Book Title: Apbhramsa Grammar and Composition
Author(s): Kamalchand Sogani
Publisher: Apbhramsa Sahitya Academy
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition (English Translation of the Author's Book in Hindi "Apabhramsa Racana Saurabha') Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani korerettan stat jainavidyA saMsthAna zrI mahAvIrajI Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy Jaina Vidya Samsthana Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji Rajasthan Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Apabhraiba Grammar and Composition (English Translation of the Author's Book in Hindi 'Apabhraisa Racana Saurabha') Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani (Former Professor of Philosophy M.L. Sukhadia University Udaipur) ruuastion in jainavidyA saMsthAna zrI mahAvIrajI Published by Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy Jaina Vidya Samsthana Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji Rajasthan Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Publisher: Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy (Jaina Vidya Samsthana) Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji Sri Mahaviraji - 322 220 (Rajasthan) Tel. : 0141-2385247 Copies From : 1. Jaina Vidya Samsthana Sri Mahaviraji - 322 220 (Rajasthan) Telephone : 07469-2224323 Sahitya Vikraya Kendra Digambara Jaina Nasiyam Bhattarakaji Savai Ramasimha Road, Jaipur - 302 004 Tel. : 0141-2385247 All rights reserved First Edition : 2005 Price : Rs. 350/ - US$ 20 Computer Typesetting : Ayush Graphics D-173-(A), Vineet Marg, Bapu Nagar Jaipur - 302015 (Rajasthan) Ph. : 0141-2708265, Mobile : 94140-76708 Printed at: Jaipur Printers Pvt. Ltd. MI. Road, Jaipur - 302 001 Telephone : 0141-2373822, 2362468 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Table of Contents Lesson No. Subject Page No. Lesson - 1 Lesson - 2 Lesson - 3 Lesson - 4 Lesson - 5 5 Prelusive Introduction Pronoun First Person Singular Number Present Tense Pronoun Second Person Singular Number Present Tense Pronoun Third Person Singular Number Present Tense Pronoun-Singular Non-a-ending Verbs Present Tense Pronoun First Person Plural Number Present Tense Pronoun Second Person Plural Number Present Tense Pronoun Third Person Plural Number Present Tense Pronoun-Plural Non-a-ending Verbs Present Tense Pronoun First Person Singular Number Imperative Pronoun Second Person Singular Number Imperative Lesson - 6 Lesson - 7 Lesson - 8 11 Lesson - 9 14 Lesson - 10 15 (ii) Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson No. Subject Page No. Lesson - 11 17 Lesson - 12 18 Lesson - 13 20 Lesson - 14 22 Lesson - 15 24 Lesson - 16 26 Pronoun Third Person Singular Number Imperative Pronoun-Singular Non-a-ending Verbs Imperative Pronoun First Person Plural Number Imperative Pronoun Second Person Plural Number Imperative Pronoun Third Person Plural Number Imperative Pronoun-Plural Non-a-ending Verbs Imperative Intransitive Verbs Exercises Pronoun First Person Singular Number Future Tense Pronoun Second Person Singular Number Future Tense Pronoun Third Person Singular Number Future Tense Pronoun-Singular Non-a-ending Verbs Future Tense Pronoun First Person Plural Number Future Tense Lesson - 17 28 Lesson - 18 31 Lesson - 19 33 Lesson - 20 35 Lesson - 21 37 Lesson - 22 39 (iv) Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson No. Subject Page No. Lesson - 23 41 Lesson - 24 43 Lesson - 25 46 50 52 Lesson - 26 Lesson - 27 Lesson - 28 Lesson - 29 Lesson - 30 59 Pronoun Second Person Plural Number Future Tense Pronoun Third Person Plural Number Future Tense Pronoun-Plural Non-a-ending Verbs Future Tense Exercises Absolutive Infinitive Nouns and Verbs a-ending Nouns Masculine Intransitive Verbs a-ending Nouns Masculine Nominative Case Singular Number a-ending Nouns Masculine Nominative Case Plural Number Exercises Nouns and Verbs a-ending Nouns Neuter Intransitive Verbs a-ending Nouns Neuter Nominative Case Singular Number a-ending Nouns Neuter Nominative Case Plural Number Exercises Nouns and Verbs a-ending Nouns Feminine Intransitive Verbs a-ending Nouns Feminine Nominative Case Singular Number Lesson - 31 61 Lesson - 32 Lesson - 33 63 65 67 Lesson - 34 Lesson - 35 69 Lesson - 36 Lesson - 37 Lesson - 38 74 Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson No. Subject Page No. Lesson - 39 76 78 Lesson - 40 Lesson - 41 9 Lesson - 42 Lesson - 43 Lesson - 44 88 93 Lesson - 45 Lesson - 46 98 Lesson - 47 Lesson - 48 99 Lesson - 49 Lesson - 50 103 104 a-ending Nouns Feminine Nominative Case Plural Number Exercises Past Participle Use in the Active Voice Present Participle Exercises Past Participle Use in the Impersonal Form Exercise Intransitive Verbs Use in the Impersonal Form Exercise Obligatory and Potential Participle Use in the Impersonal Form Exercise Noun-Pronoun Accusative Case Singular Number Transitive Verbs Noun-Pronoun Accusative Case Masculine-Neuter and Feminine Plural Number Transitive Verbs Transitive Verbs Exercises Transitive Verbs Passive Voice Nouns Masculine l-ending, U-ending Transitive Verbs Exercises Past Participle Use in the Passive Voice Exercises 1-ending and U-ending Nouns Masculine, Neuter and Feminin Lesson - 51 108 Lesson - 52 111 Lesson - 53 Lesson - 54 113 121 Lesson - 55 Lesson - 56 123 124 Lesson - 57 Lesson - 58 127 128 (vi) Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson No. Subject Page No. Lesson - 59 Lesson - 60 Lesson - 61 Lesson - 62 Lesson - 63 Lesson - 64 Lesson - 65 Lesson - 66 147 Lesson - 67 Transitive Verbs 130 l-ending and U-ending Nouns 131 Nominative Case, Instrumental Case Singular Number, Plural Number Obligatory and Potential Participle 134 Use in the Passive Voice Exercises 139 Different Participles 140 With object in the Accusative Case Exercises 142 Noun-Pronoun 143 Dative-Genitive Case Singular Number Masculine, Neuter and Feminine Noun Dative-Genitive Case Singular Number l-ending, V-ending Masculine and Neuter Noun-Pronoun 149 Dative-Genitive Case Plural Number Masculine, Neuter and Feminine Noun 153 Dative-Genitive Case Plural Number l-ending, U-ending Masculine and Neuter Exercises 155 Noun-Pronoun 156 Ablative Case Singular Number Noun 158 Ablative Case Singular Number Noun 159 Ablative Case Plural Number Noun-Pronoun 160 Ablative Case Plural Number Noun-Pronoun 161 Locative Case Singular Noun-Pronoun 163 Locative Case Plural Lesson - 68 Lesson - 69 Lesson - 70 Lesson - 71 Lesson - 72 Lesson - 73 Lesson - 74 Lesson - 75 (vii) Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson No. Subject * Page No. Lesson - 76 Noun 165 Vocative Case Singular-Plural Number Lesson - 77 Causative Suffixes 166 Lesson - 78 Retainer of innate meaning 171 Suffixes (Svarthika Suffixes) Lesson - 79 Different Pronouns 172 Exercises Lesson - 80 Indeclinables 174 Lesson - 81 Conjugation and Verbal endings 175 Lesson - 82 Conjugation of 'Asa' 178 Lesson - 83 (A) Declensional Forms of Nouns 179 (B) Declensional Forms of Pronouns 186 (C) Declension of Cardinal numerals 202 Lesson - 84 Endings of Declensional Torms of Nouns according to Hemacandra 210 Appendix - 1(a) Noun-Index (English to Apabhramba) 224 Appendix - 1(b) Noun-Index (Apabhraisa to English) 234 Appendix - 2(a) Verb-Index (English to Apabhramsa) 246 Appendix - 2(b) Verb-index (Apabhraisa to English) 255 (viii) Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Prelusive We feel great pleasure in placing the book 'Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition' in the hands of the readers. In fact, this book is the english translation of the second edition of 'Apabhramsa Racana Saurabha' published in 2003 by the Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy, Jaipur. It goes without saying that "Apabhramsa"language is one of the richest Indo-Aryan languages. It has come to us through Prakrta, the most ancient and sacred language of India. The early Vedic literature is not averse to Prakyta expressions, which indicate its ancient character. It is incontrovertible that Prakyta was the mother-tongue of Mahavira and Buddha, who used this language as the medium of their sermons. Prakrta the flowing language gave rise to Apabhramsa in course of time. Like Prakrta, Apabhraisa is the language of the masses. Its vast literature in varied literary forms contributes to the dignity and excellence of the cultural heritage of Indian tradition. Svayambhu, Puspadanta, Dhanapala, Vira, Nayanandi, Kanakamara, Joindu, Ramasimha, Hemacandra, Raidhu, etc. are the celebrated literary personalities of Apabhramsa language. In the 6th century A.D. it was the lingua franca of Northern India. From East to West and Kasmir (North) to Maharastra (South), it has served the need of literary world as also the common men. It is to the credit of Apabhramsa language that it has given birth to the modern Indian languages like, Sindhi, Panjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kasmiri, Maithili, Rajasthani, Udiya etc. Even the national language Hindi owes its origin to Apabhramsa. Most of the literary tendencies in Hindi literature flow from the glorious tradition of Apabhramsa language. Thus the relation between Apabhramsa and Hindi is very intimate. In consequence, the proper understanding of Apabhraisa (ix ) Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ language and literature is indispensible for comprehending the development of Hindi literature rightly and adequately. Recognising the importance of Apabhramba language in the cultural history of India, the Managing Committe of Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra, Sri Mahaviraji established 'Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy in 1988. The Academy has published books for teaching Apabhramsa language. Books on Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition and textual reading in Hindi have been published for those desirous of learning Apabhraisa language through Hindi medium. For teaching Apabhramsa language to the English knowing people, our new publication, 'Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition' which is the english translation of 'Apabhramsa Racana Saurabha' in Hindi will facilitate the learning of Apabhramsa to the students of english language. We offer our thanks to the learned researchers of the Samsthana (Institute) and to M/s Jaipur Printers Pvt. Ltd. for organising the publication of the book. Naresh Kumar Sethi Narendra Patni Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani President Secretary Samyojaka Managing Committee Jaina Vidya Samsthana Samiti Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Jaipur Sri Mahaviraji 1 August, 2005 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dedicated To Dr. A.N. Upadhye And Dr. Hiralal Jain (xi) Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Diacritical Marks Vowels a a i 1 u u r e al o au o au Consonants fr m br sh 3 khr m mr bh 3 bhr h lkr - bdr h _(3754 (orgen ) : (fastof) creatin (xiii) Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Relating to Apabhramsa language, the following should be understood. ka, Vowels a, A, i, I, u, U, e, o a, a, i, i, u, u, e, O Alphabets of Apabhramsa 4 ka, PSN DIE Introduction Ta, ca, cha, ja, jha, Ja Consonants kha, gha, Ga kha, ga, gha, na ca, cha, ja, jha, na ta, Tha, Da, da UT tha, da, dha, na ta, tha, da, dha, na ta, tha, da, dha, na pa, pha, ba bha. ma pa, pha, ba, bha, ma ya, ra, la, va la, va 2 ya, ra, sa, ha sa, ha IE V m, m It may be noted here that in Apabhramsa the use of na and na is not found in non-conjunct form. In Hemacandra Apabhramsa Grammar the use of na and na in conjunct form is traceable. The use of na is seen in conjunct and non-conjunct form. The alternative of na, na, na in conjunct form is m. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition. (xv) Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Number : In Apabhramsa language, there are only two numbers :1. Singular 2. Plural. Gender : In Apabhrarsa language, there are three Genders :1. Masculine Gender 2. Feminine Gender 3. Neuter Gender Person: In Apabhrarsa language, there are only three Persons :1. First Person 2. Second Person 3. Third Person. Case: In Apabhraisa language, there are eight Cases :1. Nominative Case 2. Accusative Case 3. Instrumental Case 4. Dative Case 5. Ablative Case 6. Genitive Case 7. Locative Case 8. Vocative Case In Apabhramsa language, the suffixes of Dative and Genitive Cases are the same. Verb: In Apabhramba language, there are only two kinds of Verbs :1. Transitive 2. Intransitive Tense: In Apabhraisa language, there are four type of Tenses :1. Present Tense 2. Past Tense 3. Future Tense 4. Imperative In Apabhramsa language, for the expression of Past Tense, the Past Participle is used in abundance. Words : In Apabhramsa languages, four kinds of Words are in use :1. a-ending 2. i-i-ending 3. a- ending 4. u-u-ending ( xvi) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Vocalic sounds of the Devanagari Syllabary in combination with the consonants of the syllabary kA ki kI ku S ky ki kt ku ke kha kha kha khA kha khi khi khI khi khu khu khU khe khu . khe kho kho ga ga gA ga gi gi gI gi gu gu gU gu ge ge go go gha gha cha ghA ghi ghi ghi ghI ghi ghu chu ghU phu ghe ghe gho gho Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition (xvii) Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ga na ca ca cha cha 15 ja ja jha jha ( xviii ) Ga na ca ca cha cha 15 ja ja jha jha GA na cA ca chA cha jA ja jhA jha Gi ni ci ci chi chi ji 5 ji jhi jhi GI Du ni cI ci chI chi jI $5 = ji jhI jhi fiya nu cu cu chu chu 15) 2 (cha) jhu jhu Fix 12 nu IN 13 cU chU chu 150 12 jU jhU na ju ju je jhu ne | ce che 15 jhe Go no co CO cho chc jo jo jho jho Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ja na Tha tha da ng dha Ja na Ta ta Tha tha Da da Dha dha JA na TA ta ThA tha DA da vu dha za Ji ni Ti ti Di di di JI ni Thi ThI thi dhi TI ti ka thi DI di dhi Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Ja than fun) 2. Tu tu Thu thu J than 12. 106 ThU thu naha hai ne Te te 40 The the Du du du de naya du dU dhu dhu dhe 7 Jo no To to Tho tho Do do vu, dho ( xix ) Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Na na SH ta tha tha da dha dha ( xx ) Na na ta ta tha tha da da dha dha NA na tA ta thA tha dA da waa dha Ni NI ni ni P ti thi thi EUR di di E ti ka di Nu dhi dhI dhi dhi nu tu tu (c) thI thu thU thi thu thu fun du du dhu UT tkhy nu tU tu dhU dhu dhu dU du ka ne te te the the de de dhe dhe no to to tho tho do do dho dho Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ na na pa pa pha pha ba Ba bha Bha ma Ma na -224 na pa pa pha pha ba ba bha ma ma nA na pA pa bA ba phA phi pha phi w ni bhA bhi bha bha bhi mA ni ma pipI pi tara bi mi ni mi pi phI phi peTha bi bhI bhi mI mi Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition llh nu nu pu pu phu phu 129 13 bu bu mu mu llw nu pU pu 27 bhu bhU bhu phU phu bu bhu mU mu ci ne pe Af phe be bhe bhe me no no po po pho pho bo bo bho bho mo mo ( xxi ) Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ... ya ya yA ya yi yI yiyi yu yu yU yu ye ye the yo yo ra rri ni ru ru re ro la lA la lgw li lI lili lu le lo lo E va va vA va vi vi vI vi vu vu vU vu ve ve vo vo sa sA sa si sI si su su se ha hA hi hI hu hU he ho - ha ha hi hi hu hu he ho (xxii) Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 1 Pronoun Haur =) First Person Singular Number Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Rusa - To sulk, Jiva : To live Saya - To sleep, Lukka = To hide, Nacca = To dance, Jagga - To wake up, Present Tense Haur Haum Haum Haum Haur Haum Haur Hasaum/Hasami/Hasami/Hasemi = I laugh. Sayaum/Sayami/Sayami/Sayemi = I sleep. Naccaum/Naccami/Naccami/Naccemi - I dance. Rusaum/Rusami/Rusami/Rusemi = I sulk. Lukkaum/Lukkami/Lukkami/Lukkemi = I hide. Jaggaun/Jaggami/Jaggami/Jaggemi = I wake up. Jivaum/Jivami/Jivami/Jivemi - I live. Haum = 1, First Person Singular Number (Personal Pronoun). In the First Person Singular of the Present Tense um and mi suffixes are used in the Verbs. In using mi suffix in the Verbs 'a of a-ending' Verbs is also changed into a and e. All the above verbs are Intransitive. An Intransitive Verb is that which has no object and whose effect is only on the subject or doer. 'I laugh', in this sentence, the effect of laughing is onl, and the Verb 'laugh' has no object. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these sentences Person and Number of the Verbs are according to the Subject *Haun'. Here 'Haum' is in the First Person Singular, so the Verbs are also of the First Person Singular Number. 4. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 2 Pronoun Second Person Singular Number Tuhum - You Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva - To live Saya = To sleep, Lukka - To hide. Nacca - To dance, Jagga = To wake up. Present Tense Tuhum Hasahi/Hasasi/Hasase/Hasesi Tuhum Sayahi/Sayasi/Sayase/Sayesi Tuhum Naccahi/Naccasi/Naccase/Naccesi Tuhum Rusahi/Rusasi/Rusase/Rusesi -You laugh. : You sleep. - You dance. =You sulk. Tuhur Lukkahi/Lukkasi/Lukkase/Lukkesi You hide. Tuhum Tuhum Jaggahi/Jaggasi/Jaggase/Jaggesi Jivahi/Jivasi/Jivase/Jivesi =You wake up. -You live. Tuhum - You, Second Person Singular Number (Personal Pronoun). In the Second Person Singular of the Present Tense 'hi', 'si' and 'se' suffixes are used in the Verbs. In using 'si' suffix in the Verbs, 'a' of 'a-ending'Verbs is also changed into 'e'. If there is no'a'ending Verb, 'se' suffix is not used. (see lesson - 4) All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these sentences Person and Number of the Verbs are according to the Subject. Here 'Tuhum' is in the Second Person Singular', so the Verbs are also of the Second Person Singular Number. m Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 3 Pronoun So : He (Masculine), Sa = She (Feminine)Third Person Singular Number Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Saya - To sleep. Nacca - To dance, Rusa - To sulk, Lukka = To hide, Jagga = To wake up, Jiva = To live Present Tense So SO o Hasai/Hasei/Hasae Hasai/Hasei/Hasae Sayai/Sayei/Sayae Sayai/Sayei/Sayae Naccai/Naccei/Naccae Naccai/Naccei/Naccae Rusai/Rusei/Rusae Rusai/Rusei/Rusae Lukkai/Lukkei/Lukkae Lukkai/Lukkei/Lukkae Jaggai/Jaggei/Jaggae Jaggai/Jaggei/Jaggae Jivai/Jivei/Jivae Jivai/Jivei/Jivae * He laughs. - She laughs. - He sleeps. - She sleeps. - He dances. - She dances. - He sulks. = She sulks. - He hides. - She hides. - He wakes up. - She wakes up. He lives. So Sa So Sa So Sa - She lives. So-He (Masculine), Sa : She (Feminine) Third Person Singular Number (Personal Pronoun) In the Third Person Singular of the Present Tense 'i' and 'e' suffixes are used in the verbs. In using 'i' suffix in the verbs 'a of a-ending' verbs is changed into 'e'. 'e' suffix is used only in 'a'- ending verbs. In the a, o, u etc. ending verbs 'e' is not used. In the Tha : To stay. Ho - To become, Hu - To become, Verbs 'e' suffix is not used in the Present Tense. (See lesson - 4) All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. 3. 4. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 4 Pronoun - Singular Non- 'a'-ending Verbs i.e., a, o etc ending verbs Haum = 1, Tuhum - You, So: He (Masculine), Sa - She (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Tha - To stay, Nha : To bathe Ho - To become Present Tense Haum Thaum/Thami Haum Nhaum/Nhami Haum Hous/Homi Tuhum Thahi/Thasi Tuhum Nhahi/Nhasi Tuhum Hohi/Hosi Thai Sa Thai So Nhai Nhai Hoi Sa Hoi - I stay. -l bathe. = I become. = You stay. - You bathe. - You become. - He stays. - She stays. = He bathes. - She bathes. He becomes. - She becomes. So So Haum = 1 First Person Singular Tuhum - You Second Person Singular (Personal Pronouns So = He (Masculine) Third Person Singular Sa - She (Feminine) S Singular In non - 'a'-ending verbs i.e. a, o etc ending verbs, 'se' suffix is not used in the second Person Singular. 'se' is used only in a-ending verbs. Likewise in the Third Person Singular 'e' suffix is not used in the non-'a'-ending verbs. Both these (se and e) suffixes are used only in the 'a'-ending verbs of the Present Tense. All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 5 Pronoun Amhe First Person Plural Number . We both/We all Amhaim Intransitive Verbs Hasa = To laugh, Saya - To sleep, Nacca = To dance, Rusa - To sulk, Lukka - To hide, Jagga = To wake up, Jiva - To live Amhe Amhaim Amhe Amhair Amhe Amhaim Amhe Present Tense Hasahum/Hasamol = We both laugh. Hasamu/Hasama We all laugh. Sayahum/Sayamol = We both sleep. Sayamu/Sayama We all sleep. Naccahun/Naccamol = We both dance. Naccamu/Naccama We all dance. Rusahum/Rusamo/ : We both sulk. Rusamu/Rusama We all sulk. Lukkahus/Lukkamol = We both hide. Lukkamu/Lukkama We all hide. Jaggahus/Jaggamo/ - We both wake up. Jaggamu/Jaggama We all wake up. Jivahum/Jivamo/ * We both live. Jivamu/Jivama We all live. Amhaim Amhe Amhaim Amhe Amhaim Amhe Amhaim Amhe Amhaim L We both/Weall First Person Plural Number First (Personal Pronoun) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2 In the First Person Plural of the Present Tense 'humo, mo, mu and ma suffixes are used in the Verbs. In using 'mo', 'mu' and "ma' suffixes, the ending 'a' of a- ending Verbs is also changed into 'a', 'i' and 'e'. So the Verbal inflexions will be Hasamo, Hasamu, Hasama/Hasimo, Hasimu, Hasima/Hasemo, Hasemu, Hasema. Likewise other a - ending verbs should be inflected All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Here the Subject is in the First Person Plural, so the Verb is also of the First Person Plural Number Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tumhe Tumhaim Intransitive Verbs * - You both/You all Hasa To laugh, = Rusa To sulk, = Jiva To live Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim } } } } Lesson 6 Pronoun } = Saya To sleep, Lukka To hide, Present Tense Hasahu/Hasaha/ Hasittha Second Person Plural Number Sayahu/Sayaha/ Sayittha Naccahu/Naccaha/ Naccittha Rusahu/Rusaha/ Rusittha Lukkahu/Lukkaha/ Lukkittha Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Jaggahu/Jaggaha/ Jaggittha Nacca To dance, Jagga To wake up, = = = You both laugh. You all laugh. = You both sleep. You all sleep. You both dance. You all dance. = You both sulk. You all sulk. - You both hide. You all hide. - You both wake up. You all wake up. 7 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tumhe : You both live. Jivahu/Jivaha/ Jivittha Tumhair You all live. Tumhe Second Person Plural - You both/You all Tumhaim (Personal Pronoun) In the Second Person Plural of the Present Tense hu, ha and ittha suffixes are used in the verbs. All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Here the Subject is in the Second Person Plural, so the Verb is used in the Second Person Plural Number. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 7 Pronoun Te: They both (Masculinel/They all (Masculine) Third Person Plural Ta : They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Rusa : To sulk, Jiva - To live Saya - To sleep, Lukka - To hide, Nacca - To dance, Jagga : To wake up, Present Tense Hasahim/Hasanti/ - They both laugh. They all laugh. Hasante/Hasire Ta Hasahim/Hasanti/ - They both laugh They all laugh. Hasante/Hasire Sayahim/Sayanti/ Sayante/Sayire -They both sleep. They all sleep. Ta Sayahim/Sayanti/ Sayante/Sayire - They both sleep. They all sleep. Te Naccahim/Naccanti/ Naccante/Naccire They both dance. They all dance. Naccahim/Naccanti/ Naccante/Naccire They both dance. They all dance. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rusahim/Rusanti/ They both sulk. They all sulk. Rusante/Rusire Rusahim/Rusanti/ - They both sulk. They all sulk. Rusante/Rusire Lukkahim/Lukkanti/ Lukkante/Lukkire They both hide. They all hide. Lukkahim/Lukkanti/ Lukkante/Lukkire They both hide. They all hide. Jaggahin/Jagganti/ Jaggante/Jaggire =They both wake up. They all wake up. Jaggahim/Jagganti/ Jaggante/Jaggire They both wake up. They all wake up. Jivahim/Jivanti/ Jivante/Jivire -They both live. They all live. Jivahim/Jivanti/ -They both live. They all live. Jivante/Jivire Te : They both (Masculine)/They all (Masculine) Third Person Plural Ta : They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) S (Personal Pronun) In the Third Person Plural of the Present Tense 'him', 'nti', 'nte' and 'ire' suffixes are used in the verbs. All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Here the Subject is in the Third Person Plural, so the verb is also of the Third Person Plural Number. 10 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 8 Pronoun - Plural non- 'a'-ending verbs i.e., a, o etc ending verbs Amhe Tumhe - We both/We all : You both/You all Amhaim Tumhaim Te : They both (Masculine)/They all (Masculine) Ta = They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Tha : To stay Nha = To bathe Ho : To become Present Tense 1 Amhe Amhaim Thahum/Thamo/ Thamu/Thama = We both stay. We all stay. Amhe Amhaim Nhahum/Nhamo/ Nhamu/Nhama - We both bathe. We all bathe. Amhe Hohum/Homol = We both become. Amhaim Homu/Homa We all become. Tumhe Thihu/Thaha/ Thaittha - You both stay. You all stay. Tumhaim Tumhe Nhihu/Nhaha/ - You both bathe. You all bathe. Tumhaim Nhaittha Tumhe Hohu/Hoha/ * You both become. You all become. Tumhaim Hoittha Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Thahis/Thanti - Thanti/ Thante-Thante/Thaire Thahim/Thanti-Thanti/ Thante-Thante/Thaire * They both stay. They all stay. - They both stay They all stay. Nhahim/Nhanti-Nhanti/ Nhante-Nhante/Nhaire Nhahim/Nhanti-Nhanti/ - They both bathe. They all bathe. - They both bathe. They all bathe. Nhante-Nhante/Nhaire Hohim/Honti/Honte/ Hoire : They both become. They all become. - They both become. They all become. Hohim/Honti/Honte/Hoire Amhe } = We both/We all First Person Plural Amhaim Tumhe J: You both/You all Second Person Plural Tumhaims Personal Pronoun Plural Te - They both (Masculine)/They all (Masculine) Ta - They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Third Person Plural Suffixes of the Present Tense (Lesson 1 to 8) Singular Plural First Person um, mi hum, mo, mu, ma Second Person hi, si, se hu, ha, ittha Third Person i, e him, nti, nte, ire All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above Sentences are in the Active Voice. In these Sentences Verbs agree with the Subject in Number and Person. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5. If there is a long Vowel before a Conjunct Letter it becomes short as. Thanti-Thanti, Nhanti-Nhanti etc. In Apabhramsa 'a', 'i' and u are long Vowels and 'a', 'I', 'u', 'e' and 'o' are regarded as short vowels. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 13 Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 9 Pronoun First Person Singular Number Haum = 1 Intransitive Verbs Hasa = To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva - To live Saya - To sleep, Lukka = To hide, Nacca - To dance, Jagga - To wake up, acco To dance Imperative Haum Haum Haum Haui Haur Haum Haur Hasamu/Hasemu Sayamu/Sayemu Naccamu/Naccemu Rusamu/Rusemu Lukkamu/Lukkemu Jaggamu/Jaggemu Jivamu/Jivemu = I should/may laugh. = I should/may sleep. - I should/may dance. = I should/may sulk. - I should/may hide. = I should/may wake up. = I should/may live. Haum = 1, First Person Singular (Personal Pronoun) In the First Person Singular of the Imperative 'mu' suffix is used in the Verbs. In using 'mu' suffix, a of 'a'-ending verbs is changed into 'e' also. For expressing command, injunction, prayer etc, the suffixes of Imperative are used in the Verbs. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. An Intransitive Verb is that which has no object and whose effect is only on the subject or doer. 'I should/may laugh'in this sentence the effect of laughing is on l' and the verb 'laugh' has no object. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these sentences 'Person' and 'Number' of the Verbs agree with the subject. Here 'Haum' is in the First Person Singluar, so the Verbs are also of the First Person Singular Number. 14 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tuhum = You Intransitive Verbs Hasa To laugh, = = Rusa To sulk, Jiva = To live Lesson 10 Pronoun Saya To sleep, = Lukka To hide, Imperative Tuhum Hasi/Hase/Hasu/ Second Person Singular Number Hasasu/Hasesu Tuhum Sayi/Saye/Sayu/ Hasa/Hasahi/Hasehi/ - You should/may laugh. Tuhum Nacci/Nacce/Naccu/ Nacca/Naccahi/ Tuhum Rusi/Ruse/Rusu/ Saya/Sayahi/Sayehi/ - You should/may sleep. Sayasu/Sayesu Naccehi/Naccasu/Naccesu Rusa/Rusahi/Rusehi/ Rusasu/Rusesu Tuhum Lukki/Lukke/Lukku/ Lukka/Lukkahi/ Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition = You should/may dance. = Nacca = To dance, Jagga To wake up, = = Lukkehi/Lukkasu/Lukkesu Tuhum Jaggi/Jagge/Jaggu/ Jagga/Jaggahi/ Jaggehi/Jaggasu/Jaggesu You should/may sulk. You should/may hide. = You should/may wake up. 15 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tuhum Jivi/Jive/Jivu/Jiva = You should/may live. Jivahi/Jivehi/Jivasu/Jivesu Tuhum - You, Second Person Singular (Personal Pronoun) In the Second Person Singular of the Imperative 'i', 'e', 'u', zero' 'hi' and 'su' suffixes are used in the Verbs. In using 'hi' and 'su' suffixes, Verb ending in 'a' is changed into 'e' also. Zero suffix is used only in 'a'-ending verbs. In non-'a'-ending verbs i.e. a, o, i etc ending Verbs zero suffix is not used in the Imperative. In Tha - to stay, Ho - To become, verbs, 'zero' suffix is not used. All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these sentence Verbs agree with the Subject, "Tuhum'in Number and Person. Here 'Tubum' is in the Second Person Singular', so the Verbs are also of the Second Person Singular Number. 16 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ So He (Masculine) Sa She (Feminine) = Intransitive Verbs Hasa To laugh, Rusa To sulk, Jiva To live = 1. 2. 3. 4. So * * * * . * . * . So Sa So So Sa So So So Sa Lesson 11 Pronoun Saya To sleep, Lukka To hide, Hasau/Haseu Hasau/Haseu Sayau/Sayeu Sayau/Sayeu Naccau/Nacceu Naccau/Nacceu Rusau/Ruseu Rusau/Ruseu Imperative Lukkau/Lukkeu Lukkau/Lukkeu Jaggau/Jaggeu Jaggau/Jaggeu Jivau/Jiveu Jivau/Jiveu Third Person Singular Number Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition He should/may laugh. = She should/may laugh. He should/may sleep. = She should/may sleep. == He should/may dance. - She should/may dance. = He should/may sulk. = She should/may sulk. - He should/may hide. = = 11 Nacca To dance, Jagga To wake up, = She should/may hide. He should/may wake up. She should/may wake up. So He (Masculine) Third Person Singular Number = Sa She (Feminine) (Personal Pronoun) = = He should/may live. - She should/may live. In the Third Person Singular of the Imperative 'u' suffix is used in the Verb. In using 'u' suffix, Verb ending in 'a' is changed into 'e' also. All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. 