Lord Mahâvîra
Quodammodo perishable, eternal, similar, of diverse form, utterable, not utterable, existent and non-existent, one same thing:
O Lord of the discerning! This is a succession of belehings coming up from the nectar of deep-drunk truth.
26. य एव दोषाः किल नित्यवादे
विनाशवादेऽपि समास्त एव ।
परस्परध्वंसिषु कण्टकेषु
जयत्यधृष्यं जिनशासनं ते ।।
Whatsoever faults truly are in the eternality doctrine, the like in the perishableness doctrine also there are, the very same.
While the thorns drive out each other mutually, victorious unassailably, O Victor! is Thy teaching. 27. नैकान्तवादे सुखदुःखभोगौ,
न पुण्यपापे न च बन्धमोक्षौ । दुर्नीतिवाद व्यसनासिनैवं
परैर्विलुप्तं जगदप्यशेषम् ।।
With the 'non-equivocal' doctrine there are not experience of pleasure and pain;
not merit and sin, also not bondage and liberation. thus through others by the sword of the vice of contentions of bad reasonings
is abolished even the world without residue.
28. सदेव सत् स्यात्सदिति त्रिधाऽर्थो, मीयेत दुर्नीतिनय प्रमाणैः ।
यथार्थदर्शी तु नयप्रमाण
पथेन दुर्नीतिपथं त्वमात्थः ॥
Simply existent, existent, quodammodo existent-thus in three ways.
the thing should be measured by wrong-procedure, Methods and Demonstration.
But Thou alone, beholder as the thing is, didst by the path of method and demonstration.
get rid of the path of bad procedure.