Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 13
________________ JANUARY, 1874.] THE VILLAGE FEAST. killed :" was the only answer we could get out burning. A goat which had been in the street of him. for some time was now brought up before The Shanabogue was a long time coming, but the door. The housewife came out and, having just as our patience was being worn out, the consecrated the animal by sprinkling water sound of music in the distance told us the over it, took up a censer in which frankincense big man had started. Presently lights began was being burnt and placed it under the goat's to flicker along the side streets, and the village nose. The animal seemed partially stupefied, accountant with girded loins, followed by the and drawing itself up arched its neck. A lad female members of his family, each with a votive who was standing by, armed with a large knife, offering in her hand, entered the square. After seized the opportunity, and with one blow walking three times round they went into the severed the head from the body. The head temple and presented their offerings at the shrine was taken up, and in common with those of all of a goddess who delights in the blood of bulls amimals sacrificed on this occasion became the and rams. The Shanabogue, escorted back as he perquisite of the village washerman. The body had come by the band and leading men of the was quickly removed, the blood dried up, and village, disappeared from the scene, glad, I the deputation moved off. fancy, that the duty of worshipping a goddess A goat or sheep is sacrificed in front of every who finds no place in his pantheon would not house before the lamp is removed. All the come round again for another year. women had by this time collected from each The square was now deserted by all except house : one woman at least takes part in the some old men who, huddled up out of the wind, ceremony. After a deal of shouting, gesticulation, stayed in the portico, and a few children who and moving to and fro on the part of the torchremained behind to admire and envy our torch- bearers the women were got into some sort of bearer. From the watchman's renewed attention line, and, headed by the band, marched round to the fire in the pit we were sure something the temple the proper number of times. The was about to take place. By supplying the fuel more musically inclined of the women every judiciously he had reduced the whole to one now and again broke out into song, praising mass of red glowing embers. Meanwhile, along the goddess in whose hononr they had assembled. the side streets we could see the deputation of When the third round had been completed, the ading men passing from house to house in- band moved into the portico, and the women viting the inmates to join the feast. Gradually halted on the right-hand side of the fire-pit. women, each carrying a basket adorned with The potail now brought forward a fine black red and white flowers, having a lamp in its | ram without spot or blemish, and whose concentre, began pouring out of the side streets, dition proved that for days before he had been and, collecting in groups in the verandahs of devoted to Mariama, the village goddess. Some the houses surrounding the square, might be delay was caused by the restlessness of the seen critically examining the artistic taste dis- ram, and difficulty in getting him to keep steady played by one another in the adornment of their while looking over the fire-pit at the goddess respective baskets. I observed some foolish vir- in whose honour he was to be sacrificed. At gins seizing the opportunity to replenish their last he kept steady for a moment, when the lamps. Many a time during the night did the executioner made a blow at his neck. Less forsquare give us picturesque tableaux, but none of tunate than before, he failed in striking off them were so pretty and pleasing as this gather- the head at once. Amidst the groans and ing. The dim glowworm-like light of a hundred hisses of the crowd at his want of skill, "he lamps, as seen through green feathery leaves and after two more blows succeeded in getting the red petals of flowers, gave to the whole scene a head off. The head was made over to the fairy-land-like look. The deputation having village washerwoman in this case, for her made a tour of the villages finished up with a husband being dead his widow performed the house close by the temple. On the door being duties of the office by carrying a torch in front thrown open, these lamps in line, each raised of the goddess and spreading clothes before on earthen pedestals, with offerings of food placed the priest. In addition to the heads of animals on a plantain leaf in front, might be seen sacrificed on this oocasion, she received from


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