17 Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Haum = I Tuhum You Lesson 12 Pronoun-Singular Non- 'a'-ending verbs i.e. a, o etc. ending verbs 1. Intransitive Verbs Tha = To stay, 18 = * * * * . * Haum Thamu Haum Nhamu Haum Homu Tuhum Thai/Thae/Thau/ Thahi/Thasu Tuhum Nhai/Nhae/Nhau/ Nhahi/Nhasu Tuhum Hoi/Hoe/Hou/ Hohi/Hosu So Sa So Sa So Thau Thau Nhau Nhau Hou Hou Nha - To bathe Imperative = So He (Masculine) Sa She (Feminine) = - I should/may stay. - I should/may bathe. = I should/may become. - You should/may stay. Haum = 1, First Person Singular Tuhum You, Second Person Singular Ho To become - You should/may bathe. - You should/may become. He should/may stay. - She should/may stay. = He should/may bathe. = She should/may bathe. = He should/may become. She should/may become. = So He (Masculine), Third Person Singular 1= Sa She (Feminine), Third Person Singular Personal Pronoun Singular Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. 3. 4. In non- 'a'-ending Verbs i.e. a, o etc ending verbs, 'zero' suffix is not used in the Second Person Singular. 'zero' suffix is used only in 'a'-ending Verbs. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 19 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Amhe Amhaim 1. } Intransitive Verbs 20 = We both/We all Hasa = To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva = To live Lesson 13 Pronoun Saya To sleep, = Lukka To hide, Amhe Amhaim J First Person Plural Number Imperative Hasamo/Hasamo/ Rusamo/Rusamo/ Amhe 1 Jaggamo/Jaggamo/ Amhaim Jaggemo Amhe 1 Jivamo/Jivamo/ Amhaim Jivemo Amhe - We both should/may laugh. We all should/may laugh. Amhaim Hasemo Amhe Sayamo/Sayamo/ - We both should/may sleep. Amhaim Sayemo We all should/may sleep. Amhe 1 Naccamo/Naccamo/ We both should/may dance. Amhaim Naccemo Amhe 1 Amhaim Rusemo We all should/ may dance. -We both should/may sulk. We all should/may sulk. - We both should/may hide. AmheLukkamo/Lukkamo/ Amhaim Lukkemo We all should/may hide. -We both should/may wake up. We all should/may wake up. = We both should/may live. We all should/may live. Nacca To dance, - Jagga To wake up, - = We both/We all, First Person Plural Number (Personal Pronoun) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. In the First Person Plural of the imperative 'mo' suffix is used in the Verbs. In using 'mo' suffix in the verbs a of'a'-ending verbs is changed into a' and 'e'. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Actice Voice. In these sentences Subject Amhe/Amhaim agrees with the Person and Number of the Verbs. Here Amhe/Amhaim are in the First Person Plural Number, so the Verbs are also of the First Person Plural. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 21 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 14 Pronoun Tumhe Second Person Plural Number Tumhein } - You - You both/You all Tumhaim Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva - To live Saya - To sleep, Lukka = To hide, Nacca - To dance, Jagga - To wake up, Imperative Hasaha/ - You both should/may laugh. Tumhe Tumhaim Haseha You all should/may laugh. Tumhe Tumhaim Sayaha/ Sayeha - You both should/may sleep You all should/may sleep. Tumhe Naccaha/ - You both should/may dance. You all should/may dance. Tumhaim Nacceha Tumhe Rusaha/ Ruseha - You both should/may sulk. You all should/may sulk. Tumhaim Tumhe Lukkaha/ - You both should/may hide. You all should/may hide. Tumhaim Lukkeha Jaggaha/ Tumhe Tumhaim - You both should/may wake up. You all should/may wake up. J Jaggeha 22 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Tumhe Tumhaim } Jivaha/ Jiveha Tumhe You both/You all Second Person Plural Number (Personal Pronoun) Tumhaim In the Second Person Plural of the Imperative 'ha' suffix is used in the Verbs. In using 'ha' suffix, a of 'a'-ending Verbs is changed into 'e'. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. The subject Tumhe/Tumhaim agree with the Person and Number of the Verbs. Here, the subjects, Tumhe/Tumhaim are in the Second Person Plural, therefore, verbs are also of the Second Person Plural. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition - You both should/may live. You all should/may live. 23 Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 15 Pronoun Te: They both (Masculinel/They all (Masculine) Third Person Plural Ta = They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Hasa = To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva = To live Saya - To sleep. Lukka - To hide, Nacca - To dance, Jagga = To wake up, Imperative Hasantu/Hasentu - They both should/may laugh They all should/may laugh. = They both should/may laugh. They all should/may laugh. Hasantu/Hasentu Sayantu/Sayentu * They both should/may sleep. They all should/may sleep. * They both should/may sleep They all should/may sleep. Sayantu/Sayentu Naccantu/Naccentu - They both should/may dance. They all should/may dance. Naccantu/Naccentu = They both should/may dance. They all should/may dance. Rusantu/Rusentu = They both should/may sulk. They all should/may sulk. They both should/may sulk. They all should/may sulk. Rusantu/Rusentu - 24 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Te Ta Te Ta Te Ta Lukkantu/Lukkentu = Lukkantu/Lukkentu = Jaggantu/Jaggentu Jaggantu/Jaggentu Jivantu/Jiventu Jivantu/Jiventu Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition = = = They both should/may hide.. They all should/may hide. They both should/may hide. They all should/may hide. They both should/may wake up. They all should/may wake up. They both should/may wake up. They all should/may wake up. 1. Te They both (Masculine)/ They all (Masculine) = Ta = They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) 2. In the Third Person Plural of the Imperative 'ntu' suffix is used in the Verbs. In using 'ntu' suffix in the Verbs, a of 'a'-ending Verbs is changed into 'e' also. 3. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. 4. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. They both should/may live. They all should/may live. They both should/may live. They all should/may live. Third Person Plural (Personal Pronoun) 25 Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 16 Pronoun - Plural Non-a- ending Verbs ie a, o etc ending Verbs Amhe ! We both/We all u Tumhe You both/ You all Amhaim Tumhaims Te - They both (Masculinel/They all (Masculine) Ta : They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Tha : To stay, Nha = To bathe Ho: To become Amhe Imperative We both should/may stay. Thamo We all should/may stay. Amhaim Thamo Amhe We both should/may bathe. Nhamo : We all should/may bathe. Amhaim Amhe We both should/may become. "We all should/may become. Amhaim Homo Tumhe You both should/may stay. Thaha Tumhaim - You all should/may stay. Tumhe Tumhaim Nhaha You both should/may bathe. * You all should/may bathe. Tumhe You both should/may become. Hoha Tumhaim You all should/may become. Te Thantu-Thantu They both should/may stay. They all should/may stay. 26 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ta Te Ta Te Ta Thantu-Thantu Nhantu-Nhantu Nhantu-Nhantu Hontu Hontu Amhe Amhaim Tumhe Tumhaim } = First Person Second Person i, e, u, zero hi, su They both should/may stay. They all should/may stay. We both/We all First Person Plural mu They both should/may bathe. They all should/may bathe. They both should/may bathe. They all should/may bathe. You both/You all Second Person Plural = Te They both (Masculine)/They all (Masculine) Ta = They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Suffixes of Imperative (Lesson 9 to 16) Singular Plural Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition They both should/may become. They all should/may become. They both should/may become. "They all should/may become. mo ha Third Person n All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these sentences the Subject agrees with the Verbs in Person and Number. If a long Vowel precedes the Conjunct letter, it becomes short, as : Thanti-Thanti, Nhanti-Nhanti etc. In Apabhramsa a, i and u are regarded as long Vowels, a, i, u, e and o are regarded as short vowels. Third Person Plural ntu Personal Pronoun Plural 27 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 28 Lesson 17 Intransitive Verbs Exercises Use the following Intransitive Verbs in the Active Voice. This use should be in the Present Tense and the Imperative. In place of the Subject, use the Personal Pronoun. Lajja To embarrass = Ruva = To weep Dara = To fear Kalaha = To quarrel Thakka To tire Accha To sit Pada = To fall Uttha To get up = Bhida To clash Ucchala To leap = Ujjama: To endeavour Ullasa = To rejoice Kampa: To tremble Mara To die Khela = To play Kulla To jump = Tadaphada - To flounder = Ghuma = To go round Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa - (1) We hide. (2) We may hide. (3) He fears. (4) He may fear. (5) You get up. (6) They should get up. (7) I play. (8) All of you should play. (9) She rejoices. (10) They should rejoice. (11) He sits. (12) He should sit. (13) You may sit. (14) They weep. (15) We leap. (16) I clash. (17) You flounder. (18) You may jump. (19) We should endeavour. (20) You may go round. (21) We tremble. (22) You should tremble. (23) He may fight. (24) They may fight. (25) You bathe. (26) You should bathe. (27) They may stay. (28) You should tire. (29) All of you faint. (30) We stay. (31) All of them play. (32) I play. (33) You get up (fem.). (34) She trembles. (35) We sit. Jujjha To fight = Muccha To faint Correct the following sentences which have been put in the Present Tense and put the correct form of Verb. (Put the Verb in agreement with its Subject). Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4. 5. (1) Haum Rusahim. (3) So Thami. (5) Tumhe Hasahim. (7) Ta Thai. (9) Te Marai. (11) Tuhum. Padittha. (13) Amhaim Utthase. (15) Tuhum Thai. Correct the following sentences which have been put in the Present Tense. Put the Correct form of the Personal Pronoun. (Put the Personal Pronoun in agreement with the verb.) (2) Amhe Ruvaum. (4) So Darahu. (6) Tumhaim Utthai. (8) Haum Kampittha. (10) Tumhe Marai. (2) Tuhum Hasaum. (4) Amhe Hasaha. (6) Te Thamo. (8) Tumhaim Thakkahi. (10) Haum Lajjamo. (12) So Khelanti. (14) Sa Ghumanti. (1) Haum Lajjahum. (3) Tumhe Ruvami. (5) Ta Padamo. (7) Amhaim Ucchalahi. (9) Tuhum Marante. (11) Tumhe Thasi. (13) Tumhe Nhamu. (15) Tuhum Mucchei. Correct the following sentences which have been put in the Imperative. Put the correct form of the verb. (Put the Verb in agreement with the Subject.) (1) Haum Padau. (3) So Thakki. (5) Tumhaim Darantu. (7) Sa Ghumi. (9) Te Marahi. (11) Tuhum Kullantu. (13) Te Bhidau. (15) Tumhaim Thamo. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition (12) Haum Kullahim. (14) Amhe Hohu. (2) Tuhum Ruvamo. (4) Amhe Hasaha. (6) Amhaim Kampaha. (8) Ta Khelamo. (10) Haum Ullasa. (12) Tumhe Mucchasu. (14) Amhaim Jujjhentu. 29 Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Correct the following sentences which have been put in the Imperative. Put the correct form of the Personal Pronoun. (Put the Personal Pronoun in agreement with the Verb.) (1) Haus Lajjamo. (2) Tuhum Ruvau. (3) Amhe Haseha. (4) Tumhe Daramo. (5) Tumhaim Lukkemo. (6) Te Acchau (7) So Utthaha. (8) Ta Hoha. (9) Amhaim Thantu. (10) Tumhe Hasa. (11) Amhe Padasu. (12) So Hou. (13) Te Homo. (14) Haum Lukki. (15) Haur Tadaphada. 30 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 18 Pronoun First Person Singular Number Haum = 1 Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Nacca = To dance, Saya - To sleep. Lukka - To hide, Jagga : To wake up, Jiva = To live Future Tense Haur Hasesaum/Hasesami/ * I shall laugh. Haum = I shall sleep. Haum - I shall dance. Haun = I shall sulk. Hasihium/Hasihimi Sayesaum/Sayesami/ Sayihium/Sayihimi Naccesaus/Naccesami/ Naccihium/Naccihimi Rusesaus/Rusesami/ Rusihium/Rusihimi Lukkesaum/Lukkesami/ Lukkihium/Lukkihimi Jaggesaus/Jaggesami/ Jaggihius/Jaggihimi Jivesaum/Jivesami/ Jivihium/Jivihimi ) Haum = I shall hide. Haum : I shall wake up. Haum - I shall live. Haum = 1, First Person Singular Number (Personal Pronoun) In the First Person Singular of the Future Tense 'sa' and 'hi' suffixes are used in the Verbs. After this, the First Person Singular suffixes 'um' and 'mi' of the Present Tense are added to the Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 31 Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. 4. 32 Verbs. In using 'sa' suffix in the verbs, a of 'a'-ending Verbs is changed into 'e' and on using 'hi' suffix in the Verbs, a of 'a'ending Verbs is changed into 'i'. In the Conjugation of Verbs in the Future Tense, the suffixes of the Present Tense are used in the above mentioned way. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these sentences the Subject 'Haum' agrees with the Verb in the First Person Singular Number. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 19 Pronoun Second Person Singular Number Tuhum : You Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Rusa - To sulk, Jiva - To live Saya - To sleep, Lukka - To hide, Nacca - To dance, Jagga - To wake up, Future Tense Tuhum Hasesabi/Hasesasi/ - You will laugh. Tuhum - You will sleep. Tuhum - You will dance. Hasihihi/Hasihisi Sayesahi/Sayesasi/ Sayihihi/Sayihisi Naccesahi/Naccesasi/ Naccihihi/Naccihisi Rusesahi/Rusesasi/ Rusihihi/ Rusihisi Lukkesahi/Lukkesasi/ Tuhum - You will sulk. Tuhum - You will hide Lukkihihi/Lukkihisi Tuhum - You will wake up. Jaggesahi/Jaggesasi/ Jaggihihi/Jaggihisi Jivesahi/Jivesasi/ Jivihihi/Jivihisi Tuhum = You will live. 1. Tuhum - You, Second Person Singular Number (Personal Pronoun) In the Second Person Singular of the Future Tense 'sa' and 'hi' suffixes are used in the Verbs. After this, the Second Person Sin Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 33 Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ gular suffixes 'hi' and 'si' of the Present Tense are added to the Verbs. In using 'sa' suffix in the verbs, a of'a'-ending Verbs is changed into 'e' and on using 'hi' suffix in the Verbs, a of 'a'ending Verbs is changed into 'i'. In the Conjugation of Verbs in the Future Tense, the suffixes of the Present Tense are used in the above-mentioned way. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. w - 34 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ So He (Masculine) Sa = She (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Hasa To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva : To live So Sa So Sa So Sa So Sa Lesson 20 Pronoun Saya To sleep, Lukka To hide, = Third Person Singular Number Future Tense Hasesai/Hasesae/ Hasihii/Hasihie Hasesai/Hasesae/ Hasihii/Hasihie Sayesai/Sayesae/ Sayihii/Sayihie Sayesai/Sayesae/ Sayihii/Sayihie Naccesai/Naccesae/ Naccihii/Naccihie Naccesai/Naccesae/ Naccihii/Naccihie Rusesai/Rusesae/ Rusihii/Rusihie Rusesai/Rusesae/ Rusihii/Rusihie Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Nacca To dance, = Jagga To wake = = She will laugh. = He will laugh. = He will sleep. = She will sleep. = He will dance. She will dance. = He will sulk. = She will sulk. up, 35 Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 36 So Sa So Sa So Sa So Lukkesai/Lukkesae/ Lukkihii/Lukkihie Lukkesai/Lukkesae/ Lukkihii/Lukkihie Jaggesai/Jaggesae/ Jaggihii/Jaggihie Jaggesai/Jaggesae/ Jaggihii/Jaggihie Jivesai/Jivesae/ Jivihii/Jivihie Jivesai/Jivesae/ Jivihii/Jivihie = He (Masculine) Sa She (Feminine) = = He will hide. = She will hide. = He will wake up. She will wake up. - He will live. = She will live. Third Person Singular Number (Personal Pronoun) In the Third Person Singular of the Future Tense 'sa' and 'hi' suffixes are used in the Verbs. After this, the Third Person Singular suffixes 'i' and 'e' of the Present Tense are added to the Verbs. In using 'sa' suffix in the verbs, a of 'a' ending Verbs is changed into 'e' and on using 'hi' suffix in the Verbs, a of 'a'-ending Verbs is changed into 'i'. In the Conjugation of Verbs in the Future Tense, the suffixes of the Present Tense are used in the abovementioned way. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 21 Pronoun - Singular Non- 'a'-ending Verbs ie a, o etc ending Verbs Haum = 1 So - He (Masculine) Tuhum - You Sa = She (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Tha = To stay, Nha = To bathe Ho: To become Future Tense Haum Thasaum/Thasami) = I shall stay. - I shall bathe. = I shall become. | Thahium/Thahimi Haum Nhasaum/Nhasamil Nhihium/Nhahimi Haum Hosaum/Hosami/ Hohium/Hohimi Tuhum Thasahi/Thasasi/ Thahihi/Thihisi Tuhum Nhasahi/Nhisasi/ Nhahihi/Nhahisi Tuhum Hosahi/Hosasi/ Hohihi/Hohisi = You will stay. - You will bathe. - You will become. Thasai/Thahii Thasai/Thahii Nhasai/Nhahii Nhasai/Nhihii - He will stay. - She will stay. = He will bathe. - She will bathe. - He will become. - She will become. Hosai/Hohii Hosai/Hohii Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 37 Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 38 First Person Singular You Second Person Singular So He (Masculine) Third Person } Sa She (Feminine) Singular In the First, Second and Third Person Singular of the Future Tense 'sa' and 'hi' suffixes are used in the Verbs. After this, suffixes of the Persent Tense are added to the Verbs in the abovementioned manner. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Haum = 1 Tuhum Personal Pronouns Singular Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Amhe Amhaim } = We both/We all Intransitive Verbs Hasa To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva To live Amhe Amhe Hasesahum/Hasesamo/ Hasesamu/Hasesama/ Amhaim Hasihihum/Hasihimo/ Hasihimu/Hasihima Lesson 22 Pronoun Amhe Sayesahum/Sayesamo/ Sayesamu/Sayesama Amhaim Sayihihum/Sayihimo/ Sayihimu/Sayihima Amhe First Person Plural Number Saya = To sleep, Lukka To hide, = Naccesahum/Naccesamo/ Naccesamu/Naccesama Amhaim Naccihihum/Naccihimo/ Naccihimu/Naccihima Rusesahum/Rusesamo/ Rusesamu/Rusesama Amhaim Rusihihum/Rusihimo/ Rusihimu/Rusihima Amhe Future Tense Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Nacca To dance, Jagga To wake up, = - We both shall laugh. = We all shall laugh. Lukkesahum/Lukkesamo/ Lukkesamu/Lukkesama - We both shall hide. Amhaim Lukkihihum/Lukkihimo/ = We all shall hide. Lukkihimu/Lukkihima - We both shall sleep. We all shall sleep. We both shall dance. = We all shall dance. = We both shall sulk. = We all shall sulk. 39 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 40 Amhe Jaggesahum/Jaggesamo/ Jaggesamu/Jaggesama Amhaim Jaggihihum/Jaggihimo/ Amhe Amhaim Jaggihimu/Jaggihima Jivesahum/Jivesamo/ Jivesamu/Jivesama Jivihihum/Jivihimo/ Jivihimu/Jivihima = We both shall wake up. = We all shall wake up. = We both shall live. = We all shall live. Amhe Amhaim In the First Person Plural of the Future Tense 'sa' and 'hi' suffixes are added to the Verbs. After this, the First Person Plural suffixes (hum, mo, mu and ma) of the Present Tense are added. On using 'sa' suffix in the Verbs, the a of a- ending Verbs is changed into 'e'- and on using 'hi' suffix in the Verbs, the a of 'a'- ending Verbs is changed into 'i'. For Conjugating the Future Tense, the suffixes of the Present Tense are used in the above manner. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Here the subjects, Amhe/Amhaim are of the First Person Plural, so the Verb is also of the First Person Plural Number. }: We both/We all, First Person Plural Number (Personal Pronoun) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ } Tumhe Tumhaim Intransitive Verbs - You Both/You all Hasa To laugh, = Rusa To sulk, Jiva To live Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Lesson 23 Pronoun Saya To sleep, = Lukka = To hide, - Future Tense Hasesaittha Hasesahu/Hasesaha/ - You both will laugh. Hasihihu/Hasihiha/ Hasihittha Second Person Plural Number Sayesaittha Sayihihu/Sayihiha/ Sayihittha Naccesaittha Sayesahu/Sayesaha/ - You both will sleep. Naccihihu/Naccihiha/ Naccihittha Rusesaittha Nacca To dance, Jagga To wake up, Naccesahu/Naccesaha/ You both will dance. Rusihihu/Rusihiha/ Rusihittha Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition = = - - Rusesahu/Rusesaha/ = You both will sulk. You all will laugh. You all will sleep. = = You all will dance. You all will sulk. 41 Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1 2. 3. 4. 42 Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Lukkesahu/Lukkesaha/ = You both will hide. = Lukkesaittha Lukkihihu/Lukkihiha/ Lukkihittha Jaggihittha Jivesahu/Jivesaha/ Jaggesahu/Jaggesaha/ You both will wake up. Jaggesaittha Jaggihihu/Jaggihiha/ Jivesaittha Jivihihu/Jivihiha/ Jivihittha = You all will hide. You both /You all Second Person Plural Number (Personal Pronoun) In the Second Person Plural of the Future Tense, 'sa' and 'hi' suffixes are added to the Verbs, After this, the Second Person Plural suffixes (hu, ha, ittha) of the Present Tense are added. On using 'sa' suffix in the Verbs the a of a-ending Verbs is changed into 'e'-and in using 'hi' suffix in the Verbs the a of a-ending Verbs is changed into 'i'. In the use of 'itha' suffix the inflexion is :sa+ittha = saittha, hi+ittha = hittha. For conjugating the Future Tense, the suffixes of the Present Tense are used in the above - You all will wake up. = You both will live. - You all will live. manner. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Here the subjects, Tumhe/Tumhaim are of the Second Person Plural, so, the Verb is also of the Second Person Plural Number. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 24 Pronoun Te: They both (Masculine)/They all (Masculine) Third Person Plural Ta - They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Rusa = To sulk, Jiva - To live Saya : To sleep, Lukka - To hide, Nacca : To dance, Jagga - To wake up, Future Tense Te Hasesahim/Hasesanti/ = They both will laugh. Hasesante/Hasesaire Hasihihim/Hasihinti/ = They all will laugh. Hasihinte/Hasihiire Hasesahim/Hasesanti/ - They both will laugh. Hasesante/Hasesaire Hasihihim/Hasibinti/ * They all will laugh. - They both will sleep. * They all will sleep. Hasihinte/Hasihiire Sayesahim/Sayesanti/ Sayesante/Sayesaire Sayihihim/Sayihinti/ Sayihinte/Sayihjire Sayesahim/Sayesanti/ Sayesante/Sayesaire Sayihihis/Sayihinti/ Sayihinte/Sayihiire ta - They both will sleep. * They all will sleep. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 43 Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 Te Ta Te Ta Te Ta Naccesahim/Naccesanti/ Naccesante/Naccesaire Naccihihim/Naccihinti/ Naccihinte/Naccihiire Naccesahim/Naccesanti/ Naccesante/Naccesaire Naccihihim/Naccihinti/ Naccihinte/Naccihiire Rusesahim/Rusesanti/ Rusesante/Rusesaire Rusihihim/Rusihinti/ Rusihinte/Rusihiire Rusesahim/Rusesanti/ Rusesante/Rusesaire Rusihihim/Rusihinti/ Rusihinte/Rusihiire Lukkesahim/Lukkesanti/ Lukkesante/Lukkesaire Lukkihihim/Lukkihinti/ Lukkihinte/Lukkihiire Lukkesahim/Lukkesanti/ Lukkesante/Lukkesaire Lukkihihim/Lukkihinti/ Lukkihinte/Lukkihiire -They both will dance. = -They both will dance. = - They all will dance. = - They both will sulk. = They all will dance. = = They both will sulk. = They all will sulk. = -They both will hide. They all will sulk. They all will hide. They both will hide. = - They all will hide. Apabhramsa Grammar and Compositior Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - They both will wake up. Jaggesahin/Jaggesanti/ Jaggesante/Jaggesaire Jaggihihim/Jaggibinti/ - They all will wake up. Ta - They both will wake up. Jaggihinte/Jaggihjire Jaggesahim/Jaggesanti/ Jaggesante/Jaggesaire Jaggihihim/Jaggihinti/ - They all will wake up. Jaggihinte/Jaggihiire Te Jivesabin/Jivesanti/ = They both will live. Jivesante/Jivesaire Jivihihim/Jivihinti/ = They all will live. Jivibinte/Jivihiire Ta Jivesahin/Jivesanti/ = They both will live. Jivesante/Jivesaire Jivihihim/jivihinti/ * They all will live. Jivihinte/ Jivihiire Te : They both (Masculine)/They all (Masculine) Third Person Ta = They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) S Plural In the Third Person Plural of the Future Tense, 'sa' and 'hi' suffixes are added to the Verbs, After this the Third Person Plural suffixes (him, nti, nte and ire) of the Present Tense are added. On using 'sa' suffix in the Verbs the a of a-ending Verbs is changed into 'e'- and on using 'hi' suffix in the Verbs the a of a-ending Verbs is changed into i. For Conjugating the Future Tense, the suffixes of the Present Tense are used in the above manner. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Here the subjects Te/Ta are of the Third Person Plural, so, the verb is of the Third Person Plural Number. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 45 Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 25 Pronoun - Plural Non-'a'-ending Verbs ie a, o etc ending Verbs Amhe W e both/We all Tumhe }You both/You all Amhaims Tumhaim Te - They both (Masculine)/They all (Masculine) Ta - They both (Feminine)/They all (Feminine) Intransitive Verbs Tha - To stay Nha = To bathe Ho : To become Future Tense Amhe Thasahum/Thasamol = We both shall stay. Thasamu/Thasama Thahihur/Thahimol = We all shall stay. Amhaim Thahimu/Thahima Amhe Nhasahur/Nhasamol = We both shall bathe. Amhaim Nhasamu/Nhisama Nhahihum/Nhahimol - We all shall bathe. Nhahimu/Nhahima Amhe Weboth shall become. Hosahus/Hosamo/ Hosamu/Hosama Hohihum/Hohimol Hohimu/Hohima Amhaim = We all shall become. 46 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Tumhe Tumhaim Te Ta Thasahu/Thasaha/ Thasaittha Thahihu/Thahiha/ Thahittha Nhasahu/Nhasaha/ Nhasaittha Nhahihu/Nhahiha/ Nhahittha Hosahu/Hosaha/ Hosaittha Hohihu/Hohiha/ Hohittha Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition = = = You both shall stay. You all shall stay. = You both shall bathe. You all shall bathe. -You both shall become. - You all shall become. Thasahim/Thasanti/ Thasante/Thasaire Thahihim/Thahinti/ = They all will stay. Thahinte/Thahiire Thasahim/Thasanti = They both will stay. Thasante/Thasaire Thahihim/Thahinti/ Thahinte/Thahiire They both will stay. They all will stay. 47 Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Te Nhasahim/Nhasanti/ = They both will bathe. Nhasante/Nhasaire Ta Nhahihim/Nhahinti) = They all will bathe. Nhahinte/Nhahiire Nhasahim/Nhasanti/ = They both will bathe. Nhasante/Nhasaire Nhahihim/Nhahinti) = They all will bathe. Nhahinte/Nhahiire Hosahim/Hosanti/ - They both will become. Hosante/Hosaire Hohihim/Hohinti) = They all will become. Hohinte/Hohiire Ta Hosahim/Hosanti/ = They both will become. Hosante/Hosaire Hohihim/Hohinti/ = They all will become. Hohinte/Hohiire Amhe We both/We all, First Person plural Number Amhair Tumhe Tumhaim - You both/You all, Second Person Plural Number Personal Pronoun Plural Tea They both (Masculine)/ They all (Masculine) (Third Person They both (Feminine)/ ( Plural Number Ta: They all (Feminine) 48 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2. 3. 4. Suffixes of Future Tense (Lesson 17 to 25) Singular saum, hium sami, himi First Person Second Person sahi, hihi sasi, hisi sase hise sai, hii sae, hie Third Person All the above Verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these sentences Person and Number of the Verbs agree with the Subject. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Plural sahum, hihum samo, himo samu, himu sama, hima sahu, hihu saha, hiha saittha, hittha (Hi+ittha) sahim, hihim santi, hinti sante, hinte saire, hiire 49 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 26 Exercises 1. 2. Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa: (1) We shall embarrass. (2) You will weep. (3) We all shall leap. (4) I shall play. (5) He will jump. (6) They will fight. (7) You all will faint. (8) We both shall go round. (9) You both will sit. (10) We shall get up. (11) They will flounder. (12) You will tire. (13) He will rejoice. (14) We all will endeavour. (15) You will die. (16) You both will quarrel. (17) He will weep. (18) I shall fall. (19) She will get up. (20) You will play. (21) We all will clash. (22) We shall flounder. (23) You all will jump. (24) They will go round. (25) You all will leap. (26) We shall fear. (27) They will rejoice. Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa : (1) I tremble. (2) You should fight. (3). He will tire. (4) We all fear. (5) I may jump. (6) You both will leap. (7) You fall. (8) Let him clash. (9) I shall get up. (10) You endeavour. (11) They should sit. (12) We shall rejoice. (13) I weep. (14) You may get up.(15) They will die. (16) He jumps. (17) Let us leap. (18) I shall go round. (19) They tire. (20) We should play. (21) She will tremble. (22) She fears. (23) Let him fight. (24) They will embarrass. (25) They get up. (26) You both should endeavour. (27) You all will jump. Fill each blank in the following sentences with an appropriate Pronoun. (1) ........... thakkami. (2) ........... darahum. (3) ........... padamo. (4) .......... utthi. (5) ........... kalahahi. (6) ........ ghumaha. (7) .......... acche. (8) .......... muccha. (9) .......... bhidamu. (10) .......... kullau. (11) .......... jujjhaun. (12) .......... ujjamantu. (13) ......... kampasi. (14).......... ullasei. (15) .......... ucshalahu. (16) .......... hasesami. (17) .......... utthesahum. (18) .......... kullesahu. (19) ........... maresahim. (20) .......... maresanti. (21) ......... khelihisi. (22) .......... lajjihium. (23) .......... ruvihiha. 