1933-34. P. 57. Serial No. 1-4. Panel from estern gallery of cave XXXI, Indrasabha with tracing; Border with intricate geometrical design with tracing; Panel from the ceiling; panel from the ceiling of the E. Gallery. Indrasaba-Ellora, Page #474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 449 P. 60. App. N. List of Exhibits-Hyderabad Museum. S. No. 6-7-copy of the Border of a panne-Indrasabha - Ellora caves. -do -do No. 9-10--Dance scene, *doNo. 11-12-panels from the ceiling No. 12-Apsarases -doNo. 13- Another Panel -do -do-do P. 66. S. Nos. 347-349.--Excavated from Chidri Jagir, West of Bidar Jain figures, in sitting pose; in standing pose. Plates II - Apsarases : Indra Sabha, Ellora (in colour). Plate III--- Apsarases (musicians) : Indra Sabha, Ellora (in colour). Plate IV (a)-A Jain figure : Indra Sabha, (b) Geometric Patterns Indrasabha-- Ellora (in colour). 377 (ix) Annual Report Ar, Dept. H. E. H. the Nizam's Dominion, 1931-33-Calcutta, 1935. P. 31. App. H: List of Paintings prepared in 1931-32 for Hyderabad Museum. Sr. Nos. 1 & 2-Border of a panel from the ceiling of the Indra Sabha, Ellora. S. Nos. 4 & 5-Dance scenes--a panel from the Eastern Gallery of the Indra Sabha, Ellora. Nos. 6 & 7-Two panels from the ceiling of the Eastern Gallery of the Indra Sabha, Ellora. ceiling of the Eastern Gallery of the Indra Nos. 8-9--Apsarases, panels from Sabha, Ellora. -do -do -do 1932-33. P. 91. App. I: List of paintings prepared in 1932-33. S. Nos. 2 & 3-Broder design from the ceiling of Indra Sabha (tracing)-Ellora. S. No. 4-Apsarases from the shrine of Indra Sabha (tracing)-Ellora. No. 5. A panel from the shrine of Indrasabha (Eastern wing), Ellora. P. 92. App. J. & P. 99. Manuscript, acquired-Life of Lord Sni Krishna-a Jain manuscript, profusely illustrated. Serial No. 229 purchased. Page #475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 450 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 377 (x) E. H. the Nizam's Dominions, Annual Report of the Archaeological Department of H 1934-35-Calcutta, 1938. Pp. 1-165 with 262 illustrations. P. 67-List of Painting prepared, Ellora caves, during the years 1934-35. Sr. No. Localities. Ellora Subject Flying apsaras from shrine of cave XXXI, tracing -do- -o- painting Raja with an attendant from cave XXX! tracing -do- - o painting Gomastesvara from cave XXXI painting Parasnath from cave XXXI painting 377 (xi) Annual Report of the Archaeological Department of H. E. H. the Nizam's Dominions, (1935-36) - Calcutta, 1938. P. 58-List of paintings prepared - Ellora caves during 1935-36. Sr. No. Subject Locality 1. Apsarasas, cave IXXX Indrasabha with tracing. Ellora A pair of devotees, cave XXXI Indrasadha with tracing. , P. 64. List of exhibits acquired for the Hyderabad Museum during the year 1934-35. Sr. No. Description. How acquired. 140 Jaina images (Tirthankara) 152 Discovered Kadkal, in Raichur dist. 153 -do Inscribed pedastal of a Jain image. Jain images (Tirthankara) 155.. -do 159 Page #476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPIY 377 (xii) Annual Report Arch. Dept., H. E. H. Nizam's Domininons, 1940-41, HyderabadDeccan. P. 5. Survey of monumants : Nagaram : 45 miles from Hyderabad on the road to Nalgonda via. Bhongir, Opposite to the entrance of shrine Venkatesh Gudi, is the hill called Indrapallagutta and it has got a boulder upon which Jainite images have been carved; 4 vertical panels-a standing Jina, a seated Jina; 3rd & 4th standing Jina. Indrapallagutta has an ancient ruined fort; caverns. P. 9. Kandigudda. Kondigudda between Iswarpet and Bayaram in Warangal Dist, is a small village. To the west of the village at a distance of about half a mile there is an old temple-Gopalswami's temple and contains an image of Krishna, the image is not so old as the shrine. But there is a mutilated Jain image lying in the compound which might originally have belonged to the temple. JU 378 (i) Annual Report of the Archeological Department-Cochin State for the year, 1936-1937 -Ernakulam, 1938. Plate IV-A granite image of a seated Buddha in a small shrine at a Palace called Paruvasse ri, about 20 miles to the east of Trichur. Plate V-A nearer view of the Buddha image at Parusvesseri : Note the holy umbrella over the head of Buddha, and also the two devotees standing on Buddha's either side. 378 (ii) * The Annual Report af the Archaeological Department - Travancore-Cachin State for the year 1951-52.-Ernakulam, 1953. Plate IX-(24)-Chittaral : A set of Jain images of the 4th, 5th century A. D, carved in relief on the side of an overhanging rock on Thiruchauthumalai--33 miles to the south of Trivandrum, Plate X (25)-Chittaral : The Jaina reliefs with recently constructed masonary platform in the front, facing north. Plate XI (26)-Chittaral : The brick tower forming part of the old edifice of the Jain temple. .: Plate XI (27)--Chittaral : The idol of a Jaina Tarthankara thrown outside the temple... Page #477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 452 379 (i) Annual Report Archaeolagical Department, Gwalior State, for S. 1980 (1923-24), -Gwalior. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Conservation : Badoh, Dt. Bhilsa. The Jain temple is a group of some 20 different shrines enclosing an oblong court-yard constructed at different times ranging from the 9th to the 12 century. The Gadarmal Temple, 9th Century; the image of a goddess on the dedicatory block of the shrine doorway; a mother goddess with a child the principal idol; the Gadarmal temple was dedicated to the Mothers; After the original temple had suffered mutilation at the hands of Muhammadan invaders, an attempt was made to repair it; upto the top of the walls of the shrine the original temple has survived, the structure above is a later repair some Jain sculptures are used in these repairs which indicate that the the temple was repaired by the Jains. About 1/4 mile to the N.-W. of the Gadarmal temple stands a Jain temple consisting of 19 cells the images of Tirthankaras in the cells are as follows :-- Pp. 9-10. 1. Unidentified, standing; 2. Mahavir seated and Matinatha standing; 3. Ajitanatha (Polished), unidentified height 7'-8" biggest of the standing three (polished). Sambhavanath (polished); 4. Two images, bigger of the two is 9" tall standing; 5. Sambhavanath; Rishabhanatha height 9', Ajitanath all standing; 6. Unidentified, Santinatha, Parivanatha, unidentified-all standing, Rishabhanatha. unidentified, Two small images-all standing; 7. An empty cell for passage; 8. A large image height 9'; standing; 9. A big image height 11'-3" (this is the principal shrine) standing; 10. Five images, three images-all seated; 11. Rishabhanath standing, Parivanatha seated. A third image seated, outside this cell are two standing images of Tirthankaras; 12. A big image standing; 13. Contains a standing image of Bhujabali with 19 small seated images of Tirthankaras on the back ground and a 20th figure of a goddess with child-all standing; 14. Unidentified-standing; 15. Parsvanatha seated, two images of Santinatha-standing; 16. Unidentified seated; 17. A small image standing; 18. Unidentified-seated; 19. A Chaumukha standing. Two pilgrims record on the door jambs of cells of this temple-one dated v. s. 1134 and the other v. s. 13 (v. s. 1113). Pp. 10-11. Udayagiri Dt., Bhilsa-Jain cave No. 20, the inscription on the cave speaks of the installation of an image of Parsvanatha at the mouth of the cave. The inscrip Page #478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY tion flanks the mouth of the cave on one side and on the other are two rock-cut images of Tirthankaras one of which is that of Parsva. In the inscription the image of Jina (Jinakritim) is qualified by the adjective spuhata-Vikato-tkatam which Dr. Fleet (Gupta Inscriptions, page 259) rendered by (richly endowed with the expanded. hoods of a snake) and an attendant female deity. Of course, the hoods of the snake are present in the rock sculpture referred to above, but the female attendant is not. This however can be very easily accounted for. Because the natural interpretation of the qualifying phrase quoted above is "mighty and fierce on account of the hoods of a snake". This description fits in very well with the rock-cut images in questionthat the inscription refers to this image rather than (as held by Dr. Fleet) to some other loose image which has disappeared now. The style of sculpture, the image is referable to the same period (5th century A. D) to which the inscription belongs. The word achikarat occuring in the inscription would refer to the 'making or chiselling' of an image (in rock) rather than to the installation of a loose image. P. 26. Inscription copied : No. 3 Badoh (Dt. Bhilsa)-on a door jamb of a cell in Jain temple. 4 lines, old Nagari, Sanskrit v. s. (11) 13, is a pilgrim's record it reads: OM svasti dvAdasa [kka] maMDale prAcArya kevali [vaM dijai ? ] bhUpacaMdrasva / / sa-13 [6] meM The date evidently omits the figures 11. No. 4.-do-do- on another door jamb of a wall in Jain temple. 3 lines old Nagari, Sanskrit. v. s. 1134, is also a pilgrim's record. Text. west. P. 36. Photographs. Serial No. 1-Badoh Dr. Bhilsa-Jain Temple before conservation, from south Serial No. 2. Serial No. 3. Conservation from north-west. S. No. 4. Conservation, from North. -do -do -do -do -do -do P. 38: S. No. 57 Gwalior Museum, Chaumukha, from Bhilsa. S. No. 61 S. No. 62 S. No. 63 -do -do -do -do -do -do -do North-west. interior, before. from Mohanpur. another view. 453 interior after. Page #479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 454 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 41. Lantern Slides made in s. 1980. Capitals : S. No. 25-Bell and Lion capital at Udayagiri. Capitals : S. No. 26 -do at Sarnath, P. 45. List of drawings. Badoh (Dist. Bhilsa) - Jain temple, block plan 6'-1". 379 (ii) Annual Report of the Ar, Dept-Gwalior State for S. 1981 (1924-25). Not available-To find in the A.S.B. or National Library. 379 (iii) Annual Report Ar. Dept.--Gwalior State for S. 1982 (1925-26) Gwalior--no date, Conservation. P. 6. Suhania-ruins. Jain--10th to 12 century A. C. round the present village which lies about 30 miles north of Gwalior. P. 7. Listing of monuments. Narwar-Below the Urwahi gate of the Narwar Fort is a Jain Temple, shelters images of Tirthankaras very much old, three of Neminatha and the fourth of Rishabhanatha, earliest, bears an inscriptian v. s. 1213. The other 3 of black marble bear dates v. s. 1316, 1340, 1348. One of white marble has no inscription. P. 44. Indhar-Old village about 20 miles to the south-east of Kolarus; possessed a number of Hindu & Jain temple sites, contains old sculptures, 8th century, see App. No. F. P. 9. Mahuwan (Dt. Esagarh) --old village about 10 miles to the north of Esagarh, a number of Hindu & Jain sculptures of 11th century onwards. P. 10. Memon (Dt. Esagarh)-a hamlet, 4 miles to the south of Esagarh ruins of mediaeval Jain temples. One Jain temple in the southern most group is standing, inside a big idol of Tirthankar (8'-10") 10th century lintels bear images of Tirthankara. Flanking the door is a fine sculpture of saint Parsvanatha. In a nich a sculpture of Ambika, in another nich Chakresvari; number of broken images of Tirthankaras lying in the debris. Monuments listed. P. 20. Siroha (Dt. Narwar)-Some fragments of Jain images. Indhar Dt. Narwar---sites of Jain Temples, A big idol of standing Tirthankara in the site of the river about 1/4 mile to the north-east of the village. Page #480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 455 P. 21. Mahuwan Dt. Esagarh-a seated Tirthankara, another smaller Tirthankar half burried. Mamon - Dt. Esagarh-A Jain temple and ruins; Jain sculptures. Khichipur-Dt. Mandsor -Two small old sculptures of Dvarapalas (?) built into the wall of a modern Jain temple. P. 23. Inscriptions copied : No. 3. Narwar-on the pedastal a Tirthankar in a Jain temple at western fout of the Narwar Furt. Nayari ; v. s. 1213. Records installation ut he idol. No. 4. *do- another image -do-, v s. 1316 records installation of the idol. No. 5. *do- another image -do- v. s. 1340 records installation of the idol. No. 6. -do- v. s. 1348 Records the installation of the image. Antiquities added to the Arch. Museum, P. 28. Narwar--a canopy of a Jain image flanked on either side by an elephant. Photographs : P. 33. No. 33--Arch. Museum : A Jain Chaumukha. 379 (iv) Annual Report of Ar. Dept Gwalior Slate for S. 1983 (1926-27), Gwalior-No date. Photos P. 25. No. 25-Suhania, Dt. Tonwarghar, a group of Jain images. 373 (v) Annual Report of the Ar. Dept. Gwalior State for V, S. 1984 (1927-28), GwaliorNo date. Listing of monuments : P. 10. Sakara (Dt. Esagarh)-an village 2 miles west of Kadwaha and is located on the south-west slope of a hill. The southern temple of the western group-the shrine contains an idol of Mahishamardini and also one of a Jain Tirthankar leaning against a side wall. Another Jain figure outside against the south side wall. Pp. 13-14. Sujwaya (Dt. Gird)-a small village about a mile and a half south-west of Tighra, which is 11 miles by pucca road to the west of Lashkar. Near the village Malipura, but in the limits of the village Sujwaya, are the ruins of some Page #481 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 456 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Jain Temple in two groups-almost razed to the ground; heaps of carved debris, ceiling slabs, mutilated sculptures of Tirthankars; remains of 11th century A.C. Monuments listed : P. 26. Sujwaya (Dr. Gird)-Ruins of some Jain temple of mediaeval period with sculpture; a pillar having a chaumukha; Ruins of Jain temples with attendant shrines of mediaeval period; ruins of two more Jain temples. Inscriptions copied. N. 28. No. 5.-Gwalior Fort-On a pillar with a Jain image 2 lines, Nagari, Hindi, reads Sri Chandra Nikarya. No. 6. do -do- on a Jain image-1 line, Nagari, Sanskrit, v. s. 16(7)3 mention-Bhattaraka Bhanu Kirttideva, Subhaktrttideva and others. By the side of a Jain image, 23 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, No. 7. -do- -dov. s. 1488 ? illegible. No. 18. -do- -do on a Jain Tirthankara; right-side, Urwali group, 23 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, v.s. 1497 (A. c. 1440) Names of Jain Acharya-Devasena, Yashkitti, Jayakirti etc. Pp. 30-33. No. 10 -do- -do- on a Tirthankara Adinatha right side, Urawahi group, 14 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, v. s. 1497 (A c. 1440), record-installation of the image of Adinatha, also refers to construction of wells and gardens. No. 20. -do-do- on a Tirthankar, left side Urwahi Group. 21 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, King Dungar Singh. No. 21. do -do- on an image of Chandraprabha, left side Urwahi Group, 15 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, Dungarsingh (King). No 22. -do- -do- on an image of Mahavira, Urwahi group-11 linesNagai, Sanskrit, King Dungar Singh, Records the installation of the image by a number of devotees names mentioned. No. 23. -do- -do- on a Jain image, left side Urwahi gate, 12 linesNagari, Sanskrit, Kirti Singh v. s. 1522 (A. c. 1465). No. 24, do- -do 13 lines. No. 25. -do- -do- 8 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, King Dungar Singh. v. s. 1514 (A. c 145) records excavation of a cave temple by a group of devotees mentioned. by names, in the reign of Dungar Singh. Page #482 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 457 No. 26. Gwalior Fort-on a Jain image on the Marimata side, 19 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, Kirti Singh, v. s. 1525 (A. c. 1468)-records installation of a huge image of Yugadinath by Hemaraja Sanghadhipati, mentions names of several Jain. Acharyas No. 27. do do on a Jain image on the Marimata side, 5 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit v. s. 1525 (A. c. 1469)-illegible. No. 28. -do--do- on a image of Shantinatha, 9 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, Kirti Singh v. s. 1525 (A. c. 1468) records the installation of a huge image of Shantinatha, in the reign of Kirti Singh Deva. No. 29. -do- -do- 9 line -do- -do- Kirti Singh v. s. 1525-certain names of Jain Acharyas also mentioned. No. 30. -do- -do No. 31. -do- -do v. s. 1580-purport not clear. No. 32. do- -do- 4 lines Nagari, Sanskrit, Kirti Singh, v. s. 1525. Purport not clear. Refers to the reign of Kirti Singh son of Dungarendradeva Tomara of Gopachaldurga (Gwalior Fort). 15 lines -do- -do- Kirti Singh v. s. 1525 same as above. on a Jain image, Marimata side. 4 lines, Nagari, Hindi. No. 33. do- -doa Jain image, Marimata group 12 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, Kirti Singh, v. s. 1525, Kirti Singh Deva and his official Gunabhadra Deva are mentioned. No. 34. do-do- of Parsvanath -do-, 9 lines. Nagari, Sanskrit, Kirti Singh v. s. 1525. Records the installation of the image of Parivanatha. -do-do- 7 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit Kirti Singh v. s. 1525-illegible. -do-do- 1 line, Nagari, Hindi-illegible. No. 37. do do- 9 lines, Nagari, Hindi-illegible (Kirti Singh v. s. 1525). -do- on image of Parsvanatha, 14 lines, Nagari Sanskrit, Kirti Singh, V. s. 1525- illegible. No. 39. do lation of Parsvanatha. do- 5 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, 1525-illegible. Records instalReign of Kirti Singh. No. 40. -do- on an image on the Koteshwar side. 7 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit. Dungar Singh. s. 1527. Records the installation of an image. No. 41. do- do on an image on the Koteshwar side, 8 lines Nag. Sans.; Kirti Singh. v. s. 1531. This inscription and one that follows, together make one inscription for purport see No. 42. Page #483 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 458 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 42. Gwalior Fort-on an image on the Koteshwar side. 8 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit, Kirti Singh. v. s. 1531. This inscription and No. 41 above together complete the record, they record the installation of an image of Parsvanatha by a lady named Champa in the reign of Kirt: Singh. No. 43. do-do- on a lintel of a temple-porch, found built into a modern pavement, 6 lines, old Nagari, Sanskrit (verse)-King. Ram Deva. No date in the existing portion. This record-complete itself in more than two lintels. Other being not found, the record remains incomplete-Museum Gujri Mahal. No. 44. -do No. 45. Bhatnavar, Pohari Jagir, on a square slab lying loose on a platform near a Jain image. 38 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit. Totally damaged. Removed to the Museum. -do -do 379 (vi) Annual Report of Ar. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. 1985 (1928-29) Gwalior (no date) P. 6. Udayagiri (Dt. Bhilsa)-In the Udayagiri hill a group of 23 rock-cut Hindu and Jain caves ranging in date from 5th to 9th century A. c. situated in the vicinity of Sanchi. Caves situated at the sloping foot of the hill-a few on or near the top. Exploration: P. 13. Berad (Dt. Narwar)-a village 10 miles beyond Bhatnawar a side of a single small temple only a portion of shrine wall survives with which are resting. 3 sculptures-two broken and one in the centre is a standing Jina. P. 17. Visit to monuments outside the State: (a) Visit to Badwani-The Digambara Jain Sri Chulagiri (Bawangaja) Siddhakshettra pravandha-Karint Committee at Budwani, (C. India) solicited advice with regard to the work of restoration of the collosal rock-cut Jain image in the biggest extent-known as Bawangaja-a living object of worship. Monuments listed : P. 26. Kalamadh (Dt. Narwar)-a loose Jain sculpture near the temple of Varaha. Berad (Dt. Narwar)-a ruined temple Jain on the eastern extremity of the village. Page #484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 10. Inscriptions copied. No. 5. Udayagiri. In a natural rock cavern near cave No. 20 at Udayagiri8 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit Text: dehA abhimAne galitaM visAcate paramAtmani, yatra yatra mano yAti tatra tatra samAdhiya [ - ] indriyArAjya ( dhi ) SThA (SThA) trI bhUtAnAmakhilesva ( Su) yA bhUteSu za ( sa ) tatatasyai vyAptau [ -nye] devyai namo namaH, fa. 459 P. 42. Antiquities added to the Museum. Old Paintings. No. 25.-47 Purchased-a booklet containing pictures of 23 Tirthankaras 6" x 4". Photos. P. 45. No. 16-Udayagiri (Bhilsa) Cave No. 1--General ruins. P. 46. No. 40. Cave No. 20, passage upto hill. P. 49. Nos. 143-149. Lashkar (Dt. Gird). Fort, Elephant Gate--Western entrance with Jain sculpture; View of Western descent from west; General view showing Jain rock sculpture on west; -do- another view, a group of rock-cut Jain sculpture; another group, still another group. -do Nos. 150-152-Gwalior, Fort, rock-cut Jain sculpture standing; A rock-cut Jain sculpture, a lady lying perhas Mahavira as a baby and his mother? A rock-cut Jain sculpture seated. P. 50. No. 173-Gwalior, Arch. Museum. Torso of a Jain sculpture from Lashkar. P. 51. No. 190-A map of Gwalior State, showing some places of archaeological interest. Plate X(b) Gwalior Fort: A Jain rock sculpture. 379 (vii) Annual Report of Ar. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. 1986 (1929-30)-Gwalior(No date). P. 10-Listing or monuments : Bajarangarh, Dt. Bajrangarh (Esagarh)-Close to the Hill is an old site-old bricks and stones of Jain temples now built into modern Jain temples in the town of Bajrangarh. Page #485 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 460 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 12. Amrol (Dt. Gird)-10 miles to the north-west of Antri Railway Stationsome ruins-besides the cart-track to on a platform under a pipal tree, are heaped images of Tirthankaras. P. 14. Churli (Dt. Gird)--a hamlet half a mile to the south of the Tekanpur dam on the Gwalior-Jhansi Road; half a mile to the South-east of the hamlet stand a Jain Chaumukha--on each pedestal two lions seated with a wheel or Dharma chakra between; in the panels above are four seated Jinas--one being Parsvanatha; the canopies are in the form of Bengal roofs with foliage decoration other discription also given. P. 15. Dundapur (Dt. Gird)-A village 3 miles by foot to the north-east of Pawa (south of Lashkar). Ruins of a Jain temple outside the temple a seated Jina appears to date from the Ilth century; the Sabha Mandapa and porch remains, one of the pillars has a short pilgrim's record dated v. s. 1598 (?). Pp. 16-17. Sujawaya (Dt. Gird)-close to at Malipura--a village lie a number of ruins of Jain temples-those ruins lie within the limits of Sujwa, another village a mile further of Malipura. On the slope a hill to the north of Malipura is a large group of ruins; temples of Tirthankaras about 2 dozens mutilated images of these Tirthankaras, some seated, others standing some inverted and lying upside down; half a dozen of Parsvanatha, one of Adinatha; style of carvings 10th century. Other remains described. P. 17. About 2 furlongs east of the above ruins on the opposite bank of the Nala are the ruins of another group of temple, all Jain; two platforms, carved ceiling slabs, sculptures of Tirthankaras. A few yards further north site of another Jain temple a number of well-carved sculptures of Tirthankara, a chaumukha (2'X2' X 4-5") is well preserved, another sculpture-a high pedestal and a seated figure; a door and a life size figure of Ambika half buried and without head. Pp. 23-24. Gudar (Dt. Narwar)--the village stands on the slope of a hill about 4 miles to the south of Khaniadhana; the area below this village and to its northstudded with antiquities of the 10-12th centuries both Hindu and Jain. Between the top of the hill and the village is a gadhi (fort)-about a few yards below this ruined gadhi or near the upper skirts of the village stands a modern temple-a few pillars and other stones of 12th century temples are built up in its verandah. This temple built in V, s. 1812 but some of the idols are considerably older---three of them have inscriptions dated v. s. 1390-there are all scated Jinas of brass except two of stone. A furlong from the village almost opposite to this modern Jain temple, stand in a field 3 big images of Tirthankara, two small ones (each 6'' high) slanking the central bigger sculpture (9' high)-one side sculpture has a symbol of an antelope and tlie other a fish. The bigger central one has an inscription recording the installation of Page #486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 461 the three Jinas-Santinatha, Kunthunatha and Aranatha by one Dharmadeva in V, s. 1206 (vide No. 28 of App. D). About 2 furlongs north-west of the group of Jain images on an eminence lie the ruins of another old Jain temple whose principal, a Tirthankara is still standing (71'), a small chaumukha 21' with a seated Jina on each face is lying near the big sculpture. P. 26. Sesai (Dt. Narwar)--close to the sarai is on old step-well, clase to this is lying a damaged sculpture of a seated Jina. P. 31. Batesvar Valley (Dt. Tonwarghar)-a religious centre--padhavli possesses numerous remnants of both Hindu and Jain shrines and sculptures (described in previous reports). P. 31. Bharaoli (Dt. Tonwarghar)-a village lying on the slope of the hill or almost on the back of Bhatesvar valley. Along the way to the Siva Temple lie on a Chabutra some broken images of Jina. Monuments listed : P. 47. Dundapura (Dt. Gird)---a ruined Jain temple. P. 49. Gudar (Dt. Narwar)-Traces of a Jain temple with a standing Tirthankara; a group of 3 Tirthankaras standing in a field one of which has an inscription; a modern Jain temple in the viilage in which pillars of old temple are built and old Jain sculptures are sheltered. Sesai (Dt. Narwar)--a seated Jain sculpture lying loose near the step-well. Inscriptions copied. P. 28. Gudar-On the pedestal of the biggest one of the three Jain statues in a field at Gudar- 7 lines, Nagari, Sanskrit v. s. 1206-Records the construction of the three images by Gange Dharma Deva, son of Sadhu Guna Chandra of the Lavakanchuka race. PhotographP. 71. No. 38--Churli (Dt. Gird)-a Jain Chaumukha. P. 72, No. 58-Gudar (Narwar)-a group of Jain images standing in a field, P. 79. No. 53--Gwalior-Fort-Jain images at Urwahi Gate. Plate III-C-A Jain chaumukla at Chiroli. Plate VI-a-A group of Jain images at Gudar. Page #487 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 462 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 379 (viii) Annual Report of Ar. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. 1987 (1930-31) Gwalior- no gear, P. 2 and 21. Listing of monuments. Chor Kho (Dist. Esagarh)-about a mile and a half to the West of Benai Kho (1 mile to the east of Naderi village; 6 miles to the south-east of Chanderi) at the top of this Kho (depression in the hills) lie some ruins of shrines-Jain & others. Antiquities added to the Museum at Gwalior : A Jain image brought from Rithoro. -do- -o- ---doP. 33. Photos : No. 83-Sesai (Dt. Narwar)-a Jain image. 379 (ix) Annual Report of Ar. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. 1988 (1931-32)-Gwalior, 1937. P. 6. Monuments listed : Kagpur or Kakpur (Dist. Bhilsa), it lies on the Bhilsa-Pachhar Road and is 17 miles north of Bhilsa. Close to Mala-ki-madhi are lying sculptures and a chaumukha (1'-7" x 1'-7" x 3'-6") the only Jain relic at Kagpur. Monuments listed : P. 16. Kagpur (Dist. Bhilsa)- A Jain Chaumukh above. P. 17. Inscription copied. Udaigiri (Dist. Bhilsa)--on the ceiling of cave No. 1. In 6 lines : Gupta script, Sanskrit; Si (si) (vd) dify(h) a name probably of a mason. P. 29. Photos : No. 35-Kakpur-a Jain Chaumukh. 379 (x) Annual Report of Ar. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. 1989 (1932-33)-Gwalior, 1937. P. 3. Conservation : Gyaraspur-It is 23 miles North-East of Bhilsa. Also ruins of monument of the Jains. Page #488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 463 Bajramath Temple-originally Hindu but appropriated by the Jains; 10th century A. D. Mala Devi Temple also originally Hindu, appropriated by the Jains. P. 27. Archaeological Museum at Ujjain-additions, Jain Tirthankara a fragment found at Ujjain. P. 35. Photos: No. 123-Two standing Jain images found from Padhavli, Arch, Museum, Gwalior. 