The Conduct of a Householder
135 4. Anādara : It is explained as lack of zeal in the performance of sāmāyika.
5. Smrtyanupasthāna: This means forgetfulness in sāmāyika; one may forget whether he has performed it or not. This type of forgetfulness is condemned for a man who wants to attain liberation 2
Prosadhopavāsavrata :
Almost every religion prescribes some type of control over food. Fast is considered to be a means of self-purification. Gāndhīji used fast as a self-purificatory measure in modern times, even to remove social evils as untouchability.
With the Jainas, whether a householder or a monk, fast is a common practice. Under proșadhopavās avrata, a Jaina householder is expected to fast on aştami, caturdaši and pūrnimā.3
Fasting includes not only abstinence from food, but also avoidance of bath, perfumes, physical adornment, use of ornaments and sinful activities and observance of brahmacarya.4 Pūjyapāda has laid emphasis on abstinence from the pleasures of senses, so much so that even sounds which give pleasure to ear are to be avoided.5
Āśādhara, 6 Vasunandin,? Amrtacandra8 and others have prescribed the procedure for fasting. Though having some differences in details, it is almost the same in its moral contents. Meditation, study of the scriptures, worship of Jina, saluting and feeding the sādhus, vigilance in conduct, and thinking of anuprekşās are some of the duties of the aspirant while fasting.' He should sleep on a mat on ground and should avoid sinful activities. 10
1. Cāritrasāra, p. 20. 2. Ganin, Siddhasena on Tattvārthasūtra, 7.28. 3. Ibid., 7.16. 4. Umāsvāti on Tattvārthasūtra, 7.16.
Also Kartikeyānuprekṣā 358; Ratnakarandaśrārakācāra, 107-108; Amitaga
tiśrävakācāra, 6. 89. 5. Pujyapāda on Tattvārthasūtra, 7.21. 6. Sāgāradharmāmặta, 5. 36-38. 7. Vasunandiśrāvakācāra. 280-289. 8. Puruşārthasiddhyupāya, 152-157. 9. Sāgāradharmāmsta, 5-36-38. 10. Puruşārthasiddhyurāya, 153-154
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