1 t 1ột í Some people are inclined to think that Āyu is fixed, for inspite of remedial measures, people are found to die. I
Indu thinks that in this case Daiva is stronger tlian Purusakára. Hence, according to him Daivakarma is twofold.(a) Niyataphala i. e. when the result is fixed Daiva is then strong. (b) Aniyataphala-- In this case it is weak. In this case the Pauruşa resists the fructification of Daiva
Hence death is twofold
1. Kalamstyu 2. Akālamțiyu · In this case of the akālamstyu, Daiva is weak. The cause of death is karma which is not niyataphalaka. According to Indu medical science has no hand in the matter of timely death but it can interfere with untimely death. Bhagavata says that according to the Vedic views of. Vágbhatta, the kāla-mộtyu is one while the akālamstyu is of one hundred kinds.
According to Buddhists, mệtyu is of four kinds. Akālamstyu is possible. In the Vedas, there is injunction for Sayanyajñamfor destruction of enemies. There is provision for Ātmahatyā (suicide) in the dirghapravāsayajña and there is similar provision for longevity in mitravindhya yajñia.
THE PLANS OF EXPERIENCE There are fourteer types of living beings who are in the grip of Avidyā and inhabit this world. The world consists of three broad divisions- upper, lower and intermediate. We had this conception in the early Vedic literature as also in the late religiophilosophical writingsDyuloka, Bhaloka and Antarikşa:2
Each division is subdivided in various ways. We have 'this concept in the Paurānic, Bauddha and Jaina Scriptures as well.
We may state here the views of the Pātañjala school. The divisions are 1. FATITISa ferrara : | Aştăng uyogasūır.13 ch Ina, Adhyāya XL. 71.73 2. fed aqua aratat !