379 (xi) Annual Report Arch. Dept. Gwalior State for Samvat 1990 (1933-34)-Gwalior, 1938. Pp. 11-12. Listing of monuments. Chait (Dist. Gird)-Gwalior. A Hamlet-about 5 miles to the North of Karhaia, About 2 furlongs to the south-west of the village on the slope of a low hill are the ruins of Jain temples of about the 11th century A. D. Description given-a large sculpture of Santinath, more than 10 feet high. Higher up the hill remnants of shrines pillars, Sanskrit inscriptions-an inscription of a pillar dated v. s. 1189 (A. D. 1126) fragments of Jain figures; Down on the plain at the foot of the hillocktwo large idols of Tirthankara of about the double the height of a man. P. 16. Epigraphy: Three Sanskrit inscriptions in old Nagari characters, discovered in the ruins of an old Jain temple at Chait in Dist. Gird; two of these dated in v. s. 1182 and 1183. One of them records the name of certain Jain Pandits and their disciples. The Third records the installation of a Jain image by Vrishabhasena a disciple of Padma Sena. Monuments listed : P. 25. Dist. Gird-Chait No. 9-Ruins of Jain Shrines, three inscribed pillars. No. 10-Temple of Santinatha. No. 11-Two large idols of standing Jinas. No. 12-Fragments of Jain sculptures. Inscription: Dist. Gird (Gwalior). P. 27. 3 chait on a pillar in the ruin of a Jain temple old Nagari, Sanskrit, v. s. 1183 Fragmentary, obliterated. 4. -do- on a pillar -do- old Nagari, Sanskrit v. s. 1182-records names certain Jain Pandits and their disciples-Vijaya Sena. 5. -do- Phalguna Vadi 2 (Year last) records, installation of possibly an image Page #489 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 464 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY of Vrishabha Sena, disciple of Padma Sena. The names of Pandit Kanaka Sena and his disciple Vijaya Sena also given--other names illegible. Photos : P. 38. Nos. 56-61. Chait (Dist Gird)-An old Jain temple, door frame, a ruined shrine, a ruined temple, 2 big Jain images etc. P. 40. No. 92-Gwalior Museum. Jain Chauvisi from Padhavli. 379 (xii) Annual Report Arch. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. 1991 (1934-35)-Gwalior, 1938. P. 4. Conservation. Gyaraspur,-(Dt. Bhilsa) --Maladevi Temple. The largest monument of Gyaraspur. 10th century temple of a goddess which seems to have been captured by the Jains just after or even during the course of its construction. P. 10. Listing of Monuments : Kadwaha (Dt. Esagarh)-8 miles to the north of Esagarh. An old Sanskrit inscription dated v. s. 1351 (A. D. 1294) brought from elsewhere and built into a niche in a modern Jain temple--it records the construction of astep-well. P. 13. Epigraphy : Inscription dated in v. s. 1703 incised on the pedestal of Jain foot-prints, in the premises of the Bangana Kund at Shivpuri, the donor Mohandas a Khandelwal Bania, a Potdar under Maharaja Sangrama of Utangarh Gunora, visited all places of pilgrimage, settled at Shivpuri, won the title of Singhaij it resisters the installation of a Siva linga along with that of a pedestal bearing foot-prints of the Jain Tirthankara, by a Jain donor in one and the same temple (e)-a testimony to the feeling of toleration and good will which prevailed among Jains and Hindus in good old times. One of the two inscriptions on the doorways of the shrines of a Jain temple at Maksi is dated v.s. 1782 or A.D. 1725-in Marwari dialect of Hindi; the other is in Sanskrit and dated in v. s. 1913 or A. D. 1856; both record constructions and repairs of the temple. The names of donors and a line of Jain Acharyas are specified. P. 23. Monuments listed : Maksi (Dt. Ujjain) Svetambara Jain Temple with inscriptions. Page #490 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 465 Inscriptions : P. 27. No. 19-Shivpur, on a stump of a pillar near a Kund-Nagari, Hindi, Shajahan and Amarsingh-Kacbhawaha, v s. 1703 (A. D. 1646). Nos. 19 and 20 together make one complete record mentioning the performance of Tuladana by Narahari Das son of Mohandas a Khandelwal Bania Bijaivargi. No. 20. -do -do Pp. 27-28. No. 21-Shivpuri (Banganga)-on a post records the installation of images and construrction of a Tank Manikarnika by Singhavi Mohandas-his geneology given. No. 22.-do- on a slab. Nagari, Hindi-Shahjahan, v.s. 1703. Records construction of a tank and a temple installation of images of 24 Tirthankar Parsvanatha and Vishwanath Mahadeva at Banganga by Mohandas Bijaivargi Khandelwal Mahajana of Ghuhariya Gotra; its geneology is given in No. 21 above; other details above P. 13. No. 23. - do- on pedestal foot-prints of a Tirthankar-Nagari, Hindi. Shah Jahan, v. s. 1703. Records certain names-Gangadas, Girdhandas and Champavati. No. 24. - do-on a post Nagari, Hindi-Totally defaced. P. 29. No. 26-Maksi (Dt Ujjain) on a doorway of the Jain temple of Parsvanatha. Nagari, Hindi local. v. s. 1782-Records, the session or a meeting of Sri Sangha at Avanti, discussed the repairs of the temple and subsequently carried them out in the time of Suba Bahadur. No. 27. -do-- on anther doorway of the same temple Nagari, Sanskrit. V. s. 1913, Saka 1776 (A.D. 1856). Records construction of Sikhara & Kalasa on the temple of Parsvanatha at Maksi-the ceremony performed by Kalyanavijaya Suri of the Mahatapa Gachchha. P. 42. No. 184-Ujjain. Aach. Museum-an inscription, a fragment of a Jain image etc. P. 43. No-195 -do---do-Head of a Jain Tirthankara. 379 (xiii) Annual Report Ar.Dept. Gwalior State for 1992 (1935-36)-Gwalior, 1939. P. 12. Monuments listed : Bagher (Dist. Sheopur)--a deserted village 4 milles from Brapur station; ruins of a large Jain temple--an inscription in Devanagari dated in v. s. 1532 (size 2'-6" x 1'-6" x 24"). ed! Page #491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 466 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Puranakheda, 1 mile from Bhurwada (Dt. Sheopur)-a number of Jain sculptures. There was a large Jain temple of about the 11th or 12th century A. D. P. 13-Dhonakona-5 miles from Khojipura Station (Dt. Sheopur)-a Kho (Valley) in thick jungle are the ruins of Jain temple-in the main shrine large image of Suparsanath (10' high); the walls of the enclosures, lined with niches, each sheltered an image of a Tirthankara-many images disapeared but numerous still exist. Most of them bear inscription on their pedestal dates varying between the 11th and 14th century A. D.; a huge image of Tirthankara abont 20' in length, lying in the bed of the adjoining stream; carved in a huge boulder, left unfinished. Radeb - old village-12 milles to the east of Sheopur; possess numerous ruins; a small shrine-original temple Jain of Shantinath; of about 11th century A.D image mutilated, dethroned, lies at the foot of platform, a Sivealinga now worshipped in the shrine; a little further to the east of the temple, a platform; an image of Bara-Bhuja Mara (has sixteen arms) apparently chakresvari, riding on Garuda. To the west of the village another Group of Jain images. P. 17. Arch. Museum at Gwalior: stone images of Tirthankaras unearthed fom Gwalior Fort. P. 26. Listed monumnets: Dt. Sheopur. No. 14-Bagher-An inscription dated v. s. 1532 in a Jain temple. Nos. 16-17-Bhurwada-group of 10 Jain Tirthankaras of reddish black stone and a Tirthankara of white sand stone. P. 26 No. 19-Bukhari-mutilated Jain image (2' x 1'-6") locally called Siddhabaho, about half a mile east of the villge. P. 27. Nos. 23-24-Dhona Khona-A Jain temple of 12th century A. D., an image of Tirthankara lying in the bed of the river. Nos. 25-27-Radeb-old Jain temple. 12th century A.D.-image of Santinatha; Goddess with 16 arms. P. 61. Antiquities added to the Gwalior Museum. Nos. 1-7 From Gwalior Fort-Jain Tirthankaras photos. P. 66, No. 55-Gyaraspur-A Jain image on a hill. P. 67. Nos. 82-83-Gwalior Museum-Two Jain Chaumukha. P. 68, Nos. 143-147-Burwada (Dt. Mandasor)-Jain images. Nos. 148-149-Bukhari (Dt. Sheopur)-Jain images. Page #492 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 467 Nos. 150-151--Dhancha (Dt. Sheopur)--a ruined Jain temple of Parsvanatha; images of Parsvanatha -do P. 70. Nos. 152-154-Dhancha-Chambers in the compound of ParSwanatha Temple Nos. 155-157-Radeb (Dt. Sheopuri)-A ruined Jain temple now sheltering a Siva linga Jain images; goddess Chakresvari. No. 168--Ujjain Mahakal Museum-head of a Jain image. 379 (xiii) Annual Report of Arch. Dept. of Gwalior State for V. S. 1993 (1936-37)-Gwalior, 1939. P. 29. Exploration : Indore (Dt. Guna): a village-ruins of Jain monuments of mediaeval period. P. 10. Suhania (Dt. Morena)-An old image of Veminath in a new Jain Temple; Two seated Tirthankaras. P. 23. Monuments listed-Suhania shrine of Neminatha newly restored and sculptures of two seated Tirthankaras. Photographs : P. 35. No. 4-Bhilsa (Dt. Bhilsa)-open air museum at Dak Bungalowna sculpture of Tirthankara. Nos. 13-18-Gyaraspur Dist. Bhilsa Mahadevi Temple-images Jain Gods, goddesses & Tirthankaras. P. 37. Nos. 55-63-Gwalior Arch. Museum--Jain sculpture Tirthankaras. P. 38. No. 80---do-do- Torso of a Tirthankara plate VI (b) Tirthankaraseated from Gwalior fort (now in the Museum Gwalior). 379 (xiv) Annual Report of Arch. Dept. of Gwalior State for V. S. 1995 (1938-39)-Gwalior, 1940. Exploration : P. 16--Kumhar Tekri-Excavations. The round mound-a burial-cum-cremation ground-Skeletons, in various position, one seated in a mediatating attitude almost like a Buddhist monk or a Jain Sadhu (plate ixc (d)]. Plan of cave No. 20 Udayagiri. Page #493 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * 468 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 379 (xv) Annual Ad. Report Arch. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. 1996 (1939-40)-Gwalior, 1942. P. 17-Pali-on the padora, Kota Road about 12 miles to the east of its junction with Agra Bombay Road or about 22 miles from Shivpuri. To the south of the village, under a Banyan tree-site of a Jain temple; part of shrine and few idols in the roots and trunk of the tree. Sculptures of Tirthankaras lie scattered. P. 38. Monuments listed. Pali (Dt. Shivpuri)-Site of a Jain Temple of about the 10th or 11th century A. D. in ruins, carved stones and images of Tirthankaras only remnants. 379 (xvi) Annual Administrative Report of the Arch. Dept. Gwalior State for V. S. (1940-41)-Gwalior. 1943. 1997 P. 4. Barai (Dist Gird)--A big Jain idol in the ruins of an old temple at Barai. Pp. 22-23. Amrol--8 miles to the south-west of Antri; another route via Harsi Canal Bank road which branches off from the Gwalior-Jhansi Road near Tekanpur. A shrine sheltering a large medieval idol of a gooddess Behmata, built on the site of large Jain temple, statues of Tirthankaras scattered round about. Barai (Dt. Giro)-Two groups of ruined Jain temples-on to the north of the village consists of two temples - one sheltering a very large image of a Jina; the other on the hill to the south consists of four shrines; all sheltering big idols of Tirthankaras. From a dated inscription on the pedestal of an image and the style of architecture, those temples are contemporary with the rock-cut Jain statues on Gwalior Fort (15th Century A. D.). Paytha (Dt. Morena)-near the village site of a Jain temple, strewn with mutilated Jain statues P. 98. Epigraphy-An inscription on the pedestal of large Jain image enshrined in a temple on a hill to the south of village Barai; dated in v. s. 1529 (A. D. 1472) refers to Maharaja Kirtisingh Tomara of Gwalior. Pp. 51-53. Monuments listed in 1940-41. No. 4. Amrol (Dt Gird, Gwalior)-Behmata Temple and site of a Jain temple. Page #494 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 469 No. 8 Barai-Ruins of a Jain temple sheltering a huge image of Tirthankara on the N. W. of village. No. 9-Ruins of another Jain temple-three shrines near No. 8. No. 10-A Jain temple with 4 shrines on hill to the S. of village. No. 16-Paytha (Dt. Morena) --Site of a Jain temple on the S. E. outskirts of village-number of Jain sculptures scattered around. Nos. 18 20-Dadur (Dt. Sardarpur)--three different sites of Jain Temples strewn with stone images--two very large. P. 52. Inscription copied : 1. Panihar (Dt. Gird)-on a standing Jain image in the 3rd shrine from the north in the group of four shrines, on hill; Nagari-Hindi. P. 66. Mahakal Temple of Museum, Ujjain. P. 68 Photos : No. 29 Barai-(Dt. Gird)-a Triple Jain temple in ruins. No. 30. Another ruined Jain temple near No. 29 sheltering a huge Jain image. Nos. 31-32. Fourfold Jain temple, Pt. 1 (first two); Pt. II (last two). 379 (xvii) Annual Report of the Archaeological Department of the Gwalior State. Quinquanial Administration Report of the Archaeological Dept. Gwalior State-Madhya Bharat. For the Samvat 1998-2002 (1942-46)-Gwalior, 1949. Conservation : P. 3. Udayagiri : The rock-cut caves in Udayagiri hill situated about 4 miles west of Bhilsa; monuments of the Gupta age. Out of the 20 caves, No. 1 at the southern end and No, 20 at the northern end are Jain. Pp. 17-18. Indore : The village Indore lies ahout 4 miles to the North-East of Kadwaha, possesses Jain relics of mediaeval period. A ruined shrines and a Chaumukha situated at about half a mile to the South-east of the village. The structural Chaumukha or four faced hollow structure; in the centre of each face is the principal image of a seated Tirthankara surrounded by a number of subsidiary figures of Tirthankaras. In the shrine room there is a a large standing idol of santinatha. Both of circa 10th century A. D. Page #495 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 470 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 20-21. Amrol village (Dist. Gird)--An old Jain Temple situated a short distance fo the west of village. In a modern Jain temple-Baimata Mandir, a seated Jain goddess (Ambika?) and an image of Tirthankaras enshrined. In the faces of the platform a number of images of Tirthankaras are built up. A large number of Jain images are strewn over the site. P. 22. Gandhaval, Dist. Ujjain: Bhavant temple at the south of the village Gandhaval (which is about 8 miles by cart-track north of Sonkachh, is surrounded by a large number of sculptures mostly Jain. The modern temple stands on the platform of an old Jain temple. A little north of the village is a Darga platform. A number of Jain sculptures kept against the north side of this platform while an old Jain image has been used in the construction of the platform. On the bank of a Nala to the north-west of the village are lying two Jain images. To the western side of Khedapati Hanuman temple is lying an image of Tirthankara. Futher, north-east at a distance is a standing colossal image of a Tirthankara about 10 feet high. About 50 feet in front are lying half buried, two more Jain life-size sculpture; this was a site of an old temple. P. 25. Epigraphy: An inscription on the Jain image refers to the reign of Vijayapala and is dated in v. s. 1132. P. 34. App. A.-Antiquities found in the excavations of the Tila site at Pawaya in 1941-42. No. 43 Head of a Tirthankara-Photo No. 114/128. P. 70. List of Inscriptions: No. 3-Bhiloa, on a Jain image old Nagari, Sanskrit-King Vijayapala v, s. 1132, A. c. 1075 mentions-Sri Vasvachandra, 380 (i) Annual Report of the Archaeological Survey of Mysore, 1903-4-Bangalore, 1904. P. 4. Jain orators' success in religious disputes. Inscription of the 16th century at Humcha. Triumphs over European faith, Bauddha and others. P. 5. Manuscripts: Spala-charita, in Kannada, by Mangrasa, beginning of the 16th cent.Kalyanakaraka, a work on medicine in Sanskrit, by Ugraditya, probably 12th or 13th century. Page #496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 380 (ii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Mysore, 1904 05-Bangalore, 1905. Pp. 2-4. The Changalvas and the Kongalvas, they were Jains. The priests of the Changalves claim control of all the Jain Bastis from Panasoga to Tala Kavini, which is the source of Kaveri river in Coorg. 471 Rajendra-Chola-Kongalva's son Rajadhiraj Kongalva, and his mother Pochabbarasi, had as their guru Gurusena pandita, the disciple of Puspasena, Siddhantadeva. In 1058 Rajendra Kongalva Tammayya built a basti at Muttur (near Samvarsante in Coorg) and endowed it. (Coorg inscriptions). 380 (iii) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Mysore, 1905-06-Bangalore, 1906. P. 3. Sravana Belgola inscription-priority of the Jains to the Buddhists. Jain sect, one of the most ancient in India; its first discovery in Mysore. Pp. 4-5. An inscription of 1368 A. D. in Magadi taluq recording reconciliation effected by Bukka Raya between the Jains and the Vaisnavas. P. 6. Literature noticed: Lokopakara, a Kannada work by Chamundaraya, probably of the 12th century treating of rain, wells etc.-Dharmapadesamrita, a Sanskrit work on Jain philosophy, by Padmanandi flourishing in the 12th century. 380 (iv) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Mysore, 1906-07-Bangalore, 1907. Pp. 14-15. Account of Sculptures in the three Jain temples at Halebid in the Work called "The History of the Ancient Temples at Halebid" by one Sivananji Gauda. P. 15. Literature : Sukti sudharnava, a Kannada anthology of the 13th cent., compiled by the Jain Poet Mallikarjuna for the recreation of a Hoysala King Somesvara (1233-1254)Vyavohara gania, a work on arithmetic, composed by Rajaditya, a Jain poet, a contemporary of the Hoysala King Vishnu Vardhana (1104-1141 A. D.) and author of works on Geometry, Algebra and Mensuration-Padma-charita or Maha-Ramayana a Sanskrit work, by Ravisenacharya in the 7th cent. The work contains one of the earliest Jain version of the story of Rama-Kalyanakaraka, a Sanskrit work on medicine by Ugraditya a contemporary of Rashtrakuta King Nripatunga (815-877 A. D.) giveng a discourse on the uselessness of a flesh diet. Page #497 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 472 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 380 (v) Report of the Archaeological Survey of Mysore, 1907-08.--Bangalore, 1908. Pp. 2-3. Halebid Jain temples-A Jain image about 20 feet high in a temple built by Punisa, a famous general under Visnuvardhana. Pp. 6-7. The Santara plates of about 700 A. D. Pp. 9-13. Inscriptions of the reign of Visnuvardhana. Ballala III, a Nishidhi (memorial) in honour of Vardhamana Maladhari-deva (1295) at Halebid, erected by people of Dorasamudra. P. 27. Literature: Mss. Astusti, by Akalanka, the celebrated Jain philosopher of the 8th cent. Linganusasana by the Jain author. Harsavardhana flourishing in the Ilth cent. Jnanabhaskaracharita, a Kannada work on Jain Philosophy by Nemana of Samadallipura of the 16th cent. (Temple built by Punisa, general of Visnuvardhana; Heggade Mallimayya, a lay disciple of Subhachandra-Siddhantha deva, set up the god Mallinatha in the Divakara Jinalaya of the Sri Mulasangha (at Bastihalli); dandanayak-Echikayya also made a grant in 1138 A. D., Gangaraja's son Boppa erected Drohagharatta Jinalaya at Halebid. 380 (vi) Report of the Archaeological Surrey of Mysore, 1908-09--Bangalore, 1909. P. 3. Arsikere : Ruined Jain temple styled Sahasrakuta-Jinalaya in the inse criptions-Discovery of new inscriptions in the temple. P. 5. Siddapura Malakadamuru Taluka. Basti temple at the foot of the Brahmagiri hill-No Jains living in the village at present. Pp. 6-9. Sravana Be!gola : Discovery of 250 new inscriptions-Inscriptions in bastis brought to light and copied-Copying of inscriptions on the hills Vindhyagiri and Chandragiri, Bhadrabahu inscription-Santinatha basti, in Jinanathapura, built in about 1200 A. D. P. 10. Bevur : Two old Jain inscriptions (Nos. 69 and 70 of Channapatnam taluq) on the rock to the north of the Visnu temple on the Tirummappa hill near the village. Their existence leads one to suppose that the place was once a Jain settlement. Page #498 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 473 P. 11. Discovery of a Kannada inscription, dated in 1541 A.D. of the reign of Krishnadeva-Raya of Vijayanagara at Bhavanagar in Kathiawar--Importance of the work Lokavibhaga in determining the period of the Pallava king Simhavarma. Pp. 12-29. Epigraphy: Bhadrabahu inscription (Sr. Bel. No. 1) and its period--Inscriptions during the Epitaphs mention names of :-Sarvajna-bhatlaraka of Vegur; Gunadeva-suri; Masena; Sarbanandi ; Basudeva ; Vrishabhanandi's disciple (name not given); Mahadevamuni ; Baladevacharya ; Padmanandi ; Pushpanandi ; Visokabhatara of Kolattur sangha; Indranandyacharya ; Rajnimati-ganti ; Pushpasenacharya of Navilur sangha ; Sridevacharya Meghanandi-muni of Navilur sangha ; Patranandi-muni ; Gunamati-avve of Navilur sangha. P. 31. Manuscripts : Lokavibhaga, a Sanskrit work treating of Jain consmography, by Simha Suri flourishing in the 5th cent. A. D.-- Jivandhara-satpadi, a Kannada work, by the Jain author Kotisvara-Kavi of Sangitapura. Illustrations in the Report. Plate 1. Epitaph on Aristanemi, Sravana Belgola. Plate 3. Old inscriptions at Sravana Bego!a & at Kudalur. 380 (vii) Report of the Arch, Survey of Mysore, 1909-10-Bangalore, 1910. P. 7. Chikka Bilagumba : Proof of existence of some Jain basti in the vicinity of the village, though no Jains are found now for several miles around. P. 8. Vaidyanathapura : An inscribed stone of about the 8th cent., in the Vaidyanathesvara temple appears to have originally belonged to some Jain temple. Malaganhalli : A Jain epitaph of about the 10th cent, A, D. on a pillar in front of the Mari temple. Pp. 12-13. A List of transcripts of Jain Works prepared in the office of the Survey and sent to the Oriental Library, Mysore. No. 3..-Sabodhachandrodaya, a Sanskrit work by Padmanandi. No. 4.-Dharmopadesamrita, a Sanskrit work by Padmanandi. No 5.- Srutavatara, a Sanskrit work by Srindinandi (?) No. 7.-Virttachintaratna, a Sanskrit work by Santarajapandita. Page #499 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 474 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 9.--Munivamsabhyudaya, a Kannada work by Chidananda Kavi. No. 10.-Chikka-Sravakachara, a Kannada work by Chidananda Kavi. No. 11.-Sravakachara, a Kannada work by Chidananda Kavi. No. 12.-Jnanasara, a Kannada work by Chidananda Kavi. No. 14.-Karnataka-Bhasabhusana, a Sanskrit work by Nagavarma. No. 15.-Munisuvrata-Kavya, a Sanskrit work by Arhaddasa. No. 19.--Supasastra, a Kannada work by Mangarasa. No. 22.-Purudeva-Champu, a Sanskrit work by Arhaddasa. No. 24.--Bhadraba hucharitam, a Sanskrit work by Ratnanandi. No. 25.--Bhadrabahucharitarthasangraha, a Kannada work by Jagannathacharya. P. 14. Photographs : Nos. 28-43. Jinanathapura basti, Maharnavami Mantapa, Chamundaraya basti, etc., Sravana Belgola, Hassan Dist. P. 15. Drawings : Nos. 7-11.-Ceiling in front of the Gommatesvara, pillar in Akkana basti, Sravana Belgola, Hassan district. P. 23. Epigraphy : Avinita, son of Ganga king Madhavavarma III (Madhava, about 400 A.D.) said to have made a grant to a Jain temple at Perur. P. 27. A Jain epitaph on a pillar in front of the Mari temple at Marganhalli, Mandya taluq, mentions Madevikantiyar. P. 43. Names of some Agarvala Baniyas occuring in some Guzarati inscriptions copied at Sravana Bego!a-Their distinction from the Jain Agravalas. Pp. 45-47. Manuscripts : Discovery of the initial date of the Pallava king Simhavarma in the Jain work called Lokavibhaga by Simha Suri and discussion on the subject. Acquirement of a Kannada medical work known as Karnataka-Kalyanakaraka by Jagaddala Somanatha (Chitrakavi-Soma), a Jain author belonging to the middle of the 12th cent, Page #500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 380 (viii) Report, of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1910-11-Bangalore, 1911. P. 3. Laksmidevihalli: Discovery of a Jain epitaph of the Ganga period, near the Basavanna temple, pointing to the place having once been a Jain settlement. Kallangere A Jain image, presumably of Parsvanatha, brought to light in the neighbourhood of the hillock Kanchinakovi Marati. 475 P. 6. Javagal: The temple of Chandranatha, with rows of Tirthankaras here and there on the outer walls of the temple. P. 9. Bastihalli: Examination of the three temples of Parsvanatha, Adinatha and Santinatha, fully described: Takshas and Yakshis; inscriptions. P. 13. Belur: In the Kesava temple of the Hindus, figures with dead game and figures shooting with guns and a figure of a Jina. Pp. 15-16. Belgami: In several parts of the village, large figures of Jinas one inscribed (Shikarpur-134) lying in a mutilated condition, though no trace of Jain basti is now found. P. 19. Bandalike: The Santinatha basti, with mutilated Jina figures here and there. Chikka-Magadi: An inscribed stone (Shikarpur-201) in the Basavanna temple (originally a basti) having seated figures of a Jain teacher and four female disciples, Several Jina images and inscriptions lying about in a mutilated condition. Hanchi: A new inscription on a stone at the Virabhadra temple (once a basti) It has a large Svastika at the top with a seated Jina figure to the left. P. 20. Kuppatur: A seated image of Jina in the Jain temple with an inscrip tion. P. 21. Sravana Belgola: Erection of one of the bastis by the Ganga king, Sivamara on the small hill at Sravana Belgola according to an inscription. P. 25. A List of transcripts of Jain works prepared in the office of the Survey and sent to the Oriental Library, Mysore. No, 5-Belgolada Commatesvara-charitre, a Kannada work by Anantakavi. No. 6-Kagendramanidarpana, a Kannada work by Mangaraj. No. 7-Karkalada Gommatasvami charitre, a Kannada work by Chandrama. Page #501 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 476 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 9--Siddho-Stolra, a Sanskrit work by Asadhara Suri. No. 10--Pancaakalyana-Stotra, a Sanskrit work by Asadhara Suri. No. 11--Mangaraja-nighontu, a Kannada work by Mangaraja. No. 12-Kannada Ratnakarandaka, a Kannada work by Ayatavarma, No. 13--Loka-Svarupa, a Kannada work, author not known. No. 14--Karmaprakrili, a Kannada work, author not known. No. 15--Paramagam asara, a Kannada work by Chandrakirti. No. 16-Gadyachintamani, a Sanskrit work by Vadibhasimha Suri. No. 24-Samudrika laksana, a Sanskrit work by Bhadrabahu. No. 25--Karmaprakriti, a Sanskrit work by Abhayachandra. No. 26--Kriyachulika, a Sanskrit work, Author not known. No. 27-Ganadhara Stotra, a Sanskrit work. Author not known. No. 28-Ratnakarandaka or Upasakadhyayana, a Sanskrit work by Samantabha dra. No. 29-Dravyasamgrahagama, a Prakrit work by Nemichandra. No. 30--Prabhanjana-charitre, a Kannada work by Mangarasa. No. 31-Udoygasara, a Kannada work by Atmajna. N . 32-Chandranathastaka, a Kannada work by Gunavarina. No. 33-Sripala-chartre, a Kannada work by Mangarasa. No. 34-Sanatkumara Salpadi, a Kannada work by Bommarasa. P. 27. Photographs : Nos. 39-41--Views of Parsvanatha basti at Bastihalli in the Hassan dist. No. 42-Santinatha basti figure at Bastihalli in the Hassan dist. Epigraphy : (a) Ganga period P. 38. Au inscription near the Basvanna teinple at Laksnidevihalli, recording a grant of land to a Jain nun named Paramabbe Kantiyar in connection with a basti called Biduga- Jinalaya. Page #502 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY (b) Chalukya period Pp. 40-41. An inscription of the reign of Tribhuvanamalla or Vikramaditya. having reference to the ruined Jain temple at Kuppatur, Sorab talug. It mentions a Jain munt, named Parvata of the Mulasangha, Kanur-gana, and Tintrinika-gachchha. 477 (c) Hoysala period Pp. 43-49. An inscription at Belur of Visnuvardhana recording a grant in 1129 A, D. to a Jain temple named Malli Jinalaya. Epigraphs on the pedestals of images in temples of Parsvanatha and Adinatha at Bastihalli near Halebid, mention Subhachandra, Kukkutasan-Maladharideva. An inscription in the Somesvara temple at Belgami, dated in 1199, recording that during the reign of Ballala II, Heggade Siriyanna and a few others granted certain customs duties to Padmanandi-deva for the god Mallikamoda-Santinathadeva of the Hiriyabasadi at Balligrame. Description in details of two records, dated in 1207 A.D., and copied at Hanchi Sorab taluk. The one on a stone lying in the pond to the south of the Virabhadra temple, the other in front of the ruined Naranarayana temple. A record of King Narasimha III to the north of Bennegudda at Halebid, giving some interesting details about the Jain gurus of the Balatkara-gana. An inscription on the pedestal of the image in the Santinatha temple at Bastihalli near Halebid, inscription recording grants to Maghanandi. Siddhanatha-chakravarti in A.D. 1265. Spiritual descent of the guru given. P. 59. Manuscripts: Discovery of the earliest Saka date viz. 380 in the Jain work Lukavibhaga. Acquisition of an astrological work Jalakatilaka, written in 1049 A.D., by the Jain. poet Sridharacharya, author of Chandraprabha-charita, a Kannada champu. 380 (ix) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1911-12-Bangalore, 1912. P. 3. Seringapatam: The Adisvara temple, a Jain basti, with a seated figure of Adinatha. with Gomukha and Chakresvari and images of 24 Tirthankaras. P. 4. Kalasavadi : A place containing at one time numerous bastis or Jain temples. Page #503 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 478 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 9. Talkad : An inscribed slab built into the wall of the Anjaneya temple appears to have belonged to some Jain temple. The site of the Jain temple converted to a private garden and the images removed to Mysore. P. 14. Vijayapura : Two Jina images lying half buried in the earth in the fort to the south of the Arkesvara temple. P. 15. T. Narsipur : A panel containing a seated Jina figure in front of the taluq office. P. 16. Mugur. T.