and more clarification of philosophical problems and were not satisfied till they had arrived at a full solution of their doubts. Indrabhūti was the most curious among them. Whenever be had an occasion to hear the views of thinkers of other schools or to see something unusual he would at once rush to Mahāvīrā and inquire about it. I We find recorded certain episodes revealing Indrabhūti's ready-wittedness Hearing from Mahāvīra that Skandaka, a heretic (belonging to another school) had come, he went to receive him and foretold the reason of his coming to Mabāvīra and the doubts he entertained. This inspired in Skandaka great respect for, and faith in, Lord Mahāvīra. $ The teaching of a pramada (spiritual alertness) in Uttaradhyayana, 10 was imparted to Indrabhūti Gotama and indirectly to all. We find Indrabhūti carrying messages of Mahāvīra to others, e.g he conveys the Lord's message to Mabaśataka at the time of his confession on his death-bed, that he should expiate for the bitter though true words uttered by him to his wife Revati. We find descriptions of Indrabhūti's appearance and personality in several places He is described as baving a fair complexion, as bright, undergoing severe austerity, as a true celebate, as a knower of the fourteen Purvas, as capable of four kinds of knowledge (i. e. excluding kevala-jñāna, omniscience). * Most of the Agamas may be said to owe their existence to the questions of Indrabhūti.
Next to Indrabhūti, comes Sudharman from the point of view of information that can be collected, though we do not find any allusion to his personal life. What we are told is that he explained the Agama on being asked by Jambū. It is really surprising that though the present Jaina sangha is traced to Sudharman alone, and though the text of the Agamas is traditionally obtained from Sudharman, and though it is believed that Sudharman himself gave the text of certain
See Bhagavatī 2.5, 9.33 etc. $ Bhagavati Śataka 2.1. + Upāsakadašānga, 8. * See Bhagavatī, Šataka, 1.
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