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The pratisandhi vijñāna is always the vipāka of atīta Karma. There are in all ninety kinds of this vijñāna. Out of these, according to circumstances, only one vijñāna does the function of pratisandhi Kștya at the time of pratisandhi.?
If a man performs nişkámadána Karma, this becomes the vpaşçambhaka or paripaśyaka, of his past dānakarma but it is the utrīdaka of Lobha (greed). When the Dānasaskāra becomes strong and destroys greed, the Dānakarma will be called Upaghátaka Karma of greed (Lobha). If a man causes pain to a creature then it is the Upastambhaka of his debacitta. It is this utpīdaka of Karuņā, if he slays the creature.
In the Visuddhimárgaa, Karma is described as of four kinds -
(a) Dșstadharma vedanīya Karma (b) Upapādyavedanīya Karma (c) Aparaparya vedanīya Karma (d) Ahosi Karma
(a) The drstadharma vedaniya is cetana, Kušala or Akušala in all the four cittas in the vīthi of the Javana. This Karma produces its vipāka during aimabhava or life time, otherwise if there is Karma but no vipăka i. e. no vipaka takes place. This is Ahosikarma.
(b) Upapādyamana karma is the seventh Javana Cetana which produces the effect. It produces its vipāka in the immediately succeeding ātmabhava or life. If it cannot do so it becomes Ahosikarma ( TETACH ).
Between the two of the five Javanas, cetanā, aparāparya, it wiil produce vipāka in the future when the opportunity will arise. Ahosikarma does not take place when Samsāra praksti takes place.
1. Vide Chapter III of Abhidhamirtha Saragraha or Kftya Samgraha. 2. Viếuddhi Marga chapter XIX.