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depends on different factors, namely Kalā, Tattva, Bhuvana etc. If this be not admitted there would be no special importance of Pộthvī etc. I It is pointed out that like the Bhoga vaicitrya, Jñāna vaicitrya also is due to Karma hut in the case of Jñanavaicitrya, the auxiliary cause or Sahakāri kārana is Nada. The general philosophy is that Karma produces Vaicitrya in Bhoga but as its fruit. But for this purpose it requires Vaicitrya in the Sahakári Kárana.
In the Svayambhuva Āgama it is said all bodies owe their existence to Karma.2 The conclusion is that Karma is capable of producing differences in its fruits not by itself but through differences in Sadhana ( Sadhanavaicitrya ) which also is caused by Karma. It should be remembered that Bhoga or experience of pleasure and pain is caused by Karma but in this context it should be remembered that this Bhoga is impure and consists of Sukha, Duḥkha and Moha but there is a higher form of Bhoga which can be experienced only in pure order and which is not caused by Karma. The enjoyment of Bhoga in pure order points to pure enjoyment which is available in the planes of Sadasiva and others. The pure Bhoga is not possible in the world of Mayā. It is possible only in Suddha adhva or in the world of Maha. māyā. The Suddha Bhoga as well as Mokșa which consists in equality with Siva or experiences that are possible in the world of Mahāmāyā. The higher Mokşa or Siva Sámya is possible through Dīkņā aided by a Sahakāri Kārana such as Yoga.etc. It should be remembered that if the maturation of Mala is slow, it entitles one to Bhautika Dikșă followed by the Bhoga and ultimately Mokşa. If the maturity of Mala is of a higher order, there is a necessity for Naişthika Dīkņā. In that case what happens after the relapse of the body is the reception of Naișthika Dikṣā which leads to Nirvana at once or Mokşa.
Sadyajyoti was the author of a number of Kárikás named Bhogakārikā. These Kárikās were commented on by the famous
1. Ratnatraya, by Srikantha with the Commentary by Aghora Siva. 2. Syāyambhuva Āgama-zrettifo falautla T UTTI