Use in sentences (Subject Feminine) (Plural) (Active Voice)
Sasa Sasa Sasāu Utthia/Utthia/Utthiau/Utthiau = Sisters got up. Sasau/ Utthião/Utthiao Sasão Sasao
- Sisters stayed.
Sasa Thai/Thậa/Thảâu/ Sasẫu | Thaau/Thảo/Thaao Sasau Sasão Sasao)
Note. Before using the Past Participle in the Feminine Gender, the Past
Participle is changed into Feminine Gender. For changing the Past Participle into Feminine Gender the a suffix is added, as, utthia-utthia, savia-savia, Thắa-Thái. By this the Past Participle becomes a-ending Feminine. The inflection of these will be according to “kahā'.
Apabhramsa Grammar and Composition
Jain Education International
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