Book Title: Theory of Karman in Indian Thought
Author(s): Koshelya Walli
Publisher: Bharat Manisha

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Page 211
________________ Ć 199 ) The six kinds of Devas living here are called Tridaśa (fercy), Agnisvatta ( अग्निष्वात्त), Tusita ( तुपित ) Aparinirmeta ( अपरिनिर्मता ) and Vahavartti ( वहावती ). All these celestial beings are sa:inkalpasiddha i. e. have a freedom of will and are endowed with effective will power. They are all invested with eight yogic siddhis. Each of tbese has a living life extending to the end of the Kalpa. All are Vịndaraka worshippable. All of them enjoy the fruits of desire (Kāmabhogi). Their bodies are not born of parental union (Aupapā. dika deha). They are attended by most charming and attractive nymphs (Apsarās). Mahaloka is also called Prajāpatiloka. There are five kinds of gods on this plane namely Kumud, Řbhu, Pratardana, Añjanabha and Pracitábha. Their yogic powers are higher. They are controller of the great elements. They do not take food not even amặta (nectar ). But they are supported and sustained by the strength of meditaion ( dhyānāhāra ). Their term of life in each case extends to 1000 kalpas. Janaloka or Brahmaloka : Here there are four kinds of gods namely Brahmapurohita, Brahmakāyika, Brahmamahākāyika and Amara. They control the elements and the senses (Bhūtendriyas ). . Tapaloka : There are three kinds of Devatās-Avasura, Mahābhāsvara and Satyamahābhāsvara. They control the elements, the senses as well as nature ( Prakrti). Their terms of life are double in each case. They live on meditation ( dhyānāhāra ). They are all Urdhvaretāmi. e. their vital and sex energies are always directed upwards. Their knowledge of the higher planes is unobstructed (Apratihata ) and of the lower planes is open (Anāvsta ). Satyaloka : There are four kinds of Devas namely 1. Acyuta-- These are always rapped in Savicāra Samadhi, 2. Suddhanivása- These are always rapped in Savicāra Samādhi or a degree higher Sánanda Samīdhi.


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