Sensory knowledge, scriptural knowledge and clairvoyance may also be erroneous knowledge.
Ācārya Pujyapada’s Sarvārthasiddhi Viparyaya means false. How is it? It is because this is the section of right knowledge. Ca means also, that is wrong as well as right. Why are these wrong? These are wrong because these coexist in the soul with wrong belief. It is similar to the milk kept in a bitter gourd. Now the taste of the milk becomes different on account of the defect of the receptacle in which it is kept. But there is no error in the ascertainment of objects by wrong sensory knowledge etc.
For instance, just as the person of right faith perceives form, colour and so on, so also does the person of wrong faith. Just as the person of right faith ascertains form, colour etc. through scriptural knowledge and represents these accordingly, so also does the person of wrong attitude through wrong scriptural knowledge. And just as the man of right attitude ascertains matter through clairvoyance, so also does the man of wrong attitude through erroneous clairvoyance.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 39-40.
Ācārya Umasvami’s Tattvārthasūtra
आद्ये परोक्षम् ॥
The first two (kinds of knowledge) are indirect (knowledge).
Ācārya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi Sensory knowledge is the first from the real point of view. Being next to it, scriptural knowledge is also considered the first figuratively. By the use of the dual number, the secondary