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What is Daiva and what is Pauruşa ? Karma done in this birth is named as Pauruşa and in the past birth is named as : Daiva.
Karmas are of three kinds– 1. Śreştha karma—The best karma (2) Madhya karma - Medium karma (3) Avara karma· the worst karma. The best daiva karma and pauruşa karmas
are the cause of long and healthy life. Low Daiva karma and Avarakarma are the cause of short life. The combination of miśrita karmas is the cause of medium age. Puruşakāra beats weak daiva, strong daiva beats weak efforts.2 The vipakakāla of karma being definite and indefinite, death also is accordingly definite or indefinite. THEORY OF KARMAN IS HITOPADEŠA AND
PAÑCATANTRA Pañcatantra and Hitopadeśa are two well known books not only in India but throughout the world. The stories of Pañcatantra are well-known for their lessons and experiences by which the wise benefit very easily and avoid the unnecessary risks in life. The theory of karma . also is found discussed here and there under puruşakāra and Daiva.
To emphasise the powers of Daiva, it is said in Mitrabheda' that even if a man tries his hard to protect something but i Daiva is against it, he cannot do the same, but sometimes a neglected thing is well protected by Daiva. Sometimes a child uncared for in the forest is hale and hearty but a well-cared boy at home is no more alive. 6 1. Sūtrasthāna IX. 16. 2. Sūtrasthānam IX. 107 3. Vidhyate karmāņi tredhā śreşthamadhyāvartvataḥ. . 4. Sūtrasthānam IX. 108. 5. Sūtrasthāna IX. 110. 6. Hitopadeśa, Suhýdbhedaḥ. 22. Also vide Pañcatantram-Mitraþhedah-20.