Book Title: Theory of Karman in Indian Thought
Author(s): Koshelya Walli
Publisher: Bharat Manisha

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Page 217
________________ [ 207 ] CARAKA SAMHITĀ & KARMAN According to Carakasaṁhitā, some diseases are born as a result of the previous karma and according to the proverb, 'Avasyameva Bhoktavyam kṛtam karma Šubhāśubham' if it is a general maxim to reap the fruits of previous karmas, yet the strong present karmas can suppress the same.1 The difference between riches among various families, birth in high or low families is due to some karma done in previous life. Karma done in previous birth presuppose rebirth.2 The rebirth being paroksa, pratyakṣapramāņavādins do not believe in the truth of Punarjanma, i. e. rebirth. The believers in scriptures believe in Punarjanma, but scriptures are contradictory to each other, for instance, according to some, parents alone are cause of birth; according to some paranirmāņa is the cause of birth and according to some yadṛccha. This gives rise to some doubt. Is there anything like punarjanma or not. However the wise know to believe in paroksa. Pratyakṣa alone cannot be pramaņas because the senses that make us to visualize pratyakṣas are themselves apratyaksas (pratyakṣapramāņagrāhya).4 Persons regarding parents alone as the cause of birth, do not accept the four kinds of births-Jarayuja andaja, svedaja and udbhijja. If parents alone were the cause of creation, the svedaja and udbhijja could not have cetanată but even without parents these two yonis are with cetanata, hence parents alone are not the cause.5 Pañcamahābhūtas and ātmā's Svalakṣanā is svābhāvikanatural. The solidarity of the earth, liquidity of water, warmth 1. Caraka samhita Commentay-Adhyaya I. Verses 55-57 2. Caraka samhita, Adhyāya 11,12-fgarcanenfaqi quuİ YZAİ AZJAQUEL संयोगे च वियोगे च तेषां कर्मैव कारणम् । 3. Caraka Samhita, Chapter II, Adhyaya 6 मातरं पितरं चैके मन्यन्ते जन्मकारणम् । स्वभावं परनिर्माणं यदृच्छां चापरे जनाः । इत्यतः संशयः for न खल्वस्ति पुनर्भवो ने वेति । 4. Caraka Samhita -VII. 11. 5. Caraka Samhita XI. 11


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