-Narsipur 88 : An old Jain epitaph. P. 17. Chamrajinagar : Parsvanatha temple with figures of Parsvanatha and Yaksha and Yakshi. P. 27. Works Transcribed : (1) Bhujabali-charitre, (2) Uttarapurana (in part), and (3) Jainendra-vjakaranam (in part). P. 29. Drawings : No. 2. Elevation of Chamundaraya basti. Sravana Belgola, Hassan district. Epigraphy : (a) Ganga period, P. 35. Importance of an inscription (A. D. 550) of the Ganga Durvinita in explaining the connection with Pujyapada and the work Sabdavatara. P. 37. A Jain epitaph (T.--Narsipur 88) at Mugur. Two Jain records in the Mahabalesvara temple on the Chamundi hill near Mysore. (b) Period unknown P. 63. A Jain record built into the wall of the new Vaikunthanarayana temple at Talkad. It records the death of Lokacharya, disciple of Mahananda. Acharya Kamaladeva of the Dravila and Nandi-gana. P. 68. Manuscripts : Trivaranikachara, a Jain law-book in Sanskrit, by Nemichandra flourishing probably in the 15th cent. Bhujabati-charitre, a Kannada poem, by the Jain poet Panchabana giving an account of Bhujabali or Gommata, a son of Vrisabha, composed in about 1612 A. D. Bharatesa-Vaibhava, a Jain work written in 1660 A.D. by Ratnakara-siddha, giving an account of Bharata, a son of Vrisabha. Page #504 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 479 380 (x) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1912-13-Bangalore, 1913. Pp. 3-7. Sravana Belgola : Survey of the town of Sravana Belgola and its surroundings, as also of the larger and smaller hills, Vindhyagiri and Chandragirithe Jain matha in the town. Inspection of a collection of mss. bearing mostly on Jain literature. Pp. 7-8. Jinanathapura : santinatha basti in the village. Hale--Belgola : A ruined Jain temple with figures of Parsvanatha and Jinas. Aghalaya : A Chaturvimsati-Tirthankara figure in front of the Mallesvara temple. P. 9. Channarayapatna : Two beams built into the front portion of the Kesava temple are from some Jain temple. Pp. 10-11. Hola Narsipur: Inscribed door-jambs of the Lakshminarasimha temple belonged at one time to a Jain temple. Another pretty structure is the Neminatha basti. Renovation of the Ankanathesvara temple in Ankanathapura with materials of ruined Jain bastis, containing here and there Jain epitaphs of about the 10th cent. P. 16. Saligrama : Two Jain temples in the village both dedicated to Anantanatha-worship by the Jains of two sculptured foot-prints on rock Gurugalare. P. 18. Chikka Hanasoge : The three-celled temple of Adinatha. The place once an important flourishing Jain settlement, possessing at one time 64 bastis. P. 22. Heggadadevankote : The Parsvanatha basti, with an inscription on the pedestal of the image of Parsvanatha. P. 27. List of photographs of Jain bastis, etc. Pp. 29-36, 50-51--Epigraphs : General--Old inscriptions near Lakkidone at Sravana Belgo!a. A few inscriptions of the Ganga period mostly consisting of old Jain epitaphs copied at HoleNarsipur taluq, and short inscriptions discovered at Sravana Belgola. A Jain epitaph of the Kadamba dynasty of about 950. This record is built into the ceiling of the Subrahmanya temple at Ankanathapura, Hole-Narsipur taluq-An inscription (about 100 A.D.) of the Kongalva king Dudda-Mallarasa, recording his grant of the village of Aybavalli to Prabhachandradeva for the erection and occasional repairs of a Jain temple-A record (about 1115 A.D.) of Vira-Kongalva-Deva, a lay disciple of prabhachandra-Siddhanta-Deva; he caused the erection of Satyavakya-Jinalaya. Two inscriptions of the Hoysalas found on pedestals of two Jain figures at Sravana Page #505 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 480 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Belgola. Another inscription of the time of the Narasimha I, a Hoysala king, on a Jain image in Anantanatha basti at Saligrama. Inscriptions on the pedestal of the image of Adinatha in the ruined Jain basti and in the garbhagriha of the Adinatha basti at Chikka Hanasoge, Yedatore taluq. Records found on the images of chandranatha, Vardhamana and Neminatha in the Jain matha at Sravana Be!go!a. Pp. 57-58. Manuscripts : Jinendra-Kalyanabhyudaya, a work on the mode of Jain worship, by Ayyapparva, of the Jainalapaka lineage and completed in 1319 A. D.--Chandraprabha- Satpadi, an account of Chandraprabha, by Doddana, and composed in 1578. Illustrations in the Report : Pl. 1. Jina figures in the fort Anantanatha basti at Saligrama. Pl. 4. Images at Sravana Belgola and Jinanathapura. Pl. 5. View of the santinatha basti at Jinanathapura and inscribed Jina figure at Saligrama. Pl. 8. Inscriptions at Sravana Belgola and Kunche. 380 (xi) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1913-14-Bangalore, 1914. P. 7. Hulidenhalli : A seated Jina figure below a tamarind tree in the village. It belonged to a basti or Jain temple, no longer in existence. P. 16. Gopinatha Hill : A Jain inscription on the east face of the cliff. P. 21. Chikka Hanasoge : Jain epitaphs of the 9th and 10th centuries. The place was once an important Jain settlement. Pp. 26, 37-38. Epigraphy: General-A reference to Nagamangala plates, recording a grant by Sripurusa to a Jain temple erected by Paramagula's consort Kundachchi. Two Jain epitaphs dated about 900 and 910, belonging to the Ganga period in Gaddebasava and Ramesvara temples, Chikka Hansoge, Yadatore taluq; another Jain inscription at the place, of about the same date, recording the death of the devoted Sravaki Jakkiyabbe, wife of Nagakumara. Pp. 55-56. Manuscripts : Vrata-svarupa, a Jain work, by Prabhachandra. Gayatrivyakhyana, a Jain commentary on the Vedic verse called the Gayatri-Sukumaracharitra, by Santinatha, of about the 12th cent, Page #506 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 380 (xii) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1914-15.-Bangalore, 1915. Pp. 4-5. Kalya (Kalleha): Once a holy place to both the Jains and the Lingayats. An inscription at the place recording a compact made in 1368 A. D. by Bukka-Raya of Vijayanagara to settle difference between the Vaisnava and the Jains. A reference to a fierce fight between the Jains and the inhabitants of the city named Kalavati. Pp. 6-7. Bisakur: Once a city of considerable importance, containing 75 bastis or Jain temples. 481 Sankigatta A basti dedicated to Vardhamana-Geneaology of the Hoysala kings from Vinayaditya to Narasimha I given in the inscription on the back of the image of Vardhamana is carved out of an inscription stone. There are about 30 families of Jains in the village. Pp. 16-17. Begur: Once an important Jain settlement. P. 18. Hosaholau: An epitaph in the Parivanatha basti dated in 1118 A. D. and of the time of the Hoysala king Visnuvardhana.. P. 26. Kambadahalli: A place holy to the Jains. To the south of the Brahmadeva pillar is the Jain temple Pancha basti or Panchakuta basti To the north of this basti is the basti dedicated to Santinatha or temple known as Bhandara basti. Ruins of a basti with a seated Jina figure on a hill to the south of Kambadahalli. From an inscription found on rock Donneboranare it is clear that this basti was dedicated to Chandraprabha. dist. Pp. 26-27. Bellur: A basti dedicated to Vimalanatha. Pp. 31-32. Sravana Belgola and its bastis: The picture of a forest scene in the Jain matha intended to illustrate the six lesyas of Jain philosophy. P. 36. Photographs: Nos. 65-68. Views of basti and Brahmadeva pillar, Kambadahalli, Mysore Nos. 80-108.-Chandragupta besti; Chamundaraya basti; painting of forest scene at the Sravana Belgola matha; Akkana basti; Jinanathapura basti; and inseriptions for a revised edition of Sravana Belgola volume-Sravana Belgola, Hassan dist, Page #507 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 482 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 37. Drawings : No. 6.---Kattale basti, stone-screen, Sravana Belgola, Hassan dist. Epigraphy : (a) Ganga period P. 46. A Jain epitaph (middle of 9th cent.), built into the floor in front of the shrine of the goddess in Nagesvara temple at Begur, Bangalore talug, recording the death of a disciple of Monabhattara. Another epitaph in the same village recording the death of a Jain nun named Mankabbe-Kantiyar. (b) Hoysala period - Pp. 51-54, 67-68. A record of the time of Visnuvardhana stating erection of a basli at Kattarighatta by Demikabbe. Another record of this reign on the left jamb of the north doorway of the Santinatha basti at Kambadahalli, Nagamangala lalu. A record of the reign of Narasimha I or a beam in front of the image of Santisvara in the santinatha basti at Kambadahalli, Nagamangala taluq. Another inscription of this reign is on the back of the image of Vardhamana in the Vardhmana basti at Sankigatta, Magadi taluq. An epitaph of the reign of Ballala II on a beam in the santisvara basti at Kambadahalli, Nagamangala taluq. A record of the time of Narasimha II stating that Sala, one of the ancient kings born in the Hoysala family, struck a fierce tiger by order of a Jina-muni, and hence his line became known as Hoysala-Vamsa. Miscellaneous Inscriptions : An epigraph of about 1200 in the santinatha basli at Kambadahalli, Nagamangala taluq, iecording grant of some privileges to the Jains by the Saivas. An eiptaph, dated in 1311, of a Jain merchant Payisett, son of Nagi-setti, on the west outer wall of the inner Prakara around Gommatesvara on the larger hill at Sravana Belgola. Illustrations in the Report : Plate 1-View of tower of Akkana-basti at Sravana Belgola. Plate 12 (2)-View of Panchakuta-basti at Kambadahalli. Plate 15 (2)-Adisvara in Chandragupta-basti. Plate 17-Painting at the Jain matha at Sravana Belgo!a. Page #508 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 483 380 (xiii) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1916- Bangalore, 1917. P. 8. Narasimharajapura (Yedehalli) : At the west end locally known as Singanagadde are three bastis or Jain temples and a Jain matha known as Sugappa's matha, said to be affiliated to the Kolalamatha near Lal Bagh, Bangalore. P. 10. Belehonnur : A Jina figure on one of the two boulders on the bank of the Bhadra. Pp. 12-13, 17. Sringeri (Sringapura) : Several temples at the place, including a Jain basti. A figure of Jina for Buddha in Vidyasan kara temple. The Parsvanatha basti; an inscription in it, dated in 1161, is the oldest lithic record in the village. P. 21. Chikmagalur : Discovery of two Jain epitaphs of the close of the 11th century. P. 22. Mattavara : The Parsvanatha-basti. P. 27. Varuna : A mound known as basti-littu to the west of the village. Here once stood a large basti or Jain temple. Ketamanhalli : Numerous viragals. A mutilated Jina figure on the way to the village. Epigraphy : Pp. 48-50. Erection of the Neminatha basti by the general of the silahara king Vijayaditya at Eksambi in the Kundi Province, and a grant made to it in 1165 A. D. by Kartavirya of the Ratta family. Pp. 51-53. An epigraph of the reign of the Hoysala king Vinayaditya II in the Parsvanatha basti at Mattavara, Chikmaglur taluq ; it bears the date Saka 991. Another inscription of about 1120, belonging to the time of Visnuvardhana, Hoysala king, in the Basava temple near Kumbarhalli; it mentions one Punisamayya, a devout Jain and builder of several bastis. He founded the Parsvanatna basti at Chamarajanagar and also the ruined basti at Bastihalli near Halebid. P. 69. A copper grant issued by a chief of Gerasoppe in the Jain matha at Sode in the Sirsi taluq, North Canara district; it bears the date 1572. Page #509 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 484 Miscellaneous Inscriptions: Pp. 82-84. Two Jain epitaphs near the Agrahara street at Chikmagalur, dated 1101. An inscription in the Parivanatha-basti at Sringeri, dated 1161. An epigraph on the pedestal of the Jina image in the basti at Kuchchangi, Tumkur taluq, dated in about 1180. Two inscriptions in the Chandranatha basti at Koppala. on the pedestals of Jina images. Records JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 92. Mullakastra, a Kannada work, by a Jain poet named Chandrasagaravarri, living in 1800 A.D. His theory of the origin of Muhammadanism. 380 (xiv) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1917-Bangalore, 1918. Pp. 2, 4-5. Halebid: A solitary Jina figure on the rail of the Hoysalesvara temple. The Parivanatha basti at Bastihalli, the Adinatha basti and the Santhinatha basti. The Brahma pillar in front of the Santinatha-basti has a caparisoned horse galloping to the east, the emblem of Brahma according to Jain iconography. Pp. 7-8. Angadi At some distance from the Vasantamma temple are two ruined bastis or Jain shrines. Behind the bastis is a Jain epitaph of about 1000 A. D. No Jains now at the place. Pp. 9-10. Grama: The east doorway to the hall of the Kesava temple once belonging to a basti at Eleyur, Channarayapatna taluq bears a Jain inscription on the lintel. A basti in the village dedicated to Santinatha by Santale, queen of Visnu vardhana. Pp. 10-11. Sravana Belgola: Temples at the place. Jain matha. natha basti at Jinanathapur. P. 14. Yelandur: The Jain minister of the Mysore King Chikka-Deva-RajaOdeyar (1672-1704), a resident of the place. P. 24. Transcripts of Jain works made by the Survey and sent to the Oriental Library, Mysore: The Santi No. 13-Mulla-iastra, a a Kannada work by Chandrasagaravarni, dated C 1810. No. 15-Chhandasara, a Kannada work by Ganachandra, dated C 1600. No. 16-Bharatesvaracharita, a Kannada work by C. 1557. No. 20-Punyasravakatha, a Kannada work by Nagaraja, dated C. 1331. Ratnakarvarni, dated Page #510 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 485 work by Nemichandra, dated No. 21-Neminatha-purana, a Kannada C 1170. No. 24--Lokopakara, a Kannada work by Chamundaraya. dated C 1150. No. 26-Sukumara-charita, a Kannada work by santinatha, dated C 1068. No. 27- Sabdagama, etc. No. 30-Dhanyakumara-charit, a Kannada work by Adiyappa, dated C. 1650. No. 33- Lokabibhaga, a Sanskrit work by Simhasuri, dated 457: by Gunanandi dated No. 36--- Fainendra-parkriyavatara, a Sanskrit work C 900. No. 39-Uttara-purana, a Sanskrit work by Gunabhadra, dated C 860. No. 40-Trivarnikachara, a Sanskrit work by Nemichandra, dated C 1500. No. 42--Prayaschitta, a Sanskrit work by Vidyananda, dated C 1385. No. 43--Somadeva-niti, a Sanskrit work by Somadeva, dated C 960. No. 46-Amoghavritti-Nyasa, a Sanskrit work by Prabhachandra, dated C 800. No. 48-Padmacharita, or Maharamayana, a Sanskrit work by Ravisena, dated C 700. No. 49-Svarupa-Sambhodhana, a Sanskrit work by Akalanka, dated C 800. No. 50--Akalanka staka, a Sanskrit work by Akalanka, dated C 800. No. 51-Akalanka-charita, a Sanskrit work by Akalanka, dated C 800. No. 52--Prasnottararatnamala, a Sanskrit work by Amoghavarsa, dated C 820. No. 53-Kasikavivarana-panchika, a Sanskrit work by Jinendrabuddhi, dated C 700. No. 57--Minor Jain works. Pp. 25-26. Photographs : No. 31--Parsvanatha basti, pillar in rangamandapa, Bastihalli, Hassan district. No. 71-View of matha, Sravana Belgola, -do Nos. 72-76-Views of Jain basti, Jinanathapura -do Page #511 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 486 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Epigraphy: P. 39. A Jain epigraph of the Ganga period at Manne, Nelamangala taluq; the record may be of the middle of the 10th cent. P. 41. A reference to the ancient kingdom of Punnad, mentioned as Punnata in connection with the Jain migration from the north in the 3rd century B. C., and as Paunnata by Ptolemy in the 2nd century A. D. P. 44. A Hoysala inscription on the navaranga doorway of the Kesava temple at Grama, Hassan taluq; in it mention is made of the erection of the Vasudeva Jina. basti by Udayaditya, son of Pergade Vasudeva, and contains praise of a Jain guru named Chandanandi. Miscellaneous Inscription : Pp. 60-61. An inscription on the pedestal of the Jina image in the Santinatha basti at Grama, Hassan taluq, of about 1200. An epigraph to the north-west of the ruined Mulasthana temple at Jodi Kempanpura, Chamarajanagar taluq. Manuscripts : Pp. 64-65. Manuscripts belonging to the library of Pandit Dorbali Sastri at Sravana Belgola-Sripadasni, a Kannada poem in praise of the Pancha-Paramesthis, by the Jain poet Achanna (Vanivallabha), flourishing at the close of the 12th cent. Atmatalva-paraksan, a Sanskrit work treating of Jain philosophy of Devaraja of the 15th cent. 380 (xv) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1918-Bangalore, 1919. P. 2. Kaidala: An inscription in the Gangadharesvara temple having on the slab a figure of Visnu with a figure of Jina; tells us about the erection of Visnu and Jina temples at the village by Samanta Bachi, a subordinate of the Hoysala king Narasimha I. P. 4. Stones marked with a discuss indicate a grant to a Visnu temple, while those marked with a Mukkode or triple umbrella, a grant to a Jain temple. P. 5. Rampura : The Anantanatha basti. P. 6. Maddagiri : The Mallinatha basti ; besides Jina figures the basti has figures of Sarasvati and Padmavati. Page #512 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 487 P. 11. Nidugal: The Parsvanatha-basti; this temple probably came into existence in 1232. P. 16. Kandikere: A basti dedicated to Santinatha. P. 18. Huliyar A stone pedestal of a Jina figure set up by Sriyadevi, consort of Samanta-Gova, now found in the Ranganatha temple. P. 19. Heggere: The Parsvanatha-basti. A fine specimen of Hoysala architecture. This basti is perhaps the only basti of its kind in the State. P. 21. Hatna Nakara-Jinalaya; the basti seems to go back to the beginning of the 12th century. Arsikere The Sahasra-kuta-Jinalaya, founded in 1220 by Vasudhaikabandhava Recharara, minister of the Hoysala king Ballala II. The object of worship is a mountain containing 1,000 Jina figures. P. 29. Mysore The Santisvara-basti. Pp. 32-33. Photographs: Nos. 1-65-Drawings for the revised edition of Sravana Belgola, Sravana Belgola, Hassan dist. P. 33. Drawings: No. 5-Plan of Akkana-basti, No. 6-Plan of Chamundaraya-basti, No. 7-Plan of Chandragiri inscriptions, -do No. 8-Plan of Santinatha-basti, Jinanathapura. -doEpigraphy: Pp 45-46. An inscription of the period of the Chola chief Irungola on the pedestal of Parivanatha in the Parivanatha basti, on the Nidugal hill, Pavugada taluq, stating that the image was caused to be made by the Jains of Bellumbatte. Sravana Belgola, Hassan Dist. -do -do -do Hoysala period Ballala I. An epigraph on the pedestal of the Jina image in the busti at Hatna, Tiptur talug in it is mentioned the name of the Jain teacher Subhachandra. -do Narasimha I. A Jain record on a stone pedestal in the Ranganatha temple at Haliyar, chikkanayakanhalli taluq. Samanta-Gova, feudatory of Narasimha I, built the Parivanatha basti at Heggere in 1160. Page #513 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 60-61, 64. Mysore king Chama Raja-Odeyar (IX). Reference to two lampstands in the Santisvara basti at Mysore and four brass vessels in the same basti. 488 Mysore king Krisna Raja-Odeyar III. An inscription on the pedestal of the metallic image of Anantanatha in the Santisvarabasti at Mysore. Pp. 65-66. Miscellaneous Inscriptions: A record at Maddagiri stating offering of grant to god Mallinatha, Another record in the Mallinatha basti at Maddagiri. P. 68. Jain kings of Tundiradesa : Satyandhara, his son Jivandhara, his son Yasodhara, his son Gunapala, his son Yasahpala, his son Prajapala, his son Lokapala, his descendant Himasitala.who ruled from Kali 1125 Pingala and in whose reign Akalanka vanquished the Buddhhists; then followed Harivikrama, Simhavikrama, Sataratha, Nyayaratha and Dharmaratha whose son Chamundaraya set up Gommata at Sravana Belgola in Kali 600 Vibhava. Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1919-Bangalore, 1919. P. 11. Nittur: The Santisvara-basti is a Hoysala structure of about the middle of the 12th century. 380 (xvi) Pp. 13-14. Kunigal : An inscription on the sluice of the Kunigal taluq, giving information that the sluice was built in 1394 by Irugapa, the Jain general of the Vijayanagar king Harihara II, and the author of the Sanskrit lexicon Nanartharatnakara. Kottagere (Sridharapura): Mutilated Jina figures in a ruined basti in the P. 16. Hatna: The Virabhadra temple once a Jain basti dedicated to Parivanatha. On a Jain pedestal stands the image of Virabhadra. village. P. 18. Mysore Palm-leaf manuscripts at thhe Santisvara-basti and two new inscriptions at the basti-copper-plate grants received from Laksmisena-bhattarakapattacharya of the Jain matha at Singangadde, Narasimharajapura taluq. Page #514 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 489 P. 20. Photographs : Nos. 29-32---Views etc., of santinatha basti, Nittur, Tumkur district. Drawings : No. 2-Ceiling of Gommatesvara temple, Sravana Belgola. No. 6-Plan of Parsvanatha-basti, Heggere. No. 7-Plan of Parsvanatha-basti, Bastihalli. Epigraphy : Hoysala period P. 33. An inscription on the pedestal of a Jina image lying on the site of a ruined basti at Kottagere Kunigal taluq; the image represents Santinatha. Vijayanagar period Harihara II. A record stating that Irugappa-dannayaka was a famous Jain general of the king, and was the author of Nanartharatnamala. Miscellaneous Inscriptions : P. 51. An inscription in characters of the 12th century in the santisvara-basit at Nittur, Gubbi taluq. Another Jain epitaph (nisidi), dated in 1380 in the basti. Three copper plate inscriptions from the Basti matha at Singangadde, Narasimharajapura taluq. Manuscripts : P. 53. A commentary on Dhananjaya's Raghava-pandaviya by Nemichandra. A commentary styled Vardhichandrodaya on Vijaya Suri's Sringararnavachandrika by Devachandra--Jnanachandracharita, a Kannada poem giving an account of the Jain prince Jnanachandra, composed in 1659 by the Jain poet Payanavarni, a native of Sravana Belgo!a. Illustration in the Report : Plate 1. North view of santisvara basti at Nittur, 380 (xvii) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1920-Bangalore, 1921. P. 8. Kancheri : A Jina figure in cave 64; it is apparently a figure of Parsyanatha, seated on the coils of a serpent canopied by its five hoods. Page #515 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 490 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 10. Nasik : Cave No. 11 is a small Jain cave. A seated figure of Neminatha opposite its entrante. P. 11. Daulatabad : Some Jain and Hindu images built into the walls of the Daulatabad fort; these belonged to temples no longer in existence. P. 13. Ellora : Of the 34 caves nos. 30-34 are Jain caves; principal Jina figures in these caves represent Neminatha. To the left of No. 34 is another Jain cave bearing no number. Pp. 13-14, Badami : Caves, 4 in number, known as Mena-basti. Cave 4 is Jain with Jina figures in the shrine and on the walls and pillars. The left wall contains an epitaph of Jakkavve, wife of Jinavarma, who died by the rite of salekhana or starvation, P. 14. Hampe : On Hemakuta there are two or three small but neat temples in the Hoysala style, said to be Jain, though without any such indication. Near the Achyutaraya temple is a Visnu shrine, erroneously called a Jain temple. P. 17. Basti-Haskote : A lofty Jina figure at Basti, now enshrined in a modern building. Two seated Jina figures to the north of the huge image. Pp. 18-19. Reference to two sets of copper plates, one recording grants to a Jain basti during the reigns of the Ganga kings sripurusa and his son Saigotta Sivamara; the other registering a grant to a Jain basti at Talkad in 807 by the Rastrakuta prince Kamba Deva. Drawings : No. 4-Ceiling of Parsvanatha-basti, Bastihalli, Hassan dist. Epigraphy : Pp. 27-32, 42. A set of copper-plates, relating to the Gangas, received from Narasimharajapura, recording grants to a Jain temple during the reigns of Sripurusa and his son Saigetta Sivamara. A Jain epigraph assignable to the Ganga period at Hullegala. A record, relating to the Rastrakutas, rece.ved from Chamarajanagara, registering a grant in 807 A. D. to a Jain guru namned Vardhamana by prince Kamba * Deva. Two epigraphs at Basti Haskote, Krisnarajapete taluq, stating that the two ruined Jain temples there were built in about 1117 by Punisa, general of the Hoysala king Visnuvardhana, and his wife Jakkavve. Page #516 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 491 Miscellaneous Inscriptions : Two Jain records at Varakodu, dated in 1425 and 1431, indicate that the pillars on which thay are inscribed once belonged to a Jain temple. An inscription at Hagalhalli opening with a prayer for the prosperity of the Jina-sasana. Manuscript Examined : P. 44. Mahisura-doregala-vamsabali, a Kannada poem, written by an unknown Jain author, living in the early part of the 19th cent. Illustrations in the Report : Plate 13. Jina figure, architrave of a doorway, and pillar in ruined bastis at Basti Haskote. 380 (xviii) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1921-Bangalore, 1922. Works Transcribed : P. 5. Indrabhyudaya, a champu by Raghunatha Susi. Sastrasara-samuchchaya by Maghanandi (in part)--Padarthasara by Maghanandi (in part). Epigraphy : Pp. 18-29. A set of copper plates received from the Tirumukudlu, Narsipur taluq, relating to the Gangas. It registers a grant in 963 A D. by king Marasimha to a scholar named Munjarya alias Vadighanghalabhatta. A full account of the Ganga dynasty is given in the record. Manuscripts Examined : P. 33. Sastrasara Samuchchaya, a Kannada prose work on Jain philosophy by Maghanandi, a Jain teacher of the middle of the 13th cent. Vaidyanighantusara, a Sanskrit work bearing on medicine in the form of a lexicon by Chikkana pandita, a Jain author. He was patronised by the Mysore king Chikka-Deva-Raja-Odeyar (1672-1704). 