'caused by self knowledge though of a limited type. These heavens are abode of Jivanmukta Purușas of different grades of spiritual planes. As regards the Narakas we append below a. short noe which will give a general idea as found in the Purăņas.
We have incidentally referred to the fact that significance of merit and demerit became in course of time conventional. We give below a consolidated list of the names of hells given in Puranas with full references as far as possible giving a brief account of sufferings and tortures given therein mentioning if possible, the dark karmas which stain the truth.*
Name of Narakas
Names of Purāṇas
1. Asipatravana
2. Andhatāmisra
Vişnu, Vámana, Agni, Váyu, Siva, Bhagavata Vámana, Agni and Bhagavata. Agni Vámana Agni, Bhagavata, Vişņu Agni, Vámana; .
3. Rjîşa 4. Kalasutra
5. Tāmisra
6. Tapan
7. Mahānaraka 8. Mahāvīci
Agni. Agni Agni
.:.. .
* It is said in the Siva Purāņa that in the kingdom of Yamarāja there are ... numerous' hells. Persons are thrown into them according to the gravity
of sins. Vide Sivapurāņa, Sanatkumāra Samhita, Chapter IV, Verses 50-51 ..