Book Title: World of Philosophy
Author(s): Christopher Key Chapple, Intaj Malek, Dilip Charan, Sunanda Shastri, Prashant Dave
Publisher: Shanti Prakashan
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- PROF DR. M. RAMACHANDRA Religion is a universal phenomena .It is the most profound form of human activity. Religion is the art of living through right action, how to live our daily life in harmony within ourselves and with others to lead a life of peace and happiness. It is not only confined to practices some religious rites, ceremonies, rituals. Religion extolled the sense of unity, equality, peace, harmony and brotherhood among human community.
Religion is a principle of unification and harmonization. The term religion has been derived from the word 'religere' which signifies bond. Etimologically therefore religion means a bond which units the human life as well as the social life. Religion is essentially a principle of life, the feeling of a living relation between the human individual and the power of which the world is a manifestation. Religion is the expression of the external and indestructible metaphysical craving of human nature. The impulse of religion is an essential part of mans discovery. Any society of the world without religion is inconceivable. Religion has been defined from the aspect of cogni tion, affection and conation. Herbert Spencer defines religion as a hypothetical concept, which makes the universe intelligible to us. Compte and Buddhism identified religion with humanity, which is a religion without god. Thus religion involves thought and activity as well as beliefs and values. Religion manifests itself in society in many ways. It shapes the domestic, economic, Political and social institutions. Religious rites performed on many occasions as birth, initiation, marriage, death, hunting, agriculture etc. Mahatma Gandhi described religion as a force that keeps one true in the face of greatest adversity. The religious institutions like church, temple and mosques etc. play an important part in world peace and harmony. Religion is a universal phenomenon. It is permanently embodied in mans psychology. Religion involves an element of feeling, according to Rudolf Otto, religion is an outcome of the "a priori numinous feeling". Otto describes it as "mysterium Tremendum et fascinans". These three words gives in a nutshell. Otto's insight into the non-rational elements in our religious consciousness. The moralist's emphasis the moral aspect of religion. Mathew Arnold defines religion as nothing but "morality touched with emotion ". Kant emphasizes the primacy of moral will and brings god only as a moral postulate.
Religion is a growing and dynamic subject. The essential presupposition of religion is the cosmic order. The soul of man strives for harmony or identity with the world order. The great mystics, philosophers and prophets of the world admit this analysis of religion. This order is rationalized as Reason, or God or Being "Peace". On the other hand means freedom from warrior violence. Religion never takes a man to involve in war or violence. Religion never takes a man to involve in war or violence. Thus there is an inti