Book Title: World of Philosophy
Author(s): Christopher Key Chapple, Intaj Malek, Dilip Charan, Sunanda Shastri, Prashant Dave
Publisher: Shanti Prakashan
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Yadurdhvam Gārgi divo yadavāk prthivyā yadantarā dyāvāprthivimme yad bhūtam ca bhavacca bhavisyaccaetyacaksate akāśe tadotam ca protam ceti... Etadaksaram gārgyadrstam drastrśrutam Srotramatam mantrvijñatam vijñatļ nānyadato asti drastr nānyodato asti Śrotr, nānyadatosti mantr, nânyadatosti vijñātr, etasminnu khalu akşare Gārgi ! akāsah otaśca protaśca.III.]. The great forces of the universe-- - the sky, the wind, the fire, the water, the earth, mountains the rivers, as well as various orders of life including human being, plants, trees, forests, animals and birds, all are bound to each other within the great rhythm of this one pure Consciousness [Mundaka Upanisad II.1.4; Taittirīya Upanişad. II.1.; Svetāśvatara Upanişad.IV.2-3.)
These Upanisadic statements imply that the entire universe exists only in the ocean of consciousness, just as all kinds of waves, bubbles, and foam exist only in the ocean. Without the ocean, there would be no waves or bubbles. In fact, waves and bubbles are nothing but parts of the ocean. It is the same consciousness, which indwells in the cosmos as a whole and in each being and in the force or object. It is One Supreme Consciousness, which pulsates in human beings, animals, birds, plants and trees and so-called non-living things. This consciousness is active in living organisms and dormant in so-called non- living things. The distinction between living and non-living ceases to exist for a person, who has attained the ultimate vision of this truth. The statement like, 'Even the world of the non-living have within them the dormant of feeling of sorrow and joy, testifies to this highest state of mystic realization [Antah sanjñāh bhavantyete sukha- duhkhasamanvitäh]. There is close relationship, close kinship, between the nature, human beings and the divinity. This idea is beautifully described in Taittiriya Upanisad. It is said that, 'From the Ātman or Brahman[ Pure consciousness) first arose subtle element ether; from the ether the air; from air the fire and from fire the water, from water ether the air; from air the fire and from fire the water came the earth, from earth plants, trees and from these food and from food [from mixture of all] human beings[ Taittirīya Upanisad II.1).
Anothor important conclusion can be drawn from these Vedāntic statements that, there is a fundamental unity behind everything. Though the diversity is the felt fact, it is not ultimate. There is unity behind diversity. All are knit together as parts of the same undivided universe.Upanisads emphatically tell us that, he goes from death to death[ Passes through cycle of birth and death],who takes diversity as ultimate truth (a.Brhadāranyaka Upanisad. IV.4.19;b. Katha Upanisad. II.4.10.11;]. Katha Upanitad says that, 'Eternal peace belongs to them, who see one [unity) in all the changing modifications of this universe.' (II.5.12-13). To see, just the superficial diversity without perceiving unity behind all, is falsehood; it is darkness of ignorance, cause of birth and death. Thus,