380 (xix) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1922-- Bangalore, 1922. Pp. 5 6 Khandagiri : Of the many caves in the place, two appear to be Buddhist and three Jain. On the top of the hill is a Jina temple dedicated to Santinatha. Page #517 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 492 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 380 (xx) Report of the Arch. Survey of Mysore, 1923--Bangalore, 1924. P. 2. Halebid : Parsvanatha basti. P. 3. Belvadi : An important Jain settlement during the time of the early Hoysala kings. Two inscriptions dated 1160 and 1208 A. D. record the grant to the god Jannesvara. P. 4. Conversion of the Hoysala king Bitti Deva (Visnuvardhana) to Vaisnavism from Jainism. P. 7. Markuli : Parsvanatha basti, Pp. 9-30. The age of the early Guptas. Valabhi a stronghold of the Guptas destroyed in 319 A. D. Jain Harivamsa of Jinsenacharya contains chronology of the Murundas, Guptas and other kings. Kalki, born in 402, started an era after his own name in 428, persecuted the Jains, died in 472 A, D. The initial date of the chronology of the Guptas A, D. 200-201. The exact date of the erection of the statue of Gommatesvara in Sravana Belgola A. D. 1208. Chandragupta II, living in 282, became a Jain and left the country in company with Bhadrabahu III during the terrible famine to spend his days in solitude in Sravana Belgola. Epigraphy: Pp. 36-40. Inscription dated A. D. 1176 at Kalasapura, Kadur district, * Chikmagalur taluq, on the ceiling of the Anjaneya temple containing the genealogy of the Hoysala kings. It records the construction of a Jain temple called Virballala Jinalaya during the rule of Virballala by Deviseth at the request of his teacher Balachandramuni of Mulasamgha. Pp. 113-115. An inscription on a fragmentary stone by the side of a temple in ruins in the Jungle to the west of the village Ichavadi of Shimoga Hobli. It records the gift of wet fields by king Nanniya Ganga and his guru to Chandra. siddhanta deva, a Jain teacher. It gives the genealogy of the Ganga dynasty. The probable date is about the close of the 10th century A. D. Manuscripts Examined : P, 127 (1) Trailokyadipika; (2) Bahubalicharita-sataka by Nemichandra ; (3) Belugulada Vistara by Anantakavi. P. 130. Conservation : Repairs to Jain basti at Halebid, Hassan dist. For Private & Personal use only Page #518 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 493 380 (xxi) Annual Report of the Mysore Achaeological Department for the year 1925-Bangalore, 1926. Pp. 1-2. Jain Basti at Markuli 3 miles to the east of Ambuga (Mysore Arsikere Rly)--of early Hoysala style-constructed in 1173 A. D. by Buchimayya minister of Ballala Deva-fully described--a seated figure of Adisvara, 5 ft. high in the south cell of the main temple. A standing image of Bahubali, 6 ft. high in the east cell. A standing image of Parsvanatha 5 ft. high. Eastern of the front shrine contains an image of Bahubali and the western of Parsvanatha. Two more figures in the Sukhanasi-one of male and the other female-- 4 heads of the male and 12 hands of the female-names of the figures not traceable. The Jain Basti possesses endowment of 14 acres of land. P. 3. Jain Basti at Heggere. P. 6. Trishashthi Salaka-purushas--comprises 24 Tirthankaras, 12 Chakravarti kings, 9 Baladevas, 9 Vasudevas aad 9 Prati-vasudevas. P. 8. Appar. Vagisa or Dharmasena a Brahmin by birth became Jaina and then known by the name, Dharmasena-an author of a number of learned works on Jainism. His reconversion to Saivism. Mention of Vadibhasimha a celebrated Jaina scholar ; his disputes with Sambandhar on the merits of Saivism. P. 10. Kadumaranayanar or Dirghamara also called Kuna and Kubja king of Madura, converted to Jainism by Jinasena Bhattakalanka and others. Mention of Ahara-abhaya-bhaishajya-sastradana offered to the people of S. India by the Jains and Buddhists for the spread of their faiths among the Saivites. P. 11. No trace of Buddhism or Jainism in S. India before Asoka's Buddhistic Mission to South India about 240 B. C. Spread of Buddhism and Jainism especially during the reign of Andhra-bhrityas in the north of Mysore. Page #519 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 494 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 12. Jinasena, Nayasena, Srutakirti, Visalakirti, Budhachandra and Suvvratakirti attempted to cure the fever of Dirghamara of Madura mentioned in Kanchakravarti's statement in his Trishashthi-Puratana-charita (P. 301. ms. no. 365). Date of the composition of Harivamsa mentioned in Jinasena's Brihadharivamsa Purana. Rajavalekathe--a Kannarese historical work of the Jainas-contains the evidence of the epoch of Kunapandya to be partly in the 8th and partly in the 9th century. Bhattakalanka mentioned in Mahapurana of Jinasena-taught Hoysala the legendary founder of the Hoysala dynasty some charmes to enable him to conquer Kunapandya of Madura. from Jainism under P. 13. Mention of Kunapandya's conversion to Saivism the influence of Trivumangayalvar. P. 14. Trikutachala Jain temple at Chikka Hanasoge built by king Vikramaraya, chief of Nanjarajapattana-images of Adisvara, santisvara and Nemisvara erectedgranting of the villages Dodda Hanasoge, Chikka Hanasoge and Channamagge for the services of the Jain temple. P. 15. Presence of a figure with the word Jina written below it on the side of the pedestal of the double Linga in a cave near the Anjaneya temple at the foot of the hill in Betta dapur. Association of Jain image of Mallinatha Saivite Linga points out to the inference that a sort of reconciliation was effected between the Jainas and the Lingayats during the rule of the Chengalvas in the 2nd half of the 16th century. Early Chengalyas were Jainas-granting of an extensive plot of wet land for the purpose of feeding the poor. Mangarasa minister to Chengalva. Vikrama in S. 1547 was a Jain. Bastis of Adisvara, santisvara and Neminatha constructed in the 1st half of the 11th century A. D.--mentioned in inscriptions found in Chikka Hanasoge (Yedalore 26, 27). P. 15. Mention of Manuscript recording the history of the Jain rulers of Kallahalli. P. 51. An Inscription No. 44-on a boulder near the village Tangale in the Hobali of Kadur Dist.-transliteration--figures of Jaina images on the boulder names inscribed below them. Ajitakirti, Devanandibrati, Gunasagarabhatarak, Kirtisagarabhatavar, Ajitasenabhataraka, Prabhachandradeva, Vimalagunabrati, | Ajitasena Bhatara, Subhachandra. Page #520 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 495 P. 91. Mention of a Jain teacher in the copper plate grant of Ganga king Sivamara purchased from Anantaramaiya of the village Kulagan in Harave Hubli, Mysore dist. P. 93. An inscription No. 109-at the village Kallahalli in the hobali of Chilkunda on the pedestal of Jina image in Jaina Basti in Kannada language and characterits transliteration-records an image of Adiparamesvara caused to be carved at the instance of Rayagauda disciple of Anantaviryadeva whose guru was Jayadeva Bhattaraka of Mulasangha, Desigana, Pustaka gachchha and Konda Kundanvaya, Ruvari Nagoja son of Ruvari Bupoja carved the image. P. 102. Kubja - Pandya or Kurapandya--contemporary of Jinasenacharya the author of Brihaddharivamsa of the Jains of Saka 705/Appendix A. Repairs of Jain basti. Adisvaraswami Basti Sravana-belgola. 380 (xxii) Mysore Archaeological Survey-Annual Report, 1926--(Bangalore, 1927). P. 8. Sanction of Rs. 723 for the repair of the Jain basti at Heggere. P. 12. "Abhilashitartha Chintamani" Work of Somadeva copied by MarataMs. preserved in the Dekhan College. P. 42. An inscription No. 12-at the village Tolalu in the Hobali of Areh alli Dist. Bangalore, on a stone set up near the ruined Jain basti in Kannada language and characters, its transliteration and notes--records the death of a Jaina guru Abhayachandra. The basti built up in memorium by his disciple Padmavatiyakka--not dated. Pp. 47-52. An inscription No 25-on the hill Nanjedevaragudda in the village Sompur in the Hobli of Hussan in Kannada language and characters, transliteration and notes-records gifts of two villages Muchchandni and Kadalehollie gummanavritti in Mayseneod by king Viraballala deva for the services of God Abhinava santinathadeva set up by some Settis including Rajasetti with the co-operation of Nadugaund-as and the Jaina saint Sripalatraividya. Vajranandi disciple of Vasupujya , entrusted with management. Dated S. 1114. P. 83. Inscription No. 91--on a stone at the village Huladenahalli in Malur Talug, Kolar District in old Kannada language and characters, transliteration and notes-records the gift of some dry ond wet land and some house sites on a Jain guru. Nandiyadigal of the province of Tekal-nad inscription broken and erroneous. Page #521 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 496 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 380 (xxiii) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Department for the year 1928-Bangalore, 1929, P. 8. Repairs of the Jain bastis. Akkanabasti Sravana Bego!a Rs. 678/-. Parsvanathaswami and Santinathasvami Bastis Halebid Rs. 440/-. P. 47. Inscription No. 35-on a stone lying in a field near a grove in the village Ummattur in the Hobali of Ummattur, Chamarajanagar Taluk, Mysore district, in Kannada languages and character its transliteration and notes-record the embracing of sanjasasrama and the death of Rajabhatarar a Jain ascetic and the setting up of the inscription stone in memory thereof. P. 70. Mention of Nagaragiri Basti in the Hobali of Bharangi Sagar Taluk, Shimoga district. P. 95. Inscription No. 107--on the pedastal of God Mudejina close to Nagarageri basti in Gersoppe, Sagar Taluk, Shimoga dist., in Kannada language and characters-its transliteration and notes, records the image caused to be made by Ajana son of Kallapa Sreshthi and Mabamba Kallapasreshthi being the son of Ojana under the instruction of Devachandra-Suri disciple (son) of Lalitakirti of Desigana and Ghanasoka-vali. Pp 95-96. Inscription No. 108--by the side of Vardhamana basti near Nagarageri basti in Gersoppe, Sagar Taluk, Shimoga dist., of size 6-0" x 22-9" in Kannada language and character, Transliteration and notes--Records some grant made by Honnapasetti- mention of Ramakka mother of Yojanasetti and wife of Ramana. Pp. 97-98. Inscription No. 109-on a stone set up near the same Vardhamanabasti in Gersoppe--size 4'-6" X 3'-3'' in Kannada language and characters-Records the death of Ramakka (20th Oct. 1932 A,p.) builder of Chaityalaya of Ananthatirtha in Gersoppe Genealogy of Ramakka in the inscription-notes the death of Ramakka's father, P. 99. Inscription No. 110-on stone near the Vardhamana-basti by the side of Nagarageri basti in Gersoppe--size 3'-6" x 2"-6" in Kannada language and characterits transliteration and notes-Records Santaladevi daughter of Bommanasetti and queen of Haivanarasa--genealogy of Haivanarasa--Santaladevi whose mother was Bommakka died uttering the name of Jina at the doom. P. 106. No. 27-Photograph taken of Ground plan of Parsvanatha basti vill. Heggere-Chitaldurg dist. Page #522 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 497 P. 109. Monuments inspected by Revenue sub-division officers. No. 103. -- Adinatha Basti Saligrama of Yedatore Taluq. No. 107.--Place where Ramanujacharya held a dispute with Jains in TonnurFrench rocks. Nos. 120-121.---Parsvanatha and Adinatha Bastis, Halebid, Belur. No. 134.-Akkana Basti Channarayapatna, Sravana Belgola. Nos. 136-138.-- Chavundraya, Chandragupta, Parsvanatha Bastis, Channarayapatnas-Sravana Belgo!a. No. 139.--santinatha Basti, Channarayapatna, Jinanathapura. No. 168.--Bastis and inscriptions Humcha, Nagar Tal. No. 170.-Jaina Basti, with Brahmadeva Pillar, Melige. No. 181.-Jaina Basti, Angadi-Mudgere. No. 189.-Jaina Basti, Heggere-Hosdurga. 380 (xxiv) Archaeological Survey of Mysore-Annual Report for 1929--Bangalore, 1931, Facing P. 4. Plate II (1) Jain Manastambha, Melige, (2) Jain Manastambha, Humcha. Pp. 5-7. Melige a village 6 miles to south of Tirthahalli-a Jain basti in ruinsinscription dated 1608 A.D. states erection by Bomanna Sresthi-fully described - Dravidian style (late Vijayanagar) a beautiful piece of architecture with a Bhaktabigraha representing the founder, Humcha about 22 miles north of Tirthahalli of Nagar Taluq-existence of a Jaina matt. Two Jain temples within the matt dedicated to Parsvanatha and Padma. vati with four hands holding ankusa, Pasa and Pustaka-right hand in abhaya pose. The latter set up by Jinadatta--a place of Jain pilgrimage. Three more bastis in the village-Panchakuta basti, being most important manastambha (monolithic pillar) of Humcha fully described-carvings of Ashta-dikpalakas. Two small shrines on either side of the main basti-one with the image of Bahubali-other dedicated to Parsvanatha of 1077 A.D. Fragmentary inscription on the wall-mention of Paliyakka Basti of 800 Saka year. Main basti constructed by Chattala-Devi and called Urvi Tilaka (Glory of the World)--Northern Patta sale constructed in 1147 A.D.-image of Page #523 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 498 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Chandranatha, santinatha and Parsvanatha-image of Jvalamalini-Yaksha and Yakshini in the navaranga. Ruined basti called Chandraprava-basti of 10th centuary attached to the matt. Guddada Basti on the top of hill dedicated to Bahubali erected in 820 S. by Vikramaditya Santara-All Dravidian style with instances of Chalukyan influence. Pp. 8-9. Angadi-a small village in Mudgere Taluq (Sasakapura) -- Two Jaina bastis with inscription in ruins of 10th centuary. One named Makara Jinalaya built by Manika Poysalachari-existence prior to 1054 A D. Three standing images in the bigger basti. Also one Yaksha and a female figure standing below a tree holding a lotus in left hand placed on the head of a small figure to the right a small figure riding a lion. Huge figure of Santinatha in the smaller basti. P. 11. Devanur--5 miles north of Banavar near the waste wrir of tank an inscription of the side of which is said to have stood a Jain basti. P. 33. Visalaksha Pandita-the Jain Prime Minister of Mysore (1672-1704) introduction of the system of minting the regnal years on copper coins by him. Pp. 75-77. In the village of Halebid (Belur Taluq, Hassan Dist.) an inscription (No. 14) on a slab lying in the tank near the Snana Manndapa (bathing pavilion) (Plate XVI-3) Size 3-3" x 2-3"-in Kannada language and character, transliteration. Record of the death of Sakalachandra muni belonging to Mula Sangha, Kondakundanvaya, Desiya gana a Jain guru disciple of Bahubali Siddhanti who was a younger co-disciple of Viranandi. Arhanandimuni also his guru -- death in chailyagriha (monastery) in the Bilicha village on Monday the 11th Feb. 1236 A. D. erection of a monument in his memory by the bhavya-nagagarangal (Jaina citizens) of Doyasamudra. P. 79. At the village of Halebid (in Belur Taluq, Hassan Dist.) No. 17. on the Ord Virangal near the Snanaslupa an inscription size 3'-6" x 2-9" in Kannada language and characters mentions the death of a Jaina merchant named Namisetti by Sallekhanu son of Ukkisetti and Ekavve-disciple of Nayakirti Jain saint-characters of 13th centuary. Plate XVI. 3 Facing page 10+--Halebid Tank epitaph of the Jain Monk Sakalachandramuni. Pp. 106-107. Village Marase in the Hobali of Mysore (No. 39)--inscriptions on the pedastal of the figure of Parsvanatha lying in the land of Patel Siddanayaka near the village in Kannada language ar d Hoysala characters --transliterationrecords-Dravila Sangha, Nandi Sangha and Arungalanvaya like Mula Sangha with its branches Sena, Nandi, Deva and Simha Sanghas. Dravilla Sangha had its branch Nandi Sangha. Jain Education Anternational Page #524 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 949 Pp. 108-109. Inscription stone of the Anjaneya temple, Sagarkatti near the Rly. station Sagarkatti in Hobli, Mysore. No. 41-size 6' x 1" in Kannada language and characters-records the death of Vardhamanadeva by Sanyasan a Jaina guru a disciple of Vadiraja-deva descendant from Santimuni belonging to Dravilla. Sanga, Arunaglanvaya, Nandijana and administrator under Hoysalas (seated figure of a Jaina guru in the inscription)-inscription set up by his fellow student Kamaladeva, characters of 11th century, Jain guru Vadiraj under Jayasimha I (1018-1042) may be identical with the above Vadirajadeva. P. 125. At the village of Belgomi in the Hobli of Tolagunda inscription on fragmentary stone in front of the house of Hadapada Channabasappa No. 57, 2'-9'' x 0'-9" in Kannada language and character. Mention of a estate belonging to a Jain temple named Prathama Sena basadi. P. 126. At the village Belgomi in the Hobali of Talagunda, Simoga dist. No. 58-inscription of a stone set up near Kasimatha of the size 2-3" x 1-6" in Kannada language and character-records the death by Samadhi of Jakavve-a Jain woman disciple of Kamalasena of 1206 A.D. Samadhi or Sallekhana absentation from food and drink when one is ill and knows that he cannot survive the illness. P. 126. No. 59-In front of Samayachara matt at the same village on the pedestal of the Jain image in Kannada characters and Sanskrit language refers to a Jain guru who is described as the Sun of Eastern Mountain. Pp. 129-30. No. 62-In the above village Belgami-on a pillar in the Veranda of the Somesvara temple-size 1'-9" x 1'-6" inscription No. 6 in Kannada language and character-Registers the grant of customs dues on 70 pack-bullocks made by Heggade Sinyanna, Chavundaraya, Somayya and Malaveggade officers of customs for services in the Jaina temples of Hiriya Basadi in Balligave (Belgami). Padmanandi guru the trustee of the temple. P. 142. No. 68.-An inscription on a stone near a linga on the tank bund of the village Uddari in the Hobali of Sorab, size 2'-5" x 0-9 in Kannada language and characters of 14th centuary-mention of a Jaina guru Vijayakirti-bhatarar. Brahmans as demolishers of Jaina religion (copper plate inscription in the possession of Mallarappa patel of the village Hejje in the Hobali of Chandragutti lines 56-57.). List of photographs taken during the year 1928-29. Panchakuta basti Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14. village Humcha, dist. Shimoga, Manstambha view and basti, Nos. 15, 16. Village Milige, dist. Shimoga basti. Page #525 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 500 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 380 (xxv) Archaeological Survey of Mysore-Annual Report-Bangalore, 1932. Pp. 57-60. Nandi in Chikballapur Taluq Ascetic cave-Jaina monks lived in Ganga days. P. 65. Gopinath hill--in Nandi-once an asylum of Jaina monks in Ganga days. Pp. 161-162. An inscriptian at the town of Chikmagalur in the Hobli of Chikmagalur on a slab in a mound in the Agrahara street in Kannada language and characters-records the death of Jaina by sanyasana Nisidige (in Kannada) the memorial monument Feb. 4, 1101 A.D. P. 171. An inscription at the village of Mattavara in the Hobli of Chikmagalur Kadur Dist. on a slab set up in the enclosure of Parsvanatha basli--in Kannada language and character-size 2' x 1'-3'-records the death of a Jain woman Chatavenganti- a native of Marula-Jina Jukavehatti 1400 A. D. P. 171. At the village Mattavara-inscription on a slab in the Sukhanasi of the same Parsvanatha basti in Kannada language and character--records. Influence of Jainism at the time of Hoysala king Vinayaditya, 11th century. Pp. 189-190. Inscription on a 2nd Viragul near the temple of Dattatreyamatha at the village of Kelagur in the Hobali of Adur, Kadur dist. In Kannada language and characters--records the change of name of the Jaina king Bittideva to Vishnubardhan. Pp. 240-241. In the village Hebbalaguppe of Heggadadevanakoti HobaliHeggadadevankote Taluq inscription on a slab-to the left of Ajaneya temple (plate-XXIV) size 3' x 2-6" in Kannada language and character-records the grant of land for a Jaina temple of the time of Duggamara 825 A. D.-A Jaina temple in the neighbourhood. List of inscriptions Contents Ruler Duggamara Grant of lands to Jain's temple. Page No. Ins. No. 240 58 1615 . 171 15 Date 825 A.D. Feb. 4, 1101 C. 1400 A.D. ... Death of Jaina by Sanyasana. Death of Jaina woman named Chattave ganti. Page #526 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 501 381 (i) Annual Progress Report of the Superintendent, Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, 1910-1911. Acquisitions : P. 28. Mathura Museum. No. 11-Tirthankara image from Adoki. 381 (ii) Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle--1911-12. P. 5. Photos : S. No. 1299--Temple of Murli-Manohar. Brass statuette of Jina (Mahavira) with inscription ; front. S. No. 1300-Ditto, back. P. 9. Acquisitions : Mathura Museum. No. 14-Fragment of Jain (?) sculpture, from Gurgaon. 381 (iii) Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle--1912-13. Pp. 4-5. Exploration : An inscribed four-fold Jain image at Katra. Pp. vi-x. Photos : S. No. 1406-Headless Jain sculpture of Parsvanatha, Baijnath, Kangra dist S. No. 1471-One Jain figure etc. Muttra city. S. No. 1494Jain statue, Paigor, Bharatpur, Muttra dist. S. No. 1559-Headless Tirthankara, Muttra Museum. Acquisitions : Pp. xii-xiv. Lucknow Museum-- No. 4--Colossal statue of a standing Jain Tirthankara, Kusan period. No. 5-Jain column adorned with Jain figures. C. 1000 A.D. No. 7-Jain Tirthankara, probably, Risabhanatha, mediaeval period. Page #527 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 502 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 20-Metal image of Suparsvanatha with several Jain figures around. Muttra MuseumNo. 24-Jain sculpture, Mahavan, Dt. Muttra. No. 33-Inscribed Jain Tirthankara, Katra, Muttra. 381 (iv) Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle--1913-14. Jain Nagari, (Vikrama) P. vii. Inscriptions : Marble Jain image (Baijnath), 2 lines, Sanskrit, Samvat 1286, (1240 A.D.) Ind. Vol. I Pp. 118-19. P. xi. Photos : S. No. 1607-Jain inscription in Baijnath temple, Kangra district. Pp. xv-xvi. Acquisitions : Lucknow MuseumNo. 1-Bell metal image of Suparsvanatha. No. 9--Brass image of Risabhanatha, with a votive inscription dated Samvat 1216 (A.D. 1159). No. 18-Brass image of Parsvanatha with an inscription dated Samvat 1652 (A.D. 1595). No. 27-A slab with an image of Parsvanatha. No. 29-A nude figure of Neminatha, mediaeval period. No. 30--A nude figure of a standing Jina. 381 (v) 381 Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circte--1914-15. Pp. 4-5. An inscription in later Gupta characters on a pillar in the Jain temple at Deogarh. Discovery of a number of Jain images in an underground temple at Karagua, dated Samvat 1343-4 and giving the names of Visaladeva and others. Page #528 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Excavations at Sarnath: P. 21. List of find No. 267-Jain (?), headless and feet lost. Late mediaeval. Pp. viii-ix. Inscriptions copied : No. 56-Pillar of the detached portions of the great Jain temple; Deogarh, Jhansi district; 10 lines; Sanskrit; Northern class of alphabets; A. D. 862. ep. Ind. Vol. IV. P. 309; Vol. V. p. 4. 503 No. 57-Octagonal column in the ante-chamber of the great Jain temples; Deogarh, Jhansi district; Sanskrit; late Gupta characters. No. 60-An image of Chandraprabhu, Deograh, Jhansi district; 1 line; Sanskrit, Nagari, mentions Gunanandi; 9th-10th cen. A.D. No. 63-Image of a Jain Tirthankara; Ranipur, Jhansi district; 2 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; Samvat 1226. Pp. xi-xii. Photos: No. 1703-Fragment of railing pillar from Kankali Tila; Muttra Museum, Muttra. No. 1704-Five sculptures from Kankali Tila; Muttra Museum, Muttra. No. 1705-Well on Kankali Tila which yielded sculpture; Muttra Museum, Muttra. No. 1713-Inscribed Jain image of Tirthankara from Katra; Muttra Museum, Muttra. No. 1755-Inscribed Jain image, dated Samvat 1226; Ranipur, Jhansi district. No. 1756-Jain temple S.; Ranipur, Jhansi dist. No. 1762-Ruined Jain temple in fort S.E.; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. No. 1763-Lakhputali temple in Fort E.; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. No. 1764-Neminatha temple in Fort S,; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. No. 1765-Pillar in front of Jain temple in Fort. Inscribed and dated Samvat 1121 S E.; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. No. 1766-Jain images lying S. W. of the Bara Mandir in Fort; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. Page #529 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 504 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 1767-Porch of Bara Mandir in Fort W; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. No. 1768-Jain temple N.E. of Bara Mandir in Fort W; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. No. 1769-Bara Mandir in Fort S.W.; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. No. 1777-Image of Chandraprabhu in temple in the fort; S.W.; Deogarh, Jhansi dist. Acquisitions : P. xvii. Lucknow Museum 1. Marble image representing Suvidinatha. Sam. 1205. 2. Marble Statue representing Neminatha, Sam. 1208. 381 (vi) Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle--1915-16. P. 5. The name Jejakabhukti (designation in inscriptions of the region now known as Bundelkhand) in the inscription on an octagonal pillar in the main Jain temple, Deogarh fort-Erection of the temple, v. s. 1057 anterior to A.D. 994. Jain image at Mahoba, Hamirpur dist. P. 14. One of the Khajaraha monuments, the temple of Adinatha, like Gahrso Kamath, is also a Chandel monument. Inside the portico of tne Gahrao Ka Math is a headless inscribed Jain figure of Neminatha, dated Sam. 1228. Pp. i-ii. Inscriptions copied : No. 1--Broken image of Neminatha, Gahrao, Jhansi district, 2 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; Samvat 1228. No. 6--Pillar of the portico in front of the main Jain temple, Deogarh, Jhansi district; 2 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; of about 11th century. No. 7-Left door jamb of main Jain temple, Deogarh, Jhansi dist.; 8 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; characters of about the 9th century. No. 8---Below No. 7; Deogarh, Jhansi district; 8 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; Samvat 1051 (A.D. 994). No. 9--Below No. 8, Deogarh, Jhansi district; 3 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari. No. 10-Below No. 9, Deogarh, Jhansi district; 2 lines, Sanskrit, Nagari. Page #530 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 11-Slab below niche on left hand of sanctum in main Jain temple, Deogarh, Jhansi district; 1 line, Sanskrit, Nagari; ruler's name, Mahasamanta Sri Udayapaladeva. No. 12-Slab below niche on right hand wall of sanctum in main Jain temple, Deogarh, Jhansi district; I line, Sanskrit, Nagari; Samvat 1210 (A.D. 1153); ruler's name Mahasamanta Sri Udayapaladeva. 505 No. 15-Inscribed column with Jain images, Deogarh, Jhansi dist.; 18 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; mention of the name of Maharaj Odesimha (Udot Singh), of Orcha (1689-1735 A.D.). Pp. v-vii. Photos: Nos. 1994-1997-Main Jain temple in Fort, Deogarh, Jhansi district. Nos. 2041-2043-Jain temple, Dudhai, Jhansi district. Nos. 2046-2048-Kankali Tila ruins, Mathura Museum, Muttra. 381 (vii) Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, 1916-17Lahore, 1917. Acquisitions: P. 4. Lucknow Museum A seated Jina. An inscribed image of Risabhanatha from Laharpur, Sitapur dist. P. 9. Bust of a Jina or Tirthankara of the Kusana period unearthed at the Kankali or Jain Tila. A fragment of the pedestal of a Jain sculpture of the Kusana period. P. 10. Sculptures added to the Mathura Museum inscribed. Figure of a Tirthankara Risabha. Inscribed pedestal of a statue of the Tirthankara Vardhamana. Pp. 14-17. Inscriptions copied : No. 7-Fragment of pedestal of an image of a Tirthankara, Mathura Museum, Prakrit, with Sanskrit grammatical forms, Brahmi Kusana period. No. 22-Pdestal of seated statue of Tirthankara Vardhamana, Mathura Museum, Prakrit. Brahmi of Kusana peried. Page #531 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 506 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 19-20. Photos : No. 2123--Last page of Jain manuscript dated v. s. 1683, Hastinapur, Meerut district, No. 2174_Image of a Tirthankara of mediaeval period, Kosam, Allahabad district. 381 (viii) Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, 1917-18- Lahore, 1918. P. 3. Inscriptions of special value for the Jain art and iconography. Pp. 8-10. Jain temples in the eastern portion of Deogarh Fort Sculptures and inscriptions of value for the history of Jain art and mythology. Figures of twenty Jain Yaksts Their importance-Image of Gommatesvara or Bahubali, second son of Risabha-Jain mythology in these sculptures--Dated inscriptions in the Jain temples, between the Vikrama years 919 and 1876-Colossal statue of santinatha-- Brahmi, daughter of Risabha, invented eighteen different alphabets including Turkish, Nagari, all the Dravidian dialects, Canares, Persian and the characters used in Orissa. P. 11. The three-shrined temple at Makarbai, near Mahoba, probably a Jain temple. A fragmentary sculpture of a Jain Tirthankara. Inscriptions copied : Pp. 12-21. Brief description of 154 inscriptions found in Jain temples in the Deogarh Fort, Jhansi dist. Pp. 22-29. Photos : Nos. 2191-2192--Jain temple, Makarbai (near Mahoba), Hamirpur dist. Nos. 2193-Jain temple, Sijari (near Mahoba), Hamirpur dist. Nos. 2204-2265-Ruins of different temples, Jain images, etc., Deogarh, Jhansi dist. 381 (ix) Report of the Snpdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, 1918-1919- Lahore, 1920. P. 2. Paintings of the Basohhai school show more trace of Jain than of Mughal traditions, Page #532 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 4. Jain temples of Kampila said to contain important inscriptions. P. 7. Repair of Jain temples in Deogarh. P. 12. Temple on the hill Murti identified as the Jain temple seen by Hiouen. Thsang near Simnapur, the spot where the original teacher of the white-robed heretics or Jains reached enlightenment and first preached the law he had discovered. P. 13. Sculptures in the Jogion-ka-math, near Rohtak. No. 6 Image of the Tirthankara, Santinatha. - No. 7-Statue of Parsvanatha. P. viii. Inscription copied : No. 77-On back of the brass image of Sumatinatha, Sanskrit, Nagari; Sam. 1563; and worshipped in the modern temple of Parsvanatha, Kampila. Pp. ix-xiv. Photos: No. 2405-Crossed legs of a seated Tirthanaka, Mathura Museum. No. 2410-Inscribed standing image of Risabha, Mathura Museum. 507 No. 2413-A man and a woman seated under a Kalpadruma of the Jain mythology; Mathura Museum. No. 2414-A Jain statue of which only the feet survive, Mathura Museum. No. 2430-Image of Santinatha at Jugion-ka-math; Rohtak. No. 2431-Image of Parsvanath, same math; Rohtak. No. 2438-Jain temple; Hastinapur, Meerut dist. No. 2464-Headless seated Tirthankara on bank of old bed of the Ganges, Kampila Farrukhabad dist. P. xvi. Drawings: No. 370-Group of Jain temples; Deogarh fort, Jhansi dist. Nos 371-376-Detailed plan of Jain temple, Nos. 1, 5, 12, 15, 19, 28; Deogarh Fort, Jhansi dist. Protected Monuments: Page #533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 508 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. xxi-xxii. Jhansi district No. 67-Jain temples; Chandpur. No. 82---Jain temples; Dud hai village. No. 92-Jain temples in Fort; Deogarh village. 