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(Krodha), greed (Lobha) and delusion (Moha). The popular names of good and evil karmas are dharma and adharma. In this connection it should be remembered that the above mentioned disposition or samskāras may be of two kinds namely Sabīja and Nirbija. The Sabija sarıskāra may be caused by a mental vitti which is either defiled or undefiled. In the technique of the language of the yogins, the former are classified under Ajñānasamskāra and the latter under prajñānasamskāra. This may be shown in a tabulated form as follows.
Due to Klişta Vrtti
Due to Aklişta Vrtti
Due to ignorance
This is based on prajñā equal
to white and not black
Karmaśaya (Trivipāka)
Vásana (based on the nature of vipāka)
White black mixed equal to Dharmādharma
Divya Nárakiya Mānuşya
Sukha Duḥkha
From the above it is clear that the Klista sainskāra or karrã saya alone which is due to ignorance bears fruit (Vipāka) or fructifies in a threefold manner-in the form or body (Jāti), term of its life ( Āyu ) and experience in the form of enjoyment