Book Title: World of Philosophy
Author(s): Christopher Key Chapple, Intaj Malek, Dilip Charan, Sunanda Shastri, Prashant Dave
Publisher: Shanti Prakashan
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delicate things in the treatises. To narrate such topics in his commentaries on the Brahmasutra he has devoted a separate chapter. When we read the clear and specific narration of Shri Shankar on such topics, we understand the height, depth and gravity of his knowledge and enlightenment. Hence Shri Shankara is the greatest among enlightened people.
Shri Shankar is the main leader of Yogis. To know his glory in Yoga, we should read his book “Yoga Taravali” and his commentaries on “Rajayoga" of the "Brahmanopanishath."
In "Yoga Taravali" he has presented the final stages of Yoga. When yoga' reaches its final and lofty level, it is called “Rajayoga".
"THİ TTET START" There Shri Shankara says -
नादानुसन्धान नमोऽस्तुतुभ्यं त्वां साधनं तत्वपदस्य जाने । भवत्प्रसादात् पवनेन साकं विलीयते विष्णुपदे मनोमे ॥
The meaning of नादानुसन्धान is प्रणवानुसन्धान, ie practicing the utterance of Om. Heart is called "Anahata Chakra". From Anahata Chakra or heart of a yogi incessantly comes the sound of Om. It is thus called "Anahata Nada". There are different phases in "Anahata Nada". There are several types of sound. There are varieties of sound like the musical sound of cloud (Meghanada) the musical sound of kettledrum (Bheri Nada), the musical sound of tabour (Mridanga Nada), the musical sound of flute (Ko*alu Nada), the musical sound of cymbal (Tala Nada) etc. Upanishaths say that according to the progress made by the yogic achiever, he hears different sounds. If a yogic achiever continues with this kind of realisation through musical sound, by the time he hears the musical sound of clouds, he experiences the Almighty. Shri Shankar tells in the above sloka about the ways of uttering of omkara for realisation or attainment of God. O, the way of uttering of omkara, you are sufficient to get the vision of God. Please, you be with me always. By your grace, my life-breath mingles with the Divinity at His feet. He writes on "Kumbhaka" Pranayama like this
ओह्याण जालन्धर मूलबन्धैः अनिद्रितायां उरगांगनायाम्। प्रत्यङ्मुखोत्पात् प्रविशन् सुषुम्नां गमागमो मुञ्चति गन्धवाहः॥