381 (x) Report of the Supdt., Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle, 1919-1020-- Lahore, 1921. P. iii. Inscriptions copied : No. 1-Inscribed slab in the compound of santinatha temple; Siron Khurd (Siyadoni), Jhansi dist., 46 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; v. s. 960-1025; donors-Mahendrapaladeva and Devapaladeva. ep. Ind. Vol. I, p. 173. No. 31-On the pedestal of a Jain image; Fort Kangra; 3 lines; Sanskrit, Nagari; v. s. 1412; donor Samsarachandra. Pp. iv-viii. Photos : No. 2531 - Jain image; Chaitru, Kangra dist. No. 2554-Doorway of Santinatha temple; Sironi, Jhansi dist. No. 2555-Sculpture hall in front of Santinatha temple; Sironi, Jhansi dist. Nos. 2556-57-Jain temples; inscribed slabs, and sculptures lying inside, Sironi, Jhansi dist. No. 2558-Image of a Jina: Barsana, Muttra dist. No. 2559-Image of Parsvanatha; Kosikalan, Muttra dist. No. 2570--Jain Tirthankara ; Chaumuhani, Muttra dist. No. 2645--Inscription on Jnana-sila in the Jain Temple, No. 12; Deogarh Fort, Jhansi dist. Monuments Protected: No. 69-Jain temples; Chandpur, Jhansi dist. No. 84-Jain temples; Dudhai village, Jhansi dist. No. 94-Jain temples in Fort; Deogarh village, Jhansi dist. Page #534 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 509 382 (i) Archaeological Survey of Mysore---Annual Report, 1930-Bangalore, 1934. P. 21. A granite statue (3' high) of a seated Tathankar in Somesvara temple in Kolar. Pp. 23-24. (In plate V, in a plan of Brahmagiri hill Asoka's Isila Chitra durga dist.) No. 14 a Jain temple. P. 31. On Brahmagiri hill-Haneya-A Jain temple fully described. Image of a Tirthankara with broken head-3 ft. high. P. 36. Plate IX-Parsvanatha Basti, Bastihalli--Halebid. P. 52. Halebid-several mounds formed by ruins of Jain temples about a hundred yards to the south of existing Jain Basti--se veral inscriptions colossal broken Jain image of 15' high in several pieces (see page 34 plate VIII-map of Dorasamudra-Halebid). P. 53. Bastihalli-Jain temples. Pp. 55-59. Halebid-Parsvanatha Basti-Jains scenes on panels and friezes-- descriptions--Parsvanatha Basti Hoysala building erected by Boppadeva in memory of his father Ganga Raja minister and general 1133 A.D. In the centre Bhuvanendra Yaksha-probably (perhaps as Arhant) Parsvanatha as a Prince-seated Jinas on the parapet-a Jina figure on a simhasana on the Navaranga doorway. 24 Jain Tirthankaras each seated in their characteristic rogasana on the navaranga ceiling-fully described--a Jain Goddess in the corner of the Sukkanasi-probably Kushmandini14 ft. high image of Parsvanatha--fully described. P. 58 (N)-Inscription (E. C. V. BI 127) states a 6 cubit high image of santinatha lies in the ground near the temple (of Parsvanatha) Halebid. But the image is not discovered yet. P. 58. Temple of Adinatha Hoysala building fully described (Belur inscription 335) Jain figures on the lintel-Hoysala image of Sarada foot prints of some Tirthankaras under the west canopy. The mutiliated image of Adinatha-transferred to santinatha basti nearby. Santinatha Basti-construction of roughly shaped old material--fully described-Seated image of Adinatha with head broken. The image in the Garbhagriha 14 ft. high-inscription on the pedestal of the image (Belur inscription 334). Inscriptions consisting epitaphs of Jain images on the wall. A 20 ft. high pilllar in front-with a Yaksha shrine on the top. Page #535 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 133. An inscription No. 6 in Kannada language and character on a boulder in a hillock at a distance of one mile from the village Ambale-in the Hobali Chikmagular, Kadur Dist. Text and notes:-records the death of a Jain priest Jinachandra. 510 P. 142. Copper-plate in the possession of Channaviraradhya in the village Haradanhalli in the Hobali of Hardhanhalli, Chamarajanagar Taluq, Mysore dist. -records breaking of Jina idol by Mahadevesvara and placing of images of various deities in a Jain temple. P. 157. The village Madehalli, dist. Kudugunad previously granted to a Jain temple Bittijinalaya of Tuppur in S. 1118 (E. C. IV Gundlupet) regranted to the temple of Ramayyadevaru by Prince Naujana grandson of Bukka I of Vijayanagar. Pp. 185-186. Inscription No. 41-at the village Sanna Mallipura a hamlet of Kirugunda in Nanjangud Taluq, in Kannada language and characters-size 7' x 13' text, transliteration and notes, records the gift of some plots of rent-free land in the villages Tagudur, Tayur and Guliyapura by some heggade to Nagagauda. Pp. 245-246. Inscription No. 79-In the village Salur, Shikarpur Talug of Shimogudist on a stone set up in the rice field of Bhadrappagauda in Kannada language and characters (size 3'-0" x 2(-10") transliteration. Translation and notesrecords a grant to a Jaina temple Brahmajinalaya-basadi in Saliyur by a merchant Bhadrarayisetti-disciple of Kulachandra panditadeva who was the disciple of Prabhachandra of Kanurgana and Meghapashanagachchha. List of inscriptions puplished in the report: Page No. Inscription Date 245 184 79 41 1131 A. D. 1285 A. D. (?) Ruler Mayurvarma Deva III Narsimha III Contents. Grant of Brahma Jinalaya basadi. P. 303 (No. 20)-List of photographs of Jaina figures in the field, Chandravalli-chitaldurg vill. taken by the Archaeological survey Dept. No. 30. Jain figure Siddapur Chitaldurg. Gift of some lands rent free by a Jaina heggade. P. 257 No. 86-Inscription at Nittur in the Hobli of Nittur Gubbi Talug, Tumkur Dist. in Kannada language and character, text and note on a stone set up behind the Jaina basti, a nishadhi stone set up for a Jaina sanyasi named Bommanna. Page #536 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 511 382 (ii) Archaeological Survey of Mysore-- Annual Report, 1931-Bangalore, 1935. P. 12. Jain Buildings one mile to the S. W. of Narasimharajapura-image of Chandra Prabha. 2} ft. high found in the Bhadra river near Tadasa. Temple of Jvalamalini-image of Jvalamalini fully described (plate VI 3) Santinatha 'image 3 ft. high (14th century inscription). P. 15. Parsvanatha basti in the centre of the town Sringeri-fully described 14th century A D.-images of Parsvanatha with inscriptions-one of 11th century with illustrative panels a seated Jina in the upper panel. P. 24. Hoysala inscriptions on viragul near Ranganatha temple at Sakkarepatna with Jina figure. Another Viragul by the wall in the basti 'hittalu'. P. 25. Parsvanatha Basti mound in Sakkarepatna 14 miles to the N. E. of Chikmagalur on the Kudar road-Mound containing the ruins of a Jain temple-a fine soap--stone image of Parsvanatha-5ft. high-hands broken. Pp. 28-29. The Naganayakana mantapa (Belur) constructed of materials of ruined Siva and Jain temples. 15th century. P. 32. Kesava temple (Belur) scroll frieze VI depicting a Jain Yogi plate XII, Ib. Pp. 65-65. Udri 6 miles to the N.E. of sorab town. One seated and one standing Jain images in the lintel and panel of Sivalaya temple. Yakshini figure. A Jain temple at first converted to Shivalaya later on. 1197 A. D. (E. C. VIII, S. 1140). P. 66. A Jain Basti of 10th century at Bandanike additions made by Boppa Setti (1200-1203 A. D.) and endowment granted by other devotees. Pp. 104-112. Copper-plate grants of Chennavira. Vodeyar, date S. 1506, 1507, 1509 in the Jain basti in Yedehalli--now in possession of Jogis Venkatakrishnaiya at Tarikere in the Tarikere taluq (Dist. Kadur) in Kannada language and characters, text, transliteration and notes. Refer to grant of lands to the Jain guru Vira Sena disciple of Gunabhadra, who was a disciple of Samantabhadra of the village Gersoppa. The donor was Chennavirappa Vodeyar chief of Danivasa (village in Narasimsarajepura, Kadur Dist. P110 P. 112. Inscriprion on a Jaina image in Ghamrajanagar in the hob'i of Chamarajanagar-in the compound of Parsvanatha Basti--2-6"x l'-0" in Kannada language and character, text, translation and notes, records the death by Sanyasana Page #537 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 512 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY of a Jaina named Boppaya--disciple of Anantakirti of Mula samgha and Kanurgana 14th century. P. 113. Inscription in Kadahalli of Chamarajanagar, Mysore dist. on the Garudagama in front of Basavesvara temple in Kannada language and characters, text, transliteration and notes--records the setting up of a manasthambha by Vaidyaiya 1683 A. D. P, 125. Inscription No. 29--at village Bastipura belonging to village Mukhadahalli on a viragul 21 near the Jaina image. Letters worn out. P. 172. Inscription No. 63-on a stone set up near Gundan Basappa's house in town Hosanagar-size 3'-6" x 2"-6" in Kannada language and character, text, translation and notes-Records the death of a Jaina woman Havvaka wife of Sarbadhikari Bammachari (1190 A. D.), mention of Puspasena-devar a Jain guru. Pp. 195-200. Inscriptions No. 73--on the four sides of a slab lying in the jungle near the village Hebbailu in Kalurkatte hobli (Nagar Taluq, Simago Dist.), size 5' x 3' in Kanada language and character-text, translation, transliteration and note--Record belongs to the reign of Vira Santaradeva king of Santalige of the Santara dynasty his minister named Nagularasa, both were Jainas-Pushpasena the Jain guru preceptor of Nagularasar, Nagularasar's wife Chattarasi daughter of the Dandanayaka Oddamma and two sons-Chavundaraya and Nagavarmma. Pp. 81-83-88. Manuscripts Mallikarjuna's Saktisudharnava (Kannada)--No. Belur, K.A. 180 according to Mr. R. Narasimhachar (Karnataka Kavicharitre 2nd ed.) the poet was a Jain while Dr. A. Venkatasubbiah (Kelavu Kannada Kavigala Jivana Kalavichara p. 182) the author was a Smarta Brahman named Chidananda Mallikarjuna. It is maha-kavya-some of the verses deal with Jain stories which may be extracts from various works from Jain authors. P. 209. Inscription No. 79 on a Viragal in village Harahittalu in Kerehalli hobali Nagar Taluq in Kannada mentions Santara king Virasantara (dated 1191 A.D.) his titles as worshipper of the 'lotus feet of Jina'. P. 233. List o, photographs No. 83-Basti-Jvalamalini figure-Narasimharaja. pur-Kadur No. 84--"Chandraprabha". 382 (iii) Archaeological Survey of Mysore-- Annual Report 1934-Bangalore. Pp. 29-30. santisvara Basti, Nittur (Binnamanggala)--Repairs done by government and public collections-small shrine for Padmavati-Jain inscription to Page #538 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 513 the North-refers to his title of 'Dharmambunidhi' the person being the sishya' of Chandra Siddhanta Chakravarti-Jain guru-Mention of Mulasangha and Desigana-a Jaina figure on the lintel. P. 84. Inscription in the Kesava temple (at Belur-Hassan Dist.) in the capital pillar to the south of Naganayaka's mantapa, in Kannada, records the mantapa built from the materials of dilapidated Jaina structure--12th century characters. P. 84. An inscription at Bastihalli near Halebid (Belur Talug, Dist. Hassan) records Punisa--the builder of a Jain temple-now in ruins-to the South of Parsvanatha temple. Pp. 113-114. Inscriptions on a slab lying in the muktamantapa of the Parsvanatha basti at Sringeri village, Sringeri Jogir, Dist. Kadur, in Kannada, size 2' x 1'-6"__ records. Influence of Jainism in 12th century-mention of Kanur-gana, Mulasangha and Pustakagachchha, Jain divisions. P. 119. Mention of Honnale Jina heggade as the witness of a Vinayakadeva grant of Harihara II S. 1325. Pp. 169-170. Inscription on the pedestal of Paravanatha image lying near Musafirkhana at the village Serakanambi Gundlupet Taluq, Mysore Dist. in Kannada records. Jaina image set up by Lalitakirtti bhattaraka. Jain guru of Mula sangha, Desigana, Pustakagachchha, Kondakundanvaya and Hanasogeya bali-Hasogeya. bali a Jain community at Hanasogi-Hanasoge a Jain centre with a Jain basti in Yedatore Taluq, Mysore. Pp. 175-176. Inscription on a stone set up to the south in the enclosure of Pancha-basti temple in Humcha, Nagar Taluq, Shimoga dist., in Kannada of size 4' x 1'-6"-records. Chokisetti a disciple of Dharmbhusana Bhattaraka-a repairer of Jaina temples. Mention of Amarkirti as Junior disciple to Dharmabhusana Bhattaraka of Mula sangha, Balatkaragana-Latter revered by king Devaraya. Amarkirti a contemporary of Lakshmisena-Manasena a disciple of Lakshmisena. 15th century. P. 177. Inscription at the same village Humcha on a slab near the northern wall in the enclosure of Padmavati temple in Kannada, size 2' x 1'-4'--records the death by Samadhi of Bammagavuda disciple of Siddhanta Yogindra 17th March 1295. Mention of Gunasena Muni. Page #539 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 514 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 196. List of inscriptions published. Page No. Ins. No. Date Ruler Contents. Vishnuvardhana. 83 113 2 24 12th century 5th April 1150 A. D. 14th century Genealogy of Punisa. Influence of Jainism in Sringeri 12th cent. Records setting up of a Jaina image by orders of Lalitakirti. 169 177 49 17th March 1295 A. D. Records the death by Samadhi of Bammagauda. 382 (iv) Archaeological Survey of Mysore-Annual Report, 1935-Bangalore. P. 57. Collection of materials of Jain Bastis for the enlargement of Ranganatha temple. 382 (v) Archaeological Survey of Mysore-Annual Reports for 1933--Bangalore, 1936. P. 13. Basti-100 yds, to the N E. of Lakshminarayana temple, Hosaholau. Constructed in 1118 A, D. (Hoysala period)--three images of Parsvanath one of Anantanatha-one of the 21 Tirthankaras-images of Dharanendra and Padmavati. P. 80. Jaina Basti-N. W. of Narasimha temple about 50 yds. away in Javagal, nine miles from the Banavar railway station on Halebid road with sculptures of Jinas, dancers and musicians. P. 104. Whether the title "Bhujabala" used by numerous dynasties and kings had any special connection with Bhujabalasvami-or Gumatesvara of the Jains ? Pp. 109. 116 Sanskrit inscriptions of Kannada characters (5th century) found in possession of Nadiga Basappa lawyer in Davangere town, Chitaldrug dist. Text, transliteration, translation and notes-records the gift of land in Asandi and Koramangu on the river Samana with the right of Sa nalhi ---Free from Uchchha (tax) for the temples of Siddhas (Jain saints) and for the property of the Sangha by Kadamba king Ravivarma at the instance Haridatta son (?) Mrigesa -influence of Jainism-6th century. Page #540 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 515 Pp. 122-123. No. 3---Inscription on a slab in the navaranga of Parsvanath basti village Sringeri. Sringeri, Jaghir, Kadur dist, records gifts of lands and dues paid by some merchants for Jaina basodi 1160 A. D.- the Jaina basti set up in memory of a Marisetti descendent from Nijaya Narayana Santisetti of Nidugod near Belur. The inscription proves influence of Jainism in Sringeri. P. 124. No. 4-At the same village Sringeri-inscription in Kannada language and character on the pedestal of the bronze image of Anantanatha in the Parsvanatha basli at Sringeri-records the erection of Anantanatha image by Devanasetti of Halumidi 1523 A. D. P. 124 No. 5-Inscription at the same basti on the pedestal of the bronze image of Chandranath in Kannada language and character-records erection of image of Chandranatha Bommarasetti (1523 A. D.). P. 125. Inscription No. 6-at the same basti on the pedestal of stone image of Parsvanatha in Garbhagriha says salutation to Parisanath (1160 A. D.). P. 219. Copper-plate inscripticn of Vijayanagara king Harihara II (S. 1302) found in Kadita in the Sringeri Matt in Kannada character and Sanskrit language speaks of Bharatitirtha reduces to powder the teachings of Kshapanaku (Jainas). P. 264 No. 57-Inscriptions in T.--Narsipur town, on the pedestal of Jaina image in front of the Taluq office in Kannada, mentions Mulasangha. Desiva-gana, Pustakagachcha, Konda-Kundanvaya, 14th century; Jain image fully described. List of inscriptions published in the reportPage No. Ins. No. Date Ruler 109 34th yr, of Ravithe reign. varma Contents. Gift of some lands for the temples of Siddhas. P. 239 No. 38--Inscription at the village Basavatti in the Hobli of Santemarahalli (Chamarajanagar. Taluq, Mysore dist.). The destruction of basadis (Jain temples) is included in the imprecatory sentence in their grant as a great sin along with the slaying of cows of Brahmans etc. It is probable the author of the inscription was either a Jain or had great reverence for that religion, P. 290. Repairs of Jain Basti at Nittur, Gubitan in 1932-33 at the cost of Rs. 3601/-. P 292. Photographs of the Parsvanatha temple village Bastihilli Dist. Hussan Nos. 405-410. P. 293. santinath and Adisvara bostis-Jinanathpura dist. Hassan Nos. 246-252. Akkana basti S-avana Belgola dist. Hassan Nos. 253-258. Page #541 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 516 1938. 382 (vi) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Department for the year 1936- Bangalore, JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 8-9. Adinatha Basti-Chikkahanasoge, Chikkahanasoge important Jain centre in 11th century-dwelt in ancient time of Jain gurus of Kundakundanvaya, Mula sangha, Desiga-gana and Pustaka Gachcha. Basti erected by Vira-Rajendra Nanni changalva called Rajendra chola Jina Basti. The temple is there called of pre-Hoysala Chalukya style-fully describedimages of Adinath, Santinatha and Neminatha. Present conditions and conservations fully narrated. P. 17. The identification of Vasantika with Vaishnavi Sakti is nateworthy in view of the widespread belief that the patron of deity of the early Moysalas was a Jain goddess. Neminatha Basti at Angadi-torana resembling that of Adinatha Basti at Bastihalli near Halebid. Temple described. P 30. Mention of a nude figure standing like a Jina No. 21-west in the Vidyasankara temple, Sringeri. P. 36. The roof of Janardana temple near the Vidyasankara temple resembles that of Parsvanatha basti at Halebid. P. 38. Anantanatha Basti-Meliage 6 miles to the S. E. of Tirthahalli of 1608 A. D.-fully described. P. 40. Parsvanatha and Padmavati Bastis. Humcha-rebuilt in the Keladi style over an older Hoysala and Chalukyan temple-11th century A. D. The Panchakula Basti-Humcha-constructed in Chalukyan style of 10th or 11th century A. D.-a fine manastambha-images of Yakshis Padmavati and Kushmandini. P. 101. Inscription No. 30-on the pedestal of the bronze image of AnantaTirthankara in Santisvara Basti Mysore Taluq, Mysore Dist. in Kannada characters and Sanskrit language-Transliteration, Translation and notes-records the observance of Anantavrata by Devarajanripati and his wife, Kampammanni and setting up the Anantanatha image in the Santisvara basti by himself and his wife-Devarajanripati belonged to Arasu community in Mysore 1832 A. D. Page #542 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 517 P. 102. Inscription No. 32--on four pots on the same basti in Kannada characters and Sanskrit language-records, the gift of four brass vassels by the queen Devirammanni for the abhisheka (bathing) of Santisa i. e. Santinatha. P. 103. Inscription No. 34-on the brass covered door of the above basti in Kannada characters and Sanskrit language, Transliteration, Translation and notesrecords the construction of the Sukhanasi doorway by Naga (Nagaiya son of Dhanikara Padmaiya) 1814 A. D. P. 142. A Jain basti in the village Echiganahalli in the hobli of Chikkaiyanachhatra on a rock in the middle of the bed of the river Kapila, Nanjagud Taluq Mysore Dist. P. 143. Inscription No. 57-on a stone to the north of the Jain basti in the above village in Kannada language and characters, records the death of Meghachandradeva in S. 1293. Nisidige monument for the dead set up by the Jains prepared by his disciple Manikadevam. Illustrations Plate III-Adinatha Basti-Chikkahanaso-ground plan, Plate IV (1) Adinatha Basti-Doorway of Chandranatha shrine. Plate X (3) Basti--Angadi-Yaksha. (4) Basti-Angadi--- Yakshi. List of Photographs taken during the year 1935-36. No. 5-Adinatha Basti-Doorway of the north cell-Chikkapana. 6 -do- Interior view -do36 Chandragupta Basti Sculptured screen-Sravanabelgola. 37 -do-do -do38 -do- Doorway -do39 Bhadrabahu cave N. W. view -do48 Adinatha Basti-- Adinatha. Angadi-Kadur. 49-50 santinatha Basti-Yaksha & Yakshi. Angadi-Kadur. Appendix C. List of Drawings prepared during 1935-36. 1. Bastihalli, Halebid. Bastis ground, plan. Page #543 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 518 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 382 (vii) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Dept. for the year 1937-Bangalore, 1938. P. 4. Heggadadevankote-image of Chandranatha in the quadrangle of the Taluq office--seated in Yogasana Ilth or 10th century A. D.--mention of 4 potstone pillars in front of Varadarajaswami temple belonged probably to a Jain basti. P. 9. Parsvanatha Basti at Kirrur. P. 42. Jain Basti known as Bastitittu, Haralakote. P. 185. Inscription No. 35--at the village Halebid on a pillar in the room to the south of the garbha griha in the Hoysalesvara temple, Arsikere TaluqHussan Dist. in Kannada language and characters, records the gift of 3 salages of wet land below the Bolavagatta tank belonging to Hiriyakere of Jivamgal and three hundred measures of dry land in Gangavura for the services of Santinatha set up by Kavadeyara Jakkavve under the advice of Nayakirti-Siddhanta Chandra. The donor Surabhi Kumudachandra alias Nemichandrapandita disciple of Nayakirti12th century A. D. 382 (viii) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Dept. for the year 1938--Bangalore, 1940. P. 6. Parsvanatha Basti at Nidugal of late Hoysala-Dravidian structure of about 1232 A.D.- fully described--rebuilt in 1600 A.D.--manstambha with an interesting niche in front of the temple. Pp. 18-19. Sravanabe!go!a--Gomatesvara image fully descrided-List of Jain Bastis at Chikkabetta conditions---fully noted. P. 20. santinatha basti at Jinanathapura. Hassan Dist. P. 31. Temples of Adinatha and Parsvanatha at Mugur, Mysore Dist. with 4 ft. high images of each of the Tirthankaras-Described. P. 86. Hosakote Plate of the 12th year of the reign of Ganga king Konganyadhiraja (Avinita), records the grant of some lands to the Arhat by the above king. Inscription No. 1. (Hosakote plates of the 12th year of the Ganga king Konganyadbiraja received from Madhvachar, Hosaknte town in Sanskrit language and old Kannada characters--transliteration, translation and notes. Page #544 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 90. Mention of gift of land to Jaina temple by Konkunda (mentioned also in Nonamangala plates of Avinita) under the advice of Jain teacher. A Jain temple erected by the mother of Simhavishnu at Pulliyur in Ganga territory. Pp. 106-108. Inscription No. 10-at Belur in the Chennakesava temple in Kannada language and characters-with a few Sanskrit verses. Transliteration, translation and notes-record it as a Jain grant and gives the genealogy of Jaina gurus from Vardhamana to Sripala Traividyadeva.. 519 Machadandadhisa disciple of Sripala Traividya deva-stated to have made tex free grant of the village nagarahal for the basadi of Adideva 1153 A. D. P. 164. Inscription No. 36-at the village Hadajana in varuma Hobli (Mysore dist.) on a stone set up at the entrance of Lakshmikanta temple in Kannada language and characters records the death of a Jain lady Maradevi her genealogy is givenNisidige (tomb stone) set up for her by Hiriya Madanna-a mention of a grant of some wet land by Hirija Madanna for the worship of the Nisidige-mention of Jain guru Siddhanti-deva in record S. 1306. P. 167. Inscription No. 38-at the village Kumarabidu (Mysore Talug and dist.) on a slab in the Kodige field of Isvara temple in Kannada language and characters--Transliteration, Translation and notes-records the erection and endowment of a Jaina tasti at Hadaravagilu in memory of his brother by Gangaraja general of Vishnuvardhana. S. 1044. P. 168. Inscription No. 39--on a viragal in Kannada language and characters in the above field enlogises the Jiva-sasana and Jaina Sastras-Abrupt end of the writing. P. 183. Inscription No. 57-at Mugur in the Hobli of Mugur (T. Narsipur Talng, Mysore Dist.) on the pedestal of the Parsvanathasvami image in the Parsvanatha Besti in Kannada language and characters-records the gavundas of Mugur being disciples of Jain guru Kan Nandi who was a disciple of Bhanukirti-pandita of Mulasangha, Desi-gana, Pustaka-gachcha, Kondakundanvaya and Inganesvara sangha renovated a Jain basti in Mugur named Kodeyara basadi and set up the god (Parsvanatha apparently) therein. No date-characters seem 13th century A. D. P. 183. Inscription No. 58-on the pedestal of Adinatha image in the Adinatha basti in the above village-in Kannada language and characters-records the construction of the above basti by a woman (name lost) daughter of Jakkiyabbe for the Jain guru Bharatapandita in Ka. hagereyatirtha belonging to Mula sangha, Desiyagana, Pustaka-gachchha and Kondakundanvaya-no date, characters of 13th century. Page #545 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 520 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 193-4. Inscription on the Biligiri Ranganabetta in the hobli of Yelandur, on a stone lying in the boulder called Sravana Are (Yelandur, Taluq, Mysore Dist.) in Kannada language and characters--Record incomplete and stops abruptly-indicates the invocation to Jina-sasana and the record was probably meant to register some grants to a Jain temple or it might have been a epitaph in memory of a Jain Saint. 382 (ix) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Department, for the year 1939-Mysore, 1940. Facing P. 1. Plate Neminatha Santinatha Basti, Kambadahalli. Pp. 9-10. Panchakuta Basti-Kambadahalli-comparatively in good state of preservation. 6 . santinatha Basti Kambadahall-dilapidated condition. Jain pillar at Kambadahalli- most elegant in the state. P. 11. Jaina temple at Santebachalli-a mutiliated Jain image of 5 ft. height probably of Satinatha. Channanna bastis in P. 17. Vindhyagiri-Sravanabe!go!a-Odegal and decaying condition. P. 22. Jain bastis, Angadi-in a state of disrepair. P. 28. Mention of Ramanujacharya and Vishnuvardhana pounding into pulp some Jains at Naresinha temple, P. 35. Vimalanatha Bastt in Bellur, 1680 A. D. image of Vimalanatha within. P. 40. facing--plate VII Pancha Kuta Basti Kambadahalli, group plan. P. 43. facing-plate VIII -do Pp. 44-46. Kambadahalli; a mile south of Bindiganavale a hobli town in the N. W. of Nagamangala Taluq. Panchakuta a basti-oldest Jain monument of the State. Adinath Basti-fully described--belonged to the period earlier than the Hoysalas and perhaps much nearer to that of Bhoga Nandi temple; C. 900 A. D. The twin temples with Jina Tirthankaras near the above Adinath basti, fully described; broken image of Parsvanatha within the compound of Adinatha Basti. Page #546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 521 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY to the Mula sangha Kondakundanvaya, Pancha Kuta Basti--belonged Pustakagachchha and Desigana. P. 44. facing plate IX : (1) East tower, Adinatha Basti, (2) South Tower, Adinatha Basti, (3) West Tower, Adinatha Basti, (4) West Tower, Twin Bastis. . P. 46. facing plate X. Santinatha Basti friezes : (1) Elephant frieze-Santinatha basti, Kambadahalli. (2) a. Elephant and lions -do(2) b. Two bulls facing each other --do(3) a. Two riderless horses -do(3) b. Elephant and horses -do Pp. 47-49. santinatha basti Kambadahalli, fully described-Santinatha image within-figures of rakshas, Neminatha, a seatad Jina, and Yakshi (Padmavati), fully described. Jain pillar Panchakuta Basti, fully described. P. 48. Plate XI-Navaranga ceiling, Santinatha Basti, Kambadahalli. P. 50. facing plate XII-3 pillars in front of Panchakuta Basti, Kambadahalli. P. 79. facing plate XXIV-A Navaranga doorway, Bhandari Basti, Sravanabe!go!a. P. 80. facing plate XXV--3 Chamundaraya group on Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar, Sravanabe!go!a. -do-- (4) Ceiling in front of Gomatesvara, Sravanabelagola. P. 82. santinatha Basti, Grama, Hassan Dist, standing image of Santinatha 3 ft. high; an inscription on the pedestal --records its erection by Sumati Bhattarakar. P. 82. facing plate XXVI-Gomatesvara, Sravanabelgola-front and side views. Page #547 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 104. Inscription No 1-Chitaldrug town on a boulder in the garden belonging to Siddhanti Abalappa in Kannada language and characters, records its erection as an instance of a nisithige-a memorial of a highly religious Jaina man or woman. Record set up in memory of Gummisetti son of Akiya Mangisetti S. 1385. The name Vitaraga, an epithet of Jina, is invoked at the end. 522 P. 105. Inscription No. 2-on another boulder in the above garden in Kannada language and characters-records its erection as a nistige in memory of a Jaina named Bachanna. Pp. 144-5. Inscription No. 36-at the village Kogodu in the Arehalli hobli a viragal set up in front of the Mallesvara temple Belur Taluq, Hussan Dist. in Kannada language and character, its transliteration and translation-records the death by Sanyasana of Niti Maharaja of minor Kadamba dynasty to 11th century. P. 150. Jaina images discovered near the village Tumbadevanahalli Belur Taluq, Hassan Dist. P. 152. Mention of the queen of Eveyanga of Kadamba dynasty being a Jain who probably built the Jain basti at Tumbadevanahalli, Belur. P. 152. Inscription No. 38-on the pedestal of a Jaina image Tumbadevanahalli village, Belur, in Kannada language and characters-records the granting of 2 gadyanas and 50 measures of paddy to basadi at Basavura, 11th century characters. Pp. 187-191, No. 62-Copper plate grant of Apinahalli by Harati chief Rayappa Nayaka, of S. 1602 in the possession of Mr. Bramhasurappa Jain Matt, Bellur in Kannada language and characters, its transliteratian, translation and notes, records gift of a village Apinahalli in Serehadasime to a Jain guru, Lakshmisenabhattaraka, disciple of Virasena-Bhattaraka, who was a disciple of Samantabhadrasvami, at the time of consecration of the Jina image in Ratnagiri basti temple. Pp. 192-3. Inscription no. 65-on the vacant site of Sahukar K. Ugregauda of Bindiganavale on a nisidi pillar. Nagamangala Talug in Kannada language and characters-Transliteration, translation and notes, records the erection of memorial on the death of Jaina women by samadhi named Amritabbe-kanti of 75 A. D. Pp. 193-4. Inscription No. 66-at the village Kambadahalli in the hobli of Bindiganavale, on a stone standing to the left of northern doorway of the ruined Santisvara Basti, in Kannada language and characters, records the erection of basti at Kambadahalli by Boppa which was sculptured by Drohagharattachari. Page #548 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 523 Mention of Boppa as the builder of Adisvara basti at Halebid (E. C. V. Belur 124). P. 212. App. A.