प्राकृत- सुक्तरत्नमाला |
The digit of the moon, a shorn head, intercourse by stealth, counsel with females; these things, even if concealed, are disclosed in time.
अगणिज्जंती नासे विज्जा दंडिज्जंती नासे पजा । कुट्टिज्जती नासे भज्जा बहु बोल्लंति नासे लज्जा ॥ ६६ ॥
अगण्यमाना नश्येद्विद्या दण्ड्यमाना नश्येत्प्रजा । कुट्यमाना नश्येद् भार्या बहु कथ्यमानस्य नश्येल्लजा ॥ ६६ ॥
Learning, if neglected, vanishes; subjects flee, if punished ( without fault ) ; a wife absconds, if beaten and modesty disappears, if too much talking is indul. ged in.
आकडिढऊण नीरं रेवा रयणायरस्स अप्पेइ ।
नहु गच्छ मरु-देसे सव्वे भरियं भरिज्जति ॥ ६७ ॥
आकृष्य नीरं रेवा रत्नाकरायार्पयति
न तु गच्छति मरुदेशे, सर्वे भृतं भरन्ति ॥ ६७ ॥
The river Nerbudda gathering water (from its source as well as from both its banks) carries it to the ocean but does not run (lit: go) to the desert Everybody is active to fill that which is ( already ) filled up. ( c. f. To carry coal to Newcastle )
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