50 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (24) ......... jujjhesami. (25) .......... lajjesaittha. (26) .......... marihimo. (27) .......... marihimu. (28) ......... kampihinti. (29) .......... mucchihinti. (30) .......... ullasaum. Fill each blank in the following sentences as directed. (1) Haum (kulla - in the Present Tense.) (2) Amhe ................... (khela - in the Future Tense.) (3) Amhaim ..................... (jujjha - in the Present Tense.) (4) Tumhe ..... (uttha - in the Imperative.) (5) Tuhus (accha - in the Future Tense.) (6) Te ..... (muccha - in the Present Tense.) (7) So (ruva - in the Imperative.) (8) Ta (dara - in the Imperative.) (9) Tuhum ................... (ullasa - in the Imperative.) (10) Sa ...... (lajja - in the Future Tense) .................... (dar Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 51 Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Intransitive Verbs Hasa To laugh, Nacca To dance, Suffixes of the Absolutive i 52 iu Lesson 27 Absolutive (An action completed at some past time) ivi avi eppi evi Hasi= Nacci= Lukki= Having laughed Having danced Having hided Hasiu: Nacciu= Lukkiu= Having laughed Having danced Having hided Hasivi= Naccivi= Lukkivi: Having laughed Having danced Having hided Hasavi Naccavi= Lukkavi: Having laughed Having danced Having hided Haseppi: Nacceppi= Lukkeppi= Having laughed Having danced Having hided eppinu Haseppinu= Nacceppinu Lukkeppinu: Having laughed Having danced Having hided Hasevi: Naccevi= Lukkevi Having laughed Having danced Having hided Hasevinu Naccevinu= Lukkevinu Having laughed Having danced Having hided evinu The use in sentences Haum Hasa = Nacca Lukka To hide. = Hasi/Hasiu/Hasivi/Hasavi/Haseppi/ Haseppinu/Hasevi/Hasevinu Lukka Jivaum - Having laughed, I live. = Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Haur Haur Tuhum Hasi/Hasiu/Hasivi/Hasavi/Haseppi/ Haseppinu/Hasevi/Hasevinu Jivamu = Having laughed, I should live. Hasi/Hasiu/Hasivi/Hasavi/Haseppi/ Haseppinu/Hasevi/Hasevinu Jivesaum - Having laughed, I shall live. Nacci/Nacciu/Naccivi/Naccavi/Nacceppi/ Nacceppinu/Naccevi/Naccevinu Thakkahi - Having danced, You tire. Nacci/Nacciu/Nccivi/Nccavi/Nacceppi/ Nacceppinu/Naccevi/Naccevinu Thakkahi - Having danced, You may tire Nacci/Nacciu/Naccivi/Naccavi/Nacceppi/ Nacceppinu/Naccevi/Naccevinu Thakkesahi - Having danced, You will tire Tuhum Tuhun In this way make sentences by using other Personal Pronouns. Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa by using the suffixes of the Absolutives : (1) Having wept, he sleeps. (2) Having embarrassed, she gets up. (3) Having fallen, they get up. (4) Having tired, you all should sit (5) Having played, we rejoice. (6) Having got up. we shall sit. (7) Having jumped, they will sit. (8) Having played, you should rejoice. (9) Having sulked, they hide. (10) Having gone round, she will rejoice. 1. For expressing the purport of 'having laughed', 'having slept', 'having waken up' the above-mentioned suffixes are used in Apabhramsa. After adding the above suffixes to the Verbs, the words so formed are known as Absolutives. When the Subject, after completing one action, does the other, the Absolutive is Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition 53 Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ used for the prior action completed. Here the Absolutive signifying word and the simple Verb, both are related to the Subject. (having laughed, he sleeps). Here 'laughed' and 'sleeps' are related to the Subject 'he'. The Absolutives are Indeclinable. Therefore, there is no inflection in them. All the above suffixes are used in the Intransitive Verbs. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. 54 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 28 Infinitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Nacca - To dance Suffixes of the Hasa Nacca Infinitive evam Hasevam : For laughing Naccevam - For dancing or to laugh or to dance ana Hasana - For laughing Naccana - For dancing or to laugh or to dance anaham Hasanaham - For laughing Naccanaham = For dancing or to laugh or to dance anahim Hasanahim - For laughing Naccanahim - For dancing or to laugh or to dance eppi Haseppi : For laughing Nacceppi : For dancing or to laugh or to dance eppinu Haseppinu = For laughing Nacceppinu = For dancing or to laugh or to dance Hasevi : For laughing Naccevi : For dancing or to laugh or to dance evinu Hasevinu = For laughing Naccevinu = For dancing or to laugh or to dance evi The use in sentences Haum Hasevam/Hasana/Hasanaham/Hasanahim/ Haseppi/Haseppinu/Hasevi/Hasevinu Jivaum = I live for laughing. Haui Hasevam/Hasana/Hasanaham/Hasanahim/ Haseppi/Haseppinu/Hasevi/Hasevinu Jivamu = I should live to laugh. Haum Hasevam/Hasana/Hasanaham/Hasanahim/ Haseppi/Haseppinu/Hasevi/Hasevinu Jivesaum = I shall live to laugh. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 55 Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Tuhum 56 Utthahi = You get up to dance. Tuhum Naccevam/Naccana/Naccanaham/Naccanahim/ Nacceppi/Nacceppinu/Naccevi/Naccevinu Tuhum Naccevam/Naccana/Naccanaham/Naccanahim/ Nacceppi/Nacceppinu/Naccevi/Naccevinu Likewise make sentences by using other Personal Pronouns. Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa by using Infinitive suffixes: Utthu You should get up to dance. Naccevam/Naccana/Naccanaham/Naccanahim/ Nacceppi/Nacceppinu/Naccevi/Naccevinu Utthesahi = You will get up to dance. (1) He dances to tire. (2) She falls to sit. (3) They hide to fight. (4) You all should sit for getting up. (5) We shall go round to play. (6) Both of you should live to rejoice. (7) They should tire to sleep. (8) He should endeavour to wake up. (9) They will get up to dance. (10) They will get up to leap. For expressing the purport of 'for laughing', or 'to laugh' 'for dacing' or 'to dance', 'for living' or 'to live' etc., the above-mentioned suffixes are used in Apabhramsa. The words which are formed by adding these suffixes to the Verbs are called Infinitives. These words are Indeclinable. Therefore, these are not inflected. The last suffixes (eppi, eppinu, evi, evinu) of the Infinitive are similar to the Absolutives. Meaning will depend on the context. All the above-mentioned suffixes are used in the Intransitive Verbs. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 29 Nouns and Verbs (1) a-ending Nouns (Masculine) Karaha - Camel Rayana - Jewel Kukkura - Dog Sayara - Ocean Gantha - Book Raya - Monarch Janera - Father Narinda - King Putta - Son Balaa - Child Potta - Grandson Dujjasa - Disgrace Ghara - House Hanuvanta - Hanumana Maula - Maternal Uncle Gavva - Pride Piamaha = Paternal Grandfather Huavaha - Fire Sasura = Father-in-law Marua = Wind Diara - Husband's younger brother Pada - Cloth Nara - Human being Kayanta - Death Paramesara - God Divayara - Sun Rahunandana - Rama Rakkhasa - Demon Vaya - Vow Siha - Lion Agama - Scripture Dukkha - Suffering Sappa - Serpent Mitta - Friend Bhava - World Duha : Grief Kuva - Well Bappa - Father Meha - Cloud Salila : Water Gama - Village Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 57 Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Intransitive Verbs Gala - To vanish Nijjhara - To trickle, to drop Khaya - To end, to disappear Soha = To shine Jala - To burn Sukka - To dry up Ludha - To fall down Pasara - To spread Ho - To become, to exist Dula - To move about Hu : To become, to exist Dukkha : To ache Uppajja - To be born Pala = To run away Vala - To turn Baisa : To sit Jara - To grow old Bukka : To bark Gajja = To roar, To thunder Tutta = To break Uga - To rise, to sprout, to grow Kanda = To weep Udda = To fly Harisa = To rejoice Nassa - To disappear All the above Nouns are a-ending Masculine. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. 58 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Narinda King Lesson 30 a-ending Nouns (Masculine) Nominative Singular - Intransitive Verbs Hasa To laugh Nominative Case (Singular) Narindu Narindo Hasai/Hasei/Hasae Narinda Narinda Balau Balao Jaggai/Jaggei/Jaggae Balaa Balaa Nominative Case (Singular) Narindu Narindo Hasau/Haseu Narinda Narinda Balau Balao Jaggau/Jaggeu Balaa Balaa Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Balaa = Child Jagga To wake up = Present Tense (Singular) The king laughs. The child wakes up. Imperative (Singular) - The king should laugh. = The child should wake up. 59 Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 60 Nominative Case (Singular) Narindu' Narindo Hasesai/Hasesae Narinda Hasihii/Hasihie Narinda Balau Balao Jaggesai/Jaggesae Jaggihii/Jaggihie Balaa Balaa Future Tense (Singular) - The king will laugh. - The child will wake up. Narindu/Narindo/Narinda/Narinda = Nominative Case Singular (a-ending Masculine) In the a-ending Masculine, 'Narinda', 'u', 'o', 'zero' and 'zero-a suffixes are used in the Nominative Case Singular. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In the Active Voice, Subject (Person, Thing etc) is used in the Nominative Case. All the above-mentioned Verbs are Intransitive. The Verbal form which is used with the above-mentioned Nouns is of the 'Third Person Singular Number'. With Nouns used in the Nominative Case, the verb used is of the 'Third Person Pronoun'. Here Noun is in the Singular Number, therefore, Verb is also of the Singular Number. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 31 a-ending Nouns (Masculine) Nominative Plural Narinda = King Balaa : Child Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh Jagga : To wake up Nominative Case (Plural) Narinda Hasahim/Hasanti/ Narinda Hasante/Hasire Present Tense (Plural) - Kings laugh. Children wake up. Balaa Balaa Jaggahin/Jagganti/ Jaggantel Jaggire Nominative Case Imperative (Plural) (Plural) Narinda Hasantu/Hasentu - Kings should laugh. Narinda Balaa Balaa Jaggantu/Jaggentu vagga - Children may wake up. Future Tense (Plural) Nominative Case (Plural) Narinda Hasesahim/Hasesanti Narinda Hasihihim/Hasihinti = Kings will laugh. Balaa Balaa Jaggesahin/Jaggesanti Jaggihihir/Jaggibinti - Children will wake up. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 61 Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ini m Narinda/Narinda - Nominative Case Plural (a-ending Masculine) In the Nominative Plural 'zero', 'zero-a suffixes are used. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In the Active Voice the subject (Person, thing etc) is in the Nominative Case. The Verbal form which is used with the above-mentioned Nouns is of the Third Person Plural. With the Noun in the Active Voice, the Verb used is of the 'Third Person Pronoun'. Here the Noun is Plural, therefore the Verb is also of the Plural Number. w 6. All the above-mentioned Verbs are Intransitive. 62 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 32 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa:(A) - (1) Clouds thunder. (2) The cloth dries. (3) The jewel shines. (4) Disgrace spreads. (5) The fire burns. (6) Father gets up. (7) The book vanishes. (8) The friend endeavours. (9) Raghunandana (Rama) rejoices. (10) The dog barks. (11) Son trembles. (12) The house falls. (13) Human beings (man) grow old. (14) Pride vanishes. (15) Grandfather tires. (16) Vows shine. (17) Camels dance. (18) The sun rises. (19) Demons fear. (20) Lions sit. (B). (1) Let the maternal uncle get up. (2) Grandson should go round. (3) Pride should vanish. (4) Children should play. (5) Let the demons die. (6) Suffering should vanish. (7) Let the religious books shine. (8) Let the friend rejoice. (9) Let the ocean extend. (10) Let the son live. (C) - (1) The Fire will burn. (2) Religious books will disappear. (3) Serpents will fly. (4) Raghunandana will rejoice. (5) The world will vanish. (6) Demons will faint. (7) The child will sulk. (8) Human beings will endeavour. (9) Houses will fall. (10) The well will dry up. Correct the following sentencs which are in the Present Tense (Put the Verbal form according to the Subject). (1) Kukkuru bukkanti. (2) Gantho nassante. (3) Naru kandanti. (4) Dukkhu tuttanti. (5) Karaho thakkanti. (6) Maulu thakkahim. Correct the following sentences which are in the Imperative (Put the Verbal form according to the Subject). (1) Sasuro utthantu. (2) Diaru Naccantu. (3) Paramesaro harisentu. (4) Hanuvanto baisantu.(5) Sihu palantu.(6) Kayanto hontu. Fill each blank in the following sentences as directed (Put the Verbal form according to the Subject). (1) Meha ....... (Pasara - in the Future Tense) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 63 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Kuva ..... (Sukka - in the Future Tense) (3) Sappu ............... .. (Lukka - in the Imperative) (4) Putta .. (Jagga - in the Present Tense) (5) Gharo . (Pada - in the Future Tense) (6). Huavaha .. (Jala - in the Future Tense) (7) Agama (Soha - in the Present Tense) (8) Bhava ... (Khaya - in the Future Tense) (9) Bappa ..... (Ujjama - in the Imperative) (10) Rakkhasa ............... .(Jujjha - in the Future Tense) Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa :(A) - (1) Having feared, the dog weeps. (2) Having laughed, father lives. (3) Having rejoiced, the king gets up. (4) Having feared, the serpent runs away. (5) Having sulked, father-in-law clashes. (6) Having fallen, the jewel breaks. (7) Having waken up, father moves about. (B) - (1) Father should live for laughing. (2) Grandson should get up for dancing. (3) The fire may burn to vanish. (4) Grandfather should get up to go round. (5) Water should trickle for drying up. (6) Having grieved, the friend quarrels. (7) The sun should rise for shining. (C)-(1) Having quarrelled, son will embarrass. (2) The friend will live to rejoice. (3) The camel will dance for tiring. (4) Having fallen, the house will vanish. (5) Having broken, the vow will vanish. (6) Demons will jump for dying. (7) Having spread, water will dry up. 64 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1). a-ending Nouns (Neuter Gender) Vimana = Aircraft Sasana = Government Patta = Paper Sokkha Pleasure Rajja Kingdom, State Pottala Small bundle Naha = Sky Sila = Moral conduct Nayarajana Citizen = Milk = = Khira Chikka Sneeze Lakkuda Stick, wood Udaga = Water Gana = Song Bhaya = Fear Veragga Detachment Sacca Truth Ratta Blood Marana = Death Khetta Field 11 Lesson 33 Nouns and Verbs = = Dhanna Rice Dhana = Wealth Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Majja = Wine Vasana = Addiction Jua Gambling Asana = Food Tina = Grass = Forest Vana Vattha Cloth Kattha Wood Bhoyana Food Ghaya Clarified butter Sira Sutta Suha Rina Bia = Seed Jivana = Life Rupa Kamma Action Jovvana Youth = =1 = = = Head = = Debt = = Thread Pleasure Nana Knowledge Mana Mind Beauty = 65 Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2). Intransitive Verbs Cettha - To endeavour Gunja = To roar Sijjha = To succeed Ucchaha = To enthuse Cukka : To mistake Vaddha - To increase Viasa = To bloom, to blossom Lotta - To sleep, To roll about Cua - To drop Kudda = To jump Jamma = To be born Jagada = To quarrel Jagara - To wake up Vijja - To be present Khijja - To grieve Cittha = To stay, to sit Lobha - To covet Kila = To sport Kila - To be enchanted Ghata - To decrease Cirava = To delay Tava - To shine like flame, To mortify Vasa = To reside Chutta - Fo separate, To be free Hava - To become Rama - To wander happily Phura = To appear, To manifest All the above Nouns are a-ending Neuter. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. 2. 66 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Kamala Lesson 34 a-ending Nouns (Neuter) Nominative Singular Intransitive Verbs Lotus flower, Viasa = To blossom, Nominative Case (Singular) Kamalu Kamala Kamala Dhanu Dhana Dhana Dhanu Dhana Dhana Vaddhae Nominative Case (Singular) Kamalu Kamala Viasau/Viaseu Kamala Vaddhai/Vaddhei/ Viasai/Viasei/Viasae = The lotus flower blossoms. Vaddhau/Vaddheu Nominative Case (Singular) Kamalu Kamala Kamala Viasesai/Viasesae Viasihii/Viasihie Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Dhana Wealth = Vaddha = To increase Present Tense (Singular) The wealth increases. Imperative (Singular) - The lotus flower may blossom. = The wealth may increase. Future Tense (Singular) = The lotus flower will blossom. 67 Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dhanu Dhana Dhana Vaddhesai/ Vaddnesae : The wealth will increase. Vaddhihii/Vaddhibie 1. Kamalu/Kamala/Kamala - Nominative Case Singular (a-ending Neuter) In the Nominative Singular of a-ending Neuter Noun 'Kamala' 'u', zero, zero-a suffixes are used. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In the Active Voice the subject is in the Nominative Case. All the above-mentioned Verbs are Intransitive. The Verbal form used with the above-mentioned Nouns is of the Third Person Singular Number. With the Nouns in the Active Voice, the Verb used is of the 'Third Person Pronoun', here the Noun is Singular, therefore, the Verb is also of the Singular Number. 68 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 35 a-ending Nouns (Neuter) Nominative Plural Kamala - Lotus flower, Dhana - Wealth Intransitive Verbs Viasa - To blossom, To bloom Vaddha = To increase Present Tense (Plural Number) Nominative Case (Plural Number) Kamalai Kamalaim Viasahim/Viasanti/ Kamala Viasante/ Viasire Kamala * The lotus flowers blossom. Dhanaim Dhanaim Dhana Vaddhahim/Vaddhanti/ - Wealths increase. Vaddhante/Vaddhire Dhana Imperative (Plural Number) Nominative Case (Plural Number) Kamalai Kamalaim Kamala Kamala Viasantu/Viasentu : Lotus flowers may blossom. Dhanaim Dhanaim Vaddhantu/Vaddhentu = Wealths may increase. Dhana Dhana Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 69 Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative Case Future Tense (Plural Number) (Plural Number) Kamalair Kamalairn Viasesahim/Viasesanti/ = Lotus flowers will Kamala Viasihihim/Viasihinti bloom. Kamala Dhanaim Dhanaim = Wealths will Vaddhesahim/ Vaddhesanti/ Vaddhihihim/ Vaddhihinti Dhana increase. Dhana 1. - Kamalais/Kamalaim/ : Nominative Case Plural Kamala/Kamala (a-ending Neuter) In the Nominative Plural of a-ending Neuter Noun 'Kamala' 'im', im-aim, zero and zero-a suffixes are used. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In the Active Voice, the Subject is in the Nominative Case. m All the above mentioned verbs are Intransitive. d w The Verbal form used with the above-mentioned Nouns is of the Third Person Plural Number. With the Nouns in the Active Voice, the Verb used is of the Third Person Pronoun. Here the Noun is Plural, therefore, the Verb is also of the Plural Number o 70 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 36 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa : (A) * (1) Pleasure increases. (2) Milk drops. (3) Citizens rejoice. (4) The small bundle falls down. (5) Youth blosooms. (6) The state mistakes. (7) The sky thunders. (8) The moral conduct appears. (9) Grass burns. (10) The debt increases. (B). (1) Detachment should increase. (2) Pain should decrease. (3) The state should endeavour. (4) Knowledge should succeed. (5) The government should fear. (6) The moral conduct should shine. (7) The wealth should decrease. (8) The small bundle should fall down. (9) Truth should blossom.(10) Water should drop (C). (1) Citizens will sleep. (2) Beauty will bloom. (3) The government will endeavour. (4) Seeds will sprout. (5) The wood will burn. (6) The state will enthuse. (7) Karmas will vanish. (8) Suffering will spread. (9) Aircrafts will fly. (10) Truth will shine. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 71 Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1) a-ending Nouns (Feminine) 12424 72 Lesson 37 Nouns and Verbs Parikkha Siya = Sita Suya = Daughter Sasa = Sister Maya = Mother Vaya = Speech Ana = Order Kamala = Wealth Karuna = Compassion Ganga = Ganges Jara = Old age Tanaya - Daughter = Nammaya Naramada Kaha = Story Jauna = Yamuna Jaa = Wife Saddha Faith Meha = Intelligence - Sanjha = Evening = Examination Kanna = Bhukkha - Hunger = = Girl Kalasiya = Small earthan water pot Guha Cave Jhumpada = Hut Nidda = Sleep Paittha = Reputation Pasamsa Praise Sikkha = Education Soha Splendour Maira = Wine Saria River Ahilasa = Desire Gadda = Ditch, Pit Dhua - Daughter Nananda = Husband's sister Mahila = Woman Panna = Wisdom Tisa Thirst = Tanha = Desire Nisa = Night Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Intransitive Verbs Vama = To vomit Chijja = To deteriorate Khumma - To be hungry Khasa = To cough Gadayala - To whine Biha - To fear Uvasama - To calm down Ussasa = To breathe Lagga - To occur Uvavisa - To sit Utara - To come down Thambha - To stop, To halt 1. All the above Nouns are a-ending Feminine. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. V Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 73 Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 38 a-ending Nouns (Feminine) Nominative Singular Sasa - Sister, Maya - Mother Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Jagga - To wake up Nominative Case (Singular) Present Tense (Singular) Sasa Hasai/Hasei/Hasae = Sister laughs. Sasa Maya s taggai/Jaggei/Jaggae - Mother wakes up. Maya Nominative Case (Singular) Sasa Imperative (Singular) Sasa Hasau/Haseu - Sister should laugh. Maya Maya Jaggau/Jaggeu = Mother should wake up. Future Tense (Singular) Nominative Case (Singular) Sasa Hasesai/Hasesae Sasa S Hasihii/Hasihie - Sister will laugh. Maya Jaggesai/Jaggesae Maya S Jaggihii/Jaggihie - Mother will wake up. 74 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sasa/Sasa = Nominative Case Singular Number (a-ending Feminine) In the Nominative Singular a-ending Feminine Noun, Sasa, 'zero' and zero-short (-a) suffixes are used All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In the Active Voice, the Subject (Person, thing etc) is in the Nominative Case. All the above-mentioned Verbs are intransitive. The Verbal form used with the above-mentioned Nouns is of the Third Person Singular Number. With the Noun in the Active Voice, the Verb used is of the 'Third Person Pronoun'. Here the Noun is Singular, therefore, the Verb is also of the Singular Number. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 75 Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 39 a-ending Nouns (Feminine Gender) Nominative Plural Sasa - Sister, Maya - Mother Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Jagga - To wake up Nominative Case Present Tense (Plural) (Plural) Sasa Sasa - Sisters laugh. Sasau Sasau Hasahim/Hasanti/ Hasante/Hasire Sasao = Mothers wake up. Sasao Maya Maya Mayau Jaggahim/Jagganti/ Mayau Jaggante/Jaggire Mayao Mayao) Nominative Case (Plural) Sasa Sasa Sasau Hasantu/Hasentu Sasau Sasao Imperative (Plural) = Sisters should laugh. Sasao Mothers should wake up. Maya Maya Mayau | Jaggantu/Jaggentu Mayau Mayao Mayao 76 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative Case Future Tense (Plural) (Plural) Sasa Sasa 1 Hasesahim/Hasesanti/ Sasau Hasesante/Hasesaire/ - Sisters will laugh. Sasau Hasihihim/Hasihinti/ Sasao Hasihinte/Hasihiire Sasao Maya Maya Jaggesahim/Jaggesanti/ Mayau Jaggesante Jaggesaire/ - Mothers will wake up. Mayau Jaggihihim/Jaggihinti/ Mayao Jaggihinte/Jaggihiire Mayao] Sasa/Sasa/Sasau/Sasau/Sasao/Sasao - Nominative Case Plural Number (a-ending Feminine) In the Nominatve Plural of a-ending Feminine Noun 'zero', 'u', 'o' suffixes are used. By using these suffixes the a of a-ending words is also changed into a, as, sasa, sasa, sasau, sasau, sasao, sasao. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In the Active Voice the Subject (Person, thing etc) is in the Nominative Case. All the above-mentioned Verbs are intransitive. The Verbal form used with the above-mentioned Nouns is of the Third Person Plural Number'. With the Noun in the Active Voice, the Verb used is of the 'Third Person Pronoun'. Here the Noun is Plural, therefore, the Verb is also of the Plural Number. Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition 77 Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 40 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa :(A). (1) Sita shines. (2) Sister deteriorates. (3) Mother rejoices. (4) Speech tires. (5) The order appears. (6) The wealth decreases. (7) Compassion disappears. (8) The Ganges spreads. (9) Old age increases. (10) Evening occurs. (11) Girls stop. (12) Huts burn. (13) Small pitcher breaks. (14) Daughters cough. (15) Desires increase. (16) Examinations occur. (17) Evening shines. (18) Words succeed. (19) Rivers dry up. (20) Women endeavour. (B). (1) Faith should increase. (2) Hunger should disappear. (3) The wine should end. (4) Daughter should rejoice. (5) Women should mortify. (6) Wisdom should succeed. (7) Desires should decrease. (8) (Types of) Speech should appear. (9) Women should enthuse. (10) Huts should decrease. (C). (1) Education will spread. (3) Rivers will dry up. (5) The wealth will decrease. (7) Compassion will spread. (9) Girls will delay (2) Desires will calm down. (4) Thirst will occur. (6) Examination will occur. (8) Caves will vanish. (10) Sisters will stay. 78 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 41 Past Participle (Use in the Active Voice) For expressing the purport of the Past Tense, the Past Participle is used in Apabhramsa. The Past Participles are formed by adding the following suffixes to the Verbs. The Past Participles partake of the nature of an Adjective. When the suffixes of this participle are added to the Intransitive Verbs, it can be used in the Active Voice. The inflection of these will be according to the Subject. The subject may be in the Masculine, Neuter and Feminine Genders, therefore the inflection will be accordingly. In the Masculine Gender, the inflexion of the Past Participle will be according to the Masculine Noun 'Deva' and in the Neuter Gender, the inflexion will be according to 'Kamala' and in the Feminine Gender, the inflection will be according to Kaha'. The Past Participle is a-ending (in Masculine or Neuter Gender). For changing the Participle into Feminine Gender, the 'a' suffix of the Participle is changed into a. By this, the Participle becomes a-ending Feminine. (A) Verbs Hasa : To laugh, Nacca = To dance, Jagga : To wake up. Ho : To become or To exist. Suffixes of the Past Hasa Nacca Jagga Ho Participle Hasia Naccia - Jaggia - Hoa : Laughed Danced Wake up Existed ya Hasiya - Nacciya = Jaggiya - Hoya = Laughed Danced Wake up Existed Note - After adding the Past Participle suffix to the Verb, the a of a - ending verbs is changed into i. The Past Participle ya suffix can be changed into 'a'. (1) Use in sentences (Subject Masculine) (Singular) (Active Voice) Narindu) Narindo Hasia/Hasia/Hasio/Hasiu = The King laughed. Narinda Narinda Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 79 Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Narindu Narindo Narinda Narinda Narinda Narinda (B) Verbs Use in sentences (Subject Masculine) (Plural) (Active Voice) Narinda } Narinda 80 Suffixes of the Past Participle * a Vaddha To increase, Hoa/Hou/Hoo/Hoa ya } - Hasia/Hasia Hoa/Hoa Vaddha Vaddhia increased = Vaddhiya increased Kamalu Kamala > Hou/Hoa/Hoa Kamala Viasa Viasia = bloomed Viasiya bloomed = The King existed. Viasa: To bloom, Ho: To exist = Hoya = existed Note After adding the Past Participle suffix to the Verb, the a of a - ending verbs is changed into i. The Past Participle ya suffix can be changed into 'a'. = Kings laughed. = Kings existed. (1) Use in sentences (Subject Neuter Gender) (Singular) (Active Voice) Kamalu Kamala Viasiu/Viasia/Viasia Kamala Ho Hoa = existed : The lotus bloomed. = The lotus existed. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Use in sentences (Subject Neuter Gender) (Plural) (Active Voice) Kamala Kamala Viasia/Viasia/ - Lotuses bloomed. Kamalaim Viasiaim/Viasiaim Kamalaim) Kamala Kamala *Hoa/Hoa/Hoaim/Hoai Kamalaim Kamalaim) - Lotuses existed. Verbs Uttha - To get up, Saya : To sleep. Tha = To stay Suffixes of the Past Uttha Saya Tha Participle Utthia - got up Sayia = slept Thaa - Stayed. ya Utthiya - got up Sayiya - slept Thaya : stayed. Note - After adding the Past Participle suffix to the Verb, the a of a - ending verbs is changed into i. The Past Participle ya suffix can be changed into 'a'. (1) Use in sentences (Subject Feminine) (Singluar) (Active Voice) Sasa) : The Sister got up. Sasa Utthia/Otthia Sasa Sasa Thaa/shaa : The Sister stayed. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 81 Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Use in sentences (Subject Feminine) (Plural) (Active Voice) Sasa Sasa Sasau Utthia/Utthia/Utthiau/Utthiau = Sisters got up. Sasau/ Utthiao/Utthiao Sasao Sasao Sasa - Sisters stayed. Sasa Thai/Thaa/Thaau/ Sasau | Thaau/Thao/Thaao Sasau Sasao Sasao) Note. Before using the Past Participle in the Feminine Gender, the Past Participle is changed into Feminine Gender. For changing the Past Participle into Feminine Gender the a suffix is added, as, utthia-utthia, savia-savia, Thaa-Thai. By this the Past Participle becomes a-ending Feminine. The inflection of these will be according to "kaha'. 