--List of photographs taken during the year in 1938-39. Nos. 114-115-Jain basti Back view-Kambadahalli-Mandya. 116. --do View from north -do 117-120 -do Towers -do 121 --do Jain figures -do 122 Temple figures -do -dosantinatha 123 basti ceilling -do 124 -do Female figure --do 125 -do Male fig. with chauri bearer. -do 126-135 -do -do Mythological friezes Dvarapalas. 382 (x) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Dept. for the year 1940-Mysore, 1941. P. 2. Varuna-an important Jain settlement during Ganga period, mention of discovery of Jain images at Varuna. Mysore Dist. Bogavi-an important Jain agrahara town during 12th century A. D Kelagere a Jain settlement 12th century, P. 3. Vasantika a Jain goddess according to Hoysala tradition, P. 5. Jain Basti at Varuna Mysore Taluq, Mysore Dist. neglected Jain images and Ganga inscriptions. P. 10. Jain Bastis, Angadi in a state of disrepair. P. 17. Jain Basti at Heggere. Hosdurga Taluq. P. 19. Jain Basti at Varuna, Mysore Dist. of 780 A. D.---fully describedfigures of Suparsvana--the Yakshas and Yakshis and Dharanindra and Padmavati. Page #549 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 524 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY * P. 20. facing Plate II-- (1) Parsvanatha old Basti ruins & Varuna. (2) Jina, Old Basti ruins, Varuna, (3) Dharanindra, Old Basti ruins, Varuna. (4) Suparsvanatha, Old Basti ruins, Varuna, P. 43. Mention of a 10 ft. high broken Jaina image on the hills beyond Kembanahalli on the way to Bogavi of about 12th century A, D. Bogavi-9 miles to the N. E. of Honakere Original name according to inscription No 11-Nagamangala Taluq, was Bhogavati a Jain centre with a Basti. Srikarana Jinalaya-a ruined Jain Basti Mandya dist. erected by Heggade Madayya and endowed by Moysanadeva, 1145 A. D.---fully described. P. 48. facing-Plate XVI-ground plan, Bogavi Basti. P. 30. facing Plate XVII (1) Basti, Bogavi (2) Basti (N. E. view) Yeladahalli (4) Basti (front view) --do P. 50. Jain Basti at Yeladahlli. Mandya Dist.-fully described-an inscription on a pot stone No. 76 (1145 A. D.) in front of the temple, records a grant made by the Hoysala king Narasimha I to the temple. P. 52. facing Plate XVIII--Ground plan Basti at Yelladahalli (Cholasandra). P. 56. santinatha Basti Dadaga, Mandya dist. with a fine 2) ft. high image said to be brought from Heggaddevankote taluq Basti of recent structure. P. 57. Kelagere-- an important Jain centre during 12th century-a lofty Jain pillar called 'Garudagamba'-20 ft. high bearing names of several Jain monks, a Jaina inscription at the base of the pillar. P. 66. No. 14-Locating Jain temple on the map of Brahmagiri-Asoka's Isila Chitaldurg Dist. P. 145. Inscription No. 25--at the village Lakkunda, Bikkod hobli on the pedestal image of chandesvari near Mallesvara temple, Hassan Dist. in Kannada language and characters, transliteration, translation and notes, records Vasantikadevi Page #550 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY who is regarded as a Jain goddess helped Sala the anonymous founder of Hoysala lineage. Vasantikadevi a Vaishnavi goddess. Pp. 150-154. Inscription No. 29-at the village Bogadi in the hobli of Honakere Mandya Dt. on the Western basement cornice of the ruined Jaina Basti, in Kannada language and characters, Tansliteration, translation and notes, records. 525 A grant of customs dues of the village Bhogavadi by Heggade Ballayya S. 1095 A. D. Padmaprabha disciple of Akalanka the donee. Pp. 156-160. Inscription No. 33-at the village Dadaga in the hobli of Bindiganavale Mandya Dist. on a stone set up near the house of Padmarajaiya in Kannada language and characters, Transliteration, translation and notes, records the gift of a basti called Bahubalikuta and grant of some lands by Mariyane Bharatimayya (1106-1141) Munibhadra-siddhantadeva of Kanur gana and Tintrinigachchha receipient of the grant. Pp. 160-161.Inscription No. 34-at the village Kodihalli of the above place. on the nishadi stone to the north of Mayamma's temple in Kannada language and characters, transliteration and notes, records the death of a person (name lost) by sanaysana. His daughter Bidakka the erector of the stone 10th century characters. Pp. 164-167. Inscription No. 37-at the village Kelagere in the Bindiganavale hobli, Mandya Dist. in Kannada language and characters, transliteration, translation and notes, records the gift of village Chika Kanneyanahalli for Santinatha basti at Halebid by Hoysala Narasimha III, management entrusted to Jain guru Maghanandi, Siddhanta-Chakravarti; disciple of Kumudachandra of Mula Sangha and Balatkara gana. Pp. 172-173. Inscription No. 43-at the village Varuna in the hobli of Varuna, Mysore Dist. on a stone in the fencing of the land of Maraiya, son of Mariya. Lingappa, in Kannada language and characters, transliteration, translation and notes, records the death of Jaina monk Dharmasena of Nandisangha by sanyasanarecorded as son (disciple) of Padmaprabha, himself a disciple of Sripala the Jain guru-13th century characters. P. 190. Appendix A. List of Photographs taken during the year 1939-40: No. 10. Basti Site Parsvanatha (sitting) Varuna, Mysore. No. 11. do (standing) -do Page #551 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 526 No. 12. Basti Site Yaksha No. 13. do No. 20. -do No. 21. do No. 22. -do belgola. Santinatha S. E. View N. E. View North View Varuna, Mysore. -do JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 382 (xi) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Dept. for the year 1941-Mysore, 1942. Mention of conservation work for the Gomatesvara image at Sravana Bogavi Mysore. -do -do P. 17 Jain Basti at Chikkamagadi, Shimoga Dist. P. 18. Parivanatha Basti, Chikkamagadi, of Chalukyan built-image in the compound lies neglected. P. 19. Jain Basti at Bharangi Shimoga Dist. Jain Basti at Udri Shimoga Dist. P. 22. Anantanatha Jain Basti at Melige. Bastis and inscriptions Humcha, Nagar Taluq, inspected. P. 29. Renovation of Jain Basti at Halebid, Hassan Dist. Repairs of Jain Basti at Heggere Chitaldurg Dist. for Rs. 1,100. Pp. 36-37 Chandranatha Basti, Gudibande hill Kolar Dist. Gudibande a place of Jain settlement-Pada Betta Hillock near Gudibande a place for Jain monks practising sanyasana. Chandranatha Basti known as Chikka Basti of Vijayanagar period-fully descibed Metallic images of Tirthankaras-stucco image of Chandranatha. Dodda Basti-to the N. W. of Chikka Basti-fully described, P. 80. Old Jain temples about a 100 yds. to the south of Brahmesvara temple Belgami, Shimoga Dist.-a broken image of Tirthankara-locally known as Bhetalaanother Jain temple in ruins nearby. Headless image of Parivanatha on another Jain temple mound to the north of Yedavatti-koppa road. Page #552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Mention of a Jaina inscription found in the proximity of Somesvara temple in the village in a tank (E C. Shimoga, Sk. 124) of 1077 A. D.-well executed image of a Jaina in Dhyanasana. Pp. 87-89. Old Jain Basti, Bandalike, Shimoga Dist.'inscription on the entrance (Sk. 219) of 912 A. D. mentions a certain basadi and was endowed by Jakiyabbe-but not this present basti-the present basti belongs to earlier 1200 A. D. as mentioned in one of the pillars in mukha mantapa-fully described of Hoysala built following architectural traditions of Chalukyas images of Santinatha and Jinas. P. 98. Parsvanatha basti, Kubatur, Shimoga Dist. of 1077 A. D.--four pillars in the mantapa are of Chalukyan period-fully described-images in the garbhagrika(1) a seated Nagini; (2) standing Parsvanatha canopied by cobra; & (3) standing Chandranatha under mukkode seated image of Parsvanatha on the lintel of the door way. P. 100. Jaina Basti at Bharangi, Shimoga Dist.-of Chalukyan periodstanding Jina under mukkode on the parapet-temple and images-fully described. P. 193. Inscription No. 30-on a nishadhikallu stone at the village Mavali in the hobli of Sorab, Sorab Taluq, Shimoga Dist. in Kannada langvage and characters, record the death by samadhi of a woman named Nagavve daughter of Gokave and disciple of Madhavachandra devar belonging to Mulasangha Kundakundanvaya and Kanur gana 12th century characters. P. 249. Inscription No. 49-on the pedestal of a Jain image of brass (8" high) containing a panel of 24 Tirthankaras in the Nahar Museum, Calcutta in Kannada language and characters of S. 1548 refers to a salutation by a disciple to the Jain guru Dharmachandra of Mulasangha who taught the Jain dharma. Pp 249-50. Inscription No. 50-to the right of the some image in Nagari characters and Sanskrit language gives the name of Sri Matibira who was probably a disciple of Dharmachandra and may belong to the same date (i. e. S. 1548). P. 260. Appendix A-List of photographs taken during the year 1940-41. No. 168 Shimoga Dist. No. 169 -do -do -do -do No. 170 No. 171 No 176 527 Basti front view -do- side view do Yuksha -do Sukhanasi doorway -do- view Bandalike, -do -do -do Chikkamagadi Page #553 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 528 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 177 Basti Simhalata Chikkamagadi, Shimoga Dist. No. 186 -do- Parsvanatha Kuppattur -do No. 187 -do- Inscription -do -do-do No. 188 -do- Images Bharangi Illustrations to face-page : Plate XIII (3) Yaksha-Old Basti-Bandalike-p. 84. 382 (xii) Annual Report of Mysore Archaeological Dept. for the year 1942--Mysore, 1943. P. 2. Mention of-special committee formed for the conservation of the colossal Gomata image of Sravana Be!gola. P. 17. Jain Bastis at Angadi Mudigere Talug Kadur Dist. P. 22. Jain Basti at Palyu, Hassan Dist. of Vijayanagara period. P. 26. Jain Basti at Heragu, Hassan Dist. resembling the Adinatha Basti at Chikka, Hanasage in plan--in ruined condition. Original images of Tirthankarasmissing. P. 37. Adagur, Hassan dist., a place of Jain importance in 12th and 13th century A. D. mention of Vardhamana Basti at Adagur, Pp 40-41. Vardhamana Basti---Adagur with some sculptures of the Hoysala period-fully described images of Dharanindra Yaksha--4 ft. high image of Vardhamana inside the garbhagriha-standing under a mukkode. Stone representation called Mandara-Saila worked in the form of a Brindavana with stepped pyramidal cornices-15 cows of sculptures representing Tirthankaras. 504 saints depicted in the same way. P. 56. Hulikal, Kadur Dist. 1} miles from Tangali--5 nude standing figures of Jain saints in the upper row of boulders and 8 sitting in the lower-inscription under the 8th figure--characters of 15th or 16th century-giving the names of the saints. Nemannagalu, Rakannagalu, Vinaya---Bhattarakaru, Aryasena--Bhattarakaru, Ajitasena-Bhattarakaru, Prabha-a-chandradevaru-devaru and Gunakirtidevaru. Four more figures without names inscribed. Page #554 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 529 P. 126. Inscription No. 25-at Honganur, Channapatria Taluk, below santinatha image-Transliteration, translation and notes-record the construction of the basti of the Jogavaddige of the God santinatha by Ubhayanana--desis (merchants), the disciples of Madhavachandra Bhattaraka, the pupil of Sakalachandrabhattaraka belonging to Mulasangha and Sri Kranva (same as the Kanurgana). P. 141. Two Jain bastis-at Konkunda Vishaya and Nonamangala (E. C. X. Mr. 72 and in Annual Report 1938. Inscription No. 1). P. 143. Durvinita's translation of Vaddakatha into Sanskrit suggestive of his inclinations towards Jainism. His father Avinita builder of some Jain bastis and donor of grants (notes from Pennur grant of Durvvinita found in possession of Gokari Channappa at Bisanahalli, Hosakote Taluq). Pp. 181-184. Inscription No. 53-at Tavanandi Kuppagadde hobbli Sorab Taluq, on the 3rd stone in front of the basti in old fort (Somb No. 196 revised). Transliteration, translation and notes-record the death by Sanyasana of Bommana (ruler of Tavanidhi) and of Bommale his wife S. 1293-Parisvasena Bhattaraka his guru. P. 185. Inscription No. 54-at the same place. Transliteration, translation and notes-record the death of Mahalakshmi, wife of Hariyanandana (?) belonging to the Jaina sect by entering fire 14th century characters. Pp. 185-186. Inscription No. 55-on the pedestal of an image lying in old fort at Tavanandi and is now brought and kept in Archaeological museum at Mysore-records the installation of the image by one (name not given) belonging to Mulasangha, Surastagana and Chitrakutanvaya. 13th century characters. P. 208. Inscription No. 74-at Becharak Bomlapur in the hobli of Bilikere of Hunasur Taluq in the land of Venkataramanegauda, son of Honnalliamma transliteration, translation and notes-records the setting up of nishadi stone in memory of Makabbeganti by Bichagauda S. 935. P. 246. Appendix-A. List of photographs taken during 1941-42. Nos, 8-10--basti on hill-view Gomata-Sravana---Mysore. No. 13.-basti on hill-Gomata with front mantapa Gauda, Mysore. 382 (xii) Annual Report of the Mysore Archaeological Dept. of the year 1943--Mysore, 1944. P. 25. A Jain Basti at Ratnapuri, Mysore Dist.--headless image of a Tirthankara lying outside with a Kannada inscription on the pedestal of 12th century A.D. Page #555 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 530 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY records the name of Bhattarakadeva belonging probably to the Kondakundanyaya and a gachcha of which the name is lost. Pp. 71-74. An inscription No. 15-at Gorur of the Madihalli hobli (Belur Taluq, Hassan Dist.) on a nishidhikal set up in front of the Chennakesavasvami temple-- transliteration and notes. Satya-Heggade son of Heriyabaseveggade and Nijikabbe as the ruler of Kisuvalli-his wife Bachave disciple of Nayakirttideva Siddhantesa. The death of the wives of Satyaveggade by Sanyasana (12th century A. D.). The spiritual descent of Nayakirti. Gunachandra Siddhant Balachandramunindra (E. C. II & V). P. 60. Mention of Masavi Barma a Jain mentioned in the stone inscription set up in the backyard of Govindappas honse, Belur Hassan Dist. Pp. 74-75. Inscription No. 16-on a stone lying in front of the above templeregisters the grant of five Khandugas of wet land by three persons Malavesetti, Katakadabanisetti and Kesisetti to a basadi at Goravur-Mantion of one Melliyakka in the record of about 12th century A. D. Pp. 113--115. Inscription No. 35---at Bidirur Bharangi hobli, (Sagar Taluq, Shimoga Dist.) on the brass pedestal of the God Adinath in the Vardhamanas svami basti transliteration and notes -- records the construction of a Chaityalaya (Jain temple) and the installation of Adisvara by Ramnayka a Santara chief, 1487 A D. Inscription No. 36-on the pedestal of chaturvimsati Tirthankara image in the above basti transliteration and notes --records the presentation of the image of 24 Tirthankaras to the basli by Malli, a Jaina dovotee-basti constructed by Subhachandradeva of Mainadanvaya, Desiyagana and Kaditab gotra (13th century A. D.). P. 182. Appendix-A. List of Photographs taken during the year 1942-1943. No. 66.--Adiratha with the mud fort wall in the background Ratnapuri, Mysore, Dist. No. 93-94.Jina figure, Basavapatna. Mysore Dist. 382 (xiii) Annual Report of the Alysore Archaeological Dept. for the year 1944-Mysore, 1 45. P. 18. Mention of Jain Basti at Heggere, Davangere, Chitaldrug District. P. 19. Mention of Jain temple at Suttur nine miles east of Nanjangud on the banks of Kapini. Page #556 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 531 P. 31. Jain Basti at Belgo!a, Mandya Dist. of Hoysala period dedicated to Parsvanatha. Pp 42-43. Inscription No. 3--on the the pedestal of the Neminatha image in the backyard of Mr. Sannayya's house at Basavapatna, Ramnathapur hobli, Hassan dist, transliteration and notes--records the installation of the image of Neminatha by two brothers Kakanna and Homanna sons of Srikarananda Kavanna and disciple of Srutakirttideva (about 12th or 13th century A. D.). Pp. 57-58. Inscription No. 12--on the pedestal of the Parsvanatha image lying near the Basti mound at the village Belgola, seringapatam Taluq, Mandya dist. --records the main sect and subsects Dravilla sangha, Nandi sangha and Arungalanvaya among the Jains (12th or 13th century A. D. Characters). P. 70. Inscription No. 16-on the pedestal of a Jina image lying near the Jaina Basti mound inside the fort at Ratnapuri. Hunsur Taluq, Mysore dist.-records that certain Bhattarak deva belonging probably to Kondakundavaya and pustaka gachcha consecrated the above image of probably Mahavira (12th or 13th century A.D.). P. 166. Inscription No. 43-at Setu, Karur hobli on the pedestal of the image of Abhinandana Tirthankara, in Sagar Talug, Shimoga dist. Transliteration and notes--records the installation of the image in Vardhamana--svami basti at Setu by one Sanghayyasetti basti constructed by Gummayyasetti 16th century A. D. P. 167. Inscription No. 44--on the pedestal of the Parsvanatha image in the same basti records that the pedestal was made by a number of Jain devotees headed by Timmaganda of Chaipalli and Setti gauda son of Jattigauda and grandson of Nayakkagauda of Yivall. S. 1505. P. 181. Appendix-A. List of photographs taken during the year 1943-1944. No. 83.--Parsvanatha-view. Basti Mound-- Belgo!a--Mysore. No. 84.-Pedestal of Parsvanatha view Basti mound-Belgola --Mysore. , 383 (i) Travancore Archaeological Series, Vol. 1, Madras, 1910-13. No. 7: Trivandrum Museum Stone Inscription of Maranjadaiyan. P. 155, No. 12---Conversion of Pandya Maravarman (i) from the Jain to the Saiva faith under the influence of the Saiva saint Tirnjnana Sambandar. P. 157, No. 21-Symbolical interpretation of the shrine of Narasimha, the Brahmana Lion god, excavated in the Anaimalai hill (the Jain elephant hill). Page #557 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 532 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 12-Two Inscriptions of Vikramaditya Varaguna. Pp. 193-195. Chitaral inscriptions : Figures of the Tirthankaras and of the goddess Padmavatidevi carved in a cave on the hill Tiruchchanatumalai. Figures of the Devi, Mahavira and Parsvanatha. Jain figures on a brick gopuram--original temple destroyed. Present temple believed by the Hindus to be the temple of Bhagavati. Application of the name charana to any Jain ascetic. Tiruchcharanattumalai, meaning a hill sacred to the Jain ascetics. Kalugumalai, an important Jain settlement of old. Records donation of gold to the Bhatariyar of the Tiruchcharanattumalai by Gunandangi Kurattigal, disciple of Arattanemibhatara. Illustrations : Mahavira-Tirthankara in the central shrine of the temple on the Tiruchchanattumalai. General view of the temple of Bhagavati on hill, Sculptures on the overhanging rock on the north of the temple. 383 (ii) Trav. Arch., Ser. Vol. 2. Trivandrum, 1916-21. Bauddha and Jain Vestiges in Travancore : Pp. 115-130. Bauddha and Jain faiths over the whole of India. Jain faith still lingers. The Jains said to have migrated into the south under the leadership of Bhadrabahusvami. Kings of the Dravida countries, adherents of Bauddha and Jain faiths. Grant of a Burmese king named Maravijayottunga-varman to the Jain temple at Tirunarungoddi, Travancore under the influence of the Bauddha and Jain faiths. Vikramaditya Varaguna, a donee to the Jain temple of Chitaral. The image of Tirthankara in the Manasara The images of Jina and Buddha in the Brihat Samhita. The Jain centres of worship on the extreme north and south of the State--- Bhagavati temple on the Tiruchchanattumalai near Chitaral. Some Jain figures and the figure of Padmavatidevi. Jain temple of Nagaraja in Nagarkoyil Jain images in this Naga temple. Illustrations : Map of Travancore showing the positions of the Bauddha and Jain relics. Jain images in the Nagarajasvami temple at Nagarakoyil. Jain images at Kallil. Megalithic image of a Tirshankara in the Jain temple at Tirumalai near Polur, South Arcot dist. Metallic Jain images and Yantras in the Jain temple at Tirumalai near Polur, South Arcot dist. Page #558 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 533 Foot Notes : P. 115. Kuna Pandya, staunch Jain. Some Chalukya, Rastrakuta, Kadamba and Hoysala kings, patrons of Jainism. P. 128. Term Pallichchandam denoting land granted to Jain and Bauddha temples. 383 (iii) Trav. Arch. Ser., Vol. 3, Part 1--Trivandrum, 1922. P. 3. Aiyai, a female ascetic of the Jain or Bauddha creed figuring in the work Silappadigaram. Gunavirakkurav-Adigal, a Jain teacher. 383 (iv) Trav. Arch. Ser., Vol IV,-Trivandrum, 1923-24. Pp. 146-148. Jain temple at Chitral. 384 Annual Report of the Archaeological Department, Cochin State for the year 1110 M.E.--- (1934-1935 A, D.). Ernakulam (Cochin) 1936. Supplement--The Parasuram significance. legend and its P. 6. Brahmanas verses Kshatriyas. The seeds of dissension between the two prominent communities were sown in the Vedic period-it was most acute at the time when Jainism and Buddhism sprang up and brought into existence two powerful organisations and it continued till the second century after Christ. 385 (i) Annual Progress Report of the Archaeological Department, Jammu and Kashmir State, for the Vikrama year 1974-(A. D. 1917-18). P. 7. Brass image of Jina (two photographs). Page #559 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 534 385 (ii) Report of the Archaeological Department, Jammu and Kashmir State, for the Vikrama year 1975-(A. D. 1918-19). JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. . Haravana, the ancient Sadaradvana or forest of six saints. The site. explored and some bricks and tiles stamped with the image of an Arhat, discovered. 386 Annual Report of the Watson Museum of Antiquities, Rajkot, for the year ending 31st March, 1920. P. 6. In Saurastra are holy places of the Brahmanical Hindus, the Jains and of the Buddhists. 387 Annual Report of the Sardar Museum and Sumer Public Library, Jodhpur, for the year ending 30th September, 1922. P. 2. An inscription, engraved on a white stone and fixed on the wall of the temple of Parsvanatha at Jaswantpur, dated Samvat 1881. The foundation of the temple was laid in samvat 1817. -do-dated Sam. 1258 engraved on the back of a brass image of Santinatha lying in the above temple. P. 3. Two inscriptions, dated Sam. 1238 engraved on 2 pillars of the sabha mandapa of the Jain temple of Ratnapur. P. 4. An inscription, carved on a white stone slab containing the image of Parsvanatha and lying in the Jain temple, Ratnapur, dated Sam. 1308. It mentions that Doongar Simha, son of Madan Simha built an image of Jinendra at the temple of Parivanatha at Sanderagarh, Ratnapur. --Do- engraved on the pillar of the same Sobha Mandapa of the above temple, dated Sam. 1332. It mentions a grant of land to the above temple. -Do- dated Sam, 1348, engraved on the pillar of the Sabha Mandapa of the above temple, mentions some grants for the temple. -Do- engraved on the lintel of the temple of Siva (at Ratnapur) to the west of the above Jain temple belonging to the reign of Kumarapaladeva. It refers to the announcement of non-slaughter of animals on the 14th and 15th day of both (dark and bright) parts of every month by queen Sirayadevi of a feudatory of Kumarpala. Page #560 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 535 P. 9. Back upper portion of a seat of Jain god together with Chhatra in the middle of the lower portion and 109 miniature figures of Jain Tirthankara (photograph). Jain temple at Ratanpur (photograph). Carving of the ceiling of the Sabha Mandapa of the above Jain temple (photo. graph). Gate in the front of the above Jain temple (photograph). 388 Hicks, W. W. The Sanctuary of Mahavira, Boston, 1911. The Mahavira temple described. 389 (i) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India-1907-08, Pt. 2--Calcutta, 1911. Pp. 81-131. Excavation at Saheth-Maheth : Maheth, general description--Kachchi-kuti. Finds-Pakki-kuti. Stupa. A Nausahra gate. Temple of Sobhnath-list of Jain sculptures. Minor finds --Saheth, etc. Pp. 189-204. The ancient temples at Aihole. Description of the village--- Temple of Lad Khan. The Kontgudi Durga temple. Meguti temple. Huchchimalligudi temple, etc. Pp. 205-218. Chaumukh temple at Ranpur. Description of temple. History of its erection. Inscriptions in the temple. Local and epigrapic accounts compared. Tod's account-Plan of temple. FERGUSSON'S description. Transcripts and translation of inscriptions. Illustrations : Plates 22-39. Excavations at Saheth-Maheth, including plan and illustration of the temple of Sobhanatha. Plate 69. Ancient temples at Aihole, including an illustration of the Jain temple near Virupaksa. Plates 80-81, Chaumukh temple at Ranpur. Page #561 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 536 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 389 (ii) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1908-09, Pt. I : Administrative Calcutta, 1911. P. 3. Acquisitions : 22 Jain images, Madras Museum. P. 6. Jain remains at the Tirupparangunram hill, now believed to represent a linga-Alagaramalai, once Occupied by the Jains. Mention in an inscription of the Jain teacher Ajjanandi discovered on the Tirupparangunram hill. Jain remains at Kuppalnattam and Kongar. Puliyangulam, Madura district, and at Vedal, North Arcot district. 389 (iii) Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1908-09, Pt. 2.-Calcutta, 1911 Pp. 22-23. Hemakutam Jain temple at Vijayanagar. Pp. 100-101, 108. Hindu and Jain legends in connection with Osia--The Jain temple dedicated to Mahavira. Pp. 118-119. Jain sculptures and inscriptions discovered on the hills at Tirupparangunram and Alagaramalai. An epitaph in the Topkhana at Jalor refers to a temple of Parsvanatha under the name Kenara-Vihara. 389 (iv) Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1909-10, P. I: AdministrativeCalcutta, 1911, P. 17. Photographs : No. 150. Image of a Jain Tirthankara, Mathura Museum. Nos. 210--212. Jain temple at Basti, Halebid. 389 (v) Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1910-11, Pt. I: AdministrativeCalcutta, 1911. P. 6. Adinah masjid at Rohtak, originally a Jain temple but converted into a mosque by Ala-ud-din. Page #562 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 390 (i) BLOCH, Theodor. Supplementary Catalogue of the Archaeological Section of the Indian Museum.-Calcutta, 1911. P. 94. Jain sculptures. 1911. 390 (ii) VASU, Nagendranath. The Archaeological Survey of Mayurabhanja. Vol, I-Calcutta, 537 Pp. xlii-xlvi. The Jain influence-Parivanatha-Mahavira-Evidences of Jain influence prevalent in Orissa-Relics found in Jhadesvarapur excel all other works of art under Jain influence to be found in the whole of Orissa-Jain figures found at Khiching and at place close to Adipur, the ancient capital of Mayurabhanja. Pp. 36-38: Badasai (Barsai): Jain and Buddhist relics. An image of Parivanatha at the outskirts of village Kosali. P. 92. Pundal Image of Parivanatha, showing the prevalence of Jainism in the place. P. 45. Kosali Temple of Parivanatha and its description. P. 95. Doma-Gandara: A broken image of the Jain Tirthankara, Parsvanatha. Pp. 103-104. Bhimapur: A very beautiful life-size image of Jain Tirthankara, Vardhamana Swami-Another beautiful image of Vardhmana Swami: worship of this naked image by the people of the village. Another image of Mahavira. P. 108. Pandava Ghat: A sacred place of the Jains-Jain merchants used to come here to see and worship some foot, prints which they believed to be of Jina. 391 (1) Annual Pro. Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1910-11-Madras, 1911. P. 2. Sultan's Battery, Wynaad-Once occupied by the Jains. P. 3. Kaveripatnam-Once a seat of the Jains (present Sambapathi temple). P. 14. The Durga Konda-Remains at the place originally Buddhist, subsequently occupied by the Jains. Existence of sevreral Jain slab images, four natural caves. P. 29. Jain temple at Mattuputtur, Vijayamangalam. Has special carvings. Page #563 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 538 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 30-31. Jain images from the Jain temple at Sultan's Bettery brought down to Calicut-Traditionally the images were smashed by Tippu Sultan, and after his departure the priests collected the fragments and buried them. P. 32. The Jain temple of Chandranathasvami, Palghat, built by Doddapayappa Bhattar, has figures of Jain Tirthankaras-A finely carved Jain seated image near the temple. P. 41. Fort Gingee-Rock---sculptures of twenty-four Jain Tirthankaras. P. 44. Brahmapurisvara temple, Shiyali --Sambandhar and decline of Jainism. Conservation : P. 66. No. 32-Siva temple with Jain image and inscription, Gudivada, Kistna District. P. 78 No. 84_Remains of buried Jain temple, Danavalupudu, Jammalamadagu taluq, Cuddapah district. P. 80. No. 114-Jain temple on the hill Chippagiri, Alur taluq, Bellary district. No. 118-Jain temple, Vijayamangalam, Erode taluq, Coimbatore district. P. 84. No. 154-Jain sculptures and inscriptions on the hill Vallimalai, Chittoor district. No. 158-Jain rock-cut caves, etc., Tirumalai, Polur tuluq, North Arcot district. P. 86. No. 185-Ole Jain basti, etc., Mudbidri: Mangalore tatug, South Canara District No. 186-Jain statue and three bastis, Venur Mangalore, taluq, South Canara district. : No. 187-Gumtesvara Devi, Karkal, Udipi taluq, South Canara district. No. 187-Chandramukha basti, Karkal. Udipi taluq, South Canara district. No. 190-Jain temple, Guruvayankeri, Uppinangadi taluq, South Canara district. P. 94. No. 239-Jain images, Arapakam, Chingleput taluq, Chingleput district. Page #564 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 539 P. 96. No. 264-Jain temple, Triparatikunram, Conjeeveram taluq, Chingleput district P. 102. No, 299-Jain image in Annavasal, Virupatty, Trichinopoly taluq, Trichinopoly district. No. 300--- Jain image, Vellanoor, Trichinopoly taluq, Trichinopoly district. No. 306-Jain statues, Jayankondasholapuram, Udaiyarpalayam talug, Trichinopoly district. P. 106 No. 329-Jain Madura district, cave inscriptions, Yanamalai, Madura taluq, P. 108. No. 349 -- Jain sculptures on the hill rock, Kuppulanatham, Tirus mangalam taluq, Madura district. P. 118. No. 416-Jain temple, south of Pampapathi temple, Hampi, Hospet taluq, Bellary district. Photos : No. Description Village District Age P. 120 Sultan's Battery Malabar Jain -do *do 2275 jain images 2276-7 Jain figures 2279 Jain temple 2280 Images & Naga stones in the Jain temple. Palghat -do-do-do -do -do -do P. 123 2340 -do 23 Tirthankaras at Tirunathankannu.. Gingee . South Arcot. 391 (ii) Annual Pro. Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1911-12--Madras, 1912. P. 6. Periapatnam-Discovery of Jain sculptures buried in certain parts of the place. Bezwada Museum - Jain sculptures in the compound of the building. Page #565 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 540 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 1. Conservation : Jain statues Jayangondasholapuram, Udayarpalayam talug. P 49. Photo No, 2820 --Rock-cut Jain sculptures in the Fort, Rayadrug. Beilary district. MENANT, D. Pelerinage aux Temples Jainas du Girnar. Paris, 1912. Annales du Musee Guimet--Bibliotheque de Vuigarisation, Tom. xxxix, p. 189-239). 392 GANGULY, Mano Mohan, Orissa and her remains-Calcutta, 1912. Jain and Buddha figures in the caves. Eight Jain demi-gods, Jaina dynasty in Kalinga. Jain influence in Orissa History. Jain influence noticed in the caves. Jain period of Architecture. Jain Sromanas at Khandagiri. Jain temple on the summit of Khandagiri --Description of the Jain Tirthankaras of the caves. List of Jain Tirthankaras. Jainism in Kalinga. 393 TABARD, A.M. Sravana-Belgola (OJMS, iii, 1912-13. Pp. 12-31). This paper gives a description of the several temples and other interesting buildings at Sravana-Belgola. (1) Chandra Giri. Temples on this hill : (i) Kuge Brahama Deva Kambha, (ii) Chandragupta Basti, (iii) Kattale Basti. (iv) Parsvanathasvami Basti, (v) Sasana Basti, (vi) Chamundaraya Basti, (vii) Erukade Basti, (viii) Savatigandhavarana Basti, (ix) Terina Basti, (x) santisvarasvami Basli, (xi) santinathasvami Basti, (xii) Suparsvanathasvami Basti, (xiii) Chandraprabhasvami Basti, (xiv) Magigamna Basis, (xv) Bhadrabahu's Cave, (xvi) Brahmadeva temple, (xvii) Sn aller inage, (2) The Town. The chief objects of interest are : (i) The Guru's Matha, (ii) Bhandhara Basti, (iii) Mangayi Basti, (iv) Nagar-Jinalaya, (v) Akkana Basti. (3) Indra Giri or Vindnya Giri. The Principal objects of interest on this hill are : (i) Gommatesvara, (ii) The twenty-four Tirthankaras, (iii) Tyagada Brahmadeva Kambha, (iv) Yakshi Deva, (v) Chauvisatirthankara Basti, (vi) Wodegal or Trikuta Basti, (vii) Siddala Busti, (viii) Channana Basti. Page #566 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY $41 (4) Bhadrabahu's Inscription. The article contains illustrations of Gommatesvara, etc. 394 SLATER, Arthur R. The Caves at Badami (MR, Jany. 1913). Pp. 13-20. The Jain cave was probabiy cut out in about A.D. 650. Inside the cave there is a fine specimen of the figure of Mahavira. 395 Annual Progress Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1912-13 - Madras, 1913. P. 7. Photographic Negatives No. Jain Art and Architecture C-1 C-2 C-3 C-5 A group of Jain temples, Hampi, Bellary dist, A Jain image (sitting posture); Villivakkam, Chingleput district. A Jain image Do Bezwada Museum, Kistna dist. Rock-cut Jain sculptures in the furt, Rayadrus Bellary dist. Stone pillars with sculptures on all four sides, Bezwada, Kistna dist. Fragments of Jain images discovered near the Sultan's Battery, Wynaad, Malabar dist. Foot and armless Jain figure discovered near the Sultan's Battery, Wynaad, Malabar dist. C-6 Another view of Jain figure discovered near the Sultan's Battery. Wynaad, Malabar dist. C-9 South-east view of the Jain temple, Palghat, Malabar dist. C-10 C-11 Images and Vaga stones in the Jain teinple, Palghat, Malabar dist The 24-Tirthankaras near the Fort, Gingee, South Arcot dist. Conservation :. P. 29. No. 38-Jain temples south of Pampapati temple, Hampi, Hospet taluq, Bellary district. Page #567 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 542 P. 42. Bellary district, Raydrug taluq. Rayadrug oldest Jain antiquities, on the hill known locally as "Rosa Siddha's hermitage." P. 46. Bellary district, Hospet taluq, Ganagitti temple, a Jain structure of the fourteenth century. influence. P. 52. Ancient Monuments: 1. Group of small Jain temples, south of Pampapati temple. 25. Jain temple on hill side, near Pampapati temple. P. 58. Anantapur district, Kalyandrug taluq. Kambaduru-Two deserted Jain temples and a variety of objects having Jain 1914. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 396 (1) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1909-10. Pt. 2-Calcutta, 1914. P. 6. Jain temples above Hampi village. P. 95. A Jain temple in the castle at Mandor. Pp. 131-134. Mention of several Jain teachers in some Jain inscriptionsTemple of Parsvanatha at Phalodi, Jodhpur State; and the legend in connection with its origin. 396 (ii) Annual Progress Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1910-11. Pt. 2-Calcutta, P. 18. A pedestal of a Jain image discovered in course of excavation at Saheth Maheth. P. 83. A seated Jain image on a slab in a cave in the Gurubhaktakonda hill at Ramatirtham, P. 87. Jain slab images and ruins on the Durgakonda hill at Ramatirtham. 396 (iii) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1911-12. Pt. I. P. 17. Discovery of a broken Jain image of the Kusana period during excavation of the Katra mound, Muttra. Page #568 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 513 Acquisitions : P. 22. Ajmer Museum. A fragmentary Jain record. Images of Santinatha. P. 31. Muttra and Lucknow Museums. Buddhist and Jain images of early date. P. 41. Photographs : No. 46--Viranarayana sain temple, Pattadakal. Nos. 56-58-Jain temple, Baro (C. I.) 396 (iv) Annual Progress Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1913-14-Madras, 1914. New monuments included in the standard list of ancient monuments : Pp. 4-6. Group of small Jain temples, south of Pampapati temple at Hampi (the ancient Royal City of Vijayanagar), Hospet, Bellary dist. Jain temple on hill side at Hampi, Hospet, Bellary dist. Twenty-four Jain figures, etc. at Sirukadambur, Gingee, South Arcot Dist. Two inscriptions on Thirunathankunn in Sirukadambur. Jain statues, inscriptions etc. at Mettuppatti, Nilkottai, Madura dist. and Panchapandava beds on the hill. Jain statues, and inscriptions on the settipodavu cave on the Ummanamalai Hill. Jain statues etc. at Kolikkudi, Madura, Madura district. Similar statues and inscriptions on the top of the same hill at Pechchipallam above the Ayyanar temple. Panchapandava beds, Jain statues and Brahmi and Vatteluttu inscriptions on the panchapandava, Malai, Melur, Kilavalavu, Madura district, Kuruppannasvami rock and Jain sculptures etc. Periakulam, Uttamapalyam, Madura Dist. Monuments deleted from the List of Ancient Monuments : P. 8. Jain temple, Chippagiri, Alur, Bellary dist. Page #569 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 544 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 11-13. Photo Negatives : C. 34 to C. 96. Different views of Chandranatha, Nemisvara, Chaturmukha santesvara, Gummatesvara Jain temples, etc., at Mudabidri, Karkal, Venur, Guruvayankeri, South Canara district. P. 28. Landscape view from near Gummatesvara Jain temple, Venur, South Canara. Conservation : Pp 28-33. No. 80 --Jain temple, Vijaimangalam, Erode taluq, Coimbatore dist. Pp. 39-41, South Canara district Mudabidri : Great Chandranatha temple, 23 old Jain tombs and the Choutar's palace. Karkal : Colossal Jain statue known locally as Gumta Raya Chaturmukha temple and the Great stambha at Hateangadi. Venur: Statue of Gommatesvara or Gumta Raya and Santesvara temple. Guruvayankeri : Two Jain temples dedicated to santisvara and Chandranatha and a Jain manastambha. 397 JOUVEAU DUBREIL, G. Archaeologic du sud de l'Indie. 2 Vols. Paris, 1914. (Annales du Musee Guimet, Bibliotheque d'Etudes, Vols. 26, 27). Viharas of Udayagiri Vol. I, Pp. 30-32. Buddhist and Jain monasteries. Kharavela inscription. Vol. I, Pp. 69, 93. Rani-gumpha, Udayagiri. Vol. 2, P. 2. Jain images. Vol. 2, P. 58. Appar, formerly a Jain. Vol. 2, P. 59. In the time of Manikyavatchaka (800 A. D.) a struggle between Buddhism and Jainism in Ceylon. Vol. 2, P. 93. Balabhadra. Page #570 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 398 SAHNI, Daya Ram. Catalogue of the Museum of Archaeology at Sarnath. With an Introduction by Dr. J. Ph. VOGEL.-Calcutta, 1914. Pp. 164. 327-328. Jain images and sculptures. 399 AIYAR, V. Natesa. Introduction to the Descriptive List of Exhibits in the Archaeological section of the Nagpur Museum-Allahabad, 1914. 1915. Pp. 12-17. Jain sculptures. The origin of the Jain sect. Life of MahaviraDigambara and Svetambara. The Sasanadevatas or attendant spirits. The secondary gods. The Ganas, Kulas, Sakhas and Gachchhas. 400 Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1913-14. Pt. I.-Calcutta, 1915. P. 9. Architecture, exclusively Jain, in Kanara-Temples of the Jains at Mudabidri. 545 P. 27. Acquisitions: Lucknow Museum-Brass images of the later Buddhist and Jain Pantheon. Sarnath Museum-Buddhist and Jain images discovered locally. Illustrations : Plate 10. (a) Chandranatha Jain temple, Mudabidri. (b) Manastambha in front of Chandranatha Jain temple, Mudabidri. Plate 11. (a) Chaturmukha Jain temple, Karkal. 401 Annual Progress Report of Archaeological Survey-Southern India, 1914-15-Madras, P. 2. Treasure Trove : No. 8.-A stone Jain image, etc. Molagavalli, Alur taluq, Bellary district. P. 6. Jain antiquities discovered in the Ramnad and Madura districts, Page #571 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 546 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 8. Photo Negative : No, c. 97,--Stone image of a Jain saint, Hulibidu, Bellary district. Archaeological Works Proposed to be Undertaken: Pp. 14-15. No. 42.-Jain temple, Vijayamangalam, Coimbatore distirct. No. 66.- Jain temple, Tirumalai, North Arcot district. Pp. 22-24. Conservation : N57-lain temple on Hemakutam rock, Tambrahalli, Hospet talug, Bellary district. No. 65.-Jain temple, Sultan's Battery, Wynaad taluq, Malabar district. No. 68-Tombs of the Jain priests. Mudabidri, Karkal taluq, South Canara district. No. 69--Gumtaraya statue, Karkal taluq, South Canara district. No. 71--Jain temple, Vijayamangalam, Erode taluq, Coimbatore district. P. 37. Worship of snakes among the Jains of Southern India--Group of Nagakals found in Jain temples in South Canara---Custom of offering snake stones among the Jains in South Canara. No. 80-Jain temple, Vijiamangalm, Erody laluq, Coimbatore district. No. 146-Jain temple, Tirumalai, Polur taluq, North Aroct distirict. 401 (i) Smith, Vincent A. Archaeological Research; a Jain duty. (MR, Jany.-June, 1915, Pp. 519-522). Importance of Archaeological Research-Duty of wealthy Jains. The field for exploration The tradition about Chandragupta Maurya. Conflict of Religion in the South Some books to be studied. Jain monuments mistaken for Buddhist. The problem of Kausambi. Survey of monuments above ground-Bibliograpy--Excavation-Action suggested. 402 SRINIVAS, T. The Antiquities of Kulpak. (JHAS, 1916. Pp. 14-36). Pp. 15-16. Description of a female deity placed on a pedestal with four miniature pillars, and explanation of certain symbols found therein. The Chakra is one of the sacred emblems of the Buddhists, the Jains and the Hindus. With the Page #572 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 547 Buddhists and the Jains the Chakra is "the wheel of the Law", and with the Hindus, "the wheel of Life". The lion cognizance belongs to Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara, but from the diminutive antelopes in addition it can be inferred that the pedestal has reference to Santinatha. Pp. 22-23. An old Jain temple: The Sikharas and the cells of the three principal deities alone belong to the original structure. The chtef presiding deity is Rikabdeva or Adinatha occupying the middle shrine, the other two are Mahavira and Neminatha. In course of renovatinn of the temple numerous sculptures were brought to light. Of these the most important are nine images of Tirthankaras. There is also a fine image of Mahavira, with the litile statuettes of the other 23 Tirthankaras arranged as a border. Pp. 31-32. Discovery of an inscription of the time of Vikramaditya II, came to the throne in 1076 A. D.) cut on a broken stone, caived at the top with the figures of a Jina and some devotees. It contains a Jain incovation and an imprecatory verse. The prasent Jain temple is also known as the Manikya Swami Gudi among the villagers. P. 33. The Jain Gudi has three shrines but here all the three cells are placed in a row facing the east with the principal one is the middle. The Jain tower has plaster---carved images and other ornaments all round. 403 YAZDANI, G. The Antiquities of Warangal. (JHAS, 1916, Pp. 37-47). P. 47. Near the site of the old town of Anamkond there are several minor temples on the hill. One of them has numerous Jain figures carved in the rock and an inscription cut on a square pillar. 404 MARSHALL, John. Remarks on the monuments of the Dekhan. (JHAS, 1916, Pp. 125-135). P. 129. Contribution in an almost equal degree of the three great religious sects the Budhhists, the Hindus and the Jains, in the temple and monostaries of Ellora. Pp. 130-131. Remarks on Jain temples : They are very perfect, very elaborate, very sumptuous, but one and all destitute of creative genius. They are richly decorated, but we are struk with their narrow nerveless design and Page #573 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 548 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY we gaze unmoved at their composed and icy images. It has always been so with the Jains. They followed the Buddhist at an early date in adopting iconism in their religion, but even at the beginning of the Christian era their sculptures displayed the same nerveless character that they do in mediaeval and later times. It is dangerous to utilize Buddhist works as a basis for determining as grounds of style the age of Jain works, or vice versa. 405 (i) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1914-15, Pt. I-Calcutta, 1916. P. 8. Dilwara temples at Mount Abu. P. 11. Tombs of Jain priest at Mudabidri. P. 27. Great Jain temple at Deogarh-Saugoli plates of the early Kadamba king Harivarman. 405 (ii) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1913-14. Pt. 2--Calcutta, 1917. Pp. 262-263. Kosam or Kausambi, a holy place to the Jains-Discovery of a fine head of a Jain image, 405 (iii) Annual Pro. Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1916-17-Madras, 1917. P. 6. Photo Negatives : No. C. 98---Jain temple on a rock near the river, Hampi, Bellary dist. No. C. 99-Ganagitti Jain temple, Hampi, Bellary district. No. C. 100--Jain figures in the village, Vengunram, North Arcot district, No. C. 101- -do No. C. 102 -do No. C. 103-- Boulder with Jain figures. Tirrakkol, North Arcot district. P. 31. Barbar near Gaya Bihar shrines hewn during Asoka's reign either by the Jains or Buddhists. Pp. 37-38. Antiquities in Coorg. Jain temples discovered at mulur. Three stone built Jain temples at Mulur in Nanjarajpatna. Page #574 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Archaeological Works proposed to be Undertaken : Pp. 9-10. No. 32-Ganigitti Jain temple, Hampi, Bellary district. No. 33-Jain temple south of Pampapathi temple, Hampi, Bellary district. No. 36-Jain temples, Danavulapad, Cuddapah district. No. 40-Jain temple, Sultan's Battery, Malabar district. No. 78-Jain rock-cut caves. etc., Tirumalai, North Arcot district. Pp. 14-17. Conservation : No. 38-Jain temple No. 3 on Hemakutam rock, Hampi, Hospect taluq; Bellary district. No. 69-Jain temple, Sulatan's Battery, Wynaad taluq, Malabar district. 549 406 A.H. LONGHURST. Hampi Ruins. Madras, 1917 (My. No. 111 revised now). P. 12. Bukka Raya his reconcilation of the Jains and the Vaishnavas in 1368; being presecuted by the latter, the Jain appealed to the king for protection; he ordained that they should each pursue their own religious practices with equal freedom. P. 26. Religion-Jain in occupation of site on Hemakutam hill long before the founding of Vijayanagar in the 14th century; Jains were an important and influential community at this period; wide prevalence of Jain faith; Brahmans used to select old Jain sites for their temples. P. 38. A Jain temple on the bank of river, half way between Hampi and Vitthala temple. P. 100-1. Group of Jain temples in Hampi, their stepped pyranidal towers; Ganigitti Jain temples; other 5 Jain temples. Pp. 121. 123. Jain temple near the river: Jain temples often covered in Hindu figuses in South Kanara and showing Hindu gods as subordinate to the Tirthankaras. Illustrations-Fig. 44-Group of Jain temples, south of the Pampapati temple. Fig. 54-Jaina temple on a hillcock. Fig. 66 Ganigitti Jain temple. Page #575 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 550 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 406 (ii) LONGHURST, A.H. Hampi Ruins-Madras, 1917. Pt. I Religion : Jainism. Pt. II. Buildings on the road to Hampi : Group of Jain temples. Buildings on the northern and eastetn sides of the city. Jain temple near the River. Ganigitti Jain temple. 407 NARSIMHACHAR, R. The Kesava temple at Somanathapur. Bangalore, 1917. (Mysore Archaeological Series--Aachitecture and Sculpture in Mysore, No. 1). P. v-vii. Provisional list of Artistic Buildings of the Hoysala and Dravidian styles in Mysore. HOYSALA Temple Place Period Reign Remarks Vinayaditya C 1050 C 1090 1133 -do Triple Visnuvardhana Triple Jain Bastis Angadi Adinatha-basti Chikka Hanasoge Parsvanatha Halebid basti. Jain Basti Cholasandra Akkana basti Sravana Belgola Santinatha Jinanathpur basti. santinatha Bandalike basti. Virabhadra Halebid 1145 1182 Narasimha I Ballala II C 1200 -do C 1204 -do C 1220 -do DRAVIDIAN C 980 Rajamalla Chamundaraya Sravana Basti. Belgola Panchakuta Kambadahalli Basti. C 1120 Visnuvardhana. Page #576 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 408 (i) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1916-17, Pt. I--Calcutta, 1918. P. 20. Names of a line of Jain teachers given in the two records at Ghusai (Ghosavati). P. 23. Vast influence of the Jains and their creeds pointed out in some records from Madakasira taluq, Anantapur district. Pp. 33-34. Negatives of some Jain objects, Lucknow Museum. 1918. 551 408 (ii) Annual Progress Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1917-18-Madras," P. 5. Photo Negatives: Jain art and architecture. P. 6. Photographs of interesting Jain antiquities at Suai. S. No. C. 104-Jain figure, Tenkarai, Tinnevelly district. S. No. C. 105-Jain stone image, Danavulupad, Cuddapah district. P. 10. Archaeological Works proposed to be undertaken. Vide No. 137(xxi) above under works proposed No. 36 and Conservation No. 69. No. 33-Remains of buried Jain temples, Danavulapad, Cuddapah district. No. 43-Jain temples, Sultan's Battery, Malabar district. Pp. 14-16, 18. Conservation: Vide No. 137 (XXI) above under works proposed and conservation. No. 32-Ganigitti Jain temple, Hampi, Hospet talug, Bellary district. No. 33 Jain temple on Hemakutam rock, -do No. 48 Buried Jain temple, Danavulapad, Jammalamadugu, Cuddapah. No. 58-Jain temple, Sultan's Battery, Wynaad tatuq, Malabar district. No. 104--Jain rock-cut caves; etc., Tirumalai, Polur taluq, North Arcot district. Page #577 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 552 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Pp. 22-33. Srisailam, Nandikotkur Talug, Kurnool district two figures on the right of a panel look like Jains. P. 23. Jains executed by Santalinga (15th century). 409 SARKAR, Guru Das. Alleged Buddhist Influence in the Sun tempele at Konark(IA, xlvii, 1918, Pp. 209-220). Pp. 209-210. The Khandagiri caves are of Jain origin; this is evident from the Hathigumpha inscription of king Kharavela and three other inscriptions. P. 216. Images of Sri Gaja Laksmi or Mahalaksmi and pictures of trees, etc., are common alike to Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. 410 NARASIMHACHAR, R. The Kesava Temple at Belur.-Bangalore, 1919. (Mysore Archaeological Series-Architecture and Sculpture in Mysore, No. 2.) Pp. y-vii. Provisional List of Artistic Buildings of the Hoysala and Dravidian Styles in Mysore. Hoysala-Same as in No. 112. Dravidian-Same as in No. 112. Parsvanatha basti at Heggere of C 1160 (Narasimha I). 411 NARASIMHACHAR, R. The Laksmidevi Temple at Doddagaddavalli.-Bangalore, 1919. (Mysore Archaeological Series-Architecture and Sculpture in Mysore, No. 3). P. v. Provisional List of Artistic Buildings of the Hoysala and Dravidian Styles in Mysore. Same as in No. 114. 412 PERIS, M. M. Jain Antiquities of Southern India.-(CR. 1919, Pp. 72-79). Remains of Jain power in South Canara. Four seats of Jain Antiquities in Canara : Karkal, Venoor, Mudbidri and Guruvankere. Page #578 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY BASAK, Radhagovind and Dinesh Chandra BHATTACHARYYA. A Catalogue of the Archaeological Relics of the Varendra Research Society, -Rajshahi, 1919. the Museum P. 7. Jain images-Images of Tirthankaras, 414 SRINIVASA, T. Nagai and its remains. (JHAS, 1919-20, Pp. 33-46). P. 35. The principal remains at Nagai are a temple with two mandapas, a Jain temple etc. 1919. 413 P. 36. Description of a ruined Jain shrine near a temple-Standing Jina image in the shrine with five hooded snake canopy and a triple crown above. Identity of the image with Suparsvanatha; the seventh Tirthankara of the Digambara Jains. Sculpture of a seated Jina with a seven hooded naga over the head and a square block with a seated Jina on each of its sides and some smaller seated figures below in the mantap attached to the shrine. P. 7. Photo-Negatives: 553 415 (1) Annual Progress Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1918-19-Madras, No. C. Jain art and architecture. No, C. 106-Jain figure at the second entrance of the Siva temple, Tiruvalanjuli, Tanjore district. 107-Rock carvings of twelve Jain saints, Sirukadambur, South Arcot district. Pp. 10-11. Archaeological works proposed to be undertaken. Vide 137 (xxi), under works proposed and conservation Nos. 38 & 69. S. No. 53-Jain temples at Hemakutam hill, Hampi, Bellary district. S. No. 57-Jain temple, Mettupudur, Coimbatore district. No. 62-Jain temple, Sultan's Battery, Malabar district. No. 100-On the boulder, inscription and JAIN images, Tirakkol, North Arcot district. Page #579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 554 JAINA BIBLIOGRA PHY Pp. 15, 18. Conservation : Vide 137 (xxi) under works proposed Nos. 46, 40 and 78. No. 49-Jain temple, Danavulapad, Jammalamadugu taluq, Cuddapah district. No. 57 - Jain temple, Sultan's Battery, Wynaad taluq, Malabar district. No. 102-Jain temple, Tirumalai, Polur taluq, North Arcot district. P. 20. Pallavas, either foreigners, or became Jains or Buddhists identical with Pahlavas, Pallavas and Pahanavas of the Puranas. P. 21. The earliest known records of the Pallavas are three Prakrit copperplate characters; these grants prove that there was a time when the court language in Southern India was Prakrit. Later records (5th and 6th Cen. A. D.) in Sanskrit. Indian builders or sculptors of the 7th century or there abouts engaged exclusively in erecting Jain and Buddhist monuments. No trace of Hindu temples before this period. P. 22. The Pallavas had a bull for their crest. P. 23. The Pallava king Mahendravaram I, first a Jain, asterwards Saiva under the influence of Appar or Tirunavukkaraiyar. (Ep. Ind. Vol. III, P. 278). P. 24. Jainism and Buddhism flourished side by side in the 7th century A. D. Some of the Pallava kings either Jains or Buddhists. P. 25. Destruction of the Jain monastery at Pataliputtiram, a seat of Jain learning in South Arcot district, by Mahendravaram I-Erection of a Siva temple on the spot-As a Jain he is also said to have persecuted the Saivas and the Saint Appar in particular. Hiuen Tsiang's statement showing that the Buddhists, Nirgranthas (Digambara Jains), etc, escaped persecution. 415 (ii) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1917-18, Pt. I.--Calcutta, 1920. P. 7. Jain temples and Jain images at Deogarh. P. 21. Jain temple of Susani at Morkhana, 12th century A. D. P. 24. A Digambara Jain temple, now occupied by an image of Visnu. P. 32. An inscription at Deogarh supplying names of twenty out of twentyfour Yaksis of the Jain pantheon. P. 33. Vimaladitya, a patron of Jainism. His Guru Trailokya Yogi-Sid. dhantadeva of the Desigana. Page #580 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Illustrations: Plate 2. (a, b, c)-Deogarh fort, views of Jain temples and images of Jain Yaksis Chakresvari and Malini or Sumalini. 415 (iii) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India. 