Dravyasamgraha पोंग्गलकम्मादीणं कत्ता ववहारदो दु णिच्छयदो । चेदणकम्माणादा सुद्धणया सुद्धभावाणं ॥
गाथा भावार्थ - आत्मा व्यवहारनय से पुद्गल कर्म (ज्ञानावरणादि कर्मों) का कर्ता है, (अशुद्ध) निश्चयनय से चेतन कर्म (रागादि) का कर्ता है और शुद्धनिश्चयनय से शुद्ध भावों का कर्ता है।
8. From the empirical point of view (vyavahāra naya), the soul is said to be the producer of karmic matter (like knowledgeobscuring karma); from the impure transcendental point of view (aśuddha niscaya naya), the soul is responsible for its psychic dispositions (like attachment and aversion); but from the pure transcendental point of view (śuddha niscaya naya), the soul is consciousness - pure perception and knowledge.
The empirical point of view (vyavahāra naya) and the transcendental point of view (niscaya naya) To start with there are two main aspects of Nayas: Niscaya and Vyavahāra. The former represents the true and complete point of view. There is no distinction between the dravya and its guņas. The self is looked at as a whole with all the wealth of its attributes. The latter represents the partial point of view. The complex nature of the self is analysed into its diverse qualities, and our attention may be directed to any particular attribute with which the self may be identified at the moment. Further the former Niscaya Naya is divided into Suddha Niscaya Naya