82 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 42 Present Participle For expressing the purport of 'laughing', 'sleeping, dancing' etc. the Present Participle is used in Apabhramsa. The Present Participles are formed by adding the following suffixes to the Verbs. The Present Participle partakes of the nature of an Adjective. Therefore, their Genders (Masculine, Neuter and Feminine) Numbers (Singluar, Plural) and cases (Nominative, Accusative etc) are according to a Noun qualified by an adjective. In the Masculine Gender the inflexion of the Participle will be according to 'Deva', in the Neuter Gender, the inflexion will be according to 'Kamala' and in the Feminine Gender, the inflexion will be according to 'Kaha'. The Present Participle is a-ending (Masculine and Neuter), For changing the Participle into Feminine Gender a is added to the suffix of the Participle. By this, the Participle becomes a-ending Feminine. (A) Intransitive Verbs Hasa To laugh, Nacca To dance, Jagga = To wake up. Suffixes of the Present Participle nta Hasanta = Laughing Hasamana Laughing (1) Use in sentences : mana Narindu Narindo Narinda Narinda Hasa = Nacca Naccanta = Jagganta = Dancing Waking up Naccamana Jaggamana = Dancing Waking up (Noun qualified by an adjective ie Present Participle (Masculine, Singular Number, Nominative Case (In all the Tenses) Hasantu/Hasanto Hasanta/Hasanta Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Jagga (Present Tense) Utthai The Laughing king gets up. = (Imperative) Utthau = The Laughing king should get up. 83 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (Past Tense-Past Participle) Utthia - The Laughing king got up. Hasamanu/ Hasamano Hasamana/ Hasamana (Future Tense) Vtthesai - The Laughing king will get up. 1. Here inflexion of the Present Participle agrees with the qualified Noun 'Narinda'. Here 'Narinda' is in the Nominative Case therefore, the Participle is also in the Nominative Case. If the qualified Noun 'Narinda' is inflected in the Accusative, Instrumental, Dative etc. cases, the Present Participle will be inflected accordingly. These cases will be dealt with later on. 2. For forming the Feminine Gender 'i' suffixes is also used, as 'Hasanti', 'Hasamani'. Their inflexion will be according to the Feminine Gender Noun 'lacchi'.i-ending terms will be dealt wilth later on. (2) Use in sentences : Narinda Hasanta/ Hasanta Noun qualified by an adjective ie Present Participle (Masculine, Plural, Nominative Case (In all the Tenses) (Present Tense) Utthahim/ - Laughing kings get up. Utthanti/etc (Imperative) Utthantu - Laughing kings should get up. (Past Tense-Past Participle) Utthia) - Laughing kings Utthia got up. (Future Tense) Utthesahim) - Laughing kings will Utthesanti/etc get up. Narinda Hasama Hasamana 84 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Intransitive Verbs Vaddha = To increase Viasa = To bloom Suffixes of Present Vaddha Viasa Participle nta Vaddhanta = increasing Viasanta - blooming mana Vaddhamana = increasing Viasamana - blooming (1) Use in sentences- Noun qualified by an adjective ie Present Participle (Neuter, Singular Number, Nominative Case (In all the Tenses) (Present Tense) Kamalu Viasantu/ Sohai/etc = Blooming lotus shines. Viasanta/ (Imperative) Viasanta Sohau - Blooming lotus may shine. Kamala Viasamanu/ 1 (Past Tense-Past Participle) Viasamana/ Sohia/etc - Blooming lotus shined. Viasa mana (Future Tense) Kamala Sohesai/etc = Blooming lotus will shine. (2) Use in sentences :: Noun qualified by an adjective ie Present Participle (Neuter, Plural Number, Nominative case (In all the Tenses) Kamala Viasanta/Viasanta/ (Present Tense) Viasantaim/ Sohahim/Sohanti/etc = Viasantaim/Viasamana/ Blooming lotuses shine. Viasamana/ Viasamanaim/ Viasamanaim Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 85 Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . Kamala Viasanta/Viasanta/ (Imperative) Viasantaim/Viasantaim | Sohantu - Blooming lotuses Viasamana/Viasamana/ may shine. Viasamanaim/ Viasamanaim Kamalai Viasanta/Viasanta/ (Past Tense-Past Participle) Viasantaim/Viasantaim Sohia/Sohia/ - Blooming Viasamana/Viasamana/) Sohiaim/ lotuses Viasamanaim/ Sohiaim shined. Viasamanaim Kamalaim Viasanta/Viasanta/ (Future Tense) Viasantaim/Viasantaim | Sohesanti/etc - Blooming Viasamana/Viasamanal lotuses will shine. Viasamanaim/ Viasamanain (C) Intransitive Verbs Nacca - To dance Saya = To sleep Suffixes of the Present Participle Nacca Saya nta Naccanta - Dancing Sayanta - Sleeping mana Naccamana - Dancing Sayamana - Sleeping (1) Use in sentences:- Noun qualified Feminine, Singular, by an adjective Nominative Case (In all the Tenses) Note. First of all the Participle should be changed into Feminine Gen der. For this add a-suffix (Naccanta, Sayanta, Naccamana, Sayamana). It will now be inflected according to 'Kaha'. 86 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (Present Tense) Thakkai/etc - The Dancing sister tires. Naccanta/ Naccanta Sasa (Imperative) Thakkau/etc - The Dancing sister Naccamana/ Naccamana should tire. (Past Tense-Past Participle) Thakkia/Thakkia - The Dancing sister tired. Sasa (Future Tense) Thakkesai/etc - The Dancing sister will tire. (2) Use in sentences: Noun qualified by an adjective ie Present Participle (Feminine, Plural, Nominative Case (In all the Tenses) Note. First of all the Participle should be changed into Feminine Gen der. For this add a-suffix (Naccanta, Sayanta, Naccamana, Sayamana). It will now be inflected according to 'Kaha'. (Present Tense) Thakkahim/etc - Dancing sisters tire. Sasa Naccanta/ (Imperative) Sasa Naccanta/ Thakkantu - Dancing sisters may tire. Sasau Naccantau/ (Past Tense-Past Participle) Sasau Naccantau/ Thakkia/etc - Dancing sisters tired. Sasao Naccantao! (Future Tense) Sasao Naccantao Thakkesahim/etc - Dancing sisters will tire. 1. 2. All the above verbs are Intransitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 87 Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 43 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa : (A)(1) The embarrassing son sits. (2) The barking dog runs away. (3) The suffering grandfather slept. (4) The endeavouring friend rejoiced. (5) The fearing child weeps. (6) Burning fire vanishes. (7) The trembling demons sit. (8) The spreading oceans will dry up. (9) The quarelling grandsons trembled. (10) Dancing camels tire. (11) The whining son sat. (12) The laughing man should live. (13) The rejoicing father should endeavour. (14) The floundering demon died. (15) The dropping water dried up. (B). (1) Burning wood vanishes. (2) The coveting citizen lived. (3) Increasing detachment shines. (4) The flying aircraft fell down. (5) Fighting kingdoms vanish. (6) Increasing moral conduct blossoms. 88 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (7) Mistaking government fears. (8) Succeeding truth will shine. (9) Vanishing karmas separate. (10) Falling down small bundles stopped. (C). (1) The rejoicing daughter got up. (2) Increasing faith shines. (3) The calming down wife sleeps. (4) The enthusing mother sits. (5) The spreading Narmada dried up. (6) Burning huts vanished. (7) Increasing reputation shines. (8) Grieving women go round. (9) The appearing speech succeeded. (10) Burning grass vanished. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 89 Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 44 Past Participle (Use in the Impersonal form) Nouns Pronouns a-ending Masculine Gender Narinda Haum (Personal Pronoun - First Person, Nominative Singular) Tuhum (Personal Pronoun Second Person, Nominative Singular) a-ending Neuter Gender Kamala a-ending Feminine Gender Sasa Intransitive Verbs (1) Hasa = To laugh, Viasa = To bloom, Narindenam Narindem/Narindena/ Hasia/Hasia/ Kamalem/Kamalena/ Kamalenam Sasae/Sasae Maim Paim/Taim Tem/Tena/Tenam Tae/Tae 90 Hasiu Jagga To wake up, Vaddha To increase. = Neuter Gender Singular Viasiu Viasia/Viasia/ So (Masculine), Sa (Feminine) (Personal Pronoun Third Person, Nominative Singular) Jaggia/Jaggia/ Jaggiu - The king laughed. = The lotus bloomed. - The Sister woke up. Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu = I laughed. Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu You laughed. Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu = He laughed. Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu = She laughed. = Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Neuter Gender Singular Narindahim/ Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu - Kings laughed. Narindahim/ Narindehim Kamalahim/ Kamalahim/ Kamalehir Viasia/Viasia/ = Lotuses bloomed. Viasiu Sasa him/Sasahim Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu Amhehirn Tumhehir Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu - Sisters laughed. = We laughed. - You laughed. = They laughed. = They (women) laughed. Tahir/Tahim/Tehim Tahim/Tahim Hasia/Hasia/Hasiu Hasia/Hasia/ Hasiu 1. (A) Narinder/Narindena/ (a-ending masculine genderNarindenam Instrumental case singluar) Kamalem/Kamalena/ (a-ending neuter genderKamalenam Instrumental case singular) Sasae/Sasae (a-ending Feminine-instru mental case singular) Maim (First Person Pronoun-Instrumental case singular (Masculine Feminine) Paim/Taim (Second Person PronounInstrumental case singular (Masculine-Feminine) Ter/Tema/Tenar (Third Person Pronoun Instrumental case singular (Masculine) Tae/Tae (Third Person PronounInstrumental case singular (Feminine) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 91 Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Thus, for the consturction of Instrumental Singular from the a-ending, (Masculine and Neuter) Nouns. 'em', 'na', and 'nam' suffixes are added to them, and on adding 'na' andonam', the a of a-ending nouns is changed into 'e' (Narinder/ Narindena/Narindenam) (Kamalem/Kamalena/Kamalenam). In the Singular of a-ending Feminine Nouns 'e' suffix is added, and on adding 'e' suffix a is changed into 'a' also (Sasae/Sasae). The Third Person Pronoun, Instrumental Singular (Masculine) and the Third Person Pronoun, Instrumental Singular (Feminine) are inflected like a-ending Masculine and a-ending Feminine Nouns as above. The rest, First Person and Second Person Pronouns should be learnt in the above mentioned manner. (B) For the construction of Instrumental Plural of a-ending Masculine and Neuter Nouns and a-ending Feminine Nouns. 'him' suffix is added to them. In adding 'him' suffixes the a of a-ending nouns is changed into 'e' and a also. (Narindahim/Narindehim/Narindahim; Kamalahim/Kamalehim/Kamalahim). For the construction of Instrumental Plural of the First Person, Second Person and Third Person Pronoun also "him' suffix is added to them. In adding him to the three Personal pronouns 'a' is changed into 'e'and only in the Third Person Pronoun 'a' is changed into 'a' and 'a' is changed into 'a' also. (Amha-Amhehim, Tumha+Tumhehim, Ta- Tehim/Tahim/Tahim Ta-Tahim/Tahim). If the Verb is Intransitive, the Past Participle also takes the Impersonal Form. For changing the Past Participle into the Impersonal Form, the Subject is changed into the Instrumental Singular or Plural and the Participle will always be inflected in the Nonimative Case Neuter Gender Singular Number. All the above Verbs are Intransitive. This type of Impersonal form does not exist in English. 3. 92 Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 45 Exercise Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa :(1) Water dropped. (2) Clouds thundered (3) The friend rejoiced. (4) Disreputation spread. (5) The oceans dried. (6) The fire burned. (7) Death ran away. (8) We trembled. (9) You went round. (10) He played. (11) The aircraft flied. (12) The small bundle fell down. (13) Woods burned. (14) Seeds sprouted. (15) Man was born. (16) Dogs barked. (17) Wells dried. (18) Demon died. (19) Jewels shined. (20) Lions roared. (21) The examination occured. (22) Girls hided. (23) Women calmed down. (25) Reputation decreased. (27) Pleasure ended. (29) The hunger occured. (31) They tired. (33) They (Feminine) played. (35) She rejoiced. (24) Daughter coughed. (26) Old age increased. (28) The rice grew up. 130) States fought (32) You feared. (34) Both of you bathed. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 93 Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 46 Intransitive Verbs (use in the Impersonal form) Nouns Pronouns a-ending Masculine Narinda Haum (Personal PronounGender First Person, Nominative Singular) a-ending Neuter Kamala Tuhum (Personal PronounGender Second Person, Nominative Singular) a-ending Feminine Sasa So (Masculine). Sa (Feminine) Gender (Personal Pronoun- Third Person, Nominative Singular) Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Jagga : To wake up, Viasa : To bloom, ValNha : To increase. The above-mentioned Verbs are Intransitive. Intransitive Verbs are used in the Nominative case and in the Impersonal form. For the construction of the Impersonal forms from the Intransitive Verbs, 'ijja' and 'iya' suffixes are added to the Verbs. In the Impersonal forms the subject is used in the Instrumental case (Singular or Plural). After adding the suffixes of the Impersonal form to the Verbs, suffix of the Third Per. son Singular Number is added. The Impersonal form is formed in the Present Tense and in the Imperative. In the Future Tense, the Verbal inflexion in the Nominative Case continues. For expressing the Past Tense the Past Participle is used in the Impersonal form. This type of Imper. sonal form does not exist in English. Suffixes of the Impersonal form Hasa Jagga Present Tense Imperative ijja Hasijja Jaggijja Hasijjai Hasijjau Hasiyai Hasiyau Hasialya) Jaggiyala) Jaggijjail Jaggijjau Jaggiyai J Jaggiyau ia (iya) 94 94 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Singular Present Tense - The king laughs. Narindem/Narindena/ Hasijjai/ Narindenam Hasiyai Kamaler/Kamalena/ Viasijjai/ Kamalenam Viasiyai Sasae/Sasae Jaggijjai/Jaggiyai Mais Hasijjai/Hasiyai Paim/Taim Hasijjai/Hasiyai Tem/Tena/Tenan Hasijjai/Hasiyai Tae/Tae Hasijjai/Hasiyai : The lotus blooms. * Sister wakes up. = I laugh. - You laugh. - He laughs - She laughs. Imperative - The king should laugh. : The lotus should bloom. - Sister should wake up. Narinden/Narindena/ Hasijjau/ Narindenam Hasiyau Kamalen/Kamalena/ Viasijjau/ Kamalena Viasiyau Sasae/Sasae Jaggijjau/ Jaggiyau Maim Hasijjau/ Hasiyau Paim/ Hasijjau/ Taim Hasiyau Ter/Tena/ Hasijjau/ Tenar Hasiyau Tae/ Hasijjau/ Tae Hasiyau = I should laugh. : You should laugh. - He should laugh. - She should laugh. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 95 Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Future Tense Hasesai/ etc The king will laugh. Narindem/Narindena/ Narindenam Kamalem/Kamalena/ Kamalenam Saske/Sasae Maim Viasesai/etc Jaggesai/etc Hasesai/etc Hasesailetc Hasesai/etc Hasesai/etc : The lotus will bloom. = Sister will wake up. = I will laugh. = You will laugh. He will laugh. : She will laugh. Paim/Taim Tem/Tena/Tenam Tae/Tae Plural Present Tense = Kings laugh. Narindahim/Narindahim/ Narindehim Kamalahim/Kamalahim/ Kamalehim - Lotuses bloom. Hasijjai/ Hasiyai Viasijjai/ Viasiyai Jaggijjai/ Jaggiyai Hasijjai/ Hasiyai Sasahim/ Sasahim - Sisters wake up. Amhehin - We laugh. Tumhehim Hasijjai/ - You laugh. Tahim/Tahir/ Hasiyai Hasijjai/ Hasiyai Hasijjai/ Tehim - They laugh. Tahim/ Tahin Hasiyai - They (women) laugh. 96 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Narindahim/Narindahim/ Narindehim Kamalahim/Kamalahim/ Kamalehim Sasahim/ Sasahim Amhehim Tumhehim Tahim/Tahim/ Tehim Tahim/ Tahim Narindahim/Narindahim/ Narindehim Kamalahim/Kamalahim/ Kamalehim Sasahim/Sasahim Amhehim Tumhehim Tahim/Tahim/Tehim Tahim/Tahim 1. 2. Imperative Hasijjau/ Hasiyau Viasijjau/ Viasiyau Jaggijjau/ Jaggiyau Hasijjau/ Hasiyau Hasijjau/ Hasiyau Hasijjau/ Hasiyau Hasijjau/ Hasiyau Future Tense Hasesai/etc Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition = - Lotuses should bloom. - Sisters should wake up. Kings should laugh. - We should laugh. = You should laugh. = They should laugh. = Viasesai/etc = Lotuses will bloom. Jaggesai/etc = Sisters will wake up. Hasesai/etc = We will laugh. Hasesai/etc You will laugh. They will laugh. Hasesai/etc Hasesai/etc = They (women) will laugh. = = They (women) should laugh. See Lesson 44 1 (A). See Lesson 44 1 (B). All the above sentences are Intransitive and all the sentences are of the Impersonal form. Kings will laugh. 97 Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 47 Exercise Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa. While translating use the Impersonal form of the Verbs. (1) The aircrafts fly. (2) Water drops. (3) The friend rejoices. (4) (5) Oceans dry. The fire burns. (6) We tremble. (7) He plays. (8) The small bundle falls down. (9) Lions roar. (10) Girls hide. (11) They should play. (12) Men should be born, (13) Women should calm down. (14) States should fight. (15) Daughters should tire. (16) Mother should rejoice. (17) The education should spread. (18) Faith should increase. (19) Examination should occur. (20) They (Feminine) should embarrass. (21) The aircraft will fly. (22) States will fight. (23) They will jump. (24) Dogs will bark. (25) Seeds will sprout. 98 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 48 Obligatory and Potential Participle (use in the Impersonal Form) For expressing the purport of 'should laugh ishould wake up' etc. the obligatory and Potential Participle is used in Apabhramsa. The Obligatory and Potential Participles are formed by adding the following suffixes to the Verbs. In Apabhramsa two kinds of suffixes of the said Participle are in use - (1) avva (inflected forms) (2) ievvaum, evvaum and eva (uninflected forms). For using the said Participle of the first kind in the Impersonal form the Subject is inflected in the Singular or Plural Instrumental case and the said Participle will always be in the Nominative Neuter Gender Singular. Again, for using the Obligatory and Potential Participle of the second kind in the Impersonal form, the Subject is inflected in the Singular or Plural Instrumental Case, but there is no inflexion in the said Participle. The said Participle is not used in the Active Voice. Nouns Pronouns a-ending Masculine Narinda Haum (Personal Pronoun - Gender First Person, Nominative Singular) a-ending Neuter Kamala Tuhum (Personal PronounGender Second Person, Nominative Singular) a-ending Feminine Sasa So (Masculine), Sa (Feminine) Gender (Personal Pronoun- Third Person, Nominative Singular) Intransitive Verbs Hasa : To laugh, Jagga - To wake up, Viasa - To bloom. Suffixes of the Obligatory and Potential Participle Hasa Jagga Viasa (1) avva Hasiavva Jaggiavva Viasiavva Haseavva Jaggeavvas Viaseavva S (2) ievvaum Hasievvaum Jaggievvaun Viasievvaum evvaum Hasevvaui Jaggevvaum Viasevvaum eva Haseva Jaggeva Viaseva Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 99 Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Note - After adding 'avva' suffix, the ending 'a' is changed into 'i' or 'e'. (1) Inflected Forms of Obligatory and Potential Participle Neuter Gender Nominative Singular Narindem/Narindena/ Hasiavva/Hasiavval : The king should Narindenam Hasiawu laugh. Haseavva/Haseavva/ Haseavvu Kamaler/Kamalena/ Viasiavva/Viasiavval - The lotus should Kamalenam Viasiavvu bloom. Viaseavva/Viaseavva/ Viaseavvu Sasae/Sasae Jaggiavva/Jaggiavva/ - Sister should Jaggiavvu wake up. Jaggeavva/Jaggeavva/ Jaggeavvu Maim Hasiavva/Hasiavval = I should laugh. Hasiavvu Haseavva/Haseavva/ Haseavvu Paim/Tain Hasiavva/Hasiavval - You should laugh. Hasiawu Haseavva/Haseavval Haseavvu Tem/Tena/Tenar = He should laugh. Hasiavva/Hasiavval Hasiavvu Haseavva/Haseavva/ Haseavvu Hasiavva/Hasiavval Hasiawvu Haseavva/Haseavval Haseavvu Tae/Tae - She should laugh. 100 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Uninflected Forms of Obligatory and Potential Participle Narindem/Narindenal Hasievvaum/ Narindenan Kamalem/Kamalena) Kamalenan Saske/Sasae - The king should laugh. - The lotus should bloom. Sister should wake up. : I should laugh. Maim Hasevvaum/Haseva Viasievvaum/ Viasevvaus/Viaseva Jaggievvaum/ Jaggevvaun/Jaggeva Hasievvaum/ Hasevvaum/Haseva Hasievvaum/ Hasevvaum/Haseva Hasievvaur/ Hasevvaum/Haseva Hasievvaum! Hasevvaum/Haseva Paim/Taim : You should laugh. Ter/Tena/Tenam * He should laugh. Tae/Tae - She should laugh. (1) Inflected Forms of Obligatory and Potential Participle Neuter Gender Nominative Singular Narindahin/ Narindahim/ Narindehim Kamalahim/ Kamalahim/ Hasiavva/Hasiavval Hasiavvu/Haseavval = Kings should laugh. Haseavva/Haseavvu Viasiavva/Viasiavva/ Viasiavvu/Viaseavval : Lotuses should bloom. Viaseavva/Viaseavvu Jaggiavva/Jaggiavva/ Jaggiavvu/Jaggeavval - Sisters should wake up. Jaggeavva/Jaggeavvu Kamalehim Sasahim/ Sasahis Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 10 Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hasiavva/Hasiavva/ Hasiavvu/Haseavva/ We should laugh. Haseavva/Haseavvu Hasiavva/Hasiavva/ Hasiavvu/Haseavva/ Haseavva/Haseavvu Tahim/Tahim/ Hasiavva/Hasiavva/ Amhehim Tumhehim Tehim Haseavva/Haseavvu Tahim/Tahim Hasiavva/Hasiavva/ Hasiavvu/Haseavva/ Haseavva/Haseavvu Sasahim/ Sasahim Amhehim Narindahim/ Narindahim/ Haseva Narindehim Kamalahim/ Kamalahim/ Viaseva Kamalehim Tumhehim Hasiavvu /Haseavva/ Tehim Tahim/Tahim (2) Uninflected Forms of Obligatory and Potential Participle 102 =All of you should laugh. Haseva = Hasievvaum/Hasevvaum/ = Haseva They should laugh. They (Women) should laugh. Viasievvaum/Viasevvaum/ = Lotuses should bloom. Jaggievvaum/ Jaggevvaum/Jaggeva Hasievvaum/Hasevvaum/ Haseva Tahim/Tahim/ Hasievvaum/Hasevvaum/ Hasievvaum/Hasevvaum/ Haseva Hasievvaum/Hasevvaum/ = Kings should laugh. = Sisters should wake up. - We should laugh. - All of you should laugh. They should laugh. = They (Women) should laugh. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 49 Exercise Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa. While translating use the Impersonal form of the Verbs. This does not exist in English. (1) States should fight. (2) Faith should increase. (3) They should play. (4) Mother should rejoice. (5) Men should be born. (6) They (Feminine) should embarrass. (7) Dogs should bark. (8) Women should dance. (9) Giris should hide. (10) Friends should rejoice. (11) The fire should burn. (12) The sun should rise. (13) The lion should roar. (14) He should play. (15) Ishould jump. (16) Both of you should enthuse. (17) We should fear. (18) The demon should die. (19) Seeds should sprout. (20) The aircraft should fly. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 103 Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 50 Noun - Pronoun Accusative Case Singular Number (Transitive Verbs) Noun Accusative Singular Narinda/Narinda/Narindu a-ending Masculine Narinda - King, Karaha - Camel, Karaha/ Karaha/Karahu Paramesara : God, Paramesara/Paramesara/ Paramesaru a-ending Bhoyana/Bhoyana/Bhoyanu Neuter Bhoyana - Food Tina - Grass, Rajja - State, Maya : Mother, Kaha - Story, Sikkha = Eduction a-ending Tina/Tina/Tinu Rajja/Rajja/Rajju Maya/Maya Kaha/Kaha Sikkha/Sikkha Feminine Transitive Verbs Rakkha - To protect, Suna = To hear, To listen to Panama - To salute, Kha - To eat. Pala - To bring up, Cara - To graze, Jana - To know, to understand (1) Present Tense a-ending Masculine Gender (Accusative Case Singular) Paramesara/Paramesara Narindu Narindo Narinda Narinda Panamai - The king salutes the God. Paramesaru Rajja Rajja Rakkhai : The state Narinda/Narinda/ Narindu Rajju protects the King. 104 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Maya Maya Narinda/ Narinda/Narindu Panamai - Mother salutes the King. (2) Present Tense a-ending Neuter Gender (Accusative Case Singular) Tina/Tina/Tinu Karahu Karaho Karaha Karaha Narindu Carai = The camel grazes grass. Narindo Rajja/Rajja/Rajju Rakkhai - The king Narinda protects the State. Narinda Maya Khai - Mother eats Bhoyana/ Bhoyana/Bhoyanu Maya food. (3) Present Tense a-ending Feminine Gender (Accusative Case Singular) Narindu Narindo Maya/Maya Panamai = The king Narinda salutes the mother. Narinda Rajja Rajja Sikkha/Sikkha Janai - The state understands the education. Rajju Kaha/ Sunai - Mother Maya Maya Kaha listens to the story. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 105 Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (4) Pronoun words Accusative Case Singular Haum Paim/Taim Panamaum/etc = I salute you. Tuhum Maim Palahi/etc - You bring me up. Tam Janai/etc = He knows him. Sa Tam Janai/etc - She knows her. Tam Rakkhai/etc - He protects him. So Sh. So 1. (1) For the construction of Accusative Case Singular Num ber from the a-ending Masculine Nouns, 'zero', 'zero-a', 'u' suffixes are added to them as, Narinda, Narinda, Narindu. (2) For the construction of Accusative Case Singular Number from the a-ending Neuter Nouns, 'zero', o-a, u suffixes are added to them as, Rajja, Rajja, Rajju. (3) For the construction of Accusative Case Singular Num ber from the a-ending Feminine Nouns, 'zero', 'o-a' suffixes are added to them as, Maya, Maya. (4) The construction of the Accusative Case Singular Number from the First Person Pronoun will be : Maim. (See Page No. 200) The construction of the Accusative Case Singular Number from the Second Person Pronoun (Tumha) will be: Paim/Taim. (See Page No. 201) The construction of the Accusative Case Singular Number from the Third Person Pronoun (Ta, Ta) will be Tam. (See Page No. 188). All the above verbs are Transitive. The Transitive verb is that in which the effect of the action of the Sujbect goes to the object as, Mother listens to the story', in it the action of the Subject 'Mother' is listening'. Its effect goes to the story, because 'story is listened'. Therefore, the object of the Verb 'listen' is 'story'. In other word. "A Transitive Verb denotes an action which passes over from the doer or subject to an object." 2. 106 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 3. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. In these, the Person and Number of the Verbs are according to the Subject. In other words, the Verb agrees with the Subject in Number and Person. Here in the Noun-sentences the subject is of the Third Person Singular therefore, verbs are of the Third Person Singular Number. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 107 Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 51 Noun - Pronoun Accusative Case Plural Number Transitive Verbs (1) Noun Nouns Accusative Case Plural a-ending Narinda - King, Narinda/Narinda Masculine Karaha - Camel, Karaha/Karaha Paramesara - God, Paramesara/Paramesara a-ending Bhoyana - Food Bhoyana/Bhoyana/ Neuter Bhoyanaim/Bhoyanaim Tina - Grass, Tina/Tina/Tinaim/Tinaim Rajja - State, Rajja/Rajja/Rajjaim/Rajjaim a-ending Maya : Mother, Maya/Maya/Mayau/Mayau/ Feminine Mayao/Mayao Kaha - Story, Kaha/Kaha/Kahau/Kahau/ Kahao/Kahao Sikkha - Education Sikkha/Sikkha/Sikkhau/ Sikkhau/Sikkhao/Sikkhao Transitive Verbs Rakkha - To protect, Pala - To nurture, Suna - To hear, To listen to Cara = To graze, Panama - To salute, To greet Jana = To understand, Kha - Te eat. (1) a-ending masculine Present Tense (Accusative Plural) Narindu Narindo | Paramesara/Paramesara Panamai/ - The king salutes Narinda etc the Gods (Siddhas). Narinda Rajja Rajja Narinda/Narinda Rakkhail = The state protects Rajju the Kings. etc 108 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Panamai/etc - Mother salutes Maya Maya Narinda/Narinda the kings. (2) Present Tense a-ending neuter (Accusative Plural) Tina/Tina/Tinaim/Tinaim Carai = The camel grazes Karahu Karaho Karaha Karaha grass. Rakkhai = King protects Narindu Narindo Narinda Narinda Rajja/Rajja/ Rajjaim/Rajjaim the states. Khai - Mother eats food. Maya Bhoyana/Bhoyana/ Maya | Bhoyanaim/Bhoyanaim Present Tense (3) a-ending feminine (Accusative Plural) Narindu Narindo Narinda Maya/Maya/Mayau/ Narinda Mayau/Mayao/Mayao Panamai : The king salutes mothers. Rajja Rajja Rajju Sikkha/Sikkha/Sikkhau/ Sikkhau/Sikkhao/Sikkhao Janai = The state understands education. Sunai/etc - Mother hears Maya Maya Kaha/Kaha/Kahau/ Kahau/Kahao/Kahao stories. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 109 Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (2) Pronoun accusative case plural (4) Haun Tumhe/Tumhain Tuhun Amhe/Amhaim Panamaum/etc. = I salute all of you. Palahi/etc. - You nurture all of us. Janai = He knows them. So Ta/Ta Sa Ta/Ta/Tau/Tau/ Tao/Tao Ta/Ta/Taim/Taim Janai - She knows them. Rakkhai - He protects them. 1. (2) (1) For the construction of Accusative Case Plural Num. ber from the 'a'-ending Masculine Nouns, 'zero', and 0-, suffixes are added to them, as Paramesara. Paramesara. For the construction of Accusative Case Plural Number from the 'a'-ending Neuter Nouns, 'zero', '0-a, 'im', 'im'-aim suffixes are added to them, as, Rajja, Rajja, Rajjaim and Rajjaim. (3) For the construction of Accusative Case Plural Num. ber from the 'a'-ending Feminine Nouns, 'zero', 'zero-a, u, u-au, 'o', 'o'-ao suffixes are added to them, as, Maya, Maya, Mayau, Mayau, Mayao, Mayao. (4) The construction of Accusative Case Plural Number from the First Person Pronoun (Amhe) will be : Amhel Amhaim. The construction of Accusative Case Plural Number from the Second Person Pronoun (Tumhe) will be: Tumhel Tumhaim. The construction of Accusative Case Plural Number from the Third Person Pronoun (Ta, Ta) will be: Ta, Ta (Masculine) Ta, Ta/Taim/Taim (Neuter) (Ta/ta/ Tau/Tau/Tao/Tao) (Feminine). All the above Verbs are Transitive. All the above sentences are in the Active Voice. 3. 110 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 52 Transitive Verbs Exercises Use the following Transitive Verbs in the Active Voice. The verbs to be used should be in the Present Tense, Future Tense and Imperative. In place of the subject, make use of the Personal Pronoun. Acca : To worship Garaha : To blame Rokka - To withhold Gavesa : To search out, To discover Ugghada - To uncover Ghala = To pour Upakara - To help Cakkha - To taste Uppada - To uproot Cappa = To chew Katta - To cut, To saw Cina = To pick Kalanka : To stigmatise Coppada = To oil Kutta - To thresh Chanda = To renounce Koka = To invite. To call Chala : To cheat, To dupe Khana - To dig Chua - To touch Choda - To give up Dekha : To see Cholla - To peel Dho - To wash Jima : To partake of food Pisa - To grind Dhakka = To cover Pukkara - To shout, To call Toda = To break Phada : To tear Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa : (A) (1) Father blames the son. (2) Grandfather calls the grandson. (3) The God sees the world. (4) Husband's younger brother washes the cloth. (5) The king should renounce pride. (6) The friend should call him (7) The king worships the God. (8) The dog with holds the demon. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (9) The king discovers the jewels. (10) Men give up vows. (11) He cheats the child. (12) You see the lion. (13) I touch him. (14) They stigmatise him. (15) He tears the cloths. (16) Suffering withholds pleasure. (17) The friend sees lions. (18) Maternal uncle touches the religious books. (19) Hanumana helps him. (20) We cover the sun. (B) (1) He will dig the field. (2) You will partake of food. (3) He should peel the wood. (4) I shall pour the clarified butter. (5) He should chew food. (6) You should taste milk. (7) They will cut the small bundle. (8) We shall thresh the rice. (9) They will saw the forest. (10) He grinds seeds. (C) (1) Ram calls Sita. (2) I call the daughter. (3) Woman digs the pitch. (4) Sister sees the daughter. (5) The girl uncovers the small water pitcher. (6) Wife covers the ditch. (7) We worship the Ganges. (8) Hunger wilhholds thirst. (9) Desire destroys the sleep. (10) He/She should renounce wine. 112 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 53 Transitive Verbs (use in the Passive Voice) Transitive Verbs Koka - To call, Suna - To hear, Dekha = To see Panama = To salute, To greet Rakkha - To protect, Pala - To nurture, To bring up The above Verbs are Transitive. The Transitive Verbs are used in the Active and Passive Voice. For forming the Passive Voice from the Transitive Verbs, same suffixes as were used for forming the Impersonal form are added (Lesson 45 - 'ijja', ia (iya)]. The subject is changed into the Instrumental Singular or Plural. The object instead of being in the accusative case (Singular or Plural), is changed into the Nominative Case (Singular or Plural). After adding the suffixes of the Passive Voice to the Verb, suffixes of the Tense are added to the Verb according to the Number and Person of the object converted into the Nominative Case. The Passive Voice is formed from the Transitive Verbs in the Present Tense and the Imperative. In the Future Tense the Active form of the Future Tense Verbal form continues and ijja' and 'iya' suffixes are not added to the Future Tense Verbal form. In the Past Tense, the Past Participle is used in the Passive Voice. