Book Title: Prakrit Suktaratnamala
Author(s): Puranchand Nahar
Publisher: Puranchand Nahar
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Ocean. रयण-निरंतर-भरिओ तहवि हु रयणायरस्स मजाया। तेणं जाइ उवमाणं पढमं जलही गहीराणं ॥ ६८॥ रत्ननिरन्तरभृतस्तथापि खलु रत्नाकरस्य मर्यादा । तेन यात्युपमानं प्रथमं जलधिर्गभीराणाम् ॥ ६८ ॥
The ocean, though always full of gems, never quits its proper limits and therefore merits foremost the comparison of the profound i. e. the quality of profoundness is in the first place attributed to the ocean. (The idea is that of an upstart suddenly coming into possession of an immense fortune and becoming vain and arrogant. Also compare the expression "the deep" as applied to the ocean. )
साहीणामय-रयणो अमरमरोरं च भुवणमकरंतो। उल्लासिरीहि न लजसि लहरोहिं तरंगिणीनाह ! ॥६६॥ स्वाधीनामृतरत्नोऽमर*मरोरं च भुवनमकुर्वन् । उल्लासिनीभिर्न लजसे लहरीभिस्तरङ्गिणीनाथ!॥६६॥
* अरोरं-अदरिद्रम् ।
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