1914-15, Pt. 2-Calcutta, 1920. Pp. 39-41. Literary references to Taxila from Jain sources-Paumachariya of Vimala Suri Avaiyakaniryukti of Haribhadra Suri-Trisastisalaka-purupa-charitra of Hemachandra Suri-Vidhipaksa-gachchhiya Panchapratikramana of Mahendraprabha Suri-Prabhavakacharitra of Prabhachandra Suri-Darkanaratnaratnakara-Hirasaubhagya of Devavimalagani-Satrunjayanahatmya of Dhanesvara Suri. 415 (iv) Annual Progress Report of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1919-20Madras, 1920. P. 4. New monument. Jain temple with inscriptions, etc., Hampi ruins, Hospet taluq. P. 7. Photo-Negatives: 555 Jain art and architecture. S. No. C. 108-Main entrance of the Jain temple, Mettupudur, Coimbatore district. No. C. 109-General view of the Jain temple, Mettupudur, Coimbatore district. No. C. 110-Broken Jain image in the compound of the Bhimesvara temple, Draksarama, Godavari district. P. 11. Archaeological works to be undertaken. No. 35-Ganagitti Jain temple, Hampi, Bellary district. No. 52-Jain temple on hill side close to Visnu temple, Hampi, Bellary district. Pp. 16, 18, 19, 20, 22. Conservation : Vide 137 (xxi) under Conservation, Nos. 38, 69. No. 31-Jain temple near the elephant stables at Hampi, Hospet, Bellary district. No. 44-Group of Jain temples on Hemakutam hill at Hampi, Hospet, Bellary district, Page #581 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 556 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY No. 63---Jain temple at Danavulapad, Jammalamadugu Cuddapah district. val No. 73-Jain temple at Sultan's Battery, Wynaad, Malabar district. No. 82-Jain temple at Mettupudur, Erode, Coimbatore district. No. 122-Jain images in the Jain temple at Tirrakol, Wandiwash, North Arcot district and inscription. "P. 33. Hampi ruins. A ruined Jain temple containing inscriptions in a field at the back of the elephant stables, 416 Jagadisa Ayyar, P. V. South Indian Shrines-Madras, 1920. P. 26. Jain temple at Tirupparuttikunram. It is a famous place of Jain antiquarian interest containing ruins of Buddhist and Jain temples. P. 140. Conversion of the Hoysala sovereign Bitti from the Jain faith to that of Visnu by Ramanuja. A P. 238. Toleration of Jainism during the reign of king Bukka Raya who allowed the Jains to have their shrines in Hemakuta near the Hindu temple of Pampapati. 417 (i) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1918-19. Pt. I-Calcutta, 1921. P. 17. Hindu and Jain temples at Un, Nimar district. The interesting temple in the village, Chaubara Dera Colossal Jain images of the Digambara sect contained in the temple of Goalesvara. 417 (ii) of Archaeological Survey, Southern India, 1920-21 Annual Progress Report Madras, 1921. P. 5. Photo Negatives. Jain art and architecture. S. No. C. 111-Kathale (Jain) temple, Barkur, South Canara district. No. C. 112-Chandraprabha Tirthankara, Tiruparatikunram, Chingleput district. No. C. 113-Trilokanatha Jain temple, Tiruparatikunram, Chingleput district. No. C. 114-Jain image in Trilokanatha temple, Tiruparatikunram, Chingleput district. Page #582 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 557 Pp. 9-11. Conservation works proposed : No. 73-Jain temple at Sultan's Battery, Wynaad, Malabar district. No. 87--Seventeen Jain tombs, Mudabidri, S. Kanara district. No. 88-Jain statue of Gumatesvara, Karkal, S. Kanara district. No. 114-Jain image in Annavasal, Virappati, Trichinopoly district. No. 132.-Jain temple, Tirumalai, North Aroct district. No. 149-Three Jain temples, Mallur, Coorg district. Pp. 14-19. Conservation works done : No. 28-Group of Jain temples on the Hemakutam hill at Hampi, Hospect, Bellary district. No. 40-Ganigitti Jain temple at Hampi, Hospet, Bellary district. No. 44-Jain temple on hill side, close to Visnu temple at Hampi, Hospet, Bellary district. No. 66-Jain temple at Mettupudur, Erode, Coimbatore district. No. 71-Jain temple at Sultan's Bettery, Wynaad, Malabar district. No. 80--Great Chandranatha temple at Mudabidri, Uppingangadi, S. Kanara district. No. 81-Two Jain temples, Santesvara and Chandranatha at Guruvayankeri, Uppinangadi, S. Kanara district. Pp. 25-26. Barkur ancient Barakanyapur capital of Tuluva ruined Jain monuments in the village. Members of the Humcha family were Jains. Conversion from Jainism to Brahmanism of the Hoysala King Visnuvardhana. Jains extirpated throughout the province of Barkur in about 1608 by Sadasiva Nayak. Barkur's importance ceased with the fall of the local Jain influence. No Jains living there now. Three small groups of Jain monuments, the best of these known as the Kathale Basti. 417 (iii) Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1919-20. Pt. I--Calcutta, 1922.: P. 6. Jain temple in the fort at Deogarh. P. 36. Rajputana museum, Ajmer, Inscriptions on backs of Jain images, both Svetambara and Digambara, dating from 1119 A. D. to 1664 A. D. ! Page #583 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 558 JAINA BILIOGRAPHY P. 43. Hindu and Jain temples at Bhatkal, Kanara district. P. 44. Jain temples at Sandhara, Garoth district. Jain temple at Kukdesvara, Garoth district Photograph : No. 269-Jain images in the temple Parsvanatha Noharu (Bikaner State). 418 Gwalior Fort Album. Gwalior, 1922 (Published by the Archaeological Department, Gwalior State). P. 5. Most of the rock-cut Jain sculptures on the Fort were made at the time of Dungarsingh Tomara, a Rajput. Pp. 54-57. Jain rock sculptures (With two plates). 419 Binyon LAURENCE. Examples of Indian sculpture at the British museumLondon, 1923. Plate VI--Sarasvati, treated as protector of the sixth Tirthankara, with Nagari inscription at base of white marble, Rajputana 11th or 12th century. 420 RAY, Chuni Lal. A further Note on the Ruins at Gholamara. (JBORS, X, 1924, Pp. 171-174.) The central image, provided to be a Buddhistic image, is the figure of a Jain Tirthankara resembling in many respects the image of what is now worshipped as Bhaironatha. The figure is either of Suniatinatha or of Vardhamana or Mahavira. The figure is now in the Patna Museum No. 1596 (Archaeology). 421 Annual Report of Archaeological Survey of India, 1921-22. Pt. 2-Simla, 1924. Pp. 66-69. Ancient Jain caves on the Manugya Tanga Hills in the Nasik District. Their dates assigned to the eighth or the ninth century A. D. Jaina figures in small niches. Miri, a small village near Ahmedanagar, a stronghold of Jainism in later mediaeval ages-Numerous Jain images found in its vicinity. All images discovered at Miri are Digambara images. Page #584 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 559 P. 85. An interesting standing image of the Jain Tirthankara Parsvanatha, an object of worship, in the Siddhesvara temple at Bahulara, Bankura. Illustrations in the volume : Plate 29 the temple of Siddhesvara at (a) Image of Parsvanatha in Bahulara, Bankura. Plate 31 (b) Early caves, maungya Tunga. Image in shrine of cave No. 1, Plate 32 (a) Early caves, maungya Tunga. cave No. 1. Sculptures in verandah of Plate 32 (b) Maungya Peak; stele in cave No. 2. 422 ARAVAMUTHAN, T. G. The Kaveri, the Maukharis and the Sangam age--Madras, 1925. P. 2. Influence of Jainism over early Dravidians--fully discussed. P. 33. Resemblence of the architecture of Nepal to that of south India may be due to their adherence to Buddhist and Jainic styles. P. 120. Conversion of a Siva temple to a temple of Sramanas near the Chola capital in the Tamil country in the time of Tiru Navukku-Arasu. 423 AYYAR, P. V. Jagadisa--South Indian Archaeology (R. J. A. H. R. S. Vol. I., No. 1, P. 26). Rajahmundry, 1926. valin sa mga revela Arcont dis) P. 28 Discoveries of Jain caves containing sculptures and inscriptions at Vallimalai (North Arcot dist.) Mudbidri (near Mangalore) Kaizhugumalai (near Madura), Hampi etc. P. 29. Chalukyan styles--this lunar dynasty of kings came from the North of India; Jains had very great influence over them which affected their architecture also. Page #585 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 560 SRINIVASACHARI, C. S. Progress of Archaeological Research in Mysore (I. H. Q. Vol. II, 1926). 424 P. 190. Mention of Jain monk Laksmisagaragani of Tapagaccha of the Prajnata line referred to in Somacaritragani's Guru-gana-ratna-kara. Vol. I IYER, A. V. T. Indian Artchitecture Vols. I & II-Madras, 1926. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 425 (i) Vol. II Pp. 21-22. Plate XIV-Interior of a Jain temple on Mount Abu. The structural style of the Jains was more after the Dravidian Aryans. Classified by FERGUSSION as the Western Hindu style of about the sixth century, a result of long experience and continuous artistic development. Temple of Adinath on Mount Abu-built by Vimala in 11th century. Carvings of the Dravidian style. The existence of the Sikhara over the Garbhagriha. P. 24. The structure with high basement, pillared Varendaha with horizontal beams look quite Dravidian and Jainic in the Jain temple of Ranpur in Godwar dist. in Jodhpur. P. 347. History dawns with Vardhamana Mahabir as the last "Tirthankara' of the Jains. P. 348. Jains with non-Brahmanical allegiance. Jains followed more nearly the doctrine of Sankya Philosophy. Their influence over the whole of India. Mahavira a moderate religionist. "Jainism less diametrically opposed to the victorious creed of Brhamans". RHYS. Jain religion "a faith older than, and was an elder sister of Buddhism similar to it in ethics but different from it in its psychology". Virchand GANDHI, P. 349. The Jain literature contains an admixture of faith taught in both the Brahmanical and Buddhist cults. Page #586 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 561 Twentyfour Tirthankara from Rshava to Vardhamana styled as Jinas or conquerors. Parsvanatha the twentythird Tirthankara of Ikshawaku--Solar race born near Beneras-married Prabhavati-turned rati-attains wisdom, Mahavira of Solar race of Ikshwaku-preached doctrines in Papapuri in Beharconversion of several Brahmins to Janinism in Magadha--death in about 572 B. C. Two blessings of Mahavira (1) the essential universality of the brotherhood of all living beeings (2) spiritual independence of man-dependence of soul upon itself for progress. Digambaras-reference in Buddhist 'Pitakas' as earlier sect to that of Swetambaras. P. 350. The forty-five 'Agamas' of Jains were handed down to Tirthankara by word of mouth not by writing-Jaina Prakrit' the earliest Jain language. Attainment of 'Nirvana' by Mahavira after twelve years of penance, becomes a teacher then (Jacobi's Jaina sutra). Rejection of 'Supreme soul by Jainas. 'Niravana' a state of beatific rest without rebirth but not annihilation.-Rejection of the authority of Vedas, but having their Purvas and Agamas. Nirgantha Niganthas meaning 'tie less' (Asoka edicts). P. 351. Chalukyas having many Jains-Influence of religious conceptions in the Jain architecture. The Jaina style with close alliance with Buddhist style. The usual location of temples on the mountain tops. The Dilwara temple on Mount Abi-a seventh wonder of India-For minute delicacy of carving and beauty of detail it stands almost unrivalled even in the land of patient and lavish labour -FERGUSSION. P. 352. Plate I. The interior view of the Jain Dilwara temple on Mount Abu. Construction of the Dilwara temple in 1197-1247 A, D. ascribed to Tejahpala and Vastupala of Jain repute. Songagarh and Muktagiri temples after Buddhistic structure with Saracenic influence conversion of Jain temples to Moslem mosques by effecting slight modifications in the structures. Jain bastis in Guzrat and Mysore province contains high class sculpture. P. 362. Plate 3-Jain temple on Mount Abu. Moksha of the Brahmin is substituted by Nirvana of Jaina. Maintenance of soul and body and rejection of Vedic law by Jains. P. 428. Plate 35- Mana-stambha at Sravana Begola. Page #587 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 562 425 (ii) IYER, A. V. T. Indian Architecture-Madras, 1926-Vols. I & II. Vol. I: P. 18. Dravidian influence in the Jain Bastis. Pp. 21-22. Jain temple at Mount Abu-its style of architecture. P. 40. The fifty-fifty chapter of the Manasara Silpa Sastra explains the mode of making Jain idols, Vol. II : P. 64. Nedumaran, an early Pandya king, was a Jain by birth, according to the Tamil work Peria Puranam. P. 93. Jain sculptures on the Yanamalai hill, near Madura. P. 240. Jain temples in Hampi, Vijayanagar. The Ganigitti. Temple in Jain style erected by Jain general Irugappa in 1385 A. D. in Hampi, Vijayanagara. P. 242. Two small ruined Jain temples in Vijayanagara. P. 250. Chalukyas were Jains at first. P. 252. Jain influences on Chalukyan architecture, P. 276-77. Lamp arrangement in Jain architecture. JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY Vishnuvardhana, Hoysala renounced Jain faith. Pp. 348-53. History of Jainism. Jain temples at Mount Abu and Sravana Belgola. Kutub Minar at Delhi rebuilt from Jain temples. P. 481. Arrangement of domes in mosques and pillars of buildings of Tughlag Shah of 14th century borrowed from Jain octagonal basement over pillar-capitals and Jain square piers. 426 COUSENS, H. The Chalukyan Architecture of the Kanarese Districts-Calcutta, 1926. P. 4. Mention of grants made by Vikramaditya for Jain worship at Lakshmesvara, the old Raktapura. P. 12. Mention of Kalachuris being Jains. Page #588 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 563 P. 13. Mention of usurpation of Jain temples by Lingayats. Hoysalas originally followers of Jain. P. 14. Desecration of Jain and Hindu temples for three hundred years by Moslems in the Dakhan. P. 19. Mention of Jain temple at Lakkundi. P. 20. Jaina temples--comparatively plain exteriors. P. 22. The identification of Jain temples by the image of seated or standing figure of a Jina. Pp. 26-27. The old Jain temples of Chalukyan period possess distinctive Jaina Characteristics. The little group of Gaja Lakshmi when occured upon the dedicatory block over a temple is not a sure sign of Jain temple. P. 31. Temple of MEGUTI, Aihole. Figure of a colossal Jaina seated upon a throne-lying in the passage round the shrine, on the west side, is a huge slab containing the image of a devi. Known by the either names of Ambika Amba Bhavani, Ambadevi and Ambaji. Children held by attendants on cither side. Temple faces north the Jains not being particular upon this point. Figure of a small seated Jina in front of the shrine door. P. 32. The two storeyed Jain temple, Aihole. P. 39. Durga temple at Aihole-on a stone in the basement words 'Shri-finAlayan' Holy temple of Jina in Characters of 696-733 Ad. Scribbled by Jaina stranger mistaking the temple to be a Jaina one when found deserted. P. 45. Temple in field No. 268, Aihole Jaina temple in the fort at Belgaum is styled after this. Pp. 48-49. Jaina temple No. 39 in the N. E. corner of the village Aihole near the temple of Virupaksha of later Chalukyan type a little Jina upon the doorway of the shrine and antichamber in a small temple in front of temple No. 39. The figure of a Jaina deity on the simhasana of the small temple. Fine image of a nude Jina seated upon the throne in the temple No. 39. Small Jinas in the little niches on the mouldings outside-Figure of nude Parsvanatha high up above the doorway outside. Image of Parsvanatha in the main shrine. Temple of P. 49. Fig. 14. Image in small temple in front of No. 39, Aihole Virupaksha close beside No. 39. Facing south possibly a Jain temple. Page #589 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 564 JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 53. Mention of old Hindu and Jain cave temples of sixth century A.D. in Badami in the S.E. corner of Bijapur dist. P. 57. The temple of dakulisa at Badami little Jinas canopied by five hooded cobras to the extreme right end of the temple. Upon the cliff a carved large image Left hand rests Jina--like in the lap, palm upward, seated on lion throne. P. 71. Old Jaina temple Pattadakal Badami desecrated and disused. Old Dravidian style save for the Kalasa or Pot tinialy of the time of Amoghavarsha I or Krishna II, great elephants on the either side of the entrance construction unfinished, fully described within the shrine is a small mean looking linga without any Salunka-Two little images of seated Jinas--one half way up the back or west side and one on the north side of the Tower. P. 71. Fig. 21. Elephant beside the door of the Jaina temple, Pattadakal. Pp. 77-79. Lakkundi & Lokkigundi-7 miles to the S.E. of Gadag in Bharwar district. The old Jaina temple in the west end of the village akin to the style of Kattesvara at Kukkanur-Dravidian roof-fully described-seated Jinas in the little circular riches above the cornice. Image of Mahavira seated on Simhasana with his symbol. 4 fit 4" high attendant on either side each holding Chawri in his outer hand. A Jina upon the block above the shrine door. Gajalakshmi over the antechamber another Jina over the outer door. An inscription on a Plaster on the north side of the doorway of the inner mandapa dated 1172 A.D. surinounted by a seated Jina. Reoccupation by Jains. A small Jain temple to the north. Image of Jina within a seated Jina over the doorway with the attendant chawri beares. Another Jain temple about 40 yds. in front of the above small temple used by Lingayats. Another Jaina shrine in N.W. corner of the village dedicated to Parswanathaimage of Parswanatha over the shrine door--Gajalakshmi on the outer door--known as temple of Nagnaths --image of Parsvanatha in a little arched niche. P. 78. Fig. 25. Griffin from the Jain temple, Lakkundi. P. 96. The temple of Arvattukambhada. Bankapur often been called a Jain temple because of Gajulakshmi found on the doorway. No Jain images. An inscription on the shrine door tells of a grant to a Jain temple in 1120 A.D. but not refering to this temple. An inscribed slab on the entrance of 1055 A.D. tells of the existence of five religious colleges of the Jains at Bankapur. Page #590 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 565 P. 98. Temple of Sambhulinga-Kundgol. Brahmins of the village maintain the temple to be Jain originally--no vestige of Jain work. A large image of a seated Jina and a small standing image of Parsvanatha---just outside the temple at the school house. P. 107. Vill. Balaganive in Maisur 14 miles to the S.W. of Hirc--Kerur in Dharwar dist. Remains of a colossal image of a Jina lying upon a mound on the north-east of the village. Jain figures and Jain inscriptions about the village. P. 121. Two old Jain temples in the fort, Belgaum. (1) Jain temple facing north-Described. A row of little seated and standing Jinas in niches in the lower octagonal part of the dome. A seated Jina above the dedicatory block of the doorway. A dancing male figure above the door of the anti-chamber like tandava image of Siva mutiliated--Shrine doorway elaborately carved. A seated Jina upon the dedicatory block. Two stone tablets taken to the must um of the Bombay Branch of the R.A. Society record a grant to the high priest in A.D. 1205 for the purpose of a Jaina temple of the Rattas which had been built by King Bicha. (2) The Jaina temples facing south----described. A seated Jina on the centre slab with his hands in lap and attendants on each side. A devi on the west--four armed holding in her upper hands ankusa and pasa---lower hands broken-Existence of a devi the female counterpart of Vishnu and Garuda above the shrine door point it out to be a Vaishnava shrine. Jains appropriated when it was disused. P. 125. Gersappa town right bank of the Shiravati river--Chaturmukha-Basii in ruins, a cruciform ruined temple having four porches one facing each of the four cardinal points. Four seated life-sized Jinas in the Shrines one on each side of the square facing each door, Mention of temples in ruinous state built of laterite. Existence of images and inscriptions. The temple of Vardhamana Svami with a five, perfect black-stone image of a Tirthankara temple of Neminatha-deserted. Fine large image on a circular asana. Collection of images in Parsvanatha temples nearly a dozen neglected images of standing Digambara Jinas all huddled together to the West. A black stone image of Parsvanatha in Kade Basti-a fine image of Virabhadra with arrow, sword, shield and bow with wooden sandal, (khadavas) on the Virabhadra deval over grown with a large tree, a collection of images in the S. E, corner of Parsvanatha temple. P. 129. The temple of Parsvanatha-Bilgi in North Kanara. Three old temples-largest and the most important being of Parsvanatha of Dravidian style. Page #591 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 131. Two Jain temples in Arasibidi, 9 miles S. E. from Aihole among hills-known as Kumbharanagudi and Suligudi-resembling the dakkundi temples. in style-image of Jina lying prostrate and covered with bat's dung in the shrine of Suligudi. 566 Pp. 134-35. Bhatkal Town-Mention of Jaina columns-Surmounted with tiny pavilion or chhatri on four little pillars with chawmukha. Jain basti known as Jattapa Nayakana Chandranathesvara Basti-to the north of the town-composed of two blocks facings east-West block two storeyed-described--above the doorway on the lintels the figure of little seated Jinas. Waterpot the symbol of Mallinatha carved in one and bull of Rishavanatha in the other. P. 136. Fig. 38-Pillar in Chandranathesvara temple Bhatkal. P. 136. Fig. 39-Dvarapala from Chandranathesvara temple Bhatkal. P. 137. Hadavalli-11 miles E. N. E from Bhatkal plain temple of Chandranatha swami of 69'6" by 26'9"-standing nude image of Chandranatha in the Shrine. Gundin Basti about half a mile off a very well carved and wellpreserved seated Jina on the shrine--Parsvanatha with his nine-hooded snake. P. 151. Fig. 43-Jaina image from Aminabhavi a village 6 miles to the N. E. of Dharwar. Represents a Digambar Jina encircled by 21 small images of Jinas above two beside under snake hoods one of the images is of Parsvanatha. P. 155 (Glossavy) Jina-A Jaina Tirthankara or a religious reformer of whom they count seventy-two i. e. twenty-four in the past, twenty-four in the present and twenty-four in the future. P. 158. Vihara, a Buddhist or Jaina monastry or temple, Plate IV Jina & Devi in the temple of Meguti. XXIII-Aihole-Back of Jains temple No. 39. XXIII. (5)-Images of (Jina?) from the temple of Lakulisa. LI fig. (1) Pattadakal Jaina temple from the S. E. Jaina temple from the S. W. (2) Pattadakal LIII. Fig. (2) Pattadakal LIV. Figs. (1) & (2) Pattadakal Pillars from the Jaina temple. Doorways of the shrine and Mandapa of the Jaina temple. Page #592 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 567 LXI. Lakkundi : The large Jain temple. LXII. Lakkundi : Plan of the large Jaina temple. LXIII. Elevation, image, detail and pillars from the Jains temple at Lakkundi (in six figures). LXIV. Lakkundi-Doorway from the Jains temple. LXXXVIII. Hangal Jains temple in the fort. Plate CXXXLV. Belgaum : Portion of the front of the Jain temple facing south. Plate CXXXV. (1) Belgaum-Open hall of the Jaina temple facing north. (2) Belgaum---Front of small Jaina temple facing south. Plate CXXXVI. (1) Belgaum-Mouldings of doorway in Jaina temple facing north. Plate CXILVII. Plan of Chandranathesvara temple at Bhatkal. Plate CXIVIII. Elevation of Chandranathesvara temple, Bhatkal. Plate CL. Bhatkal Pillars and panels from Chandranathesvara. 427 A. V. T. AYER, Indian Architecture--3 Vols.-Madras, 1926. Vol. I: Pp. 20-21. All Indian religions viz. the Buddhist, the Jain, the Saiva and the Vaishnava-had temples of similar fundamentals in appearance. Jain temple on Mount Abu (Plate XLV)-of 11th century. The structural style of the Jains was more after the Dravidian Aryans, as was their religion, but only modified by sectarian requirements. Vol. II : P. 93. The Pandyas had Jain remains of natural cool caverns with rock-cut beds for them, Tamil works Periapuranam and Tiruvilayadal Puranam mention conversion of Jain Pandyian kings by Sambandhar. Jain sculptures on the Yanamalaie (Elephant hill) on the north of the city of Madura. P. 191. There were also Jains among the Pallavas. Page #593 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY The Kailasnatha temple (Conjivaram) believed to be once a Jain temple, but absolutely no traces of Jain figures or emblems of any kind left there. 568 P. 212. Jain temple in Tiruparattikunram two miles from Conjivaram belongs to the period when the Chola power was at its Zenith-Buddha said to have got rid of sin of converting the Hindus to Buddhism at this spot. P. 240. Hampi-on the bank of the Tungabhadra-of the religious building here the earliest are the groups of Jain temples to the south of Pampapati Swami temple also near the village of Hampi and on the banks of the Tungabhadra all are examples of modified form of the Jain or Chalukyan style of architecture-Inscriptions show their date to be 1385 A. D. During 15th century, temples here are of the Dravidian style. Ganigitti temple erected about 1385 A. D. by a Jain General Irug ppa. Two small ruined Jain temples near the Dewankhana. Pp. 252-257. The Chalukyan style-expresses forcibly their religious shiftings, combining in it the characteristic features of both the Jain and Hindu elements, originally being Jain. Most of the earlier and finer examples perished during the early Moslem invasion. The family religion of the Chalukyans first Jainism and then Vaishnavism, being tolerant endowed both the Siva and Vaishnava temples liberally temples at Aihole, Pattadkal and Ellora the earliest examples of the Chalukyans. In the planning of their temples the Chalukyas built one or three cells all attached to a central Mantapa this style although adopted by the Hindus evidently indicates their origin to Jainism whose type of temple planning was starshaped or cruciform. P. 276. The Dipdans or Dipstambhas: typical and originally the Jain style of architecture-Jain manstambha in Guruvayankeri Dlawaja stambha and Dipstambha in front of Chandranatha Jain temple in Mudabidri. P. 282. The kings of the Hoysala Dynasty were generally followers of Jainism but were persecuted by the Saiva kings of the Chola country. Bitti Deva a Hoysala ruler married Vaishnava wife and embraced the Vaishnava faith and became known as Vishnuvardhan (12th century A. D.). P. 302. The fine chisel work or rather jewellery work found in the temples. of Chalukyan style was favourate of the Jain Silpis. Pp. 348-353. Jainism-non-Brahmanical but less diametrically opposed to the Brahmans-older than Buddhism. Its literature an admixture of Brahminica! and Buddhist cult-Tirthankaras Parsvanatha (776 B.C.) Mahavira (572 B.c.) conversion Page #594 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA BIBLIOGRAPHY 569 rf several Brahmins in Magadha, preached Universality of the brotherhood of all living beings and the spiritual independence of man and the saul depends upon itself for its progress-Digambaras and Svetambaras. Posterity of Niganthas-their statue of Jina stark naked-Swetambaras later-Sravakas Jain laity-Jaina Prakrit, their language-the theory of 'Syad-Vada'. Salvation through penance but according to Buddhists penance not--the path to Nirvana. God not independent entity above the soul. Belief in existence of angels and demons. Jain moral code-avoiding injury to life, observing truth, honesty, chastity and abstenance from worldly desires, liberality, gentleness, pity, panance, restraining the strength of the mind, tongue and person, Nirvana a state beautific rest without rebirth, but not annihilation-deny authority of the Vedas--Asoka's edicts mention them as Nigantha. Jains copied the structures of the early Cholas and Dravidians--their architecture influenced by their religious conceptions. Jain temples : consisted normally of a square cell with a curvilinear stepped spire over it and a colonnaded portico in front, usually cruci-form in plan and surmounted at the top by a pointed dome resting on eight columns, with the pracket capitals and the raking struts. The cell containing the statue of one of the twentyfour Jinas-walls ornamented with symbolical sculptures-their temples usually located on mountain tops and valleys--their environment giving additional beauty. Dilwara temple one of the seven wonders of India.-fully described (Plate I and Plate III P. 362), built of white marble between 1197 A. D.-1247 A. D. Difference of styles of southern and northern temples-Sravana Belgola temples being Dravidian and early Chola in plan and Chalukyan ornamentation; Sonagarh and Muktagiri temples Buddhist in style with traces of saracenic influence. Conversion of Jain temples to Moslem mosques. Jain Bastis-in Guzerat and Mysore P. 361. Jainism based upun Patanjali's school of thought; Nikaya represents the Universe as emanating from nine primary substances. P. 362. The Jains substituted Nirvana for Brahmin Moksha but kept, 'lapas', transmigration and rejected the Vedic law and god, keeping only soul and body. P. 364. Mysore and Kanchi centres of Jain influence-defeat of Buddhists by Akalanka in Kanchi in 788 A, D. P. 399. Cave-digging patronized by Jains--the Girnar Mahatmyam gives great antiquity to Girnar (in Kathiawar) and its caves; a retailer of 'fables falsifying all dates'. P. 413. Ellora caves reflect the varying character in development of the successive cave temples Buddhist, Jain and Brahmanical. Page #595 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 570 P. 429. Stambhas (Plate 35) (Manastambha at Sravana Belgola)-Plate 36 (Jain tower at Chitor)-Lats common amongst the Jains as 'dip-dans' or lamp-bearing pillars and also to carry figures of Jinas. Pp. 480-481. Kutub-Minar of Delhi (1196 to 1235 A. D.) The series of Jain pillars-seen in the colonnades and the domical roofing round. about the Kutub-minar were originally of Jain temples; the Jain figures on the pillars mutiliated being offensive to the Moslem sentiment. Tughlak Sh