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 113 Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Active Voice Present Tense Singular Number Subject-Nominative Object-Accusaitive Verb-according Case Case to the Subject Narindu Narindo . Maim Kokai/ etc. = The king Narinda calls me. Narinda Narindu Paim/Taim Narindo Narinda Narinda Kokai/etc. - The king calls you. Tam Narindu Narindo Narinda Narinda Kokai/ etc. = The king calls him. Tam Narindu Narindo Narinda Narinda Kokai/etc. - The king calls her. Tam Narindu Narindo Narinda Narinda Rakkhai/ etc. = The king protects that (state). Narindu Kaha/Kaha Narindo Narinda Sunai/etc. - The king hears the story. Narinda 114 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Passive Voice Present Tense Singular Number Subject-Instrumental Object-Nominative Verb-according Case Case to the Nominative Case Narinder Narindena Narindenam Haur Kokijjaum/Kokiyaum/etc = Tam called by the king. Narindem Narindena Tuhum Kokijjahi/Kokiyahi/etc = You are called by the king. Narindenam Narinder Narindena Narindenam So Kokijjai/Kokiyai/etc - He is called by the king. Narindem Narindena Narindenam Sa Sa Kokijjai/Kokiyai/etc : She is called by the king. Narinder Tam Narindena Narindenam Rakkhijjai/Rakkhiyai/etc : That (state) is protected by the king. Narinder Narindena Kaha/Kaha Sunijjai/Suniyai/etc = The story is heared by the king. Narindenam Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 115 Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Active Voice Present Tense Singular Number Subject-Nominative Case Object-Accusative Case Verb-according to the Subject Haum Paim/Taim Dekhaum/etc = I see you. Tuhum Tam Dekhahi/ etc : You see him/ her. Maim Dekhai/etc - He sees me. Maim Dekhai/etc : She sees me. Maya/Maya Maim Palai/etc : Mother brings me up. Maya/Maya Paim/Taim Palai/etc = Mother brings you up. Maya/Maya Tam Palai/etc : Mother brings him/ her up. Hari/Hari Maim Panamai/etc - Hari salutes me. Hari/Hari Paim/Taim Panamai/etc : Hari salutes you. Hari/Hari Tam Panamai/etc = Hari salutes him. 116 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Passive Voice Present Tense Singular Number Subject-Instrumental Object-Nominative Case Case Verb-according to the Nominative Case Maim Tuhum Paim/Taim So/Sa Tem/Tena/Tenam Haum Tae/Tae Haur Dekhijjahi/Dekhiyahi/etc : You are seen by me. Dekhijjai/Dekhiyai/etc - He/She is seen by you. Dekhijjaum/Dekhiyaum/etc =lam seen by him. Dekhijjaum/Dekhiyaum/etc = I am seen by her. Palijjaum/Paliyaum/etc - lam brought up by mother. Palijjahi/Paliyahi/etc =You are brought up by mother. Palijjai/Paliyai/ etc = He/She is brought up by mother. Mayae/Mayae Haui Mayae/Mayae Tuhum Mayae/Mayae So/Sa Harim Haum Harim Panamijjaun/Panamiyaum/etc = lam saluted by Hari. Panamijjahi/Panamiyahi/etc : You are saluted by Hari. Hariem Tuhum Hariem Harinam Harinam So/Sa Panamijjai/Panamiyai/etc - He is saluted by Hari. Harina Harina Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 117 Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Active Voice Present Tense Singular Number Subject-Nominative Case Object-Accusative Case Verb-according to the Subject Maim Sahu Paim/Taim Tam Kokai/etc Kokai/etc Kokai/etc - The saint calls me. - The saint calls you. - The saint calls him/ her. * The saint hears the story. Sahu Kaha/Kaha Sunai/etc Present Tense Plural Number Amhe/Amhaim Kokai/etc The king calls us. Narindu Tumhe/Tumhaim Kokai/etc * The king calls all of you. Narindo . Ta/Ta Kokai/etc : The king calls them. Narinda Narinda Ta/Ta/Tau/Tau/ Kokai/etc Tao/Tao * The king calls them. (Feminine) 118 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Passive Voice Present Tense Singular Number Subject-Instrumental Object-Nominative Verb-according to Case Case Nominative Case Haum Sahur Sahum Kokijjaum/Kokiyaum/etc = I am called by the saint. Tuhum Sahuer Sahuem Kokijjahi/Kokiyahi/etc - You are called by the saint. Sahuna So/Sa Kokijjai/Kokiyai/ etc Sahuna - He/She is called by the saint. Kaha/Kaha Sahunam Sahunam Sunijjai/Suniyai/ etc : The story is heard by the saint. Present Tense Plural Number Amhe/Amhaim Kokijjahum/etc - We are called by the king. Narinder Tumhe/Tumhaim Kokijjahu/etc - All of you are called by the king. Narindena Ta/Ta Kokijjanti/Kokijjahim/etc - They are called by the king. Narindenam Ta/Ta/Tao/Tao/ Kokijjanti/Kokijjahim/etc * They are called by the king. Tau/Tau Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 119 Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Note - (1) In other sentences also Accusative Plural in the Active Voice may be used. (2) In the Imperative, the suffixes of the Imperative are used (In the three Persons and two Numbers). In the above sentences, i-ending and u-ending Masculine Nouns are used in the Nominative Singular. (1) For constructing the Nominative Singular from i- end ing Masculine Nouns, 'zero', 'zero-long' (i+i) suffixes are added, as Hari, Hari and for constructing the Instrumental Singular , 'm-im', em, 'em-iem', 'na', na-ina, 'nam', nam-inam are added, as, Harim, Harim, Haries, Hariem, Harina, Harina, Harinam, Harinan. (2) For constructing the Nominative Singular from the u ending Masculine Nouns, 'zero', 'zero-Jong (u-u) suffixes are added, as- Sahu, Sahu and for constructing the instrumental Singular m, 'm-uh', en, 'em-uem'. na', na-una, 'nam', nam-unam are added, as, Sahum, Sahum. Sahues, Sahuem. Sahuna, Sahuna, Sahunam. Sahunam. All the above verbs are Transitive. For constructing the Instrumental Plural from i-ending and uending Masculine Nouns, him, him-ihum, him, him-uhim suffixes are added as, Harihim, Harihim, Sahuhim, Sahuhim. CON 120 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (1) 'I'-ending Nouns (Masculine Gender) 11 Sami Owner, Master, Rahuvai = Raghupati, Kai = Poet, Kari = Elephant, Muni -Saint, Jogi = Ascetic, Pai = Husband, Sasi = Moon, Hatthi Elephant, Pani Being, Bhai Brother, = Kesari Lion, Giri Mountain, Risi = Saint, Jai = Saint, Lesson 54 Noun Transitive Verbs (2) Tavassi Mortifier, Naravai = King, => Senavai = Commander, Ari = Enemy, Manti Minister or Secretary, Vihi = Law, Rule, Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 'u'-ending Nouns (Masculine Gender) Jantu Being Bindu = Drop Maccu Death Sattu = Enemy Riu = Enemy Sunu Son Guru Teacher Dhanu = Bow Taru Tree Karenu Elephant Teu Radiance Pahu = God Piu = Father Pharasu = Axe Meru Meru = = Mountain Vijju = Electricity Sahu = Saint Vau : Air Jamau Son-in-law Jambu Jamuna (Name of Fruit) Rahu-Rama (Raghu) = 121 Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (3) (Transitive Verbs) 122 Bolla To speak = Padha To read = Bhana = To say Kaha To say Muna To know Nama To salute Jema To partake of food Khada: To eat Piba To drink Iccha To desire Dhara To hold Peccha To see Pesa To send Liha To write Hana = To kill Pida To oppress = Kara: To do = = = Cava To speak Nisuna = To hear Cua To renounce = Ladda = To love Vanna = To describe Seva To serve Danka To sting = Bakhana = To lecture Bhula To forget Sumara = To remember Ranga To colour = = Thella To push Dhoya = To carry Cora = To thieve Odha = To cover with Le = To take Vaha = To hold Vinnava = To tell Maila To dirty Da = To give Sinca To irrigate Bandha To tie Thuna: To pray = Cinta = To worry Magga To demand = = Jana To produce Himsa To injure Asa = To eat Mara To kill Ga = To sing Vaddhava = To congratulate : Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 55 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhraisa :(A) (1) Food is eaten by the owner. (2) The vow is observed by the poet. (3) Water is drunk by the elephant. (4) You are cheated by the enemy. (5) We are seen by the God. (6) All of you are sent by the saint. (7) He is prayed by mother. (8) I am remembered by the guru. (9) We are congratulated by the friend. (10) The wealth is demanded by him. (B) (1) I should be called by the brother. (2) Wood should be coloured by him. (3) The song should be sung by the poet. (4) A letter should be written by me. (5) We should be sent by father. (6) You should be loved by sister. (7) All of you should be served by the saint. (8) They should be seen by me.(9) He should be prayed by you. (10) I should be tied by you. (C) (1) I am killed by enemies. (2) Suffering should be forgotten by us. (3) The God should be prayed by women. (4) Son-in-law will eat food. (5) The song should be sung by poets. (6) Yogi's will hear the religious books. (7) Father will call you. (8) The mortifier will remember us. (9) The river will hold them. (10) The minister will salute him. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 123 Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 56 Past Participle (Use in the Passive Voice) For expressing the Purport of the Past Tense, the Past Participle is used in Apabhramsa. The Past Participle is formed by adding the suffix of the Past Participle to the Verb (See Lesson 41). The Past Participles partake of the nature of an Adjectives. When the suffixes of the Participle are added to the Transitive Verbs, it is used only in the Passive Voice. For making the Passive Voice, the subject in the Nominative Case is changed into the Instrumental Case, (Singular or Plural). The object which occurs in the Accusative Case (Singular or Plural) is changed into the Nominative Case and the inflexion of the Past Participle is according to the object converted in the Nominative Case. The inflexion of the Past Participle is like 'Deva' in the Masculine Gender, like 'Kamala' in the Neuter Gender and like 'Kaha' in the Feminine Gender. The Past Participle is 'a-ending'. For changing it into the Feminine Gender, asuffix is added to it. Transitive Verb (1) Koka To call, Dekha To see Rakkha To protect, = Acca To worship Masculine Narindem/etc Kai/Kai Narindem/etc Kai/Kai Narindehim/etc Kai/Kai 124 Harim/ Divayara/ Harim/ Divayaru/ Hariem/ Divayara/ Hariem Divayaro Suna To hear, T Panama = To salute. To greet Pala To nurture, To bring up, = To observe Iccha To desire Kokia/Kokia/ = The poet was Kokio/Kokiu called by the king. Kokia/Kokia = Poets were called by the king. Kokia/Kokia - Accia/Accia/ Accio/Acciu = Poets were called by kings. - The sun was worshiped by Hari. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mayae/Mayae Sahu/Sahu Sahuhim! Sahuhim Vayo/Vayu) Vaya/Vaya Vaya/Vaya Dekhia/Dekhia Dekhiu/Dekhio Palia/Palia/ Paliu/Palio = The saint was seen by mother. Thevows was observed by the saints. (2) Neuter Narindem/etc Dhana/Dhanu/ Icchia/Icchia/ Wealth was Dhana Icchiu desired by the king. Jogihim/ Nana/Nanu! Panamia/Panamia/ = Knowledge was Jogihim Nana Panamiu saluted by the saint. Rajjem/Rajjena Sasana/Sasanu/ Rakkhia/Rakkhia/ - Government was Rajjenam Sasana Rakkhiu protected by the state. Sunuhim/ Sokkha/Sokkha/ Icchia/Icchial : Pleasure was Sunuhim Sokkhu Icchiu desired by sons. (3) Feminine Narindem/etc Pasansa/Pasansa Sunia/Sunia - Praise was heared by the king. Senavaim/Senavaim/ Senaviem/Senavaiem/ | Saria/Saria Dekhia/Dekhia - The river was seen by the commander. Senavaina/Senavaina/ Senavainam/ Senavainam Pium/Pium/ Ganga/Ganga Piuem/Piuem/ Piuna/Piuna/ Piunam/Piunar Panamia/Panamia = The Ganges was saluted by father. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 125 Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mayae/ Mayae Kaha/Kaha Sunia/Sunia/ Kahau/Kahau Suniau/Suniau Kahao/Kahao Suniao/Suniao - Stories were heared by mother. 1. All the above sentences are of the Passive Voice. In these the Subject is placed in the Instrumental, the object is placed in the Nominative and the Verb is conjugated according to the Person and Number of the Object. Before using the Past Participle in Feminine Gender, it should be changed into Feminine Gender. By adding 'a'-suffix, the Past Participles are changed into Feminine Gender. As for example, Sunia-Sunia, Dekhia-Dekhia, Panamia-Panamia etc. All the above-mentioned verbs are Transitive. 3. 126 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 57 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa :(A) (1) The book was read by me. (2) The friend was called by him. (3) The son was loved by grandfather. (4) Pride was held by the king. (5) Water was drunk by us. (6) Wells were dug by them. (7) Demons were killed by Rama. (8) Clothes were torn by the child. (9) The commander was killed by the enemy. (10) The saint was prayed by the Guru. (B) (1) Food was eaten by the citizen. (2) Milk was drunk by brothers. (3) Karmas were bound by beings. (4) Songs were sung by the poet. (5) Aircrafts were seen by me. (6) Detachment was described by him. (7) Sticks were carried by me. (8) Addictions were described by you. (9) Papers were written by the businessman. (10) The thread was cut by the owner. (C) (1) The order was obeyed by him. (2) The story was heard by Rama. (3) Education was upheld by the saint. (4) Wealth was desired by daughter. (5) Compassion was produced by him. (6) Reputation was heard by the owner. (7) Faith was carried by the saint. (8) The hut was seen by son-in-law. (9) Wisdom was known by saints. (10) Compassion was observed by the businessman. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 127 Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 58 i-ending, u-ending nouns Masculine, Neuter, Feminine Gender 1. i-ending nouns (Neuter) Dahi - Curd, Atthi - Bone, Ravi - Sun Acchi - Eye Vari - Water u-ending nouns (Neuter) Mahu = Honey, Amsu : Tear, Janu - Knee Au - Age Vatthu - Material Uppatti = Birth Pihimi : Earth i-ending nouns (Feminine) Bhatti - Devotion, Mani - Jewel, Tatti - Satisfaction, Ratti : Night, Dhii - Patience, Thui - Prayer, Riddhi - Prosperity Juvai - Young woman Satti - Strength Appaladdhi - Spiritual attainment Agi - Fire Mai = Intellect Avahi - Limit of time, Amkhi - Eye, Janeri - Mother i-ending nouns (Feminine) Paramesari - Prosperous woman, Samini - Mistress, Nagari - Woman residing in a city Paini = Witch Bahini - Sister 128 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Piamahi Grandmother Maheli - Woman Putti = Daughter, Mausi - Mother's Sister, Nari - Woman, Itthi - Woman, Lacchi - Wealth Samani - Woman Saint Sadi - Sari u, u-ending nouns (Feminine) Dhenu = Cow, Kandu = Itchiness Cancu - Beak, Khajju - Itch Sassu - Mother-in-law, Jambu : Tree of Jamuna Hanu - Chin, Sasu Mother-in-law Kadacchu - Small spoon, Bahu = Daughter-in-law Tanu - Body, Camu = Army Rajju - Rope i, u-ending nouns (Masculine) Gamani - Village headman, Khalapu - Cleaner of granary Sayambhu - Self-made person Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 129 Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 59 Transitive Verbs Gaccha - To go Daha - To burn, To kindle Vajja = To go Labha = To obtain Ya = To go Sikha - To Learn Agaccha = To come Vanda = To greet Dhava To run Vancha : To wish, To desire Cussa = To suck Bujjha - To understand Liha - To lick Khimsa - To criticise, To blame Jhaa - To meditate Jingha = To smell Gaa - To sing Jina - To win, To conquer Khama - To forgive Joa - To illuminate Gana - To count Mana - To honour Dhikkara = To reproach Pava - To get Khiva : To throw Rakkha - To keep Raca : To make, To create Nirakkha : To see Khanda - To break into pieces Bhunja - To eat Guntha = To braid, To weave together strips Avada : To suit Kina - To buy 130 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Feminine Nominative Case Instrumental Case u-ending Feminine Nominative Case Instrumental Case u-ending Feminine Nominative Case Instrumental Case i-ending Masculine Nominative Case Instrumental Case Lesson 60 i, u-ending nouns Singular Number Lacchi/Lacchi Lacchie/Lacchie Singular Number Tanu/Tanu Tanue/Tanue Singular Number Camu/Camu Camue/Camue Singular Number Sami/Sami Samim/Samim/ Samiem/Samiem/ Samina/Samina/ Saminam/Saminam Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Lacchi = Wealth Plural Number Lacchi/Lacchi/ Lacchiu/Lacchiu/ Lacchio/Lacchio Lacchihim/ Lacchihim Tanu = Body Plural Number Tanu/Tanu/Tanuu/ Tanuu/Tanuo/Tanuo Tanuhim/Tanuhim Camu = Army Plural Number Camu/Camu/ Camuu/Camuu/ Camuo/Camuo Camuhim/Camuhim Sami Master Plural Number Sami/Sami Samihim/Samihim 131 Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Masculine Pahu : God Plural Number Nominative Case Pahu/Pahu Singular Number Pahu/Pahu Pahum/Pahus/ Pahuen/Pahuem/ Instrumental Case Pahubim/Pahuhim Pahuna/Pahuna/ Pahunas/Pahunam i-ending Masculine Nominative Case Instrumental Case Gamani - Village headman Singular Number Plural Number Gamani/Gamani Gamani/Gamani Gamanim/Gamanim/ Gamanihim/ Gamaniem/Gamanien/ Gamanihim Gamanina/Gamanina/ Gamaninam/Gamaninam u-ending Masculine Nominative Case Instrumental Case Sayambhu - Self-made Person Singular Number Plural Number Sayambhu/ Sayambhu/ Sayambhu Sayambhu Sayambhum/ Sayambhuhim/ Sayamhur! Sayambhuhim Sayambhues/ Sayambhuem/ Sayambhuna/Sayambhuna/ Sayambhunam/Sayambhunan i-ending Neuter Vari : Water Plural Number Singular Number Vari/Vari Nominative Case Vari/Vari/ Variim/Varii 132 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Instrumental Case u-ending Neuter Nominative Case Instrumental Case i-ending Feminine Nominative Case Instrumental Case Varim/Varim/ Variem/Variem/ Varina/Varina/ Varinam/Varinam Singular Number Vatthu/Vatthu Singular Number Juvai/Juvai Vatthu/Vatthu/ Vatthuim/ Vatthuim Vatthum/Vatthum/ Vatthuhim/ Vatthuem/Vatthuem/ Vatthuhim Vatthuna/Vatthuna/ Vatthunam/Vatthunam Juvaie/Juvaie Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Varihim/Varihim Vatthu Material Plural Number Juvai Young Lady Plural Number Juvai/Java/Juvaiu/ Juvaiu/Juvaio/ Juvaio Juvaihim/Juvaihim 133 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 61 Obligatory and Potential Participle1 (Its use in the Passive Voice) For expressing the purport of 'should be got', 'should be protected' 'etc.' Obligatory and Potential participle is used in Apabhramsa. This Participle is formed by adding the following suffixes to the Verbs. In Apabhramsa two kinds of suffixes of this Participle are used - (1) avva (2) ievvaum, evvaum, eva. For using the first kind of suffix in the Passive Voice, the subject is changed into the Instrumental Case (Singular or Plural), the object is changed into the Nominative Case (Singular or Plural) and the Participle is inflected according to the Gender and Number of the changed object in the Nominative Case. In the Masculine Gender, the inflection will be according to 'Deva', in the Neuter Gender the inflection will be according to 'Kamala' and in the Feminine Gender the inflexion will be according to 'Kaha'. For using the second kind of suffix in the Passive Voice, the subject is also changed into the Instrumental Case (Singular or Plural), the object is also changed into Nominative Case (Singular or Plural), but there is no inflection of the suffixes of this Participle. Obligatory and Potential Participle used in the Passive Voice is formed from the Transitive Verbs. (1) 1. Samim/Samim/ Kiniavvu/Kiniavvo/ Samiem/Samiem/ Hatthi/ Kiniavva/Kiniavva/ Samina/Samina/ Hatthi Kineavvu/Kineavvo/ Saminam/ Saminam 134 Masculine Kineavva/Kineavva/ or Kinievvaum/ Kinevvaum/Kineva This Participle is also called: (a) Obligatory and Potential Passive Participle (b) Future Passive Participle (c) Gerundives An elephant = should be purchased by the master. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rakkhiavva/Rakkhiavval Jivas should Munihim/ Rakkheavva/Rakkheavva/ = be protected Pani/ Pani Munihim or by saints. Rakkhievvaum/ Rakkhevvaus/Rakkheva Jhaiavva/Jhaiavvu/Jhaiavvo/ Jhaiavva/JhLeavvu/Jhaeavva/ The God Pahu/ Pahu Jhaeavvo/Jhaeavva/ = should be Risim/ Risim/ Risien/ Risiem/ or meditated by the saint. Jhaievvaum/ Jhaevvaum/ Jhaeva Khamiavva/Khamiavva/ Enemies = should be Maim Khameavva/Khameavva/ Sattu/ ror Sattu Khamievvaum/ Khamevvaur/Khameva forgiven by me. (2) Neuter Samim/ Samin) Samiem/ Water should Pibiavva/Pibiavval Pibiavvu/Pibeavval Pibeavva/Pibeavvu/ Vari/ Vari = be drunk by the master. Samien/ or Samina/ Samina/ Saminam/ Pibievvaum/ Pibevvaus/Pibeva Saminam Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 135 Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acchi/ Acchi/ Maim Ganiavva/Ganiavval Ganiavvaim/Ganiavvaim/ Ganeavva/Ganeavva Eyes should Ganeavvais/Ganeavvaim/ = be counted by or me. Ganievvaum/Ganevvaui Ganeva Acchiim/ me. Acchii Pecchiavva/Pecchiavva/ Sahuhim/\Vatthu Sahuhim Vatthu Pecchiavvu/ Peccheavva/Peccheavval! The thing should Peccheavvu >= be seen by the saints. Pecchievvaum/ Pecchevvaum/Peccheva or Sahum/ Pecchiavva/Pecchiavval Sahum) Sahuem/ Things should - be seen by the Vatthu/ Pecchiavvaim/Pechiavvaim/ Vatthu Peccheavva/Peccheavva/ | Vatthuim/ Peccheapvaim/Peccheavvaim Vathuim or Pecchievvaum/ Pecchevvaum/Peccheva Sahuem Sahuna/ Sahuna/ Sahunam/ saint. Sahunam (3) Feminine Dhariavva/Dhariavval Patience should = be held by the or Dhareavva/Dhareavva/ Juvaie! Dhii/! Juvaie | Dhii Dharievvaum/ Dharevvaum/Dhareva young woman. 136 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mani/ Pesiavva/ Pesiavva/ Mani/ Maniu/ Juvaihim/ Maniu/ Juvaihim Manio/ Manio Pesiavvau/Pesiavvau/ Pesiavvao/Pesiavvao/ Peseavva/ etc Jewels should = be sent by the young women. or Pesievvaum/Pesevvaum/ Peseva Bandhiavva/Bandhiavva/ Bandheavva/Bandheavva/ or Camuel Camue Tanu/ Tanu Bandhievvaum/ Bandhevvaum/Bandheva The body should be tied by the army. Tanu/ Bandhiavva/Bandhiavva/ Bandhiavvau/Bandhiavvau/ Bandhiavvao/Bandhiavvao/ Bodies should Tanu/ Tanuu/ Camuhim/) Tanuu/> Camuhim Tanuo/ Tanuo Bandheavva/etc = be tied by armies. or Bandhievvaum/ Bandhevvaum/Bandheva All the Verbs are Transitive. The Obligatory and Potential Participle is used in the Passive Voice and in the Impersonal Form. It is not used in the Active Voice. By Intransitive Verbs, the Impersonal Forms are constructed (lesson 48) and by Transitive Verbs, the Passive Voice is constructed. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 137 Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Other Used Nouns Masculine Muni : Saint Hatthi = Elephant Sattu = Enemy Risi - Saint Sahu = Saint Pani = Being Neuter Acchi - Eye Vatthu - Thing Feminine Dhii - Patience Mani - Jewel Putti = Daughter Santi = Peace Rakkha = To protect Jhaa = To meditate Transitive Verbs Kina - Io purchase Labha = To take Khama - To forgive Gana = To count Dhara = To carry Bandh - To tie Piba = To drink Peccha - To see Pesa = To send 138 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 62 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa - (A) (1) The tree should be irrigated by brother. (2) Saints should be invited by Raghupati. (3) Songs should be sung by poets. (4) The lion should be killed by an elephant. (5) The sun should be prayed by the saint. (B) (1) Curd should be eaten by me. (2) Water should be drunk by us. (3) Things should be described by them. (4) Things should be thought by you. (5) Age should be seen by him. (C) (1) Prosperity should be obtained by you. (2) Satisfaction should be damanded by him. (3) Jewels should be carried by the earth. (4) Devotion should be performed by the young girl. (5) Saris should be purchased by maternal aunt. (6) The rope should be threaded by you. (7) Cows should be brought up by him. (8) The Jamuna tree should be irrigated by us. (9) Daughtersin-law should be loved by mothers-in-law. (10) Grass should be burnt by you. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 139 Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 63 Different Participles (With object in the Accusative Case) Present Participle Infinitive Absolutive (Action completed in the Past) (1) For expressing the purport of eating food', 'going to the village' etc. in Apabhramsa, the Present Participle is used with object in the Accusative Case. (2) For expressing the purport of for eating food', 'for going to the village' etc the Infinitive is used with object in the Accusative Case and (3) For expressing the purport of having eaten food', 'having gone to the village' etc. the Absolutive is used with object in the Accusative Case. These Participles are formed from the Verbs. The Present Participle partakes of the nature of an Adjective. The other two (Infinitive and Absolutive) partake of the nature of Indeclinables. These three retain the power of a Verb. Thus, when they are formed from the Transitive Verbs, they take an object in the Accusative Case. (For suffixes see lessons: 27, 28, 42) Utthai/etc So Bhoyana/ Jemantu/Jemanto/Jemanta/ Bhoyana/ Yemanta/ Jemamanu/Jemamano/ Bhoyanu Jemamana/Jemamana > - Eating food, he gets up. Gamu! Haur Gama/ Gama Gacchantu/Gacchanto/Gacchanta/ Hasaum/etc Gacchanta/Gacchamanu/Gacchamano/ - Going to the Gacchamana/Gacchamana village, I laugh. 140 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ So Taru/Taru Sincantu/Sincanto Sincanta/Sincanta Thakkai/etc - Irrigating the tree/trees he tires. Haum Jai/Jai Kokanta/Kokanta Kokantu/Kokanto Harisaum/etc - Calling the saint/saints, I rejoice. So Taru/Taru Sincevar/etc Utthai/etc : He gets up to irrigate the tree/trees. Haus Jai Jai Kokevam/etc Jaggaum/etc = I wake up for calling the saint/saints. So Taru/Taru Sinci/etc Harisai/etc = Having irrig ated tree/trees, he rejoices. Haum Jai/Jai Koki/etc Harisaum/etc = Having called the saint/saints, I rejoice. 1. In Apabhramsa i-ending, i-ending Masculine, u-ending, u- ending Masculine, i-ending, and u-ending Neuter, i-ending, and iending Feminine, u-ending, and u-ending Feminine suffixes of the Accusative Case are similar to the suffixes of the Nominative Case. (See lesson - 61). Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 141 Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 Lesson 64 Exercises Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa - (A) (1) Greeting Raghupati, the master gets up. (2) Honouring the guru, the poet sits. (3) Calling him, the brother embarrasses. (4) The lion, killing an elephant fears. (5) The merchant, listening to the saint shines. (6) Eating the curd, he sleeps. (7) Drinking water, you dance. (8) Seeing the fire, we turn. (9) Serving the village headman, he tires. (10) Tasting the honey, he covets. (B) (1) For doing devotion, he gets up. (2) You endeavour to get satisfaction. (3) For calling daughter, he enthuses. (4) We endeavour to tie the rope. (5) They get up to see the cow. (C) (1) Having greeted Raghupati, the master rejoices. (2) Having saluted the guru, the poet sits. (3) Having done devotion, he lives. (4) Having got satisfcation, you rejoice. (5) Having seen the cows, they get up. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 65 Noun-Pronoun Nouns Dative and Genitive Case Singular Number Nouns Dative or Genitive Case Singular number a-ending masculine Narinda - King, Narinda/Narinda/ Narindasu/Narindasu Narindaho/ Narindaho/Narindassu a-ending neuter Rajja - State, Rajja/Rajja/Rajjasu/ Rajjasu/Rajjaho/ Rajjaho/Rajjassu a-ending feminine Maya - Mother, Maya/Mayal Mayahe/Mayahe i-ending feminine Juvai - Young lady, Juvai/Juvai/ Juvaihe/Juvaihe i-ending feminine Putti = Daughter, Putti/Putti/ Puttihe/Puttihe u-ending feminine Dhenu - Cow, Dhenu/Dhenu/ Dhenuhe/Dhenuhe u-ending feminine Jambu : Tree of Jambu/Jambu/ Jambuhe/Jambuhe Jamuna, Pronoun Dative and Genitive Case Singular number Mahu/Majjhu Tau/Tujjha/Tudhra = My/For me. - Your/For you. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 143 Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ta/Ta/Tasu/Tasu Taho/Taho/Tassu (Masculine or = His/For him Neuter) - Her/For her (Feminine) Ta/Ta/Tahe/Tahe Instransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh, Jagga - To wake up, Vaddha - To increase, Nijjhar - To drop, Transitive Verbs Rakkha : To protect, Iccha - To desire, Gaccha - Togo, Koka = To call, Genitive Case Singular number Narinda Narinda Patta/Putta/Puttu/Putto Hasai/etc : The son of the Narindasu Narindasu Narindaho Narindaho Narindassu king laughs. Rajja Rajja Rajjasu Rajjasu Rajjaho Rajjaho Sasana/Sasanu/ Tam Rakkhai/etc - Government of the state Sasana protects him. Rajjassu Maya Sasa/Sasa Jaggai/etc = Mother's Maya Mayahe sister Mayahe wakes up. 144 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Juvai Juvai Maya/Maya Juvaihe Juvaihe Jaggai/etc : Mother of the young woman wakes up. Putti Putti Dhanu/Dhana/Dhana Vaddhai/etc = Wealth of daughter Puttihe Puttihe increases. Dhenu Dhenu Khira/Khiru/Khira Nijjharai/etc - Milk of the cow drops. Dhenuhe Dhenuhe Au/Au Jambu Jambu Jambuhe Jambuhe Vaddhai/etc = The age of the tree of Jamuna increases. Mahu Puttu/Putto Sokkhal Icchai/etc - My son desires pleasure. Majjhu Putta/Putta Sokkhu/Sokkha Tau Tujjha 1 Potta/Potta/ Gharu/ Gacchai/etc - Your grandPottu/Potto Ghara/Ghara son goes to home. Tudhra Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 145 Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ta Ta Tasu Tasu Taho Taho Tassu Ta Ta Tahe Tahe Putta/Puttu Putta/Putto Putta/Putto/ Puttu/Putta 146 Narinda/Narinda/Narindasu/ So Narindasu/Narindaho/ Narindaho/Narindassu Dative Case Singular number Maim Kokai/etc Paim/ Kokai/etc Taim Parikkha/Parikkha/ Tuhum Parikkhahe/Parikkhahe Gantha/ Ganthu Gantha/ Kinai/etc = He purchases Gantha/ the book for Ganthu the king. Gantha/ Padhahi/etc = His son calls me. - Her son calls you. Note. In this way, other sentences of the Dative Case are to be con structed. - You read the book for examination. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 66 Noun "Nouns Dative and Genitive Case Singular Number Nouns Dative and Genitive Case Singular Number i-ending masculine Sami - Master, Sami/Sami i-ending masculine Gamani - Village Gamani/Gamani headman, u-ending masculine Sahu : Saint, Sahu/Sahu u-ending masculine Sayambhu - Selfmade Sayambhu/ person, Sayambhu i-ending neuter Vari - Water, Vari/Vari u-ending neuter Vatthu - Thing, Vatthu/Vatthu Intransitive Verbs Gala - To Vanish, Cua : To drop, Fura - To appear, Jagga : To wake up, Transitive Verbs Kara - To do Padha = To read Genitive Case Singular Number Sami/Sami Gavva/Gavvu/ Galai/etc - Pride of the Gavvo/Gavva master vanishes. Gamani/ Putta/Puttu/ Ganth/ Padhai/etc - The son of the Gamani Putto/Putta Gantha/ village headman reads Ganthu the book. Sahu/Sahu Teu/Teu Furai/etc : The glow of the saint appears. Vari/Vari Bindu/Bindu Cuai/etc = The drop of water drops. Sayambhu/ Putta/Puttu/Putto/ Jaggai/etc - The son of Sayambhu Putta Sayambhu wakes up. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 147 Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Vatthu/Vatthu Nana/Nana/ Nanu Karaj = He does knowledge of the thing Dative Case Singular Sami/Sami Haum Jagaraum/etc = I wake up for the master. Tuhum Sahu/Sahu Bhoyana/ Icchahi/etc : You desire food Bhoyana for the saint. so Gamani/ Gamani Gama/ Gacchai/etc = He goes to the Gamu/Gama village for the village headman. Note. In this way, other sentences are to be constructed. 148 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 67 Noun - Pronoun Nouns Dative and Genitive Case Plural Number Nouns Dative and Genitive Case Plural Number a-ending masculine Narinda - King Narinda/Narinda/ Narindaham) Narida ham a-ending neuter Rajja - State Rajja/Rajjal Rajjaham/Rajjaham a*ending feminine Maya : Mother Maya/Maya/ Mayahu/Mayahu i-ending feminine Juvai - Young lady Juvai/Juvai/ Juvaihu/Juvaihu i-ending feminine Putti = Daughter Putti/Putti/ Puttihu/Puttihu u-ending feminine Dhenu - Cow Dhenu/Dhenu/ Dhenuhu/Dhenuhu u-ending feminine Jambu - Tree of Jambu/Jambu/ Jamuna Jambuhu/Jambuhu Pronoun Dative and Genitive Case Plural Amhaham Tumhaham Ta/Ta/Taham/Taham Ta/Ta/Tahu/Tahu = For us/Our - For you all/Your For them/Their (Masculine) = For them/Their (Feminine) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 49 Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Intransitive Verbs Hasa - To laugh Jagga - To wake up Vaddha - To grow Nijjhara - To trickle, to drop Transitive Verbs. Rakkha = To Protect Iccha - To desire Gaccha - To go Koka = To call, To invite Genitive Case Plural Narinda Narinda Narindaham Narindaham Putta/Putta Hasahis/etc - Sons of kings laugh. Rakkhai/etc : Government of Rajja Rajja Rajjaham Rajjaham Sasana/Sasanu, Tam Sasana the states protects him. Sasa/Sasa Jaggai/etc = Sister of mothers Maya Maya Mayahu Mayahu wakes up. Juvai Juvai Maya/Maya Jaggai/etc : Mother of the Juvaihu Juvaihu young women wakes up. Putti Putti Dhanu/Dhana/ Dhana Puttihu Puttihu Vaddhai/etc = The wealth of daughters increases. 150 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dhenu Dhenu Khira/Khira Nijjharai/etc - Milk of cows drops. Khiru Dhenuhu Dhenuhu Jambu Jambu Au/Au Jambuhu Vaddhai/etc = The age of Jamuna trees increases. Jambuhu Amhahan Puttu/Putto/ Sokkha/ Icchai/etc : Our son desires Putta/Putta Sokkhu/Sokkha pleasure. Tumhahan Potta/Potta/ Gharul Gacchai/etc : Your grandson Pottu/Potto Ghara/Ghara goes to the house. To } puta/ Pata Mali Putta/Putta Mais Ta Taham Taham Kokahim/etc : Their sons call me. Ta Ta Putta/Putta Paim) Taim Tahu Kokahim/etc = Their (Feminine) sons call you. Tahu Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 151 Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ So Dative Case Plural Narinda/Narinda/ Gantha/Gantha/ Narindaham/ Ganthu Kinai/etc - He purch ases the book for the king. Narindaham Padhahi/etc = You Tuhum Parikkha/Parikkhal Gantha/Gantha/ Parikkhahul Ganthu Parikkhahu read the book for examinations. Tuhum Amhahar Nacchahi/etc : You dance for us. Note. In the above way, other sentences of the Dative Case are to be constructed. 152 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 68 Noun Nouns Dative and Genitive Case Plural Nouns i-ending masculine Sami - Master Dative and Genitive Case Plural Number Sami/Sami Samiham/Samiham Samihum/Samihum i-ending masculine Gamani - Village headman Gamani/Gamani Gamanihar/ Gamaniham Gamanihum) Gamanihum u-ending masculine Sahu - Saint Sahu/Sahu Sahuham/Sahuham Sahuhum/Sahuhun u-ending masculine Sayambhu - Self-made Sayambhu/Sayambhu person Sayambhuham/ Sayambhuham Sayambhuhum/ Sayambhuhum i-ending neuter Vari : Water Vari/Vari Variham/Variham Varihum/Varihus u-ending neuter Vatthu : Thing Vatthu/Vatthu Vatthuham/Vatthuham Vatthuhur/Vatthuhum Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 153 Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Intransitive Verbs Gala = To Vanish, Cua - To drop, Iccha - To desire Fura = To appear. Jagga : To wake up Transitive Verbs Kara - To do Padha - To read Genitive Case Plural Gavva/Gavvu Galai/ - Pride of Sami/Sami/ Samiham/Samiham Samihum/Samihum Gavvo/Gavva etc masters Vanishes. Teu/Teu Furai/ : The Sahu/Sahu/ Sahuham/Sahuhas Sahuhum/Sahuhum etc radiance of saints appears. Vatthu/Vatthu/ Nana/Nana/ Vatthuham/Vatthuham Nanu Vatthuhum/Vatthuhum Karai/ = He does etc knowledge of So things. Dative Case Plural Haum Sami/Sami/etc Jagaraum/ = I wake etc up for the masters. Tuhum Sahu/Sahu/etc Bhoyana/ Icchahi/ : You desire Bhoyana etc food for saints. 154 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 69 Excerises Translate the following sentences into Apabhramsa - (A) (1) The son of a king greets/should greet/will greet Rama. (2) The sister of maternal uncle does/should do/will do pride. (3) The government of the state protects/should protect/will protect him. (4) Pleasure of Ram is my pleasure/should be my pleasure/will be my pleasure. (5) The mother of Sita listens to/should listen to/will listen to the story. (6) 1 hear/should hear/shall hear the story of the Ganges. (7) My son desires/should desire/will desire pleasure. (8) His son goes/should go/will go to the house. (9) He drinks/should drink/will drink the water of Narmada. (10) His mother brings/should bring/will bring you up. (B) (1) The son of a king demands/should demand/will demand small bundle for Rama. (2) He reads/should read/will read his book for examination. (3) My son laughs/should laugh/will laugh for pleasure. (4) He drinks/should drink/will drink water of Narmada for the body. (5) The pleasure of Rama is/should become/will become the pleasure for all. (C) (1) Brothers of masters greet him. (2) Gurus of poets see us. (3) Enemies of kings think of fighting. (4) Our gurus partake of food. (5) My maternal aunts purchase sari. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 155 Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nouns Ablative Case Singular Number a-ending masculine a-ending neuter a-ending feminine i-ending feminine i-ending feminine u-ending feminine u-ending feminine Narindahe/Narindahe Narindahu/Narindahu Rajjahe/Rajjahe Rajjahu/Rajjahu Maya = Mother, Mayahe/Mayahe Juvai Young woman, Juvaihe/Juvaihe Putti Daughter, Dhenu = Cow, Puttihe/Puttihe Dhenuhe/Dhenuhe Jambuhe/Jambuhe Jambu Tree of Jamuna, Pronoun Ablative Case Singular Number Lesson 70 Noun Pronoun Intransitive Verbs Dara: To fear, Uppajja To grow, 4 156 Nouns Narinda King, Rajja = State, = 1 = Mahu/Majjhu Tau/Tujjha/Tudhra Taham/Taham Tahe/Tahe = Ablative Case Singular Number = For me = For you For him - For her Transitive Verbs Pada = To fall, Dhava To run Nisara = To come out, Agaccha = To come Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ablative Case Singular Number So Putta/Putta/ Putto/Puttu Maya/Maya Narindahe/Narindahel Darai/etc = He is Narindahu/Narindahu afraid of the king. Mayahe/ Mayahe Darai/etc - Son is afraid of the mother. Puttihe/Puttihe Gantha/Ganthu Padhai/etc = Mother Gantha reads the book from the daughter. Exerise (1) The child is afraid of the serpent. (2) Food grows from the field, (3) He is afraid of the cow. (4) The Jamuna falls from the tree of Jamuna (5) The dog runs from the field. (6) Man should be afraid of Violence. (7) The child falls from the roof of the house. (8) The Ganges flows from the mountain. (9) He is afraid of me. (10) He reads the book from you. (11) A tree grows from the seed. (12) The son hides from father. The Ablative Case is used :(1). In that in which something is separated from something, as- Jamuna falls from the tree. (2). In that from whom somebody desires to hide, as- hides from father. (3). In the cause of fear, as- is afraid of serpent. (4). In that by whom knowledge is acquired, as- I read a book from you. (5). In the meaning indicative of growing', as- A tree grows from the seed. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 157 Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 71 Noun Nouns Ablative Case Singular Number Nouns Ablative Case Singular Number Samihe/Samihe i-ending masculine Sami - Master, u-ending masculine Sahu : Saint, Sahuhe/Sahuhe i-ending neuter Vari : Water, Varihe/Varihe u-ending neuter Vatthu - Thing, Vatthuhe/Vatthuhe Ablative Case Singular Number Samihe/Samihe Darai/etc So : He is afraid of the master. Sahuhe/Sahuhe Padhai/etc : He learns through Varihel Varihe Kamala/ Kamala) Uppajjai/ etc the saint. * The lotus grows from water. Kamalu 158 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 72 Noun Nouns Ablative Case Plural Number Nouns Ablative Case Plural Number a-ending masculine Narinda - King, Narindahum/ Narindahum i-ending masculine Sami - Master, Samihum/Samihum u-ending masculine Sahu - Saint, Sahuhur/Sahuhur a-ending neuter Rajja : State, Rajjahum/Rajjabum i-ending neuter Vari : Water, Varibum/Varihum v-ending neuter Vatthu = Thing. Vatthuhum/ Vatthuhun Ablative Case Plural Number So Narindahus/Narindahuh Darai/etc = He is afraid of Kings. Tuhum Samihur/Samihui Dari/etc You should be afraid of masters. Haur Sahuhus/Sahuhun Padhaum/etc = I learn through the saints. Note. Make other sentences as above. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 159 Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nouns Ablative Case Plural Number Nouns a-ending feminine i-ending feminine i-ending feminine u-ending feminine Lesson 73 Noun - Pronoun Te Maya Mother, 160 = Juvai Young lady, Putti Daughter, u-ending feminine Jambu Tree of Jamuna, - Pronouns Ablative Case Plural Amhaham Tumhaham Tahum/Tahum Tahu/Tahu Dhenu = Cow, = Amhe/Amhaim Mayahu/Mayahu = Ablative Case Plural = From all of us. From all of you. From them. (Mas., Neu.) From them. (Fem.) Juvaihu/Juvaihu Ablative Case Plural Number Mayahu/Mayahu Juvaihu/Juvaihu Puttihu/Puttihu Dhenuhu/Dhenuhu Jambuhu/ Jambuhu Darahum/etc = All of us are afraid of mothers. Lukkanti/etc = All of them hide from young ladies. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 74 Noun - Pronoun Nouns Locative Case Singular Number Nouns Locative Case Singular Number a-ending masculine Narinda = King, Narindi/Narinde a-ending neuter Rajja - State, Rajji/Rajje i-ending masculine Sami - Master, Samihi/Samihi i-ending masculine Gamani - Village Gamanihi/ headman, Gamanihi u-ending masculine Sahu = Saint, Sahuhi/Sahuhi u-ending masculine Sayambhu : Self-made Sayambhuhi/ person, Sayambhuhi i-ending neuter Vari : Water, Varihi/Varihi u-ending neuter Vatthu : Thing, Vatthuhi/Vatthuhi a-ending feminine Maya = Mother, Maya him/Mayahis i-ending feminine Juvai - Young lady, Juvaihim/Juvaihim i-ending feminine Putti = Daughter, Puttihim/Puttihim u-ending feminine Dhenu - Cow, Dhenuhim/ Dhenuhim u-ending feminine Jambu = Tree of Jambuhim/ Jamuna, Jambuhi Pronouns Locative Case Singular Number Maim - In me, On me. Paim/Taim = In you, On you. Tahim/Tahim - On them. (Mas., Neu.) Tahim/Tahim - On them. (Fem.) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 161 Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Excrises 162 (1) He dances in the house. (2) Clouds thunder in the sky. (3) She faints in the examination. (4) Water dries up in the Narmada. (5) Sita hears the story in the house. (6) He sits on the small bundle. (7) Speech tires in old age. (8) Wealth increases in the Kingdom of Rama. (9) His mother brings up the son in the house. (10) Having laughed, you dance in the house. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 75 Noun - Pronoun Nouns Locative Case Plural Number a-ending masculine a-ending neuter i-ending masculine i-ending masculine u-ending masculine u-ending masculine Nouns Locative Case Plural Number Narinda = King, Narindahim/ Narindahim Raija = State, Rajjahim/Rajjahin Sami : Master, Samihim/Samihim Samihum/Samihur Gamani - Village Gamanihim/ headman, Gamanihim/ Gamanihur/ Gamanihum Sahu - Saint, Sahuhim/Sahuhim Sahuhum/Sahuhui Sayambhu - Selfmade Sayambhuhim/ person, Sayambhuhim/ Sayambhuhu/ Sayambhuhur Vari : Water, Varihim/Varihim Vatthu - Thing, Vatthuhim/ Vatthuhim Maya Mother, Masahim/Mayahim Juvai - Young lady, Juvaihim/Juvaihin Putti = Daughter, Puttihim/Puttihim Dhenu - Cow, Dhenuhim/ Dhenuhim Jambu : Tree of Jambuhim/ Jamuna. Jambuhim i-ending neuter u-ending neuter a-ending feminine i-ending feminine i-ending feminine u-ending feminine u-ending feminine Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 163 Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Pronouns Locative Case Plural Number = In us. - In you. Tahim/Tahim - In them. (Masculine, Neuter) Tahim/Tahim = In them. (Feminine) 164 Amhasu Tumhasu Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 76 Noun Nouns in Vocative Case Singular and Plural Number 1. In the Vocative Case Singular, the suffixes of the Nominative Case Singular are used. In the Vocative Case Plural, apart from the suffixes of Nominative case Plural, "Ho' suffix is also used. Narindu/Narindo - Oh king. Narinda/Narinda Putti/Putti : Oh daughter. Sahuho/Sahuho : Oh saints etc. There is no formation of the Vocative Case in Pronouns. 3. Exercise (1) Oh master! you should protect us. (2) Oh king ! there is no pleasure in your kingdom. (3) Oh friend ! you should come to my house. (4) Oh mother! you should bring up children. (5) Oh sita ! lot of suffering is in the forest. (6) Oh son! you should speak the truth. (7) Oh young woman ! you should laugh. (8) Boys ! all of you should read books. (9) Friends ! all of you should be afraid of the state. (10) Saints ! you should observe self-control. 1. In the Vocative Case calling someone occurs. its signs are: Oh!, O!. Alas! etc. It is known as Interjection. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 165 Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 77 Causative Suffixes (A) Causative Suffixes of Simple Verbs a, ava Verbs Suffixes ava Hasa - To laugh Hasa+ava = Hasava (To cause to laugh) Bhida - To clash Bhida+ava - Bhidava (To cause to clash) Lukka = To hide Lukka+ava- Lukkava (To cause to hide) Hasa+a - Hasa (To casue to laugh) ('a' which is adjacent to the final syllable is changed into 'a'.) Bhida+a = Bheda (To cause to clash) ('i' which is adjacent to the final syllable is changed into 'e'.) Lukka+a = Lokka (To cause to hide) ('u' which is adjacent to the final syllable is changed into 'o'.) Rusa+a - Rusa (To cause to sulk) (There is no change in the long vowel 'u' which is adjacent to the final syllable.) Jiva+a : Jiva (To cause to live ) (There is no change in the long vowel 'i' which is adjacent to the final syllable.) Rusa = To sulk Rusa+ava - Rusava (To cause to suik) Jiva = To live Jiva+ava = Jivava (To cause to live) 166 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tha = To stay Nacca - To dance Tha+: Tha Tha+ava = Thava (To cause to stay) (To cause to stay) Naccata - Nacca+ava = Nacca- Nacca Naccava (To cause to dance) (To cause to dance) ('a' which is adjacent to the final syllable is changed into a' but if conjunct consonent follows 'a' remains'a'.) Note - After adding causative suffixes to the Verbs, the Tense suffixes are added to construct Causative Forms in different Tenses, as, Hasaj = To cause to laugh, Hasavai : To cause to laugh. (Present Tense Third Person Singular.) (B) Causative Suffixes to construct the Passive and the Impersonal Form avi, o Verbs Suffixes avi 0 (zero) Hasa : To laugh Hasa+avi : Hasavi Hasa+o - Hasa ('a' which is adjacent to the final syllable is changed into 'a'.) Kara - To do Kara+avi Karavi Kara+0 = Kara ['a' which is adjacent to the final syllable is changed into 'a'.) Lukka - To hide Lukka+avi - Lukkavi Lukka+0 - Lukka Bhida = To clash Bhida +avi : Bhidavi Bhida+ : Bhida Rusa = To sulk Rusa+avi = Rusavi Rusa +0 = Rusa Tha : To stay Tharavi = Thaavi Tha+0 - Thai Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 167 Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Note. After adding the Causative Suffixes to the Verbs, the suffixes of the Passive Voice and the Impersonal Form are added to the Causatives. Karavi+ijja/iya - Karavijja/Karaviya : To cause to do. Rusavi+ijja/iya - Rusavijja/Rusaviya = To cause to sulk. Kara+ijja/iya - Karijja/Kariya : To cause to do. Rusa+ijja/iya - Rusijja/Rusiya - To cause to sulk. Tha+ijja/iya - Thaijja/Thaiya - To cause to stay. Afterwards, the suffixes of different Tenses are added. as, Karavijjai, Karaviyai, Karavijjahi, Karaviyahi, Karavijjaum, Karaviyaum etc. avi, o (C) Causaitive Suffixes of Participles Verbs Suffixes avi Hasa : To laugh Hasa+avi : Hasavi Hasa+0 - Hasa Kara+ 0 = Kara Kara = To do Kara+avi - Karavi Causative Past Participle Hasavi+a/ya - Hasavia/Hasaviya Kara+a/ya = Karia/Kariya Causative Present Participle Hasavi+nta/mana = Hasavinta/Hasavimana Hasa+nta/mana Karavi+nta/mana = Hasanta/Hasamana = Karavinta/Karavimana - Karanta/Karamana Kara+nta/mana 168 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Causative Obligatory and Potential Participle Hasavi+avva * Hasaviavva Hasavitievvaum = Hasavievvaum : Hasavevvaum Hasavitevvaum Hasavi+eva : Hasaveva Hasa+avva * Haseavva, Hasiavva Hasa+ievvaui Hasievvaum Hasa+evvaui - Hasevvaur Hasa+eva : Haseva Causative Absolutive Participle Hasaviti - Hasavji Hasavi+ju = Hasaviu Hasavi+ivi = Hasavivi Hasavi+avi = Hasavavi = Hasavevi Hasavi+evi Hasavi+evinu : Hasavevinu Hasavi+eppi - Hasaveppi Hasavi+eppinu = Hasaveppinu Hasa+i = Hasi Hasa+iu = Hasiu Hasa+ivi * Hasivi = Hasavi Hasa+avi Hasa+evi = Hasevi Hasa+evinu - Hasevinu = Haseppi Hasa+eppi Hasa+eppinu = Haseppinu Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 169 Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Causative Infinitive Participle Hasavi+evam = Hasavevam 11 = Hasavana Hasavi+ana Hasavi+anaham Hasavi+anahim - Hasavanaham = Hasavanahim Hasa +evam : Hasevam Hasa+ana Hasa+anaham Hasa+anahim = Hasana - Hasanaham = Hasanahim 170 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 78 Retainer of Innate Meaning Suffixes (Svarthika Suffixes) No Change in the innate Meaning of Nouns occurs despite the addition of Svarthika suffixes, after the addition declension takes place. Svarthika Suffixes :- a, ada, ulla One or two or sometime all the three together are added to the Nouns. In this way these become seven Svarthika suffixes :- (1) a (2) ada (3) ulla (4) adaa (5) ullaa (6) ullaada and (7) ullaadaa. After adding Svarthika (Retainer of Innate Meaning) suffixes Case suffixes are added and required declension takes place. Jiva+ada = Jivada Jiva - Life Bhava+adaa = Bhavadaa = Bhava = Feeling Appa+a = Appaa = Atma - Soul Bahubala+ulla+ada+a = Bahubalulladaa - Strength of arm Vella+ada vellada-velladi = Veladi (In the Feminine 'i' suffix is added.] [Creeping plant or Vine.] Kudi+ulla = Kudulla-Kudulli = Hut (In the Feminine 'i' suffix is added) Note - Apart from the above Svarthika suffixes 'iya', 'kka', 'es', 'u', 'illa' etc. suffixes are also known as Svarthika. (1) Puna-Punu In these example, Svarthika suffixes are added to Vina-Vinu the Indeclinable (2) Padhama+illa = Padhamilla In these examples required Guru+kka = Gurukka etc. declension takes place after adding the Svarthika suffixes. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 171 Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 79 Different Pronouns Ja (Ma. N.) = Which or who Eta (Ma.N.) = This Ja (Fem.) = Who Eta (Fem.) - This Ka (Ma. N.): Who Ima (Ma. N.) - This Ka (Fem.) - Who Ima (Fem.): This Aya (Ma. N.) - This Kavana (Ma.N.) : Who, What, Which Kavana (Fem.) = Who, What, Which a (Fem.) - This Kasi (Ma. N. Fem.): Who, What, Which Translate the following sentences into Abaphramsa by looking to the table of Declension of the above-mentioned Pronouns. Exercises (A) (1) The man who tires sleeps. (2) He who angers hides. (3) He who sleeps laughs. (4) Whose body tires, his old age increases. (5) Whom I call, you are that. (6) The wood on which you sit, is mine. (7) By whom you are afraid of, I am afraid of him. (B). (1) This man laughs. (2) These men laugh. (3) He reads this book. (4) They read these books. (5) This man laughs. (6) Books are read by these men. (7) I live for this. (8) She lives for this. (9) I observe this vow. (10) Knowledge occurs in this man. (C) (1) What do you do? (2) Which works do you perform? (3) By 172 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ what does he drink water ? (4) Whose son is he? (5) Whom he is afraid of ? (6) For whom do you live? (7) In whom does your devotion occur? (D). (1) Who dances ? (2) Which vow does he observe ? (3) By whom water is drunk ? (4) For whom do you get up ? (5) Whose son is he? (6) Whose book is this ? (7) Which state do you protect? (8) In which house does he live? Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 173 Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 80 Indeclinables Jama - As long as, Jai = 11 To: Then Jaha - The way in which Taha - Likewise Jaha - As Taha - Likewise Tama - For that time, Jetthu - Where, Tetthu : There, Jema - The way in which, Tema - Likewise, Ketthu = Where, Etthu - Here, Ajju - Today, Ma - No, Na - No Navi : No lya - In the way Ma : No Tamha : So Jamha - Because Vina = Without Vi : Also Exercise (1) As long as you wake up, for that time, I see picture. (2) Where your village is, there is my house. (3) The way in which he desires pleasure, likewise I desire pleasure. (4) Where do yo live ? (5) I live here. (6) You should not laugh. (7) Rama does not get up. (8) If you say, then I do this work. Such words in the form of which no change occurs and they always remain the same, are called Indeclinables. In other words, in all cases, in all numbers, and in all Genders when the words remain without any change they are called Indeclinables. (Abhinava Praksta Grammar, P 213) 174 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 81 Conjugation and Verbal endings (1) Present Tense endings Singular Plural um, mi hum, mo, mu, ma First Person Second Person hi, si, se hu, ha, ittha Third Person him, nti, nte, ire Conjugation of 'Hasa' in the Present Tense (Hasa - To laugh) Singular Plural First Person Hasaum. Hasami, Hasahum, Hasamo, Hasamu Hasami, Hasemi Hasama (for other inflections, see lesson - 5) Second Person Hasahi. Hasasi. Hasahu, Hasaha. Hasittha Hasase Third Person Hasai, Hasae Hasahim, Hasanti, Hasante, Hasire Note: For the Present Tense, see lesson 1 to 8. For the conjugation of a-ending Verbs in the Present Tense, see lessons 4 and 8. (2) Imperative endings Singular Plural mu mo First Person Second Person Third Person i, e, u, zero, hi, su ha ntu Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 175 Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Conjugation of 'Hasa' in the Imperative (Hasa=To laugh) Singular Plural First Person Hasamu, Hasemu Hasamo, Hasamo, Hasemo Second Person Hasi, Hasu, Hase, Hasaha Hasa, Hasahi, Hasasu Third Person Hasau Hasantu Note : For the Imperative see lesson 9 to 17. For the conjugation ofaending verbs in the Imperative see lesson 12 and 17. (3) Future Tense endings Singular Plural saum, hium sahum, hihum, First Person sami, himi samo, himo, samu, himu, sama, hima Second Person sahu, hihu sahi, hihi, sasi, hisi, sase, hise saha, hiha saittha, hittha (hi+ittha) Third Person sahim, hihim sai, hii sae, hie santi, hinti, sante, hinte, saire, hiire Conjugation of 'Hasa' in the Future Tense (Hasa: To laugh) Singular Plural Person Hasesaur, Hasesahun, Hasihium Hasesamo, First 176 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Hasesamu, Hasesami, Hasihimi Hasesama, Hasihihum, Hasihimo, Hasihimu, Hasilima Hasesahu, Hasesaha, Hasesaittha, Hasihihu, Second Person Hasesahi, Hasesasi Hasesase, Hasihihi Hasihisi, Hasihise Hasihiha, Hasihittha Third Person Hasesai, Hasesae, Hasesahim, Hasesanti Hasihii, Hasihie Hasibihim. Hasihinti Note : For the Future Tense, see lesson 18 to 25. For the conjugation of a-ending Verbs in the Future Tense, see lessons 21 and 25. Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 177 Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 82 Conjugation of 'Asa': To be Present Tense Plural Singular Atthi, Mhi First Person Atthi. Mho, Mha Second Person Atthi, Si Atthi Third Person Atthi Atthi Past Tense Plural Singular Asi First Person Asi Second Person Asi Third Person 178 Apabhrainsa Grammar and Composition Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 83 (A) Declensional Forms of Nouns Nominative case a-ending Noun Masculine (Deva) (god) Singular Plural Deva, Deva, Deva, Deva Devu, Devo Deva, Deva, Devu Devena, Devenam, Devem Deva, Deva, Devasu, Devasu Devaho, Devaho, Devassu Devahe, Devahe, Devahu, Devahu Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case Dative and Nominative case Accusative case Insturmental case Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case Devi, Deve Deva, Deva, Devu, Devo i-ending Noun Masculine (Hari) (Name of a deity) Plural Singular Hari, Hari Hari, Hari Harihe, Harihe Harihi, Harihi Hari, Hari Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Deva, Deva Devahim, Devahim, Devehim Deva, Deva, Devaham, Devaham Devahum, Devahum Hariem, Hariem, Harim, Harihim, Harihim Harim, Harina, Harina, Harinam, Harinam Hari, Hari Devahim, Devahim Deva, Deva, Devaho, Devaho Hari, Hari Hari, Hari Hari, Hari, Harihum, Harihum, Hariham, Hariham Harihum, Harihum Harihim, Harihim, Harihum, Harihum Hari, Hari, Hariho, Hariho 179 Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Noun Masculine (Gamani) (Headman of village) Singular Plural Nominative case Gamani. Gamani Gamani, Gamani Accusative case Gamani, Gamani Gamani, Gamani Instrumental case Gamanien. Gamaniem. Gamanihim, Gamanim. Gamanim Gamanihin Gamanina, Gamanina Gamaninam, Gamaninam Dative Gamani, Gamani Gamani, Gamani, Gamanihum, Gamanihur, Gamaniham, Genitive case Gamaniham Ablative case Gamanihe, Gamanihe Gamanihun, Gamanihu Locative case Gamanihi, Gamanihi Gamanihin, Gamanihim, Gamanihum, Gamanihum Vocative case Gamani, Gamani Gamani, Gamani Gamaniho. Gamaniho and u-ending Noun Masculine (Sa hu) (Saint) Singular Plural Nominative case Sahu. Sahu Sahu, Sahu Accusative case Sahu, Sahu Sahu, Sahu Instrumental case Sahuem. Sahuem, Sahuhim, Sahuhim Sahum. Sahum. Sahuna, Sahuna, Sahunam. Sahunan, [Dative Sahu, Sahu Sahu, Sahu Sahuhum, Sahuhum Genitive case Sahuham, Sahuham and 180 Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ablative case Locative case Sahuhe, Sahuhe Sahuhi, Sabuhi Sahuhui, Sahuhum Sahuhim, Sabuhim Sahuhum. Sahuhum Sahu, Sahu Sahuho, Sahuho Vocative case Sahu, Sahu u-ending Noun Masculine (Sayambhu) (Self-made person) Singular Plural Nominative case Sayambhu, Sayambhu Sayambhu, Sayambhu Accusative case Sayambhu, Sayambhu Sayambhu, Sayambhu Instrumental case Sayambhuem, Sayambhuhim, Sayambhues, Sayambhuhim Sayambhun Sayambhun, Sayambhuna Sayambhuna, Sayambhunam Sayambhunan Dative Sayambhu, Sayambhu Sayambhu, Sayambhu Sayambhuhum, Sayambhuhur Genitive case Sayambhuham, Sayambhuham Ablative case Sayambhuhe, Sayambhuhun, Sayambhuhe Sayambhuhur Locative case Sayambhuhi, Sayambhuhim, Sayambhuhi Sayambhuhim Sayambhuhun, Sayambhuhum Vocative case Sayambhu, Sayambhu Sayambhu, Sayambhu Sayambhuho, Sayambhuho and Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 181 Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case Nominative case Accusative case a-ending Neuter1 (Kamala) (Lotus) Singular Kamala, Kamala. Kamalu Dative and Instrumental case Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case 1 182 Kamala, Kamala, Kamalu Kamalem, Kamalena: Kamalenam Kamala, Kamala Kamalaho, Kamalaho Kamalasu, Kamalasu, Kamalassu Kamalahe, Kamalahe Kamalahu, Kamalahu Kamali, Kamale Kamala, Kamala, Kamalu Vari. Vari Varim, Varim, Variem, Variem, Varina, Varina, Varinam, Varinam Vari. Vari i-ending Neuter (Vari) (Water) Singular Vari, Vari Varihe, Varihe Varihi, Varihi Vari, Vari Plural Kamala, Kamala Kamalaim, Kamalaim Kamala, Kamala Kamalaim, Kamalaim Kamalahim. Kamalahim, Kamalehim Kamala, Kamala Kamalaham.Kamalaham Kamalahum, Kamalahum Kamalahim, Kamalahim Kamala, Kamala Kamalaim, Kamalaim Kamalaho, Kamalaho Plural Vari, Vari, Variim, Variim Vari, Vari, Variim, Variim Varihim, Varihim In the a-ending Neuter Gender, when the end- syllable is 'a'. 'u' suffix becomes 'um' in the Nominative and Accusative cases, singular number as, Acchia Acchium. (Neuter Nominative and Accusative case singular number) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Vari, Vari Varihum, Varihum Variham, Variham Varihum. Varihum Varihim, Varihim Varihum, Varihum Vari, Vari, Variim. Variim, Variho, Variho Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Neuter (Mahu) (Honey) Singular Plural Nominative case Mahu. Mahu Mahu, Mahu, Mahuim, Mahuim Accusative case Mahu, Mahu Mahu, Mahu, Mahuim, Mahuim Instrumental case Mahum, Mahum, Mahuhim, Mahuhim Mahuem, Mahuem, Mahuna, Mahuna, Mahunan, Mahunam Dative Mahu. Mahu Mahu, Mahu and Mahuhur, Mahuhum Genitive case Mahuham, Mahuham Ablative case Mahuhe, Mahuhe Mahuhum, Mahuhum Locative case Mahuhi, Mahuhi Mahuhim, Mahuhim Mahuhun, Mahuhui Vocative case Mahu, Mahu Mahu, Mahu Mahuim, Mahuim Mahuho, Mahuho a-ending Feminine (Kaha) (Story) Singular Plural Nominative case Kaha, Kaha Kaha, Kaha, Kahau, Kahau Kahao, Kahao Accusative case Kaha, Kaha Kaha, Kaha, Kahau, Kahau Kahao, Kahao Instrumental case Kahae, Kahae Kahahim, Kahahim Dative Kaha, kaha Kaha, Kaha and Kahahe, Kahahe Kahahu, Kahahu Genitive case Ablative case Kahahe, Kahahe Kahahu, Kahahu Locative case Kahahim, Kahahim Kahahim, Kahahim Vocative case Kaha, Kaha Kaha, Kaha, Kahau, Kahau, Kahao, Kahao, Kahaho, Kahaho Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 183 Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ i-ending Feminine (Mai) (Understanding) Singular Plural Nominative case Mai, Mai Mai, Mai, Maiu Maiu, Maio, Maio Accusative case Mai, Mai Mai, Mai, Maiu Maiu, Maio, Maio Instrumental case Maie, Maie Maihim, Maihim Dative Mai, Mai Mai, Mai and Maihe, Maihe Maihu, Maihu Genitive case Ablative case Maihe, Maihe Maihu, Maihu Locative case Maihim, Maihim Maihim, Maihim Vocative case Mai, Mai Mai, Mai, Maiu, Maiu Maio, Maio, Maiho, Maiho i-ending Feminine (Lacchi) (Wealth) Singular Plural Nominative case Lacchi, Lacchi Lacchi, Lacchi, Lacchiu, Lacchiu, Lacchio, Lacchio Accusative case Lacchi, Lacchi Lacchi, Lacchi, Lacchiu, Lacchiu, Lacchio, Lacchio Instrumental case Lacchie, Lacchie Lacchihim, Lacchihim Dative Lacchi, Lacchi Lacchi, Lacchi Lacchihe, Lacchine Lacchihu, Lacchihu Genitive case Ablative case Lacchihe, Lacchihe Lacchihu, Lacchihu Locative case Lacchihim, Lacchihim Lacchihim, Lacchihim Vocative case Lacchi Lacchi Lacchi, Lacchi, Lacchiu,Lacchiu, Lacchio, Lacchio, Lacchiho, Lacchiho and 184 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ u-ending Feminine (Dhenu) (Cow) Plural Dhenu, Dhenu, Dhenuu, Dhenuu, Dhenuo, Dhenuo Dhenu, Dhenu, Dhenuu, Dhenuu, Dhenuo, Dhenuo Dhenuhim, Dhenuhim Dhenu, Dhenu Dhenuhu, Dhenuhu Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Vocative case Singular Dhenu, Dhenu u-ending Feminine (Bahu) (Daughter-in-law) Plural Bahu, Bahu, Bahuu, Bahuu, Bahuo, Bahuo Dhenu, Dhenu Dhenue, Dhenue Dhenu, Dhenu Dhenuhe, Dhenuhe Dhenuhe, Dhenuhe Dhenuhim, Dhenuhim Dhenu, Dhenu Singular Bahu, Bahu Bahu, Bahu Bahue, Bahue Bahu, Bahu Bahuhe, Bahuhe Bahuhe, Bahuhe Bahuhim, Bahuhim Bahu, Bahu Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Dhenuhu, Dhenuhu Dhenuhim, Dhenuhim Dhenu, Dhenu, Dhenuu, Dhenuu, Dhenuo, Dhenuo, Dhenuho, Dhenuho Bahu, Bahu, Bahuu, Bahuu, Bahuo, Bahuo Bahuhim, Bahuhim Bahu, Bahu Bahuhu, Bahuhu Bahuhu, Bahuhu Bahuhim, Bahuhim Bahu, Bahu, Bahuu, Bahuu, Bahuo, Bahuo, Bahuho, Bahuho 185 Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (B) Declensional forms of Pronouns Masculine-Savva (All) Singular Plural Nominative case Savva, Savva, Savva, Savva Savvu, Savvo Accusative case Savva, Savva, Savvu Savva, Savva Instrumental case Savvem, Savvena, Savvahim, Savvenam Savvahim, Savvehim Dative Savva, Savva Savva, Savva and Savvasu, Savvasu Sawahan, Sawahar Genitive case Savaho, Sawaho, Savvassu Ablative case Savvahan, Savvaham Sawahum, Savvahun Locative case Savvahim, Savvahim Savvahim, Savvahim Neuter-Savval (All) Singular Savva, Savva. Savvu Nominative case Accusative case Savva, Savva, Savvu Plural Savva, Savva Savvaim, Savvaim Savva, Savva Savvais, Savvaim Sawahim, Sawahim Savvehim Savva, Savva Sawahan, Savvaham Instrumental case Dative and Savver, Savvena, Savvenam Savva, Savva Savvasu, Savvasu Savvaho, Savvaho, Savvassu Savvaham, Savvaham Genitive case Ablative case Savvahun, Savvahur Savvahim, Savvahim Locative case Savvahim, Savvahim The declension of 'Savva' in the Masculine and the Neuter Gender, except its declension in the Ablative and the Locative Case Singular, will take place like the Masculine Deva' and the Neuter "Kamala' respectively. 186 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Feminine - Savva (All) Singular Plural Savva, Savva Savva, Savva. Savvau, Savvau, Savvao, Savvao Savva. Savva Savva, Savva, Savvau, Savvau, Savvao. Savvao Savvae, Savvae Savahim, Savvahim Savva, Savva Savva, Savva, Savvahu Savvahe, Savvahe Savvahu Savvahe, Savvahe Savvahu, Savvahu Savvahim, Savvahim Sawahim, Savvahim Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Plural Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Masculine - Ta' (He) Singular Sa, Sa, Su, So, Tran, Tan Tram, Tam Tem, Tena, Tenam Ta, Ta Tasu, Tasu Taho, Taho, Tassu Taham, Taham Tahim, Tahim Ta, Ta Ta, Ta Tahim, Talli Tehim Ta, Ta Taham, Taham Dative and (Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Tahus, Tahu Tahim, Tahim 1 The declension of Masculine 'Ta' is according to the Masculine 'Savva' except its declesion in the Nominative Singular, Accusative Singular and Genetive Singular. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 187 Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter - Ta (That) Plural Ta, Ta, Taim, Taim Ta, Ta, Taim, Taim Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Singular Tram, Tam Tram, Tam Tem, Tena, Tenam Ta, Ta Tasu, Tasu Taho, Taho, Tassu Taham, Taham Tahim, Tahim Tahim. Tahim, Tehim Ta, Ta Taham, Taham Tahum, Tahur Tahim, Tahim Feminine - Ta (She) Singular Tram, Tan, Sa, Sa Nominative case Accusative case Tram. Tam Plural Ta, Ta, Tau, Tau, Tao, Tao Ta, Ta, Tau, Tau, Tao, Tao Tahim, Tahim Ta, Ta Tae, Tae Ta. Ta Tahe, Tahe Tahu, Tahu Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Tahe, Tahe Tahu, Tahu Tahim, Tahir Tahim, Tahim 188 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * Masculine - Ja (who) Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Singular Dhrun, Ju, Ja, Ja, Jo Dhrum, Ju, Ja, Ja Jer, Jena, Jenan Ja, Ja Jasu, Jasu, Jaho, Jaho Jassu Plural Ja. Ja Ja, Ja Jahim, Jahim, Jehim Ja, ja Jaham, Jaham Jaham, Jaham Jahum, Jahur Jahim, Jahim Jahim, Jahim Neuter - Ja (which) Singular Dhrur, Ju Nominative case Accusative case Dhrum, Ju Plural Ja. Ja, Jaim, Jaim Ja, Ja, Jaim, Jaim Jahim, Jahim, Jehim Ja, Ja Jaham, Jaham Instrumental case Dative and Jem, Jena, Jenam Ja. Ja Jasu, Jasu, Jaho, Jaho Jassu Jaham, Jaham Jahim, Jahim | Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Jahum, Jahum Jahim, Jahim Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 189 Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ja (which). Singular Dhrun, Ju Nominative case Accusative case Dhrum, Ju Plural Ja, Ja, Jau, Jau, Jao, Jao Ja, Ja, Jau, Jau, Jao, Jao Jahim, Jahim Ja, Ja, Jahu, Jahu Jae, Jae Ja, Ja Jahe, Jahe Instrumental case (Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Jahe, Jahe Jahu, Jahu JahiTM, Jahim Jahim. Jahim Masculine - Ka (who) Plural Ka, Ka Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Singular Ka, Ka, Ku, Ko Ka, Ka, Ku Kem, Kena, Kenan Ka, Ka Kahim, Kahim, Kehim Dative and Ka, Ka Kaham, Kaham Ka, Ka Kasu, Kasu, Kaho, Kaho Kassu Kaham, Kaham, Kihe Kahim, Kahim | Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Kahus, Kahum Kahim, Kahim 190 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Neuter - Ka (who) Singular Ka, Ka, Ku Ka, Ka, Ku Ker, Kena, Kenan Ka, Ka Kasu, Kasu Plural Ka, Ka, Kaim, Kaim Ka, Ka, Kaim, Kaim Kahim, Kahim, Kehim Ka, Ka Kaham, Kaham Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Kaho, Kaho, Kassu Kaham, Kaham. Kihe Kahum, Kahum Kahim, Kahim Kahim, Kahim Feminine - Ka (who) Singular Ka, ka Nominative case Accusative case Ka, Ka Plural Ka, Ka, Kau, Kau Kao, Kao Ka, Ka, Kau, Kau Kao, kao Kahim, Kahim Ka, Ka Instrumental case Dative Kae, Kae Ka, ka Kahe, Kahe Kahu, Kahu and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Kahe, Kahe Kahu, Kahu Kahim. Kahim Kahim, Kahir Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 191 Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Masculine - Eta (This) Plural Singular Eho Nominative case Ei Accusative case Eho Ei Instrumental case Etem. Etena, Etenam Etahim, Etahim, Etehim Eta, Eta Dative Eta, Eta Etasu, Etasu, Etaham. Etaham and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Etaho, Etaho, Etassu Etaham, Etaham Etahim, Etanim Etahum, Etahum Etahim, Etahim Neuter - Eta (This) Plural Nominative case Singular Ehu Ehu Etem, Etena, Etenam Accusative case Instrumental case Etahim, Etahim, Etehim Dative Eta, Eta Eta, Eta and Etaham, Etaham Etasu, Etasu Etaho, Etaho, Etassu Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Etahum, Etahum Etaham, Etaham Etahim, Etahim Etahim, Etahim 192 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Eta (This) Singular Plural Nominative case Eha Eha Etae. Etae Eta, Eta Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Etahim, Etahim Eta, Eta Etahu, Etahu Etahe, Etahe Etahu, Etahu Etahe, Etahe Etahim, Etahim Etahim, Etahim Masculine -Ima (This) Nominative case Singular Ima, Ima, Imu, Imo Ima, Ima, Imu Imer, Imena, Imenam Accusative case Plural Ima, Ima Ima, Ima Imahim, Imahim, Imehim Instrumental case s Dative Ima. Ima Ima, Ima and Imaham, Imahar Genitive case Imasu, Imasu Imaho, Imaho, Imassu Imaham, Imaham Imahim, Imahim Ablative case Imahus, Imahum Locative case Imabim, Imahim Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 193 Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case 194 Neuter - Imu Singular Imu Ima (This) Imem, Imena, Imenam Ima, Ima Imasu, Imasu Imaho, Imaho, Imassu Imaham, Imaham Imahim, Imahim Feminine -Ima (This) Singular Ima, Ima Ima, Ima Imae, Imae Ima, Ima Imahe, Imahe Imahe, Imahe Imahim, Imahim Plural Ima, Ima, Imaim, Imaim Ima, Ima, Imaim, Imaim Imahim, Imahim Imehim Ima, Ima Imaham, Imaham Imahum, Imahum Imahim, Imahim Plural Ima, Ima, Imau, Imau, Imao, Imao Ima, Ima, Imaau, Imau, Imao, Imao Imahim, Imahim Ima, Ima Imahu, Imahu Imahu, Imahu Imahim, Imahim Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Masculine - Aya (This) Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Singular Aya, Aya, Ayu. Ayo Aya, Aya, Ayu Ayem, Ayena. Ayenam Aya. Aya Ayasu, Ayasu Ayaho, Ayaho Ayassu Ayaham, Ayahim Ayahim, Ayahim Plural Aya, Aya Aya, Aya Ayahim, Ayahim Ayehim Aya, Aya Ayaham, Ayaham Dative and Genitive case Ablative case AyahumAyahum Ayahim, Ayahim Locative case Neuter - Aya (This) Nominative case Accusative case Singular Aya, Aya Ayu Aya, Aya Ayu Ayem Ayena, Ayenam Aya, Aya Ayasu, Ayasu Ayaho, Ayaho Ayassu Ayahim, Ayaham Ayahim, Ayahim Plural Aya. Aya Ayaim, Ayaim Aya, Aya Ayaim, Ayaim Ayahim Ayahim, Ayehim Aya, Aya Ayaham, Ayaham Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Ayahum, Ayahum Ayahim, Ayahin Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 195 Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Feminine - Aya (This) Singular Plural Aya, Aya Aya, Aya, Ayau, Ayau Ayao, Ayao Aya. Aya Aya, Aya, Ayau, Ayau Ayao, Ayao Ayke, Ayae Ayahim, Ayahim Aya, Aya Aa, Aya Ayahe, Ayahe Ayahu, Ayahu Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Ayahe, Ayahe Ayahim, Ayahim Ayahu, Ayahu Ayahim, Ayahim Masculine -Amu (That) Plural Nominative case Singular Amu, Amu Amu, Amu Oi Oi Accusative case Instrumental case Amuem, Amuem, Amuhim, Amuhim Amum, Amum, Amuna, Amuna, Amunam, Amunan Amu, Amu Amu, Amu Dative and Amuhum, Amuhum Amuham, Amuham Genitive case Ablative case Amuhe, Amuhe Amuhum, Amuhum Locative case Amuhim, Amuhim Amuhim, Amuhim Amuhum, Amuhum 196 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Neuter Amu (That) Singular Amu, Amu Amu, Amu Amuem, Amuem, Amum, Amum, Amuna, Amuna, Amunam, Amunam Amu, Amu Amuhe, Amuhe Amuhim, Amuhim Feminine - Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Amu (That) Singular Amu, Amu Amu, Amu Amue, Amue Amu, Amu Amuhe, Amuhe Amuhe, Amuhe Amuhim, Amuhim Plural Oi Oi Amuhim, Amuhim Amu, Amu Amuhum, Amuhum Amuham, Amuham Amuhum, Amuhum Amuhim, Amuhim Amuhum, Amuhum Plural Oi- Oi Amuhim, Amuhim Amu, Amu Amuhu, Amuhu Amuhu, Amuhu Amuhim, Amuhim 197 Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Masculine Kavana (who, what, which) Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case 198 - Singular Kavana, Kavana, Kavanu, Kavano Kavana, Kavana, Kavanu Kavanem, Kavanena, Kavanenam Kavana, Kavana Kavanasu, Kavanasu Kavanaho, Kavanaho, Kavanassu Kavanaham, Kavanaham Kavanahim, Kavanahim Plural Kavana, Kavana Kavana, Kavana Kavanahim, Kavanahim, Kavanehim Kavana, Kavana Kavanaham, Kavanaham Kavanahum, Kavanahum Kavanahim, Kavanahim Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter - Kavana (who, what, which) Singular Plural Nominative case Kavana, Kavana, Kavana, Kavana Kavanu Kavanais, Kavanaim Accusative case Kavana, Kavana, Kavana, Kavana Kavanu Kavanaim, Kavanaim Instrumental case Kavanem, Kavanena, Kavanahim, Kavanenam Kavanahim, Kavanehim Dative Kavana, Kavana Kavana, Kavana Kavanasu, Kavanasu Kavanaham, and Kavanaho, Kavanaho, Kavanaham Genitive case Kavanassu Ablative case Kavanaham, Kavanahur, Kavanaham Kavanahus Locative case Kavanahim, Kavanahim, Kavanahim Kavanahim Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 199 Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Kavana (who, what, which) Singular Plural Nominative case Kavana, Kavana Kavana, Kavana Kavanau, Kavanau Kavanao, Kavanao Accusative case Kavana, Kavana Kavana, Kavana Kavanau, Kavanau Kavanao, Kavanao Instrumental case Kavanae, Kavanahim, Kavanae Kavanahim Dative Kavana, Kavana Kavana, Kavana and Kavanahe, Kavanahe Kavanahu, Kavanahu Genitive case Ablative case Kavanahe, Kavanahe Kavanahu, Kavanahu Locative case Kavanahim, Kavanahim, Kavanahim Kavanahim Amha (1) In all the Genders Singular Plural Nominative case Haui Amhe, Amhaim Accusative case Maim Amhe, Amhaim Instrumental case Maim Amhehim Dative and Mahu, Majjhu Amhaham Genitive case Ablative case Mahu, Majjhu Amhahar Locative case Maim Amhasu 200 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tumha (You) In all the Genders Singular Tuhum Plural Tumhe, Tumhaim Tumhe, Tumhaim Tumhehim Paim. Tain Paim, Taim Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Tau, Tujjha, Tudhra Tumhaham Tau, Tjjha, Tudhra Paim, Taim Tumhaham Tumhasu In all the Genders - Kaim (who, what and which) In all the Numbers, cases and genders, the declension of 'Kaim is always Kaim'! 1. Apabhrarsa Bhasa Ka Adhyayana by Virendra Srivastava P 180. Note: The declension of the above-mentioned Nouns and Pronouns are according to Hemcandra's Apabhraria Grammar. Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 201 Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Dative (C) Declension of Cardinal Numerals Instrumental case and Genitive case Ablative case Masculine Locative case 202 - Ega, Ea, Ekka (One) Singular Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egu, Eu, Ekku Ego, Eo, Ekko Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egu, Eu, Ekku Eger, Eem, Ekkem Egena, Eena, Ekkena Egenam, Eenam, Ekkenam Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egasu, Easu, Ekkasu Egasu, Easu, Ekkasu Egaho, Eaho, Ekkaho Egaho, Eaho, Ekkaho Egassu, Eassu, Ekkassu Egaham, Eaham, Ekkaham Egaham, Eaham, Ekkaham Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Plural Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim, Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Egehim, Eehim, Ekkehim Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egaham, Eaham, Ekkaham, Egaham, Eaham, Ekkaham Egahum, Eahum, Ekkahum Egahum, Eahum, Ekkahum Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Eahim, Ekkahim Egahim Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Neuter - Ega, Ea, Ekka (One) Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Singular Plural Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ek, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egu. Eu, Ekku Egaim, Eaim, Ekkaim Egaim, Eaim, Ekkaim Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ek, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egu. Eu, Ekku Egaim, Eaim, Ekkaim Egaim, Eaim, Ekkaim Eger, Eem, Egahim, Eahin, Ekkem Ekkahim Egena, Eena, Egahim, Eahim, Ekkena Ekkahim Egenam, Eenam, Egehim, Eehim, Ekkenan Ekkehim Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egasu, Easu, Ekkasu Egalas, Eaham, Egasu, Easu, Ekkasu Ekkaham, Egaham, Egaho, Eaho, Ekkaho Eaham, Ekkaham Egaho, Eaho, Ekkaho Egassu, Eassu, Ekkassu Egaham, Eaham, Egahum, Eahum, Ekkaham Ekkahum Egaham, Eaham, Egahur, Eahur, Ekkaham Ekkahum Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Egabim, Eahim, Ekkahim Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Egahim, Eahim. Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Ekkahim Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 203 Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Feminine - Ega, Ea, Ekka (One) Plural Nominative case Singular Ega, EX, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Accusative case Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egau. Esu, Ekkau Egau, Eau, Ekkau Egao, Eao, Ekkao Egao, Eao, Ekkao Ega, EN, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egau, Eau, Ekkau Egau, Eau, Ekkau Egao, Eko, Ekkao Egao, Eao, Ekkao Egahim, Exhim, Ekkahim Instrumental case Egae, Eae, Ekke Egae, Eae, Ekkae Dative and Genitive case Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egahe, Eahe, Ekkahe Egahe, Eahe, Ekkahe Egahe, Eahe, Ekkabe Egahe, Eahe, Ekkahe Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Ega, Ea, Ekka Ega, Ea, Ekka Egahu, Eahu, Ekkahu Egahu, Eahu, Ekkahu Egahu, Eahu, Ekkahu Egahu, Eahu,Ekkahu Egahim, Exhim, Ekkahim Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Ablative case Locative case Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim Egahim, Eahim, Ekkahim 204 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Du, Do, Be (Two) (In all the Genders) Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Dative and Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Plural Duve, Donni, Dunni, Venni, Vinni, Do, Be Duve, Donni, Dunni, Venni, Vinni, Do, Be Dohi, Dohim, Dohim, Vehi, Vehim, Vehim Donha, Donham, Dunha, Dunham, Venha, Venham, Vinha, Vinham Dutto, Duo, Dou, Dohinto, Dosunto, Vitto, Veo, Veu, Vehinto, Vesunto Dosu, Dosum, Vesu, Vesum Ti (Three) (In all the Genders) Plural Tinni Tinni Tihi, Tihim, Tihim Tinha. Tinham Titto, Tia, Tiu, Tihinto, Tisunto Tisu, Tisum Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 205 Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Dative and Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Cau (Four) (In all the Genders) 206 Plural Cattaro, Cauro, Cattari Cattaro, Cauro, Cattari Cauhi, Cauhim, Cauhim Caunha, Caunham Cautto, Cano, Cauu, Cauhinto, Causunto, Cauo, Cauu, Cauhinto, Causunto Causu, Causum, Causu, Causum Panca (Five) (In all the Genders) Plural Panca Panca Pancahi, Pancahim, Pancahim Pancanha, Pancanham Pancatto, Pancao, Pancau, Pancahi, Pancahinto, Pancasunto, Pancehi, Pancehinto, Pancesunto Pancasu, Pancasum Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Cha (Six) (In all the Genders) Plural Cha Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Cha Chahi, Chahim, Chahis Dative and Chanha, Chanham Genitive case Ablative case Locative case Chatto, Chao, Chau, Chahinto, Chasunto Chasu, Chasum Satta (Seven) (In all the Genders) Plural Nominative case Satta Satta Sattahi, Sattahin, Sattahin Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Sattanha, Sattanham Sattatto, Sattao, Sattau, Sattahinto, Sattasunto, Sattahi Sattasu, Sattasum Locative case Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 207 Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Attha (Eight) (In all the Genders) Plural Attha Attha Atthahi, Atthahim, Atthahin Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Dative and | Genitive case Ablative case Atthanha, Atthanham Atthatto, Atthao, Atthau, Atthahinto, Atthasunto Atthahi Atthasu, Atthasum Locative case "Nava, Nava (Nine) (In all the Genders) Plural Nominative case Nava Nava Navahi, Navahim, Navahis Accusative case Instrumental case [Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Navanha, Navanham Navatto, Navao, Navau, Navahinto, Navasunto, Navahi Navasu, Navasus Locative case 208 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Daha, Dasa (Ten) (In all the Genders) Plural Nominative case Accusative case Instrumental case Daha, Dasa Daha, Dasa Dahahi, Dahahim, Dahahin, Dasahi, Dasahin, Dasahin Dahanha. Dahanham, Dasanha, Dasanham Dative and Genitive case Ablative case Dahatto, Dahao, Dahau, Dahahinto, Dahasunto Dahahi Dasatto, Dasao, Dasau, Dasahinto, Dasasunto, Dasahi Dahasu, Dahasun, Dasasu, Dasasun Locative case Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 209 Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lesson 84 Endings of Declensional forms of Nouns in Apabhramsa according to Hemacandra Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 Nominative Case Singular Number Masculine Deva-a Hari 1. Gamani-i 0 0-1 Sahu-u O 10-u Sayambhu-u 0 0-u 0-a au ao Neuter Mahu-u Kamala-a 0 Oth Vari-i 0 1. 0 0-i 0+u if in the end 'a' occurs Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 'a'-um Feminine Kaha-a Lacchi-i Bahu-u Mai-i 0 Dhenu-u 0 0 0-a 0-i 0-u Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Nominative Case Plural Number Masculine Gamani-i Sahu-u Deva-a Hari-i 0 Ooh. Ooi Sayambhu-u 0 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 0 - Neuter Kamala-a Vari-i Mahu-u 0 Otu loi 0+u im im im im -aim im-jim im-uim Feminine Kaha-a Mai-i Lacchi-i DI -U Bahu-u 0 O 0-a bei 0-u u-au uiu uju u-uu 21 0-ao 0-io 0-- uo 0-10 Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 Accusative Case Singular Number Masculine Deva-a Hari-i 0 Gamani-i 0 Oni Sahu-u 0 0- Sayambhu-u 0 0u 0-a au Neuter Kamala-a Vari-i Mahu-u bei 0-u Ota a-u If in the end'a' occurs 'a'- um Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Feminine Kaha-a Lacchi-i 0 Mai-i 0 0-i 0 Dhenu-u 0 Bahu-u 0 0+ 0-a Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Accusative Case Plural Number Masculine Deva-a Hari-i Gamani-i Sahu-u 0 0 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Sayambhu-U 0 0-u . Otu loi 0-i 0-u leuter Kamala-a Vari-i Mahu-u O 0 Ooj Ooi 0+u im im in im-aim im -iim im-dim Feminine Kaha-a Mai-i Lacchi-i Dhenu-u Bahu- 0 0 0 Oni O-a 0-1 u+au uiu utiu u-uu u-uu 213 o-ao 0-10 0+io 0-uo 0-00 Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 Instrumental Case Singular Number Masculine Deva-a Hari-i a-e-em naena em, emiem 0, 0-im na, na-ina nas, nam-inam Gamani-i Sahu-u Sayambhu- u em, em iem en, em-uem em, em uem 0-im ! O, O-u 0) (-um na, na-ina n a, na-una na, na-una nam, nam inam nam, nam-unam nam, namunam nam-enam Neuter Kamala-a Vari-i a-e-em em, em-iem na-ena ('), (') im Mahu-u em, em-uem ('), () - na, na-una nan, nam-unam nam enam na, na-ina narn, nam-inam Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Feminine Kaha-a Mai-i Lacchi-i Dhenu-u Bahu-u e e e e-ae eie eje erue e-ue eue Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Instrumental Case Plural Number Masculine Deva-a Sahu-u Sayambhu-u Hari-i him Gamani-i him him him him Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition him-ahim him-ihim him-ihim him-uhim his+uhim him-ehim Neuter Kamala-a Vari-i him him Mahu-u him him-uhis hinahim him-ihim him-ehim Feminine Kaha-a Mai-i Lacchi-i Dhenu-u Bahu-u him him him him him him-ihim him-ahim him-ihim him-uhim him-uhim 215 Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 Dative and Genitive Case Singular Number Masculine Hari-i Gamani-i Sahu-u Sayambhu-u 0 Deva-a 0, 0su, su-asu ho, ho ho 0-1 0-1 ! 0-0 0-0 ssu Neuter Vari-i Mahu-u 0 Kamala-a 0, 0- 8 0 su, sumasu ho, ho-aho 0-1 0- ssu Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Feminine Kaha-a O, Ota he, he-ahe Mai-i 0,0 / he, he-ihe Lacchi-i 0, 0-i he, he-he Dhenu-u 0. O u h e, he-uhe Bahu-u 0, 0>u he, he-uhe Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Dative and Genitive Case Plural Number Masculine Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Deva-a 0, 0+ ham, har-aham Hari-i 0, Oti ham, ham-iham hum, hur-ihum Gamani-i 0,03 ham, ham-iham hum, hum-ibum Sahu-u Sayambhu- 0, 0- 0,0!u. ham, ham-uham ham, ham-uham hum, hum-uhum hum, hum-uhum Neuter Mahu-u Kamala-a Vari-i O, Otu 0. O i ham, ham+ahan ham, ham-iham hum, hum-ihum 0, 0-u ham, ham-uham hum, hum-uhum Feminine Kaha-a 0, ota he, he-ahe Mai-i 0,03 he, he-ihe Lacchi-i 0, 0-i he, he-jhe Dhenu-u 0, 0-u he, he-uhe Bahu-u 0, 0+u he, he+uhe 217 Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Masculine Neuter Feminine Deva-a he, he ahe hu, hu-ahu Kamala-a he, he-ahe hu, hu-ahu Kaha-a he he-ahe Hari-i he he-ihe Vari-i he he-ihe Mai-i he he-ihe Ablative Case Singular Number Gamani-i he he-ihe Lacchi-i he he-ihe Sahu-u he he-uhe Mahu-u he he-uhe Dhenu-u he he-uhe Sayambhu-u he he-uhe Bahu-u he he-uhe Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ablative Case Plural Number Masculine Deva-a Hari-i Sahu-u hum hum Gamani-i hum hum+ihum hum Apabhrarnsa Grammar and Composition Sayambhu-u hum hum-uhum hum-ahur hum-ihum hum-uhum Neuter Kamala-a Vari-i Mahu-u hum hum hum hum-ahum hum-ihum hum-uhus Feminine Kaha-a Mai-i Lacchi-i Dhenu-u Bahu-u hu hu hu hu hu. hu-ahu huihu huihu hu-uhu h u-uhu 219 Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Masculine Neuter Feminine Deva-a a-i a-e Kamala-a a-i a-e Hari-i hi hi-ihi Vari-i hi hi-ihi Locative Case Singular Number Gamani-i hi hi-ihi Sahu-u hi hi-uhi Mahu-u hi hi-uhi Sayambhu-u hi hi-uhi Kaha-a Mai-i Lacchi-i Dhenu-u Bahu-u him, him ahim him, him-ihim him, him-ihim him, him-uhim him, him-uhim Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 221 Masculine Neuter Feminine Deva-a him him-ahim Kamala-a him him-ahim Kaha-a him him-ahim Locative Case Plural Number Hari-i Gamani-i Sahu-u Sayambhu-u him, him-ihim him, him-ihim him, him-uhim him, him-uhim hum, hum-ihum hum, hum-ihum hum, humuhum hum, humuhum Vari-i Mahu-u him, him-ihim hum, hum-ihum Mai-i him him-ihim Lacchi-i him him-ihim him, him-uhim hum, hum-uhum Dhenu-u him him-uhim Bahu-u him him-uhim Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Masculine Neuter Feminine Deva-a 0 0-a a u a-o Kamala-a 0 0+a a-u if in the end 'a' Occurs 'a'-um Kaha-a 0-a Hari-i 0 1+0 Vari-i 0 1+0 Mai-i !+0 Vocative Case Singular Number Gamani-i 0+i Lacchi-i 0 0+i Sahu-u 0 10-u Mahu-u 1-0 Dhenu-u 0 n+0 Sayambhu-u 0 n+0 Bahu-u noo Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 223 Masculine Neuter Feminine Deva-a 0,0-a ho, ho-aho Kamala-a 0,0-a im, im-aim ho, ho-aho Kaha-a 0,0+a u, u au o, o ao ho, ho-aho Hari-i 0,0-i ho, ho-iho Vari-i 0,0-i Vocative Case Plural Number im, im-iim ho, ho iho Mai-i 0,0-i u, u ju 0, 0-10 ho, ho-iho Gamani-i 0,0-i ho, ho-iho Lacchi-i 0.0-i u, u-iu o, onio ho, ho-iho Sahu-u 0,0-u ho, ho-uho Mahu-u 0,0-u im, im-uim ho, ho-uho Dhenu-u 0,0-u u, uuu o, o uo ho, ho-uho Sayambhu-u 0,0-u ho, ho-uho Bahu-u 0,0-u u, u uu o, o uo ho, ho-uho Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix - 1 (a) Noun-Index Nouns used in 'Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition' English to Apabhramsa S.No. | Noun Apabhramsa Gender of Page No. word Apabhramsa word A Kamma Neuter 65 Neuter Action Addiction Age Air Vasana Au Neuter 128 Vau Masculine 1 21 din & in onoo Aircraft Neuter Feminine 129 Army Ascetic Axe Vimana Camu Jogi Pharasu 121 Masculine Masculine 121 Beak Feminine 129 Beauty Neuter 65 si din & in Cancu Rupa Jantu, Pani Uppatti Ratta Masculine 121 Feminine 128 65 Being Birth Blood Body Bone Book Tanu 129 o o Neuter Feminine Neuter Masculine Atthi 128 57 o o Gantha Dhanu Bow Masculine 121 Brother Bhai Masculine 1 2 1 Camel Karaha Guha Masculine Feminine 57 72 di Cave N Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Page No. Apabhraisa Gender of word Apabhramsa word Child 57 Balaa Hanu Nayarajana Masculine Feminine Neuter 129 165 Chin Citizen Cleaner of granary Clarified Butter Cloth Khalapu Masculine 129 Ghaya Pada, Vattha Meha Neuter Masculine Neuter Masculine Masculine Feminine Feminine 10. 121 Cloud Commander Compassion Cow Curd 11. Senavai Karuna Dhenu Dahi 12. 129 13. Neuter 128 1. Daughter 72 Tanaya, Dhua, Feminine Suya, Putti 1 29 Daughter-inlaw Death 129 57 121 Bahu Feminine Kayanta, Masculine Massi, Masculine Marana Neuter Rina Neuter Rakkhasa Masculine Ahilasa, Tanha Feminine Debt Demon Desire 72 Detachment Veragga Neuter 65 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 225 Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Page No. Apabhramsa Gender of word Apabhramsa word Bhatti 128 Devotion Disgrace Feminine Masculine 57 10 Ditch Feminine Dujjasa Gadda Kukkura Bindu 11. 57 Dog Drop Masculine Masculine 12. 121 Earth Pihimi Feminine 128 72 Education Electricity Elephant 121 ridint is on oo 121 1 21 Enemy Sikkha Feminine Vijju Masculine Kari, Karenu, Masculine Hatthi Masculine Ari, Riu, Sattu Masculine Sanjha Feminine Parikkha Feminine Acchi, Neuter Arkhi Feminine 121 Evening 72 Examination 72 Eye 128 128 Faith Father Saddha Janera, Bappa, Piu Sasura Feminine Masculine Masculine Masculine Masculine Neuter Father-in-law 121 57 65 Fear Bhaya Neuter 65 Field Fire Khetta Agi, Huavaha Feminine Masculine 128 57 226 Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. | Noun Page No. Apabhramsa Gender of word Apabhramsa word | _ 7. Friend 57 Food Mitta Asana, Bhoyana 65 Masculine Neuter Neuter Neuter h Forest Vana Feminine Ganga Jua Kanna Piamahi Neuter Feminine Feminine 129 so q q q yan h yot Hk Ganges Gambling Girl Grandmother Grandson Grass Grief God Potta Masculine Tina Duha Neuter Masculine Masculine Masculine Pahu, 121 Paramesara h Government Sasana Neuter H h Hanumana Hanuvanta 57 Hari Hari 116 h` r Masculine Masculine Neuter Neuter Masculine Masculine 128 h s q q Head Sira Honey Mahu House Ghara Human being Nara Hunger Bhukkha Husband Pai Husband's younger brother Diara Feminine Masculine 1 21 Masculine Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 227 Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. 10. 11. 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 4. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 228 Noun Husband's sister Hut I Intellect Intelligence Itch Itchiness J Jamuna Jewel K King Kingdom Knee Knowledge L Law Life Limit of time Lion Lotus Apabhramsa Gender of word Apabhramsa word Nananda Jhumpada Mai Meha Khajju Kandu Jambu Mani, Rayana Naravai, Narinda Rajja Janu Nana Vihi Jivana Avahi Kesari, Siha Kamala Feminine Feminine Feminine Feminine Feminine Feminine Masculine Feminine Masculine Masculine Masculine Neuter Neuter Neuter Masculine Neuter Feminine Masculine Neuter Page No. 72 72 128 72 129 129 121 128 57 121 57 65 128 65 121 65 128 121, 57 67 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Page No. Apabhramsa Gender of word Apabhramsa word 1 28 Neuter Masculine Masculine 121 57 Masculine 121 Neuter 6 5 Mana 65 121 M Material Vatthu Master Sami Maternal uncle Maula Meru mountain Meru Milk Khira Mind Minister Manti Mistress Samini Monarch Raya Moon Sasi Moral conduct Sila Mortifier Tavassi Mother Janeri, Maya Mother-in-law Sassu, Sasu Mother's sister Mausi 128 57 10. Neuter Masculine Feminine Masculine Masculine Neuter Masculine Feminine Feminine 121 11. 65 1.21 12. 13. 128, 72 129 15. |Feminine 129 16. Mountain Giri Masculine 1 2 1 N Feminine 72 Narmada Night Nammaya Nisa, Ratti Feminine 72, 128 Masculine Feminine Ocean Old age Order Owner Sayara Jara Ana Sami Feminine Masculine 121 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 229 Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun: Page No. Apabhramsa word Gender of Apabhramsa word F Patta Neuter Paper Paternal Grandfather Piamaha Masculine Patience Dhii Feminine 128 Peace Santi Feminine 138 Pit Gadda Feminine 72 Suha, Sokkha Neuter Pleasure Poet Kai 121 Praise Pasamsa 72 Thui Masculine Feminine Feminine Masculine Feminine 128 Gavva Prayer Pride Prosperity Prosperous woman 57 Riddhi 12. Paramesari Feminine 1 28 Teu 121 Radiance Raghupati Rama 121 57 121 mi ami tworoo Reputation Rice River Rope Rule Masculine Rahuvai Masculine Rahunandana, Masculine Rahu Masculine Paitha Feminine Dhanna Neuter Saria Feminine Rajju Feminine Vihi Masculine 72 129 121 230 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Page No. Apabhramsa Gender of word Apabhramsa word 1 Saint Sahu, Jai, Muni, Risi Masculine Masculine 121 121 Sadi Feminine 129 Feminine 1 28 Sari Satisfaction Scripture Secretary Seed 57 Tatti Agama Manti Bia Masculine Masculine Neuter 121 65 Self-made Masculine 129 person Serpent Sister Sayambhu Sappa Sasa Masculine 57 Feminine Bahini 128 Feminine Feminine Sita Siya 10. 11. Naha Neuter 12. Feminine Nidda Pottala 13. Neuter 14. Sky Sleep Small bundle Small earthan Water pot Small spoon Sneeze Son Kalasiya Feminine 15. Feminine 129 16. 65 Kadacchu Chikka Putta, Sunu Gana Jamau Netuer Masculine 17. 57. 121 18. Song 65 Neuter Masculine 19. 1 2 1 20. Vaya Feminine 72 Son-in-law Speech Spiritual attainment 21. Appaladdhi Feminine 1 28 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 231 Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Page No. Apabhraisa Gender of word Apabhramsa word 22. Soha Feminine Neuter Feminine Splendour Stick, wood Story Strength Suffering Sun Lakkuda Kaha Satti Dukkha 25. Feminine 26. 27 Masculine Masculine Divayara, Ravi Neuter 128 Masculine Teacher Tear Thread Guru Ansu 121 128 Neuter Sutta Neuter 65 Thing Vatthu Neuter 138 si am #wosc 72 Thirst Tisa Tree Taru Tree of Jamuna Jambu Feminine Masculine 121 Feminine 129 Truth Sacca Neuter Gama Masculine 57 mi aj Village Village headman Vow Gamani 129 Masculine Masculine Vaya 57 1. Water 57 Salila, Udaga, Vari Masculine Neuter Neuter 65 |128 232 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun 2. 3. 4 5 4. 5. 6. 78 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 2. 3. Wealth Well Wife Witch Wine Wind Wisdom Woman Woman residing in a city Woman saint Wood World Y | Apabhramsa Gender of word Apabhramsa word Dhana Neuter Lacchi, Kamala Feminine Kuva Masculine Jaa Feminine Daini Feminine Maira, Feminine Majja Marua Masucline Panna Feminine Itthi, Nari, Feminine Mahila, Maheli Feminine Nagari Samani Kattha Bhava Yamuna Young woman/Juvai lady Youth Jauna Jovvana Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Feminine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Feminine Neuter Page No. 65 129, 72 57 72 128 72 65 57 72 129, 129 72, 129 128 129 65 57 72 128 65 233 Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix - 1(b) Noun-Index Nouns used in 'Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition' Apabhraisa to English S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No. A(37) Amsu Tear Neuter 128 Acchi 128 ca s Eye Bone Spiritual Neuter Neuter Atthi 128 Appaladdhi attainment Feminine 128 W Ari Enemy Masculine 121 o Avahi Limit of time Feminine 128 r Asana Food Neuter Ahilasa Desire Feminine o A(341) Amkhi Feminine 128 10. Au Eye Age Scripture 128 Neuter Masculine 11. Agama Agi Fire Feminine 128 12. 13. Ana Order Feminine 1(3) Itthi 14. Woman Feminine 129 234 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No. U(3) Udaga Uppatti Water 15. 16. Neuter 65 128 Birth Feminine 17. Masculine 121 65 18. Neuter Ka(F) Kai Kattha Kadacchu Kandu Kanna 19. Poet Wood Small Spoon Itchiness Girl Feminine 129 20. Feminine 129 21. Feminine Kamala Lotus Neuter 23. Kamala Wealth Feminine 72 24. Kamma Action Neuter 25. Kayanta Death Masculine 26. Karaha Masculine 57 27. Kari Masculine 121 28. 1 Karuna Feminine 72 Camel Elephant Compassion Elephant Small earthan water pot 29. Karenu Masculine 121 30. Kalasia Story Kaha Kukkura Feminine Feminine Masculine Masculine 32. Dog 33. Kuva Well 57 34. Kesari Lion Masculine 1121 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 235 Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Gender Page No. English Translation 35. Kha () Khajju Khalapu Itch 129 Feminine Masculine 36. 129 Cleaner of granary 37. Khir Milk Neuter 65 38. Khetta Field Neuter 65 Ga (1) 39. Ganga Ganges Feminine 72 40. Book 5 41. Ditch 72 42. Pride 5 7 Gantha Gadda Gavva Gana Gama Gamani Masculine Feminine Masculine Neuter Masculine Masculine 43. 65 44. 57 45. 1129 Song Village Village headman Mountain Teacher 46. 121 Giri Guru Guha Masculine Masculine Feminine 121 48. Cave 72 49. Gha (ET) Ghaya Ghara 65 Clarified Butter Neuter House Masculine 50. 57 Ca (IT) Cancu Camu Beak Feminine 51. 52. 1 29 Army | Feminine 129 236 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No. Cha (5) 53. Chikka Sneeze Neuter 65 54. Ja (5) Jai Jauna 121 55. 72 56. Jantu 121 57. Jambu Saint Masculine Yamuna Feminine Being Masculine Jamuna Masculine (name of fruit) Tree of Jamuna Feminine Father Masculine 121 58. 129 Jambu Janera Janeri 57 60. Mother Feminine 128 61. Jara Jaa 72 Janu 128 Jamau 121 65. 65 Jivana Juvai Old age Feminine Wife Feminine Knee Neuter Son-in-law Masculine Life Neuter Young woman/ Feminine lady Gambling Neuter Ascetic Masculine Youth Neuter 66 128 67. 65 Jua Jogi 68. 121 69. Jovvana 65 Jha (7) Jhumpada 70. Hut Feminine 72 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 237 Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No.. Da (3) Daini Witch Feminine 128 Na (OT) 72. Nananda Husband's Feminine 172 sister 73. Narmada Feminine Nammaya Nayarajana 74. 75. Nara 57 76. 121 Naravai Naha 77 65 Nagari 128 Citizen Neuter Human being Masculine King Masculine Sky Neuter Woman Feminine residing in a city Knowledge Neuter Woman Feminine Sleep Feminine Night Feminine 79. Nana 65 80. 129 Nari Nidda 72 82. Nisa 72 00 Daughter Feminine 72 00 Ta (a) Tanaya Tanha Tanu Tatti Feminine 72 Feminine 129 Desire Body Satisfaction Tree 00 Feminine 128 87. Taru 1 2 1 Masculine Masculine 00 Tavassi Mortifier 1 21 89. Tina Grass Neuter 65 238 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No. 90. 1 Tisa Thirst Feminine 1 72 91. Teu Radiance Masculine 1 21 Tha (1) 92. 1 Thui Prayer Feminine | 128 Da (a) Dahi Neuter 128 Diara Masculine 57 Curd Husband's younger brother Sun 95. Divayara 57 96. Dukkha Suffering Masculine Masculine Masculine Masculine 97. Dujjasa 5 7 Disgrace Grief 98. Duha 57 Dha (9) Dhana Wealth Neuter 65 99. 100. Dhanu Bow Masculine 1 21 101. Dhanna Rice 65 Patience Neuter Feminine Feminine 102. Dhii 103. Dhua 104. Dhenu 128 72 Daughter Cow Feminine 1129 Na (7) 105 Narinda King Masculine 57 Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition 239 Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Gender Page No. English Translation Pa (9) 106. Pai Husband Masculine 121 Paittha Reputation Feminine 107. 108. 109. Masculine Pada Panna Cloth Wisdom Feminine 110. Patta Neuter Paper God 57 111. 112. Paramesara Paramesari Masculine Feminine 1 28 Prosperous woman Examination 72 113. Parikkha 114. Pasamsa Praise 72 Feminine Feminine Masculine Masculine Pahu God 115. 116. 121 Pani Being 121 11 7. Piamaha 57 Paternal Gran- Masculine dfather 118. | Piamahi Feminine 129 Grandmother Father 119. Piu Masculine 120. Pihimi Earth Feminine 128 Masculine Son Daughter Small Bundle Feminine 121. Putta 122. Putti 123. Pottala 124. Potta 129 Neuter 65 Grandson Masculine 57 Pha (6) 125. Pharasu 1Axe Masculine 1121 240 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No. Ba (a) Bappa Father Masculine 57 126. 127. Bahini Sister Feminine 128. Bahu Daughter-in-law Feminine 128 129 57 121 129. Child Masculine Balaa Bindu Drop Masculine 130. 131. | Bia Seed Neuter 65 Bha (47) Bhatti Devotion Feminine 1128 Fear Neuter 132. 133. 134. 135. Bhaya Bhava Bhai World Masculine 121 Brother Hunger 136. Bhukkha Masculine Feminine Neuter 137. Bhoyana Food Ma (A) 138. Mai Intellect Feminine 128 139. Maira Wine Feminine 72 140. Manti Masculine 121 Minister/ Secretary Death Wine 141. Maccu 121 Masculine Neuter 165 142. Majja 143. Mana 144. Mani Mind Neuter 165 Jewel Feminine 1128 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 241 Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No. 145. Marana Death Neuter 65 146. Mahila Woman Feminine 72 147. Maheli Woman Feminine 129 148. Mahu Honey Neuter 128 Maternal uncle Masculine Mother's sister Feminine 129 149. Maula 150. Mausi 151. Maya 152. Marua 153 Mitta Feminine Mother Wind Masculine Friend Masculine 154. Muni Saint Masculine 121 155. Meru Meru mountain Masculine 121 156. Meha Cloud Masculine 157. | Meha Intelligence Feminine Ra (1) 158. Rakkhasa Demon Masculine 57 Neuter 65 Kingdom Rope Blood Feminine 129 Neuter 65 159. Rajja 160. Rajju 161. Ratta 162. Ratti 163. Rayana 164. Ravi 165. Rahu Night Feminine 1 28 Masculine 57 Jewel Sun Neuter 128 Rama Masculine 121 166. Rahunandana Rama Masculine 57 242 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun English Translation Gender Page No. 167. | Rahuvai Raghupati Masculine 121 168. Monarch Masculine 57 Raya Riu 169. Masculine 121 Enemy Debt 170. Rina Neuter 65 171. Riddhi Feminine 128 Prosperity Saint Risi Masculine 121 172. 173. Rupa Beauty Neuter 65 La () 174. Lakkuda Stick, wood Neuter 175. Lacchi Wealth Feminine Forest Neuter 65 Va(0) 176. Vana 177. Vattha 178. Vatthu Cloth Neuter 65 Material Neuter 128 Thing Neuter 138 Vow Masculine Addiction Neuter 65 Air Masculine 121 179. Vaya 180. Vasana 181. Vau 182. Vaya 183. Vari 184. Vijju 185. Vimana Speech Feminine 72 Water Neuter 128 Masculine 121 Electricity Aircraft Neuter 65 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 243 Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Gender Page No. English Translation 186. Vihi Law, Rule Masculine 121 187. Veragga Detachment Neuter 65 Sa (A) 188. Sanjha Evening Feminine Santi Peace Feminine 138 190. Sacca Neuter 191. Satti Truth Strength Enemy 128 Sattu 121 193. Saddha Faith Feminine Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Serpent Woman Saint 129 Self-made person Masculine 129 River Feminine Water Sister Moon Sappa 195. Samani 196. Sayambhu 197. Saria 198. Salila 199. Sasa 200. Sasi 201. Sasura 202. Sassu 203. Sadi Sahu 205. Sami 206. Samini 207. Sayara Masculine Feminine Masculine Masculine Feminine 121 Father-in-law Mother-in-law Sari 129 Feminine 129 204. Saint Masculine 121 Master, owner 121 Mistress Masculine Feminine Masculine 128 Ocean 157 244 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Noun Gender Page No. English Translation Government Neuter 65 Feminine 129 208. 209. 210. 211. Mother-in-law Education Feminine 7 2 Head Neuter 212. Sasana Sasu Sikkha Sira Siya Sila Siha Sutta Suya Sita Feminine 213. 216. Moral conduct Neuter Lion Masculine Thread Neuter Daughter Feminine Pleasure Neuter Son Masculine Commander Masculine Pleasure Neuter 217. Suha 65 218. 121 219. 121 Sunu Senavai Sokkha Soha 65 220. 221. Splendour Feminine 72 Ha (5) 222. Hanu Feminine 129 223. Hanuvanta Chin Hanumana Elephant 57 224. Hatthi 121 Masculine Masculine Masculine Masculine Hari 116 225. Hari 226. Huavaha Fire Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 245 Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix - 2 (a) Verb-Index Verbs used in 'Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition' English to Apabhramsa S.No. Verb Apabhraisa Transitive) Page No. Verb Intransitive A To ache Intransitive 58 ir Dukkha Phura To appear Intransitive 66 B 58 11 58 66 antworooo 66,58, 11 66 66 73 66 130 111 To bark Bukka Intransitive To bathe Nha Intransitive To be born Uppajja, Intransitive Jamma Intransitive To become Hava, Hu, Ho Intransitive To be enchanted Kila Intransitive To be free Chutta Intransitive To be hungry Khumma Intransitive To be present Vijja Intransitive To blame Khimsa, Transitive Garaha Transitive To bloom, Viasa Intransitive To blossom To break Tutta, intransitive Toda Transitive To break into Khanda Transitive pieces To breathe Ussasa Intransitive To braid Guntha Transitive To bring up Pala Transitive To burn Jala, Intransitive Daha Transitive 66 11. 58 111 130 12 13. 14. 15. 73 130 104 58 | 130 16. 246 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No: Verb Apabhramsa Verb Kina Transitivel Intransitive Page No. 17. To buy Transitive 130 113, 111 73 122, 138 111 111 28 122 130 73 10 156 To call Koka, Pukkara Transitive To calm down Uvasama Intransitive To carry Dhoya, Dhara Transitive To cheat Chala Transitive To chew Cappa Transitive To clash Bhida Intransitive To colour Ranga Transitive To come Agaccha Transitive To come down Utara Intransitive To come out Nisara Intransitive To congratulate Vaddhava Transitive To Conquer Jina Transitive To cougi Khasa Intransitive To count Gana Transitive To cover Dhakka Transitive To cover with Odha Transitive To covet Lobha Intransitive To create Raca Transitive To criticise Khimsa Transitive To cut Katta Transitive 11. 122 130 12. 13. 73 138. 130 15. 111 16. 122 17. 66 18. 130 19. 130 20. 111 To dance Nacca Intransitive Intransitive Ghata 66 inn w Cirava Intransitive 66 To decrease To delay To demand To describe Transitive 122 Magga Vanna Transitive 1 2 2 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 247 Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. 1 Verb Page No. To desire Apabhramsa Verb Iccha, Vancha Chijja Khaya, Nassa Mara 122, 130 73 58 28 Khana 111 Transitivel Intransitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transittve Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Maila 122 To deteriorate To disappear To die To dig To dirty To drink To discover To do To drop To dry up To dupe 12. Piba 122, 138 13. 111 Gavesa Kara Cua, Nijjhara Sukka 16. 122 66, 58 58 111 17. Chala To eat 122, 104 130, 122 28 am To embarrass To endeavour Asa, Kha, Transitive Bhunja, Khada Transitive Lajja Intransitive Ujjama Intransitive Cettha Intransitive Ucchaha Intransitive Ho, Hu Intransitive To enthuse #w To exist Intransitive 28 Intransitive 28 58 iam two To faint To fall To fall down To fear To fight To flounder Muccha Pada Ludha Dara, Biha Jujjha Tadaphada 28, 73 Intransitive Intransitive Intransitive Intransitive 28 28 248 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Verb Page No. Transitivel Intransitive Apabhramsa Verb Udda Bhula Khama To fly To forget To forgive Intransitive Transitive 58 122 138. 130 Transitive G 130 28 To get To get up To give To give up To go 122 sooo rin ni ti ono on 111 130 130 Pava Transitive Uttha Intransitive Da Transitive Choda Transitive Gaccha, Ya Transitive Vajja Transitive Ghuma Intransitive Cara Transitive Panama, Vandal Transitive Khijja Intransitive Pisa Transitive Uga Intransitive Jara Intransitive To go round To graze To greet To grieve To grind To grow To grow old 28 104 113, 130 66 111 11. 1 58 158 12. H To halt To hear Intransitive 73 Transitive 122 104, 113 Thambha Nisuna, Suna Upakara Lukka Dhara, Vaha Mana Transitive To help To hide To hold 111 Intransitive 11 Transitive 122 130 To honour Transitive 1. To illuminate Joa Transitive 130 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 249 Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Verb Page No. Apabhramsa Verb To increase Vaddha To mi Transitivel Intransitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive 66 1 2 2 Hirsa To injure To invite To irrigate 111 Koka Sinca 1 2 2 wi To jump kud Kudda, Kulla Intransitive 66, 28 K 1130 122 i am + To keep To kill To kindle To know Rakkha Hana, Mara Daha Jana Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive 1130 104 Muna 122 Hasa Intransitive 28 To laugh To leap To learn To lecture To lick To live Ucchala Sikha Bakhana Liha 130 122 Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive 130 Jiva 11 To love Ladda 122 Raca 130 Transitive Intransitive Phura 66 To make To manifest To meditate To mistake Jhaa Transitive 138 Cukka Intransitive 66 250 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Verb 5. 6. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2 3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6 9. 10. 1 To move about Dula To mortify Tava N To nurture To observe To obtain To occur To oil To oppress P To partake of food To peel To pick To play To pour To pray To produce To protect To purchase To push Q To quarrel Apabhramsa Transitive/ Verb Intransitive Pala Pala Labha Lagga Coppada Pida Jima, Jema Cholla Cina Khela Ghala Thuna Jana Rakkha Kalaha, Jagada Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Kina Thella Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Page No. 58 66 113 124 130 73 111 122 111 122 111 111 28 111 122 122 104, 113 138 138 122 28 66 251 Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 252 Verb R To read To rejoice To remember To renounce To reproach To reside To rise To roar To roll about To run To run away S To salute To say To saw To search out To see To send To separate To serve To shine To shine like flame To shout To sing Apabhramsa Transitive/ Verb Intransitive Padha Ullasa, Harisa Sumara Cua, Chanda Dhikkara Vasa Uga Gajja, Gunja Lotta Dhava Pala Nama, Panama Transitive Kaha, Bhana Katta Gavesa Nirakkha, Dekha, Peccha Pesa Chutta Seva Soha Tava Transitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Intransiitive Intransitive Transitive Intransitive Pukkara Gaa, Ga Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Page No. 122 28, 58 122 122, 111 130 66 58 58, 66 66 130 58 122, 104 113 122 111 111 130 111, 122 138 122, 138 66 122 58 66 111 130, 122 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page No. 28,73 66, 58 66, 1 130 122 S.No. Verb Apabhramsa Transitivel Verb Intransitive 13. To sit Accha, Uvavisa Intransitive Cistha, Baisa Intransitive 14. 1 To sleep Lotta, Saya Intransitive 15. To smell Jingha Transitive 16. To speak Cava, Bolla Transitive 17. To sport Kila Intransitive 18. To spread Pasara Intransitive 19. To sprout Uga Intransitive 20. To stay Tha, Citha Intransitive 21. To stigmatise Kalanka Transitive 22. To sting Danka Transitive To stop Thambha Intransitive 24. To succeed Sijjha Intransitive 25. 1 To suck Cussa Transitive 26. To suit Avada Transitive 27. To sulk Rusa Intransitive slol 11, 66 111 122 23. 66 130 130 To take Transitive 122, 138 To taste Transitive in mawon oo ai To tear To tell To tie To tire Le, Labha Cakkha Phada Vinnava Bandha Thakka Cora Kutta Khiva Gajja Chua 111 111 122 122, 138 28 To thieve Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive 122 111 130 To thresh To throw To thunder To touch 58 11. 111 Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition 253 Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Verb Transitivel Intransitive Page No. 12. Apabhramsa Verb Kampa Nijjhara Vala 00 To tremble To trickle To turn 13. Intransitive Intransitive Intransitive 00 00 111 To uncover Ugghada To understand Jana, Bujjha To uproot Uppada Transitive Transitive Transitive 104, 130 111 Gala Intransitive 58 To vanish To Vomit Vama Intransitive 73 Jagga, Jagara Rama Intransitive I Intransitive 1, 66 166 Dho Transitive Transitive 111 130 Guntha To wake up To wander happily To wash To weave together strips To weep To whine To win To wish To withhold To worry To worship To write Kanda, Ruva Gadayada Jina Vancha Rokka Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive 58, 28 73 130 130 111 Cinta 122 111 Acca Liha 12. 122 254 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Appendix - 2 (b) Verb-Index Verbs used in 'Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition' Apabhramsa to English S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb Translation Transitivel Page No. intransitive A (31) Acca Accha To worship Transitive 111 mi aj mi To sit Intransitive 28 Asa To eat Transitive 122 A (3) To come Transitive 1130 Agaccha Avada To suit Transitive 130 1(3) 6. Iccha To desire Transitive |1 22 U(3) Uga 58 To rise, To grow, Intransitive To sprout Ugghada To uncover Transitive 111 Ucchala Intransitive 0 o To leap To enthuse 10. Ucchaha Intransitive 0 11. Ujjama To endeavour Intransitive 0 12. Uttha Intransitive 0 To get up To fly 13. Udda Intransitive 0 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 255 Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page No. S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb Translation Transitive/ intransitive 14. 15. 58 Upakara Uppajja Uppada 1 Ullasa 16. 111 To help Transitive To be born Intransitive To uproot Transitive To rejoice Intransitive To sit Intransitive To calm down Intransitive 17. 28 18. Uvavisa 7 3 19. Uvasama 20 Ussasa To breathe Intransitive U (3) 21 Utara To come down | Intransitive 173 O (31) 22. Odha To cover with Transitive 122 Ka(5) Kanda 158 23. 24. Kampa 25 Katta 111 26. Kara 122 27. Kalanka 111 28. Kalaha To weep Intransitive To tremble Intransitive To cut, To saw Transitive To do Transitive To stigmatise Transitive To quarrel Intransitive To say Transitive To buy Transitive To purchase Transitive To sport Intransitive To be enchanted Intransitive To thresh I Transitive 29. Kaha 122 30. Kina 130 138 31. 1 Kila 66 Kila 66 32. 33. Kutta 1111 256 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Apabhraisa English Verb Translation Transitivel Page No. intransitive 34. Kudda 66 35. Kulla To jump Intransitive To jump Intransitive To invite, To call Transitive 28 36. Koka 1 1 1 Kha (a) Khanda 37. To break into Transitive 130 pieces 38. Khana 111 Transitive Transitive 39. Khama 130 To dig To forgive To end, To disappear 40. Khaya Intransitive 58 41. Kha To eat Transitive 104 42. Khada Transitive 122 43. Khasa 173 Intransitive Transitive 44. Khimsa 30 To eat To cough To criticise, To blame To grieve To throw To be hungry To play 45. 66 46. Khijja Khiva Khumma Khela Intransitive Transitive Intransitive 130 47. 73 48. Intransitive 28 49 Ga (JT) Gaccha Gajja To go 130 Transitive Intransitive 50. To roar, 158 51. To thunder To whine To count Intransitive Gadayada Gana 73 52. Transitive 130, 138 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 257 Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb Translation Transitivel Page No. intransitive 53. To blame Transitive 1111 54. Garaha Gala Gavesa 58 Intransitive Transitive 55. 111 To vanish To search out To discover To sing To sing To roar 56. Ga Transitive 22 57. Transitive 130 Gaa Gunja 58. Intransitive 66 130 59. Guntha To braid, Toweave Transitive together strips Gha (an Ghata 60. Intransitive 66 61. Ghala To decrease To pour To go round 111 Transitive Intransitive 62. Ghuma 28 Ca (2) 63. Cakkha 111 64. 111 Cappa Cara 65. 104 66. Cava 122 To taste Transitive To chew Transitive To graze Transitive To speak Transitive To worry Transitive To stay, To sit Intransitive To pick Transitive To delay Intransitive To drop intransitive 1 2 2 Cinta Cittha Cina Cirava Cua 66 1111 66 166 71 258 Apabhrarsa Grammar and Composition Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page No. S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb Translation Transitive) Intransitive 72. Transitive 122 73 Intransitive 66 74. Cua Cukka Cussa Cettha Coppada To renounce To mistake To suck To endeavour To oil 130 75. Transitive Intransitive Transitive 66 76. 111 77. Cora To thieve Transitive 1 2 2 78. Cha (35) Chanda Chala 111 Transitive Transitive 79 111 80. Intrasitive 73 81. Chijja Chua Chutta To renounce To cheat, To dupe To deteriorate To touch To be free To separate To give up To peel Transitive 111 00 Intransitive 66 Intransitive 83. Choda Transitive 111 84. Cholla Transitive 111 85. 86. 87. Ja (5) Jagga Jagada Jana Jamma Jara Jala 122 66 88. 89. To wake up Intransitive To quarrel Intransitive To produce Transitive To be born intransitive To grow old intransitive To burn intransitive To wake up Intransitive To know, To understand Transitive 90. 91. Jagara 92. Jana 104 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 259 Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Apabhramsa English 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 101. 102. Verb 106. 107. Jingha Jina 260 Jima Jiva Jujjha Jema 100. Jhaa Joa Jha (3) Tha (3) Tha Thella 103. 104. Dara 105. Dula Da (3) Danka Dha (a) Dhakka Dhoya Translation To smell To win, To conquer To partake of food To live To fight To partake of food To illuminate To meditate To stay To push To sting To fear Transitive/ Intransitive To cover To carry Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive To move about Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Page No. 130 130 111 121 28 122 130 130, 138 1 1 122 122 28 58 111 122 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb Translation Transitivel Page No. Intransitive To dance Intransitive Na (0) 108. Nacca 109. Nama 110. | Nassa 111. Nijjhara To salute 122 To disappear To drop, To trickle Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive 130 To see To come out To hear Intransitive 112. Nirakkha 113. Nisara 114. Nisuna 115.1 Nha 156 Transitive 1 2 2 To bathe Intransitive Ta (a) 116. Tadaphada 117. Tava 28 66 To flounder Intransitive To shine like Intransitive flame, to mortify To break Intransitive To break Transitive inn 58 118. | Tutta 119. Toda 111 Tha (2) 120. Thambha To stop, To hallintransitive 73 121. Thakka Intransitive 28 To tire To pray 122. Thuna Transitive 122 Da (c) 123. Daha Transitive To burn, To kindle 130 To give Transitive 1122 124. Da 125. Dukkha 126. | Dekha To ache Intransitive Transitive To see 1111 Apabhraisa Grammar and Composition 261 Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb 127. Dhara Dha (U) 128. Dhava 129. 130. Dho Pa (4) 131. Pada 132. Padha 133. 142. 143. Dhikkara 262 134. Pala 135. Pasara 136. Pala Panama 137. Pava 138. Piba 139. Pida 140. Pisa 141. Pukkara Peccha Pesa Translation To hold To carry To run To reproach To wash To fall To read To salute To greet To run away To spread To bring up To nurture To observe To get To drink To oppress To grind To shout, To call To see To send Transitive/ Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Transitive Page No. 122 138 130 130 111 28 122 104 113 58 58 104 113 124 130 122 122 111 111 122 122 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page No. S.No. Apabhraisa English Translation Transitivel Intransitive Verb Pha (5) 144. Phada 145. Phura Transitive 111 To tear To appear, To manifest Intransitive 66 Transitive 122 58 122 Ba (a) 146. Bandha 147. Baisa 148. Bakhana 149. Biha 150. Bukka 151. Bujjha 152. Bolla To tie To sit To lecture To fear To bark To understand To speak 73 Intransitive Transitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive Transitive 58 130 122 Bha () 153. 1 Bhana Transitive 122 28 154. Bhida 155. Bhunja 156. Bhula To say To clash To eat To forget Intransitive Transitive 130 Transitive 1 2 2 Ma (H) 157. Maila To dirty 122 Transitive Transitive To demand 122 To die Intransitive 28 158. Magga 159. Mara 160. Mana 161. Mara 162. Muccha To honour Transitive 130 To kill Transitive 122 28 To faint | Intransitive Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 263 Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page No. S.No. Apabhramsa | English Verb Translation Transitive/ Intransitive 163. Muna To know Transitive 122 Ya (T) 164. Ya To go Transitive 130 Ra (1) Transitive 122 165. Ranga 166. Rakkha 167. Rakkha To colour To keep To protect Transitive 130 Transitive 104, 113 138 168. Rama Intransitive 66 To wander happily To make, To create 169. Raca Transitive 130 Intransitive 28 170.1 Ruva 171. Rusa To weep To sulk To withhold Intransitive 172. Rokka Transitive 111 La (7) Lagga 173. 73 174. Lajja Intransitive Intransitive Transitive 28 122 175. Ladda 176. Labha To occur To embarrass To love To obtain To take To write To lick Transitive 130 Transitive 138 177. Liha Transitive 122 178. Liha Transitive 130 264 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb Translation Transitivel intransitive Page No. 179. Lukka To hide Intransitive To fall down Intransitive 58 180. | Ludha 181. | Le Transitive 1 2 2 182. Lotta Intransitive 66 To take To sleep, To roll about To covet 18 3. | Lobha Intransitive 166 Va(d) 184. Vancha Transitive 130 To wish, To desire 130 To greet To go Transitive Transitive 130 To increase Intransitive 66 1 2 2 185. Vanda 186. Vajja 187 Vaddha 188. Vanna 189. Vaddhava 190. Vama Vala 192. 193. Vaha To describe Transitive To congratulate Transitive To vomit Intransitive 122 73 191. Intransitive 58 To turn To reside Vasa Intransitive 66 To hold Transitive 1 2 2 194. Viasa To bloom Intransitive 66 To blossom To be present To tell 195. Vijja 196. Vinnava 66 Intransitive Transitive 1 2 2 Sa () 197. Saya To sleep Intransitive 1 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 265 Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ S.No. Apabhramsa English Verb Translation Transitivel Page No. Intransitive Transitive 1 2 2 66 198. Sinca 199. Sijjha 200. Sikha 201. Sukka 202. Suna 130 To irrigate To succeed To learn To dry up To hear To listen to Intransitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive 58 104 To remember Transitive 1 2 2 203. Sumara 204. Seva 205. Soha Transitive 122 To serve To shine Intransitive 58 To kill Transitive 1 2 2 To rejoice 58 Ha (E) 206. Hana 207. Harisa 208. Hava 209. Hasa 210. Himsa 211. Hu 66 To become To laugh To injure Intransitive Intransitive Intransitive Transitive 122 To become Intransitive 58 212. Ho To exist To become To exist Intransitive /11, 58 266 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Reference Books 1. Hemacandra Prakrta Vyakarana : Vyakhyata Sri Pyara Candaji Bhaga 1 - 2 Maharaja (Sri Jaina Divakara Divya Jyoti Karyalaya, Mevadi Bajara, Byavara) 2. Prakrta Bhaskom Ka Vyakarana : Dr. R. Pisala (Bihara Rastrabhasa Parisad, Patana) 3. Abhinava Praksta Vyakarana : Dr. Nemichand Sastri (Tara Pablikesana, Varanasi) 4. Praksta Margopadesika : Pam. Becaradas Jivaraja Dosi (Motilala Banarasidasa, Delhi) 5. Praudha Racananuvada Kaumudi: Dr. Kapiladeva Dvivedi (Visvavidyalaya, Prakasana, Varanasi) 6. Paia-Sadda-Mahannavo : Pam. Haragovindadasa Trikamacanda Setha Praksta Grantha Parisad, Varanasi) 7. Apabhramsa-Hindi Kosa, : Dr. Naresa Kumara Bhaga 1-2 (Indo-Vijana Pra. Lt.) II A, 220, Nehru Nagar, Gajiyabada) 8. Hemacandra Apabhramsa Vyakarana: Dr. Kamalchand Sogani Sutra Vivecana (Jainavidya Ke Muni (Jainavidya Samsathana, Nayanandi Va Kanakamara Digambara Jaina Atisaya Visesanka Samkhya 7, 8 Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji, Rajasthan) 9. Apabhraisa of Hemacandra : Dr. Kantilala Baladevarama Vyasa (Praksta Text Society) Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition 267 Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10. Praudha Apabhramsa Racana : Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani Saurabha (Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy, Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji, Rajasthan) 11. Praudha Praksta Racana : Dr. Kamal Chand Sogani Saurabha (Apabhramsa Sahitya Academy, Digambara Jaina Atisaya Ksetra Sri Mahaviraji, Rajasthan) 268 Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Education international